path: root/src/SpecificGen/GF5211_32BoundedCommon.v
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 819 deletions
diff --git a/src/SpecificGen/GF5211_32BoundedCommon.v b/src/SpecificGen/GF5211_32BoundedCommon.v
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--- a/src/SpecificGen/GF5211_32BoundedCommon.v
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-Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
-Require Import Crypto.BaseSystem.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseParams.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseParamProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystem.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemOpt.
-Require Import Crypto.SpecificGen.GF5211_32.
-Require Import Bedrock.Word Crypto.Util.WordUtil.
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.HList.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Algebra.
-Import ListNotations.
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
-Local Open Scope Z.
-(* BEGIN common curve-specific definitions *)
-Definition bit_width : nat := Eval compute in Z.to_nat (GF5211_32.int_width).
-Local Notation b_of exp := (0, 2^exp + 2^(exp-3))%Z (only parsing). (* max is [(0, 2^(exp+2) + 2^exp + 2^(exp-1) + 2^(exp-3) + 2^(exp-4) + 2^(exp-5) + 2^(exp-6) + 2^(exp-10) + 2^(exp-12) + 2^(exp-13) + 2^(exp-14) + 2^(exp-15) + 2^(exp-17) + 2^(exp-23) + 2^(exp-24))%Z] *)
-Definition bounds_exp : tuple Z length_fe5211_32
- := Eval compute in
- Tuple.from_list length_fe5211_32 limb_widths eq_refl.
-Definition bounds : tuple (Z * Z) length_fe5211_32
- := Eval compute in
- Tuple.map (fun e => b_of e) bounds_exp.
-Definition wire_digit_bounds_exp : tuple Z (length wire_widths)
- := Eval compute in Tuple.from_list _ wire_widths eq_refl.
-Definition wire_digit_bounds : tuple (Z * Z) (length wire_widths)
- := Eval compute in Tuple.map (fun e => (0,2^e-1)%Z) wire_digit_bounds_exp.
-(* END common curve-specific definitions *)
-(* BEGIN aliases for word extraction *)
-Definition word64 := Word.word bit_width.
-Coercion word64ToZ (x : word64) : Z := Z.of_N (wordToN x).
-Coercion ZToWord64 (x : Z) : word64 := NToWord _ (Z.to_N x).
-Definition NToWord64 : N -> word64 := NToWord _.
-Definition word64ize (x : word64) : word64
- := Eval cbv [wordToN N.succ_double N.double] in NToWord64 (wordToN x).
-Definition w64eqb (x y : word64) := weqb x y.
-Global Arguments NToWord64 : simpl never.
-Arguments word64 : simpl never.
-Arguments bit_width : simpl never.
-Global Opaque word64.
-Global Opaque bit_width.
-(* END aliases for word extraction *)
-(* BEGIN basic types *)
-Module Type WordIsBounded.
- Parameter is_boundedT : forall (lower upper : Z), word64 -> bool.
- Parameter Build_is_boundedT : forall {lower upper} {proj_word : word64},
- andb (lower <=? proj_word)%Z (proj_word <=? upper)%Z = true -> is_boundedT lower upper proj_word = true.
- Parameter project_is_boundedT : forall {lower upper} {proj_word : word64},
- is_boundedT lower upper proj_word = true -> andb (lower <=? proj_word)%Z (proj_word <=? upper)%Z = true.
-End WordIsBounded.
-Module Import WordIsBoundedDefault : WordIsBounded.
- Definition is_boundedT : forall (lower upper : Z), word64 -> bool
- := fun lower upper proj_word => andb (lower <=? proj_word)%Z (proj_word <=? upper)%Z.
- Definition Build_is_boundedT {lower upper} {proj_word : word64}
- : andb (lower <=? proj_word)%Z (proj_word <=? upper)%Z = true -> is_boundedT lower upper proj_word = true
- := fun x => x.
- Definition project_is_boundedT {lower upper} {proj_word : word64}
- : is_boundedT lower upper proj_word = true -> andb (lower <=? proj_word)%Z (proj_word <=? upper)%Z = true
- := fun x => x.
-End WordIsBoundedDefault.
-Definition bounded_word (lower upper : Z)
- := { proj_word : word64 | is_boundedT lower upper proj_word = true }.
-Local Notation word_of exp := (bounded_word (fst (b_of exp)) (snd (b_of exp))).
-Local Notation unbounded_word sz := (bounded_word 0 (2^sz-1)%Z).
-Local Opaque word64.
-Definition fe5211_32W := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in (tuple word64 length_fe5211_32).
-Definition wire_digitsW := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in (tuple word64 (length wire_widths)).
-Definition fe5211_32 :=
- Eval cbv -[bounded_word Z.pow Z.sub Z.add] in
- hlist (fun e => word_of e) bounds_exp.
-Definition wire_digits :=
- Eval cbv -[bounded_word Z.pow Z.sub Z.add] in
- hlist (fun e => unbounded_word e) wire_digit_bounds_exp.
-Definition is_bounded_gen {n} (x : tuple Z n) (bounds : tuple (Z * Z) n) : bool
- := let res := Tuple.map2
- (fun bounds v =>
- let '(lower, upper) := bounds in
- (lower <=? v) && (v <=? upper))%bool%Z
- bounds x in
- List.fold_right andb true (Tuple.to_list _ res).
-Definition is_bounded (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.fe5211_32) : bool
- := is_bounded_gen (n:=length_fe5211_32) x bounds.
-Definition wire_digits_is_bounded (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.wire_digits) : bool
- := is_bounded_gen (n:=length wire_widths) x wire_digit_bounds.
-(* END basic types *)
-Section generic_destructuring.
- Fixpoint app_on' A n : forall T (f : tuple' A n) (P : forall x : tuple' A n, T x), T f
- := match n return forall T (f : tuple' A n) (P : forall x : tuple' A n, T x), T f with
- | O => fun T v P => P v
- | S n' => fun T v P => let '(v, x) := v in app_on' A n' _ v (fun v => P (v, x))
- end.
- Definition app_on {A n} : forall {T} (f : tuple A n) (P : forall x : tuple A n, T x), T f
- := match n return forall T (f : tuple A n) (P : forall x : tuple A n, T x), T f with
- | O => fun T v P => P v
- | S n' => @app_on' A n'
- end.
- Lemma app_on'_correct {A n T} f (P : forall x : tuple' A n, T x) : app_on' A n T f P = P f.
- Proof.
- induction n; simpl in *; destruct_head' prod; [ reflexivity | exact (IHn _ _ (fun t => P (t, _))) ].
- Qed.
- Lemma app_on_correct {A n T} f (P : forall x : tuple A n, T x) : app_on f P = P f.
- Proof. destruct n; [ reflexivity | apply app_on'_correct ]. Qed.
- Fixpoint app_on_h' A F n : forall ts T (f : @hlist' A n F ts) (P : forall x : @hlist' A n F ts, T x), T f
- := match n return forall ts T (f : @hlist' A n F ts) (P : forall x : @hlist' A n F ts, T x), T f with
- | O => fun ts T v P => P v
- | S n' => fun ts T v P => let '(v, x) := v in app_on_h' A F n' _ _ v (fun v => P (v, x))
- end.
- Definition app_on_h {A F n} : forall ts T (f : @hlist A n F ts) (P : forall x : @hlist A n F ts, T x), T f
- := match n return forall ts T (f : @hlist A n F ts) (P : forall x : @hlist A n F ts, T x), T f with
- | O => fun ts T v P => P v
- | S n' => @app_on_h' A F n'
- end.
- Lemma app_on_h'_correct {A F n ts T} f P : @app_on_h' A F n ts T f P = P f.
- Proof.
- induction n; simpl in *; destruct_head' prod; [ reflexivity | exact (IHn _ _ _ (fun h => P (h, f))) ].
- Qed.
- Lemma app_on_h_correct {A} F {n} ts {T} f P : @app_on_h A F n ts T f P = P f.
- Proof. destruct n; [ reflexivity | apply app_on_h'_correct ]. Qed.
- Definition app_wire_digitsW_dep {A T} (P : forall x : tuple A (length wire_widths), T x)
- : forall (f : tuple A (length wire_widths)), T f
- := Eval compute in fun f => @app_on A (length wire_widths) T f P.
- Definition app_wire_digitsW {A T} (f : tuple A (length wire_widths)) (P : tuple A (length wire_widths) -> T)
- := Eval compute in @app_wire_digitsW_dep A (fun _ => T) P f.
- Definition app_fe5211_32W_dep {A T} (P : forall x : tuple A length_fe5211_32, T x)
- : forall (f : tuple A length_fe5211_32), T f
- := Eval compute in fun f => @app_on A length_fe5211_32 T f P.
- Definition app_fe5211_32W {A T} (f : tuple A length_fe5211_32) (P : tuple A length_fe5211_32 -> T)
- := Eval compute in @app_fe5211_32W_dep A (fun _ => T) P f.
- Definition app_fe5211_32_dep {T} (P : forall x : fe5211_32, T x)
- : forall f : fe5211_32, T f
- := Eval compute in fun f => @app_on_h _ (fun e => word_of e) length_fe5211_32 bounds_exp T f P.
- Definition app_fe5211_32 {T} (f : fe5211_32) (P : hlist (fun e => word_of e) bounds_exp -> T)
- := Eval compute in @app_fe5211_32_dep (fun _ => T) P f.
- Definition app_wire_digits_dep {T} (P : forall x : wire_digits, T x)
- : forall f : wire_digits, T f
- := Eval compute in fun f => @app_on_h _ (fun e => unbounded_word e) (length wire_widths) wire_digit_bounds_exp T f P.
- Definition app_wire_digits {T} (f : wire_digits) (P : hlist (fun e => unbounded_word e) wire_digit_bounds_exp -> T)
- := Eval compute in @app_wire_digits_dep (fun _ => T) P f.
- Definition app_wire_digitsW_dep_correct {A T} f P : @app_wire_digitsW_dep A T P f = P f
- := app_on_correct f P.
- Definition app_wire_digitsW_correct {A T} f P : @app_wire_digitsW A T f P = P f
- := @app_wire_digitsW_dep_correct A (fun _ => T) f P.
- Definition app_fe5211_32W_dep_correct {A T} f P : @app_fe5211_32W_dep A T P f = P f
- := app_on_correct f P.
- Definition app_fe5211_32W_correct {A T} f P : @app_fe5211_32W A T f P = P f
- := @app_fe5211_32W_dep_correct A (fun _ => T) f P.
- Definition app_fe5211_32_dep_correct {T} f P : @app_fe5211_32_dep T P f = P f
- := app_on_h_correct (fun e => word_of e) bounds_exp f P.
- Definition app_fe5211_32_correct {T} f P : @app_fe5211_32 T f P = P f
- := @app_fe5211_32_dep_correct (fun _ => T) f P.
- Definition app_wire_digits_dep_correct {T} f P : @app_wire_digits_dep T P f = P f
- := app_on_h_correct (fun e => unbounded_word e) wire_digit_bounds_exp f P.
- Definition app_wire_digits_correct {T} f P : @app_wire_digits T f P = P f
- := @app_wire_digits_dep_correct (fun _ => T) f P.
- Definition appify2 {T} (op : fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> T) (f g : fe5211_32W) :=
- app_fe5211_32W f (fun f0 => (app_fe5211_32W g (fun g0 => op f0 g0))).
- Lemma appify2_correct : forall {T} op f g, @appify2 T op f g = op f g.
- Proof.
- intros. cbv [appify2].
- etransitivity; apply app_fe5211_32W_correct.
- Qed.
- Definition appify9 {T} (op : fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> T) (x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 : fe5211_32W) :=
- app_fe5211_32W x0 (fun x0' =>
- app_fe5211_32W x1 (fun x1' =>
- app_fe5211_32W x2 (fun x2' =>
- app_fe5211_32W x3 (fun x3' =>
- app_fe5211_32W x4 (fun x4' =>
- app_fe5211_32W x5 (fun x5' =>
- app_fe5211_32W x6 (fun x6' =>
- app_fe5211_32W x7 (fun x7' =>
- app_fe5211_32W x8 (fun x8' =>
- op x0' x1' x2' x3' x4' x5' x6' x7' x8'))))))))).
- Lemma appify9_correct : forall {T} op x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8,
- @appify9 T op x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 = op x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8.
- Proof.
- intros. cbv [appify9].
- repeat (etransitivity; [ apply app_fe5211_32W_correct | ]); reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End generic_destructuring.
-Definition eta_fe5211_32W_sig (x : fe5211_32W) : { v : fe5211_32W | v = x }.
- eexists; symmetry.
- repeat (etransitivity; [ apply surjective_pairing | apply f_equal2 ]); reflexivity.
-Definition eta_fe5211_32W (x : fe5211_32W) : fe5211_32W
- := Eval cbv [proj1_sig eta_fe5211_32W_sig] in proj1_sig (eta_fe5211_32W_sig x).
-Definition eta_wire_digitsW_sig (x : wire_digitsW) : { v : wire_digitsW | v = x }.
- eexists; symmetry.
- repeat (etransitivity; [ apply surjective_pairing | apply f_equal2 ]); reflexivity.
-Definition eta_wire_digitsW (x : wire_digitsW) : wire_digitsW
- := Eval cbv [proj1_sig eta_wire_digitsW_sig] in proj1_sig (eta_wire_digitsW_sig x).
-Local Transparent word64.
-Lemma word64ize_id x : word64ize x = x.
-Proof. apply NToWord_wordToN. Qed.
-Local Opaque word64.
-Lemma word64eqb_Zeqb x y : (word64ToZ x =? word64ToZ y)%Z = w64eqb x y.
-Proof. apply wordeqb_Zeqb. Qed.
-Local Arguments Z.pow_pos !_ !_ / .
-Lemma word64ToZ_ZToWord64 x : 0 <= x < 2^Z.of_nat bit_width -> word64ToZ (ZToWord64 x) = x.
- intros; unfold word64ToZ, ZToWord64.
- rewrite wordToN_NToWord_idempotent, Z2N.id
- by (omega || apply N2Z.inj_lt; rewrite <- ?(N_nat_Z (Npow2 _)), ?Npow2_nat, ?Zpow_pow2, ?N2Z.id, ?Z2N.id, ?Z2Nat.id by omega; omega).
- reflexivity.
-Lemma ZToWord64_word64ToZ x : ZToWord64 (word64ToZ x) = x.
- intros; unfold word64ToZ, ZToWord64.
- rewrite N2Z.id, NToWord_wordToN; reflexivity.
-(* BEGIN precomputation. *)
-Definition proj_word {lower upper} (v : bounded_word lower upper) := Eval cbv [proj1_sig] in proj1_sig v.
-Definition word_bounded {lower upper} (v : bounded_word lower upper)
- : andb (lower <=? proj_word v)%Z (proj_word v <=? upper)%Z = true
- := project_is_boundedT (proj2_sig v).
-Definition Build_bounded_word' {lower upper} proj_word word_bounded : bounded_word lower upper
- := exist _ proj_word (Build_is_boundedT word_bounded).
-Arguments proj_word {_ _} _.
-Arguments word_bounded {_ _} _.
-Arguments Build_bounded_word' {_ _} _ _.
-Definition Build_bounded_word {lower upper} (proj_word : word64) (word_bounded : andb (lower <=? proj_word)%Z (proj_word <=? upper)%Z = true)
- : bounded_word lower upper
- := Build_bounded_word'
- proj_word
- (match andb (lower <=? proj_word)%Z (proj_word <=? upper)%Z as b return b = true -> b = true with
- | true => fun _ => eq_refl
- | false => fun x => x
- end word_bounded).
-Lemma word_to_unbounded_helper {x e : nat} : (x < pow2 e)%nat -> (Z.of_nat e <= Z.of_nat bit_width)%Z -> ((0 <=? word64ToZ (ZToWord64 (Z.of_nat x))) && (word64ToZ (ZToWord64 (Z.of_nat x)) <=? 2 ^ (Z.of_nat e) - 1))%bool = true.
- rewrite pow2_id; intro H; apply Nat2Z.inj_lt in H; revert H.
- rewrite Z.pow_Zpow; simpl Z.of_nat.
- intros H H'.
- assert (2^Z.of_nat e <= 2^Z.of_nat bit_width) by auto with zarith.
- rewrite ?word64ToZ_ZToWord64 by omega.
- match goal with
- | [ |- context[andb ?x ?y] ]
- => destruct x eqn:?, y eqn:?; try reflexivity; Z.ltb_to_lt
- end;
- intros; omega.
-Definition word_to_unbounded_word {sz} (x : word sz) : (Z.of_nat sz <=? Z.of_nat bit_width)%Z = true -> unbounded_word (Z.of_nat sz).
- refine (fun pf => Build_bounded_word (Z.of_N (wordToN x)) _).
- abstract (rewrite wordToN_nat, nat_N_Z; Z.ltb_to_lt; apply (word_to_unbounded_helper (wordToNat_bound x)); simpl; omega).
-Definition word32_to_unbounded_word (x : word 32) : unbounded_word 32.
-Proof. apply (word_to_unbounded_word x); reflexivity. Defined.
-Definition word31_to_unbounded_word (x : word 31) : unbounded_word 31.
-Proof. apply (word_to_unbounded_word x); reflexivity. Defined.
-Local Opaque word64.
-Declare Reduction app_tuple_map := cbv [app_wire_digitsW app_fe5211_32W app_fe5211_32 HList.mapt HList.mapt' Tuple.map on_tuple List.map List.app length_fe5211_32 List.length wire_widths Tuple.from_list Tuple.from_list' Tuple.to_list Tuple.to_list' fst snd].
-Definition fe5211_32WToZ (x : fe5211_32W) : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.fe5211_32
- := Eval app_tuple_map in
- app_fe5211_32W x (Tuple.map (fun v : word64 => v : Z)).
-Definition fe5211_32ZToW (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.fe5211_32) : fe5211_32W
- := Eval app_tuple_map in
- app_fe5211_32W x (Tuple.map (fun v : Z => v : word64)).
-Definition wire_digitsWToZ (x : wire_digitsW) : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.wire_digits
- := Eval app_tuple_map in
- app_wire_digitsW x (Tuple.map (fun v : word64 => v : Z)).
-Definition wire_digitsZToW (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.wire_digits) : wire_digitsW
- := Eval app_tuple_map in
- app_wire_digitsW x (Tuple.map (fun v : Z => v : word64)).
-Definition fe5211_32W_word64ize (x : fe5211_32W) : fe5211_32W
- := Eval app_tuple_map in
- app_fe5211_32W x (Tuple.map word64ize).
-Definition wire_digitsW_word64ize (x : wire_digitsW) : wire_digitsW
- := Eval app_tuple_map in
- app_wire_digitsW x (Tuple.map word64ize).
-(** TODO: Turn this into a lemma to speed up proofs *)
-Ltac unfold_is_bounded_in' H :=
- lazymatch type of H with
- | andb _ _ = true
- => apply andb_prop in H;
- let H1 := fresh in
- let H2 := fresh in
- destruct H as [H1 H2];
- unfold_is_bounded_in' H1;
- unfold_is_bounded_in' H2
- | _ => idtac
- end.
-Ltac preunfold_is_bounded_in H :=
- unfold is_bounded, wire_digits_is_bounded, is_bounded_gen, fe5211_32WToZ, wire_digitsWToZ in H;
- cbv [to_list length bounds wire_digit_bounds from_list from_list' map2 on_tuple2 to_list' ListUtil.map2 Tuple.map List.map fold_right List.rev List.app length_fe5211_32 List.length wire_widths HList.hlistP HList.hlistP' Tuple.on_tuple] in H.
-Ltac unfold_is_bounded_in H :=
- preunfold_is_bounded_in H;
- unfold_is_bounded_in' H.
-Ltac preunfold_is_bounded :=
- unfold is_bounded, wire_digits_is_bounded, is_bounded_gen, fe5211_32WToZ, wire_digitsWToZ;
- cbv [to_list length bounds wire_digit_bounds from_list from_list' map2 on_tuple2 to_list' ListUtil.map2 Tuple.map List.map fold_right List.rev List.app length_fe5211_32 List.length wire_widths HList.hlistP HList.hlistP' Tuple.on_tuple].
-Ltac unfold_is_bounded :=
- preunfold_is_bounded;
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- andb _ _ = true ] => apply andb_true_intro
- | [ |- and _ _ ] => split
- end.
-Local Transparent bit_width.
-Definition Pow2_64 := Eval compute in 2^Z.of_nat bit_width.
-Definition unfold_Pow2_64 : 2^Z.of_nat bit_width = Pow2_64 := eq_refl.
-Local Opaque bit_width.
-Local Ltac prove_lt_bit_width :=
- rewrite unfold_Pow2_64; cbv [Pow2_64]; omega.
-Lemma fe5211_32ZToW_WToZ (x : fe5211_32W) : fe5211_32ZToW (fe5211_32WToZ x) = x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod; cbv [fe5211_32WToZ fe5211_32ZToW].
- rewrite !ZToWord64_word64ToZ; reflexivity.
-Lemma fe5211_32WToZ_ZToW x : is_bounded x = true -> fe5211_32WToZ (fe5211_32ZToW x) = x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod; cbv [fe5211_32WToZ fe5211_32ZToW].
- intro H.
- unfold_is_bounded_in H; destruct_head' and.
- Z.ltb_to_lt.
- rewrite !word64ToZ_ZToWord64 by prove_lt_bit_width.
- reflexivity.
-Lemma fe5211_32W_word64ize_id x : fe5211_32W_word64ize x = x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
- cbv [fe5211_32W_word64ize];
- repeat apply f_equal2; apply word64ize_id.
-Lemma wire_digitsW_word64ize_id x : wire_digitsW_word64ize x = x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
- cbv [wire_digitsW_word64ize];
- repeat apply f_equal2; apply word64ize_id.
-Definition uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W {T} (op : fe5211_32W -> T)
- := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in Tuple.uncurry (n:=length_fe5211_32) op.
-Definition curry_unop_fe5211_32W {T} op : fe5211_32W -> T
- := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in fun f => app_fe5211_32W f (Tuple.curry (n:=length_fe5211_32) op).
-Definition uncurry_binop_fe5211_32W {T} (op : fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> T)
- := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun f => uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (op f)).
-Definition curry_binop_fe5211_32W {T} op : fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> T
- := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in appify2 (fun f => curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W op f)).
-Definition uncurry_unop_wire_digitsW {T} (op : wire_digitsW -> T)
- := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in Tuple.uncurry (n:=length wire_widths) op.
-Definition curry_unop_wire_digitsW {T} op : wire_digitsW -> T
- := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in fun f => app_wire_digitsW f (Tuple.curry (n:=length wire_widths) op).
-Definition uncurry_9op_fe5211_32W {T} (op : fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> T)
- := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x0 =>
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x1 =>
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x2 =>
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x3 =>
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x4 =>
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x5 =>
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x6 =>
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x7 =>
- uncurry_unop_fe5211_32W (fun x8 =>
- op x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8))))))))).
-Definition curry_9op_fe5211_32W {T} op : fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> fe5211_32W -> T
- := Eval cbv (*-[word64]*) in
- appify9 (fun x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8
- => curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W (curry_unop_fe5211_32W op x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6) x7) x8).
-Definition proj1_fe5211_32W (x : fe5211_32) : fe5211_32W
- := Eval app_tuple_map in
- app_fe5211_32 x (HList.mapt (fun _ => (@proj_word _ _))).
-Coercion proj1_fe5211_32 (x : fe5211_32) : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.fe5211_32
- := fe5211_32WToZ (proj1_fe5211_32W x).
-Lemma is_bounded_proj1_fe5211_32 (x : fe5211_32) : is_bounded (proj1_fe5211_32 x) = true.
- revert x; refine (app_fe5211_32_dep _); intro x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod; destruct_head' bounded_word.
- cbv [is_bounded proj1_fe5211_32 proj1_fe5211_32W fe5211_32WToZ to_list length bounds from_list from_list' map2 on_tuple2 to_list' ListUtil.map2 List.map List.rev List.app proj_word length_fe5211_32 is_bounded_gen].
- apply fold_right_andb_true_iff_fold_right_and_True.
- cbv [fold_right List.map].
- cbv beta in *.
- repeat split; auto using project_is_boundedT.
-Definition proj1_wire_digitsW (x : wire_digits) : wire_digitsW
- := app_wire_digits x (HList.mapt (fun _ => proj_word)).
-Coercion proj1_wire_digits (x : wire_digits) : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.wire_digits
- := wire_digitsWToZ (proj1_wire_digitsW x).
-Lemma is_bounded_proj1_wire_digits (x : wire_digits) : wire_digits_is_bounded (proj1_wire_digits x) = true.
- revert x; refine (app_wire_digits_dep _); intro x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod; destruct_head' bounded_word.
- cbv [wire_digits_is_bounded proj1_wire_digits proj1_wire_digitsW wire_digitsWToZ to_list length wire_digit_bounds from_list from_list' map2 on_tuple2 to_list' ListUtil.map2 List.map List.rev List.app proj_word is_bounded_gen wire_widths HList.mapt HList.mapt' app_wire_digits fst snd].
- apply fold_right_andb_true_iff_fold_right_and_True.
- cbv [fold_right List.map].
- cbv beta in *.
- repeat split; auto using project_is_boundedT.
-Local Ltac make_exist_W' x app_W_dep :=
- let H := fresh in
- revert x; refine (@app_W_dep _ _ _); intros x H;
- let x' := fresh in
- set (x' := x);
- cbv [tuple tuple' length_fe5211_32 List.length wire_widths] in x;
- destruct_head' prod;
- let rec do_refine v H :=
- first [ let v' := (eval cbv [snd fst] in (snd v)) in
- refine (_, Build_bounded_word v' _);
- [ do_refine (fst v) (proj2 H) | subst x'; abstract exact (proj1 H) ]
- | let v' := (eval cbv [snd fst] in v) in
- refine (Build_bounded_word v' _); subst x'; abstract exact (proj1 H) ] in
- let H' := constr:(proj1 (@fold_right_andb_true_iff_fold_right_and_True _) H) in
- let T := type of H' in
- let T := (eval cbv [id
- List.fold_right List.map List.length List.app ListUtil.map2 List.rev
- Tuple.to_list Tuple.to_list' Tuple.from_list Tuple.from_list' Tuple.map2 Tuple.on_tuple2
- fe5211_32 bounds fe5211_32WToZ length_fe5211_32
- wire_digits wire_digit_bounds wire_digitsWToZ wire_widths] in T) in
- let H' := constr:(H' : T) in
- let v := (eval unfold x' in x') in
- do_refine v H'.
-Local Ltac make_exist'' x exist_W ZToW :=
- let H := fresh in
- intro H; apply (exist_W (ZToW x));
- abstract (
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod;
- let H' := fresh in
- pose proof H as H';
- unfold_is_bounded_in H;
- destruct_head' and; simpl in *;
- Z.ltb_to_lt;
- rewrite ?word64ToZ_ZToWord64 by prove_lt_bit_width;
- assumption
- ).
-Local Ltac make_exist' x app_W_dep exist'' exist_W ZToW :=
- let H := fresh in
- revert x; refine (@app_W_dep _ _ _); intros x H;
- let x' := fresh in
- set (x' := x) in *;
- cbv [tuple tuple' length_fe5211_32 List.length wire_widths] in x;
- destruct_head' prod;
- let rec do_refine v :=
- first [ let v' := (eval cbv [exist_W ZToW exist'' proj_word Build_bounded_word Build_bounded_word' snd fst] in (proj_word v)) in
- refine (Build_bounded_word v' _); subst x'; abstract exact (word_bounded v)
- | let v' := (eval cbv [exist_W ZToW exist'' proj_word Build_bounded_word Build_bounded_word' snd fst] in (proj_word (snd v))) in
- refine (_, Build_bounded_word v' _);
- [ do_refine (fst v) | subst x'; abstract exact (word_bounded (snd v)) ] ] in
- let v := (eval unfold x' in (exist'' x' H)) in
- do_refine v.
-Definition exist_fe5211_32W' (x : fe5211_32W) : is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ x) = true -> fe5211_32.
-Proof. make_exist_W' x (@app_fe5211_32W_dep). Defined.
-Definition exist_fe5211_32W (x : fe5211_32W) : is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ x) = true -> fe5211_32
- := Eval cbv [app_fe5211_32W_dep exist_fe5211_32W' fe5211_32ZToW] in exist_fe5211_32W' x.
-Definition exist_fe5211_32'' (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.fe5211_32) : is_bounded x = true -> fe5211_32.
-Proof. make_exist'' x exist_fe5211_32W fe5211_32ZToW. Defined.
-Definition exist_fe5211_32' (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.fe5211_32) : is_bounded x = true -> fe5211_32.
-Proof. make_exist' x (@app_fe5211_32W_dep) exist_fe5211_32'' exist_fe5211_32W fe5211_32ZToW. Defined.
-Definition exist_fe5211_32 (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.fe5211_32) : is_bounded x = true -> fe5211_32
- := Eval cbv [exist_fe5211_32' exist_fe5211_32W exist_fe5211_32' app_fe5211_32 app_fe5211_32W_dep] in
- exist_fe5211_32' x.
-Lemma proj1_fe5211_32_exist_fe5211_32W x pf : proj1_fe5211_32 (exist_fe5211_32W x pf) = fe5211_32WToZ x.
-Proof. now hnf in x; destruct_head' prod. Qed.
-Lemma proj1_fe5211_32W_exist_fe5211_32 x pf : proj1_fe5211_32W (exist_fe5211_32 x pf) = fe5211_32ZToW x.
-Proof. now hnf in x; destruct_head' prod. Qed.
-Lemma proj1_fe5211_32_exist_fe5211_32 x pf : proj1_fe5211_32 (exist_fe5211_32 x pf) = x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
- cbv [proj1_fe5211_32 exist_fe5211_32 proj1_fe5211_32W fe5211_32WToZ proj_word Build_bounded_word Build_bounded_word'].
- unfold_is_bounded_in pf.
- destruct_head' and.
- Z.ltb_to_lt.
- rewrite ?word64ToZ_ZToWord64 by prove_lt_bit_width.
- reflexivity.
-Definition exist_wire_digitsW' (x : wire_digitsW)
- : wire_digits_is_bounded (wire_digitsWToZ x) = true -> wire_digits.
-Proof. make_exist_W' x (@app_wire_digitsW_dep). Defined.
-Definition exist_wire_digitsW (x : wire_digitsW)
- : wire_digits_is_bounded (wire_digitsWToZ x) = true -> wire_digits
- := Eval cbv [app_wire_digitsW_dep exist_wire_digitsW' wire_digitsZToW] in exist_wire_digitsW' x.
-Definition exist_wire_digits'' (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.wire_digits)
- : wire_digits_is_bounded x = true -> wire_digits.
-Proof. make_exist'' x exist_wire_digitsW wire_digitsZToW. Defined.
-Definition exist_wire_digits' (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.wire_digits)
- : wire_digits_is_bounded x = true -> wire_digits.
-Proof. make_exist' x (@app_wire_digitsW_dep) exist_wire_digits'' exist_wire_digitsW wire_digitsZToW. Defined.
-Definition exist_wire_digits (x : SpecificGen.GF5211_32.wire_digits)
- : wire_digits_is_bounded x = true -> wire_digits
- := Eval cbv [exist_wire_digits' exist_wire_digitsW exist_wire_digits' app_wire_digits app_wire_digitsW_dep] in
- exist_wire_digits' x.
-Lemma proj1_wire_digits_exist_wire_digitsW x pf : proj1_wire_digits (exist_wire_digitsW x pf) = wire_digitsWToZ x.
-Proof. now hnf in x; destruct_head' prod. Qed.
-Lemma proj1_wire_digitsW_exist_wire_digits x pf : proj1_wire_digitsW (exist_wire_digits x pf) = wire_digitsZToW x.
-Proof. now hnf in x; destruct_head' prod. Qed.
-Lemma proj1_wire_digits_exist_wire_digits x pf : proj1_wire_digits (exist_wire_digits x pf) = x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
- cbv [proj1_wire_digits exist_wire_digits proj1_wire_digitsW wire_digitsWToZ proj_word Build_bounded_word Build_bounded_word' app_wire_digits HList.mapt HList.mapt' length wire_widths fst snd].
- unfold_is_bounded_in pf.
- destruct_head' and.
- Z.ltb_to_lt.
- rewrite ?word64ToZ_ZToWord64 by prove_lt_bit_width.
- reflexivity.
-Module opt.
- Definition word64ToZ := Eval vm_compute in word64ToZ.
- Definition word64ToN := Eval vm_compute in @wordToN bit_width.
- Definition NToWord64 := Eval vm_compute in NToWord64.
- Definition bit_width := Eval vm_compute in bit_width.
- Definition Zleb := Eval cbv [Z.leb] in Z.leb.
- Definition andb := Eval vm_compute in andb.
- Definition word64ize := Eval vm_compute in word64ize.
-End opt.
-Local Transparent bit_width.
-Local Ltac do_change lem :=
- match lem with
- | context L[andb (?x <=? ?y)%Z (?y <=? ?z)]
- => let x' := (eval vm_compute in x) in
- let z' := (eval vm_compute in z) in
- lazymatch y with
- | word64ToZ (word64ize ?v)
- => let y' := constr:(opt.word64ToZ (opt.word64ize v)) in
- let L' := context L[andb (opt.Zleb x' y') (opt.Zleb y' z')] in
- do_change L'
- end
- | _ => lem
- end.
-Definition fe5211_32_word64ize (x : fe5211_32) : fe5211_32.
- set (x' := x).
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
- let lem := constr:(exist_fe5211_32W (fe5211_32W_word64ize (proj1_fe5211_32W x'))) in
- let lem := (eval cbv [proj1_fe5211_32W x' fe5211_32W_word64ize proj_word exist_fe5211_32W Build_bounded_word' Build_bounded_word] in lem) in
- let lem := do_change lem in
- refine (lem _);
- change (is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ (fe5211_32W_word64ize (proj1_fe5211_32W x'))) = true);
- abstract (rewrite fe5211_32W_word64ize_id; apply is_bounded_proj1_fe5211_32).
-Definition wire_digits_word64ize (x : wire_digits) : wire_digits.
- set (x' := x).
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
- let lem := constr:(exist_wire_digitsW (wire_digitsW_word64ize (proj1_wire_digitsW x'))) in
- let lem := (eval cbv [proj1_wire_digitsW x' wire_digitsW_word64ize proj_word exist_wire_digitsW Build_bounded_word Build_bounded_word'] in lem) in
- let lem := do_change lem in
- let lem := (eval cbv [word64ize opt.word64ize andb Z.leb Z.compare CompOpp Pos.compare] in lem) in
- refine (lem _);
- change (wire_digits_is_bounded (wire_digitsWToZ (wire_digitsW_word64ize (proj1_wire_digitsW x'))) = true);
- abstract (rewrite wire_digitsW_word64ize_id; apply is_bounded_proj1_wire_digits).
-Lemma is_bounded_to_nth_default x (H : is_bounded x = true)
- : forall n : nat,
- (n < length limb_widths)%nat
- -> (0 <= nth_default 0 (Tuple.to_list length_fe5211_32 x) n <=
- snd (b_of (nth_default (-1) limb_widths n)))%Z.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
- unfold_is_bounded_in H; destruct_head' and.
- Z.ltb_to_lt.
- unfold nth_default; simpl.
- intros.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[nth_error _ ?x] ]
- => is_var x; destruct x; simpl
- end;
- omega.
-(* END precomputation *)
-(* Precompute constants *)
-Definition one' := Eval vm_compute in exist_fe5211_32 SpecificGen.GF5211_32.one_ eq_refl.
-Definition one := Eval cbv [one' fe5211_32_word64ize word64ize andb opt.word64ToZ opt.word64ize opt.Zleb Z.compare CompOpp Pos.compare Pos.compare_cont] in fe5211_32_word64ize one'.
-Definition zero' := Eval vm_compute in exist_fe5211_32 SpecificGen.GF5211_32.zero_ eq_refl.
-Definition zero := Eval cbv [zero' fe5211_32_word64ize word64ize andb opt.word64ToZ opt.word64ize opt.Zleb Z.compare CompOpp Pos.compare Pos.compare_cont] in fe5211_32_word64ize zero'.
-Lemma fold_chain_opt_gen {A B} (F : A -> B) is_bounded ls id' op' id op chain
- (Hid_bounded : is_bounded (F id') = true)
- (Hid : id = F id')
- (Hop_bounded : forall x y, is_bounded (F x) = true
- -> is_bounded (F y) = true
- -> is_bounded (op (F x) (F y)) = true)
- (Hop : forall x y, is_bounded (F x) = true
- -> is_bounded (F y) = true
- -> op (F x) (F y) = F (op' x y))
- (Hls_bounded : forall n, is_bounded (F (nth_default id' ls n)) = true)
- : F (fold_chain_opt id' op' chain ls)
- = fold_chain_opt id op chain (List.map F ls)
- /\ is_bounded (F (fold_chain_opt id' op' chain ls)) = true.
- rewrite !fold_chain_opt_correct.
- revert dependent ls; induction chain as [|x xs IHxs]; intros.
- { pose proof (Hls_bounded 0%nat).
- destruct ls; simpl; split; trivial; congruence. }
- { destruct x; simpl; unfold Let_In; simpl.
- rewrite (fun ls pf => proj1 (IHxs ls pf)) at 1; simpl.
- { do 2 f_equal.
- rewrite <- Hop, Hid by auto.
- rewrite !map_nth_default_always.
- split; try reflexivity.
- apply (IHxs (_::_)).
- intros [|?]; autorewrite with simpl_nth_default; auto.
- rewrite <- Hop; auto. }
- { intros [|?]; simpl;
- autorewrite with simpl_nth_default; auto.
- rewrite <- Hop; auto. } }
-Lemma encode_bounded x : is_bounded (encode x) = true.
- pose proof (bounded_encode x).
- generalize dependent (encode x).
- intro t; compute in t; intros.
- destruct_head' prod.
- unfold Pow2Base.bounded in H.
- cbv [nth_default Tuple.to_list Tuple.to_list' List.length limb_widths params5211_32] in H.
- repeat match type of H with
- | context[nth_error (cons _ _) _]
- => let H' := fresh in
- pose proof (H O) as H'; specialize (fun i => H (S i)); simpl @nth_error in H, H';
- cbv beta iota in H'
- end.
- clear H.
- simpl in *.
- cbv [Z.pow_pos Z.mul Pos.mul Pos.iter nth_default nth_error value] in *.
- unfold is_bounded.
- apply fold_right_andb_true_iff_fold_right_and_True.
- cbv [is_bounded proj1_fe5211_32 to_list length bounds from_list from_list' map2 on_tuple2 to_list' ListUtil.map2 List.map List.rev List.app proj_word fold_right length_fe5211_32].
- repeat split; rewrite !Bool.andb_true_iff, !Z.leb_le; omega.
-Definition encode (x : F modulus) : fe5211_32
- := exist_fe5211_32 (encode x) (encode_bounded x).
-Definition decode (x : fe5211_32) : F modulus
- := ModularBaseSystem.decode (proj1_fe5211_32 x).
-Lemma proj1_fe5211_32_encode x
- : proj1_fe5211_32 (encode x) = ModularBaseSystem.encode x.
- cbv [encode].
- generalize (encode_bounded x); generalize (ModularBaseSystem.encode x).
- intros y pf; intros; hnf in y; destruct_head_hnf' prod.
- cbv [proj1_fe5211_32 exist_fe5211_32 proj1_fe5211_32W Build_bounded_word Build_bounded_word' fe5211_32WToZ proj_word].
- unfold_is_bounded_in pf.
- destruct_head' and.
- Z.ltb_to_lt.
- rewrite ?word64ToZ_ZToWord64 by prove_lt_bit_width.
- reflexivity.
-Lemma decode_exist_fe5211_32 x pf
- : decode (exist_fe5211_32 x pf) = ModularBaseSystem.decode x.
- hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
- cbv [decode proj1_fe5211_32 exist_fe5211_32 proj1_fe5211_32W Build_bounded_word Build_bounded_word' fe5211_32WToZ proj_word].
- unfold_is_bounded_in pf.
- destruct_head' and.
- Z.ltb_to_lt.
- rewrite ?word64ToZ_ZToWord64 by prove_lt_bit_width.
- reflexivity.
-Definition div (f g : fe5211_32) : fe5211_32
- := exist_fe5211_32 (div (proj1_fe5211_32 f) (proj1_fe5211_32 g)) (encode_bounded _).
-Definition eq (f g : fe5211_32) : Prop := eq (proj1_fe5211_32 f) (proj1_fe5211_32 g).
-Notation in_op_correct_and_bounded k irop op
- := (((Tuple.map (n:=k) fe5211_32WToZ irop = op)
- /\ HList.hlistP (fun v => is_bounded v = true) (Tuple.map (n:=k) fe5211_32WToZ irop))%type)
- (only parsing).
-(*Fixpoint inm_op_correct_and_bounded' (count_in count_out : nat)
- : forall (irop : Tower.tower_nd fe5211_32W (Tuple.tuple fe5211_32W count_out) count_in)
- (op : Tower.tower_nd GF5211_32.fe5211_32 (Tuple.tuple GF5211_32.fe5211_32 count_out) count_in)
- (cont : Prop -> Prop),
- Prop
- := match count_in return
- forall (irop : Tower.tower_nd fe5211_32W (Tuple.tuple fe5211_32W count_out) count_in)
- (op : Tower.tower_nd GF5211_32.fe5211_32 (Tuple.tuple GF5211_32.fe5211_32 count_out) count_in)
- (cont : Prop -> Prop),
- Prop
- with
- | O => fun irop op cont => cont (in_op_correct_and_bounded count_out irop op)
- | S n => fun irop op cont
- => forall x : fe5211_32W,
- @inm_op_correct_and_bounded'
- n count_out (irop x) (op (fe5211_32WToZ x))
- (fun P => cont (is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ x) = true -> P))
- end.
-Definition inm_op_correct_and_bounded count_in count_out irop op
- := Eval cbv [inm_op_correct_and_bounded' Tower.tower_nd Tuple.tuple Tuple.tuple' HList.hlistP HList.hlistP'] in
- inm_op_correct_and_bounded' count_in count_out irop op (fun P => P).
-Fixpoint inm_op_correct_and_bounded_prefix' (count_in count_out : nat)
- : forall (irop : Tower.tower_nd fe5211_32W (Tuple.tuple fe5211_32W count_out) count_in)
- (op : Tower.tower_nd GF5211_32.fe5211_32 (Tuple.tuple GF5211_32.fe5211_32 count_out) count_in),
- Prop
- := match count_in return
- forall (irop : Tower.tower_nd fe5211_32W (Tuple.tuple fe5211_32W count_out) count_in)
- (op : Tower.tower_nd GF5211_32.fe5211_32 (Tuple.tuple GF5211_32.fe5211_32 count_out) count_in),
- Prop
- with
- | O => fun irop op => in_op_correct_and_bounded count_out irop op
- | S n => fun irop op
- => forall x : fe5211_32W,
- is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ x) = true
- -> @inm_op_correct_and_bounded_prefix'
- n count_out (irop x) (op (fe5211_32WToZ x))
- end.
-Definition inm_op_correct_and_bounded_prefix count_in count_out irop op
- := inm_op_correct_and_bounded_prefix' count_in count_out irop op.
-Lemma inm_op_correct_and_bounded_iff_prefix' count_in count_out irop op
- (cont : Prop -> Prop)
- (cont_forall : forall T (P : T -> Prop), cont (forall x : T, P x) <-> forall x : T, cont (P x))
- : inm_op_correct_and_bounded' count_in count_out irop op cont <-> cont (inm_op_correct_and_bounded_prefix' count_in count_out irop op).
- revert dependent cont; induction count_in as [|count_in IHcount_in]; intros.
- { reflexivity. }
- { simpl.
- rewrite cont_forall.
- split; intros H' x; specialize (H' x);
- specialize (IHcount_in (irop x) (op (fe5211_32WToZ x)) (fun P => cont (is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ x) = true -> P)));
- cbv beta in *;
- [ erewrite <- IHcount_in; [ assumption | .. ]
- | erewrite -> IHcount_in; [ assumption | .. ] ];
- clear IHcount_in.
- { intros; repeat setoid_rewrite cont_forall; split; eauto. }
- { intros; repeat setoid_rewrite cont_forall; split; eauto. } }
-Lemma inm_op_correct_and_bounded_iff_prefix count_in count_out irop op
- : inm_op_correct_and_bounded count_in count_out irop op <-> inm_op_correct_and_bounded_prefix count_in count_out irop op.
- apply (inm_op_correct_and_bounded_iff_prefix' count_in count_out irop op (fun P => P)).
- reflexivity.
-Definition inm_op_correct_and_bounded1 count_in irop op
- := Eval cbv [inm_op_correct_and_bounded Tuple.map Tuple.to_list Tuple.to_list' Tuple.from_list Tuple.from_list' Tuple.on_tuple List.map] in
- inm_op_correct_and_bounded count_in 1 irop op.*)
-Notation inm_op_correct_and_bounded n m irop op
- := ((forall x,
- HList.hlistP (fun v => is_bounded v = true) (Tuple.map (n:=n%nat%type) fe5211_32WToZ x)
- -> in_op_correct_and_bounded m (irop x) (op (Tuple.map (n:=n) fe5211_32WToZ x))))
- (only parsing).
-Notation ibinop_correct_and_bounded irop op := (inm_op_correct_and_bounded 2 1 irop op) (only parsing).
-Notation iunop_correct_and_bounded irop op := (inm_op_correct_and_bounded 1 1 irop op) (only parsing).
-Notation iunop_FEToZ_correct irop op
- := (forall x,
- is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ x) = true
- -> word64ToZ (irop x) = op (fe5211_32WToZ x)) (only parsing).
-Notation iunop_FEToWire_correct_and_bounded irop op
- := (forall x,
- is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ x) = true
- -> wire_digitsWToZ (irop x) = op (fe5211_32WToZ x)
- /\ wire_digits_is_bounded (wire_digitsWToZ (irop x)) = true) (only parsing).
-Notation iunop_WireToFE_correct_and_bounded irop op
- := (forall x,
- wire_digits_is_bounded (wire_digitsWToZ x) = true
- -> fe5211_32WToZ (irop x) = op (wire_digitsWToZ x)
- /\ is_bounded (fe5211_32WToZ (irop x)) = true) (only parsing).
-Notation i9top_correct_and_bounded k irop op := (inm_op_correct_and_bounded 9 k irop op) (only parsing).
-Notation prefreeze := GF5211_32.prefreeze.