path: root/src/Util/Strings/String.v
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1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/String.v b/src/Util/Strings/String.v
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index 000000000..f88d917b6
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+Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
+Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Equality.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Ascii.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+(** *** String concatenation *)
+(** [concat sep sl] concatenates the list of strings [sl], inserting
+ the separator string [sep] between each. *)
+Definition concat (sep : string) : list string -> string
+ := fix concat (sl : list string) : string
+ := match sl with
+ | nil => EmptyString
+ | cons x nil => x
+ | cons x xs => x ++ sep ++ concat xs
+ end.
+(** *** Conversion to and from lists *)
+Fixpoint to_list (s : string) : list ascii
+ := match s with
+ | EmptyString => nil
+ | String x xs => cons x (to_list xs)
+ end.
+Fixpoint of_list (s : list ascii) : string
+ := match s with
+ | nil => EmptyString
+ | cons x xs => String x (of_list xs)
+ end.
+Lemma to_of_list s : to_list (of_list s) = s.
+Proof. induction s as [|x xs IHxs]; cbn; [ | rewrite IHxs ]; reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma of_to_list s : of_list (to_list s) = s.
+Proof. induction s as [|x xs IHxs]; cbn; [ | rewrite IHxs ]; reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma of_list_app s1 s2 : of_list (s1 ++ s2) = of_list s1 ++ of_list s2.
+Proof. induction s1 as [|x xs IHxs]; cbn; [ | rewrite IHxs ]; reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma to_list_app s1 s2 : to_list (s1 ++ s2) = (to_list s1 ++ to_list s2)%list.
+Proof. induction s1 as [|x xs IHxs]; cbn; [ | rewrite IHxs ]; reflexivity. Qed.
+Definition lift_list_function (f : list ascii -> list ascii) (s : string) : string
+ := of_list (f (to_list s)).
+(** *** Mapping over a string *)
+(** [map f s] applies function [f] in turn to all the characters of
+ [s], creating a new string to return *)
+Definition map (f : ascii -> ascii) : string -> string
+ := lift_list_function (List.map f).
+Lemma map_step f s
+ : map f s = match s with
+ | EmptyString => EmptyString
+ | String x xs => String (f x) (map f xs)
+ end.
+Proof. destruct s; reflexivity. Qed.
+(** *** string reversal *)
+(** [rev s] reverses the string [s] *)
+Definition rev : string -> string
+ := lift_list_function (@List.rev _).
+Lemma rev_step s
+ : rev s
+ = match s with
+ | EmptyString => EmptyString
+ | String x xs => rev xs ++ String x EmptyString
+ end.
+Proof. destruct s; cbn; rewrite ?of_list_app; reflexivity. Qed.
+(** *** trimming a string *)
+(** [trim s] returns a copy of the argument, without leading and trailing
+ whitespace. The characters regarded as whitespace are: ' ',
+ '\012', '\n', '\r', and '\t'. *)
+Fixpoint ltrim (s : string) : string
+ := match s with
+ | EmptyString => EmptyString
+ | String x xs
+ => if ((x =? " ") || (x =? NewPage) || (x =? LF) || (x =? CR) || (x =? Tab))%char%bool
+ then ltrim xs
+ else s
+ end.
+Definition rtrim (s : string) : string
+ := rev (ltrim (rev s)).
+Definition trim (s : string) : string
+ := rtrim (ltrim s).
+(** Finds last occurence of [s1] in [s2], where the first character
+ after [s1] is at position less than or equal to [n + 1]. Returns
+ the location of the first character of [s1] in that occurence in
+ [s2], if it exists. *)
+Definition rindex (n : nat) (s1 s2 : string) : option nat :=
+ option_map
+ (fun n => length s2 - n - length s1)
+ (index (length s2 - n - 1) (rev s1) (rev s2)).
+Lemma append_alt s1 s2 : s1 ++ s2 = of_list (to_list s1 ++ to_list s2).
+Proof. rewrite of_list_app, !of_to_list; reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma append_empty_r s : s ++ "" = s.
+ rewrite append_alt; cbn; rewrite List.app_nil_r, of_to_list. reflexivity.
+Lemma append_assoc s1 s2 s3 : s1 ++ (s2 ++ s3) = (s1 ++ s2) ++ s3.
+ rewrite !append_alt, ?to_of_list; cbn; rewrite List.app_assoc; reflexivity.
+Lemma length_substring n1 n2 s
+ : length (substring n1 n2 s) = Nat.min n2 (length s - n1).
+ revert n1 n2; induction s as [|a s IHs]; intros; cbn.
+ { destruct n1, n2; cbn; reflexivity. }
+ { destruct n1; [ destruct n2 | ]; cbn; rewrite ?IHs, <- ?Minus.minus_n_O; reflexivity. }
+Lemma length_append s1 s2 : length (s1 ++ s2) = length s1 + length s2.
+ revert s1; induction s1 as [|a s1 IHs1]; cbn; congruence.
+(** *** membership *)
+(** [contains n s1 s2] returns [true] if [s1] occurs in [s2] starting
+ at position [n], and false otherwise *)
+Definition contains (n : nat) (s1 s2 : string) : bool :=
+ match index n s1 s2 with
+ | Some _ => true
+ | None => false
+ end.
+Section strip_prefix_cps.
+ Context {R} (found : string -> R)
+ (remaining : string -> string -> R).
+ Fixpoint strip_prefix_cps (sepch : ascii) (sep : string) (s2 : string) {struct s2} : R
+ := match s2 with
+ | EmptyString => remaining (String sepch sep) s2
+ | String x xs
+ => if ascii_beq sepch x
+ then match sep with
+ | EmptyString => found xs
+ | String sepch sep
+ => strip_prefix_cps sepch sep xs
+ end
+ else remaining (String sepch sep) s2
+ end.
+End strip_prefix_cps.
+(** *** splitting a string *)
+(** [split sep s] returns the list of all (possibly empty) substrings
+ of [s] that are delimited by the [sep] character.
+ The function's output is specified by the following invariants:
+ - The list is not empty.
+ - Concatenating its elements using sep as a separator returns a
+ string equal to the input
+ [concat sep (split sep s) = s]
+ - No string in the result contains [sep] as a substring, unless
+ [sep] is the empty string, in which case this function returns
+ [map (fun ch => String ch "") (to_list s)] if [s] is non-empty,
+ and [""::nil] if [s] is also empty. *)
+Fixpoint split_helper (sepch : ascii) (sep : string) (s : string) (rev_acc : string) {struct s}
+ : list string
+ := strip_prefix_cps
+ (fun s => rev rev_acc :: split_helper sepch sep s "")
+ (fun _ _
+ => match s with
+ | EmptyString => rev rev_acc :: nil
+ | String x xs
+ => split_helper sepch sep xs (String x rev_acc)
+ end)
+ sepch sep s.
+Definition split (sep : string) (s : string) : list string
+ := match sep with
+ | EmptyString
+ => if string_beq s EmptyString
+ then "" :: nil
+ else List.map (fun ch => String ch "") (to_list s)
+ | String sepch sep
+ => split_helper sepch sep s ""
+ end.
+Fixpoint split_helper_non_empty sepch sep s rev_acc {struct s}
+ : split_helper sepch sep s rev_acc <> nil.
+ destruct s as [|x xs]; cbn [split_helper];
+ [ cbn; clear split_helper_non_empty; congruence | ].
+ generalize (split_helper_non_empty sepch sep xs (String x rev_acc)).
+ generalize (split_helper sepch sep xs (String x rev_acc)).
+ intros ls H.
+ generalize (String x xs).
+ generalize sep at 2.
+ generalize sepch at 2.
+ fix H' 3.
+ intros sepch' sep' s'.
+ destruct s' as [|a s']; cbn; [ assumption | ].
+ destruct (sepch' =? a)%char, sep'; try (clear H' split_helper_non_empty; congruence).
+ apply H'.
+Lemma split_non_empty sep s : split sep s <> nil.
+ unfold split; destruct sep, s; try apply split_helper_non_empty; cbn;
+ congruence.
+Lemma split_empty_empty : split EmptyString EmptyString = "" :: nil.
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma split_empty_non_empty s
+ : s <> EmptyString
+ -> split EmptyString s = List.map (fun ch => String ch "") (to_list s).
+ intro H; destruct s; cbn; congruence.
+Fixpoint split_helper_no_substring sepch sep s rev_acc
+ : List.Forall (fun s' => contains 0 (rev rev_acc ++ String sepch sep) s' = false)
+ (split_helper sepch sep s rev_acc).
+ destruct s as [|x xs]; cbn [split_helper];
+ [ cbn; clear split_helper_no_substring;
+ repeat constructor
+ | ].
+ { unfold contains.
+ edestruct index eqn:H; [ | reflexivity ].
+ apply index_correct1 in H.
+ apply (f_equal length) in H.
+ rewrite length_substring, !length_append in H.
+ revert H; apply PeanoNat.Nat.min_case_strong; cbn; intros; omega. }
+ { generalize (split_helper_no_substring sepch sep xs (String x rev_acc)).
+ generalize (split_helper sepch sep xs (String x rev_acc)).
+ intros ls.
+Lemma split_no_substring sep s (Hsep : sep <> EmptyString)
+ : List.Forall (fun s' => contains 0 sep s' = false)
+ (split sep s).
+ destruct sep as [|sepch sep]; [ congruence | ].
+ unfold split.
+Fixpoint concat_split_helper sepch sep s rev_acc
+ : concat (String sepch sep) (split_helper sepch sep s rev_acc)
+ = rev rev_acc ++ s.
+ destruct s as [|x xs]; cbn [split_helper];
+ [ cbn; rewrite append_empty_r; reflexivity | ].
+ generalize (concat_split_helper sepch sep xs (String x rev_acc)).
+ generalize (split_helper sepch sep xs (String x rev_acc)).
+ intros ls H.
+ rewrite rev_step, <- append_assoc in H; cbn in H; revert H.
+ generalize (String x xs); clear x xs.
+ revert sep.
+ revert sepch.
+ fix H' 3.
+ intros sepch' sep' s'; intros.
+ destruct s' as [|a s']; cbn; [ assumption | ].
+ destruct (sepch' =? a)%char eqn:Hsep, sep'; try (clear H' concat_split_helper; congruence).
+ { cbn [concat].
+ rewrite (concat_split_helper sepch' "" s').
+ destruct (split_helper sepch' "" s' "") eqn:H''.
+ { apply split_helper_non_empty in H''; exfalso; assumption. }
+ { cbn.
+ apply internal_ascii_dec_bl in Hsep; subst; reflexivity. } }
+ { apply internal_ascii_dec_bl in Hsep; subst.
+Lemma concat_split sep s : concat sep (split sep s) = s.
+ destruct sep; cbn.
+ { destruct s as [|x xs]; [ reflexivity | cbn ].
+ revert x; induction xs as [|x' xs' IHxs]; intro x; cbn; trivial.
+ apply f_equal; auto. }
+ {