path: root/src
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1 files changed, 817 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/InterpretationsGen.v b/src/Reflection/Z/InterpretationsGen.v
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index 000000000..6805be6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/InterpretationsGen.v
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+(** * Interpretation of PHOAS syntax for expression trees on ℤ *)
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Application.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Equality.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
+Require Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+Require Crypto.Util.HList.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
+Require Import Bedrock.Word.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.WordUtil.
+Export Reflection.Syntax.Notations.
+Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
+Local Notation eta3 x := (eta (fst x), snd x).
+Local Notation eta4 x := (eta3 (fst x), snd x).
+Module Type BitSize.
+ Parameter bit_width : nat.
+ Axiom bit_width_pos : (0 < Z.of_nat bit_width)%Z.
+End BitSize.
+Module InterpretationsGen (Bit : BitSize).
+ Module Z.
+ Definition interp_base_type (t : base_type) : Type := interp_base_type t.
+ Definition interp_op {src dst} (f : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
+ := interp_op src dst f.
+ End Z.
+ Module LiftOption.
+ Section lift_option.
+ Context (T : Type).
+ Definition interp_flat_type (t : flat_type base_type)
+ := option (interp_flat_type (fun _ => T) t).
+ Definition interp_base_type' (t : base_type)
+ := match t with
+ | TZ => option T
+ end.
+ Definition of' {t} : Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' t -> interp_flat_type t
+ := @smart_interp_flat_map
+ base_type
+ interp_base_type' interp_flat_type
+ (fun t => match t with TZ => fun x => x end)
+ (fun _ _ x y => match x, y with
+ | Some x', Some y' => Some (x', y')
+ | _, _ => None
+ end)
+ t.
+ Fixpoint to' {t} : interp_flat_type t -> Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' t
+ := match t return interp_flat_type t -> Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' t with
+ | Tbase TZ => fun x => x
+ | Prod A B => fun x => (@to' A (option_map (@fst _ _) x),
+ @to' B (option_map (@snd _ _) x))
+ end.
+ Definition lift_relation {interp_base_type2}
+ (R : forall t, T -> interp_base_type2 t -> Prop)
+ : forall t, interp_base_type' t -> interp_base_type2 t -> Prop
+ := fun t x y => match of' (t:=Tbase t) x with
+ | Some x' => R t x' y
+ | None => True
+ end.
+ Definition Some {t} (x : T) : interp_base_type' t
+ := match t with
+ | TZ => Some x
+ end.
+ End lift_option.
+ Global Arguments of' {T t} _.
+ Global Arguments to' {T t} _.
+ Global Arguments Some {T t} _.
+ Global Arguments lift_relation {T _} R _ _ _.
+ Section lift_option2.
+ Context (T U : Type).
+ Definition lift_relation2 (R : T -> U -> Prop)
+ : forall t, interp_base_type' T t -> interp_base_type' U t -> Prop
+ := fun t x y => match of' (t:=Tbase t) x, of' (t:=Tbase t) y with
+ | Datatypes.Some x', Datatypes.Some y' => R x' y'
+ | None, None => True
+ | _, _ => False
+ end.
+ End lift_option2.
+ Global Arguments lift_relation2 {T U} R _ _ _.
+ End LiftOption.
+ Module WordW.
+ Include BitSize.
+ Definition wordW := word bit_width.
+ Delimit Scope wordW_scope with wordW.
+ Bind Scope wordW_scope with wordW.
+ Definition wordWToZ (x : wordW) : Z
+ := Z.of_N (wordToN x).
+ Definition ZToWordW (x : Z) : wordW
+ := NToWord _ (Z.to_N x).
+ Ltac fold_WordW_Z :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context G[NToWord bit_width (Z.to_N ?x)] ]
+ => let G' := context G [ZToWordW x] in change G'
+ | [ |- context G[Z.of_N (wordToN ?x)] ]
+ => let G' := context G [wordWToZ x] in change G'
+ | [ H : context G[NToWord bit_width (Z.to_N ?x)] |- _ ]
+ => let G' := context G [ZToWordW x] in change G' in H
+ | [ H : context G[Z.of_N (wordToN ?x)] |- _ ]
+ => let G' := context G [wordWToZ x] in change G' in H
+ end.
+ Create HintDb push_wordWToZ discriminated.
+ Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_wordWToZ in * : push_wordWToZ.
+ Local Hint Resolve bit_width_pos : zarith.
+ Ltac arith := solve [ omega | auto using bit_width_pos with zarith ].
+ Lemma wordWToZ_bound w : (0 <= wordWToZ w < 2^Z.of_nat bit_width)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (wordToNat_bound w) as H.
+ apply Nat2Z.inj_lt in H.
+ rewrite Zpow_pow2, Z2Nat.id in H by (apply Z.pow_nonneg; omega).
+ unfold wordWToZ.
+ rewrite wordToN_nat, nat_N_Z; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_log_bound w : (0 <= wordWToZ w /\ Z.log2 (wordWToZ w) < Z.of_nat bit_width)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (wordWToZ_bound w) as H.
+ destruct (Z_zerop (wordWToZ w)) as [H'|H'].
+ { rewrite H'; simpl; split; auto with zarith. }
+ { split; [ | apply Z.log2_lt_pow2 ]; omega. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ZToWordW_wordWToZ (x : wordW) : ZToWordW (wordWToZ x) = x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ZToWordW, wordWToZ.
+ rewrite N2Z.id, NToWord_wordToN.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite ZToWordW_wordWToZ : push_wordWToZ.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_ZToWordW (x : Z) : (0 <= x < 2^Z.of_nat bit_width)%Z -> wordWToZ (ZToWordW x) = x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold ZToWordW, wordWToZ; intros [H0 H1].
+ pose proof H1 as H1'; apply Z2Nat.inj_lt in H1'; [ | omega.. ].
+ rewrite <- Z.pow_Z2N_Zpow in H1' by omega.
+ replace (Z.to_nat 2) with 2%nat in H1' by reflexivity.
+ rewrite wordToN_NToWord_idempotent, Z2N.id by (omega || auto using bound_check_nat_N).
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_ZToWordW using arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Definition add : wordW -> wordW -> wordW := @wplus _.
+ Definition sub : wordW -> wordW -> wordW := @wminus _.
+ Definition mul : wordW -> wordW -> wordW := @wmult _.
+ Definition shl : wordW -> wordW -> wordW := @wordBin N.shiftl _.
+ Definition shr : wordW -> wordW -> wordW := @wordBin N.shiftr _.
+ Definition land : wordW -> wordW -> wordW := @wand _.
+ Definition lor : wordW -> wordW -> wordW := @wor _.
+ Definition neg (int_width : Z) : wordW -> wordW (* TODO: Is this right? *)
+ := fun x => ZToWordW (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg int_width (wordWToZ x)).
+ Definition cmovne : wordW -> wordW -> wordW -> wordW -> wordW (* TODO: Is this right? *)
+ := fun x y z w => ZToWordW (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovne (wordWToZ x) (wordWToZ y) (wordWToZ z) (wordWToZ w)).
+ Definition cmovle : wordW -> wordW -> wordW -> wordW -> wordW (* TODO: Is this right? *)
+ := fun x y z w => ZToWordW (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl (wordWToZ x) (wordWToZ y) (wordWToZ z) (wordWToZ w)).
+ Infix "+" := add : wordW_scope.
+ Infix "-" := sub : wordW_scope.
+ Infix "*" := mul : wordW_scope.
+ Infix "<<" := shl : wordW_scope.
+ Infix ">>" := shr : wordW_scope.
+ Infix "&'" := land : wordW_scope.
+ (*Local*) Hint Resolve <- Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt : zarith.
+ Local Hint Resolve eq_refl : zarith.
+ Local Ltac wWToZ_t :=
+ intros;
+ try match goal with
+ | [ |- ?wordToZ ?op = _ ]
+ => let op' := head op in
+ cbv [wordToZ op'] in *
+ end;
+ autorewrite with push_Zto_N push_Zof_N push_wordToN; try reflexivity.
+ Local Ltac wWToZ_extra_t :=
+ repeat first [ reflexivity
+ | progress cbv [ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovne ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl] in *
+ | progress break_match
+ | progress fold_WordW_Z
+ | progress intros
+ | progress autorewrite with push_Zto_N push_Zof_N push_wordToN push_wordWToZ ].
+ Local Notation bounds_statement wop Zop
+ := ((0 <= Zop -> Z.log2 Zop < Z.of_nat bit_width -> wordWToZ wop = Zop)%Z).
+ Local Notation bounds_statement_tuple wop Zop
+ := ((HList.hlist (fun v => 0 <= v /\ Z.log2 v < Z.of_nat bit_width) Zop -> Tuple.map wordWToZ wop = Zop)%Z).
+ Local Notation bounds_1statement wop Zop
+ := (forall x,
+ bounds_statement (wop x) (Zop (wordWToZ x))).
+ Local Notation bounds_2statement wop Zop
+ := (forall x y,
+ bounds_statement (wop x y) (Zop (wordWToZ x) (wordWToZ y))).
+ Local Notation bounds_4statement wop Zop
+ := (forall x y z w,
+ bounds_statement (wop x y z w) (Zop (wordWToZ x) (wordWToZ y) (wordWToZ z) (wordWToZ w))).
+ Lemma wordWToZ_add : bounds_2statement add Z.add. Proof. wWToZ_t. Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_sub : bounds_2statement sub Z.sub. Proof. wWToZ_t. Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_mul : bounds_2statement mul Z.mul. Proof. wWToZ_t. Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_shl : bounds_2statement shl Z.shiftl.
+ Proof.
+ wWToZ_t; wWToZ_extra_t; unfold wordWToZ, wordBin.
+ rewrite wordToN_NToWord_idempotent; [rewrite <- Z_inj_shiftl; reflexivity|].
+ apply N2Z.inj_lt.
+ rewrite Z_inj_shiftl.
+ destruct (Z.lt_ge_cases 0 ((wordWToZ x) << (wordWToZ y)))%Z;
+ [|eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [|apply N2Z.inj_lt, Npow2_gt0]; assumption].
+ rewrite Npow2_N, N2Z.inj_pow, ?nat_N_Z.
+ apply Z.log2_lt_pow2; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_shr : bounds_2statement shr Z.shiftr.
+ Proof.
+ wWToZ_t; wWToZ_extra_t; unfold wordWToZ, wordBin.
+ rewrite wordToN_NToWord_idempotent; [rewrite <- Z_inj_shiftr; reflexivity|].
+ apply N2Z.inj_lt.
+ rewrite Z_inj_shiftr.
+ destruct (Z.lt_ge_cases 0 ((wordWToZ x) >> (wordWToZ y)))%Z;
+ [|eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [|apply N2Z.inj_lt, Npow2_gt0]; assumption].
+ rewrite Npow2_N, N2Z.inj_pow, nat_N_Z.
+ apply Z.log2_lt_pow2; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_land : bounds_2statement land Z.land.
+ Proof. wWToZ_t. Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_lor : bounds_2statement lor Z.lor.
+ Proof. wWToZ_t. Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_neg int_width : bounds_1statement (neg int_width) (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg int_width).
+ Proof. wWToZ_t; wWToZ_extra_t. Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_cmovne : bounds_4statement cmovne ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovne.
+ Proof. wWToZ_t; wWToZ_extra_t. Qed.
+ Lemma wordWToZ_cmovle : bounds_4statement cmovle ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl.
+ Proof. wWToZ_t; wWToZ_extra_t. Qed.
+ Definition interp_base_type (t : base_type) : Type
+ := match t with
+ | TZ => wordW
+ end.
+ Definition interp_op {src dst} (f : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
+ := match f in op src dst return interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst with
+ | Add => fun xy => fst xy + snd xy
+ | Sub => fun xy => fst xy - snd xy
+ | Mul => fun xy => fst xy * snd xy
+ | Shl => fun xy => fst xy << snd xy
+ | Shr => fun xy => fst xy >> snd xy
+ | Land => fun xy => land (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Lor => fun xy => lor (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Neg int_width => fun x => neg int_width x
+ | Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne x y z w
+ | Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovle x y z w
+ end%wordW.
+ Definition of_Z ty : Z.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty
+ := match ty return Z.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty with
+ | TZ => ZToWordW
+ end.
+ Definition to_Z ty : interp_base_type ty -> Z.interp_base_type ty
+ := match ty return interp_base_type ty -> Z.interp_base_type ty with
+ | TZ => wordWToZ
+ end.
+ Module Export Rewrites.
+ Ltac wordW_util_arith := omega.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_add using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_add using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_sub using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_sub using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_mul using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_mul using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_shl using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_shl using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_shr using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_shr using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_land using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_land using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_lor using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_lor using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_neg using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_neg using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_cmovne using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_cmovne using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite wordWToZ_cmovle using wordW_util_arith : push_wordWToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- wordWToZ_cmovle using wordW_util_arith : pull_wordWToZ.
+ End Rewrites.
+ End WordW.
+ Module ZBounds.
+ Record bounds := { lower : Z ; upper : Z }.
+ Bind Scope bounds_scope with bounds.
+ Definition t := option bounds. (* TODO?: Separate out the bounds computation from the overflow computation? e.g., have [safety := in_bounds | overflow] and [t := bounds * safety]? *)
+ Bind Scope bounds_scope with t.
+ Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+ Definition wordWToBounds (x : WordW.wordW) : t
+ := let v := WordW.wordWToZ x in Some {| lower := v ; upper := v |}.
+ Definition SmartBuildBounds (l u : Z)
+ := if ((0 <=? l) && (Z.log2 u <? WordW.bit_width))%Z%bool
+ then Some {| lower := l ; upper := u |}
+ else None.
+ Definition t_map1 (f : bounds -> bounds) (x : t)
+ := match x with
+ | Some x
+ => match f x with
+ | Build_bounds l u
+ => SmartBuildBounds l u
+ end
+ | _ => None
+ end%Z.
+ Definition t_map2 (f : bounds -> bounds -> bounds) (x y : t)
+ := match x, y with
+ | Some x, Some y
+ => match f x y with
+ | Build_bounds l u
+ => SmartBuildBounds l u
+ end
+ | _, _ => None
+ end%Z.
+ Definition t_map4 (f : bounds -> bounds -> bounds -> bounds -> bounds) (x y z w : t)
+ := match x, y, z, w with
+ | Some x, Some y, Some z, Some w
+ => match f x y z w with
+ | Build_bounds l u
+ => SmartBuildBounds l u
+ end
+ | _, _, _, _ => None
+ end%Z.
+ Definition add' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
+ := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := lx + ly ; upper := ux + uy |}.
+ Definition add : t -> t -> t := t_map2 add'.
+ Definition sub' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
+ := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := lx - uy ; upper := ux - ly |}.
+ Definition sub : t -> t -> t := t_map2 sub'.
+ Definition mul' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
+ := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := lx * ly ; upper := ux * uy |}.
+ Definition mul : t -> t -> t := t_map2 mul'.
+ Definition shl' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
+ := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := lx << ly ; upper := ux << uy |}.
+ Definition shl : t -> t -> t := t_map2 shl'.
+ Definition shr' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
+ := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := lx >> uy ; upper := ux >> ly |}.
+ Definition shr : t -> t -> t := t_map2 shr'.
+ Definition land' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
+ := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := 0 ; upper := Z.min ux uy |}.
+ Definition land : t -> t -> t := t_map2 land'.
+ Definition lor' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
+ := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in
+ {| lower := Z.max lx ly;
+ upper := 2^(Z.max (Z.log2_up (ux+1)) (Z.log2_up (uy+1))) - 1 |}.
+ Definition lor : t -> t -> t := t_map2 lor'.
+ Definition neg' (int_width : Z) : bounds -> bounds
+ := fun v
+ => let (lb, ub) := v in
+ let might_be_one := ((lb <=? 1) && (1 <=? ub))%Z%bool in
+ let must_be_one := ((lb =? 1) && (ub =? 1))%Z%bool in
+ if must_be_one
+ then {| lower := Z.ones int_width ; upper := Z.ones int_width |}
+ else if might_be_one
+ then {| lower := 0 ; upper := Z.ones int_width |}
+ else {| lower := 0 ; upper := 0 |}.
+ Definition neg (int_width : Z) : t -> t
+ := fun v
+ => if ((0 <=? int_width) && (int_width <=? WordW.bit_width))%Z%bool
+ then t_map1 (neg' int_width) v
+ else None.
+ Definition cmovne' (r1 r2 : bounds) : bounds
+ := let (lr1, ur1) := r1 in let (lr2, ur2) := r2 in {| lower := Z.min lr1 lr2 ; upper := Z.max ur1 ur2 |}.
+ Definition cmovne (x y r1 r2 : t) : t := t_map4 (fun _ _ => cmovne') x y r1 r2.
+ Definition cmovle' (r1 r2 : bounds) : bounds
+ := let (lr1, ur1) := r1 in let (lr2, ur2) := r2 in {| lower := Z.min lr1 lr2 ; upper := Z.max ur1 ur2 |}.
+ Definition cmovle (x y r1 r2 : t) : t := t_map4 (fun _ _ => cmovle') x y r1 r2.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Delimit Scope bounds_scope with bounds.
+ Notation "b[ l ~> u ]" := {| lower := l ; upper := u |} : bounds_scope.
+ Infix "+" := add : bounds_scope.
+ Infix "-" := sub : bounds_scope.
+ Infix "*" := mul : bounds_scope.
+ Infix "<<" := shl : bounds_scope.
+ Infix ">>" := shr : bounds_scope.
+ Infix "&'" := land : bounds_scope.
+ End Notations.
+ Definition interp_base_type (ty : base_type) : Type
+ := LiftOption.interp_base_type' bounds ty.
+ Definition interp_op {src dst} (f : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
+ := match f in op src dst return interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst with
+ | Add => fun xy => fst xy + snd xy
+ | Sub => fun xy => fst xy - snd xy
+ | Mul => fun xy => fst xy * snd xy
+ | Shl => fun xy => fst xy << snd xy
+ | Shr => fun xy => fst xy >> snd xy
+ | Land => fun xy => land (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Lor => fun xy => lor (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Neg int_width => fun x => neg int_width x
+ | Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne x y z w
+ | Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovle x y z w
+ end%bounds.
+ Definition of_wordW ty : WordW.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty
+ := match ty return WordW.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty with
+ | TZ => wordWToBounds
+ end.
+ Ltac inversion_bounds :=
+ let lower := (eval cbv [lower] in (fun x => lower x)) in
+ let upper := (eval cbv [upper] in (fun y => upper y)) in
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : _ = _ :> bounds |- _ ]
+ => pose proof (f_equal lower H); pose proof (f_equal upper H); clear H;
+ cbv beta iota in *
+ | [ H : _ = _ :> t |- _ ]
+ => unfold t in H; inversion_option
+ end.
+ End ZBounds.
+ Module BoundedWordW.
+ Local Notation is_bounded_by value lower upper
+ := ((0 <= lower /\ lower <= WordW.wordWToZ value <= upper /\ Z.log2 upper < Z.of_nat WordW.bit_width)%Z)
+ (only parsing).
+ Record BoundedWord :=
+ { lower : Z ; value : WordW.wordW ; upper : Z ;
+ in_bounds : is_bounded_by value lower upper }.
+ Bind Scope bounded_word_scope with BoundedWord.
+ Definition t := option BoundedWord.
+ Bind Scope bounded_word_scope with t.
+ Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+ Ltac inversion_BoundedWord :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress subst
+ | [ H : _ = _ :> BoundedWord |- _ ]
+ => pose proof (f_equal lower H);
+ pose proof (f_equal upper H);
+ pose proof (f_equal value H);
+ clear H
+ end.
+ Definition interp_base_type (ty : base_type)
+ := LiftOption.interp_base_type' BoundedWord ty.
+ Definition wordWToBoundedWord (x : WordW.wordW) : t.
+ Proof.
+ refine (let v := WordW.wordWToZ x in
+ match Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (0 <=? v)%Z, Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (Z.log2 v <? Z.of_nat WordW.bit_width)%Z with
+ | left Hl, left Hu
+ => Some {| lower := WordW.wordWToZ x ; value := x ; upper := WordW.wordWToZ x |}
+ | _, _ => None
+ end).
+ subst v.
+ abstract (Z.ltb_to_lt; repeat split; (assumption || reflexivity)).
+ Defined.
+ Definition boundedWordToWordW (x : t) : WordW.wordW
+ := match x with
+ | Some x' => value x'
+ | None => WordW.ZToWordW 0
+ end.
+ Definition of_wordW ty : WordW.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty
+ := match ty return WordW.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty with
+ | TZ => wordWToBoundedWord
+ end.
+ Definition to_wordW ty : interp_base_type ty -> WordW.interp_base_type ty
+ := match ty return interp_base_type ty -> WordW.interp_base_type ty with
+ | TZ => boundedWordToWordW
+ end.
+ (** XXX FIXME(jgross) This is going to break horribly if we need to support any types other than [Z] *)
+ Definition to_wordW' ty : BoundedWord -> WordW.interp_base_type ty
+ := match ty return BoundedWord -> WordW.interp_base_type ty with
+ | TZ => fun x => boundedWordToWordW (Some x)
+ end.
+ Definition to_Z' ty : BoundedWord -> Z.interp_base_type ty
+ := fun x => WordW.to_Z _ (to_wordW' _ x).
+ Definition of_Z ty : Z.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty
+ := fun x => of_wordW _ (WordW.of_Z _ x).
+ Definition to_Z ty : interp_base_type ty -> Z.interp_base_type ty
+ := fun x => WordW.to_Z _ (to_wordW _ x).
+ Definition BoundedWordToBounds (x : BoundedWord) : ZBounds.bounds
+ := {| ZBounds.lower := lower x ; ZBounds.upper := upper x |}.
+ Definition to_bounds' : t -> ZBounds.t
+ := option_map BoundedWordToBounds.
+ Definition to_bounds ty : interp_base_type ty -> ZBounds.interp_base_type ty
+ := match ty return interp_base_type ty -> ZBounds.interp_base_type ty with
+ | TZ => to_bounds'
+ end.
+ Definition t_map1
+ (opW : WordW.wordW -> WordW.wordW)
+ (opB : ZBounds.t -> ZBounds.t)
+ (pf : forall x l u,
+ opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x))
+ = Some {| ZBounds.lower := l ; ZBounds.upper := u |}
+ -> let val := opW (value x) in
+ is_bounded_by val l u)
+ : t -> t
+ := fun x : t
+ => match x with
+ | Some x
+ => match opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x))
+ as bop return opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) = bop -> t
+ with
+ | Some (ZBounds.Build_bounds l u)
+ => fun Heq => Some {| lower := l ; value := opW (value x) ; upper := u;
+ in_bounds := pf _ _ _ Heq |}
+ | None => fun _ => None
+ end eq_refl
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition t_map2
+ (opW : WordW.wordW -> WordW.wordW -> WordW.wordW)
+ (opB : ZBounds.t -> ZBounds.t -> ZBounds.t)
+ (pf : forall x y l u,
+ opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y))
+ = Some {| ZBounds.lower := l ; ZBounds.upper := u |}
+ -> let val := opW (value x) (value y) in
+ is_bounded_by val l u)
+ : t -> t -> t
+ := fun x y : t
+ => match x, y with
+ | Some x, Some y
+ => match opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y))
+ as bop return opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y)) = bop -> t
+ with
+ | Some (ZBounds.Build_bounds l u)
+ => fun Heq => Some {| lower := l ; value := opW (value x) (value y) ; upper := u;
+ in_bounds := pf _ _ _ _ Heq |}
+ | None => fun _ => None
+ end eq_refl
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition t_map4
+ (opW : WordW.wordW -> WordW.wordW -> WordW.wordW -> WordW.wordW -> WordW.wordW)
+ (opB : ZBounds.t -> ZBounds.t -> ZBounds.t -> ZBounds.t -> ZBounds.t)
+ (pf : forall x y z w l u,
+ opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds z)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds w))
+ = Some {| ZBounds.lower := l ; ZBounds.upper := u |}
+ -> let val := opW (value x) (value y) (value z) (value w) in
+ is_bounded_by val l u)
+ : t -> t -> t -> t -> t
+ := fun x y z w : t
+ => match x, y, z, w with
+ | Some x, Some y, Some z, Some w
+ => match opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y))
+ (Some (BoundedWordToBounds z)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds w))
+ as bop return opB _ _ _ _ = bop -> t
+ with
+ | Some (ZBounds.Build_bounds l u)
+ => fun Heq => Some {| lower := l ; value := opW (value x) (value y) (value z) (value w) ; upper := u;
+ in_bounds := pf _ _ _ _ _ _ Heq |}
+ | None => fun _ => None
+ end eq_refl
+ | _, _, _, _ => None
+ end.
+ Local Opaque WordW.bit_width.
+ Hint Resolve Z.ones_nonneg : zarith.
+ Local Ltac t_prestart :=
+ repeat first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- forall x l u, ?opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) = Some _ -> let val := ?opW (value x) in _ ]
+ => let opB' := head opB in let opW' := head opW in progress (try unfold opB'; try unfold opW')
+ | [ |- forall x y l u, ?opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y)) = Some _ -> let val := ?opW (value x) (value y) in _ ]
+ => progress (try unfold opB; try unfold opW)
+ | [ |- forall x y z w l u, ?opB _ _ _ _ = Some _ -> let val := ?opW (value x) (value y) (value z) (value w) in _ ]
+ => progress (try unfold opB; try unfold opW)
+ | [ |- appcontext[ZBounds.t_map1 ?op] ] => let op' := head op in unfold op'
+ | [ |- appcontext[ZBounds.t_map2 ?op] ] => let op' := head op in unfold op'
+ | [ |- appcontext[?op (ZBounds.Build_bounds _ _)] ] => let op' := head op in unfold op'
+ | [ |- appcontext[?op (ZBounds.Build_bounds _ _) (ZBounds.Build_bounds _ _)] ] => unfold op
+ end
+ | progress cbv [BoundedWordToBounds ZBounds.SmartBuildBounds cmovne cmovl ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg] in *
+ | progress break_match
+ | progress break_match_hyps
+ | progress intros
+ | progress subst
+ | progress ZBounds.inversion_bounds
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress WordW.fold_WordW_Z
+ | progress autorewrite with bool_congr_setoid in *
+ | progress destruct_head' and
+ | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
+ | assumption
+ | progress destruct_head' BoundedWord; simpl in *
+ | progress autorewrite with push_wordWToZ
+ | progress repeat apply conj
+ | solve [ WordW.arith ]
+ | progress destruct_head' or ].
+ Local Ltac t_start :=
+ repeat first [ progress t_prestart
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- appcontext[Z.min ?x ?y] ]
+ => apply (Z.min_case_strong x y)
+ | [ |- appcontext[Z.max ?x ?y] ]
+ => apply (Z.max_case_strong x y)
+ end ].
+ Local Hint Resolve WordW.bit_width_pos : zarith.
+ Local Hint Extern 1 (Z.log2 _ < _)%Z => eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ eapply Z.log2_le_mono; eassumption | eassumption ] : zarith.
+ (* Local *) Hint Resolve <- Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt : zarith.
+ Definition add : t -> t -> t.
+ Proof.
+ refine (t_map2 WordW.add ZBounds.add _);
+ abstract (t_start; eapply add_valid_update; eauto).
+ Defined.
+ Definition sub : t -> t -> t.
+ Proof.
+ refine (t_map2 WordW.sub ZBounds.sub _);
+ abstract (t_start; eapply sub_valid_update; eauto).
+ Defined.
+ Definition mul : t -> t -> t.
+ Proof.
+ refine (t_map2 WordW.mul ZBounds.mul _);
+ abstract (t_start; eapply mul_valid_update; eauto).
+ Defined.
+ Definition land : t -> t -> t.
+ Proof.
+ refine (t_map2 WordW.land ZBounds.land _);
+ abstract (t_prestart; eapply land_valid_update; eauto).
+ Defined.
+ Definition lor : t -> t -> t.
+ Proof.
+ refine (t_map2 WordW.lor ZBounds.lor _);
+ abstract (t_prestart; eapply lor_valid_update; eauto).
+ Defined.
+ Definition shl : t -> t -> t.
+ Proof.
+ refine (t_map2 WordW.shl ZBounds.shl _);
+ abstract (t_start; eapply shl_valid_update; eauto).
+ Defined.
+ Definition shr : t -> t -> t.
+ Proof.
+ refine (t_map2 WordW.shr ZBounds.shr _);
+ abstract (t_start; eapply shr_valid_update; eauto).
+ Defined.
+ Definition neg (int_width : Z) : t -> t.
+ Proof. refine (t_map1 (WordW.neg int_width) (ZBounds.neg int_width) _); abstract t_start. Defined.
+ Definition cmovne : t -> t -> t -> t -> t.
+ Proof. refine (t_map4 WordW.cmovne ZBounds.cmovne _); abstract t_start. Defined.
+ Definition cmovle : t -> t -> t -> t -> t.
+ Proof. refine (t_map4 WordW.cmovle ZBounds.cmovle _); abstract t_start. Defined.
+ Local Notation unop_correct op opW opB :=
+ (forall x v, op (Some x) = Some v
+ -> value v = opW (value x)
+ /\ Some (BoundedWordToBounds v) = opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)))
+ (only parsing).
+ Local Notation binop_correct op opW opB :=
+ (forall x y v, op (Some x) (Some y) = Some v
+ -> value v = opW (value x) (value y)
+ /\ Some (BoundedWordToBounds v) = opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y)))
+ (only parsing).
+ Local Notation op4_correct op opW opB :=
+ (forall x y z w v, op (Some x) (Some y) (Some z) (Some w) = Some v
+ -> value v = opW (value x) (value y) (value z) (value w)
+ /\ Some (BoundedWordToBounds v) = opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y))
+ (Some (BoundedWordToBounds z)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds w)))
+ (only parsing).
+ Lemma t_map1_correct opW opB pf
+ : unop_correct (t_map1 opW opB pf) opW opB.
+ Proof.
+ intros ?? H.
+ unfold t_map1 in H; convoy_destruct_in H; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
+ unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *;
+ inversion_option; subst; simpl.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma t_map2_correct opW opB pf
+ : binop_correct (t_map2 opW opB pf) opW opB.
+ Proof.
+ intros ??? H.
+ unfold t_map2 in H; convoy_destruct_in H; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
+ unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *;
+ inversion_option; subst; simpl.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma t_map4_correct opW opB pf
+ : op4_correct (t_map4 opW opB pf) opW opB.
+ Proof.
+ intros ????? H.
+ unfold t_map4 in H; convoy_destruct_in H; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
+ unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *;
+ inversion_option; subst; simpl.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Local Notation unop_correct_None op opB :=
+ (forall x, op (Some x) = None -> opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) = None)
+ (only parsing).
+ Local Notation binop_correct_None op opB :=
+ (forall x y, op (Some x) (Some y) = None -> opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y)) = None)
+ (only parsing).
+ Local Notation op4_correct_None op opB :=
+ (forall x y z w, op (Some x) (Some y) (Some z) (Some w) = None
+ -> opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y))
+ (Some (BoundedWordToBounds z)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds w))
+ = None)
+ (only parsing).
+ Lemma t_map1_correct_None opW opB pf
+ : unop_correct_None (t_map1 opW opB pf) opB.
+ Proof.
+ intros ? H.
+ unfold t_map1 in H; convoy_destruct_in H; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
+ unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *;
+ inversion_option; subst; simpl.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma t_map2_correct_None opW opB pf
+ : binop_correct_None (t_map2 opW opB pf) opB.
+ Proof.
+ intros ?? H.
+ unfold t_map2 in H; convoy_destruct_in H; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
+ unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *;
+ inversion_option; subst; simpl.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma t_map4_correct_None opW opB pf
+ : op4_correct_None (t_map4 opW opB pf) opB.
+ Proof.
+ intros ???? H.
+ unfold t_map4 in H; convoy_destruct_in H; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
+ unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *;
+ inversion_option; subst; simpl.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Delimit Scope bounded_word_scope with bounded_word.
+ Notation "b[ l ~> u ]" := {| lower := l ; upper := u |} : bounded_word_scope.
+ Infix "+" := add : bounded_word_scope.
+ Infix "-" := sub : bounded_word_scope.
+ Infix "*" := mul : bounded_word_scope.
+ Infix "<<" := shl : bounded_word_scope.
+ Infix ">>" := shr : bounded_word_scope.
+ Infix "&'" := land : bounded_word_scope.
+ End Notations.
+ Definition interp_op {src dst} (f : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
+ := match f in op src dst return interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst with
+ | Add => fun xy => fst xy + snd xy
+ | Sub => fun xy => fst xy - snd xy
+ | Mul => fun xy => fst xy * snd xy
+ | Shl => fun xy => fst xy << snd xy
+ | Shr => fun xy => fst xy >> snd xy
+ | Land => fun xy => land (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Lor => fun xy => lor (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Neg int_width => fun x => neg int_width x
+ | Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne x y z w
+ | Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovle x y z w
+ end%bounded_word.
+ End BoundedWordW.
+ Module ZBoundsTuple.
+ Definition interp_flat_type (t : flat_type base_type)
+ := LiftOption.interp_flat_type ZBounds.bounds t.
+ Definition of_ZBounds {ty} : Syntax.interp_flat_type ZBounds.interp_base_type ty -> interp_flat_type ty
+ := @LiftOption.of' ZBounds.bounds ty.
+ Definition to_ZBounds {ty} : interp_flat_type ty -> Syntax.interp_flat_type ZBounds.interp_base_type ty
+ := @LiftOption.to' ZBounds.bounds ty.
+ End ZBoundsTuple.
+ Module BoundedWordWTuple.
+ Definition interp_flat_type (t : flat_type base_type)
+ := LiftOption.interp_flat_type BoundedWordW.BoundedWord t.
+ Definition of_BoundedWordW {ty} : Syntax.interp_flat_type BoundedWordW.interp_base_type ty -> interp_flat_type ty
+ := @LiftOption.of' BoundedWordW.BoundedWord ty.
+ Definition to_BoundedWordW {ty} : interp_flat_type ty -> Syntax.interp_flat_type BoundedWordW.interp_base_type ty
+ := @LiftOption.to' BoundedWordW.BoundedWord ty.
+ End BoundedWordWTuple.
+End InterpretationsGen.