path: root/src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorBounds.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorBounds.v')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorBounds.v b/src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorBounds.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b10ecf97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/ZUtil/LandLorBounds.v
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Pow2.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PeelLe.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Modulo.PullPush.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Ones.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Lnot.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Land.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Module Z.
+ Local Ltac saturate :=
+ repeat first [ progress cbv [Z.round_lor_land_bound Proper respectful Basics.flip] in *
+ | progress cbn in *
+ | progress intros
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- context[Z.log2_up ?x] ]
+ => unique pose proof (Z.log2_up_nonneg x)
+ | [ |- context[2^?x] ]
+ => unique assert (0 <= 2^x) by (apply Z.pow_nonneg; lia)
+ | [ H : 0 <= ?x |- context[2^?x] ]
+ => unique assert (0 < 2^x) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia)
+ | [ H : Pos.le ?x ?y |- context[Z.pos ?x] ]
+ => unique assert (Z.pos x <= Z.pos y) by lia
+ | [ H : Pos.le ?x ?y |- context[Z.pos (?x+1)] ]
+ => unique assert (Z.pos (x+1) <= Z.pos (y+1)) by lia
+ | [ H : Z.le ?x ?y |- context[2^Z.log2_up ?x] ]
+ => unique assert (2^Z.log2_up x <= 2^Z.log2_up y) by (Z.peel_le; lia)
+ end ].
+ Local Ltac do_rewrites_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?R ?x ?x ] => reflexivity
+ | [ |- context[Z.land (-2^_) (-2^_)] ]
+ => rewrite <- !Z.lnot_ones_equiv, <- !Z.lnot_lor, !Z.lor_ones_ones, !Z.lnot_ones_equiv
+ | [ |- context[Z.lor (-2^_) (-2^_)] ]
+ => rewrite <- !Z.lnot_ones_equiv, <- !Z.lnot_land, !Z.land_ones_ones, !Z.lnot_ones_equiv
+ | [ |- context[Z.land (2^_-1) (2^_-1)] ]
+ => rewrite !Z.sub_1_r, <- !Z.ones_equiv, !Z.land_ones_ones, !Z.ones_equiv, <- !Z.sub_1_r
+ | [ |- context[Z.lor (2^_-1) (2^_-1)] ]
+ => rewrite !Z.sub_1_r, <- !Z.ones_equiv, !Z.lor_ones_ones, !Z.ones_equiv, <- !Z.sub_1_r
+ | [ |- context[Z.land (2^?x-1) (-2^?y)] ]
+ => rewrite (@Z.land_comm (2^x-1) (-2^y))
+ | [ |- context[Z.lor (2^?x-1) (-2^?y)] ]
+ => rewrite (@Z.lor_comm (2^x-1) (-2^y))
+ | [ |- context[Z.land (-2^_) (2^_-1)] ]
+ => rewrite !Z.sub_1_r, <- !Z.ones_equiv, !Z.land_ones, ?Z.ones_equiv, <- ?Z.sub_1_r by lia
+ | [ |- context[Z.lor (-2^?x) (2^?y-1)] ]
+ => rewrite <- !Z.lnot_ones_equiv, <- (Z.lnot_involutive (2^y-1)), <- !Z.lnot_land, ?Z.lnot_ones_equiv, (Z.lnot_sub1 (2^y)), !Z.ones_equiv, ?Z.lnot_equiv, <- !Z.sub_1_r
+ | [ |- context[-?x mod ?y] ]
+ => rewrite (@Z.opp_mod_mod_push x y) by Z.NoZMod
+ | [ H : ?x <= ?x |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : ?x < ?y, H' : ?y <= ?z |- _ ] => unique assert (x < z) by lia
+ | [ H : ?x < ?y, H' : ?a <= ?x |- _ ] => unique assert (a < y) by lia
+ | [ H : 2^?x < 2^?y |- context[2^?x mod 2^?y] ]
+ => repeat first [ rewrite (Z.mod_small (2^x) (2^y)) by lia
+ | rewrite !(@Z_mod_nz_opp_full (2^x) (2^y)) ]
+ | [ H : ?x < ?y, H' : context[?x mod ?y] |- _ ] => rewrite (Z.mod_small x y) in H' by lia
+ | [ |- context[2^?x mod 2^?y] ]
+ => let H := fresh in
+ destruct (@Z.pow2_lt_or_divides x y ltac:(lia)) as [H|H];
+ [ repeat first [ rewrite (Z.mod_small (2^x) (2^y)) by lia
+ | rewrite !(@Z_mod_nz_opp_full (2^x) (2^y)) ]
+ | rewrite H ]
+ | _ => progress autorewrite with zsimplify_const
+ end.
+ Local Ltac do_rewrites := repeat do_rewrites_step.
+ Local Ltac fin_t :=
+ repeat first [ progress destruct_head'_and
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : orb _ _ = _ |- _ ]
+ => progress rewrite ?Bool.orb_true_iff, ?Bool.orb_false_iff, ?Z.ltb_lt, ?Z.ltb_ge in *
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | progress destruct_head'_or
+ | lia
+ | progress Z.peel_le ].
+ Local Ltac t :=
+ saturate; do_rewrites; fin_t.
+ Local Instance land_round_Proper_pos_r x
+ : Proper (Pos.le ==> Z.le)
+ (fun y =>
+ Z.land (Z.round_lor_land_bound x) (Z.round_lor_land_bound (Z.pos y))).
+ Proof. destruct x; t. Qed.
+ Local Instance land_round_Proper_pos_l y
+ : Proper (Pos.le ==> Z.le)
+ (fun x =>
+ Z.land (Z.round_lor_land_bound (Z.pos x)) (Z.round_lor_land_bound y)).
+ Proof. destruct y; t. Qed.
+ Local Instance lor_round_Proper_pos_r x
+ : Proper (Pos.le ==> Z.le)
+ (fun y =>
+ Z.lor (Z.round_lor_land_bound x) (Z.round_lor_land_bound (Z.pos y))).
+ Proof. destruct x; t. Qed.
+ Local Instance lor_round_Proper_pos_l y
+ : Proper (Pos.le ==> Z.le)
+ (fun x =>
+ Z.lor (Z.round_lor_land_bound (Z.pos x)) (Z.round_lor_land_bound y)).
+ Proof. destruct y; t. Qed.
+ Local Instance land_round_Proper_neg_r x
+ : Proper (Basics.flip Pos.le ==> Z.le)
+ (fun y =>
+ Z.land (Z.round_lor_land_bound x) (Z.round_lor_land_bound (Z.neg y))).
+ Proof. destruct x; t. Qed.
+ Local Instance land_round_Proper_neg_l y
+ : Proper (Basics.flip Pos.le ==> Z.le)
+ (fun x =>
+ Z.land (Z.round_lor_land_bound (Z.neg x)) (Z.round_lor_land_bound y)).
+ Proof. destruct y; t. Qed.
+ Local Instance lor_round_Proper_neg_r x
+ : Proper (Basics.flip Pos.le ==> Z.le)
+ (fun y =>
+ Z.lor (Z.round_lor_land_bound x) (Z.round_lor_land_bound (Z.neg y))).
+ Proof. destruct x; t. Qed.
+ Local Instance lor_round_Proper_neg_l y
+ : Proper (Basics.flip Pos.le ==> Z.le)
+ (fun x =>
+ Z.lor (Z.round_lor_land_bound (Z.neg x)) (Z.round_lor_land_bound y)).
+ Proof. destruct y; t. Qed.
+End Z.