path: root/Example/Auth/Tests
diff options
authorGravatar Zsika Phillip <protocol86@users.noreply.github.com>2017-09-01 13:38:12 -0700
committerGravatar GitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-09-01 13:38:12 -0700
commit36c20d92b7a1f4ac5cb950df61d381ee60be9670 (patch)
treeaff9aa101a52b54ce04357766ef1d3c3c9b380f6 /Example/Auth/Tests
parent0ce42970fcc94116700c9e6914bc97ce4dd73d00 (diff)
Add FirAuthUrlPresenter (#222)
* Adds FIRAuthURLPResenter and FIRAuthUIDelegate
Diffstat (limited to 'Example/Auth/Tests')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Example/Auth/Tests/FIRAuthURLPresenterTests.m b/Example/Auth/Tests/FIRAuthURLPresenterTests.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..602c54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/Auth/Tests/FIRAuthURLPresenterTests.m
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Google
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <SafariServices/SafariServices.h>
+#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
+#import "FIRAuthURLPresenter.h"
+#import "FIRAuthUIDelegate.h"
+#import <OCMock/OCMock.h>
+/** @var kExpectationTimeout
+ @brief The maximum time waiting for expectations to fulfill.
+ */
+static NSTimeInterval kExpectationTimeout = 1;
+@interface FIRAuthDefaultUIDelegate : NSObject <FIRAuthUIDelegate>
+/** @fn defaultUIDelegate
+ @brief Returns a default FIRAuthUIDelegate object.
+ @return The default FIRAuthUIDelegate object.
+ */
++ (id<FIRAuthUIDelegate>)defaultUIDelegate;
+@interface FIRAuthURLPresenterTests : XCTestCase
+@implementation FIRAuthURLPresenterTests
+/** @fn testFIRAuthURLPresenterNonNilUIDelegate
+ @brief Tests @c FIRAuthURLPresenter class showing UI with a non-nil UIDelegate.
+ */
+- (void)testFIRAuthURLPresenterNonNilUIDelegate {
+ id mockUIDelegate = OCMProtocolMock(@protocol(FIRAuthUIDelegate));
+ NSURL *presenterURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://presenter.url"];
+ FIRAuthURLPresenter *presenter = [[FIRAuthURLPresenter alloc] init];
+ if ([SFSafariViewController class]) {
+ XCTestExpectation *callbackMatcherExpectation =
+ [self expectationWithDescription:@"callbackMatcher callback"];
+ FIRAuthURLCallbackMatcher callbackMatcher = ^BOOL(NSURL *_Nonnull callbackURL) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(callbackURL, presenterURL);
+ [callbackMatcherExpectation fulfill];
+ return YES;
+ };
+ XCTestExpectation *completionBlockExpectation =
+ [self expectationWithDescription:@"completion callback"];
+ FIRAuthURLPresentationCompletion completionBlock = ^(NSURL *_Nullable callbackURL,
+ NSError *_Nullable error) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(callbackURL, presenterURL);
+ XCTAssertNil(error);
+ [completionBlockExpectation fulfill];
+ };
+ id presenterArg = [OCMArg isKindOfClass:[SFSafariViewController class]];
+ OCMExpect([mockUIDelegate presentViewController:presenterArg
+ animated:YES
+ completion:nil]).andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation) {
+ __unsafe_unretained id unretainedArgument;
+ // Indices 0 and 1 indicate the hidden arguments self and _cmd.
+ // `presentViewController` is at index 2.
+ [invocation getArgument:&unretainedArgument atIndex:2];
+ SFSafariViewController *viewController = unretainedArgument;
+ XCTAssertEqual(viewController.delegate, presenter);
+ XCTAssertTrue([viewController isKindOfClass:[SFSafariViewController class]]);
+ });
+ [presenter presentURL:presenterURL
+ UIDelegate:mockUIDelegate
+ callbackMatcher:callbackMatcher
+ completion:completionBlock];
+ OCMVerifyAll(mockUIDelegate);
+ OCMExpect([mockUIDelegate dismissViewControllerAnimated:OCMOCK_ANY
+ completion:OCMOCK_ANY]).
+ andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation) {
+ __unsafe_unretained id unretainedArgument;
+ // Indices 0 and 1 indicate the hidden arguments self and _cmd.
+ // `completion` is at index 3.
+ [invocation getArgument:&unretainedArgument atIndex:3];
+ void (^finishBlock)() = unretainedArgument;
+ finishBlock();
+ });
+ [presenter canHandleURL:presenterURL];
+ [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kExpectationTimeout handler:nil];
+ OCMVerifyAll(mockUIDelegate);
+ }
+/** @fn testFIRAuthURLPresenterNilUIDelegate
+ @brief Tests @c FIRAuthURLPresenter class showing UI with a nil UIDelegate.
+ */
+- (void)testFIRAuthURLPresenterNilUIDelegate {
+ NSURL *presenterURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://presenter.url"];
+ FIRAuthURLPresenter *presenter = [[FIRAuthURLPresenter alloc] init];
+ if ([SFSafariViewController class]) {
+ XCTestExpectation *callbackMatcherExpectation =
+ [self expectationWithDescription:@"callbackMatcher callback"];
+ FIRAuthURLCallbackMatcher callbackMatcher = ^BOOL(NSURL *_Nonnull callbackURL) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(callbackURL, presenterURL);
+ [callbackMatcherExpectation fulfill];
+ return YES;
+ };
+ XCTestExpectation *completionBlockExpectation =
+ [self expectationWithDescription:@"completion callback"];
+ FIRAuthURLPresentationCompletion completionBlock = ^(NSURL *_Nullable callbackURL,
+ NSError *_Nullable error) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(callbackURL, presenterURL);
+ XCTAssertNil(error);
+ [completionBlockExpectation fulfill];
+ };
+ id mockUIDelegate = OCMProtocolMock(@protocol(FIRAuthUIDelegate));
+ // Swizzle default UIDelegate
+ Method method = class_getClassMethod([FIRAuthDefaultUIDelegate class],
+ @selector(defaultUIDelegate));
+ __block IMP originalImplementation;
+ IMP newImplmentation = imp_implementationWithBlock(^id(id object) {
+ return mockUIDelegate;
+ });
+ originalImplementation = method_setImplementation(method, newImplmentation);
+ if ([SFSafariViewController class]) {
+ id presenterArg = [OCMArg isKindOfClass:[SFSafariViewController class]];
+ OCMExpect([mockUIDelegate presentViewController:presenterArg
+ animated:[OCMArg any]
+ completion:[OCMArg any]]).
+ andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation) {
+ __unsafe_unretained id unretainedArgument;
+ // Indices 0 and 1 indicate the hidden arguments self and _cmd.
+ // `presentViewController` is at index 2.
+ [invocation getArgument:&unretainedArgument atIndex:2];
+ SFSafariViewController *viewController = unretainedArgument;
+ XCTAssertEqual(viewController.delegate, presenter);
+ XCTAssertTrue([viewController isKindOfClass:[SFSafariViewController class]]);
+ });
+ }
+ [presenter presentURL:presenterURL
+ UIDelegate:nil
+ callbackMatcher:callbackMatcher
+ completion:completionBlock];
+ OCMVerifyAll(mockUIDelegate);
+ OCMExpect([mockUIDelegate dismissViewControllerAnimated:OCMOCK_ANY
+ completion:OCMOCK_ANY]).
+ andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation) {
+ __unsafe_unretained id unretainedArgument;
+ // Indices 0 and 1 indicate the hidden arguments self and _cmd.
+ // `completion` is at index 3.
+ [invocation getArgument:&unretainedArgument atIndex:3];
+ void (^finishBlock)() = unretainedArgument;
+ finishBlock();
+ });
+ [presenter canHandleURL:presenterURL];
+ [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kExpectationTimeout handler:nil];
+ OCMVerifyAll(mockUIDelegate);
+ // Unswizzle.
+ imp_removeBlock(method_setImplementation(method, originalImplementation));
+ }
+#pragma mark - Method Swizzling
++ (id)mockDefaultUIDelegate {
+ return OCMProtocolMock(@protocol(FIRAuthUIDelegate));