path: root/src/SpecificGen/GF25519_64Reflective/Common.v
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1 files changed, 438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/SpecificGen/GF25519_64Reflective/Common.v b/src/SpecificGen/GF25519_64Reflective/Common.v
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index 000000000..444edcde4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SpecificGen/GF25519_64Reflective/Common.v
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+Require Export Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Export Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Export Crypto.SpecificGen.GF25519_64.
+Require Export Crypto.SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Reify.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Interpretations.
+Require Crypto.Reflection.Z.Interpretations.Relations.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Interpretations.RelationsCombinations.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Reify.
+Require Export Crypto.Reflection.Z.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.InterpWfRel.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Application.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.MapInterp.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.MapInterpWf.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.WfReflective.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Notation Expr := (Expr base_type Word64.interp_base_type op).
+Local Ltac make_type_from uncurried_op :=
+ let T := (type of uncurried_op) in
+ let T := (eval compute in T) in
+ let rT := reify_type T in
+ exact rT.
+Definition ExprBinOpT : type base_type.
+Proof. make_type_from (uncurry_binop_fe25519_64 carry_add). Defined.
+Definition ExprUnOpT : type base_type.
+Proof. make_type_from (uncurry_unop_fe25519_64 carry_opp). Defined.
+Definition ExprUnOpFEToZT : type base_type.
+Proof. make_type_from (uncurry_unop_fe25519_64 ge_modulus). Defined.
+Definition ExprUnOpWireToFET : type base_type.
+Proof. make_type_from (uncurry_unop_wire_digits unpack). Defined.
+Definition ExprUnOpFEToWireT : type base_type.
+Proof. make_type_from (uncurry_unop_fe25519_64 pack). Defined.
+Definition ExprBinOp : Type := Expr ExprBinOpT.
+Definition ExprUnOp : Type := Expr ExprUnOpT.
+Definition ExprUnOpFEToZ : Type := Expr ExprUnOpFEToZT.
+Definition ExprUnOpWireToFE : Type := Expr ExprUnOpWireToFET.
+Definition ExprUnOpFEToWire : Type := Expr ExprUnOpFEToWireT.
+Local Ltac bounds_from_list ls :=
+ lazymatch (eval hnf in ls) with
+ | (?x :: nil)%list => constr:(Some {| ZBounds.lower := fst x ; ZBounds.upper := snd x |})
+ | (?x :: ?xs)%list => let bs := bounds_from_list xs in
+ constr:((Some {| ZBounds.lower := fst x ; ZBounds.upper := snd x |}, bs))
+ end.
+Local Ltac make_bounds ls :=
+ compute;
+ let v := bounds_from_list (List.rev ls) in
+ let v := (eval compute in v) in
+ exact v.
+Definition ExprBinOp_bounds : interp_all_binders_for ExprBinOpT ZBounds.interp_base_type.
+Proof. make_bounds (Tuple.to_list _ bounds ++ Tuple.to_list _ bounds)%list. Defined.
+Definition ExprUnOp_bounds : interp_all_binders_for ExprUnOpT ZBounds.interp_base_type.
+Proof. make_bounds (Tuple.to_list _ bounds). Defined.
+Definition ExprUnOpFEToZ_bounds : interp_all_binders_for ExprUnOpFEToZT ZBounds.interp_base_type.
+Proof. make_bounds (Tuple.to_list _ bounds). Defined.
+Definition ExprUnOpFEToWire_bounds : interp_all_binders_for ExprUnOpFEToWireT ZBounds.interp_base_type.
+Proof. make_bounds (Tuple.to_list _ bounds). Defined.
+Definition ExprUnOpWireToFE_bounds : interp_all_binders_for ExprUnOpWireToFET ZBounds.interp_base_type.
+Proof. make_bounds (Tuple.to_list _ wire_digit_bounds). Defined.
+Definition interp_bexpr : ExprBinOp -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.fe25519_64W -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.fe25519_64W -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.fe25519_64W
+ := fun e => curry_binop_fe25519_64W (Interp (@Word64.interp_op) e).
+Definition interp_uexpr : ExprUnOp -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.fe25519_64W -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.fe25519_64W
+ := fun e => curry_unop_fe25519_64W (Interp (@Word64.interp_op) e).
+Definition interp_uexpr_FEToZ : ExprUnOpFEToZ -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.fe25519_64W -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.word64
+ := fun e => curry_unop_fe25519_64W (Interp (@Word64.interp_op) e).
+Definition interp_uexpr_FEToWire : ExprUnOpFEToWire -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.fe25519_64W -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.wire_digitsW
+ := fun e => curry_unop_fe25519_64W (Interp (@Word64.interp_op) e).
+Definition interp_uexpr_WireToFE : ExprUnOpWireToFE -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.wire_digitsW -> SpecificGen.GF25519_64BoundedCommon.fe25519_64W
+ := fun e => curry_unop_wire_digitsW (Interp (@Word64.interp_op) e).
+Notation binop_correct_and_bounded rop op
+ := (ibinop_correct_and_bounded (interp_bexpr rop) op) (only parsing).
+Notation unop_correct_and_bounded rop op
+ := (iunop_correct_and_bounded (interp_uexpr rop) op) (only parsing).
+Notation unop_FEToZ_correct rop op
+ := (iunop_FEToZ_correct (interp_uexpr_FEToZ rop) op) (only parsing).
+Notation unop_FEToWire_correct_and_bounded rop op
+ := (iunop_FEToWire_correct_and_bounded (interp_uexpr_FEToWire rop) op) (only parsing).
+Notation unop_WireToFE_correct_and_bounded rop op
+ := (iunop_WireToFE_correct_and_bounded (interp_uexpr_WireToFE rop) op) (only parsing).
+Ltac rexpr_cbv :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- { rexpr | interp_type_gen_rel_pointwise _ (Interp _ (t:=?T) rexpr) (?uncurry ?oper) } ]
+ => let operf := head oper in
+ let uncurryf := head uncurry in
+ try cbv delta [T]; try cbv delta [oper];
+ try cbv beta iota delta [uncurryf]
+ end;
+ cbv beta iota delta [interp_flat_type Z.interp_base_type interp_base_type zero_].
+Ltac reify_sig :=
+ rexpr_cbv; eexists; Reify_rhs; reflexivity.
+Local Notation rexpr_sig T uncurried_op :=
+ { rexprZ
+ | interp_type_gen_rel_pointwise (fun _ => Logic.eq) (Interp interp_op (t:=T) rexprZ) uncurried_op }
+ (only parsing).
+Notation rexpr_binop_sig op := (rexpr_sig ExprBinOpT (uncurry_binop_fe25519_64 op)) (only parsing).
+Notation rexpr_unop_sig op := (rexpr_sig ExprUnOpT (uncurry_unop_fe25519_64 op)) (only parsing).
+Notation rexpr_unop_FEToZ_sig op := (rexpr_sig ExprUnOpFEToZT (uncurry_unop_fe25519_64 op)) (only parsing).
+Notation rexpr_unop_FEToWire_sig op := (rexpr_sig ExprUnOpFEToWireT (uncurry_unop_fe25519_64 op)) (only parsing).
+Notation rexpr_unop_WireToFE_sig op := (rexpr_sig ExprUnOpWireToFET (uncurry_unop_wire_digits op)) (only parsing).
+Notation correct_and_bounded_genT ropW'v ropZ_sigv
+ := (let ropW' := ropW'v in
+ let ropZ_sig := ropZ_sigv in
+ let ropW := MapInterp (fun _ x => x) ropW' in
+ let ropZ := MapInterp Word64.to_Z ropW' in
+ let ropBounds := MapInterp ZBounds.of_word64 ropW' in
+ let ropBoundedWord64 := MapInterp BoundedWord64.of_word64 ropW' in
+ ropZ = proj1_sig ropZ_sig
+ /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_Z (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@Z.interp_op) ropZ)
+ /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_bounds (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@ZBounds.interp_op) ropBounds)
+ /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_word64 (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@Word64.interp_op) ropW))
+ (only parsing).
+Ltac app_tuples x y :=
+ let tx := type of x in
+ lazymatch (eval hnf in tx) with
+ | prod _ _ => let xs := app_tuples (snd x) y in
+ constr:((fst x, xs))
+ | _ => constr:((x, y))
+ end.
+Local Arguments Tuple.map2 : simpl never.
+Local Arguments Tuple.map : simpl never.
+Fixpoint args_to_bounded_helperT {n}
+ (v : Tuple.tuple' Word64.word64 n)
+ (bounds : Tuple.tuple' (Z * Z) n)
+ (pf : List.fold_right
+ andb true
+ (Tuple.to_list
+ _
+ (Tuple.map2
+ (n:=S n)
+ (fun bounds v =>
+ let '(lower, upper) := bounds in ((lower <=? v)%Z && (v <=? upper)%Z)%bool)
+ bounds
+ (Tuple.map (n:=S n) Word64.word64ToZ v))) = true)
+ (res : Type)
+ {struct n}
+ : Type.
+ refine (match n return (forall (v : Tuple.tuple' _ n) (bounds : Tuple.tuple' _ n),
+ List.fold_right
+ _ _ (Tuple.to_list
+ _
+ (Tuple.map2 (n:=S n) _ bounds (Tuple.map (n:=S n) _ v))) = true
+ -> Type)
+ with
+ | 0 => fun v' bounds' pf0 => forall pf1 : (0 <= fst bounds' /\ Z.log2 (snd bounds') < Z.of_nat Word64.bit_width)%Z, res
+ | S n' => fun v' bounds' pf0 => let t := _ in
+ forall pf1 : (0 <= fst (snd bounds') /\ Z.log2 (snd (snd bounds')) < Z.of_nat Word64.bit_width)%Z, @args_to_bounded_helperT n' (fst v') (fst bounds') t res
+ end v bounds pf).
+ { clear -pf0.
+ abstract (
+ destruct v', bounds'; simpl @fst;
+ rewrite Tuple.map_S in pf0;
+ simpl in pf0;
+ rewrite Tuple.map2_S in pf0;
+ simpl @List.fold_right in *;
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in pf0; tauto
+ ). }
+Fixpoint args_to_bounded_helper {n} res
+ {struct n}
+ : forall v bounds pf, (Tuple.tuple' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord n -> res) -> @args_to_bounded_helperT n v bounds pf res.
+ refine match n return (forall v bounds pf, (Tuple.tuple' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord n -> res) -> @args_to_bounded_helperT n v bounds pf res) with
+ | 0 => fun v bounds pf f pf' => f {| BoundedWord64.lower := fst bounds ; BoundedWord64.value := v ; BoundedWord64.upper := snd bounds |}
+ | S n'
+ => fun v bounds pf f pf'
+ => @args_to_bounded_helper
+ n' res (fst v) (fst bounds) _
+ (fun ts => f (ts, {| BoundedWord64.lower := fst (snd bounds) ; BoundedWord64.value := snd v ; BoundedWord64.upper := snd (snd bounds) |}))
+ end.
+ { clear -pf pf'.
+ unfold Tuple.map2, Tuple.map in pf; simpl in *.
+ abstract (
+ destruct bounds;
+ simpl in *;
+ rewrite !Bool.andb_true_iff in pf;
+ destruct_head' and;
+ Z.ltb_to_lt; auto
+ ). }
+ { simpl in *.
+ clear -pf pf'.
+ abstract (
+ destruct bounds as [? [? ?] ], v; simpl in *;
+ rewrite Tuple.map_S in pf; simpl in pf; rewrite Tuple.map2_S in pf;
+ simpl in pf;
+ rewrite !Bool.andb_true_iff in pf;
+ destruct_head' and;
+ Z.ltb_to_lt; auto
+ ). }
+Definition assoc_right''
+ := Eval cbv [Tuple.assoc_right' Tuple.rsnoc' fst snd] in @Tuple.assoc_right'.
+Definition args_to_bounded {n} v bounds pf
+ := Eval cbv [args_to_bounded_helper assoc_right''] in
+ @args_to_bounded_helper n _ v bounds pf (@assoc_right'' _ _).
+Local Ltac get_len T :=
+ match (eval hnf in T) with
+ | prod ?A ?B
+ => let a := get_len A in
+ let b := get_len B in
+ (eval compute in (a + b)%nat)
+ | _ => constr:(1%nat)
+ end.
+Local Ltac args_to_bounded x H :=
+ let x' := fresh in
+ set (x' := x);
+ compute in x;
+ let len := (let T := type of x in get_len T) in
+ destruct_head' prod;
+ let c := constr:(args_to_bounded (n:=pred len) x' _ H) in
+ let bounds := lazymatch c with args_to_bounded _ ?bounds _ => bounds end in
+ let c := (eval cbv [all_binders_for ExprUnOpT interp_flat_type args_to_bounded bounds pred fst snd] in c) in
+ apply c; compute; clear;
+ try abstract (
+ repeat split;
+ solve [ reflexivity
+ | refine (fun v => match v with eq_refl => I end) ]
+ ).
+Definition unop_args_to_bounded (x : fe25519_64W) (H : is_bounded (fe25519_64WToZ x) = true)
+ : interp_flat_type (fun _ => BoundedWord64.BoundedWord) (all_binders_for ExprUnOpT).
+Proof. args_to_bounded x H. Defined.
+Definition unopWireToFE_args_to_bounded (x : wire_digitsW) (H : wire_digits_is_bounded (wire_digitsWToZ x) = true)
+ : interp_flat_type (fun _ => BoundedWord64.BoundedWord) (all_binders_for ExprUnOpWireToFET).
+Proof. args_to_bounded x H. Defined.
+Definition binop_args_to_bounded (x : fe25519_64W * fe25519_64W)
+ (H : is_bounded (fe25519_64WToZ (fst x)) = true)
+ (H' : is_bounded (fe25519_64WToZ (snd x)) = true)
+ : interp_flat_type (fun _ => BoundedWord64.BoundedWord) (all_binders_for ExprBinOpT).
+ let v := app_tuples (unop_args_to_bounded (fst x) H) (unop_args_to_bounded (snd x) H') in
+ exact v.
+Ltac assoc_right_tuple x so_far :=
+ let t := type of x in
+ lazymatch (eval hnf in t) with
+ | prod _ _ => let so_far := assoc_right_tuple (snd x) so_far in
+ assoc_right_tuple (fst x) so_far
+ | _ => lazymatch so_far with
+ | @None => x
+ | _ => constr:((x, so_far))
+ end
+ end.
+Local Ltac make_bounds_prop bounds orig_bounds :=
+ let bounds' := fresh "bounds'" in
+ let bounds_bad := fresh "bounds_bad" in
+ rename bounds into bounds_bad;
+ let boundsv := assoc_right_tuple bounds_bad (@None) in
+ pose boundsv as bounds;
+ pose orig_bounds as bounds';
+ repeat (refine (match fst bounds' with
+ | Some bounds' => let (l, u) := fst bounds in
+ let (l', u') := bounds' in
+ ((l' <=? l) && (u <=? u'))%Z%bool
+ | None => false
+ end && _)%bool;
+ destruct bounds' as [_ bounds'], bounds as [_ bounds]);
+ try exact (match bounds' with
+ | Some bounds' => let (l, u) := bounds in
+ let (l', u') := bounds' in
+ ((l' <=? l) && (u <=? u'))%Z%bool
+ | None => false
+ end).
+Definition unop_bounds_good (bounds : interp_flat_type (fun _ => ZBounds.bounds) (remove_all_binders ExprUnOpT)) : bool.
+Proof. make_bounds_prop bounds ExprUnOp_bounds. Defined.
+Definition binop_bounds_good (bounds : interp_flat_type (fun _ => ZBounds.bounds) (remove_all_binders ExprBinOpT)) : bool.
+Proof. make_bounds_prop bounds ExprUnOp_bounds. Defined.
+Definition unopFEToWire_bounds_good (bounds : interp_flat_type (fun _ => ZBounds.bounds) (remove_all_binders ExprUnOpFEToWireT)) : bool.
+Proof. make_bounds_prop bounds ExprUnOpWireToFE_bounds. Defined.
+Definition unopWireToFE_bounds_good (bounds : interp_flat_type (fun _ => ZBounds.bounds) (remove_all_binders ExprUnOpWireToFET)) : bool.
+Proof. make_bounds_prop bounds ExprUnOp_bounds. Defined.
+(* TODO FIXME(jgross?, andreser?): Is every function returning a single Z a boolean function? *)
+Definition unopFEToZ_bounds_good (bounds : interp_flat_type (fun _ => ZBounds.bounds) (remove_all_binders ExprUnOpFEToZT)) : bool.
+ refine (let (l, u) := bounds in ((0 <=? l) && (u <=? 1))%Z%bool).
+(* FIXME TODO(jgross): This is a horrible tactic. We should unify the
+ various kinds of correct and boundedness, and abstract in Gallina
+ rather than Ltac *)
+Ltac t_correct_and_bounded ropZ_sig Hbounds H0 H1 args :=
+ let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
+ let Hbounds0 := fresh "Hbounds0" in
+ let Hbounds1 := fresh "Hbounds1" in
+ let Hbounds2 := fresh "Hbounds2" in
+ pose proof (proj2_sig ropZ_sig) as Heq;
+ cbv [interp_bexpr interp_uexpr interp_uexpr_FEToWire interp_uexpr_FEToZ interp_uexpr_WireToFE
+ curry_binop_fe25519_64W curry_unop_fe25519_64W curry_unop_wire_digitsW
+ curry_binop_fe25519_64 curry_unop_fe25519_64 curry_unop_wire_digits
+ uncurry_binop_fe25519_64W uncurry_unop_fe25519_64W uncurry_unop_wire_digitsW
+ uncurry_binop_fe25519_64 uncurry_unop_fe25519_64 uncurry_unop_wire_digits
+ ExprBinOpT ExprUnOpFEToWireT ExprUnOpT ExprUnOpFEToZT ExprUnOpWireToFET
+ interp_type_gen_rel_pointwise interp_type_gen_rel_pointwise] in *;
+ cbv zeta in *;
+ simpl @fe25519_64WToZ; simpl @wire_digitsWToZ;
+ rewrite <- Heq; clear Heq;
+ destruct Hbounds as [Heq Hbounds];
+ change interp_op with (@Z.interp_op) in *;
+ change interp_base_type with (@Z.interp_base_type) in *;
+ rewrite <- Heq; clear Heq;
+ destruct Hbounds as [ Hbounds0 [Hbounds1 Hbounds2] ];
+ pose proof (fun pf => Relations.uncurry_interp_type_rel_pointwise2_proj_from_option2 Word64.to_Z pf Hbounds2 Hbounds0) as Hbounds_left;
+ pose proof (fun pf => Relations.uncurry_interp_type_rel_pointwise2_proj1_from_option2 Relations.related_word64_boundsi' pf Hbounds1 Hbounds2) as Hbounds_right;
+ specialize_by repeat first [ progress intros
+ | reflexivity
+ | assumption
+ | progress destruct_head' base_type
+ | progress destruct_head' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord
+ | progress destruct_head' and
+ | progress repeat apply conj ];
+ specialize (Hbounds_left args H0);
+ specialize (Hbounds_right args H0);
+ cbv beta in *;
+ lazymatch type of Hbounds_right with
+ | match ?e with _ => _ end
+ => lazymatch type of H1 with
+ | match ?e' with _ => _ end
+ => change e' with e in H1; destruct e eqn:?; [ | exfalso; assumption ]
+ end
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with x := _ |- _ => subst x end;
+ cbv [id
+ binop_args_to_bounded unop_args_to_bounded unopWireToFE_args_to_bounded
+ Relations.proj_eq_rel interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 SmartVarfMap interp_flat_type smart_interp_flat_map Application.all_binders_for fst snd BoundedWord64.to_word64' BoundedWord64.boundedWordToWord64 BoundedWord64.value Application.ApplyInterpedAll Application.fst_binder Application.snd_binder interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2_gen_Prop Relations.related_word64_boundsi' Relations.related'_word64_bounds ZBounds.upper ZBounds.lower Application.remove_all_binders Word64.to_Z] in Hbounds_left, Hbounds_right;
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- fe25519_64WToZ ?x = _ /\ _ ]
+ => destruct x; destruct_head_hnf' prod
+ | [ |- wire_digitsWToZ ?x = _ /\ _ ]
+ => destruct x; destruct_head_hnf' prod
+ | [ |- _ = _ ]
+ => exact Hbounds_left
+ end;
+ change word64ToZ with Word64.word64ToZ in *;
+ (split; [ exact Hbounds_left | ]);
+ cbv [interp_flat_type] in *;
+ cbv [fst snd
+ binop_bounds_good unop_bounds_good unopFEToWire_bounds_good unopWireToFE_bounds_good unopFEToZ_bounds_good
+ ExprUnOp_bounds ExprBinOp_bounds ExprUnOpFEToWire_bounds ExprUnOpFEToZ_bounds ExprUnOpWireToFE_bounds] in H1;
+ destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
+ unfold_is_bounded_in H1;
+ simpl @fe25519_64WToZ; simpl @wire_digitsWToZ;
+ unfold_is_bounded;
+ destruct_head' and;
+ Z.ltb_to_lt;
+ change Word64.word64ToZ with word64ToZ in *;
+ repeat apply conj; Z.ltb_to_lt; try omega; try reflexivity.
+Ltac rexpr_correct :=
+ let ropW' := fresh in
+ let ropZ_sig := fresh in
+ intros ropW' ropZ_sig;
+ let wf_ropW := fresh "wf_ropW" in
+ assert (wf_ropW : Wf ropW') by (subst ropW' ropZ_sig; reflect_Wf base_type_eq_semidec_is_dec op_beq_bl);
+ cbv zeta; repeat apply conj;
+ [ vm_compute; reflexivity
+ | apply @InterpRelWf;
+ [ | apply @RelWfMapInterp, wf_ropW ].. ];
+ auto with interp_related.
+Notation rword_of_Z rexprZ_sig := (MapInterp Word64.of_Z (proj1_sig rexprZ_sig)) (only parsing).
+Notation compute_bounds opW bounds
+ := (ApplyInterpedAll (Interp (@ZBounds.interp_op) (MapInterp (@ZBounds.of_word64) opW)) bounds)
+ (only parsing).
+Module Export PrettyPrinting.
+ (* We add [enlargen] to force [bounds_on] to be in [Type] in 8.4 and
+ 8.5/8.6. Because [Set] is special and things break if
+ [bounds_on] ends up in [Set] for reasons jgross hasn't bothered
+ to debug. *)
+ Inductive bounds_on := overflow | in_range (lower upper : Z) | enlargen (_ : Set).
+ Inductive result := yes | no | borked.
+ Definition ZBounds_to_bounds_on
+ := fun t : base_type
+ => match t return ZBounds.interp_base_type t -> match t with TZ => bounds_on end with
+ | TZ => fun x => match x with
+ | Some {| ZBounds.lower := l ; ZBounds.upper := u |}
+ => in_range l u
+ | None
+ => overflow
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint does_it_overflow {t} : interp_flat_type (fun t => match t with TZ => bounds_on end) t -> result
+ := match t return interp_flat_type (fun t => match t with TZ => bounds_on end) t -> result with
+ | Tbase TZ => fun v => match v with
+ | overflow => yes
+ | in_range _ _ => no
+ | enlargen _ => borked
+ end
+ | Prod x y => fun v => match @does_it_overflow _ (fst v), @does_it_overflow _ (snd v) with
+ | no, no => no
+ | yes, no | no, yes | yes, yes => yes
+ | borked, _ | _, borked => borked
+ end
+ end.
+ (** This gives a slightly easier to read version of the bounds *)
+ Notation compute_bounds_for_display opW bounds
+ := (SmartVarfMap ZBounds_to_bounds_on (compute_bounds opW bounds)) (only parsing).
+ Notation sanity_compute opW bounds
+ := (does_it_overflow (SmartVarfMap ZBounds_to_bounds_on (compute_bounds opW bounds))) (only parsing).
+ Notation sanity_check opW bounds
+ := (eq_refl (sanity_compute opW bounds) <: no = no) (only parsing).
+End PrettyPrinting.