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diff --git a/src/Util/Loop.v b/src/Util/Loop.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8dda1398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Loop.v
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+(** * Definition and Notations for [do { body }] *)
+Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+(** TODO: MOVE ME *)
+Local Notation "'return' x" := (fun {T} (continuation:_->T) => continuation x) (at level 70).
+Local Notation "x <- v ; C" := (v _ (fun x => C)) (at level 70, right associativity, format "'[v' x <- v ; '/' C ']'").
+Local Notation "~> R" := (forall {T} (_:R->T), T) (at level 70).
+Local Notation "A ~> R" := (forall (_:A) {T} (_:R->T), T) (at level 99).
+Section with_state.
+ Context {state : Type}.
+ Definition loop_cps_step
+ (loop_cps
+ : forall (max_iter : nat)
+ (initial : state)
+ (body : state -> forall {T} (continue : state -> T) (break : state -> T), T),
+ ~> state)
+ (max_iter : nat)
+ : forall (initial : state)
+ (body : state -> forall {T} (continue : state -> T) (break : state -> T), T),
+ ~> state
+ := fun st body
+ => match max_iter with
+ | 0
+ => (return st)
+ | S max_iter'
+ => fun T ret
+ => body st T (fun st' => @loop_cps max_iter' st' body _ ret) ret
+ end.
+ Fixpoint loop_cps (max_iter : nat)
+ : forall (initial : state)
+ (body : state -> forall {T} (continue : state -> T) (break : state -> T), T),
+ ~> state
+ := loop_cps_step loop_cps max_iter.
+ Lemma unfold_loop_cps
+ (max_iter : nat)
+ : loop_cps max_iter
+ = loop_cps_step loop_cps max_iter.
+ Proof.
+ destruct max_iter; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem loop_cps_def (max_iter : nat)
+ (initial : state)
+ (body : state -> forall {T} (continue : state -> T) (break : state -> T), T)
+ T ret
+ : loop_cps (S max_iter) initial body T ret =
+ body initial (fun st' => @loop_cps max_iter st' body _ ret) ret.
+ Proof.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem loop_cps_ind
+ (invariant : state -> Prop)
+ T (P : T -> Prop) n v0 body rest
+ : invariant v0
+ -> (forall v continue break,
+ (forall v, invariant v -> P (continue v))
+ -> (forall v, invariant v -> P (break v))
+ -> invariant v
+ -> P (body v T continue break))
+ -> (forall v, invariant v -> P (rest v))
+ -> P (loop_cps n v0 body T rest).
+ Proof.
+ revert v0 rest.
+ induction n as [|n IHn]; intros v0 rest Hinv Hbody HP; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Local Hint Extern 2 => omega.
+ Theorem loop_cps_wf_ind
+ (measure : state -> nat)
+ (invariant : state -> Prop)
+ T (P : T -> Prop) n v0 body rest
+ : invariant v0
+ -> (forall v continue,
+ invariant v
+ -> (forall break,
+ (forall v', measure v' < measure v -> invariant v' -> P (continue v'))
+ -> P (body v T continue break))
+ \/ P (body v T continue rest))
+ -> measure v0 < n
+ -> P (loop_cps n v0 body T rest).
+ Proof.
+ revert v0 rest.
+ induction n as [|n IHn]; intros v0 rest Hinv Hbody Hmeasure; simpl; try omega.
+ edestruct Hbody as [Hbody'|Hbody']; eauto.
+ Qed.
+End with_state.