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diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/String_as_OT.v b/src/Util/Strings/String_as_OT.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a318de84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Strings/String_as_OT.v
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+Require Import Coq.omega.Omega Coq.Strings.String Coq.Strings.Ascii.
+Require Import Coq.Structures.OrderedType.
+Lemma nat_compare_eq_refl : forall x, Nat.compare x x = Eq.
+ intros; apply Nat.compare_eq_iff; trivial.
+Hint Rewrite <- nat_compare_lt : nat_comp_hints.
+Hint Rewrite <- nat_compare_gt : nat_comp_hints.
+Hint Rewrite Nat.compare_eq_iff : nat_comp_hints.
+Hint Rewrite <- Nat.compare_eq_iff : nat_comp_hints.
+Hint Rewrite nat_compare_eq_refl : nat_comp_hints.
+Ltac autorewrite_nat_compare :=
+ autorewrite with nat_comp_hints in *.
+Lemma nat_compare_consistent :
+ forall n0 n1,
+ { Nat.compare n0 n1 = Lt /\ Nat.compare n1 n0 = Gt }
+ + { Nat.compare n0 n1 = Eq /\ Nat.compare n1 n0 = Eq }
+ + { Nat.compare n0 n1 = Gt /\ Nat.compare n1 n0 = Lt }.
+ intros n0 n1;
+ destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec n0 n1) as [ [_lt | _eq] | _lt ];
+ [ constructor 1; constructor 1 | constructor 1; constructor 2 | constructor 2 ];
+ split;
+ autorewrite_nat_compare;
+ intuition.
+Module String_as_OT <: OrderedType.
+ Definition t := string.
+ Fixpoint string_compare str1 str2 :=
+ match str1, str2 with
+ | EmptyString, EmptyString => Eq
+ | EmptyString, _ => Lt
+ | _, EmptyString => Gt
+ | String char1 tail1, String char2 tail2 =>
+ match Nat.compare (nat_of_ascii char1) (nat_of_ascii char2) with
+ | Eq => string_compare tail1 tail2
+ | Lt => Lt
+ | Gt => Gt
+ end
+ end.
+ Lemma string_compare_eq_refl : forall x, string_compare x x = Eq.
+ intro x;
+ induction x;
+ simpl; trivial;
+ autorewrite_nat_compare.
+ trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Ltac comparisons_minicrush :=
+ autorewrite_nat_compare;
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context [Nat.compare ?a ?b] ] =>
+ let H := fresh in
+ first [
+ assert (Nat.compare a b = Eq) as H by (autorewrite_nat_compare; omega) |
+ assert (Nat.compare a b = Lt) as H by (autorewrite_nat_compare; omega) |
+ assert (Nat.compare a b = Gt) as H by (autorewrite_nat_compare; omega)
+ ]; rewrite H; intuition
+ end.
+ Ltac destruct_comparisons :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H: match ?pred ?a ?b with
+ | Lt => _ | Gt => _ | Eq => _ end = _
+ |- _] =>
+ let H := fresh in
+ destruct (pred a b) eqn:H;
+ try discriminate
+ end.
+ Ltac exfalso_from_equalities :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H1: ?a = ?b, H2: ?a = ?c |- _ ] => assert (b = c) by congruence; discriminate
+ end.
+ Definition eq := @eq string.
+ Hint Resolve string_compare_eq_refl.
+ Lemma eq_Eq : forall x y, x = y -> string_compare x y = Eq.
+ Proof.
+ intros; subst; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma nat_of_ascii_injective :
+ forall a b, nat_of_ascii a = nat_of_ascii b <-> a = b.
+ Proof.
+ intros a b; split; intro H;
+ [ apply (f_equal ascii_of_nat) in H;
+ repeat rewrite ascii_nat_embedding in H
+ | apply (f_equal nat_of_ascii) in H ]; trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Eq_eq : forall x y, string_compare x y = Eq -> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ induction x;
+ destruct y;
+ simpl;
+ first [ discriminate
+ | intros;
+ f_equal;
+ destruct_comparisons;
+ autorewrite_nat_compare;
+ rewrite nat_of_ascii_injective in *
+ | idtac ];
+ intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Eq_eq_iff : forall x y, x = y <-> string_compare x y = Eq.
+ Proof.
+ intros; split; eauto using eq_Eq, Eq_eq.
+ Qed.
+ Definition eq_refl := @eq_refl string.
+ Definition eq_sym := @eq_sym string.
+ Definition eq_trans := @eq_trans string.
+ Definition lt x y :=
+ string_compare x y = Lt.
+ Lemma lt_trans : forall x y z : t, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y z;
+ generalize x z;
+ clear x z;
+ induction y;
+ destruct x;
+ destruct z;
+ intros;
+ unfold lt in *;
+ simpl in *;
+ first [ discriminate
+ | destruct_comparisons; comparisons_minicrush
+ | trivial ]; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y, lt x y -> ~ eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ unfold lt, not in *;
+ intros;
+ rewrite Eq_eq_iff in *;
+ exfalso_from_equalities.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Lt_Gt : forall x y, string_compare x y = Gt <-> string_compare y x = Lt.
+ Proof.
+ intros x;
+ induction x as [ | x0 x' Hind ];
+ intros y;
+ destruct y as [ | y0 y' ];
+ simpl;
+ split;
+ first [ discriminate | trivial ];
+ destruct (nat_compare_consistent
+ (nat_of_ascii x0)
+ (nat_of_ascii y0))
+ as [ [ (H1, H2) | (H1, H2) ] | (H1, H2) ];
+ rewrite H1, H2;
+ try rewrite Hind;
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition compare x y : OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y.
+ Proof.
+ destruct (string_compare x y) eqn:comp;
+ unfold lt;
+ [ constructor 2; apply Eq_eq
+ | constructor 1
+ | constructor 3; apply Lt_Gt];
+ trivial.
+ Defined.
+ Definition eq_dec : forall (x y: string), { x = y } + { x <> y } := string_dec.
+End String_as_OT.
+(* Usage example:
+Require Import FMapAVL.
+Require Import Coq.Structures.OrderedTypeEx.
+Module StringIndexedMap := FMapAVL.Make(String_as_OT).
+Definition String2Nat := StringIndexedMap.t nat.
+Definition find key (map: String2Nat) := StringIndexedMap.find key map.
+Definition bind (pair: string * nat) (map: String2Nat) := StringIndexedMap.add (fst pair) (snd pair) map.
+Notation "k >> v" := (pair k v) (at level 100).
+Notation "[[ b1 , .. , bn ]]" := (bind b1 .. (bind bn (StringIndexedMap.empty nat)) .. ).
+Open Scope string_scope.
+Definition population_in_millions :=
+ [[ "china" >> 1364, "india" >> 1243, "united states" >> 318, "indonesia" >> 247, "brazil" >> 201, "pakistan" >> 186, "nigeria" >> 174, "bangladesh" >> 153, "russia" >> 144, "japan" >> 127, "mexico" >> 120, "philippines" >> 99, "vietnam" >> 90, "ethiopia" >> 87, "egypt" >> 86, "germany" >> 81, "iran" >> 77, "turkey" >> 77, "democratic republic of the congo" >> 68, "france" >> 66 ]].
+Eval compute in (find "france" population_in_millions).