path: root/FirebaseCommunity.podspec
diff options
authorGravatar Paul Beusterien <paulbeusterien@google.com>2017-11-21 17:02:22 -0800
committerGravatar GitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-11-21 17:02:22 -0800
commit3e592526ec889887874efd0e46ba3cf72f2f6f98 (patch)
treede8cc73df387cd982ca9bbf517f8ff1a9c41cce3 /FirebaseCommunity.podspec
parent32d6d6170fdca6f12a3fa51619081ad855815803 (diff)
Buildable and interoperable source pods (#444)
Diffstat (limited to 'FirebaseCommunity.podspec')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/FirebaseCommunity.podspec b/FirebaseCommunity.podspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e657da..0000000
--- a/FirebaseCommunity.podspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Pod::Spec.new do |s|
- s.name = 'FirebaseCommunity'
- s.version = '0.1.6'
- s.summary = 'Firebase Open Source Libraries for iOS.'
- s.description = <<-DESC
-Firebase Development CocoaPod including experimental and community supported features.
- s.homepage = 'https://firebase.google.com'
- s.license = { :type => 'Apache', :file => 'LICENSE' }
- s.authors = 'Google, Inc.'
- # NOTE that the FirebaseCommunity pod is NOT yet interchangeable with the Firebase pod
- s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk.git', :tag => s.version.to_s }
- s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/Firebase'
- s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0'
- s.osx.deployment_target = '10.10'
- s.default_subspec = 'Root'
- s.preserve_paths = 'README.md'
- s.module_map = 'Firebase/Firebase/module.modulemap'
- s.subspec 'Root' do |sp|
- sp.source_files = 'Firebase/Firebase/FirebaseCommunity.h'
- sp.public_header_files = 'Firebase/Firebase/FirebaseCommunity.h'
- end
- s.subspec 'Core' do |sp|
- sp.source_files = 'Firebase/Core/**/*.[mh]'
- sp.public_header_files = 'Firebase/Core/Public/*.h','Firebase/Core/Private/*.h',
- sp.private_header_files = 'Firebase/Core/Private/*.h'
- sp.dependency 'GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib', '~> 2.1'
- sp.dependency 'FirebaseCommunity/Root'
- end
- s.subspec 'Auth' do |sp|
- sp.source_files = 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/*.[mh]'
- sp.osx.exclude_files =
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthAppDelegateProxy.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthNotificationManager.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthAppCredentialManager.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthAPNSTokenManager.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthAPNSTokenType.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthAPNSToken.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthDefaultUIDelegate.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthUIDelegate.h',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthURLPresenter.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthWebView.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRAuthWebViewController.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRPhoneAuthCredential.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Auth/Source/**/FIRPhoneAuthProvider.[mh]'
- sp.public_header_files = 'Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/*.h'
- sp.preserve_paths =
- 'Firebase/Auth/README.md',
- 'Firebase/Auth/CHANGELOG.md'
- sp.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_CFLAGS' => '-DFIRAuth_VERSION=' + s.version.to_s +
- ' -DFIRAuth_MINOR_VERSION=' + s.version.to_s.split(".")[0] + "." + s.version.to_s.split(".")[1]
- }
- sp.framework = 'SafariServices'
- sp.framework = 'Security'
- sp.dependency 'FirebaseCommunity/Core'
- sp.dependency 'GTMSessionFetcher/Core', '~> 1.1'
- sp.dependency 'GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments', '~> 2.1'
- end
- s.subspec 'Database' do |sp|
- sp.source_files = 'Firebase/Database/**/*.[mh]',
- 'Firebase/Database/third_party/Wrap-leveldb/APLevelDB.mm',
- 'Firebase/Database/third_party/SocketRocket/fbase64.c'
- sp.public_header_files = 'Firebase/Database/Public/*.h'
- sp.library = 'c++'
- sp.library = 'icucore'
- sp.framework = 'CFNetwork'
- sp.framework = 'Security'
- sp.framework = 'SystemConfiguration'
- sp.dependency 'leveldb-library'
- sp.dependency 'FirebaseCommunity/Core'
- sp.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_CFLAGS' => '-DFIRDatabase_VERSION=' + s.version.to_s }
- end
- s.subspec 'Messaging' do |sp|
- sp.platform = 'ios'
- sp.source_files = 'Firebase/Messaging/**/*.[mh]'
- sp.requires_arc = 'Firebase/Messaging/*.m'
- sp.public_header_files = 'Firebase/Messaging/Public/*.h'
- sp.library = 'sqlite3'
- '$(inherited) ' +
- 'FIRMessaging_LIB_VERSION=' + String(s.version)
- }
- sp.framework = 'AddressBook'
- sp.framework = 'SystemConfiguration'
- sp.dependency 'FirebaseCommunity/Core'
- sp.dependency 'GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger', '~> 2.1'
- sp.dependency 'Protobuf', '~> 3.1'
- end
- s.subspec 'Storage' do |sp|
- sp.source_files = 'Firebase/Storage/**/*.[mh]'
- sp.public_header_files = 'Firebase/Storage/Public/*.h'
- sp.ios.framework = 'MobileCoreServices'
- sp.osx.framework = 'CoreServices'
- sp.dependency 'FirebaseCommunity/Core'
- sp.dependency 'GTMSessionFetcher/Core', '~> 1.1'
- sp.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_CFLAGS' => '-DFIRStorage_VERSION=' + s.version.to_s }
- end