path: root/src/Util/ZRange
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2 files changed, 191 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v b/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v
index f41c712ed..5edeee5e8 100644
--- a/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v
+++ b/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Require Import Coq.micromega.Psatz.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.SplitMinMax.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Stabilization.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.MulSplit.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
Require Import Crypto.Util.PointedProp.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
@@ -19,31 +20,89 @@ Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Module ZRange.
Import Operations.ZRange.
Local Arguments is_bounded_by' !_ _ _ / .
+ Local Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
- Lemma monotone_two_corners_genb
- (f : Z -> Z)
- (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotone : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) f)
+ (*Definition extremes_at_boundaries
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ x_bs
+ : forall x, is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs -> is_bounded_by_bool*)
+ Lemma monotone_apply_to_range_genbP
+ (P : Z -> Prop)
+ (f : Z -> zrange)
+ (R := fun b : bool => fun x y => P x /\ P y /\ if b then Z.le x y else Basics.flip Z.le x y)
+ (Hmonotonel : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun v => lower (f v)))
+ (Hmonotoneu : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun v => upper (f v)))
x_bs x
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (x_bs_ok : forall xv, is_bounded_by_bool xv x_bs -> P xv)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (f x) (apply_to_range f x_bs).
- split; trivial.
destruct x_bs as [lx ux]; simpl in *.
- destruct Hboundedx as [Hboundedx _].
+ cbv [is_bounded_by_bool is_true is_tighter_than_bool] in *.
+ cbn [lower upper] in *.
+ rewrite !Bool.andb_true_iff, !Z.leb_le_iff in *.
+ setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in x_bs_ok.
+ repeat setoid_rewrite Z.leb_le_iff in x_bs_ok.
repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) f |- _ ]
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> _) _ |- _ ]
=> unique assert (R b (if b then lx else x) (if b then x else lx)
- /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
- by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
+ by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; repeat apply conj; eauto with omega)
destruct_head' and.
repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> _) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
=> unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
- destruct_head bool; split_min_max; omega.
+ destruct_head bool; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt; split_min_max; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_apply_to_range_genb
+ (f : Z -> zrange)
+ (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotonel : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun v => lower (f v)))
+ (Hmonotoneu : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun v => upper (f v)))
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (f x) (apply_to_range f x_bs).
+ Proof.
+ apply (monotone_apply_to_range_genbP (fun _ => True)); cbv [Proper respectful] in *; eauto;
+ destruct_head'_ex;
+ match goal with
+ | [ b : bool |- _ ] => exists b; destruct b; solve [ intuition eauto ]
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_two_corners_genb'
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x)) (two_corners f x_bs).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [two_corners].
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[apply_to_range ?f ?x_bs] ]
+ => apply (monotone_apply_to_range_genb f); auto
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_two_corners_genb
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb' f Hmonotone x_bs x) as H.
+ cbv [constant is_bounded_by' is_bounded_by_bool is_true is_tighter_than_bool] in *.
+ cbn [upper lower] in *.
+ rewrite ?Bool.andb_true_iff, ?Z.leb_le_iff in *.
+ tauto.
Lemma monotone_two_corners_gen
@@ -70,6 +129,63 @@ Module ZRange.
intros ???; apply Hmonotone; auto.
+ (*
+ Lemma monotone_four_corners_genb'
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (f x))
+ (Hmonotone2 : forall y, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y))
+ x_bs y_bs x y
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y)) (four_corners f x_bs y_bs).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [four_corners].
+ etransitivity;
+ [ apply monotone_two_corners_genb'; solve [ eauto ]
+ | ].
+ cbv [apply_to_range union two_corners constant is_bounded_by_bool is_tighter_than_bool]; cbn [lower upper] in *.
+ | lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[apply_to_range ?f ?x_bs] ]
+ => apply (monotone_apply_to_range_genb f); [ | | eassumption ]
+ end ];
+ auto.
+ { cbv [two_corners constant apply_to_range union flip].
+ cbn [lower upper].
+ subst R.
+ cbv [is_bounded_by_bool is_true] in *; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt.
+ assert (Hx_good : lower x_bs <= upper x_bs) by omega.
+ assert (Hy_good : lower y_bs <= upper y_bs) by omega.
+ pose proof (Hmonotone2 (lower y_bs)).
+ pose proof (Hmonotone2 (upper y_bs)).
+ destruct_head'_ex; destruct_head'_bool; [ exists true | | | exists false ];
+ try intros ?? Hc;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper _ _ |- _ ] => specialize (H _ _ Hc)
+ end;
+ split_min_max; cbn beta in *; try omega.
+ all: pose proof (Hmonotone1 (lower x_bs)).
+ all: pose proof (Hmonotone1 (upper x_bs)).
+ all: destruct_head'_ex.
+ all: destruct_head'_bool.
+ all: repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper _ (fun x => ?f x _) |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H _ _ Hx_good)
+ | [ H : Proper _ (?f _) |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H _ _ Hy_good)
+ end;
+ cbn beta in *.
+ cbv [Basics.flip] in *.
+ all:try omega.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [
+ { exists true.
+ cbv [two_corners].
+ Qed.*)
Lemma monotone_four_corners_genb
(f : Z -> Z -> Z)
(R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
@@ -109,7 +225,10 @@ Module ZRange.
| [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
=> unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
end; cbv beta in *.
- destruct_head bool; split_min_max; omega.
+ destruct_head bool.
+ all: revert_min_max; intros.
+ all: (split; [ repeat (etransitivity; [ | eassumption ]) | repeat (etransitivity; [ eassumption | ]) ]).
+ all: auto using Z.le_min_l, Z.le_min_r, Z.le_max_l, Z.le_max_r.
Lemma monotone_four_corners_gen
@@ -186,24 +305,10 @@ Module ZRange.
| [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
=> unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
- destruct_head bool; split_min_max; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma monotone_eight_corners_gen
- (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
- (Hmonotone1 : forall x y, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (f x y) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (f x y))
- (Hmonotone2 : forall x z, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z))
- (Hmonotone3 : forall y z, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z))
- x_bs y_bs z_bs x y z
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
- (Hboundedz : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None z_bs z)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs) (f x y z).
- Proof.
- eapply monotone_eight_corners_genb; auto.
- { intros x' y'; destruct (Hmonotone1 x' y'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
- { intros x' y'; destruct (Hmonotone2 x' y'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
- { intros x' y'; destruct (Hmonotone3 x' y'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
+ destruct_head bool.
+ all: revert_min_max; intros.
+ all: (split; [ repeat (etransitivity; [ | eassumption ]) | repeat (etransitivity; [ eassumption | ]) ]).
+ all: auto using Z.le_min_l, Z.le_min_r, Z.le_max_l, Z.le_max_r.
Lemma monotone_eight_corners
(b1 b2 b3 : bool)
diff --git a/src/Util/ZRange/Operations.v b/src/Util/ZRange/Operations.v
index d17785f77..07e330a4a 100644
--- a/src/Util/ZRange/Operations.v
+++ b/src/Util/ZRange/Operations.v
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
Module ZRange.
@@ -41,49 +43,64 @@ Module ZRange.
:= let (l, u) := eta v in
r[ f l ~> f u ].
- Definition two_corners (f : Z -> Z) (v : zrange) : zrange
+ Definition split_range_at_0 (x : zrange) : option zrange (* < 0 *) * option zrange (* >= 0 *)
+ := let (l, u) := eta x in
+ (if (0 <=? l)%Z
+ then None
+ else Some r[l ~> Z.min u (-1)],
+ if (0 <=? u)%Z
+ then Some r[Z.max 0 l ~> u]
+ else None).
+ Definition apply_to_split_range (f : zrange -> zrange) (v : zrange) : zrange
+ := match split_range_at_0 v with
+ | (Some n, Some p) => union (f n) (f p)
+ | (Some v, None) | (None, Some v) => f v
+ | (None, None) => f v
+ end.
+ Definition apply_to_range (f : BinInt.Z -> zrange) (v : zrange) : zrange
:= let (l, u) := eta v in
- r[ Z.min (f l) (f u) ~> Z.max (f u) (f l) ].
+ union (f l) (f u).
- Definition two_corners' (f : Z -> Z) (v : zrange) : zrange
- := normalize' (map f v).
+ Definition apply_to_each_split_range (f : BinInt.Z -> zrange) (v : zrange) : zrange
+ := apply_to_split_range (apply_to_range f) v.
- Lemma two_corners'_eq : two_corners = two_corners'. Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
+ Definition constant (v : Z) : zrange := r[v ~> v].
+ Definition two_corners (f : Z -> Z) (v : zrange) : zrange
+ := apply_to_range (fun x => constant (f x)) v.
Definition four_corners (f : Z -> Z -> Z) (x y : zrange) : zrange
- := let (lx, ux) := eta x in
- union (two_corners (f lx) y)
- (two_corners (f ux) y).
+ := apply_to_range (fun x => two_corners (f x) y) x.
Definition eight_corners (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z) (x y z : zrange) : zrange
- := let (lx, ux) := eta x in
- union (four_corners (f lx) y z)
- (four_corners (f ux) y z).
- Definition upper_lor_land_bounds (x y : BinInt.Z) : BinInt.Z
- := 2^(1 + Z.log2_up (Z.max x y)).
- Definition extreme_lor_land_bounds (x y : zrange) : zrange
- := let mx := ZRange.upper (ZRange.abs x) in
- let my := ZRange.upper (ZRange.abs y) in
- {| lower := -upper_lor_land_bounds mx my ; upper := upper_lor_land_bounds mx my |}.
- Definition extremization_bounds (f : zrange -> zrange -> zrange) (x y : zrange) : zrange
- := let (lx, ux) := x in
- let (ly, uy) := y in
- if ((lx <? 0) || (ly <? 0))%Z%bool
- then extreme_lor_land_bounds x y
- else f x y.
- Definition land_bounds : zrange -> zrange -> zrange
- := extremization_bounds
- (fun x y
- => let (lx, ux) := x in
- let (ly, uy) := y in
- {| lower := Z.min 0 (Z.min lx ly) ; upper := Z.max 0 (Z.min ux uy) |}).
- Definition lor_bounds : zrange -> zrange -> zrange
- := extremization_bounds
- (fun x y
- => let (lx, ux) := x in
- let (ly, uy) := y in
- {| lower := Z.max lx ly ; upper := upper_lor_land_bounds ux uy |}).
+ := apply_to_range (fun x => four_corners (f x) y z) x.
+ Definition two_corners_and_zero (f : Z -> Z) (v : zrange) : zrange
+ := apply_to_each_split_range (fun x => constant (f x)) v.
+ Definition four_corners_and_zero (f : Z -> Z -> Z) (x y : zrange) : zrange
+ := apply_to_split_range (apply_to_range (fun x => two_corners_and_zero (f x) y)) x.
+ Definition eight_corners_and_zero (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z) (x y z : zrange) : zrange
+ := apply_to_split_range (apply_to_range (fun x => four_corners_and_zero (f x) y z)) x.
+ Definition two_corners' (f : Z -> Z) (v : zrange) : zrange
+ := normalize' (map f v).
+ Lemma two_corners'_eq x y : two_corners x y = two_corners' x y.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [two_corners two_corners' normalize' map union apply_to_range constant flip].
+ cbn [lower upper].
+ rewrite Z.max_comm; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (** if positive, round up to 2^k-1 (0b11111....); if negative, round down to -2^k (0b...111000000...) *)
+ Definition round_lor_land_bound (x : BinInt.Z) : BinInt.Z
+ := if (0 <=? x)%Z
+ then 2^(Z.log2_up (x+1))-1
+ else -2^(Z.log2_up (-x)).
+ Definition land_lor_bounds (f : BinInt.Z -> BinInt.Z -> BinInt.Z) (x y : zrange) : zrange
+ := four_corners_and_zero (fun x y => f (round_lor_land_bound x) (round_lor_land_bound y)) x y.
+ Definition land_bounds : zrange -> zrange -> zrange := land_lor_bounds Z.land.
+ Definition lor_bounds : zrange -> zrange -> zrange := land_lor_bounds Z.lor.
Definition split_bounds (r : zrange) (split_at : BinInt.Z) : zrange * zrange :=
if upper r <? split_at