path: root/Firebase/Database/Core/FRepo.m
diff options
authorGravatar Paul Beusterien <paulbeusterien@google.com>2017-05-15 12:27:07 -0700
committerGravatar Paul Beusterien <paulbeusterien@google.com>2017-05-15 12:27:07 -0700
commit98ba64449a632518bd2b86fe8d927f4a960d3ddc (patch)
tree131d9c4272fa6179fcda6c5a33fcb3b1bd57ad2e /Firebase/Database/Core/FRepo.m
parent32461366c9e204a527ca05e6e9b9404a2454ac51 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Firebase/Database/Core/FRepo.m')
1 files changed, 1116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Firebase/Database/Core/FRepo.m b/Firebase/Database/Core/FRepo.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06cc253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firebase/Database/Core/FRepo.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1116 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Google
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#import <dlfcn.h>
+#import "FRepo.h"
+#import "FSnapshotUtilities.h"
+#import "FConstants.h"
+#import "FIRDatabaseQuery_Private.h"
+#import "FQuerySpec.h"
+#import "FTupleNodePath.h"
+#import "FRepo_Private.h"
+#import "FRepoManager.h"
+#import "FServerValues.h"
+#import "FTupleSetIdPath.h"
+#import "FSyncTree.h"
+#import "FEventRegistration.h"
+#import "FAtomicNumber.h"
+#import "FSyncTree.h"
+#import "FListenProvider.h"
+#import "FEventRaiser.h"
+#import "FSnapshotHolder.h"
+#import "FIRDatabaseConfig_Private.h"
+#import "FLevelDBStorageEngine.h"
+#import "FPersistenceManager.h"
+#import "FWriteRecord.h"
+#import "FCachePolicy.h"
+#import "FClock.h"
+#import "FIRDatabase_Private.h"
+#import "FTree.h"
+#import "FTupleTransaction.h"
+#import "FIRTransactionResult.h"
+#import "FIRTransactionResult_Private.h"
+#import "FIRMutableData.h"
+#import "FIRMutableData_Private.h"
+#import "FIRDataSnapshot.h"
+#import "FIRDataSnapshot_Private.h"
+#import "FValueEventRegistration.h"
+#import "FEmptyNode.h"
+#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+@interface FRepo()
+@property (nonatomic, strong) FOffsetClock *serverClock;
+@property (nonatomic, strong) FPersistenceManager* persistenceManager;
+@property (nonatomic, strong) FIRDatabase *database;
+@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) FAuthenticationManager *auth;
+@property (nonatomic, strong) FSyncTree *infoSyncTree;
+@property (nonatomic) NSInteger writeIdCounter;
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL hijackHash;
+@property (nonatomic, strong) FTree *transactionQueueTree;
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL loggedTransactionPersistenceWarning;
+* Test only. For load testing the server.
+@property (nonatomic, strong) id (^interceptServerDataCallback)(NSString *pathString, id data);
+@implementation FRepo
+- (id)initWithRepoInfo:(FRepoInfo*)info config:(FIRDatabaseConfig *)config database:(FIRDatabase *)database {
+ self = [super init];
+ if (self) {
+ self.repoInfo = info;
+ self.config = config;
+ self.database = database;
+ // Access can occur outside of shared queue, so the clock needs to be initialized here
+ self.serverClock = [[FOffsetClock alloc] initWithClock:[FSystemClock clock] offset:0];
+ self.connection = [[FPersistentConnection alloc] initWithRepoInfo:self.repoInfo dispatchQueue:[FIRDatabaseQuery sharedQueue] config:self.config];
+ // Needs to be called before authentication manager is instantiated
+ self.eventRaiser = [[FEventRaiser alloc] initWithQueue:self.config.callbackQueue];
+ dispatch_async([FIRDatabaseQuery sharedQueue], ^{
+ [self deferredInit];
+ });
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)deferredInit {
+ // TODO: cleanup on dealloc
+ __weak FRepo *weakSelf = self;
+ [self.config.authTokenProvider listenForTokenChanges:^(NSString *token) {
+ [weakSelf.connection refreshAuthToken:token];
+ }];
+ // Open connection now so that by the time we are connected the deferred init has run
+ // This relies on the fact that all callbacks run on repos queue
+ self.connection.delegate = self;
+ [self.connection open];
+ self.dataUpdateCount = 0;
+ self.rangeMergeUpdateCount = 0;
+ self.interceptServerDataCallback = nil;
+ if (self.config.persistenceEnabled) {
+ NSString* repoHashString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", self.repoInfo.host, self.repoInfo.namespace];
+ NSString* persistencePrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", self.config.sessionIdentifier, repoHashString];
+ id<FCachePolicy> cachePolicy = [[FLRUCachePolicy alloc] initWithMaxSize:self.config.persistenceCacheSizeBytes];
+ id<FStorageEngine> engine;
+ if (self.config.forceStorageEngine != nil) {
+ engine = self.config.forceStorageEngine;
+ } else {
+ FLevelDBStorageEngine *levelDBEngine = [[FLevelDBStorageEngine alloc] initWithPath:persistencePrefix];
+ // We need the repo info to run the legacy migration. Future migrations will be managed by the database itself
+ // Remove this once we are confident that no-one is using legacy migration anymore...
+ [levelDBEngine runLegacyMigration:self.repoInfo];
+ engine = levelDBEngine;
+ }
+ self.persistenceManager = [[FPersistenceManager alloc] initWithStorageEngine:engine cachePolicy:cachePolicy];
+ } else {
+ self.persistenceManager = nil;
+ }
+ [self initTransactions];
+ // A list of data pieces and paths to be set when this client disconnects
+ self.onDisconnect = [[FSparseSnapshotTree alloc] init];
+ self.infoData = [[FSnapshotHolder alloc] init];
+ FListenProvider *infoListenProvider = [[FListenProvider alloc] init];
+ infoListenProvider.startListening = ^(FQuerySpec *query,
+ NSNumber *tagId,
+ id<FSyncTreeHash> hash,
+ fbt_nsarray_nsstring onComplete) {
+ NSArray *infoEvents = @[];
+ FRepo *strongSelf = weakSelf;
+ id<FNode> node = [strongSelf.infoData getNode:query.path];
+ // This is possibly a hack, but we have different semantics for .info endpoints. We don't raise null events
+ // on initial data...
+ if (![node isEmpty]) {
+ infoEvents = [strongSelf.infoSyncTree applyServerOverwriteAtPath:query.path newData:node];
+ [strongSelf.eventRaiser raiseCallback:^{
+ onComplete(kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk);
+ }];
+ }
+ return infoEvents;
+ };
+ infoListenProvider.stopListening = ^(FQuerySpec *query, NSNumber *tagId) {};
+ self.infoSyncTree = [[FSyncTree alloc] initWithListenProvider:infoListenProvider];
+ FListenProvider *serverListenProvider = [[FListenProvider alloc] init];
+ serverListenProvider.startListening = ^(FQuerySpec *query,
+ NSNumber *tagId,
+ id<FSyncTreeHash> hash,
+ fbt_nsarray_nsstring onComplete) {
+ [weakSelf.connection listen:query tagId:tagId hash:hash onComplete:^(NSString *status) {
+ NSArray *events = onComplete(status);
+ [weakSelf.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+ }];
+ // No synchronous events for network-backed sync trees
+ return @[];
+ };
+ serverListenProvider.stopListening = ^(FQuerySpec *query, NSNumber *tag) {
+ [weakSelf.connection unlisten:query tagId:tag];
+ };
+ self.serverSyncTree = [[FSyncTree alloc] initWithPersistenceManager:self.persistenceManager
+ listenProvider:serverListenProvider];
+ [self restoreWrites];
+ [self updateInfo:kDotInfoConnected withValue:@NO];
+ [self setupNotifications];
+- (void) restoreWrites {
+ NSArray *writes = self.persistenceManager.userWrites;
+ NSDictionary *serverValues = [FServerValues generateServerValues:self.serverClock];
+ __block NSInteger lastWriteId = NSIntegerMin;
+ [writes enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(FWriteRecord *write, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
+ NSInteger writeId = write.writeId;
+ fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring callback = ^(NSString *status, NSString *errorReason) {
+ [self warnIfWriteFailedAtPath:write.path status:status message:@"Persisted write"];
+ [self ackWrite:writeId rerunTransactionsAtPath:write.path status:status];
+ };
+ if (lastWriteId >= writeId) {
+ [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Restored writes were not in order!"];
+ }
+ lastWriteId = writeId;
+ self.writeIdCounter = writeId + 1;
+ if ([write isOverwrite]) {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038001", @"Restoring overwrite with id %ld", (long)write.writeId);
+ [self.connection putData:[write.overwrite valForExport:YES]
+ forPath:[write.path toString]
+ withHash:nil
+ withCallback:callback];
+ id<FNode> resolved = [FServerValues resolveDeferredValueSnapshot:write.overwrite withServerValues:serverValues];
+ [self.serverSyncTree applyUserOverwriteAtPath:write.path newData:resolved writeId:writeId isVisible:YES];
+ } else {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038002", @"Restoring merge with id %ld", (long)write.writeId);
+ [self.connection mergeData:[write.merge valForExport:YES]
+ forPath:[write.path toString]
+ withCallback:callback];
+ FCompoundWrite *resolved = [FServerValues resolveDeferredValueCompoundWrite:write.merge withServerValues:serverValues];
+ [self.serverSyncTree applyUserMergeAtPath:write.path changedChildren:resolved writeId:writeId];
+ }
+ }];
+- (NSString*)name {
+ return self.repoInfo.namespace;
+- (NSString *) description {
+ return [self.repoInfo description];
+- (void) interrupt {
+ [self.connection interruptForReason:kFInterruptReasonRepoInterrupt];
+- (void) resume {
+ [self.connection resumeForReason:kFInterruptReasonRepoInterrupt];
+// NOTE: Typically if you're calling this, you should be in an @autoreleasepool block to make sure that ARC kicks
+// in and cleans up things no longer referenced (i.e. pendingPutsDB).
+- (void) dispose {
+ [self.connection interruptForReason:kFInterruptReasonRepoInterrupt];
+ // We need to nil out any references to LevelDB, to make sure the
+ // LevelDB exclusive locks are released.
+ [self.persistenceManager close];
+- (NSInteger) nextWriteId {
+ return self->_writeIdCounter++;
+- (NSTimeInterval) serverTime {
+ return [self.serverClock currentTime];
+- (void) set:(FPath *)path withNode:(id<FNode>)node withCallback:(fbt_void_nserror_ref)onComplete {
+ id value = [node valForExport:YES];
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038003", @"Setting: %@ with %@ pri: %@", [path toString], [value description], [[node getPriority] val]);
+ // TODO: Optimize this behavior to either (a) store flag to skip resolving where possible and / or
+ // (b) store unresolved paths on JSON parse
+ NSDictionary* serverValues = [FServerValues generateServerValues:self.serverClock];
+ id<FNode> newNode = [FServerValues resolveDeferredValueSnapshot:node withServerValues:serverValues];
+ NSInteger writeId = [self nextWriteId];
+ [self.persistenceManager saveUserOverwrite:node atPath:path writeId:writeId];
+ NSArray *events = [self.serverSyncTree applyUserOverwriteAtPath:path newData:newNode writeId:writeId isVisible:YES];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+ [self.connection putData:value forPath:[path toString] withHash:nil withCallback:^(NSString *status, NSString *errorReason) {
+ [self warnIfWriteFailedAtPath:path status:status message:@"setValue: or removeValue:"];
+ [self ackWrite:writeId rerunTransactionsAtPath:path status:status];
+ [self callOnComplete:onComplete withStatus:status errorReason:errorReason andPath:path];
+ }];
+ FPath* affectedPath = [self abortTransactionsAtPath:path error:kFTransactionSet];
+ [self rerunTransactionsForPath:affectedPath];
+- (void) update:(FPath *)path withNodes:(FCompoundWrite *)nodes withCallback:(fbt_void_nserror_ref)callback {
+ NSDictionary *values = [nodes valForExport:YES];
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038004", @"Updating: %@ with %@", [path toString], [values description]);
+ NSDictionary* serverValues = [FServerValues generateServerValues:self.serverClock];
+ FCompoundWrite *resolved = [FServerValues resolveDeferredValueCompoundWrite:nodes withServerValues:serverValues];
+ if (!resolved.isEmpty) {
+ NSInteger writeId = [self nextWriteId];
+ [self.persistenceManager saveUserMerge:nodes atPath:path writeId:writeId];
+ NSArray *events = [self.serverSyncTree applyUserMergeAtPath:path changedChildren:resolved writeId:writeId];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+ [self.connection mergeData:values forPath:[path description] withCallback:^(NSString *status, NSString *errorReason) {
+ [self warnIfWriteFailedAtPath:path status:status message:@"updateChildValues:"];
+ [self ackWrite:writeId rerunTransactionsAtPath:path status:status];
+ [self callOnComplete:callback withStatus:status errorReason:errorReason andPath:path];
+ }];
+ [nodes enumerateWrites:^(FPath *childPath, id<FNode> node, BOOL *stop) {
+ FPath* pathFromRoot = [path child:childPath];
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038005", @"Cancelling transactions at path: %@", pathFromRoot);
+ FPath *affectedPath = [self abortTransactionsAtPath:pathFromRoot error:kFTransactionSet];
+ [self rerunTransactionsForPath:affectedPath];
+ }];
+ } else {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038006", @"update called with empty data. Doing nothing");
+ // Do nothing, just call the callback
+ [self callOnComplete:callback withStatus:@"ok" errorReason:nil andPath:path];
+ }
+- (void) onDisconnectCancel:(FPath *)path withCallback:(fbt_void_nserror_ref)callback {
+ [self.connection onDisconnectCancelPath:path withCallback:^(NSString *status, NSString *errorReason) {
+ BOOL success = [status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk];
+ if (success) {
+ [self.onDisconnect forgetPath:path];
+ } else {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038007", @"cancelDisconnectOperations: at %@ failed: %@", path, status);
+ }
+ [self callOnComplete:callback withStatus:status errorReason:errorReason andPath:path];
+ }];
+- (void) onDisconnectSet:(FPath *)path withNode:(id<FNode>)node withCallback:(fbt_void_nserror_ref)callback {
+ [self.connection onDisconnectPutData:[node valForExport:YES] forPath:path withCallback:^(NSString *status, NSString *errorReason) {
+ BOOL success = [status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk];
+ if (success) {
+ [self.onDisconnect rememberData:node onPath:path];
+ } else {
+ FFWarn(@"I-RDB038008", @"onDisconnectSetValue: or onDisconnectRemoveValue: at %@ failed: %@", path, status);
+ }
+ [self callOnComplete:callback withStatus:status errorReason:errorReason andPath:path];
+ }];
+- (void) onDisconnectUpdate:(FPath *)path withNodes:(FCompoundWrite *)nodes withCallback:(fbt_void_nserror_ref)callback {
+ if (!nodes.isEmpty) {
+ NSDictionary *values = [nodes valForExport:YES];
+ [self.connection onDisconnectMergeData:values forPath:path withCallback:^(NSString *status, NSString *errorReason) {
+ BOOL success = [status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk];
+ if (success) {
+ [nodes enumerateWrites:^(FPath *relativePath, id<FNode> nodeUnresolved, BOOL *stop) {
+ FPath* childPath = [path child:relativePath];
+ [self.onDisconnect rememberData:nodeUnresolved onPath:childPath];
+ }];
+ } else {
+ FFWarn(@"I-RDB038009", @"onDisconnectUpdateChildValues: at %@ failed %@", path, status);
+ }
+ [self callOnComplete:callback withStatus:status errorReason:errorReason andPath:path];
+ }];
+ } else {
+ // Do nothing, just call the callback
+ [self callOnComplete:callback withStatus:@"ok" errorReason:nil andPath:path];
+ }
+- (void) purgeOutstandingWrites {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038010", @"Purging outstanding writes");
+ NSArray *events = [self.serverSyncTree removeAllWrites];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+ // Abort any transactions
+ [self abortTransactionsAtPath:[FPath empty] error:kFErrorWriteCanceled];
+ // Remove outstanding writes from connection
+ [self.connection purgeOutstandingWrites];
+- (void) addEventRegistration:(id <FEventRegistration>)eventRegistration forQuery:(FQuerySpec *)query {
+ NSArray *events = nil;
+ if ([[query.path getFront] isEqualToString:kDotInfoPrefix]) {
+ events = [self.infoSyncTree addEventRegistration:eventRegistration forQuery:query];
+ } else {
+ events = [self.serverSyncTree addEventRegistration:eventRegistration forQuery:query];
+ }
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+- (void) removeEventRegistration:(id<FEventRegistration>)eventRegistration forQuery:(FQuerySpec *)query {
+ // These are guaranteed not to raise events, since we're not passing in a cancelError. However we can future-proof
+ // a little bit by handling the return values anyways.
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038011", @"Removing event registration with hande: %lu", (unsigned long)eventRegistration.handle);
+ NSArray *events = nil;
+ if ([[query.path getFront] isEqualToString:kDotInfoPrefix]) {
+ events = [self.infoSyncTree removeEventRegistration:eventRegistration forQuery:query cancelError:nil];
+ } else {
+ events = [self.serverSyncTree removeEventRegistration:eventRegistration forQuery:query cancelError:nil];
+ }
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+- (void) keepQuery:(FQuerySpec *)query synced:(BOOL)synced {
+ NSAssert(![[query.path getFront] isEqualToString:kDotInfoPrefix], @"Can't keep .info tree synced!");
+ [self.serverSyncTree keepQuery:query synced:synced];
+- (void) updateInfo:(NSString *) pathString withValue:(id)value {
+ // hack to make serverTimeOffset available in a threadsafe way. Property is marked as atomic
+ if ([pathString isEqualToString:kDotInfoServerTimeOffset]) {
+ NSTimeInterval offset = [(NSNumber *)value doubleValue]/1000.0;
+ self.serverClock = [[FOffsetClock alloc] initWithClock:[FSystemClock clock] offset:offset];
+ }
+ FPath* path = [[FPath alloc] initWith:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", kDotInfoPrefix, pathString]];
+ id<FNode> newNode = [FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:value];
+ [self.infoData updateSnapshot:path withNewSnapshot:newNode];
+ NSArray *events = [self.infoSyncTree applyServerOverwriteAtPath:path newData:newNode];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+- (void) callOnComplete:(fbt_void_nserror_ref)onComplete withStatus:(NSString *)status errorReason:(NSString *)errorReason andPath:(FPath *)path {
+ if (onComplete) {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithRepo:self path:path];
+ BOOL statusOk = [status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk];
+ NSError* err = nil;
+ if (!statusOk) {
+ err = [FUtilities errorForStatus:status andReason:errorReason];
+ }
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseCallback:^{
+ onComplete(err, ref);
+ }];
+ }
+- (void)ackWrite:(NSInteger)writeId rerunTransactionsAtPath:(FPath *)path status:(NSString *)status {
+ if ([status isEqualToString:kFErrorWriteCanceled]) {
+ // This write was already removed, we just need to ignore it...
+ } else {
+ BOOL success = [status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk];
+ NSArray *clearEvents = [self.serverSyncTree ackUserWriteWithWriteId:writeId revert:!success persist:YES clock:self.serverClock];
+ if ([clearEvents count] > 0) {
+ [self rerunTransactionsForPath:path];
+ }
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:clearEvents];
+ }
+- (void) warnIfWriteFailedAtPath:(FPath *)path status:(NSString *)status message:(NSString *)message {
+ if (!([status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk] || [status isEqualToString:kFErrorWriteCanceled])) {
+ FFWarn(@"I-RDB038012", @"%@ at %@ failed: %@", message, path, status);
+ }
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark FPersistentConnectionDelegate methods
+- (void) onDataUpdate:(FPersistentConnection *)fpconnection forPath:(NSString *)pathString message:(id)data isMerge:(BOOL)isMerge tagId:(NSNumber *)tagId {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038013", @"onDataUpdateForPath: %@ withMessage: %@", pathString, data);
+ // For testing.
+ self.dataUpdateCount++;
+ FPath* path = [[FPath alloc] initWith:pathString];
+ data = self.interceptServerDataCallback ? self.interceptServerDataCallback(pathString, data) : data;
+ NSArray *events = nil;
+ if (tagId != nil) {
+ if (isMerge) {
+ NSDictionary *message = data;
+ FCompoundWrite *taggedChildren = [FCompoundWrite compoundWriteWithValueDictionary:message];
+ events = [self.serverSyncTree applyTaggedQueryMergeAtPath:path changedChildren:taggedChildren tagId:tagId];
+ } else {
+ id<FNode> taggedSnap = [FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:data];
+ events = [self.serverSyncTree applyTaggedQueryOverwriteAtPath:path newData:taggedSnap tagId:tagId];
+ }
+ } else if (isMerge) {
+ NSDictionary *message = data;
+ FCompoundWrite *changedChildren = [FCompoundWrite compoundWriteWithValueDictionary:message];
+ events = [self.serverSyncTree applyServerMergeAtPath:path changedChildren:changedChildren];
+ } else {
+ id<FNode> snap = [FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:data];
+ events = [self.serverSyncTree applyServerOverwriteAtPath:path newData:snap];
+ }
+ if ([events count] > 0) {
+ // Since we have a listener outstanding for each transaction, receiving any events
+ // is a proxy for some change having occurred.
+ [self rerunTransactionsForPath:path];
+ }
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+- (void)onRangeMerge:(NSArray *)ranges forPath:(NSString *)pathString tagId:(NSNumber *)tag {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038014", @"onRangeMerge: %@ => %@", pathString, ranges);
+ // For testing
+ self.rangeMergeUpdateCount++;
+ FPath* path = [[FPath alloc] initWith:pathString];
+ NSArray *events;
+ if (tag != nil) {
+ events = [self.serverSyncTree applyTaggedServerRangeMergeAtPath:path updates:ranges tagId:tag];
+ } else {
+ events = [self.serverSyncTree applyServerRangeMergeAtPath:path updates:ranges];
+ }
+ if (events.count > 0) {
+ // Since we have a listener outstanding for each transaction, receiving any events
+ // is a proxy for some change having occurred.
+ [self rerunTransactionsForPath:path];
+ }
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+- (void)onConnect:(FPersistentConnection *)fpconnection {
+ [self updateInfo:kDotInfoConnected withValue:@true];
+- (void)onDisconnect:(FPersistentConnection *)fpconnection {
+ [self updateInfo:kDotInfoConnected withValue:@false];
+ [self runOnDisconnectEvents];
+- (void)onServerInfoUpdate:(FPersistentConnection *)fpconnection updates:(NSDictionary *)updates {
+ for (NSString* key in updates) {
+ id val = [updates objectForKey:key];
+ [self updateInfo:key withValue:val];
+ }
+- (void) setupNotifications {
+ NSString * const *backgroundConstant = (NSString * const *) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification");
+ if (backgroundConstant) {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038015", @"Registering for background notification.");
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(didEnterBackground)
+ name:*backgroundConstant
+ object:nil];
+ } else {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038016", @"Skipped registering for background notification.");
+ }
+- (void) didEnterBackground {
+ if (!self.config.persistenceEnabled)
+ return;
+ // Targetted compilation is ONLY for testing. UIKit is weak-linked in actual release build.
+ // The idea is to wait until any outstanding sets get written to disk. Since the sets might still be in our
+ // dispatch queue, we wait for the dispatch queue to catch up and for persistence to catch up.
+ // This may be undesirable though. The dispatch queue might just be processing a bunch of incoming data or
+ // something. We might want to keep track of whether there are any unpersisted sets or something.
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038017", @"Entering background. Starting background task to finish work.");
+ Class uiApplicationClass = NSClassFromString(@"UIApplication");
+ assert(uiApplicationClass); // If we are here, we should be on iOS and UIApplication should be available.
+ UIApplication *application = [uiApplicationClass sharedApplication];
+ __block UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
+ [application endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
+ }];
+ NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
+ dispatch_async([FIRDatabaseQuery sharedQueue], ^{
+ NSTimeInterval finishTime = [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1;
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038018", @"Background task completed. Queue time: %f", finishTime);
+ [application endBackgroundTask:bgTask];
+ });
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Internal methods
+* Applies all the changes stored up in the onDisconnect tree
+- (void) runOnDisconnectEvents {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038019", @"Running onDisconnectEvents");
+ NSDictionary* serverValues = [FServerValues generateServerValues:self.serverClock];
+ FSparseSnapshotTree* resolvedTree = [FServerValues resolveDeferredValueTree:self.onDisconnect withServerValues:serverValues];
+ NSMutableArray *events = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ [resolvedTree forEachTreeAtPath:[FPath empty] do:^(FPath *path, id<FNode> node) {
+ [events addObjectsFromArray:[self.serverSyncTree applyServerOverwriteAtPath:path newData:node]];
+ FPath* affectedPath = [self abortTransactionsAtPath:path error:kFTransactionSet];
+ [self rerunTransactionsForPath:affectedPath];
+ }];
+ self.onDisconnect = [[FSparseSnapshotTree alloc] init];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+- (NSDictionary *) dumpListens {
+ return [self.connection dumpListens];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Transactions
+ * Setup the transaction data structures
+ */
+- (void) initTransactions {
+ self.transactionQueueTree = [[FTree alloc] init];
+ self.hijackHash = NO;
+ self.loggedTransactionPersistenceWarning = NO;
+ * Creates a new transaction, add its to the transactions we're tracking, and sends it to the server if possible
+ */
+- (void) startTransactionOnPath:(FPath *)path update:(fbt_transactionresult_mutabledata)update onComplete:(fbt_void_nserror_bool_datasnapshot)onComplete withLocalEvents:(BOOL)applyLocally {
+ if (self.config.persistenceEnabled && !self.loggedTransactionPersistenceWarning) {
+ self.loggedTransactionPersistenceWarning = YES;
+ FFInfo(@"I-RDB038020", @"runTransactionBlock: usage detected while persistence is enabled. Please be aware that transactions "
+ @"*will not* be persisted across app restarts. "
+ @"See https://www.firebase.com/docs/ios/guide/offline-capabilities.html#section-handling-transactions-offline for more details.");
+ }
+ FIRDatabaseReference * watchRef = [[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithRepo:self path:path];
+ // make sure we're listening on this node
+ // Note: we can't do this asynchronously. To preserve event ordering, it has to be done in this block.
+ // This is ok, this block is guaranteed to be our own event loop
+ NSUInteger handle = [[FUtilities LUIDGenerator] integerValue];
+ fbt_void_datasnapshot cb = ^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {};
+ FValueEventRegistration *registration = [[FValueEventRegistration alloc] initWithRepo:self
+ handle:handle
+ callback:cb
+ cancelCallback:nil];
+ [watchRef.repo addEventRegistration:registration forQuery:watchRef.querySpec];
+ fbt_void_void unwatcher = ^{ [watchRef removeObserverWithHandle:handle]; };
+ // Save all the data that represents this transaction
+ FTupleTransaction* transaction = [[FTupleTransaction alloc] init];
+ transaction.path = path;
+ transaction.update = update;
+ transaction.onComplete = onComplete;
+ transaction.status = FTransactionInitializing;
+ transaction.order = [FUtilities LUIDGenerator];
+ transaction.applyLocally = applyLocally;
+ transaction.retryCount = 0;
+ transaction.unwatcher = unwatcher;
+ transaction.currentWriteId = nil;
+ transaction.currentInputSnapshot = nil;
+ transaction.currentOutputSnapshotRaw = nil;
+ transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved = nil;
+ // Run transaction initially
+ id<FNode> currentState = [self latestStateAtPath:path excludeWriteIds:nil];
+ transaction.currentInputSnapshot = currentState;
+ FIRMutableData * mutableCurrent = [[FIRMutableData alloc] initWithNode:currentState];
+ FIRTransactionResult * result = transaction.update(mutableCurrent);
+ if (!result.isSuccess) {
+ // Abort the transaction
+ transaction.unwatcher();
+ transaction.currentOutputSnapshotRaw = nil;
+ transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved = nil;
+ if (transaction.onComplete) {
+ FIRDatabaseReference *ref = [[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithRepo:self path:transaction.path];
+ FIndexedNode *indexedNode = [FIndexedNode indexedNodeWithNode:transaction.currentInputSnapshot];
+ FIRDataSnapshot *snap = [[FIRDataSnapshot alloc] initWithRef:ref indexedNode:indexedNode];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseCallback:^{
+ transaction.onComplete(nil, NO, snap);
+ }];
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Note: different from js. We don't need to validate, FIRMutableData does validation.
+ // We also don't have to worry about priorities. Just mark as run and add to queue.
+ transaction.status = FTransactionRun;
+ FTree* queueNode = [self.transactionQueueTree subTree:transaction.path];
+ NSMutableArray* nodeQueue = [queueNode getValue];
+ if (nodeQueue == nil) {
+ nodeQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ }
+ [nodeQueue addObject:transaction];
+ [queueNode setValue:nodeQueue];
+ // Update visibleData and raise events
+ // Note: We intentionally raise events after updating all of our transaction state, since the user could
+ // start new transactions from the event callbacks
+ NSDictionary* serverValues = [FServerValues generateServerValues:self.serverClock];
+ id<FNode> newValUnresolved = [result.update nodeValue];
+ id<FNode> newVal = [FServerValues resolveDeferredValueSnapshot:newValUnresolved withServerValues:serverValues];
+ transaction.currentOutputSnapshotRaw = newValUnresolved;
+ transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved = newVal;
+ transaction.currentWriteId = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self nextWriteId]];
+ NSArray *events = [self.serverSyncTree applyUserOverwriteAtPath:path newData:newVal
+ writeId:[transaction.currentWriteId integerValue]
+ isVisible:transaction.applyLocally];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+ [self sendAllReadyTransactions];
+ }
+ * @param writeIdsToExclude A specific set to exclude
+ */
+- (id<FNode>) latestStateAtPath:(FPath *)path excludeWriteIds:(NSArray *)writeIdsToExclude {
+ id<FNode> latestState = [self.serverSyncTree calcCompleteEventCacheAtPath:path excludeWriteIds:writeIdsToExclude];
+ return latestState ? latestState : [FEmptyNode emptyNode];
+ * Sends any already-run transactions that aren't waiting for outstanding transactions to complete.
+ *
+ * Externally, call the version with no arguments.
+ * Internally, calls itself recursively with a particular transactionQueueTree node to recurse through the tree
+ */
+- (void) sendAllReadyTransactions {
+ FTree* node = self.transactionQueueTree;
+ [self pruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode:node];
+ [self sendReadyTransactionsForTree:node];
+- (void) sendReadyTransactionsForTree:(FTree *)node {
+ NSMutableArray* queue = [node getValue];
+ if (queue != nil) {
+ queue = [self buildTransactionQueueAtNode:node];
+ NSAssert([queue count] > 0, @"Sending zero length transaction queue");
+ NSUInteger notRunIndex = [queue indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
+ return ((FTupleTransaction*)obj).status != FTransactionRun;
+ }];
+ // If they're all run (and not sent), we can send them. Else, we must wait.
+ if (notRunIndex == NSNotFound) {
+ [self sendTransactionQueue:queue atPath:node.path];
+ }
+ } else if ([node hasChildren]) {
+ [node forEachChild:^(FTree *child) {
+ [self sendReadyTransactionsForTree:child];
+ }];
+ }
+ * Given a list of run transactions, send them to the server and then handle the result (success or failure).
+ */
+- (void) sendTransactionQueue:(NSMutableArray *)queue atPath:(FPath *)path {
+ // Mark transactions as sent and bump the retry count
+ NSMutableArray *writeIdsToExclude = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ for (FTupleTransaction *transaction in queue) {
+ [writeIdsToExclude addObject:transaction.currentWriteId];
+ }
+ id<FNode> latestState = [self latestStateAtPath:path excludeWriteIds:writeIdsToExclude];
+ id<FNode> snapToSend = latestState;
+ NSString *latestHash = [latestState dataHash];
+ for (FTupleTransaction* transaction in queue) {
+ NSAssert(transaction.status == FTransactionRun, @"[FRepo sendTransactionQueue:] items in queue should all be run.");
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038021", @"Transaction at %@ set to SENT", transaction.path);
+ transaction.status = FTransactionSent;
+ transaction.retryCount++;
+ FPath *relativePath = [FPath relativePathFrom:path to:transaction.path];
+ // If we've gotten to this point, the output snapshot must be defined.
+ snapToSend = [snapToSend updateChild:relativePath withNewChild:transaction.currentOutputSnapshotRaw];
+ }
+ id dataToSend = [snapToSend valForExport:YES];
+ NSString *pathToSend = [path description];
+ latestHash = self.hijackHash ? @"badhash" : latestHash;
+ // Send the put
+ [self.connection putData:dataToSend forPath:pathToSend withHash:latestHash withCallback:^(NSString *status, NSString *errorReason) {
+ FFLog(@"I-RDB038022", @"Transaction put response: %@ : %@", pathToSend, status);
+ NSMutableArray *events = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ if ([status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk]) {
+ // Queue up the callbacks and fire them after cleaning up all of our transaction state, since
+ // the callback could trigger more transactions or sets.
+ NSMutableArray *callbacks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ for (FTupleTransaction *transaction in queue) {
+ transaction.status = FTransactionCompleted;
+ [events addObjectsFromArray:[self.serverSyncTree ackUserWriteWithWriteId:[transaction.currentWriteId integerValue]
+ revert:NO
+ persist:NO
+ clock:self.serverClock]];
+ if (transaction.onComplete) {
+ // We never unset the output snapshot, and given that this transaction is complete, it should be set
+ id <FNode> node = transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved;
+ FIndexedNode *indexedNode = [FIndexedNode indexedNodeWithNode:node];
+ FIRDatabaseReference *ref = [[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithRepo:self path:transaction.path];
+ FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot = [[FIRDataSnapshot alloc] initWithRef:ref indexedNode:indexedNode];
+ fbt_void_void cb = ^{
+ transaction.onComplete(nil, YES, snapshot);
+ };
+ [callbacks addObject:[cb copy]];
+ }
+ transaction.unwatcher();
+ }
+ // Now remove the completed transactions.
+ [self pruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode:[self.transactionQueueTree subTree:path]];
+ // There may be pending transactions that we can now send.
+ [self sendAllReadyTransactions];
+ // Finally, trigger onComplete callbacks
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseCallbacks:callbacks];
+ } else {
+ // transactions are no longer sent. Update their status appropriately.
+ if ([status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusDataStale]) {
+ for (FTupleTransaction *transaction in queue) {
+ if (transaction.status == FTransactionSentNeedsAbort) {
+ transaction.status = FTransactionNeedsAbort;
+ } else {
+ transaction.status = FTransactionRun;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ FFWarn(@"I-RDB038023", @"runTransactionBlock: at %@ failed: %@", path, status);
+ for (FTupleTransaction *transaction in queue) {
+ transaction.status = FTransactionNeedsAbort;
+ [transaction setAbortStatus:status reason:errorReason];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [self rerunTransactionsForPath:path];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+ }];
+ * Finds all transactions dependent on the data at changed Path and reruns them.
+ *
+ * Should be called any time cached data changes.
+ *
+ * Return the highest path that was affected by rerunning transactions. This is the path at which events need to
+ * be raised for.
+ */
+- (FPath *) rerunTransactionsForPath:(FPath *)changedPath {
+ // For the common case that there are no transactions going on, skip all this!
+ if ([self.transactionQueueTree isEmpty]) {
+ return changedPath;
+ } else {
+ FTree* rootMostTransactionNode = [self getAncestorTransactionNodeForPath:changedPath];
+ FPath* path = rootMostTransactionNode.path;
+ NSArray* queue = [self buildTransactionQueueAtNode:rootMostTransactionNode];
+ [self rerunTransactionQueue:queue atPath:path];
+ return path;
+ }
+ * Does all the work of rerunning transactions (as well as cleans up aborted transactions and whatnot).
+ */
+- (void) rerunTransactionQueue:(NSArray *)queue atPath:(FPath *)path {
+ if (queue.count == 0) {
+ return; // nothing to do
+ }
+ // Queue up the callbacks and fire them after cleaning up all of our transaction state, since
+ // the callback could trigger more transactions or sets.
+ NSMutableArray *events = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ NSMutableArray *callbacks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ // Ignore, by default, all of the sets in this queue, since we're re-running all of them. However, we want to include
+ // the results of new sets triggered as part of this re-run, so we don't want to ignore a range, just these specific
+ // sets.
+ NSMutableArray *writeIdsToExclude = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ for (FTupleTransaction *transaction in queue) {
+ [writeIdsToExclude addObject:transaction.currentWriteId];
+ }
+ for (FTupleTransaction* transaction in queue) {
+ FPath* relativePath __unused = [FPath relativePathFrom:path to:transaction.path];
+ BOOL abortTransaction = NO;
+ NSAssert(relativePath != nil, @"[FRepo rerunTransactionsQueue:] relativePath should not be null.");
+ if (transaction.status == FTransactionNeedsAbort) {
+ abortTransaction = YES;
+ if (![transaction.abortStatus isEqualToString:kFErrorWriteCanceled]) {
+ NSArray *ackEvents = [self.serverSyncTree ackUserWriteWithWriteId:[transaction.currentWriteId integerValue]
+ revert:YES
+ persist:NO
+ clock:self.serverClock];
+ [events addObjectsFromArray:ackEvents];
+ }
+ } else if (transaction.status == FTransactionRun) {
+ if (transaction.retryCount >= kFTransactionMaxRetries) {
+ abortTransaction = YES;
+ [transaction setAbortStatus:kFTransactionTooManyRetries reason:nil];
+ [events addObjectsFromArray:[self.serverSyncTree ackUserWriteWithWriteId:[transaction.currentWriteId integerValue]
+ revert:YES
+ persist:NO
+ clock:self.serverClock]];
+ } else {
+ // This code reruns a transaction
+ id<FNode> currentNode = [self latestStateAtPath:transaction.path excludeWriteIds:writeIdsToExclude];
+ transaction.currentInputSnapshot = currentNode;
+ FIRMutableData * mutableCurrent = [[FIRMutableData alloc] initWithNode:currentNode];
+ FIRTransactionResult * result = transaction.update(mutableCurrent);
+ if (result.isSuccess) {
+ NSNumber *oldWriteId = transaction.currentWriteId;
+ NSDictionary* serverValues = [FServerValues generateServerValues:self.serverClock];
+ id<FNode> newVal = [result.update nodeValue];
+ id<FNode> newValResolved = [FServerValues resolveDeferredValueSnapshot:newVal withServerValues:serverValues];
+ transaction.currentOutputSnapshotRaw = newVal;
+ transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved = newValResolved;
+ transaction.currentWriteId = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self nextWriteId]];
+ // Mutates writeIdsToExclude in place
+ [writeIdsToExclude removeObject:oldWriteId];
+ [events addObjectsFromArray:[self.serverSyncTree applyUserOverwriteAtPath:transaction.path
+ newData:transaction.currentOutputSnapshotResolved
+ writeId:[transaction.currentWriteId integerValue]
+ isVisible:transaction.applyLocally]];
+ [events addObjectsFromArray:[self.serverSyncTree ackUserWriteWithWriteId:[oldWriteId integerValue]
+ revert:YES
+ persist:NO
+ clock:self.serverClock]];
+ } else {
+ abortTransaction = YES;
+ // The user aborted the transaction. JS treats ths as a "nodata" abort, but it's not an error, so we don't send them an error.
+ [transaction setAbortStatus:nil reason:nil];
+ [events addObjectsFromArray:[self.serverSyncTree ackUserWriteWithWriteId:[transaction.currentWriteId integerValue]
+ revert:YES
+ persist:NO
+ clock:self.serverClock]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+ events = nil;
+ if (abortTransaction) {
+ // Abort
+ transaction.status = FTransactionCompleted;
+ transaction.unwatcher();
+ if (transaction.onComplete) {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithRepo:self path:transaction.path];
+ FIndexedNode *lastInput = [FIndexedNode indexedNodeWithNode:transaction.currentInputSnapshot];
+ FIRDataSnapshot * snap = [[FIRDataSnapshot alloc] initWithRef:ref indexedNode:lastInput];
+ fbt_void_void cb = ^{
+ // Unlike JS, no need to check for "nodata" because ObjC has abortError = nil
+ transaction.onComplete(transaction.abortError, NO, snap);
+ };
+ [callbacks addObject:[cb copy]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Note: unlike current js client, we don't need to preserve priority. Users can set priority via FIRMutableData
+ // Clean up completed transactions.
+ [self pruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode:self.transactionQueueTree];
+ // Now fire callbacks, now that we're in a good, known state.
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseCallbacks:callbacks];
+ // Try to send the transaction result to the server
+ [self sendAllReadyTransactions];
+- (FTree *) getAncestorTransactionNodeForPath:(FPath *)path {
+ FTree* transactionNode = self.transactionQueueTree;
+ while (![path isEmpty] && [transactionNode getValue] == nil) {
+ NSString* front = [path getFront];
+ transactionNode = [transactionNode subTree:[[FPath alloc] initWith:front]];
+ path = [path popFront];
+ }
+ return transactionNode;
+- (NSMutableArray *) buildTransactionQueueAtNode:(FTree *)node {
+ NSMutableArray* queue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ [self aggregateTransactionQueuesForNode:node andQueue:queue];
+ [queue sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(FTupleTransaction* obj1, FTupleTransaction* obj2) {
+ return [obj1.order compare:obj2.order];
+ }];
+ return queue;
+- (void) aggregateTransactionQueuesForNode:(FTree *)node andQueue:(NSMutableArray *)queue {
+ NSArray* nodeQueue = [node getValue];
+ [queue addObjectsFromArray:nodeQueue];
+ [node forEachChild:^(FTree *child) {
+ [self aggregateTransactionQueuesForNode:child andQueue:queue];
+ }];
+ * Remove COMPLETED transactions at or below this node in the transactionQueueTree
+ */
+- (void) pruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode:(FTree *)node {
+ NSMutableArray* queue = [node getValue];
+ if (queue != nil) {
+ int i = 0;
+ // remove all of the completed transactions from the queue
+ while (i < queue.count) {
+ FTupleTransaction* transaction = [queue objectAtIndex:i];
+ if (transaction.status == FTransactionCompleted) {
+ [queue removeObjectAtIndex:i];
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (queue.count > 0) {
+ [node setValue:queue];
+ } else {
+ [node setValue:nil];
+ }
+ }
+ [node forEachChildMutationSafe:^(FTree *child) {
+ [self pruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode:child];
+ }];
+ * Aborts all transactions on ancestors or descendants of the specified path. Called when doing a setValue: or
+ * updateChildValues: since we consider them incompatible with transactions
+ *
+ * @param path path for which we want to abort related transactions.
+ */
+- (FPath *) abortTransactionsAtPath:(FPath *)path error:(NSString *)error {
+ // For the common case that there are no transactions going on, skip all this!
+ if ([self.transactionQueueTree isEmpty]) {
+ return path;
+ } else {
+ FPath* affectedPath = [self getAncestorTransactionNodeForPath:path].path;
+ FTree* transactionNode = [self.transactionQueueTree subTree:path];
+ [transactionNode forEachAncestor:^BOOL(FTree *ancestor) {
+ [self abortTransactionsAtNode:ancestor error:error];
+ return NO;
+ }];
+ [self abortTransactionsAtNode:transactionNode error:error];
+ [transactionNode forEachDescendant:^(FTree *child) {
+ [self abortTransactionsAtNode:child error:error];
+ }];
+ return affectedPath;
+ }
+ * Abort transactions stored in this transactions queue node.
+ *
+ * @param node Node to abort transactions for.
+ */
+- (void) abortTransactionsAtNode:(FTree *)node error:(NSString *)error {
+ NSMutableArray* queue = [node getValue];
+ if (queue != nil) {
+ // Queue up the callbacks and fire them after cleaning up all of our transaction state, since
+ // can be immediately aborted and removed.
+ NSMutableArray* callbacks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ // Go through queue. Any already-sent transactions must be marked for abort, while the unsent ones
+ // can be immediately aborted and removed
+ NSMutableArray *events = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ int lastSent = -1;
+ // Note: all of the sent transactions will be at the front of the queue, so safe to increment lastSent
+ for (FTupleTransaction* transaction in queue) {
+ if (transaction.status == FTransactionSentNeedsAbort) {
+ // No-op. already marked.
+ } else if (transaction.status == FTransactionSent) {
+ // Mark this transaction for abort when it returns
+ lastSent++;
+ transaction.status = FTransactionSentNeedsAbort;
+ [transaction setAbortStatus:error reason:nil];
+ } else {
+ // we can abort this immediately
+ transaction.unwatcher();
+ if ([error isEqualToString:kFTransactionSet]) {
+ [events addObjectsFromArray:[self.serverSyncTree ackUserWriteWithWriteId:[transaction.currentWriteId integerValue]
+ revert:YES
+ persist:NO
+ clock:self.serverClock]];
+ } else {
+ // If it was cancelled it was already removed from the sync tree, no need to ack
+ NSAssert([error isEqualToString:kFErrorWriteCanceled], nil);
+ }
+ if (transaction.onComplete) {
+ NSError* abortReason = [FUtilities errorForStatus:error andReason:nil];
+ FIRDataSnapshot * snapshot = nil;
+ fbt_void_void cb = ^{
+ transaction.onComplete(abortReason, NO, snapshot);
+ };
+ [callbacks addObject:[cb copy]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastSent == -1) {
+ // We're not waiting for any sent transactions. We can clear the queue.
+ [node setValue:nil];
+ } else {
+ // Remove the transactions we aborted
+ NSRange theRange;
+ theRange.location = lastSent + 1;
+ theRange.length = queue.count - theRange.location;
+ [queue removeObjectsInRange:theRange];
+ }
+ // Now fire the callbacks
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseEvents:events];
+ [self.eventRaiser raiseCallbacks:callbacks];
+ }