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1 files changed, 74 insertions, 280 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v b/src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v
index 5bcfb2d27..7b854af21 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
@@ -42,82 +41,13 @@ Bind Scope etype_scope with type.type.
Infix "->" := type.arrow : etype_scope.
Module base.
Module type.
- Inductive type := nat | prod (A B : type) | list (A : type).
+ Inductive type := nat | prod (A B : type).
End type.
Notation type := type.type.
End base.
Bind Scope etype_scope with base.type.
Infix "*" := base.type.prod : etype_scope.
-Fixpoint upperboundT (t : base.type) : Type
- := match t with
- | base.type.nat => option nat
- | base.type.prod A B => upperboundT A * upperboundT B
- | base.type.list A => option (list (upperboundT A))
- end.
-Module expr.
- Section with_var.
- Context {base_type : Type}.
- Local Notation type := (type base_type).
- Context {ident : type -> Type}
- {var : type -> Type}.
- Inductive expr : type -> Type :=
- | Ident {t} (idc : ident t) : expr t
- | Var {t} (v : var t) : expr t
- | Abs {s d} (f : var s -> expr d) : expr (s -> d)
- | App {s d} (f : expr (s -> d)) (x : expr s) : expr d
- | LetIn {A B} (x : expr A) (f : var A -> expr B) : expr B
- .
- End with_var.
- Module Export Notations.
- Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
- Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
- Infix "@" := App : expr_scope.
- Reserved Notation "\ x .. y , t" (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity, format "\ x .. y , '//' t").
- Notation "\ x .. y , f" := (Abs (fun x => .. (Abs (fun y => f%expr)) .. )) : expr_scope.
- Notation "'λ' x .. y , f" := (Abs (fun x => .. (Abs (fun y => f%expr)) .. )) : expr_scope.
- Notation "'expr_let' x := A 'in' b" := (LetIn A (fun x => b%expr)) : expr_scope.
- Notation "'$' x" := (Var x) (at level 9, format "'$' x") : expr_scope.
- Notation "### x" := (Ident x) (at level 9, x at level 10, format "### x") : expr_scope.
- End Notations.
-End expr.
-Import expr.Notations.
-Notation expr := expr.expr.
-Module UnderLets.
- Section with_var.
- Context {base_type : Type}.
- Local Notation type := (type base_type).
- Context {ident : type -> Type}
- {var : type -> Type}.
- Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type ident var).
- Inductive UnderLets {T : Type} :=
- | Base (v : T)
- | UnderLet {A} (x : expr A) (f : var A -> UnderLets).
- Fixpoint splice {A B} (x : @UnderLets A) (e : A -> @UnderLets B) : @UnderLets B
- := match x with
- | Base v => e v
- | UnderLet A x f => UnderLet x (fun v => @splice _ _ (f v) e)
- end.
- Fixpoint to_expr {t} (x : @UnderLets (expr t)) : expr t
- := match x with
- | Base v => v
- | UnderLet A x f
- => expr.LetIn x (fun v => @to_expr _ (f v))
- end.
- End with_var.
- Global Arguments UnderLets : clear implicits.
-End UnderLets.
-Delimit Scope under_lets_scope with under_lets.
-Bind Scope under_lets_scope with UnderLets.UnderLets.
-Notation "x <-- y ; f" := (UnderLets.splice y (fun x => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
Module parametric.
Local Notation einterp := type.interp.
Module type.
@@ -149,16 +79,14 @@ Module parametric.
Local Notation btype := base.type.type.
Local Notation bnat := base.type.nat.
Local Notation bprod := base.type.prod.
- Local Notation blist := base.type.list.
Module base.
Module type.
- Inductive type := nat | prod (A B : type) | list (A : type) | var_with_subst (subst : btype).
+ Inductive type := nat | prod (A B : type) | var_with_subst (subst : btype).
Fixpoint subst (t : type) : btype
:= match t with
| nat => bnat
| prod A B => bprod (subst A) (subst B)
- | list A => blist (subst A)
| var_with_subst s => s
@@ -169,7 +97,6 @@ Module parametric.
:= match t with
| nat => Datatypes.nat
| prod A B => interp A * interp B
- | list A => Datatypes.list (interp A)
| var_with_subst s => base_interp s
End interp.
@@ -190,6 +117,43 @@ Bind Scope ptype_scope with parametric.base.type.
Infix "*" := parametric.base.type.prod : ptype_scope.
Notation "# x" := (parametric.base.type.var_with_subst x) (at level 9, x at level 10, format "# x") : ptype_scope.
+Fixpoint upperboundT (t : base.type) : Type
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.nat => option nat
+ | base.type.prod A B => upperboundT A * upperboundT B
+ end.
+Module expr.
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {base_type : Type}.
+ Local Notation type := (type base_type).
+ Context {ident : type -> Type}
+ {var : type -> Type}.
+ Inductive expr : type -> Type :=
+ | Ident {t} (idc : ident t) : expr t
+ | Var {t} (v : var t) : expr t
+ | Abs {s d} (f : var s -> expr d) : expr (s -> d)
+ | App {s d} (f : expr (s -> d)) (x : expr s) : expr d
+ | LetIn {A B} (x : expr A) (f : var A -> expr B) : expr B
+ .
+ End with_var.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
+ Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
+ Infix "@" := App : expr_scope.
+ Reserved Notation "\ x .. y , t" (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity, format "\ x .. y , '//' t").
+ Notation "\ x .. y , f" := (Abs (fun x => .. (Abs (fun y => f%expr)) .. )) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'λ' x .. y , f" := (Abs (fun x => .. (Abs (fun y => f%expr)) .. )) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'expr_let' x := A 'in' b" := (LetIn A (fun x => b%expr)) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'$' x" := (Var x) (at level 9, format "'$' x") : expr_scope.
+ Notation "### x" := (Ident x) (at level 9, x at level 10, format "### x") : expr_scope.
+ End Notations.
+End expr.
+Import expr.Notations.
+Notation expr := expr.expr.
Module ident.
Local Notation type := (type base.type).
Section with_base.
@@ -204,12 +168,6 @@ Module ident.
| Pair {A B : base.type} : pident (#A -> #B -> #A * #B)%ptype
| Fst {A B} : pident (#A * #B -> #A)%ptype
| Snd {A B} : pident (#A * #B -> #B)%ptype
- | Nil {A} : pident (parametric.base.type.list #A)%ptype
- | Cons {A} : pident (#A -> parametric.base.type.list #A -> parametric.base.type.list #A)%ptype
- | List_map {A B} : pident ((#A -> #B) -> parametric.base.type.list #A -> parametric.base.type.list #B)%ptype
- | List_app {A} : pident (parametric.base.type.list #A -> parametric.base.type.list #A -> parametric.base.type.list #A)%ptype
- | List_flat_map {A B} : pident ((#A -> parametric.base.type.list #B) -> parametric.base.type.list #A -> parametric.base.type.list #B)%ptype
- | List_rect {A P} : pident (#P -> (#A -> parametric.base.type.list #A -> #P -> #P) -> parametric.base.type.list #A -> #P)%ptype
| Cast {T} (upper_bound : upperboundT T) : pident (#T -> #T)%ptype
@@ -231,12 +189,6 @@ Module ident.
Notation "# x" := (expr.Ident (wrap x)) (at level 9, x at level 10, format "# x") : expr_scope.
Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (expr.App (expr.App (#Pair) .. (expr.App (expr.App (#Pair) x%expr) y%expr) .. ) z%expr) : expr_scope.
Notation "x + y" := (#Plus @ x @ y)%expr : expr_scope.
- (*Notation "x :: y" := (#Cons @ x @ y)%expr : expr_scope.*)
- (* Unification fails if we don't fill in [wident pident] explicitly *)
- Notation "x :: y" := (@expr.App base.type.type (wident pident) _ _ _ (#Cons @ x) y)%expr : expr_scope.
- Notation "[ ]" := (#Nil)%expr : expr_scope.
- Notation "[ x ]" := (#Cons @ x @ (#Nil))%expr : expr_scope.
- Notation "[ x ; y ; .. ; z ]" := (@expr.App base.type.type (wident pident) _ _ _ (#Cons @ x) (#Cons @ y @ .. (#Cons @ z @ #Nil) ..))%expr : expr_scope.
End Notations.
End ident.
Import ident.Notations.
@@ -244,6 +196,37 @@ Notation ident := ident.ident.
Notation pident := ident.pident.
Notation wident := ident.wident.
+Module UnderLets.
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {base_type : Type}.
+ Local Notation type := (type base_type).
+ Context {ident : type -> Type}
+ {var : type -> Type}.
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type ident var).
+ Inductive UnderLets {T : Type} :=
+ | Base (v : T)
+ | UnderLet {A} (x : expr A) (f : var A -> UnderLets).
+ Fixpoint splice {A B} (x : @UnderLets A) (e : A -> @UnderLets B) : @UnderLets B
+ := match x with
+ | Base v => e v
+ | UnderLet A x f => UnderLet x (fun v => @splice _ _ (f v) e)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint to_expr {t} (x : @UnderLets (expr t)) : expr t
+ := match x with
+ | Base v => v
+ | UnderLet A x f
+ => expr.LetIn x (fun v => @to_expr _ (f v))
+ end.
+ End with_var.
+ Global Arguments UnderLets : clear implicits.
+End UnderLets.
+Delimit Scope under_lets_scope with under_lets.
+Bind Scope under_lets_scope with UnderLets.UnderLets.
+Notation "x <-- y ; f" := (UnderLets.splice y (fun x => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
Module partial.
Import UnderLets.
Section with_var.
@@ -368,10 +351,6 @@ Module partial.
Context {var : type -> Type}
(pident : ptype -> Type).
Local Notation ident := (wident pident).
- Context (ident_transport : forall t (P : ident t -> Type) (idc idc' : ident t),
- P idc -> option (P idc')).
- Definition type_transport (P : type -> Type) t t' : P t -> option (P t').
- Admitted.
Local Notation expr := (@expr base.type ident).
Local Notation UnderLets := (@UnderLets base.type ident var).
Context (abstract_domain' : base.type -> Type).
@@ -393,118 +372,8 @@ Module partial.
barrier in both directions a decent amount *)
(ident_Literal : nat -> pident parametric.base.type.nat)
(ident_Pair : forall A B, pident (#A -> #B -> #A * #B)%ptype)
- (ident_Nil : forall A, pident (parametric.base.type.list #A)%ptype)
- (ident_Cons : forall A, pident (#A -> parametric.base.type.list #A -> parametric.base.type.list #A)%ptype)
(ident_Fst : forall A B, pident (#A * #B -> #A)%ptype)
- (ident_Snd : forall A B, pident (#A * #B -> #B)%ptype)
- (hd_tl_list_state : forall A, abstract_domain' (base.type.list A) -> abstract_domain' A * abstract_domain' (base.type.list A)).
- Inductive base_value : type -> Type :=
- | Ident {t} (idc : ident t) : base_value t
- | App {s d} (f : base_value (s -> d)) (x : base_value s) : base_value d
- | Abs {s d} (f : @expr var (s -> d)) : base_value (s -> d).
- (*(intersect_state : forall A, abstract_domain' A -> abstract_domain' A -> abstract_domain' A)*)
- Local Notation value := (@value base.type ident var base_value abstract_domain').
- Definition abstraction_function : forall t : base.type, base_value t -> abstract_domain' t
- := fun _ _ => bottom' _.
- Fixpoint base_reify {t} (e : base_value t) : @expr var t
- := match e in base_value t return expr t with
- | Ident t idc => ###idc
- | App s d f x => @base_reify _ f @ (@base_reify _ x)
- | Abs s d f => f
- end%expr.
- Local Notation reflect := (@reflect base.type ident var base_value abstract_domain' annotate bottom' (@abstraction_function) (@base_reify)).
- Local Notation bottom := (@bottom base.type abstract_domain' bottom').
- Fixpoint base_reflect {t} : base_value t -> value t
- := match t return base_value t -> value t with
- | type.base t => @inr _ _
- | type.arrow s d => fun v => reflect (base_reify v) bottom
- end.
- Inductive pattern : type -> Type :=
- | PIdent {t} (idc : ident t) : pattern t
- | PApp {s d} (f : pattern (s -> d)) (x : pattern s) : pattern d
- | PVar {t} : pattern t.
- Fixpoint pattern_bound {t} (p : pattern t) : Type
- := match p with
- | PIdent t idc => unit
- | PApp s d f x => @pattern_bound _ f * @pattern_bound _ x
- | PVar t => value t
- end.
- Fixpoint pattern_matches {t} (p : pattern t) (v : base_value t) : option (pattern_bound p).
- refine match p, v return option (pattern_bound p) with
- | PIdent t idc, Ident t' idc'
- => (idc'' <- type_transport ident _ _ idc';
- ident_transport _ (fun _ => unit) idc idc'' tt)
- | PApp s d f x, App s' d' f' x'
- => (f'' <- type_transport base_value _ _ f';
- x'' <- type_transport base_value _ _ x';
- sb <- @pattern_matches _ f f'';
- db <- @pattern_matches _ x x'';
- Some (sb, db))
- | PVar t, e
- => (e' <- type_transport base_value _ t e;
- _)
- | PIdent _ _, _ => None
- | PApp _ _ _ _, _ => None
- end%option.
- refine match p in pattern t return base_value t -> option (pattern_bound p) with
- | PIdent t idc
- => fun v
- => match v in base_value t return ident t -> option unit with
- | Ident t idc'
- => fun idc => ident_transport _ (fun _ => unit) idc idc' tt
- | App _ _ _ _
- | Abs _ _ _
- => fun _ => None
- end idc
- | PApp s d f x
- => fun v
- => let v' := match v in base_value d return option (base_value with
- | Ident t idc => _
- | App s d f x => _
- | Abs s d f => _
- end
- (*
- let f' := fun v' => @pattern_matches _ f v' in
- let x' := fun v' => @pattern_matches _ x v' in
- _*)
- | PVar t => _
- end.
- cbn.
- Focus 3.
- cbn.
- Context (do_rewrite_rules
- Context (half_interp : forall {t} (idc : pident t), parametric.half_interp UnderLets value t).
- Definition interp_ident : forall t, ident t -> value t.
- := match idc in ident.wident _ t return value t with
- | ident.wrap T idc' as idc
- => pinterp
- (Base (reflect (###idc) (abstract_interp_ident _ idc')))%expr
- (half_interp _ idc')
- end.
- (base_reify : forall t, base_value t -> @expr var t).
+ (ident_Snd : forall A B, pident (#A * #B -> #B)%ptype).
Fixpoint base_value (t : base.type)
:= match t return Type with
@@ -512,8 +381,6 @@ Module partial.
=> nat
| base.type.prod A B as t
=> (abstract_domain' A * @expr var A + base_value A) * (abstract_domain' B * @expr var B + base_value B)
- | base.type.list A as t
- => list (abstract_domain' A * @expr var A + base_value A) (* cons cells *) * option (abstract_domain' (base.type.list A) * @expr var (base.type.list A))
Fixpoint abstraction_function {t} : base_value t -> abstract_domain' t
@@ -532,22 +399,6 @@ Module partial.
end in
_ (ident_Pair A B) sta stb
- | base.type.list A
- => fun '(cells, rest)
- => let st_cells := List.map
- (fun a => match a with
- | inl (st, _) => st
- | inr a' => @abstraction_function A a'
- end)
- cells in
- let st_rest := match rest with
- | None => abstract_interp_ident _ (ident_Nil A)
- | Some (st, _) => st
- end in
- List.fold_right
- (abstract_interp_ident _ (ident_Cons A))
- st_rest
- st_cells
Fixpoint base_reify {t} : base_value t -> @expr var t
@@ -573,38 +424,12 @@ Module partial.
| inr v => @base_reify _ v
end in
(#(ident_Pair A B) @ ea @ eb)%expr
- | base.type.list A
- => fun '(cons_cells, rest)
- => let cells' := List.map
- (fun a => match a with
- | inl (st, e)
- => match annotate _ st with
- | None => e
- | Some cst => ###cst @ e
- end%expr
- | inr v => @base_reify _ v
- end)
- cons_cells in
- let rest' := match rest with
- | Some (st, e)
- => match annotate _ st with
- | None => e
- | Some cst => ###cst @ e
- end%expr
- | None => (#(ident_Nil A))%expr
- end in
- List.fold_right
- (fun x xs => (#(ident_Cons A) @ x @ xs)%expr)
- rest'
- cells'
Local Notation value := (@value base.type ident var base_value abstract_domain').
Context (half_interp : forall {t} (idc : pident t), parametric.half_interp UnderLets value t).
- Print List.fold_left.
Fixpoint intersect_state_base_value {t} : abstract_domain' t -> base_value t -> base_value t
:= match t return abstract_domain' t -> base_value t -> base_value t with
| base.type.nat => update_literal_with_state
@@ -621,25 +446,6 @@ Module partial.
| inr v => inr (@intersect_state_base_value _ stb v)
end in
(a', b')
- | base.type.list _
- => fun st '(cons_cells, rest)
- => let '(cells', st_rest)
- := List.fold_left
- (fun '(rest_cells, st) cell
- => let '(st0, st') := hd_tl_list_state _ st in
- (match cell with
- | inl (st0', e) => inl (intersect_state _ st0 st0', e)
- | inr v => inr (@intersect_state_base_value _ st0 v)
- end :: rest_cells,
- st'))
- cons_cells
- (nil, st) in
- (cells',
- match rest with
- | None => None
- | Some (st_rest', e)
- => Some (intersect_state _ st_rest st_rest', e)
- end)
@@ -664,14 +470,12 @@ Module partial.
=> fun v => inr v
| parametric.base.type.prod A B
=> fun '(a, b) => inr (@pinterp_base A a, @pinterp_base B b)
- | parametric.base.type.list A
- => fun ls => inr (List.map (@pinterp_base A) ls, None)
| parametric.base.type.var_with_subst subst
=> fun v => v
- Fixpoint puninterp_base {t : parametric.base.type} : value (parametric.subst (type.base t)) -> option (parametric.half_interp UnderLets value (type.base t)).
- refine match t return value (parametric.subst (type.base t)) -> option (parametric.half_interp UnderLets value (type.base t)) with
+ Fixpoint puninterp_base {t : parametric.base.type} : value (parametric.subst (type.base t)) -> option (parametric.half_interp UnderLets value (type.base t))
+ := match t return value (parametric.subst (type.base t)) -> option (parametric.half_interp UnderLets value (type.base t)) with
| parametric.base.type.nat
=> fun v
=> match v with
@@ -687,19 +491,9 @@ Module partial.
b' <- @puninterp_base B b;
Some (a', b'))
- | parametric.base.type.list A
- => fun ls
- => match ls with
- | inl _ => None
- | inr (cons_cells, rest)
- => _
- end
| parametric.base.type.var_with_subst subst
=> @Some _
- end%option.
- fold parametric.base.type.subst in *.
- fold base_value in *.
- cbn in *.
+ end%option.
(* FIXME: naming; these are basically just fancy identity functions *)
Fixpoint vinterp_arrow {t : type} : value t -> @type.interpM base.type UnderLets value t