path: root/Firebase/Messaging/FIRMessaging.m
diff options
authorGravatar Paul Beusterien <paulbeusterien@google.com>2017-05-15 12:27:07 -0700
committerGravatar Paul Beusterien <paulbeusterien@google.com>2017-05-15 12:27:07 -0700
commit98ba64449a632518bd2b86fe8d927f4a960d3ddc (patch)
tree131d9c4272fa6179fcda6c5a33fcb3b1bd57ad2e /Firebase/Messaging/FIRMessaging.m
parent32461366c9e204a527ca05e6e9b9404a2454ac51 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Firebase/Messaging/FIRMessaging.m')
1 files changed, 1071 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Firebase/Messaging/FIRMessaging.m b/Firebase/Messaging/FIRMessaging.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94347c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firebase/Messaging/FIRMessaging.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Google
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
+#error FIRMessagingLib should be compiled with ARC.
+#import "FIRMessaging.h"
+#import "FIRMessaging_Private.h"
+#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+#import "FIRMessagingClient.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingConfig.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingConstants.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingContextManagerService.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingDataMessageManager.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingDefines.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingInstanceIDProxy.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingLogger.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingPubSub.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingReceiver.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingRmqManager.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingUtilities.h"
+#import "FIRMessagingVersionUtilities.h"
+#import "FIRReachabilityChecker.h"
+#import "NSError+FIRMessaging.h"
+static NSString *const kFIRMessagingMessageViaAPNSRootKey = @"aps";
+static NSString *const kFIRMessagingReachabilityHostname = @"www.google.com";
+static NSString *const kFIRMessagingDefaultTokenScope = @"*";
+static NSString *const kFIRMessagingFCMTokenFetchAPNSOption = @"apns_token";
+#if defined(__IPHONE_10_0) && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_10_0
+const NSNotificationName FIRMessagingSendSuccessNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.send-success";
+const NSNotificationName FIRMessagingSendErrorNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.send-error";
+const NSNotificationName FIRMessagingMessagesDeletedNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.messages-deleted";
+const NSNotificationName FIRMessagingConnectionStateChangedNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.connection-state-changed";
+const NSNotificationName FIRMessagingRegistrationTokenRefreshedNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.fcm-token-refreshed";
+NSString *const FIRMessagingSendSuccessNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.send-success";
+NSString *const FIRMessagingSendErrorNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.send-error";
+NSString * const FIRMessagingMessagesDeletedNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.messages-deleted";
+NSString * const FIRMessagingConnectionStateChangedNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.connection-state-changed";
+NSString * const FIRMessagingRegistrationTokenRefreshedNotification =
+ @"com.firebase.messaging.notif.fcm-token-refreshed";
+#endif // defined(__IPHONE_10_0) && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_10_0
+// Copied from Apple's header in case it is missing in some cases (e.g. pre-Xcode 8 builds).
+#ifndef NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_8_x_Max
+#define NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_8_x_Max 1199
+@interface FIRMessagingMessageInfo ()
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, assign) FIRMessagingMessageStatus status;
+@implementation FIRMessagingMessageInfo
+- (instancetype)init {
+ FIRMessagingInvalidateInitializer();
+- (instancetype)initWithStatus:(FIRMessagingMessageStatus)status {
+ self = [super init];
+ if (self) {
+ _status = status;
+ }
+ return self;
+#pragma mark - for iOS 10 compatibility
+@implementation FIRMessagingRemoteMessage
+- (instancetype)init {
+ self = [super init];
+ if (self) {
+ _appData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (instancetype)initWithMessage:(FIRMessagingRemoteMessage *)message {
+ self = [self init];
+ if (self) {
+ _appData = [message.appData copy];
+ }
+ return self;
+@interface FIRMessaging ()
+ <FIRMessagingClientDelegate, FIRMessagingReceiverDelegate, FIRReachabilityDelegate>
+// FIRApp properties
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSString *fcmSenderID;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSData *apnsTokenData;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSString *defaultFcmToken;
+// This object is used as a proxy for reflection-based calls to FIRInstanceID.
+// Due to our packaging requirements, we can't directly depend on FIRInstanceID currently.
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRMessagingInstanceIDProxy *instanceIDProxy;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRMessagingConfig *config;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, assign) BOOL isClientSetup;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRMessagingClient *client;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRReachabilityChecker *reachability;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRMessagingDataMessageManager *dataMessageManager;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRMessagingPubSub *pubsub;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRMessagingRmqManager *rmq2Manager;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRMessagingReceiver *receiver;
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager *syncMessageManager;
+/// Message ID's logged for analytics. This prevents us from logging the same message twice
+/// which can happen if the user inadvertently calls `appDidReceiveMessage` along with us
+/// calling it implicitly during swizzling.
+@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSMutableSet *loggedMessageIDs;
+@implementation FIRMessaging
++ (FIRMessaging *)messaging {
+ static FIRMessaging *messaging;
+ static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
+ dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
+ // Start Messaging (Fully initialize in one place).
+ FIRMessagingConfig *config = [FIRMessagingConfig defaultConfig];
+ messaging = [[FIRMessaging alloc] initWithConfig:config];
+ [messaging start];
+ });
+ return messaging;
+- (instancetype)initWithConfig:(FIRMessagingConfig *)config {
+ self = [super init];
+ if (self) {
+ _config = config;
+ _loggedMessageIDs = [NSMutableSet set];
+ _instanceIDProxy = [[FIRMessagingInstanceIDProxy alloc] init];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)dealloc {
+ [self.reachability stop];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
+ [self teardown];
+- (void)setRemoteMessageDelegate:(id<FIRMessagingDelegate>)delegate {
+ _delegate = delegate;
+- (id<FIRMessagingDelegate>)remoteMessageDelegate {
+ return self.delegate;
+#pragma mark - Config
+- (void)start {
+ _FIRMessagingDevAssert(self.config, @"Invalid nil config in FIRMessagingService");
+ [self saveLibraryVersion];
+ [self setupLogger:self.config.logLevel];
+ [self setupReceiverWithConfig:self.config];
+ NSString *hostname = kFIRMessagingReachabilityHostname;
+ self.reachability = [[FIRReachabilityChecker alloc] initWithReachabilityDelegate:self
+ loggerDelegate:nil
+ withHost:hostname];
+ [self.reachability start];
+ [self setupApplicationSupportSubDirectory];
+ // setup FIRMessaging objects
+ [self setupRmqManager];
+ [self setupClient];
+ [self setupSyncMessageManager];
+ [self setupDataMessageManager];
+ [self setupTopics];
+ self.isClientSetup = YES;
+ [self setupNotificationListeners];
+- (void)setupApplicationSupportSubDirectory {
+ NSString *messagingSubDirectory = kFIRMessagingApplicationSupportSubDirectory;
+ if (![[self class] hasApplicationSupportSubDirectory:messagingSubDirectory]) {
+ [[self class] createApplicationSupportSubDirectory:messagingSubDirectory];
+ }
+- (void)setupNotificationListeners {
+ // To prevent multiple notifications remove self as observer for all events.
+ NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ [center removeObserver:self];
+ [center addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(didReceiveDefaultInstanceIDToken:)
+ name:kFIRMessagingFCMTokenNotification
+ object:nil];
+ [center addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(defaultInstanceIDTokenWasRefreshed:)
+ name:kFIRMessagingInstanceIDTokenRefreshNotification
+ object:nil];
+ [center addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(didReceiveAPNSToken:)
+ name:kFIRMessagingAPNSTokenNotification
+ object:nil];
+ [center addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(applicationStateChanged)
+ name:UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification
+ object:nil];
+ [center addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(applicationStateChanged)
+ name:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification
+ object:nil];
+- (void)saveLibraryVersion {
+ NSString *currentLibraryVersion = FIRMessagingCurrentLibraryVersion();
+ [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:currentLibraryVersion
+ forKey:kFIRMessagingLibraryVersion];
+ FIRMessagingLoggerInfo(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging000, @"FIRMessaging library version %@",
+ currentLibraryVersion);
+- (void)setupLogger:(FIRMessagingLogLevel)loggerLevel {
+#if FIRMessaging_PROBER
+ // do nothing
+ FIRMessagingLogger *logger = FIRMessagingSharedLogger();
+ FIRMessagingLogLevelFilter *filter =
+ [[FIRMessagingLogLevelFilter alloc] initWithLevel:loggerLevel];
+ [logger setFilter:filter];
+- (void)setupReceiverWithConfig:(FIRMessagingConfig *)config {
+ self.receiver = [[FIRMessagingReceiver alloc] init];
+ self.receiver.delegate = self;
+- (void)setupClient {
+ self.client = [[FIRMessagingClient alloc] initWithDelegate:self
+ reachability:self.reachability
+ rmq2Manager:self.rmq2Manager];
+- (void)setupDataMessageManager {
+ self.dataMessageManager =
+ [[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self.receiver
+ client:self.client
+ rmq2Manager:self.rmq2Manager
+ syncMessageManager:self.syncMessageManager];
+ [self.dataMessageManager refreshDelayedMessages];
+ [self.client setDataMessageManager:self.dataMessageManager];
+- (void)setupRmqManager {
+ self.rmq2Manager = [[FIRMessagingRmqManager alloc] initWithDatabaseName:@"rmq2"];
+ [self.rmq2Manager loadRmqId];
+- (void)setupTopics {
+ _FIRMessagingDevAssert(self.client, @"Invalid nil client before init pubsub.");
+ self.pubsub = [[FIRMessagingPubSub alloc] initWithClient:self.client];
+- (void)setupSyncMessageManager {
+ self.syncMessageManager =
+ [[FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager alloc] initWithRmqManager:self.rmq2Manager];
+ // Delete the expired messages with a delay. We don't want to block startup with a somewhat
+ // expensive db call.
+ FIRMessaging_WEAKIFY(self);
+ dispatch_time_t time = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(5.0 * NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ dispatch_after(time, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ FIRMessaging_STRONGIFY(self);
+ [self.syncMessageManager removeExpiredSyncMessages];
+ });
+- (void)teardown {
+ _FIRMessagingDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread],
+ @"FIRMessaging should be called from main thread only.");
+ [self.client teardown];
+ self.pubsub = nil;
+ self.syncMessageManager = nil;
+ self.rmq2Manager = nil;
+ self.dataMessageManager = nil;
+ self.client = nil;
+ self.isClientSetup = NO;
+ FIRMessagingLoggerDebug(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging001, @"Did successfully teardown");
+#pragma mark - Messages
+- (FIRMessagingMessageInfo *)appDidReceiveMessage:(NSDictionary *)message {
+ if (!message.count) {
+ return [[FIRMessagingMessageInfo alloc] initWithStatus:FIRMessagingMessageStatusUnknown];
+ }
+ // For downstream messages that go via MCS we should strip out this key before sending
+ // the message to the device.
+ BOOL isOldMessage = NO;
+ NSString *messageID = message[kFIRMessagingMessageIDKey];
+ if ([messageID length]) {
+ [self.rmq2Manager saveS2dMessageWithRmqId:messageID];
+ BOOL isSyncMessage = [[self class] isAPNSSyncMessage:message];
+ if (isSyncMessage) {
+ isOldMessage = [self.syncMessageManager didReceiveAPNSSyncMessage:message];
+ }
+ }
+ // Prevent duplicates by keeping a cache of all the logged messages during each session.
+ // The duplicates only happen when the 3P app calls `appDidReceiveMessage:` along with
+ // us swizzling their implementation to call the same method implicitly.
+ if (!isOldMessage && messageID.length) {
+ isOldMessage = [self.loggedMessageIDs containsObject:messageID];
+ if (!isOldMessage) {
+ [self.loggedMessageIDs addObject:messageID];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isOldMessage) {
+ Class firMessagingLogClass = NSClassFromString(@"FIRMessagingLog");
+ SEL logMessageSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"logMessage:");
+ if ([firMessagingLogClass respondsToSelector:logMessageSelector]) {
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
+ [firMessagingLogClass performSelector:logMessageSelector
+ withObject:message];
+ }
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ [self handleContextManagerMessage:message];
+ [self handleIncomingLinkIfNeededFromMessage:message];
+ }
+ return [[FIRMessagingMessageInfo alloc] initWithStatus:FIRMessagingMessageStatusNew];
+- (BOOL)handleContextManagerMessage:(NSDictionary *)message {
+ if ([FIRMessagingContextManagerService isContextManagerMessage:message]) {
+ return [FIRMessagingContextManagerService handleContextManagerMessage:message];
+ }
+ return NO;
++ (BOOL)isAPNSSyncMessage:(NSDictionary *)message {
+ if ([message[kFIRMessagingMessageViaAPNSRootKey] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
+ NSDictionary *aps = message[kFIRMessagingMessageViaAPNSRootKey];
+ return [aps[kFIRMessagingMessageAPNSContentAvailableKey] boolValue];
+ }
+ return NO;
+- (void)handleIncomingLinkIfNeededFromMessage:(NSDictionary *)message {
+ NSURL *url = [self linkURLFromMessage:message];
+ if (url == nil) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (![NSThread isMainThread]) {
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ [self handleIncomingLinkIfNeededFromMessage:message];
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ UIApplication *application = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
+ id<UIApplicationDelegate> appDelegate = application.delegate;
+ SEL continueUserActivitySelector =
+ @selector(application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:);
+ SEL openURLWithOptionsSelector = @selector(application:openURL:options:);
+ SEL openURLWithSourceApplicationSelector =
+ @selector(application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:);
+ SEL handleOpenURLSelector = @selector(application:handleOpenURL:);
+ // Due to FIRAAppDelegateProxy swizzling, this selector will most likely get chosen, whether or
+ // not the actual application has implemented
+ // |application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:|. A warning will be displayed to the user
+ // if they haven't implemented it.
+ if ([NSUserActivity class] != nil &&
+ [appDelegate respondsToSelector:continueUserActivitySelector]) {
+ NSUserActivity *userActivity =
+ [[NSUserActivity alloc] initWithActivityType:NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb];
+ userActivity.webpageURL = url;
+ [appDelegate application:application
+ continueUserActivity:userActivity
+ restorationHandler:^(NSArray * _Nullable restorableObjects) {
+ // Do nothing, as we don't support the app calling this block
+ }];
+ } else if ([appDelegate respondsToSelector:openURLWithOptionsSelector]) {
+ [appDelegate application:application openURL:url options:@{}];
+ // Similarly, |application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:| will also always be called, due
+ // to the default swizzling done by FIRAAppDelegateProxy in Firebase Analytics
+ } else if ([appDelegate respondsToSelector:openURLWithSourceApplicationSelector]) {
+ [appDelegate application:application
+ openURL:url
+ sourceApplication:FIRMessagingAppIdentifier()
+ annotation:@{}];
+ } else if ([appDelegate respondsToSelector:handleOpenURLSelector]) {
+ [appDelegate application:application handleOpenURL:url];
+ }
+- (NSURL *)linkURLFromMessage:(NSDictionary *)message {
+ NSString *urlString = message[kFIRMessagingMessageLinkKey];
+ if (urlString == nil || ![urlString isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] || urlString.length == 0) {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
+ return url;
+#pragma mark - APNS
+- (NSData *)APNSToken {
+ return self.apnsTokenData;
+- (void)setAPNSToken:(NSData *)APNSToken {
+ [self setAPNSToken:APNSToken type:FIRMessagingAPNSTokenTypeUnknown];
+- (void)setAPNSToken:(NSData *)apnsToken type:(FIRMessagingAPNSTokenType)type {
+ if ([apnsToken isEqual:self.apnsTokenData]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ self.apnsTokenData = apnsToken;
+ [self.instanceIDProxy setAPNSToken:apnsToken type:(FIRMessagingInstanceIDProxyAPNSTokenType)type];
+#pragma mark - FCM
+- (NSString *)FCMToken {
+ NSString *token = self.defaultFcmToken;
+ if (!token) {
+ // We may not have received it from Instance ID yet (via NSNotification), so extract it directly
+ token = [self.instanceIDProxy token];
+ }
+ return token;
+- (void)retrieveFCMTokenForSenderID:(nonnull NSString *)senderID
+ completion:(nonnull FIRMessagingFCMTokenFetchCompletion)completion {
+ if (!senderID.length) {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerError(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeSenderIDNotSuppliedForTokenFetch,
+ @"Sender ID not supplied. It is required for a token fetch, "
+ @"to identify the sender.");
+ if (completion) {
+ NSString *description = @"Couldn't fetch token because a Sender ID was not supplied. A valid "
+ @"Sender ID is required to fetch an FCM token";
+ NSError *error = [NSError fcm_errorWithCode:FIRMessagingErrorInvalidRequest
+ userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : description}];
+ completion(nil, error);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ NSDictionary *options = nil;
+ if (self.APNSToken) {
+ options = @{kFIRMessagingFCMTokenFetchAPNSOption : self.APNSToken};
+ } else {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerWarn(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeAPNSTokenNotAvailableDuringTokenFetch,
+ @"APNS device token not set before retrieving FCM Token for Sender ID "
+ @"'%@'. Notifications to this FCM Token will not be delivered over APNS."
+ @"Be sure to re-retrieve the FCM token once the APNS device token is "
+ @"set.", senderID);
+ }
+ [self.instanceIDProxy tokenWithAuthorizedEntity:senderID
+ scope:kFIRMessagingDefaultTokenScope
+ options:options
+ handler:completion];
+- (void)deleteFCMTokenForSenderID:(nonnull NSString *)senderID
+ completion:(nonnull FIRMessagingDeleteFCMTokenCompletion)completion {
+ if (!senderID.length) {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerError(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeSenderIDNotSuppliedForTokenDelete,
+ @"Sender ID not supplied. It is required to delete an FCM token.");
+ if (completion) {
+ NSString *description = @"Couldn't delete token because a Sender ID was not supplied. A "
+ @"valid Sender ID is required to delete an FCM token";
+ NSError *error = [NSError fcm_errorWithCode:FIRMessagingErrorInvalidRequest
+ userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : description}];
+ completion(error);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ [self.instanceIDProxy deleteTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:senderID
+ scope:kFIRMessagingDefaultTokenScope
+ handler:completion];
+#pragma mark - Application State Changes
+- (void)applicationStateChanged {
+ if (self.shouldEstablishDirectChannel) {
+ [self updateAutomaticClientConnection];
+ }
+#pragma mark - Direct Channel
+- (void)setShouldEstablishDirectChannel:(BOOL)shouldEstablishDirectChannel {
+ if (_shouldEstablishDirectChannel == shouldEstablishDirectChannel) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _shouldEstablishDirectChannel = shouldEstablishDirectChannel;
+ [self updateAutomaticClientConnection];
+- (BOOL)isDirectChannelEstablished {
+ return self.client.isConnectionActive;
+- (BOOL)shouldBeConnectedAutomatically {
+ // We require a token from Instance ID
+ NSString *token = self.defaultFcmToken;
+ // Only on foreground connections
+ UIApplicationState applicationState = [UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState;
+ BOOL shouldBeConnected = _shouldEstablishDirectChannel &&
+ (token.length > 0) &&
+ applicationState == UIApplicationStateActive;
+ return shouldBeConnected;
+- (void)updateAutomaticClientConnection {
+ BOOL shouldBeConnected = [self shouldBeConnectedAutomatically];
+ if (shouldBeConnected && !self.client.isConnected) {
+ [self.client connectWithHandler:^(NSError *error) {
+ if (!error) {
+ // It means we connected. Fire connection change notification
+ [self notifyOfDirectChannelConnectionChange];
+ }
+ }];
+ } else if (!shouldBeConnected && self.client.isConnected) {
+ [self.client disconnect];
+ [self notifyOfDirectChannelConnectionChange];
+ }
+- (void)notifyOfDirectChannelConnectionChange {
+ NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ [center postNotificationName:FIRMessagingConnectionStateChangedNotification object:self];
+#pragma mark - Connect
+- (void)connectWithCompletion:(FIRMessagingConnectCompletion)handler {
+ _FIRMessagingDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread],
+ @"FIRMessaging connect should be called from main thread only.");
+ _FIRMessagingDevAssert(self.isClientSetup, @"FIRMessaging client not setup.");
+ [self.client connectWithHandler:^(NSError *error) {
+ if (handler) {
+ handler(error);
+ }
+ if (!error) {
+ // It means we connected. Fire connection change notification
+ [self notifyOfDirectChannelConnectionChange];
+ }
+ }];
+- (void)disconnect {
+ _FIRMessagingDevAssert([NSThread isMainThread],
+ @"FIRMessaging should be called from main thread only.");
+ if ([self.client isConnected]) {
+ [self.client disconnect];
+ [self notifyOfDirectChannelConnectionChange];
+ }
+#pragma mark - Topics
++ (NSString *)normalizeTopic:(NSString *)topic {
+ if (![FIRMessagingPubSub hasTopicsPrefix:topic]) {
+ topic = [FIRMessagingPubSub addPrefixToTopic:topic];
+ }
+ if ([FIRMessagingPubSub isValidTopicWithPrefix:topic]) {
+ return [topic copy];
+ }
+ return nil;
+- (void)subscribeToTopic:(NSString *)topic {
+ if (self.defaultFcmToken.length && topic.length) {
+ NSString *normalizeTopic = [[self class ] normalizeTopic:topic];
+ if (normalizeTopic.length) {
+ [self.pubsub subscribeToTopic:normalizeTopic];
+ } else {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerError(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging009,
+ @"Cannot parse topic name %@. Will not subscribe.", topic);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerError(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging010,
+ @"Cannot subscribe to topic: %@ with token: %@", topic,
+ self.defaultFcmToken);
+ }
+- (void)unsubscribeFromTopic:(NSString *)topic {
+ if (self.defaultFcmToken.length && topic.length) {
+ NSString *normalizeTopic = [[self class] normalizeTopic:topic];
+ if (normalizeTopic.length) {
+ [self.pubsub unsubscribeFromTopic:normalizeTopic];
+ } else {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerError(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging011,
+ @"Cannot parse topic name %@. Will not unsubscribe.", topic);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerError(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging012,
+ @"Cannot unsubscribe to topic: %@ with token: %@", topic,
+ self.defaultFcmToken);
+ }
+#pragma mark - Send
+- (void)sendMessage:(NSDictionary *)message
+ to:(NSString *)to
+ withMessageID:(NSString *)messageID
+ timeToLive:(int64_t)ttl {
+ _FIRMessagingDevAssert([to length] != 0, @"Invalid receiver id for FIRMessaging-message");
+ NSMutableDictionary *fcmMessage = [[self class] createFIRMessagingMessageWithMessage:message
+ to:to
+ withID:messageID
+ timeToLive:ttl
+ delay:0];
+ FIRMessagingLoggerInfo(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging013, @"Sending message: %@ with id: %@",
+ message, messageID);
+ [self.dataMessageManager sendDataMessageStanza:fcmMessage];
++ (NSMutableDictionary *)createFIRMessagingMessageWithMessage:(NSDictionary *)message
+ to:(NSString *)to
+ withID:(NSString *)msgID
+ timeToLive:(int64_t)ttl
+ delay:(int)delay {
+ NSMutableDictionary *fcmMessage = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+ fcmMessage[kFIRMessagingSendTo] = [to copy];
+ fcmMessage[kFIRMessagingSendMessageID] = msgID ? [msgID copy] : @"";
+ fcmMessage[kFIRMessagingSendTTL] = @(ttl);
+ fcmMessage[kFIRMessagingSendDelay] = @(delay);
+ fcmMessage[KFIRMessagingSendMessageAppData] =
+ [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:message];
+ return fcmMessage;
+#pragma mark - IID dependencies
+// FIRMessagingInternalUtilities.h to see usage.
++ (NSString *)FIRMessagingSDKVersion {
+ NSString *semanticVersion = FIRMessagingCurrentLibraryVersion();
+ // Use prefix fcm for all FCM libs. This allows us to differentiate b/w
+ // the new and old FCM registrations.
+ return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"fcm-%@", semanticVersion];
++ (NSString *)FIRMessagingSDKCurrentLocale {
+ return [self currentLocale];
+- (void)setAPNSToken:(NSData *)apnsToken error:(NSError *)error {
+ if (apnsToken) {
+ self.apnsTokenData = [apnsToken copy];
+ }
+#pragma mark - FIRMessagingReceiverDelegate
+- (void)receiver:(FIRMessagingReceiver *)receiver
+ receivedRemoteMessage:(FIRMessagingRemoteMessage *)remoteMessage {
+ if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(messaging:didReceiveMessage:)]) {
+ [self.delegate messaging:self didReceiveMessage:remoteMessage];
+ } else if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(applicationReceivedRemoteMessage:)]) {
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+ [self.delegate applicationReceivedRemoteMessage:remoteMessage];
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ } else {
+ // Delegate methods weren't implemented, so messages are being dropped, log a warning
+ FIRMessagingLoggerWarn(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeRemoteMessageDelegateMethodNotImplemented,
+ @"FIRMessaging received data-message, but FIRMessagingDelegate's"
+ @"-messaging:didReceiveMessage: not implemented");
+ }
+#pragma mark - FIRReachabilityDelegate
+- (void)reachability:(FIRReachabilityChecker *)reachability
+ statusChanged:(FIRReachabilityStatus)status {
+ [self onNetworkStatusChanged];
+#pragma mark - Network
+- (BOOL)isNetworkAvailable {
+ FIRReachabilityStatus status = self.reachability.reachabilityStatus;
+ return (status == kFIRReachabilityViaCellular || status == kFIRReachabilityViaWifi);
+- (FIRMessagingNetworkStatus)networkType {
+ FIRReachabilityStatus status = self.reachability.reachabilityStatus;
+ if (![self isNetworkAvailable]) {
+ return kFIRMessagingReachabilityNotReachable;
+ } else if (status == kFIRReachabilityViaCellular) {
+ return kFIRMessagingReachabilityReachableViaWWAN;
+ } else {
+ return kFIRMessagingReachabilityReachableViaWiFi;
+ }
+#pragma mark - Notifications
+- (void)onNetworkStatusChanged {
+ if (![self.client isConnected] && [self isNetworkAvailable]) {
+ if (self.client.shouldStayConnected) {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerDebug(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging014,
+ @"Attempting to establish direct channel.");
+ [self.client retryConnectionImmediately:YES];
+ }
+ [self.pubsub scheduleSync:YES];
+ }
+#pragma mark - Notifications
+- (void)didReceiveDefaultInstanceIDToken:(NSNotification *)notification {
+ if (![notification.object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerDebug(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging015,
+ @"Invalid default FCM token type %@",
+ NSStringFromClass([notification.object class]));
+ return;
+ }
+ self.defaultFcmToken = [(NSString *)notification.object copy];
+ [self.pubsub scheduleSync:YES];
+ if (self.shouldEstablishDirectChannel) {
+ [self updateAutomaticClientConnection];
+ }
+- (void)defaultInstanceIDTokenWasRefreshed:(NSNotification *)notification {
+ // Retrieve the Instance ID default token, and if it is non-nil, post it
+ NSString *token = [self.instanceIDProxy token];
+ // Sometimes Instance ID doesn't yet have a token, so wait until the default
+ // token is fetched, and then notify. This ensures that this token should not
+ // be nil when the developer accesses it.
+ if (token != nil) {
+ self.defaultFcmToken = [token copy];
+ [self.delegate messaging:self didRefreshRegistrationToken:token];
+ NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ [center postNotificationName:FIRMessagingRegistrationTokenRefreshedNotification object:nil];
+ }
+- (void)didReceiveAPNSToken:(NSNotification *)notification {
+ NSData *apnsToken = notification.object;
+ if (![apnsToken isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerDebug(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging016, @"Invalid APNS token type %@",
+ NSStringFromClass([notification.object class]));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set this value directly, and since this came from InstanceID, don't set it back to InstanceID
+ self.apnsTokenData = [apnsToken copy];
+#pragma mark - Application Support Directory
++ (BOOL)hasApplicationSupportSubDirectory:(NSString *)subDirectoryName {
+ NSString *subDirectoryPath = [self pathForApplicationSupportSubDirectory:subDirectoryName];
+ BOOL isDirectory;
+ if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:subDirectoryPath
+ isDirectory:&isDirectory]) {
+ return NO;
+ } else if (!isDirectory) {
+ return NO;
+ }
+ return YES;
++ (NSString *)pathForApplicationSupportSubDirectory:(NSString *)subDirectoryName {
+ NSArray *directoryPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSApplicationSupportDirectory,
+ NSUserDomainMask, YES);
+ NSString *applicationSupportDirPath = directoryPaths.lastObject;
+ NSArray *components = @[applicationSupportDirPath, subDirectoryName];
+ return [NSString pathWithComponents:components];
++ (BOOL)createApplicationSupportSubDirectory:(NSString *)subDirectoryName {
+ NSString *subDirectoryPath = [self pathForApplicationSupportSubDirectory:subDirectoryName];
+ BOOL hasSubDirectory;
+ if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:subDirectoryPath
+ isDirectory:&hasSubDirectory]) {
+ NSError *error;
+ [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:subDirectoryPath
+ withIntermediateDirectories:YES
+ attributes:nil
+ error:&error];
+ if (error) {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerError(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging017,
+ @"Cannot create directory %@, error: %@", subDirectoryPath, error);
+ return NO;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasSubDirectory) {
+ FIRMessagingLoggerError(kFIRMessagingMessageCodeMessaging018,
+ @"Found file instead of directory at %@", subDirectoryPath);
+ return NO;
+ }
+ }
+ return YES;
+#pragma mark - Locales
++ (NSString *)currentLocale {
+ NSArray *locales = [self firebaseLocales];
+ NSArray *preferredLocalizations =
+ [NSBundle preferredLocalizationsFromArray:locales
+ forPreferences:[NSLocale preferredLanguages]];
+ NSString *legalDocsLanguage = [preferredLocalizations firstObject];
+ // Use en as the default language
+ return legalDocsLanguage ? legalDocsLanguage : @"en";
++ (NSArray *)firebaseLocales {
+ NSMutableArray *locales = [NSMutableArray array];
+ NSDictionary *localesMap = [self firebaselocalesMap];
+ for (NSString *key in localesMap) {
+ [locales addObjectsFromArray:localesMap[key]];
+ }
+ return locales;
++ (NSDictionary *)firebaselocalesMap {
+ return @{
+ // Albanian
+ @"sq" : @[ @"sq_AL" ],
+ // Belarusian
+ @"be" : @[ @"be_BY" ],
+ // Bulgarian
+ @"bg" : @[ @"bg_BG" ],
+ // Catalan
+ @"ca" : @[ @"ca", @"ca_ES" ],
+ // Croatian
+ @"hr" : @[ @"hr", @"hr_HR" ],
+ // Czech
+ @"cs" : @[ @"cs", @"cs_CZ" ],
+ // Danish
+ @"da" : @[ @"da", @"da_DK" ],
+ // Estonian
+ @"et" : @[ @"et_EE" ],
+ // Finnish
+ @"fi" : @[ @"fi", @"fi_FI" ],
+ // Hebrew
+ @"he" : @[ @"he", @"iw_IL" ],
+ // Hindi
+ @"hi" : @[ @"hi_IN" ],
+ // Hungarian
+ @"hu" : @[ @"hu", @"hu_HU" ],
+ // Icelandic
+ @"is" : @[ @"is_IS" ],
+ // Indonesian
+ @"id" : @[ @"id", @"in_ID", @"id_ID" ],
+ // Irish
+ @"ga" : @[ @"ga_IE" ],
+ // Korean
+ @"ko" : @[ @"ko", @"ko_KR", @"ko-KR" ],
+ // Latvian
+ @"lv" : @[ @"lv_LV" ],
+ // Lithuanian
+ @"lt" : @[ @"lt_LT" ],
+ // Macedonian
+ @"mk" : @[ @"mk_MK" ],
+ // Malay
+ @"ms" : @[ @"ms_MY" ],
+ // Maltese
+ @"ms" : @[ @"mt_MT" ],
+ // Polish
+ @"pl" : @[ @"pl", @"pl_PL", @"pl-PL" ],
+ // Romanian
+ @"ro" : @[ @"ro", @"ro_RO" ],
+ // Russian
+ @"ru" : @[ @"ru_RU", @"ru", @"ru_BY", @"ru_KZ", @"ru-RU" ],
+ // Slovak
+ @"sk" : @[ @"sk", @"sk_SK" ],
+ // Slovenian
+ @"sl" : @[ @"sl_SI" ],
+ // Swedish
+ @"sv" : @[ @"sv", @"sv_SE", @"sv-SE" ],
+ // Turkish
+ @"tr" : @[ @"tr", @"tr-TR", @"tr_TR" ],
+ // Ukrainian
+ @"uk" : @[ @"uk", @"uk_UA" ],
+ // Vietnamese
+ @"vi" : @[ @"vi", @"vi_VN" ],
+ // The following are groups of locales or locales that sub-divide a
+ // language).
+ // Arabic
+ @"ar" : @[
+ @"ar",
+ @"ar_DZ",
+ @"ar_BH",
+ @"ar_EG",
+ @"ar_IQ",
+ @"ar_JO",
+ @"ar_KW",
+ @"ar_LB",
+ @"ar_LY",
+ @"ar_MA",
+ @"ar_OM",
+ @"ar_QA",
+ @"ar_SA",
+ @"ar_SD",
+ @"ar_SY",
+ @"ar_TN",
+ @"ar_AE",
+ @"ar_YE",
+ @"ar_GB",
+ @"ar-IQ",
+ @"ar_US"
+ ],
+ // Simplified Chinese
+ @"zh_Hans" : @[ @"zh_CN", @"zh_SG", @"zh-Hans" ],
+ // Traditional Chinese
+ @"zh_Hant" : @[ @"zh_HK", @"zh_TW", @"zh-Hant", @"zh-HK", @"zh-TW" ],
+ // Dutch
+ @"nl" : @[ @"nl", @"nl_BE", @"nl_NL", @"nl-NL" ],
+ // English
+ @"en" : @[
+ @"en",
+ @"en_AU",
+ @"en_CA",
+ @"en_IN",
+ @"en_IE",
+ @"en_MT",
+ @"en_NZ",
+ @"en_PH",
+ @"en_SG",
+ @"en_ZA",
+ @"en_GB",
+ @"en_US",
+ @"en_AE",
+ @"en-AE",
+ @"en_AS",
+ @"en-AU",
+ @"en_BD",
+ @"en-CA",
+ @"en_EG",
+ @"en_ES",
+ @"en_GB",
+ @"en-GB",
+ @"en_HK",
+ @"en_ID",
+ @"en-IN",
+ @"en_NG",
+ @"en-PH",
+ @"en_PK",
+ @"en-SG",
+ @"en-US"
+ ],
+ // French
+ @"fr" : @[
+ @"fr",
+ @"fr_BE",
+ @"fr_CA",
+ @"fr_FR",
+ @"fr_LU",
+ @"fr_CH",
+ @"fr-CA",
+ @"fr-FR",
+ @"fr_MA"
+ ],
+ // German
+ @"de" : @[ @"de", @"de_AT", @"de_DE", @"de_LU", @"de_CH", @"de-DE" ],
+ // Greek
+ @"el" : @[ @"el", @"el_CY", @"el_GR" ],
+ // Italian
+ @"it" : @[ @"it", @"it_IT", @"it_CH", @"it-IT" ],
+ // Japanese
+ @"ja" : @[ @"ja", @"ja_JP", @"ja_JP_JP", @"ja-JP" ],
+ // Norwegian
+ @"no" : @[ @"nb", @"no_NO", @"no_NO_NY", @"nb_NO" ],
+ // Brazilian Portuguese
+ @"pt_BR" : @[ @"pt_BR", @"pt-BR" ],
+ // European Portuguese
+ @"pt_PT" : @[ @"pt", @"pt_PT", @"pt-PT" ],
+ // Serbian
+ @"sr" : @[
+ @"sr_BA",
+ @"sr_ME",
+ @"sr_RS",
+ @"sr_Latn_BA",
+ @"sr_Latn_ME",
+ @"sr_Latn_RS"
+ ],
+ // European Spanish
+ @"es_ES" : @[ @"es", @"es_ES", @"es-ES" ],
+ // Mexican Spanish
+ @"es_MX" : @[ @"es-MX", @"es_MX", @"es_US", @"es-US" ],
+ // Latin American Spanish
+ @"es_419" : @[
+ @"es_AR",
+ @"es_BO",
+ @"es_CL",
+ @"es_CO",
+ @"es_CR",
+ @"es_DO",
+ @"es_EC",
+ @"es_SV",
+ @"es_GT",
+ @"es_HN",
+ @"es_NI",
+ @"es_PA",
+ @"es_PY",
+ @"es_PE",
+ @"es_PR",
+ @"es_UY",
+ @"es_VE",
+ @"es-AR",
+ @"es-CL",
+ @"es-CO"
+ ],
+ // Thai
+ @"th" : @[ @"th", @"th_TH", @"th_TH_TH" ],
+ };