path: root/src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorShiftBounds.v
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diff --git a/src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorShiftBounds.v b/src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorShiftBounds.v
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index 000000000..e978ab6b0
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+++ b/src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorShiftBounds.v
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+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.Core.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.ZArith.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Pow.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Pow2.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Div.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Testbit.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.ZeroBounds.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.ReplaceNegWithPos.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.DivModToQuotRem.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.NUtil.WithoutReferenceToZ.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Module Z.
+ Lemma lor_range : forall x y n, 0 <= x < 2 ^ n -> 0 <= y < 2 ^ n ->
+ 0 <= Z.lor x y < 2 ^ n.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y n H H0; assert (0 <= n) by auto with zarith omega.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- _ => progress intros
+ | |- _ => rewrite Z.lor_spec
+ | |- _ => rewrite Z.testbit_eqb by auto with zarith omega
+ | |- _ => rewrite !Z.div_small by (split; try omega; eapply Z.lt_le_trans;
+ [ intuition eassumption | apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; omega])
+ | |- _ => split
+ | |- _ => apply Z.testbit_false_bound
+ | |- _ => solve [auto with zarith]
+ | |- _ => solve [apply Z.lor_nonneg; intuition auto]
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve lor_range : zarith.
+ Lemma lor_shiftl_bounds : forall x y n m,
+ (0 <= n)%Z -> (0 <= m)%Z ->
+ (0 <= x < 2 ^ m)%Z ->
+ (0 <= y < 2 ^ n)%Z ->
+ (0 <= Z.lor y (Z.shiftl x n) < 2 ^ (n + m))%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y n m H H0 H1 H2.
+ apply Z.lor_range.
+ { split; try omega.
+ apply Z.lt_le_trans with (m := (2 ^ n)%Z); try omega.
+ apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; omega. }
+ { rewrite Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by omega.
+ rewrite Z.pow_add_r by omega.
+ split; Z.zero_bounds.
+ rewrite Z.mul_comm.
+ apply Z.mul_lt_mono_pos_l; omega. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma land_upper_bound_l : forall a b, (0 <= a) -> (0 <= b) ->
+ Z.land a b <= a.
+ Proof.
+ intros a b H H0.
+ destruct a, b; try solve [exfalso; auto]; try solve [cbv; congruence].
+ cbv [Z.land].
+ rewrite <-N2Z.inj_pos, <-N2Z.inj_le.
+ auto using N.Pos_land_upper_bound_l.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma land_upper_bound_r : forall a b, (0 <= a) -> (0 <= b) ->
+ Z.land a b <= b.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite Z.land_comm.
+ auto using Z.land_upper_bound_l.
+ Qed.
+ Section ZInequalities.
+ Lemma land_le : forall x y, (0 <= x)%Z -> (Z.land x y <= x)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y H; apply Z.ldiff_le; [assumption|].
+ rewrite Z.ldiff_land, Z.land_comm, Z.land_assoc.
+ rewrite <- Z.land_0_l with (a := y); f_equal.
+ rewrite Z.land_comm, Z.land_lnot_diag.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lor_lower : forall x y, (0 <= x)%Z -> (0 <= y)%Z -> (x <= Z.lor x y)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y H H0; apply Z.ldiff_le; [apply Z.lor_nonneg; auto|].
+ rewrite Z.ldiff_land.
+ apply Z.bits_inj_iff'; intros k Hpos; apply Z.le_ge in Hpos.
+ rewrite Z.testbit_0_l, Z.land_spec, Z.lnot_spec, Z.lor_spec;
+ [|apply Z.ge_le; assumption].
+ induction (Z.testbit x k), (Z.testbit y k); cbv; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lor_le : forall x y z,
+ (0 <= x)%Z
+ -> (x <= y)%Z
+ -> (y <= z)%Z
+ -> (Z.lor x y <= (2 ^ Z.log2_up (z+1)) - 1)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros x y z H H0 H1; apply Z.ldiff_le.
+ - apply Z.le_add_le_sub_r.
+ replace 1%Z with (2 ^ 0)%Z by (cbv; reflexivity).
+ rewrite Z.add_0_l.
+ apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; [cbv; reflexivity|].
+ apply Z.log2_up_nonneg.
+ - destruct (Z_lt_dec 0 z).
+ + assert (forall a, a - 1 = Z.pred a)%Z as HP by (intro; omega);
+ rewrite HP, <- Z.ones_equiv; clear HP.
+ apply Z.ldiff_ones_r_low; [apply Z.lor_nonneg; split; omega|].
+ rewrite Z.log2_up_eqn, Z.log2_lor; try omega.
+ apply Z.lt_succ_r.
+ apply Z.max_case_strong; intros; apply Z.log2_le_mono; omega.
+ + replace z with 0%Z by omega.
+ replace y with 0%Z by omega.
+ replace x with 0%Z by omega.
+ cbv; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Local Ltac solve_pow2 :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [|- _ /\ _] => split
+ | [|- (0 < 2 ^ _)%Z] => apply Z.pow2_gt_0
+ | [|- (0 <= 2 ^ _)%Z] => apply Z.pow2_ge_0
+ | [|- (2 ^ _ <= 2 ^ _)%Z] => apply Z.pow_le_mono_r
+ | [|- (_ <= _)%Z] => omega
+ | [|- (_ < _)%Z] => omega
+ end.
+ Lemma pow2_mod_range : forall a n m,
+ (0 <= n) ->
+ (n <= m) ->
+ (0 <= Z.pow2_mod a n < 2 ^ m).
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold Z.pow2_mod.
+ rewrite Z.land_ones; [|assumption].
+ split; [apply Z.mod_pos_bound, Z.pow2_gt_0; assumption|].
+ eapply Z.lt_le_trans; [apply Z.mod_pos_bound, Z.pow2_gt_0; assumption|].
+ apply Z.pow_le_mono; [|assumption].
+ split; simpl; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma shiftr_range : forall a n m,
+ (0 <= n)%Z ->
+ (0 <= m)%Z ->
+ (0 <= a < 2 ^ (n + m))%Z ->
+ (0 <= Z.shiftr a n < 2 ^ m)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros a n m H0 H1 H2; destruct H2.
+ split; [apply Z.shiftr_nonneg; assumption|].
+ rewrite Z.shiftr_div_pow2; [|assumption].
+ apply Z.div_lt_upper_bound; [apply Z.pow2_gt_0; assumption|].
+ eapply Z.lt_le_trans; [eassumption|apply Z.eq_le_incl].
+ apply Z.pow_add_r; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma shiftr_le_mono: forall a b c d,
+ (0 <= a)%Z
+ -> (0 <= d)%Z
+ -> (a <= c)%Z
+ -> (d <= b)%Z
+ -> (Z.shiftr a b <= Z.shiftr c d)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ repeat rewrite Z.shiftr_div_pow2; [|omega|omega].
+ etransitivity; [apply Z.div_le_compat_l | apply Z.div_le_mono]; solve_pow2.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma shiftl_le_mono: forall a b c d,
+ (0 <= a)%Z
+ -> (0 <= b)%Z
+ -> (a <= c)%Z
+ -> (b <= d)%Z
+ -> (Z.shiftl a b <= Z.shiftl c d)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ repeat rewrite Z.shiftl_mul_pow2; [|omega|omega].
+ etransitivity; [apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg_l|apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg_r]; solve_pow2.
+ Qed.
+ End ZInequalities.
+ Lemma lor_bounds x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y
+ -> Z.max x y <= Z.lor x y <= 2^Z.log2_up (Z.max x y + 1) - 1.
+ Proof.
+ apply Z.max_case_strong; intros; split;
+ try solve [ eauto using lor_lower, Z.le_trans, lor_le with omega
+ | rewrite Z.lor_comm; eauto using lor_lower, Z.le_trans, lor_le with omega ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lor_bounds_lower x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y
+ -> Z.max x y <= Z.lor x y.
+ Proof. intros; apply lor_bounds; assumption. Qed.
+ Lemma lor_bounds_upper x y : Z.lor x y <= 2^Z.log2_up (Z.max x y + 1) - 1.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (proj2 (Z.lor_neg x y)).
+ destruct (Z_lt_le_dec x 0), (Z_lt_le_dec y 0);
+ try solve [ intros; apply lor_bounds; assumption ];
+ transitivity (2^0-1);
+ try apply Z.sub_le_mono_r, Z.pow_le_mono_r, Z.log2_up_nonneg;
+ simpl; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lor_bounds_gen_lower x y l : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> l <= Z.max x y
+ -> l <= Z.lor x y.
+ Proof.
+ intros; etransitivity;
+ solve [ apply lor_bounds; auto
+ | eauto ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lor_bounds_gen_upper x y u : x <= u -> y <= u
+ -> Z.lor x y <= 2^Z.log2_up (u + 1) - 1.
+ Proof.
+ intros; etransitivity; [ apply lor_bounds_upper | ].
+ apply Z.sub_le_mono_r, Z.pow_le_mono_r, Z.log2_up_le_mono, Z.max_case_strong;
+ omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lor_bounds_gen x y l u : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> l <= Z.max x y -> x <= u -> y <= u
+ -> l <= Z.lor x y <= 2^Z.log2_up (u + 1) - 1.
+ Proof. auto using lor_bounds_gen_lower, lor_bounds_gen_upper. Qed.
+ Lemma shiftl_le_Proper2 y
+ : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => Z.shiftl x y).
+ Proof.
+ unfold Basics.flip in *.
+ pose proof (Zle_cases 0 y) as Hx.
+ intros x x' H.
+ pose proof (Zle_cases 0 x) as Hy.
+ pose proof (Zle_cases 0 x') as Hy'.
+ destruct (0 <=? y), (0 <=? x), (0 <=? x');
+ autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow;
+ Z.replace_all_neg_with_pos;
+ autorewrite with pull_Zopp;
+ rewrite ?Z.div_opp_l_complete;
+ repeat destruct (Z_zerop _);
+ autorewrite with zsimplify_const pull_Zopp;
+ auto with zarith;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[-?x - ?y] ]
+ => replace (-x - y) with (-(x + y)) by omega
+ | _ => rewrite <- Z.opp_le_mono
+ | _ => rewrite <- Z.add_le_mono_r
+ | _ => solve [ auto with zarith ]
+ | [ |- ?x <= ?y + 1 ]
+ => cut (x <= y); [ omega | solve [ auto with zarith ] ]
+ | [ |- -_ <= _ ]
+ => solve [ transitivity (-0); auto with zarith ]
+ end.
+ { repeat match goal with H : context[_ mod _] |- _ => revert H end;
+ Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; nia. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma shiftl_le_Proper1 x
+ (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ : Proper (R (0 <=? x) ==> Z.le) (Z.shiftl x).
+ Proof.
+ unfold Basics.flip in *.
+ pose proof (Zle_cases 0 x) as Hx.
+ intros y y' H.
+ pose proof (Zle_cases 0 y) as Hy.
+ pose proof (Zle_cases 0 y') as Hy'.
+ destruct (0 <=? x), (0 <=? y), (0 <=? y'); subst R; cbv beta iota in *;
+ autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow;
+ Z.replace_all_neg_with_pos;
+ autorewrite with pull_Zopp;
+ rewrite ?Z.div_opp_l_complete;
+ repeat destruct (Z_zerop _);
+ autorewrite with zsimplify_const pull_Zopp;
+ auto with zarith;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[-?x - ?y] ]
+ => replace (-x - y) with (-(x + y)) by omega
+ | _ => rewrite <- Z.opp_le_mono
+ | _ => rewrite <- Z.add_le_mono_r
+ | _ => solve [ auto with zarith ]
+ | [ |- ?x <= ?y + 1 ]
+ => cut (x <= y); [ omega | solve [ auto with zarith ] ]
+ | [ |- context[2^?x] ]
+ => lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : 1 < 2^x |- _ ] => fail
+ | [ H : 0 < 2^x |- _ ] => fail
+ | [ H : 0 <= 2^x |- _ ] => fail
+ | _ => first [ assert (1 < 2^x) by auto with zarith
+ | assert (0 < 2^x) by auto with zarith
+ | assert (0 <= 2^x) by auto with zarith ]
+ end
+ | [ H : ?x <= ?y |- _ ]
+ => is_var x; is_var y;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : 2^x <= 2^y |- _ ] => fail
+ | [ H : 2^x < 2^y |- _ ] => fail
+ | _ => assert (2^x <= 2^y) by auto with zarith
+ end
+ | [ H : ?x <= ?y, H' : ?f ?x = ?k, H'' : ?f ?y <> ?k |- _ ]
+ => let Hn := fresh in
+ assert (Hn : x <> y) by congruence;
+ assert (x < y) by omega; clear H Hn
+ | [ H : ?x <= ?y, H' : ?f ?x <> ?k, H'' : ?f ?y = ?k |- _ ]
+ => let Hn := fresh in
+ assert (Hn : x <> y) by congruence;
+ assert (x < y) by omega; clear H Hn
+ | _ => solve [ repeat match goal with H : context[_ mod _] |- _ => revert H end;
+ Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; subst;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- _ <= (?a * ?q + ?r) * ?q' ]
+ => transitivity (q * (a * q') + r * q');
+ [ assert (0 < a * q') by nia; nia
+ | nia ]
+ end ]
+ end.
+ { replace y' with (y + (y' - y)) by omega.
+ rewrite Z.pow_add_r, <- Zdiv_Zdiv by auto with zarith.
+ assert (y < y') by (assert (y <> y') by congruence; omega).
+ assert (1 < 2^(y'-y)) by auto with zarith.
+ assert (0 < x / 2^y)
+ by (repeat match goal with H : context[_ mod _] |- _ => revert H end;
+ Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; nia).
+ assert (2^y <= x)
+ by (repeat match goal with H : context[_ / _] |- _ => revert H end;
+ Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; nia).
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?x + 1 <= ?y ] => cut (x < y); [ omega | ]
+ end.
+ auto with zarith. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma shiftr_le_Proper2 y
+ : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => Z.shiftr x y).
+ Proof. apply shiftl_le_Proper2. Qed.
+ Lemma shiftr_le_Proper1 x
+ (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ : Proper (R (x <? 0) ==> Z.le) (Z.shiftr x).
+ Proof.
+ subst R; intros y y' H'; unfold Z.shiftr; apply shiftl_le_Proper1.
+ unfold Basics.flip in *.
+ pose proof (Zle_cases 0 x).
+ pose proof (Zlt_cases x 0).
+ destruct (0 <=? x), (x <? 0); try omega.
+ Qed.
+End Z.