path: root/.travis.yml
diff options
authorGravatar Gil <mcg@google.com>2018-03-10 14:08:20 -0800
committerGravatar GitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-03-10 14:08:20 -0800
commit24c4ea8d870788f06f3b4ef193967603ad3582b3 (patch)
tree39e615dedc2dbea03cc691dc1e5fdf3bd3bf5166 /.travis.yml
parent0d3adb172bfdea5af23a937f3ec3aea32f739c4a (diff)
Parallelize the Travis run using build stages (#886)
Parallelize the travis run using build stages https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-stages/ This will run source checks first (style, lint) and then if all pass, kick off all platforms and builds in parallel.
Diffstat (limited to '.travis.yml')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 691d9d5..178b318 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+os: osx
osx_image: xcode9.2
language: objective-c
@@ -5,61 +6,85 @@ cache:
- cocoapods
rvm: 2.3.1
-# Add next line back with updated DeviceUDID for xcode9.1 if stability issues with simulator
-# - open -a "simulator" --args -CurrentDeviceUDID ABBD7191-486B-462F-80B4-AE08C5820DA1
- - bundle install
- - gem install xcpretty
- - bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Example --repo-update
- - bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Firestore/Example --no-repo-update
- - brew install clang-format
- - brew install swiftformat
- - brew install cmake
- - brew install go # Somehow the build for Abseil requires this.
- - |
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then
- else
- git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep -Eq '^(Firebase|Example)'
- git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep -q Firestore
- fi
- - ./scripts/check_whitespace.sh
- - ./scripts/check_copyright.sh
- - ./scripts/style.sh test-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE
- - |
- # Google C++ style compliance
- if [ $SKIP_FIRESTORE != 1 ]; then
- ./scripts/lint.sh $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE
- fi
+ include:
+ - stage: checks
+ # This only needs to be run once, so restrict it to an arbitrary combination
+ before_install:
+ - brew install clang-format
+ - brew install swiftformat
+ script:
+ - ./scripts/check_whitespace.sh
+ - ./scripts/check_copyright.sh
+ - ./scripts/style.sh test-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE
+ # Google C++ style compliance
+ - ./scripts/lint.sh $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE
- - |
- if [ $SKIP_FIREBASE != 1 ]; then
- ./test.sh
- fi
- - |
- if [ $SKIP_FIRESTORE != 1 ]; then
- ./Firestore/test.sh
- fi
+ - stage: test
+ env:
+ before_install:
+ # Add next line back with updated DeviceUDID for xcode9.1 if stability issues with simulator
+ # - open -a "simulator" --args -CurrentDeviceUDID ABBD7191-486B-462F-80B4-AE08C5820DA1
+ - bundle install
+ - gem install xcpretty
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Example --repo-update
+ script:
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh ./scripts/build.sh $PROJECT $PLATFORM
-# TODO fix os_log deprecation warning in FIRLogger to remove --allow-warnings
- - |
- if [ $SKIP_FIREBASE != 1 ]; then
- bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseCore.podspec --allow-warnings
- fi
+ # TODO fix os_log deprecation warning in FIRLogger to remove --allow-warnings
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseCore.podspec --allow-warnings
-# TODO - Uncomment subsequent lines once FirebaseCore source repo is in public Specs repo
-# - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseAuth.podspec
-# - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseDatabase.podspec
-# - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseMessaging.podspec --allow-warnings #pending #390 fix
-# - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseStorage.podspec
-# - bundle exec pod lib lint Firestore/Firestore.podspec
+ # TODO - Uncomment subsequent lines once FirebaseCore source repo is in public Specs repo
+ # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseAuth.podspec
+ # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseDatabase.podspec
+ # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseMessaging.podspec
+ # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseStorage.podspec
+ # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseFirestore.podspec
+ - stage: test
+ env:
+ - PROJECT=Firestore PLATFORM=iOS METHOD=xcodebuild
+ before_install:
+ - bundle install
+ - gem install xcpretty
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Firestore/Example --repo-update
+ script:
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh ./scripts/build.sh $PROJECT $PLATFORM $METHOD
+ - stage: test
+ env:
+ - PROJECT=Firestore PLATFORM=macOS METHOD=cmake
+ before_install:
+ - bundle install
+ - gem install xcpretty
+ - brew install cmake
+ - brew install go # Somehow the build for Abseil requires this.
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Example --repo-update
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Firestore/Example --no-repo-update
+ script:
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh ./scripts/build.sh $PROJECT $PLATFORM $METHOD
+ - stage: test
+ env:
+ before_install:
+ - bundle install
+ - gem install xcpretty
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Example --repo-update
+ script:
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh ./scripts/build.sh $PROJECT $PLATFORM
+ - stage: test
+ env:
+ before_install:
+ - bundle install
+ - gem install xcpretty
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Example --repo-update
+ script:
+ - ./scripts/if_changed.sh ./scripts/build.sh $PROJECT $PLATFORM