path: root/src/WeierstrassCurve/Projective.v
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diff --git a/src/WeierstrassCurve/Projective.v b/src/WeierstrassCurve/Projective.v
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+++ b/src/WeierstrassCurve/Projective.v
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+Require Import Crypto.Spec.WeierstrassCurve.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable Crypto.Util.Tactics Crypto.Algebra.Field.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Sum Crypto.Util.Prod Crypto.Util.Sigma.
+Module Projective.
+ Section Projective.
+ Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv} {a b:F}
+ {field:@Algebra.field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
+ {char_ge_3:@Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul (BinNat.N.succ_pos (BinNat.N.two))}
+ {Feq_dec:DecidableRel Feq}.
+ Local Infix "=" := Feq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := Fzero. Local Notation "1" := Fone.
+ Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "-" := Fsub.
+ Local Infix "*" := Fmul. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
+ Local Notation "x ^ 2" := (x*x). Local Notation "x ^ 3" := (x*x^2).
+ Local Notation Wpoint := (@W.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b).
+ (* Originally from
+ <http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/users/pappa/CORSI/CR510_13_14/BosmaLenstra.pdf>
+ "Commplete Systems of Addition Laws" by Bosma and Lenstra;
+ optimized in <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1060.pdf> "Complete
+ addition formulas for prime order elliptic curves" Algorithm 1
+ "Complete, projective point addition for arbitrary prime order
+ short Weierstrass curves" by Joost Renes, Craig Costello, and
+ Lejla Batina. *)
+ Ltac t :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => solve [ contradiction | trivial ]
+ | _ => progress cbv zeta
+ | _ => progress intros
+ | _ => progress destruct_head' @W.point
+ | _ => progress destruct_head' sum
+ | _ => progress destruct_head' prod
+ | _ => progress destruct_head' unit
+ | _ => progress destruct_head' and
+ | _ => progress specialize_by assumption
+ | _ => progress cbv [W.eq W.add W.coordinates proj1_sig] in *
+ | _ => progress break_match_hyps
+ | _ => progress break_match
+ | |- _ /\ _ => split
+ end.
+ Definition point : Type := { P : F*F*F | let '(X,Y,Z) := P in Y^2*Z = X^3 + a*X*Z^2 + b*Z^3 /\ (Z = 0 -> Y <> 0) }.
+ Program Definition to_affine (P:point) : Wpoint :=
+ match proj1_sig P return F*F+_ with
+ | (X, Y, Z) =>
+ if dec (Z = 0) then inr tt
+ else inl (X/Z, Y/Z)
+ end.
+ Next Obligation. Proof. t. fsatz. Qed.
+ Program Definition of_affine (P:Wpoint) : point :=
+ match W.coordinates P return F*F*F with
+ | inl (x, y) => (x, y, 1)
+ | inr _ => (0, 1, 0)
+ end.
+ Next Obligation. Proof. t; fsatz. Qed.
+ Program Definition opp (P:point) : point :=
+ match proj1_sig P return F*F*F with
+ | (X, Y, Z) => (X, Fopp Y, Z)
+ end.
+ Next Obligation. Proof. t; fsatz. Qed.
+ Context (three_b:F) (three_b_correct: three_b = b+b+b).
+ Local Notation "4" := (1+1+1+1). Local Notation "27" := (4*4 + 4+4 +1+1+1).
+ Context {discriminant_nonzero: id(4*a*a*a + 27*b*b <> 0)}.
+ Program Definition add (P Q:point)
+ (y_PmQ_nz: match W.coordinates (W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine (opp Q))) return Prop with
+ | inr _ => True
+ | inl (_, y) => y <> 0
+ end) : point :=
+ match proj1_sig P, proj1_sig Q return F*F*F with (X1, Y1, Z1), (X2, Y2, Z2) =>
+ let t0 := X1*X2 in
+ let t1 := Y1*Y2 in
+ let t2 := Z1*Z2 in
+ let t3 := X1+Y1 in
+ let t4 := X2+Y2 in
+ let t3 := t3*t4 in
+ let t4 := t0+t1 in
+ let t3 := t3-t4 in
+ let t4 := X1+Z1 in
+ let t5 := X2+Z2 in
+ let t4 := t4*t5 in
+ let t5 := t0+t2 in
+ let t4 := t4-t5 in
+ let t5 := Y1+Z1 in
+ let X3 := Y2+Z2 in
+ let t5 := t5*X3 in
+ let X3 := t1+t2 in
+ let t5 := t5-X3 in
+ let Z3 := a*t4 in
+ let X3 := three_b*t2 in
+ let Z3 := X3+Z3 in
+ let X3 := t1-Z3 in
+ let Z3 := t1+Z3 in
+ let Y3 := X3*Z3 in
+ let t1 := t0+t0 in
+ let t1 := t1+t0 in
+ let t2 := a*t2 in
+ let t4 := three_b*t4 in
+ let t1 := t1+t2 in
+ let t2 := t0-t2 in
+ let t2 := a*t2 in
+ let t4 := t4+t2 in
+ let t0 := t1*t4 in
+ let Y3 := Y3+t0 in
+ let t0 := t5*t4 in
+ let X3 := t3*X3 in
+ let X3 := X3-t0 in
+ let t0 := t3*t1 in
+ let Z3 := t5*Z3 in
+ let Z3 := Z3+t0 in
+ (X3, Y3, Z3)
+ end.
+ Next Obligation.
+ Proof.
+ destruct P as [p ?]; destruct p as [p Z1]; destruct p as [X1 Y1].
+ destruct Q as [q ?]; destruct q as [q Z2]; destruct q as [X2 Y2].
+ t.
+ all: try abstract fsatz.
+ (* FIXME: the final fsatz starts requiring 56 <> 0 if
+ - the next assert block is removed
+ - the assertion is changed to [Y2 = Fopp Y1] *)
+ assert (Y2 / Z2 = Fopp (Y1 / Z1)) by (
+ assert (forall pfP pfQ, match W.coordinates (W.add (to_affine (exist _ (X1,Y1,Z1) pfP)) (to_affine (exist _ (X2,Y2,Z2) pfQ))) with inl _ => False | _ => True end) by (cbv [to_affine]; t; fsatz); cbv [to_affine] in *; t; specialize_by (t;fsatz); t; fsatz).
+ unfold id in discriminant_nonzero; fsatz.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma to_affine_add P Q H :
+ W.eq
+ (to_affine (add P Q H))
+ (WeierstrassCurve.W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine Q)).
+ Proof.
+ destruct P as [p ?]; destruct p as [p Z1]; destruct p as [X1 Y1].
+ destruct Q as [q ?]; destruct q as [q Z2]; destruct q as [X2 Y2].
+ cbv [add opp to_affine] in *; t.
+ all: try abstract fsatz.
+ (* zero + P = P -- cases for x and y *)
+ assert (X1 = 0) by (setoid_subst_rel Feq; Nsatz.nsatz_power 3%nat); t; fsatz.
+ assert (X1 = 0) by (setoid_subst_rel Feq; Nsatz.nsatz_power 3%nat); t; fsatz.
+ (* P + zero = P -- cases for x and y *)
+ assert (X2 = 0) by (setoid_subst_rel Feq; Nsatz.nsatz_power 3%nat); t; fsatz.
+ assert (X2 = 0) by (setoid_subst_rel Feq; Nsatz.nsatz_power 3%nat); t; fsatz.
+ Qed.
+ End Projective.
+End Projective. \ No newline at end of file