path: root/src/SpecificGen/GF41417_32Bounded.v
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diff --git a/src/SpecificGen/GF41417_32Bounded.v b/src/SpecificGen/GF41417_32Bounded.v
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+++ b/src/SpecificGen/GF41417_32Bounded.v
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+Require Import Crypto.BaseSystem.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseParams.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PseudoMersenneBaseParamProofs.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystem.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemProofs.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemOpt.
+Require Import Crypto.SpecificGen.GF41417_32.
+Require Import Crypto.SpecificGen.GF41417_32BoundedCommon.
+Require Import Crypto.SpecificGen.GF41417_32Reflective.
+Require Import Bedrock.Word Crypto.Util.WordUtil.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
+Require Import Crypto.Algebra.
+Import ListNotations.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
+Local Open Scope Z.
+Local Ltac bounded_t opW blem :=
+ apply blem; apply is_bounded_proj1_fe41417_32.
+Local Ltac bounded_wire_digits_t opW blem :=
+ apply blem; apply is_bounded_proj1_wire_digits.
+Local Ltac define_binop f g opW blem :=
+ refine (exist_fe41417_32W (opW (proj1_fe41417_32W f) (proj1_fe41417_32W g)) _);
+ abstract bounded_t opW blem.
+Local Ltac define_unop f opW blem :=
+ refine (exist_fe41417_32W (opW (proj1_fe41417_32W f)) _);
+ abstract bounded_t opW blem.
+Local Ltac define_unop_FEToZ f opW :=
+ refine (opW (proj1_fe41417_32W f)).
+Local Ltac define_unop_FEToWire f opW blem :=
+ refine (exist_wire_digitsW (opW (proj1_fe41417_32W f)) _);
+ abstract bounded_t opW blem.
+Local Ltac define_unop_WireToFE f opW blem :=
+ refine (exist_fe41417_32W (opW (proj1_wire_digitsW f)) _);
+ abstract bounded_wire_digits_t opW blem.
+Local Opaque Let_In.
+Local Opaque Z.add Z.sub Z.mul Z.shiftl Z.shiftr Z.land Z.lor Z.eqb NToWord64.
+Local Arguments interp_radd / _ _.
+Local Arguments interp_rsub / _ _.
+Local Arguments interp_rmul / _ _.
+Local Arguments interp_ropp / _.
+Local Arguments interp_rprefreeze / _.
+Local Arguments interp_rge_modulus / _.
+Local Arguments interp_rpack / _.
+Local Arguments interp_runpack / _.
+Definition addW (f g : fe41417_32W) : fe41417_32W := Eval simpl in interp_radd f g.
+Definition subW (f g : fe41417_32W) : fe41417_32W := Eval simpl in interp_rsub f g.
+Definition mulW (f g : fe41417_32W) : fe41417_32W := Eval simpl in interp_rmul f g.
+Definition oppW (f : fe41417_32W) : fe41417_32W := Eval simpl in interp_ropp f.
+Definition prefreezeW (f : fe41417_32W) : fe41417_32W := Eval simpl in interp_rprefreeze f.
+Definition ge_modulusW (f : fe41417_32W) : word64 := Eval simpl in interp_rge_modulus f.
+Definition packW (f : fe41417_32W) : wire_digitsW := Eval simpl in interp_rpack f.
+Definition unpackW (f : wire_digitsW) : fe41417_32W := Eval simpl in interp_runpack f.
+Require Import ModularBaseSystemWord.
+Definition modulusW :=
+ Eval cbv - [ZToWord64] in (Tuple.map ZToWord64 (Tuple.from_list_default 0%Z 10 GF41417_32.modulus_digits_)).
+Definition postfreeze : GF41417_32.fe41417_32 -> GF41417_32.fe41417_32 :=
+ GF41417_32.postfreeze.
+Lemma freeze_prepost_freeze : forall x, postfreeze (prefreeze x) = GF41417_32.freeze x. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Definition postfreezeW : fe41417_32W -> fe41417_32W :=
+ (conditional_subtract_modulusW
+ (num_limbs := 10)
+ modulusW
+ ge_modulusW
+ (Interpretations.Word64.neg GF41417_32.int_width)
+ ).
+Definition freezeW (f : fe41417_32W) : fe41417_32W := Eval cbv beta delta [prefreezeW postfreezeW] in postfreezeW (prefreezeW f).
+Local Transparent Let_In.
+Definition powW (f : fe41417_32W) chain := fold_chain_opt (proj1_fe41417_32W one) mulW chain [f].
+Definition invW (f : fe41417_32W) : fe41417_32W
+ := Eval cbv -[Let_In fe41417_32W mulW] in powW f (chain inv_ec).
+Local Ltac port_correct_and_bounded pre_rewrite opW interp_rop rop_cb :=
+ change opW with (interp_rop);
+ rewrite pre_rewrite;
+ intros; apply rop_cb; assumption.
+Lemma addW_correct_and_bounded : ibinop_correct_and_bounded addW carry_add.
+Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_radd_correct addW interp_radd radd_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma subW_correct_and_bounded : ibinop_correct_and_bounded subW carry_sub.
+Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rsub_correct subW interp_rsub rsub_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma mulW_correct_and_bounded : ibinop_correct_and_bounded mulW mul.
+Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rmul_correct mulW interp_rmul rmul_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma oppW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded oppW carry_opp.
+Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_ropp_correct oppW interp_ropp ropp_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma prefreezeW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded prefreezeW prefreeze.
+Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rprefreeze_correct prefreezeW interp_rprefreeze rprefreeze_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma ge_modulusW_correct : iunop_FEToZ_correct ge_modulusW ge_modulus.
+Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rge_modulus_correct ge_modulusW interp_rge_modulus rge_modulus_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma packW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_FEToWire_correct_and_bounded packW pack.
+Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_rpack_correct packW interp_rpack rpack_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma unpackW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_WireToFE_correct_and_bounded unpackW unpack.
+Proof. port_correct_and_bounded interp_runpack_correct unpackW interp_runpack runpack_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+(* TODO : move *)
+Lemma neg_range : forall x y, 0 <= x ->
+ 0 <= ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg x y < 2 ^ x.
+ intros.
+ split; auto using ModularBaseSystemListZOperationsProofs.neg_nonneg.
+ eapply Z.le_lt_trans; eauto using ModularBaseSystemListZOperationsProofs.neg_upperbound.
+ rewrite Z.ones_equiv.
+ omega.
+Ltac lower_bound_minus_ge_modulus :=
+ apply Z.le_0_sub;
+ cbv [ge_modulus Let_In ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovne ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg];
+ repeat break_if; Z.ltb_to_lt; subst; try omega;
+ rewrite ?Z.land_0_l; auto;
+ change Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ with word64ToZ;
+ etransitivity; try apply Z.land_upper_bound_r; instantiate; try omega;
+ apply Z.ones_nonneg; instantiate; vm_compute; discriminate.
+Ltac upper_bound_minus_ge_modulus :=
+ (apply Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt; [ vm_compute; reflexivity | ]);
+ eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ apply Z.le_sub_nonneg; apply Z.land_nonneg; right; omega | ];
+ eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ eassumption | ];
+ instantiate; vm_compute; reflexivity.
+Lemma postfreezeW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded postfreezeW postfreeze.
+ intros x H.
+ pose proof (ge_modulusW_correct x H) as Hgm.
+ destruct_head_hnf' prod.
+ unfold_is_bounded_in H.
+ destruct_head' and.
+ Z.ltb_to_lt.
+ cbv [postfreezeW].
+ cbv [conditional_subtract_modulusW Interpretations.Word64.neg].
+ change word64ToZ with Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ in *.
+ rewrite Hgm.
+ cbv [modulusW Tuple.map].
+ cbv [on_tuple List.map to_list to_list' from_list from_list'
+ Tuple.map2 on_tuple2 ListUtil.map2 fe41417_32WToZ].
+ cbv [postfreeze GF41417_32.postfreeze].
+ cbv [Let_In].
+ split.
+ { match goal with
+ |- (_,word64ToZ (_ ^- (Interpretations.Word64.ZToWord64 ?x) ^& _)) = (_,_ - (?y &' _)) => assert (x = y) as Hxy by reflexivity; repeat rewrite <-Hxy; clear Hxy end.
+ change ZToWord64 with Interpretations.Word64.ZToWord64 in *.
+ rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_sub;
+ rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_land;
+ rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_ZToWord64;
+ try match goal with
+ | |- 0 <= ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg _ _ < 2 ^ _ => apply neg_range; omega
+ | |- 0 <= _ < 2 ^ Z.of_nat _ => vm_compute; split; [refine (fun x => match x with eq_refl => I end) | reflexivity]
+ | |- 0 <= _ &' _ => apply Z.land_nonneg; right; omega
+ | |- (_,_) = (_,_) => reflexivity
+ end;
+ try solve [
+ (apply Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt; [ vm_compute; reflexivity | ]);
+ eapply Z.le_lt_trans; try apply Z.land_upper_bound_r; try apply neg_range; instantiate; try match goal with |- ?G => not has_evar G; vm_compute; discriminate end; reflexivity];
+ match goal with
+ | |- 0 <= _ - _ => lower_bound_minus_ge_modulus
+ | |- Z.log2 (_ - _) < _ => upper_bound_minus_ge_modulus
+ end. }
+ unfold_is_bounded.
+ change ZToWord64 with Interpretations.Word64.ZToWord64 in *.
+ rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_sub;
+ rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_land;
+ rewrite !Interpretations.Word64.word64ToZ_ZToWord64;
+ repeat match goal with |- _ /\ _ => split; Z.ltb_to_lt end;
+ try match goal with
+ | |- 0 <= ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg _ _ < 2 ^ _ => apply neg_range; omega
+ | |- 0 <= _ < 2 ^ Z.of_nat _ => vm_compute; split; [refine (fun x => match x with eq_refl => I end) | reflexivity]
+ | |- 0 <= _ &' _ => apply Z.land_nonneg; right; omega
+ end;
+ try solve [
+ (apply Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt; [ vm_compute; reflexivity | ]);
+ eapply Z.le_lt_trans; try apply Z.land_upper_bound_r; try apply neg_range; instantiate; try match goal with |- ?G => not has_evar G; vm_compute; discriminate end; reflexivity];
+ try match goal with
+ | |- 0 <= _ - _ => lower_bound_minus_ge_modulus
+ | |- Z.log2 (_ - _) < _ => upper_bound_minus_ge_modulus
+ | |- _ - _ <= _ => etransitivity; [ apply Z.le_sub_nonneg; apply Z.land_nonneg; right; omega | instantiate; assumption ]
+ | |- 0 <= ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg _ _ =>
+ apply neg_range; vm_compute; discriminate
+ | |- ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg _ _ < _ =>
+ apply neg_range; vm_compute; discriminate
+ | |- _ => vm_compute; (discriminate || reflexivity)
+ end.
+Lemma freezeW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded freezeW freeze.
+ intros f H; rewrite <- freeze_prepost_freeze.
+ change (freezeW f) with (postfreezeW (prefreezeW f)).
+ destruct (prefreezeW_correct_and_bounded f H) as [H0 H1].
+ destruct (postfreezeW_correct_and_bounded _ H1) as [H0' H1'].
+ rewrite H1', H0', H0; split; reflexivity.
+Lemma powW_correct_and_bounded chain : iunop_correct_and_bounded (fun x => powW x chain) (fun x => pow x chain).
+ cbv [powW pow].
+ intro x; intros; apply (fold_chain_opt_gen fe41417_32WToZ is_bounded [x]).
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { intros; progress rewrite <- (fun X Y => proj1 (mulW_correct_and_bounded _ _ X Y)) by assumption.
+ apply mulW_correct_and_bounded; assumption. }
+ { intros; rewrite (fun X Y => proj1 (mulW_correct_and_bounded _ _ X Y)) by assumption; reflexivity. }
+ { intros [|?]; autorewrite with simpl_nth_default;
+ (assumption || reflexivity). }
+Lemma invW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded invW inv.
+ intro f.
+ assert (H : forall f, invW f = powW f (chain inv_ec))
+ by abstract (cbv -[Let_In fe41417_32W mulW]; reflexivity).
+ rewrite H.
+ rewrite inv_correct.
+ cbv [inv_opt].
+ rewrite <- pow_correct.
+ apply powW_correct_and_bounded.
+Definition fieldwisebW_sig (f g : fe41417_32W)
+ : { b | b = GF41417_32.fieldwiseb (fe41417_32WToZ f) (fe41417_32WToZ g) }.
+ hnf in f, g; destruct_head' prod.
+ eexists.
+ cbv [GF41417_32.fieldwiseb fe41417_32WToZ].
+ rewrite ?word64eqb_Zeqb.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition fieldwisebW (f g : fe41417_32W) : bool :=
+ Eval cbv [proj1_sig fieldwisebW_sig appify2 app_fe41417_32W] in
+ appify2 (fun f g => proj1_sig (fieldwisebW_sig f g)) f g.
+Lemma fieldwisebW_correct f g
+ : fieldwisebW f g = GF41417_32.fieldwiseb (fe41417_32WToZ f) (fe41417_32WToZ g).
+ set (f' := f); set (g' := g).
+ hnf in f, g; destruct_head' prod.
+ exact (proj2_sig (fieldwisebW_sig f' g')).
+Local Arguments freezeW : simpl never.
+Local Arguments fe41417_32WToZ !_ / .
+Local Opaque freezeW.
+Definition eqbW_sig (f g : fe41417_32W)
+ : { b | is_bounded (fe41417_32WToZ f) = true
+ -> is_bounded (fe41417_32WToZ g) = true
+ -> b = GF41417_32.eqb (fe41417_32WToZ f) (fe41417_32WToZ g) }.
+ pose proof (fun pf => proj1 (freezeW_correct_and_bounded f pf)) as frf.
+ pose proof (fun pf => proj1 (freezeW_correct_and_bounded g pf)) as frg.
+ hnf in f, g; destruct_head' prod.
+ eexists.
+ unfold GF41417_32.eqb.
+ simpl @fe41417_32WToZ in *; cbv beta iota.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- frf, <- frg by assumption.
+ rewrite <- fieldwisebW_correct.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition eqbW (f g : fe41417_32W) : bool :=
+ Eval cbv [proj1_sig eqbW_sig appify2 app_fe41417_32W] in
+ appify2 (fun f g => proj1_sig (eqbW_sig f g)) f g.
+Lemma eqbW_correct f g
+ : is_bounded (fe41417_32WToZ f) = true
+ -> is_bounded (fe41417_32WToZ g) = true
+ -> eqbW f g = GF41417_32.eqb (fe41417_32WToZ f) (fe41417_32WToZ g).
+ set (f' := f); set (g' := g).
+ hnf in f, g; destruct_head' prod.
+ exact (proj2_sig (eqbW_sig f' g')).
+(* TODO(jgross): use NToWord or such for this constant too *)
+Definition sqrt_m1W : fe41417_32W :=
+ Eval vm_compute in fe41417_32ZToW sqrt_m1.
+Definition GF41417_32sqrt x : GF41417_32.fe41417_32 :=
+ dlet powx := powW (fe41417_32ZToW x) (chain GF41417_32.sqrt_ec) in
+ GF41417_32.sqrt (fe41417_32WToZ powx) (fe41417_32WToZ (mulW powx powx)) x.
+Definition sqrtW_sig
+ : { sqrtW | iunop_correct_and_bounded sqrtW GF41417_32sqrt }.
+ eexists.
+ unfold GF41417_32sqrt, GF41417_32.sqrt.
+ intros.
+ rewrite !fe41417_32ZToW_WToZ.
+ split.
+ { etransitivity.
+ Focus 2. {
+ apply Proper_Let_In_nd_changebody_eq; intros.
+ set_evars.
+ match goal with (* unfold the first dlet ... in, but only if it's binding a var *)
+ | [ |- ?x = dlet y := fe41417_32WToZ ?z in ?f ]
+ => is_var z; change (x = match fe41417_32WToZ z with y => f end)
+ end.
+ change sqrt_m1 with (fe41417_32WToZ sqrt_m1W).
+ rewrite <- (fun X Y => proj1 (mulW_correct_and_bounded sqrt_m1W a X Y)), <- eqbW_correct, (pull_bool_if fe41417_32WToZ)
+ by repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress subst
+ | [ |- is_bounded (fe41417_32WToZ ?op) = true ]
+ => lazymatch op with
+ | mulW _ _ => apply mulW_correct_and_bounded
+ | powW _ _ => apply powW_correct_and_bounded
+ | sqrt_m1W => vm_compute; reflexivity
+ | _ => assumption
+ end
+ end.
+ subst_evars; reflexivity.
+ } Unfocus.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context G[dlet x := ?v in fe41417_32WToZ (@?f x)] ]
+ => let G' := context G[fe41417_32WToZ (dlet x := v in f x)] in
+ cut G'; cbv beta;
+ [ cbv [Let_In]; exact (fun x => x) | apply f_equal ]
+ end.
+ reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [Let_In].
+ break_if.
+ { apply powW_correct_and_bounded; assumption. }
+ { apply mulW_correct_and_bounded; [ vm_compute; reflexivity | ].
+ apply powW_correct_and_bounded; assumption. } }
+Definition sqrtW (f : fe41417_32W) : fe41417_32W :=
+ Eval cbv [proj1_sig sqrtW_sig app_fe41417_32W] in
+ app_fe41417_32W f (proj1_sig sqrtW_sig).
+Lemma sqrtW_correct_and_bounded : iunop_correct_and_bounded sqrtW GF41417_32sqrt.
+ intro f.
+ set (f' := f).
+ hnf in f; destruct_head' prod.
+ assert (H : sqrtW f' = proj1_sig sqrtW_sig f')
+ by (subst f'; cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig sqrtW_sig sqrtW]; reflexivity).
+ rewrite H.
+ exact (proj2_sig sqrtW_sig f').
+Definition add (f g : fe41417_32) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_binop f g addW addW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition sub (f g : fe41417_32) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_binop f g subW subW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition mul (f g : fe41417_32) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_binop f g mulW mulW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition opp (f : fe41417_32) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_unop f oppW oppW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition freeze (f : fe41417_32) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_unop f freezeW freezeW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition ge_modulus (f : fe41417_32) : word64.
+Proof. define_unop_FEToZ f ge_modulusW. Defined.
+Definition pack (f : fe41417_32) : wire_digits.
+Proof. define_unop_FEToWire f packW packW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition unpack (f : wire_digits) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_unop_WireToFE f unpackW unpackW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition pow (f : fe41417_32) (chain : list (nat * nat)) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_unop f (fun x => powW x chain) powW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition inv (f : fe41417_32) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_unop f invW invW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Definition sqrt (f : fe41417_32) : fe41417_32.
+Proof. define_unop f sqrtW sqrtW_correct_and_bounded. Defined.
+Local Ltac op_correct_t op opW_correct_and_bounded :=
+ cbv [op];
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[proj1_fe41417_32 (exist_fe41417_32W _ _)] ]
+ => rewrite proj1_fe41417_32_exist_fe41417_32W
+ | [ |- context[proj1_wire_digits (exist_wire_digitsW _ _)] ]
+ => rewrite proj1_wire_digits_exist_wire_digitsW
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ apply opW_correct_and_bounded;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- is_bounded _ = true ]
+ => apply is_bounded_proj1_fe41417_32
+ | [ |- wire_digits_is_bounded _ = true ]
+ => apply is_bounded_proj1_wire_digits
+ end.
+Lemma add_correct (f g : fe41417_32) : proj1_fe41417_32 (add f g) = carry_add (proj1_fe41417_32 f) (proj1_fe41417_32 g).
+Proof. op_correct_t add addW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma sub_correct (f g : fe41417_32) : proj1_fe41417_32 (sub f g) = carry_sub (proj1_fe41417_32 f) (proj1_fe41417_32 g).
+Proof. op_correct_t sub subW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma mul_correct (f g : fe41417_32) : proj1_fe41417_32 (mul f g) = GF41417_32.mul (proj1_fe41417_32 f) (proj1_fe41417_32 g).
+Proof. op_correct_t mul mulW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma opp_correct (f : fe41417_32) : proj1_fe41417_32 (opp f) = carry_opp (proj1_fe41417_32 f).
+Proof. op_correct_t opp oppW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma freeze_correct (f : fe41417_32) : proj1_fe41417_32 (freeze f) = GF41417_32.freeze (proj1_fe41417_32 f).
+Proof. op_correct_t freeze freezeW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma ge_modulus_correct (f : fe41417_32) : word64ToZ (ge_modulus f) = GF41417_32.ge_modulus (proj1_fe41417_32 f).
+Proof. op_correct_t ge_modulus ge_modulusW_correct. Qed.
+Lemma pack_correct (f : fe41417_32) : proj1_wire_digits (pack f) = GF41417_32.pack (proj1_fe41417_32 f).
+Proof. op_correct_t pack packW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma unpack_correct (f : wire_digits) : proj1_fe41417_32 (unpack f) = GF41417_32.unpack (proj1_wire_digits f).
+Proof. op_correct_t unpack unpackW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma pow_correct (f : fe41417_32) chain : proj1_fe41417_32 (pow f chain) = GF41417_32.pow (proj1_fe41417_32 f) chain.
+Proof. op_correct_t pow (powW_correct_and_bounded chain). Qed.
+Lemma inv_correct (f : fe41417_32) : proj1_fe41417_32 (inv f) = GF41417_32.inv (proj1_fe41417_32 f).
+Proof. op_correct_t inv invW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Lemma sqrt_correct (f : fe41417_32) : proj1_fe41417_32 (sqrt f) = GF41417_32sqrt (proj1_fe41417_32 f).
+Proof. op_correct_t sqrt sqrtW_correct_and_bounded. Qed.
+Import Morphisms.
+Local Existing Instance prime_modulus.
+Lemma field41417_32_and_homomorphisms
+ : @field fe41417_32 eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div
+ /\ @Ring.is_homomorphism (F _) (@Logic.eq _) 1%F F.add F.mul fe41417_32 eq one add mul encode
+ /\ @Ring.is_homomorphism fe41417_32 eq one add mul (F _) (@Logic.eq _) 1%F F.add F.mul decode.
+ eapply @Field.field_and_homomorphism_from_redundant_representation.
+ { exact (F.field_modulo _). }
+ { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite !proj1_fe41417_32_exist_fe41417_32; apply encode_rep. }
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite opp_correct, carry_opp_correct, carry_opp_opt_correct, carry_opp_rep; apply opp_rep; reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite add_correct, carry_add_correct, carry_add_opt_correct, carry_add_rep; apply add_rep; reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite sub_correct, carry_sub_correct, carry_sub_opt_correct, carry_sub_rep; apply sub_rep; reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite mul_correct, GF41417_32.mul_correct, carry_mul_opt_correct by reflexivity; apply carry_mul_rep; reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [decode encode]; intros; rewrite inv_correct, GF41417_32.inv_correct, inv_opt_correct by reflexivity; apply inv_rep; reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [decode encode div]; intros; rewrite !proj1_fe41417_32_exist_fe41417_32; apply encode_rep. }
+Global Instance field41417_32 : @field fe41417_32 eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div := proj1 field41417_32_and_homomorphisms.
+Local Opaque proj1_fe41417_32 exist_fe41417_32 proj1_fe41417_32W exist_fe41417_32W.
+Global Instance homomorphism_F41417_32_encode
+ : @Ring.is_homomorphism (F modulus) Logic.eq F.one F.add F.mul fe41417_32 eq one add mul encode.
+Proof. apply field41417_32_and_homomorphisms. Qed.
+Global Instance homomorphism_F41417_32_decode
+ : @Ring.is_homomorphism fe41417_32 eq one add mul (F modulus) Logic.eq F.one F.add F.mul decode.
+Proof. apply field41417_32_and_homomorphisms. Qed.