path: root/Firebase/Auth/Source/FIRAuthErrors.h
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authorGravatar Paul Beusterien <paulbeusterien@google.com>2017-05-15 12:27:07 -0700
committerGravatar Paul Beusterien <paulbeusterien@google.com>2017-05-15 12:27:07 -0700
commit98ba64449a632518bd2b86fe8d927f4a960d3ddc (patch)
tree131d9c4272fa6179fcda6c5a33fcb3b1bd57ad2e /Firebase/Auth/Source/FIRAuthErrors.h
parent32461366c9e204a527ca05e6e9b9404a2454ac51 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Firebase/Auth/Source/FIRAuthErrors.h')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Firebase/Auth/Source/FIRAuthErrors.h b/Firebase/Auth/Source/FIRAuthErrors.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1e7900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firebase/Auth/Source/FIRAuthErrors.h
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+ * Copyright 2017 Google
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import "FIRAuthSwiftNameSupport.h"
+/** @class FIRAuthErrors
+ @remarks Error Codes common to all API Methods:
+ <ul>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeNetworkError</li>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeUserNotFound</li>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeUserTokenExpired</li>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeTooManyRequests</li>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidAPIKey</li>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeAppNotAuthorized</li>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeKeychainError</li>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeInternalError</li>
+ </ul>
+ @remarks Common error codes for @c FIRUser operations:
+ <ul>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidUserToken</li>
+ <li>@c FIRAuthErrorCodeUserDisabled</li>
+ </ul>
+ */
+@interface FIRAuthErrors
+ @brief The Firebase Auth error domain.
+ */
+extern NSString *const FIRAuthErrorDomain FIR_SWIFT_NAME(AuthErrorDomain);
+ @brief The key used to read the updated credential from the userinfo dictionary of the NSError
+ object returned in the case that the credential being linked in already in use.
+ */
+extern NSString *const FIRAuthUpdatedCredentialKey FIR_SWIFT_NAME(AuthUpdatedCredentialKey);
+ @brief The name of the key for the "error_name" string in the NSError userinfo dictionary.
+ */
+extern NSString *const FIRAuthErrorNameKey FIR_SWIFT_NAME(AuthErrorNameKey);
+/** @var FIRAuthErrorUserInfoEmailKey
+ @brief Errors with the code @c FIRAuthErrorCodeEmailAlreadyInUse may contains an
+ @c NSError.userInfo dictinary which contains this key. The value associated with this key is
+ an NSString of the email address that already exists.
+ */
+extern NSString *const FIRAuthErrorUserInfoEmailKey FIR_SWIFT_NAME(AuthErrorUserInfoEmailKey);
+ @brief Error codes used by Firebase Auth.
+ */
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FIRAuthErrorCode) {
+ /** Indicates a validation error with the custom token.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidCustomToken = 17000,
+ /** Indicates the service account and the API key belong to different projects.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeCustomTokenMismatch = 17002,
+ /** Indicates the IDP token or requestUri is invalid.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidCredential = 17004,
+ /** Indicates the user's account is disabled on the server.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeUserDisabled = 17005,
+ /** Indicates the administrator disabled sign in with the specified identity provider.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeOperationNotAllowed = 17006,
+ /** Indicates the email used to attempt a sign up is already in use.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeEmailAlreadyInUse = 17007,
+ /** Indicates the email is invalid.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidEmail = 17008,
+ /** Indicates the user attempted sign in with a wrong password.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeWrongPassword = 17009,
+ /** Indicates that too many requests were made to a server method.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeTooManyRequests = 17010,
+ /** Indicates the user account was not found.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeUserNotFound = 17011,
+ /** Indicates account linking is required.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeAccountExistsWithDifferentCredential = 17012,
+ /** Indicates the user has attemped to change email or password more than 5 minutes after
+ signing in.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeRequiresRecentLogin = 17014,
+ /** Indicates an attempt to link a provider to which the account is already linked.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeProviderAlreadyLinked = 17015,
+ /** Indicates an attempt to unlink a provider that is not linked.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeNoSuchProvider = 17016,
+ /** Indicates user's saved auth credential is invalid, the user needs to sign in again.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidUserToken = 17017,
+ /** Indicates a network error occurred (such as a timeout, interrupted connection, or
+ unreachable host). These types of errors are often recoverable with a retry. The @c
+ NSUnderlyingError field in the @c NSError.userInfo dictionary will contain the error
+ encountered.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeNetworkError = 17020,
+ /** Indicates the saved token has expired, for example, the user may have changed account
+ password on another device. The user needs to sign in again on the device that made this
+ request.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeUserTokenExpired = 17021,
+ /** Indicates an invalid API key was supplied in the request.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidAPIKey = 17023,
+ /** Indicates that an attempt was made to reauthenticate with a user which is not the current
+ user.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeUserMismatch = 17024,
+ /** Indicates an attempt to link with a credential that has already been linked with a
+ different Firebase account
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeCredentialAlreadyInUse = 17025,
+ /** Indicates an attempt to set a password that is considered too weak.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeWeakPassword = 17026,
+ /** Indicates the App is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication with the
+ provided API Key.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeAppNotAuthorized = 17028,
+ /** Indicates the OOB code is expired.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeExpiredActionCode = 17029,
+ /** Indicates the OOB code is invalid.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidActionCode = 17030,
+ /** Indicates that there are invalid parameters in the payload during a "send password reset
+ * email" attempt.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidMessagePayload = 17031,
+ /** Indicates that the sender email is invalid during a "send password reset email" attempt.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidSender = 17032,
+ /** Indicates that the recipient email is invalid.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidRecipientEmail = 17033,
+ // The enum values between 17033 and 17041 are reserved and should NOT be used for new error
+ // codes.
+ /** Indicates that a phone number was not provided in a call to @c
+ verifyPhoneNumber:completion:.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeMissingPhoneNumber = 17041,
+ /** Indicates that an invalid phone number was provided in a call to @c
+ verifyPhoneNumber:completion:.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidPhoneNumber = 17042,
+ /** Indicates that the phone auth credential was created with an empty verification code.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeMissingVerificationCode = 17043,
+ /** Indicates that an invalid verification code was used in the verifyPhoneNumber request.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidVerificationCode = 17044,
+ /** Indicates that the phone auth credential was created with an empty verification ID.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeMissingVerificationID = 17045,
+ /** Indicates that an invalid verification ID was used in the verifyPhoneNumber request.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidVerificationID = 17046,
+ /** Indicates that the APNS device token is missing in the verifyClient request.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeMissingAppCredential = 17047,
+ /** Indicates that an invalid APNS device token was used in the verifyClient request.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidAppCredential = 17048,
+ // The enum values between 17048 and 17051 are reserved and should NOT be used for new error
+ // codes.
+ /** Indicates that the SMS code has expired.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeSessionExpired = 17051,
+ /** Indicates that the quota of SMS messages for a given project has been exceeded.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeQuotaExceeded = 17052,
+ /** Indicates that the APNs device token could not be obtained. The app may not have set up
+ remote notification correctly, or may fail to forward the APNs device token to FIRAuth
+ if app delegate swizzling is disabled.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeMissingAppToken = 17053,
+ /** Indicates that the app fails to forward remote notification to FIRAuth.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeNotificationNotForwarded = 17054,
+ /** Indicates that the app could not be verified by Firebase during phone number authentication.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeAppNotVerified = 17055,
+ /** Indicates an error occurred while attempting to access the keychain.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeKeychainError = 17995,
+ /** Indicates an internal error occurred.
+ */
+ FIRAuthErrorCodeInternalError = 17999,
+} FIR_SWIFT_NAME(AuthErrorCode);