path: root/src/Specific
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Specific')
-rw-r--r--src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femulDisplay.v (renamed from src/Specific/IntegrationTestKaratsubaMulDisplay.v)2
17 files changed, 663 insertions, 725 deletions
diff --git a/src/Specific/ArithmeticSynthesisTest130.v b/src/Specific/ArithmeticSynthesisTest130.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e40df19..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/ArithmeticSynthesisTest130.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef.
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core. Import B.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Require Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Local Notation tuple := Tuple.tuple.
-Local Open Scope list_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
-Modulus : 2^255-5
-Base: 130
-Section Ops51.
- Local Infix "^" := tuple : type_scope.
- (* These definitions will need to be passed as Ltac arguments (or
- cleverly inferred) when things are eventually automated *)
- Definition sz := 3%nat.
- Definition s : Z := 2^255.
- Definition c : list B.limb := [(1, 5)].
- Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := 2. (* add 2*modulus before subtracting *)
- Definition carry_chain1 := Eval vm_compute in (seq 0 (pred sz)).
- Definition carry_chain2 := ([0;1])%nat.
- Definition a24 := 121665%Z. (* XXX TODO(andreser) FIXME? Is this right for this curve? *)
- (* These definitions are inferred from those above *)
- Definition m := Eval vm_compute in Z.to_pos (s - Associational.eval c). (* modulus *)
- Definition wt := fun i : nat =>
- let si := Z.log2 s * i in
- 2 ^ ((si/sz) + (if dec ((si/sz)*sz=si) then 0 else 1)).
- Definition sz2 := Eval vm_compute in ((sz * 2) - 1)%nat.
- Definition coef := (* subtraction coefficient *)
- Eval vm_compute in
- ( let p := Positional.encode
- (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) (n:=sz)
- wt (s-Associational.eval c) in
- (fix addp (acc: Z^sz) (ctr : nat) : Z^sz :=
- match ctr with
- | O => acc
- | S n => addp (Positional.add_cps wt acc p id) n
- end) (Positional.zeros sz) coef_div_modulus).
- Definition coef_mod : mod_eq m (Positional.eval (n:=sz) wt coef) 0 := eq_refl.
- Lemma sz_nonzero : sz <> 0%nat. Proof. vm_decide. Qed.
- Lemma wt_nonzero i : wt i <> 0.
- Proof.
- apply Z.pow_nonzero; zero_bounds; try break_match; vm_decide.
- Qed.
- Lemma wt_divides_chain1 i (H:In i carry_chain1) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0.
- Proof.
- cbv [In carry_chain1] in H.
- repeat match goal with H : _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H end;
- try (exfalso; assumption); subst; try vm_decide.
- Qed.
- Lemma wt_divides_chain2 i (H:In i carry_chain2) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0.
- Proof.
- cbv [In carry_chain2] in H.
- repeat match goal with H : _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H end;
- try (exfalso; assumption); subst; try vm_decide.
- Qed.
- Lemma wt_divides_full i : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0.
- Proof.
- cbv [wt].
- match goal with |- _ ^ ?x / _ ^ ?y <> _ => assert (0 <= y <= x) end.
- { rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ.
- split; try break_match; ring_simplify;
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => apply Z.div_le_mono; try vm_decide; [ ]
- | _ => apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg_l; try vm_decide; [ ]
- | _ => apply Z.add_le_mono; try vm_decide; [ ]
- | |- ?x <= ?y + 1 => assert (x <= y); [|omega]
- | |- ?x + 1 <= ?y => rewrite <- Z.div_add by vm_decide
- | _ => progress zero_bounds
- | _ => progress ring_simplify
- | _ => vm_decide
- end. }
- break_match; rewrite <-Z.pow_sub_r by omega;
- apply Z.pow_nonzero; omega.
- Qed.
- Local Ltac solve_constant_sig :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- { c : Z^?sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=?M) ?wt c = ?v } ]
- => let t := (eval vm_compute in
- (Positional.encode (n:=sz) (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) wt (F.to_Z (m:=M) v))) in
- (exists t; vm_decide)
- end.
- Definition zero_sig :
- { zero : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt zero = 0%F}.
- Proof.
- solve_constant_sig.
- Defined.
- Definition one_sig :
- { one : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt one = 1%F}.
- Proof.
- solve_constant_sig.
- Defined.
- Definition a24_sig :
- { a24t : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt a24t = F.of_Z m a24 }.
- Proof.
- solve_constant_sig.
- Defined.
- Definition add_sig :
- { add : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a b : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in
- eval (add a b) = (eval a + eval b)%F }.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b.
- pose proof wt_nonzero.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.add_cps (n := sz) wt a b id) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition sub_sig :
- {sub : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a b : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in
- eval (sub a b) = (eval a - eval b)%F}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b.
- pose proof wt_nonzero.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.sub_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a b id) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition opp_sig :
- {opp : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
- eval (opp a) = F.opp (eval a)}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a.
- pose proof wt_nonzero.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.opp_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a id) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition mul_sig :
- {mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a b : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
- eval (mul a b) = (eval a * eval b)%F}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b.
- pose proof wt_nonzero.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.mul_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt a b
- (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) (m:=sz2) wt s c ab id)) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- (* rough breakdown of synthesis time *)
- (* 1.2s for side conditions -- should improve significantly when [chained_carries] gets a correctness lemma *)
- (* basesystem_partial_evaluation_RHS (primarily vm_compute): 1.8s, which gets re-computed during defined *)
- (* doing [cbv -[Let_In runtime_add runtime_mul]] took 37s *)
- Defined. (* 3s *)
- (* Performs a full carry loop (as specified by carry_chain) *)
- Definition carry_sig :
- {carry : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
- eval (carry a) = eval a}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a.
- pose proof wt_nonzero. pose proof wt_divides_chain1.
- pose proof div_mod. pose proof wt_divides_chain2.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div)(modulo:=modulo) wt a carry_chain1
- (fun r => Positional.carry_reduce_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt s c r
- (fun rrr => Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt rrr carry_chain2 id
- ))) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition ring_51 :=
- (Ring.ring_by_isomorphism
- (F := F m)
- (H := Z^sz)
- (phi := Positional.Fencode wt)
- (phi' := Positional.Fdecode wt)
- (zero := proj1_sig zero_sig)
- (one := proj1_sig one_sig)
- (opp := proj1_sig opp_sig)
- (add := proj1_sig add_sig)
- (sub := proj1_sig sub_sig)
- (mul := proj1_sig mul_sig)
- (phi'_zero := proj2_sig zero_sig)
- (phi'_one := proj2_sig one_sig)
- (phi'_opp := proj2_sig opp_sig)
- (Positional.Fdecode_Fencode_id
- (sz_nonzero := sz_nonzero)
- (div_mod := div_mod)
- wt eq_refl wt_nonzero wt_divides_full)
- (Positional.eq_Feq_iff wt)
- (proj2_sig add_sig)
- (proj2_sig sub_sig)
- (proj2_sig mul_sig)
- ).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig add_sig] in (proj1_sig add_sig).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig sub_sig] in (proj1_sig sub_sig).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig opp_sig] in (proj1_sig opp_sig).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig mul_sig] in (proj1_sig mul_sig).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_sig] in (proj1_sig carry_sig).
-End Ops51.
diff --git a/src/Specific/CurveParameters/x25519_c64.json b/src/Specific/CurveParameters/x25519_c64.json
index 45f27b535..d65187d05 100644
--- a/src/Specific/CurveParameters/x25519_c64.json
+++ b/src/Specific/CurveParameters/x25519_c64.json
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
"a24" : "121665",
"sz" : "5",
"bitwidth" : "64",
- "carry_chain1" : "default",
- "carry_chain2" : ["0", "1"],
+ "carry_chains" : ["default", ["0", "1"]],
"coef_div_modulus" : "2",
"operations" : ["femul", "fesquare", "freeze", "ladderstep"],
"extra_files" : ["X25519_C64/scalarmult.c"],
diff --git a/src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesisFramework.v b/src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesisFramework.v
index 77624ed41..342c759fe 100644
--- a/src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesisFramework.v
+++ b/src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesisFramework.v
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Saturated.Freeze.
Require Crypto.Specific.Framework.CurveParameters.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Karatsuba.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
Require Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.IdfunWithAlt.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.VM.
Require Import Crypto.Util.QUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.PoseTermWithName.
@@ -58,12 +61,9 @@ Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParamete
(list B.limb)
ltac:(let v := P.do_compute P.c in exact v)
- Ltac pose_carry_chain1 carry_chain1 :=
- let v := P.do_compute P.carry_chain1 in
- cache_term v carry_chain1.
- Ltac pose_carry_chain2 carry_chain2 :=
- let v := P.do_compute P.carry_chain2 in
- cache_term v carry_chain2.
+ Ltac pose_carry_chains carry_chains :=
+ let v := P.do_compute P.carry_chains in
+ cache_term v carry_chains.
Ltac pose_a24 a24 :=
let v := P.do_compute P.a24 in
@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParamete
ltac:(let v := P.do_compute P.coef_div_modulus in exact v)
+ Ltac pose_goldilocks goldilocks :=
+ cache_term_with_type_by
+ bool
+ ltac:(let v := P.do_compute P.goldilocks in exact v)
+ goldilocks.
(* These definitions are inferred from those above *)
Ltac pose_m s c m := (* modulus *)
let v := (eval vm_compute in (Z.to_pos (s - Associational.eval c))) in
@@ -130,16 +135,25 @@ Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParamete
(forall i, wt (S i) / wt i <> 0)
ltac:(symmetry; apply Z.lt_neq, Z.gt_lt_iff, wt_divides)
- Ltac pose_wt_divides_chain1 wt carry_chain1 wt_divides' wt_divides_chain1 :=
- cache_term_with_type_by
- (forall i (H:In i carry_chain1), wt (S i) / wt i <> 0)
- ltac:(let i := fresh "i" in intros i ?; exact (wt_divides' i))
- wt_divides_chain1.
- Ltac pose_wt_divides_chain2 wt carry_chain2 wt_divides' wt_divides_chain2 :=
+ Ltac helper_pose_wt_divides_chain wt carry_chain wt_divides' wt_divides_chain :=
- (forall i (H:In i carry_chain2), wt (S i) / wt i <> 0)
+ (forall i (H:In i carry_chain), wt (S i) / wt i <> 0)
ltac:(let i := fresh "i" in intros i ?; exact (wt_divides' i))
- wt_divides_chain2.
+ wt_divides_chain.
+ Ltac pose_wt_divides_chains' wt carry_chains wt_divides' wt_divides_chains :=
+ lazymatch carry_chains with
+ | ?carry_chain :: nil
+ => helper_pose_wt_divides_chain wt carry_chain wt_divides' wt_divides_chains
+ | ?carry_chain :: ?carry_chains
+ => let wt_divides_chains := fresh wt_divides_chains in
+ let wt_divides_chain := fresh wt_divides_chains in
+ let wt_divides_chain := helper_pose_wt_divides_chain wt carry_chain wt_divides' wt_divides_chain in
+ let wt_divides_chains := pose_wt_divides_chains' wt carry_chains wt_divides' wt_divides_chains in
+ constr:((wt_divides_chain, wt_divides_chains))
+ end.
+ Ltac pose_wt_divides_chains wt carry_chains wt_divides' wt_divides_chains :=
+ let carry_chains := (eval cbv delta [carry_chains] in carry_chains) in
+ pose_wt_divides_chains' wt carry_chains wt_divides' wt_divides_chains.
Local Ltac solve_constant_sig :=
@@ -215,6 +229,99 @@ Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParamete
solve_op_F wt x; reflexivity)
+ Ltac pose_half_sz sz half_sz :=
+ let v := (eval compute in (sz / 2)%nat) in
+ cache_term v half_sz.
+ Ltac pose_half_sz_nonzero half_sz half_sz_nonzero :=
+ cache_proof_with_type_by
+ (half_sz <> 0%nat)
+ ltac:(cbv; congruence)
+ half_sz_nonzero.
+ Ltac basesystem_partial_evaluation_RHS :=
+ let t0 := (match goal with
+ | |- _ _ ?t => t
+ end) in
+ let t :=
+ eval
+ cbv
+ delta [Positional.to_associational_cps Positional.to_associational
+ Positional.eval Positional.zeros Positional.add_to_nth_cps
+ Positional.add_to_nth Positional.place_cps Positional.place
+ Positional.from_associational_cps Positional.from_associational
+ Positional.carry_cps Positional.carry
+ Positional.chained_carries_cps Positional.chained_carries
+ Positional.sub_cps Positional.sub Positional.split_cps
+ Positional.scmul_cps Positional.unbalanced_sub_cps
+ Positional.negate_snd_cps Positional.add_cps Positional.opp_cps
+ Associational.eval Associational.multerm Associational.mul_cps
+ Associational.mul Associational.split_cps Associational.split
+ Associational.reduce_cps Associational.reduce
+ Associational.carryterm_cps Associational.carryterm
+ Associational.carry_cps Associational.carry
+ Associational.negate_snd_cps Associational.negate_snd div modulo
+ id_tuple_with_alt id_tuple'_with_alt
+ ]
+ in t0
+ in
+ let t := eval pattern @runtime_mul in t in
+ let t := (match t with
+ | ?t _ => t
+ end) in
+ let t := eval pattern @runtime_add in t in
+ let t := (match t with
+ | ?t _ => t
+ end) in
+ let t := eval pattern @runtime_opp in t in
+ let t := (match t with
+ | ?t _ => t
+ end) in
+ let t := eval pattern @runtime_shr in t in
+ let t := (match t with
+ | ?t _ => t
+ end) in
+ let t := eval pattern @runtime_and in t in
+ let t := (match t with
+ | ?t _ => t
+ end) in
+ let t := eval pattern @Let_In in t in
+ let t := (match t with
+ | ?t _ => t
+ end) in
+ let t := eval pattern @id_with_alt in t in
+ let t := (match t with
+ | ?t _ => t
+ end) in
+ let t1 := fresh "t1" in
+ pose (t1 := t);
+ transitivity
+ (t1 (@id_with_alt) (@Let_In) (@runtime_and) (@runtime_shr) (@runtime_opp) (@runtime_add)
+ (@runtime_mul));
+ [ replace_with_vm_compute t1; clear t1 | reflexivity ].
+ (** XXX TODO(jadep) FIXME: Is sqrt(s) the right thing to pass to goldilocks_mul_cps (the original code hard-coded 2^224 *)
+ Ltac pose_sqrt_s s sqrt_s :=
+ let v := (eval vm_compute in (Z.log2 s / 2)) in
+ cache_term (2^v) sqrt_s.
+ Ltac pose_goldilocks_mul_sig goldilocks sz wt s c half_sz sqrt_s goldilocks_mul_sig :=
+ lazymatch eval compute in goldilocks with
+ | true
+ => cache_term_with_type_by
+ {mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
+ forall a b : Z^sz,
+ mul a b = goldilocks_mul_cps (n:=half_sz) (n2:=sz) wt sqrt_s a b (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) wt s c ab id)}
+ ltac:(eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros;
+ cbv [goldilocks_mul_cps];
+ repeat autounfold;
+ basesystem_partial_evaluation_RHS;
+ do_replace_match_with_destructuring_match_in_goal;
+ reflexivity)
+ goldilocks_mul_sig
+ | false
+ => goldilocks_mul_sig
+ end.
Ltac pose_mul_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero mul_sig :=
{mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
@@ -235,6 +342,41 @@ Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParamete
break_match; cbv [Let_In runtime_mul runtime_add]; repeat apply (f_equal2 pair); rewrite ?Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by omega; ring)
+ Ltac pose_mul_sig_from_goldilocks_mul_sig sz m wt s c half_sz sqrt_s goldilocks_mul_sig wt_nonzero mul_sig :=
+ cache_term_with_type_by
+ {mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
+ forall a b : Z^sz,
+ let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
+ Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt (mul a b) = (eval a * eval b)%F}
+ ltac:(idtac;
+ let a := fresh "a" in
+ let b := fresh "b" in
+ eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a b;
+ pose proof wt_nonzero;
+ let x := constr:(
+ goldilocks_mul_cps (n:=half_sz) (n2:=sz) wt sqrt_s a b (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) wt s c ab id)) in
+ F_mod_eq;
+ transitivity (Positional.eval wt x); repeat autounfold;
+ [
+ | autorewrite with uncps push_id push_basesystem_eval;
+ apply goldilocks_mul_correct; try assumption; cbv; congruence ];
+ cbv [mod_eq]; apply f_equal2;
+ [ | reflexivity ];
+ apply f_equal;
+ etransitivity; [|apply (proj2_sig goldilocks_mul_sig)];
+ cbv [proj1_sig goldilocks_mul_sig];
+ reflexivity)
+ mul_sig.
+ Ltac pose_mul_sig_full goldilocks sz m wt s c sz2 half_sz sqrt_s goldilocks_mul_sig wt_nonzero mul_sig :=
+ lazymatch eval compute in goldilocks with
+ | true
+ => pose_mul_sig_from_goldilocks_mul_sig sz m wt s c half_sz sqrt_s goldilocks_mul_sig wt_nonzero mul_sig
+ | false
+ => pose_mul_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero mul_sig
+ end.
Ltac pose_square_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero square_sig :=
{square : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
@@ -254,8 +396,51 @@ Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParamete
break_match; cbv [Let_In runtime_mul runtime_add]; repeat apply (f_equal2 pair); rewrite ?Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by omega; ring)
+ Ltac pose_square_sig_from_mul_sig sz m wt mul_sig square_sig :=
+ cache_term_with_type_by
+ {square : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
+ forall a : Z^sz,
+ let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
+ Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt (square a) = (eval a * eval a)%F}
+ ltac:(idtac;
+ let a := fresh "a" in
+ eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a;
+ rewrite <-(proj2_sig mul_sig);
+ apply f_equal;
+ cbv [proj1_sig mul_sig];
+ reflexivity)
+ square_sig.
+ Ltac pose_square_sig_full goldilocks sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero mul_sig square_sig :=
+ lazymatch eval compute in goldilocks with
+ | true
+ => pose_square_sig_from_mul_sig sz m wt mul_sig square_sig
+ | false
+ => pose_square_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero square_sig
+ end.
+ Ltac pose_proof_tuple ls :=
+ lazymatch ls with
+ | pair ?x ?y => pose_proof_tuple x; pose_proof_tuple y
+ | ?ls => pose proof ls
+ end.
+ Ltac make_chained_carries_cps' sz wt s c a carry_chains :=
+ lazymatch carry_chains with
+ | ?carry_chain :: nil
+ => constr:(Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt a carry_chain id)
+ | ?carry_chain :: ?carry_chains
+ => let r := fresh "r" in
+ let r' := fresh r in
+ constr:(Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt a carry_chain
+ (fun r => Positional.carry_reduce_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt s c r
+ (fun r' => ltac:(let v := make_chained_carries_cps' sz wt s c r' carry_chains in exact v))))
+ end.
+ Ltac make_chained_carries_cps sz wt s c a carry_chains :=
+ let carry_chains := (eval cbv delta [carry_chains] in carry_chains) in
+ make_chained_carries_cps' sz wt s c a carry_chains.
(* Performs a full carry loop (as specified by carry_chain) *)
- Ltac pose_carry_sig sz m wt s c carry_chain1 carry_chain2 wt_nonzero wt_divides_chain1 wt_divides_chain2 carry_sig :=
+ Ltac pose_carry_sig sz m wt s c carry_chains wt_nonzero wt_divides_chains carry_sig :=
{carry : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
forall a : Z^sz,
@@ -264,15 +449,9 @@ Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTestTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParamete
let a := fresh "a" in
eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros a;
- pose proof wt_nonzero; pose proof wt_divides_chain1;
- pose proof div_mod; pose proof wt_divides_chain2;
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.chained_carries_cps
- (n:=sz) (div:=div)(modulo:=modulo) wt a carry_chain1
- (fun r => Positional.carry_reduce_cps
- (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt s c r
- (fun rrr => Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt rrr carry_chain2 id
- ))) in
+ pose proof wt_nonzero; pose proof div_mod;
+ pose_proof_tuple wt_divides_chains;
+ let x := make_chained_carries_cps sz wt s c a carry_chains in
solve_op_F wt x; reflexivity)
@@ -409,10 +588,10 @@ print('End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest.')
let bitwidth := fresh "bitwidth" in
let s := fresh "s" in
let c := fresh "c" in
- let carry_chain1 := fresh "carry_chain1" in
- let carry_chain2 := fresh "carry_chain2" in
+ let carry_chains := fresh "carry_chains" in
let a24 := fresh "a24" in
let coef_div_modulus := fresh "coef_div_modulus" in
+ let goldilocks := fresh "goldilocks" in
let m := fresh "m" in
let wt := fresh "wt" in
let sz2 := fresh "sz2" in
@@ -424,14 +603,17 @@ print('End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest.')
let wt_nonneg := fresh "wt_nonneg" in
let wt_divides := fresh "wt_divides" in
let wt_divides' := fresh "wt_divides'" in
- let wt_divides_chain1 := fresh "wt_divides_chain1" in
- let wt_divides_chain2 := fresh "wt_divides_chain2" in
+ let wt_divides_chains := fresh "wt_divides_chains" in
let zero_sig := fresh "zero_sig" in
let one_sig := fresh "one_sig" in
let a24_sig := fresh "a24_sig" in
let add_sig := fresh "add_sig" in
let sub_sig := fresh "sub_sig" in
let opp_sig := fresh "opp_sig" in
+ let half_sz := fresh "half_sz" in
+ let half_sz_nonzero := fresh "half_sz_nonzero" in
+ let sqrt_s := fresh "sqrt_s" in
+ let goldilocks_mul_sig := fresh "goldilocks_mul_sig" in
let mul_sig := fresh "mul_sig" in
let square_sig := fresh "square_sig" in
let carry_sig := fresh "carry_sig" in
@@ -443,10 +625,10 @@ print('End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest.')
let bitwidth := pose_bitwidth bitwidth in
let s := pose_s s in
let c := pose_c c in
- let carry_chain1 := pose_carry_chain1 carry_chain1 in
- let carry_chain2 := pose_carry_chain2 carry_chain2 in
+ let carry_chains := pose_carry_chains carry_chains in
let a24 := pose_a24 a24 in
let coef_div_modulus := pose_coef_div_modulus coef_div_modulus in
+ let goldilocks := pose_goldilocks goldilocks in
let m := pose_m s c m in
let wt := pose_wt m sz wt in
let sz2 := pose_sz2 sz sz2 in
@@ -458,22 +640,25 @@ print('End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest.')
let wt_nonneg := pose_wt_nonneg wt wt_nonneg in
let wt_divides := pose_wt_divides wt wt_divides in
let wt_divides' := pose_wt_divides' wt wt_divides wt_divides' in
- let wt_divides_chain1 := pose_wt_divides_chain1 wt carry_chain1 wt_divides' wt_divides_chain1 in
- let wt_divides_chain2 := pose_wt_divides_chain2 wt carry_chain2 wt_divides' wt_divides_chain2 in
+ let wt_divides_chains := pose_wt_divides_chains wt carry_chains wt_divides' wt_divides_chains in
let zero_sig := pose_zero_sig sz m wt zero_sig in
let one_sig := pose_one_sig sz m wt one_sig in
let a24_sig := pose_a24_sig sz m wt a24 a24_sig in
let add_sig := pose_add_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero add_sig in
let sub_sig := pose_sub_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero coef sub_sig in
let opp_sig := pose_opp_sig sz m wt wt_nonzero coef opp_sig in
- let mul_sig := pose_mul_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero mul_sig in
- let square_sig := pose_square_sig sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero square_sig in
- let carry_sig := pose_carry_sig sz m wt s c carry_chain1 carry_chain2 wt_nonzero wt_divides_chain1 wt_divides_chain2 carry_sig in
+ let half_sz := pose_half_sz sz half_sz in
+ let half_sz_nonzero := pose_half_sz_nonzero half_sz half_sz_nonzero in
+ let sqrt_s := pose_sqrt_s s sqrt_s in
+ let goldilocks_mul_sig := pose_goldilocks_mul_sig goldilocks sz wt s c half_sz sqrt_s goldilocks_mul_sig in
+ let mul_sig := pose_mul_sig_full goldilocks sz m wt s c sz2 half_sz sqrt_s goldilocks_mul_sig wt_nonzero mul_sig in
+ let square_sig := pose_square_sig_full goldilocks sz m wt s c sz2 wt_nonzero mul_sig square_sig in
+ let carry_sig := pose_carry_sig sz m wt s c carry_chains wt_nonzero wt_divides_chains carry_sig in
let wt_pos := pose_wt_pos wt wt_pos in
let wt_multiples := pose_wt_multiples wt wt_multiples in
let freeze_sig := pose_freeze_sig sz m wt c m_enc bitwidth wt_nonzero wt_pos wt_divides wt_multiples freeze_sig in
let ring := pose_ring sz m wt wt_divides' sz_nonzero wt_nonzero zero_sig one_sig opp_sig add_sig sub_sig mul_sig ring in
- constr:((sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring)).
+ constr:((sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring)).
Ltac make_ArithmeticSynthesis_package _ :=
lazymatch goal with
@@ -494,72 +679,76 @@ Module MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest (AP : ArithmeticSynthesisPrePackage).
Ltac AS_reduce_proj x :=
eval cbv beta iota zeta in x.
- Ltac get_sz _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz).
+ Ltac get_sz _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz).
Notation sz := (ltac:(let v := get_sz () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_bitwidth _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in bitwidth).
+ Ltac get_bitwidth _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in bitwidth).
Notation bitwidth := (ltac:(let v := get_bitwidth () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_s _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in s).
+ Ltac get_s _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in s).
Notation s := (ltac:(let v := get_s () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_c _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in c).
+ Ltac get_c _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in c).
Notation c := (ltac:(let v := get_c () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_carry_chain1 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in carry_chain1).
- Notation carry_chain1 := (ltac:(let v := get_carry_chain1 () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_carry_chain2 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in carry_chain2).
- Notation carry_chain2 := (ltac:(let v := get_carry_chain2 () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_a24 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in a24).
+ Ltac get_carry_chains _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in carry_chains).
+ Notation carry_chains := (ltac:(let v := get_carry_chains () in exact v)) (only parsing).
+ Ltac get_a24 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in a24).
Notation a24 := (ltac:(let v := get_a24 () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_coef_div_modulus _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef_div_modulus).
+ Ltac get_coef_div_modulus _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef_div_modulus).
Notation coef_div_modulus := (ltac:(let v := get_coef_div_modulus () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_m _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in m).
+ Ltac get_goldilocks _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in goldilocks).
+ Notation goldilocks := (ltac:(let v := get_goldilocks () in exact v)) (only parsing).
+ Ltac get_m _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in m).
Notation m := (ltac:(let v := get_m () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt).
+ Ltac get_wt _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt).
Notation wt := (ltac:(let v := get_wt () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_sz2 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz2).
+ Ltac get_sz2 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz2).
Notation sz2 := (ltac:(let v := get_sz2 () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_m_enc _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in m_enc).
+ Ltac get_m_enc _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in m_enc).
Notation m_enc := (ltac:(let v := get_m_enc () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_coef _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef).
+ Ltac get_coef _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef).
Notation coef := (ltac:(let v := get_coef () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_coef_mod _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef_mod).
+ Ltac get_coef_mod _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in coef_mod).
Notation coef_mod := (ltac:(let v := get_coef_mod () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_sz_nonzero _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz_nonzero).
+ Ltac get_sz_nonzero _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sz_nonzero).
Notation sz_nonzero := (ltac:(let v := get_sz_nonzero () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt_nonzero _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_nonzero).
+ Ltac get_wt_nonzero _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_nonzero).
Notation wt_nonzero := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_nonzero () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt_nonneg _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_nonneg).
+ Ltac get_wt_nonneg _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_nonneg).
Notation wt_nonneg := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_nonneg () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt_divides _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides).
+ Ltac get_wt_divides _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides).
Notation wt_divides := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt_divides' _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides').
+ Ltac get_wt_divides' _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides').
Notation wt_divides' := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides' () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt_divides_chain1 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides_chain1).
- Notation wt_divides_chain1 := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides_chain1 () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt_divides_chain2 _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides_chain2).
- Notation wt_divides_chain2 := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides_chain2 () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_zero_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in zero_sig).
+ Ltac get_wt_divides_chains _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_divides_chains).
+ Notation wt_divides_chains := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_divides_chains () in exact v)) (only parsing).
+ Ltac get_zero_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in zero_sig).
Notation zero_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_zero_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_one_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in one_sig).
+ Ltac get_one_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in one_sig).
Notation one_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_one_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_a24_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in a24_sig).
+ Ltac get_a24_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in a24_sig).
Notation a24_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_a24_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_add_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in add_sig).
+ Ltac get_add_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in add_sig).
Notation add_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_add_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_sub_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sub_sig).
+ Ltac get_sub_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sub_sig).
Notation sub_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_sub_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_opp_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in opp_sig).
+ Ltac get_opp_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in opp_sig).
Notation opp_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_opp_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_mul_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in mul_sig).
+ Ltac get_half_sz _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in half_sz).
+ Notation half_sz := (ltac:(let v := get_half_sz () in exact v)) (only parsing).
+ Ltac get_half_sz_nonzero _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in half_sz_nonzero).
+ Notation half_sz_nonzero := (ltac:(let v := get_half_sz_nonzero () in exact v)) (only parsing).
+ Ltac get_sqrt_s _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in sqrt_s).
+ Notation sqrt_s := (ltac:(let v := get_sqrt_s () in exact v)) (only parsing).
+ Ltac get_mul_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in mul_sig).
Notation mul_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_mul_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_square_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in square_sig).
+ Ltac get_square_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in square_sig).
Notation square_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_square_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_carry_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in carry_sig).
+ Ltac get_carry_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in carry_sig).
Notation carry_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_carry_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt_pos _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_pos).
+ Ltac get_wt_pos _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_pos).
Notation wt_pos := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_pos () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_wt_multiples _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_multiples).
+ Ltac get_wt_multiples _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in wt_multiples).
Notation wt_multiples := (ltac:(let v := get_wt_multiples () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_freeze_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in freeze_sig).
+ Ltac get_freeze_sig _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in freeze_sig).
Notation freeze_sig := (ltac:(let v := get_freeze_sig () in exact v)) (only parsing).
- Ltac get_ring _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chain1, carry_chain2, a24, coef_div_modulus, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chain1, wt_divides_chain2, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in ring).
+ Ltac get_ring _ := let pkg := get_MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest_package () in AS_reduce_proj (let '(sz, bitwidth, s, c, carry_chains, a24, coef_div_modulus, goldilocks, m, wt, sz2, m_enc, coef, coef_mod, sz_nonzero, wt_nonzero, wt_nonneg, wt_divides, wt_divides', wt_divides_chains, zero_sig, one_sig, a24_sig, add_sig, sub_sig, opp_sig, half_sz, half_sz_nonzero, sqrt_s, mul_sig, square_sig, carry_sig, wt_pos, wt_multiples, freeze_sig, ring) := pkg in ring).
Notation ring := (ltac:(let v := get_ring () in exact v)) (only parsing).
End MakeArithmeticSynthesisTest.
diff --git a/src/Specific/Framework/CurveParameters.v b/src/Specific/Framework/CurveParameters.v
index aa679a4d3..2d0bf5152 100644
--- a/src/Specific/Framework/CurveParameters.v
+++ b/src/Specific/Framework/CurveParameters.v
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ Module Type CurveParameters.
Parameter bitwidth : Z.
Parameter s : Z.
Parameter c : list limb.
- Parameter carry_chain1
- : option (list nat). (* defaults to [seq 0 (pred sz)] *)
- Parameter carry_chain2
- : option (list nat). (* defaults to [0 :: 1 :: nil] *)
- Parameter a24 : Z.
+ Parameter carry_chains
+ : option (list (list nat)). (* defaults to [seq 0 (pred sz) :: (0 :: 1 :: nil) :: nil] *)
+ Parameter a24 : option Z.
Parameter coef_div_modulus : nat.
+ Parameter goldilocks : bool.
Parameter mul_code : option (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz).
Parameter square_code : option (Z^sz -> Z^sz).
Parameter upper_bound_of_exponent
@@ -54,11 +54,12 @@ Module FillCurveParameters (P : CurveParameters).
Definition bitwidth := P.bitwidth.
Definition s := P.s.
Definition c := P.c.
- Definition carry_chain1 := defaulted P.carry_chain1 (seq 0 (pred sz)).
- Definition carry_chain2 := defaulted P.carry_chain2 (0 :: 1 :: nil)%nat.
- Definition a24 := P.a24.
+ Definition carry_chains := defaulted P.carry_chains [seq 0 (pred sz); [0; 1]]%nat.
+ Definition a24 := defaulted P.a24 0.
Definition coef_div_modulus := P.coef_div_modulus.
+ Definition goldilocks := P.goldilocks.
Ltac default_mul :=
lazymatch (eval hnf in P.mul_code) with
| None => reflexivity
@@ -85,10 +86,10 @@ Module FillCurveParameters (P : CurveParameters).
let P_bitwidth := P.bitwidth in
let P_s := P.s in
let P_c := P.c in
- let P_carry_chain1 := P.carry_chain1 in
- let P_carry_chain2 := P.carry_chain2 in
+ let P_carry_chains := P.carry_chains in
let P_a24 := P.a24 in
let P_coef_div_modulus := P.coef_div_modulus in
+ let P_goldilocks := P.goldilocks in
let P_mul_code := P.mul_code in
let P_square_code := P.square_code in
let P_upper_bound_of_exponent := P.upper_bound_of_exponent in
@@ -96,8 +97,8 @@ Module FillCurveParameters (P : CurveParameters).
let P_freeze_extra_allowable_bit_widths := P.freeze_extra_allowable_bit_widths in
let v' := (eval cbv [id
- sz bitwidth s c carry_chain1 carry_chain2 a24 coef_div_modulus
- P_sz P_bitwidth P_s P_c P_carry_chain1 P_carry_chain2 P_a24 P_coef_div_modulus
+ sz bitwidth s c carry_chains a24 coef_div_modulus goldilocks
+ P_sz P_bitwidth P_s P_c P_carry_chains P_a24 P_coef_div_modulus P_goldilocks
P_mul_code P_square_code
upper_bound_of_exponent allowable_bit_widths freeze_allowable_bit_widths
P_upper_bound_of_exponent P_allowable_bit_widths P_freeze_extra_allowable_bit_widths
diff --git a/src/Specific/Framework/SynthesisFramework.v b/src/Specific/Framework/SynthesisFramework.v
index c30024181..9c80efaa0 100644
--- a/src/Specific/Framework/SynthesisFramework.v
+++ b/src/Specific/Framework/SynthesisFramework.v
@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ Module MakeSynthesisTactics (Curve : CurveParameters.CurveParameters).
Ltac get_synthesis_package _ :=
let arithmetic_synthesis_pkg := AS.get_ArithmeticSynthesis_package () in
lazymatch arithmetic_synthesis_pkg with
- | (?sz, ?bitwidth, ?s, ?c, ?carry_chain1, ?carry_chain2, ?a24, ?coef_div_modulus, ?m, ?wt, ?sz2, ?m_enc, ?coef, ?coef_mod, ?sz_nonzero, ?wt_nonzero, ?wt_nonneg, ?wt_divides, ?wt_divides', ?wt_divides_chain1, ?wt_divides_chain2, ?zero_sig, ?one_sig, ?a24_sig, ?add_sig, ?sub_sig, ?opp_sig, ?mul_sig, ?square_sig, ?carry_sig, ?wt_pos, ?wt_multiples, ?freeze_sig, ?ring)
+ | (?sz, ?bitwidth, ?s, ?c, ?carry_chains, ?a24, ?coef_div_modulus, ?goldilocks, ?m, ?wt, ?sz2, ?m_enc, ?coef, ?coef_mod, ?sz_nonzero, ?wt_nonzero, ?wt_nonneg, ?wt_divides, ?wt_divides', ?wt_divides_chains, ?zero_sig, ?one_sig, ?a24_sig, ?add_sig, ?sub_sig, ?opp_sig, ?half_sz, ?half_sz_nonzero, ?sqrt_s, ?mul_sig, ?square_sig, ?carry_sig, ?wt_pos, ?wt_multiples, ?freeze_sig, ?ring)
=> let reification_types_pkg := get_ReificationTypes_package wt sz m wt_nonneg AS.P.upper_bound_of_exponent in
let ladderstep_pkg := get_Ladderstep_package sz wt m add_sig sub_sig mul_sig square_sig carry_sig in
constr:((arithmetic_synthesis_pkg, reification_types_pkg, ladderstep_pkg))
+ | _ => let dummy := match goal with
+ | _ => fail "Did you update get_ArithmeticSynthesis_package but forget to update get_synthesis_package?"
+ end in
+ constr:(I : I)
Ltac make_synthesis_package _ :=
lazymatch goal with
diff --git a/src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py b/src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py
index b530a72ee..6c155efb9 100755
--- a/src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py
+++ b/src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py
@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ def compute_bitwidth(base):
return 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(base, 2)))
def compute_sz(modulus, base):
return 1 + int(math.ceil(math.log(modulus, 2) / base))
-def default_carry_chain(cc):
- assert(cc == 'carry_chain1')
- return 'Some (seq 0 (pred sz))'
+def default_carry_chains():
+ return ('seq 0 (pred sz)', '[0; 1]')
def compute_s(modulus_str):
base, exp, rest = re.match(r'\s*'.join(('^', '(2)', r'\^', '([0-9]+)', '([0-9^ +-]*)$')), modulus_str).groups()
return '%s^%s' % (base, exp)
@@ -132,7 +131,23 @@ def format_c_code(header, code, numargs, sz, indent=' ', closing_indent='
ret += '\n%s)' % closing_indent
return ret
+def nested_list_to_string(v):
+ if isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, unicode):
+ return str(v)
+ elif isinstance(v, list):
+ return '[%s]' % '; '.join(map(nested_list_to_string, v))
+ else:
+ print('ERROR: Invalid type in nested_list_to_string: %s' % str(type(v)))
+ assert(False)
def make_curve_parameters(parameters):
+ def fix_option(term):
+ if not isinstance(term, str) and not isinstance(term, unicode):
+ return term
+ if term[:len('Some ')] != 'Some ' and term != 'None':
+ if ' ' in term: return 'Some (%s)' % term
+ return 'Some %s' % term
+ return term
replacements = dict(parameters)
assert(all(ch in '0123456789^+- ' for ch in parameters['modulus']))
modulus = eval(parameters['modulus'].replace('^', '**'))
@@ -141,17 +156,16 @@ def make_curve_parameters(parameters):
bitwidth = int(replacements['bitwidth'])
replacements['sz'] = parameters.get('sz', str(compute_sz(modulus, base)))
sz = int(replacements['sz'])
- for cc in ('carry_chain1', 'carry_chain2'):
- if cc in replacements.keys() and isinstance(replacements[cc], list):
- replacements[cc] = 'Some [%s]%%nat' % '; '.join(map(str, replacements[cc]))
- elif replacements[cc] == 'default':
- replacements[cc] = default_carry_chain(cc)
- elif isinstance(replacements[cc], str):
- if replacements[cc][:len('Some ')] != 'Some ' and replacements[cc][:len('None')] != 'None':
- if ' ' in replacements[cc]: replacements[cc] = '(%s)' % replacements[cc]
- replacements[cc] = 'Some %s' % replacements[cc]
- elif cc not in replacements.keys():
- replacements[cc] = 'None'
+ replacements['a24'] = fix_option(parameters.get('a24', 'None'))
+ replacements['carry_chains'] = fix_option(parameters.get('carry_chains', 'None'))
+ if isinstance(replacements['carry_chains'], list):
+ defaults = default_carry_chains()
+ replacements['carry_chains'] \
+ = ('Some %s%%nat'
+ % nested_list_to_string([(v if v != 'default' else defaults[i])
+ for i, v in enumerate(replacements['carry_chains'])]))
+ elif replacements['carry_chains'] == 'default':
+ replacements['carry_chains'] = 'Some %s%%nat' % nested_list_to_string(default_carry_chains())
replacements['s'] = parameters.get('s', compute_s(parameters['modulus']))
replacements['c'] = parameters.get('c', compute_c(parameters['modulus']))
if isinstance(replacements['c'], list):
@@ -164,6 +178,9 @@ def make_curve_parameters(parameters):
for k in ('upper_bound_of_exponent', 'allowable_bit_widths', 'freeze_extra_allowable_bit_widths'):
if k not in replacements.keys():
replacements[k] = 'None'
+ for k in ('goldilocks', ):
+ if k not in replacements.keys():
+ replacements[k] = 'false'
for k in ('extra_prove_mul_eq', 'extra_prove_square_eq'):
if k not in replacements.keys():
replacements[k] = 'idtac'
@@ -180,12 +197,13 @@ Module Curve <: CurveParameters.
Definition bitwidth : Z := %(bitwidth)s.
Definition s : Z := %(s)s.
Definition c : list limb := %(c)s.
- Definition carry_chain1 : option (list nat) := Eval vm_compute in %(carry_chain1)s.
- Definition carry_chain2 : option (list nat) := Eval vm_compute in %(carry_chain2)s.
+ Definition carry_chains : option (list (list nat)) := Eval vm_compute in %(carry_chains)s.
- Definition a24 : Z := %(a24)s.
+ Definition a24 : option Z := %(a24)s.
Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := %(coef_div_modulus)s%%nat. (* add %(coef_div_modulus)s*modulus before subtracting *)
+ Definition goldilocks : bool := %(goldilocks)s.
Definition mul_code : option (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)
:= %(mul)s.
diff --git a/src/Specific/IntegrationTestKaratsubaMul.v b/src/Specific/IntegrationTestKaratsubaMul.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 8474a05c9..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/IntegrationTestKaratsubaMul.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.FixedWordSizes.
-Require Import Crypto.Specific.Karatsuba.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple Crypto.Util.Sigma Crypto.Util.Sigma.MapProjections Crypto.Util.Sigma.Lift Crypto.Util.Notations Crypto.Util.ZRange Crypto.Util.BoundedWord.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Head.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.MoveLetIn.
-Import ListNotations.
-Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.IntegrationTestTemporaryMiscCommon.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.
-Section BoundedField25p5.
- Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
- Let limb_widths := Eval vm_compute in (List.map (fun i => Z.log2 (wt (S i) / wt i)) (seq 0 sz)).
- Let length_lw := Eval compute in List.length limb_widths.
- Local Notation b_of exp := {| lower := 0 ; upper := 2^exp + 2^(exp-3) |}%Z (only parsing). (* max is [(0, 2^(exp+2) + 2^exp + 2^(exp-1) + 2^(exp-3) + 2^(exp-4) + 2^(exp-5) + 2^(exp-6) + 2^(exp-10) + 2^(exp-12) + 2^(exp-13) + 2^(exp-14) + 2^(exp-15) + 2^(exp-17) + 2^(exp-23) + 2^(exp-24))%Z] *)
- (* The definition [bounds_exp] is a tuple-version of the
- limb-widths, which are the [exp] argument in [b_of] above, i.e.,
- the approximate base-2 exponent of the bounds on the limb in that
- position. *)
- Let bounds_exp : Tuple.tuple Z length_lw
- := Eval compute in
- Tuple.from_list length_lw limb_widths eq_refl.
- Let bounds : Tuple.tuple zrange length_lw
- := Eval compute in
- Tuple.map (fun e => b_of e) bounds_exp.
- Let lgbitwidth := Eval compute in (Z.to_nat (Z.log2_up (List.fold_right Z.max 0 limb_widths))).
- Let bitwidth := Eval compute in (2^lgbitwidth)%nat.
- Let feZ : Type := tuple Z sz.
- Let feW : Type := tuple (wordT lgbitwidth) sz.
- Let feBW : Type := BoundedWord sz bitwidth bounds.
- Let phi : feBW -> F m :=
- fun x => B.Positional.Fdecode wt (BoundedWordToZ _ _ _ x).
- (* TODO : change this to field once field isomorphism happens *)
- Definition mul :
- { mul : feBW -> feBW -> feBW
- | forall a b, phi (mul a b) = F.mul (phi a) (phi b) }.
- Proof.
- start_preglue.
- do_rewrite_with_2sig_add_carry mul_sig carry_sig; cbv_runtime.
- all:fin_preglue.
- (* jgross start here! *)
- (*Set Ltac Profiling.*)
- Time refine_reflectively.
- (*Show Ltac Profile.*)
- Time Defined.
-End BoundedField25p5.
diff --git a/src/Specific/Karatsuba.v b/src/Specific/Karatsuba.v
deleted file mode 100644
index eaefd0493..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/Karatsuba.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef.
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core. Import B.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Saturated.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Saturated.Freeze.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Karatsuba.
-Require Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.IdfunWithAlt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.QUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.VM.
-Local Notation tuple := Tuple.tuple.
-Local Open Scope list_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
-Modulus : 2^448-2^224-1
-Base: 56
-Section Ops51.
- Local Infix "^" := tuple : type_scope.
- (* These definitions will need to be passed as Ltac arguments (or
- cleverly inferred) when things are eventually automated *)
- Definition sz := 8%nat.
- Definition bitwidth := 64.
- Definition s : Z := 2^448.
- Definition c : list B.limb := [(1, 1); (2^224, 1)].
- Definition carry_chain1 := [3;7]%nat.
- Definition carry_chain2 := [0;4;1;5;2;6;3;7]%nat.
- Definition carry_chain3 := [4;0]%nat.
- Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := 2. (* add 2*modulus before subtracting *)
- (* These definitions are inferred from those above *)
- Definition m := Eval vm_compute in Z.to_pos (s - Associational.eval c). (* modulus *)
- Section wt.
- Import QArith Qround.
- Local Coercion QArith_base.inject_Z : Z >-> Q.
- Definition wt (i:nat) : Z := 2^Qceiling((Z.log2_up m/sz)*i).
- End wt.
- Definition sz2 := Eval vm_compute in ((sz * 2) - 1)%nat.
- Definition m_enc :=
- Eval vm_compute in (Positional.encode (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) (n:=sz) wt (s-Associational.eval c)).
- Definition coef := (* subtraction coefficient *)
- Eval vm_compute in
- ((fix addm (acc: Z^sz) (ctr : nat) : Z^sz :=
- match ctr with
- | O => acc
- | S n => addm (Positional.add_cps wt acc m_enc id) n
- end) (Positional.zeros sz) coef_div_modulus).
- Definition coef_mod : mod_eq m (Positional.eval (n:=sz) wt coef) 0 := eq_refl.
- Lemma sz_nonzero : sz <> 0%nat. Proof. vm_decide. Qed.
- Lemma wt_nonzero i : wt i <> 0.
- Proof. eapply pow_ceil_mul_nat_nonzero; vm_decide. Qed.
- Lemma wt_divides i : wt (S i) / wt i > 0.
- Proof. apply pow_ceil_mul_nat_divide; vm_decide. Qed.
- Lemma wt_divides' i : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0.
- Proof. symmetry; apply Z.lt_neq, Z.gt_lt_iff, wt_divides. Qed.
- Definition wt_divides_chain1 i (H:In i carry_chain1) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0 := wt_divides' i.
- Definition wt_divides_chain2 i (H:In i carry_chain2) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0 := wt_divides' i.
- Definition wt_divides_chain3 i (H:In i carry_chain3) : wt (S i) / wt i <> 0 := wt_divides' i.
- Local Ltac solve_constant_sig :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- { c : Z^?sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=?M) ?wt c = ?v } ]
- => let t := (eval vm_compute in
- (Positional.encode (n:=sz) (modulo:=modulo) (div:=div) wt (F.to_Z (m:=M) v))) in
- (exists t; vm_decide)
- end.
- Definition zero_sig :
- { zero : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt zero = 0%F}.
- Proof.
- solve_constant_sig.
- Defined.
- Definition one_sig :
- { one : Z^sz | Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt one = 1%F}.
- Proof.
- solve_constant_sig.
- Defined.
- Definition add_sig :
- { add : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a b : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in
- eval (add a b) = (eval a + eval b)%F }.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
- pose proof wt_nonzero.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.add_cps (n := sz) wt a b id) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition sub_sig :
- {sub : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a b : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m:=m) wt in
- eval (sub a b) = (eval a - eval b)%F}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
- pose proof wt_nonzero.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.sub_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a b id) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition opp_sig :
- {opp : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
- eval (opp a) = F.opp (eval a)}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
- pose proof wt_nonzero.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.opp_cps (n:=sz) (coef := coef) wt a id) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition half_sz : nat := Eval compute in (sz / 2).
- Lemma half_sz_nonzero : half_sz <> 0%nat. Proof. cbv; congruence. Qed.
-Ltac basesystem_partial_evaluation_RHS :=
- let t0 := (match goal with
- | |- _ _ ?t => t
- end) in
- let t :=
- eval
- cbv
- delta [Positional.to_associational_cps Positional.to_associational
- Positional.eval Positional.zeros Positional.add_to_nth_cps
- Positional.add_to_nth Positional.place_cps Positional.place
- Positional.from_associational_cps Positional.from_associational
- Positional.carry_cps Positional.carry
- Positional.chained_carries_cps Positional.chained_carries
- Positional.sub_cps Positional.sub Positional.split_cps
- Positional.scmul_cps Positional.unbalanced_sub_cps
- Positional.negate_snd_cps Positional.add_cps Positional.opp_cps
- Associational.eval Associational.multerm Associational.mul_cps
- Associational.mul Associational.split_cps Associational.split
- Associational.reduce_cps Associational.reduce
- Associational.carryterm_cps Associational.carryterm
- Associational.carry_cps Associational.carry
- Associational.negate_snd_cps Associational.negate_snd div modulo
- id_tuple_with_alt id_tuple'_with_alt
- ]
- in t0
- in
- let t := eval pattern @runtime_mul in t in
- let t := (match t with
- | ?t _ => t
- end) in
- let t := eval pattern @runtime_add in t in
- let t := (match t with
- | ?t _ => t
- end) in
- let t := eval pattern @runtime_opp in t in
- let t := (match t with
- | ?t _ => t
- end) in
- let t := eval pattern @runtime_shr in t in
- let t := (match t with
- | ?t _ => t
- end) in
- let t := eval pattern @runtime_and in t in
- let t := (match t with
- | ?t _ => t
- end) in
- let t := eval pattern @Let_In in t in
- let t := (match t with
- | ?t _ => t
- end) in
- let t := eval pattern @id_with_alt in t in
- let t := (match t with
- | ?t _ => t
- end) in
- let t1 := fresh "t1" in
- pose (t1 := t);
- transitivity
- (t1 (@id_with_alt) (@Let_In) (@runtime_and) (@runtime_shr) (@runtime_opp) (@runtime_add)
- (@runtime_mul));
- [ replace_with_vm_compute t1; clear t1 | reflexivity ].
- Definition goldilocks_mul_sig :
- {mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a b : Z^sz,
- mul a b = goldilocks_mul_cps (n:=half_sz) (n2:=sz) wt (2 ^ 224) a b (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) wt s c ab id)}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
- cbv [goldilocks_mul_cps].
- repeat autounfold.
- basesystem_partial_evaluation_RHS.
- do_replace_match_with_destructuring_match_in_goal.
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition mul_sig :
- {mul : (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a b : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
- Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt (mul a b) = (eval a * eval b)%F}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
- pose proof wt_nonzero.
- let x := constr:(
- goldilocks_mul_cps (n:=half_sz) (n2:=sz) wt (2^224) a b (fun ab => Positional.reduce_cps (n:=sz) wt s c ab id)) in
- F_mod_eq;
- transitivity (Positional.eval wt x); repeat autounfold;
- [
- | autorewrite with uncps push_id push_basesystem_eval;
- apply goldilocks_mul_correct; try assumption; cbv; congruence ].
- cbv [mod_eq]; apply f_equal2;
- [ | reflexivity ]. apply f_equal.
- etransitivity; [|apply (proj2_sig (goldilocks_mul_sig))].
- cbv [proj1_sig goldilocks_mul_sig].
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition square_sig :
- {square : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
- Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt (square a) = (eval a * eval a)%F}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
- rewrite <-(proj2_sig mul_sig).
- apply f_equal.
- cbv [proj1_sig mul_sig].
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
- (* Performs a full carry loop (as specified by carry_chain) *)
- Definition carry_sig :
- {carry : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a : Z^sz,
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
- eval (carry a) = eval a}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
- pose proof wt_nonzero. pose proof wt_divides_chain1.
- pose proof div_mod. pose proof wt_divides_chain2.
- pose proof wt_divides_chain3.
- let x := constr:(
- Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div)(modulo:=modulo) wt a carry_chain1
- (fun r => Positional.carry_reduce_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt s c r
- (fun r => Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt r carry_chain2
- (fun r => Positional.carry_reduce_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt s c r
- (fun r => Positional.chained_carries_cps (n:=sz) (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) wt r carry_chain3 id
- ))))) in
- solve_op_F wt x. reflexivity.
- Defined.
- (* [freeze] preconditions *)
- Lemma wt_pos i : wt i > 0.
- Proof. eapply pow_ceil_mul_nat_pos; vm_decide. Qed.
- Lemma wt_multiples i : wt (S i) mod (wt i) = 0.
- Proof. apply pow_ceil_mul_nat_multiples; vm_decide. Qed.
- Hint Opaque freeze : uncps.
- Hint Rewrite freeze_id : uncps.
- Definition freeze_sig :
- {freeze : (Z^sz -> Z^sz)%type |
- forall a : Z^sz,
- (0 <= Positional.eval wt a < 2 * Z.pos m)->
- let eval := Positional.Fdecode (m := m) wt in
- eval (freeze a) = eval a}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv beta zeta; intros.
- pose proof wt_nonzero. pose proof wt_pos.
- pose proof div_mod. pose proof wt_divides.
- pose proof wt_multiples.
- pose proof div_correct. pose proof modulo_correct.
- let x := constr:(freeze (n:=sz) wt (Z.ones bitwidth) m_enc a) in
- F_mod_eq;
- transitivity (Positional.eval wt x); repeat autounfold;
- [ | autorewrite with uncps push_id push_basesystem_eval;
- rewrite eval_freeze with (c:=c);
- try eassumption; try omega; try reflexivity;
- try solve [auto using B.Positional.select_id,
- B.Positional.eval_select, zselect_correct];
- vm_decide].
- cbv[mod_eq]; apply f_equal2;
- [ | reflexivity ]; apply f_equal.
- cbv - [runtime_opp runtime_add runtime_mul runtime_shr runtime_and Let_In Z.add_get_carry Z.zselect].
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition ring_56 :=
- (Ring.ring_by_isomorphism
- (F := F m)
- (H := Z^sz)
- (phi := Positional.Fencode wt)
- (phi' := Positional.Fdecode wt)
- (zero := proj1_sig zero_sig)
- (one := proj1_sig one_sig)
- (opp := proj1_sig opp_sig)
- (add := proj1_sig add_sig)
- (sub := proj1_sig sub_sig)
- (mul := proj1_sig mul_sig)
- (phi'_zero := proj2_sig zero_sig)
- (phi'_one := proj2_sig one_sig)
- (phi'_opp := proj2_sig opp_sig)
- (Positional.Fdecode_Fencode_id
- (sz_nonzero := sz_nonzero)
- (div_mod := div_mod)
- wt eq_refl wt_nonzero wt_divides')
- (Positional.eq_Feq_iff wt)
- (proj2_sig add_sig)
- (proj2_sig sub_sig)
- (proj2_sig mul_sig)
- ).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig add_sig] in (proj1_sig add_sig).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig sub_sig] in (proj1_sig sub_sig).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig opp_sig] in (proj1_sig opp_sig).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig mul_sig] in (proj1_sig mul_sig).
-Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_sig] in (proj1_sig carry_sig).
-End Ops51.
diff --git a/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/CurveParameters.v b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/CurveParameters.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa8fd5614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/CurveParameters.v
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.CurveParameters.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Modulus : 2^448-2^224-1
+Base: 56
+Module Curve <: CurveParameters.
+ Definition sz : nat := 8%nat.
+ Definition bitwidth : Z := 64.
+ Definition s : Z := 2^448.
+ Definition c : list limb := [(1, 1); (2^224, 1)].
+ Definition carry_chains : option (list (list nat)) := Eval vm_compute in Some [[3; 7]; [0; 4; 1; 5; 2; 6; 3; 7]; [4; 0]]%nat.
+ Definition a24 : option Z := None.
+ Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := 2%nat. (* add 2*modulus before subtracting *)
+ Definition goldilocks : bool := true.
+ Definition mul_code : option (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)
+ := None.
+ Definition square_code : option (Z^sz -> Z^sz)
+ := None.
+ Definition upper_bound_of_exponent : option (Z -> Z) := None.
+ Definition allowable_bit_widths : option (list nat) := None.
+ Definition freeze_extra_allowable_bit_widths : option (list nat) := None.
+ Ltac extra_prove_mul_eq := idtac.
+ Ltac extra_prove_square_eq := idtac.
+End Curve.
diff --git a/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/Synthesis.v b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/Synthesis.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ea8aa5c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/Synthesis.v
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.SynthesisFramework.
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.X2448.Karatsuba.C64.CurveParameters.
+Module Import T := MakeSynthesisTactics Curve.
+Module P <: SynthesisPrePackage.
+ Definition Synthesis_package' : Synthesis_package'_Type.
+ Proof. make_synthesis_package (). Defined.
+ Definition Synthesis_package
+ := Eval cbv [Synthesis_package' projT2] in projT2 Synthesis_package'.
+End P.
+Module Export S := PackageSynthesis Curve P.
diff --git a/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femul.v b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femul.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f890a88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femul.v
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.X2448.Karatsuba.C64.Synthesis.
+(* TODO : change this to field once field isomorphism happens *)
+Definition mul :
+ { mul : feBW -> feBW -> feBW
+ | forall a b, phiBW (mul a b) = F.mul (phiBW a) (phiBW b) }.
+ Set Ltac Profiling.
+ Time synthesize_mul ().
+ Show Ltac Profile.
+Time Defined.
diff --git a/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femulDisplay.log b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femulDisplay.log
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17db6102d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femulDisplay.log
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+λ x x0 : word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64,
+(λ var : Syntax.base_type → Type,
+ λ '(x16, x17, x15, x13, x11, x9, x7, x5, (x30, x31, x29, x27, x25, x23, x21, x19))%core,
+ uint128_t x32 = (uint128_t) (x11 + x16) * (x25 + x30) - (uint128_t) x11 * x25;
+ uint128_t x33 = (uint128_t) (x9 + x17) * (x25 + x30) + (uint128_t) (x11 + x16) * (x23 + x31) - ((uint128_t) x9 * x25 + (uint128_t) x11 * x23);
+ uint128_t x34 = (uint128_t) (x7 + x15) * (x25 + x30) + ((uint128_t) (x9 + x17) * (x23 + x31) + (uint128_t) (x11 + x16) * (x21 + x29)) - ((uint128_t) x7 * x25 + ((uint128_t) x9 * x23 + (uint128_t) x11 * x21));
+ uint128_t x35 = (uint128_t) (x5 + x13) * (x25 + x30) + ((uint128_t) (x7 + x15) * (x23 + x31) + ((uint128_t) (x9 + x17) * (x21 + x29) + (uint128_t) (x11 + x16) * (x19 + x27))) - ((uint128_t) x5 * x25 + ((uint128_t) x7 * x23 + ((uint128_t) x9 * x21 + (uint128_t) x11 * x19)));
+ uint128_t x36 = (uint128_t) (x5 + x13) * (x23 + x31) + ((uint128_t) (x7 + x15) * (x21 + x29) + (uint128_t) (x9 + x17) * (x19 + x27)) - ((uint128_t) x5 * x23 + ((uint128_t) x7 * x21 + (uint128_t) x9 * x19));
+ uint128_t x37 = (uint128_t) (x5 + x13) * (x21 + x29) + (uint128_t) (x7 + x15) * (x19 + x27) - ((uint128_t) x5 * x21 + (uint128_t) x7 * x19);
+ uint128_t x38 = (uint128_t) (x5 + x13) * (x19 + x27) - (uint128_t) x5 * x19;
+ uint128_t x39 = (uint128_t) x11 * x25 + (uint128_t) x16 * x30 + x36 + x32;
+ uint128_t x40 = (uint128_t) x9 * x25 + (uint128_t) x11 * x23 + ((uint128_t) x17 * x30 + (uint128_t) x16 * x31) + x37 + x33;
+ uint128_t x41 = (uint128_t) x7 * x25 + ((uint128_t) x9 * x23 + (uint128_t) x11 * x21) + ((uint128_t) x15 * x30 + ((uint128_t) x17 * x31 + (uint128_t) x16 * x29)) + x38 + x34;
+ uint128_t x42 = (uint128_t) x5 * x25 + ((uint128_t) x7 * x23 + ((uint128_t) x9 * x21 + (uint128_t) x11 * x19)) + ((uint128_t) x13 * x30 + ((uint128_t) x15 * x31 + ((uint128_t) x17 * x29 + (uint128_t) x16 * x27)));
+ uint128_t x43 = (uint128_t) x5 * x23 + ((uint128_t) x7 * x21 + (uint128_t) x9 * x19) + ((uint128_t) x13 * x31 + ((uint128_t) x15 * x29 + (uint128_t) x17 * x27)) + x32;
+ uint128_t x44 = (uint128_t) x5 * x21 + (uint128_t) x7 * x19 + ((uint128_t) x13 * x29 + (uint128_t) x15 * x27) + x33;
+ uint128_t x45 = (uint128_t) x5 * x19 + (uint128_t) x13 * x27 + x34;
+ uint64_t x46 = (uint64_t) (x42 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x47 = (uint64_t) x42 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint64_t x48 = (uint64_t) (x35 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x49 = (uint64_t) x35 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint128_t x50 = (uint128_t) 0x100000000000000 * x48 + x49;
+ uint64_t x51 = (uint64_t) (x50 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x52 = (uint64_t) x50 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint128_t x53 = x45 + x51;
+ uint64_t x54 = (uint64_t) (x53 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x55 = (uint64_t) x53 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint128_t x56 = x46 + x41 + x51;
+ uint64_t x57 = (uint64_t) (x56 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x58 = (uint64_t) x56 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint128_t x59 = x54 + x44;
+ uint64_t x60 = (uint64_t) (x59 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x61 = (uint64_t) x59 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint128_t x62 = x57 + x40;
+ uint64_t x63 = (uint64_t) (x62 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x64 = (uint64_t) x62 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint128_t x65 = x60 + x43;
+ uint64_t x66 = (uint64_t) (x65 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x67 = (uint64_t) x65 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint128_t x68 = x63 + x39;
+ uint64_t x69 = (uint64_t) (x68 >> 0x38);
+ uint64_t x70 = (uint64_t) x68 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint64_t x71 = x66 + x47;
+ uint64_t x72 = x71 >> 0x38;
+ uint64_t x73 = x71 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint64_t x74 = x69 + x52;
+ uint64_t x75 = x74 >> 0x38;
+ uint64_t x76 = x74 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint64_t x77 = 0x100000000000000 * x75 + x76;
+ uint64_t x78 = x77 >> 0x38;
+ uint64_t x79 = x77 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint64_t x80 = x72 + x58 + x78;
+ uint64_t x81 = x80 >> 0x38;
+ uint64_t x82 = x80 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ uint64_t x83 = x55 + x78;
+ uint64_t x84 = x83 >> 0x38;
+ uint64_t x85 = x83 & 0xffffffffffffff;
+ return (Return x79, Return x70, x81 + x64, Return x82, Return x73, Return x67, x84 + x61, Return x85))
+(x, x0)%core
+ : word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 → word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 * word64 → ReturnType (uint64_t * uint64_t * uint64_t * uint64_t * uint64_t * uint64_t * uint64_t * uint64_t)
diff --git a/src/Specific/IntegrationTestKaratsubaMulDisplay.v b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femulDisplay.v
index 7649ca88b..15877076f 100644
--- a/src/Specific/IntegrationTestKaratsubaMulDisplay.v
+++ b/src/Specific/X2448/Karatsuba/C64/femulDisplay.v
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Require Import Crypto.Specific.IntegrationTestKaratsubaMul.
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.X2448.Karatsuba.C64.femul.
Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.IntegrationTestDisplayCommon.
Check display mul.
diff --git a/src/Specific/X25519/C32/CurveParameters.v b/src/Specific/X25519/C32/CurveParameters.v
index c8c7cb04f..e8a46ea9e 100644
--- a/src/Specific/X25519/C32/CurveParameters.v
+++ b/src/Specific/X25519/C32/CurveParameters.v
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ Module Curve <: CurveParameters.
Definition bitwidth : Z := 32.
Definition s : Z := 2^255.
Definition c : list limb := [(1, 19)].
- Definition carry_chain1 : option (list nat) := Eval vm_compute in Some (seq 0 (pred sz)).
- Definition carry_chain2 : option (list nat) := Eval vm_compute in Some [0; 1]%nat.
+ Definition carry_chains : option (list (list nat)) := Eval vm_compute in Some [seq 0 (pred sz); [0; 1]]%nat.
- Definition a24 : Z := 121665.
+ Definition a24 : option Z := Some 121665.
Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := 2%nat. (* add 2*modulus before subtracting *)
+ Definition goldilocks : bool := false.
Definition mul_code : option (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)
:= Some (fun a b =>
(* Micro-optimized form from curve25519-donna by Adam Langley (Google) and Daniel Bernstein. See <https://github.com/agl/curve25519-donna/blob/master/LICENSE.md>. *)
diff --git a/src/Specific/X25519/C64/CurveParameters.v b/src/Specific/X25519/C64/CurveParameters.v
index 9a543b569..54c578a08 100644
--- a/src/Specific/X25519/C64/CurveParameters.v
+++ b/src/Specific/X25519/C64/CurveParameters.v
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ Module Curve <: CurveParameters.
Definition bitwidth : Z := 64.
Definition s : Z := 2^255.
Definition c : list limb := [(1, 19)].
- Definition carry_chain1 : option (list nat) := Eval vm_compute in Some (seq 0 (pred sz)).
- Definition carry_chain2 : option (list nat) := Eval vm_compute in Some [0; 1]%nat.
+ Definition carry_chains : option (list (list nat)) := Eval vm_compute in Some [seq 0 (pred sz); [0; 1]]%nat.
- Definition a24 : Z := 121665.
+ Definition a24 : option Z := Some 121665.
Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := 2%nat. (* add 2*modulus before subtracting *)
+ Definition goldilocks : bool := false.
Definition mul_code : option (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)
:= Some (fun a b =>
(* Micro-optimized form from curve25519-donna-c64 by Adam Langley (Google) and Daniel Bernstein. See <https://github.com/agl/curve25519-donna/blob/master/LICENSE.md>. *)
diff --git a/src/Specific/X2555/C128/CurveParameters.v b/src/Specific/X2555/C128/CurveParameters.v
index a0a0dc027..40c57e8e0 100644
--- a/src/Specific/X2555/C128/CurveParameters.v
+++ b/src/Specific/X2555/C128/CurveParameters.v
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ Module Curve <: CurveParameters.
Definition bitwidth : Z := 128.
Definition s : Z := 2^255.
Definition c : list limb := [(1, 5)].
- Definition carry_chain1 : option (list nat) := Eval vm_compute in Some (seq 0 (pred sz)).
- Definition carry_chain2 : option (list nat) := Eval vm_compute in Some [0; 1]%nat.
+ Definition carry_chains : option (list (list nat)) := Eval vm_compute in Some [seq 0 (pred sz); [0; 1]]%nat.
- Definition a24 : Z := 121665 (* XXX TODO(andreser) FIXME? Is this right for this curve? *).
+ Definition a24 : option Z := Some (121665 (* XXX TODO(andreser) FIXME? Is this right for this curve? *)).
Definition coef_div_modulus : nat := 2%nat. (* add 2*modulus before subtracting *)
+ Definition goldilocks : bool := false.
Definition mul_code : option (Z^sz -> Z^sz -> Z^sz)
:= None.
diff --git a/src/Specific/X2555/C128/ladderstepDisplay.log b/src/Specific/X2555/C128/ladderstepDisplay.log
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6c2ec14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/X2555/C128/ladderstepDisplay.log
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+λ x x0 x1 x2 x3 : Synthesis.P.feW,
+let (a, b) := Interp-η
+(λ var : Syntax.base_type → Type,
+ λ '(x11, x12, x10, (x17, x18, x16, (x21, x22, x20)), (x27, x28, x26, (x31, x32, x30)))%core,
+ uint128_t x33 = x17 + x21;
+ uint128_t x34 = x18 + x22;
+ uint128_t x35 = x16 + x20;
+ uint128_t x36 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffffeL + x17 - x21;
+ uint128_t x37 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffffeL + x18 - x22;
+ uint128_t x38 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffff6L + x16 - x20;
+ uint128_t x39 = x27 + x31;
+ uint128_t x40 = x28 + x32;
+ uint128_t x41 = x26 + x30;
+ uint128_t x42 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffffeL + x27 - x31;
+ uint128_t x43 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffffeL + x28 - x32;
+ uint128_t x44 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffff6L + x26 - x30;
+ uint256_t x45 = (uint256_t) x41 * x36 + ((uint256_t) x40 * x37 + (uint256_t) x39 * x38);
+ uint256_t x46 = (uint256_t) x41 * x37 + (uint256_t) x40 * x38 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x39 * x36);
+ uint256_t x47 = (uint256_t) x41 * x38 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x40 * x36 + (uint256_t) x39 * x37);
+ uint128_t x48 = (uint128_t) (x47 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x49 = (uint128_t) x47 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x50 = x48 + x46;
+ uint128_t x51 = (uint128_t) (x50 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x52 = (uint128_t) x50 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x53 = x51 + x45;
+ uint128_t x54 = (uint128_t) (x53 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x55 = (uint128_t) x53 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x56 = x49 + 0x5 * x54;
+ uint128_t x57 = x56 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x58 = x56 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x59 = x57 + x52;
+ uint128_t x60 = x59 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x61 = x59 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x62 = x60 + x55;
+ uint256_t x63 = (uint256_t) x35 * x42 + ((uint256_t) x34 * x43 + (uint256_t) x33 * x44);
+ uint256_t x64 = (uint256_t) x35 * x43 + (uint256_t) x34 * x44 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x33 * x42);
+ uint256_t x65 = (uint256_t) x35 * x44 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x34 * x42 + (uint256_t) x33 * x43);
+ uint128_t x66 = (uint128_t) (x65 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x67 = (uint128_t) x65 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x68 = x66 + x64;
+ uint128_t x69 = (uint128_t) (x68 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x70 = (uint128_t) x68 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x71 = x69 + x63;
+ uint128_t x72 = (uint128_t) (x71 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x73 = (uint128_t) x71 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x74 = x67 + 0x5 * x72;
+ uint128_t x75 = x74 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x76 = x74 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x77 = x75 + x70;
+ uint128_t x78 = x77 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x79 = x77 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x80 = x78 + x73;
+ uint128_t x81 = x62 + x80;
+ uint128_t x82 = x61 + x79;
+ uint128_t x83 = x58 + x76;
+ uint128_t x84 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffffeL + x62 - x80;
+ uint128_t x85 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffffeL + x61 - x79;
+ uint128_t x86 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffff6L + x58 - x76;
+ uint256_t x87 = (uint256_t) x83 * x81 + ((uint256_t) x82 * x82 + (uint256_t) x81 * x83);
+ uint256_t x88 = (uint256_t) x83 * x82 + (uint256_t) x82 * x83 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x81 * x81);
+ uint256_t x89 = (uint256_t) x83 * x83 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x82 * x81 + (uint256_t) x81 * x82);
+ uint128_t x90 = (uint128_t) (x89 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x91 = (uint128_t) x89 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x92 = x90 + x88;
+ uint128_t x93 = (uint128_t) (x92 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x94 = (uint128_t) x92 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x95 = x93 + x87;
+ uint128_t x96 = (uint128_t) (x95 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x97 = (uint128_t) x95 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x98 = x91 + 0x5 * x96;
+ uint128_t x99 = x98 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x100 = x98 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x101 = x99 + x94;
+ uint128_t x102 = x101 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x103 = x101 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x104 = x102 + x97;
+ uint256_t x105 = (uint256_t) x86 * x84 + ((uint256_t) x85 * x85 + (uint256_t) x84 * x86);
+ uint256_t x106 = (uint256_t) x86 * x85 + (uint256_t) x85 * x86 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x84 * x84);
+ uint256_t x107 = (uint256_t) x86 * x86 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x85 * x84 + (uint256_t) x84 * x85);
+ uint128_t x108 = (uint128_t) (x107 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x109 = (uint128_t) x107 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x110 = x108 + x106;
+ uint128_t x111 = (uint128_t) (x110 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x112 = (uint128_t) x110 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x113 = x111 + x105;
+ uint128_t x114 = (uint128_t) (x113 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x115 = (uint128_t) x113 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x116 = x109 + 0x5 * x114;
+ uint128_t x117 = x116 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x118 = x116 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x119 = x117 + x112;
+ uint128_t x120 = x119 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x121 = x119 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x122 = x120 + x115;
+ uint256_t x123 = (uint256_t) x118 * x11 + ((uint256_t) x121 * x12 + (uint256_t) x122 * x10);
+ uint256_t x124 = (uint256_t) x118 * x12 + (uint256_t) x121 * x10 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x122 * x11);
+ uint256_t x125 = (uint256_t) x118 * x10 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x121 * x11 + (uint256_t) x122 * x12);
+ uint128_t x126 = (uint128_t) (x125 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x127 = (uint128_t) x125 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x128 = x126 + x124;
+ uint128_t x129 = (uint128_t) (x128 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x130 = (uint128_t) x128 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x131 = x129 + x123;
+ uint128_t x132 = (uint128_t) (x131 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x133 = (uint128_t) x131 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x134 = x127 + 0x5 * x132;
+ uint128_t x135 = x134 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x136 = x134 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x137 = x135 + x130;
+ uint128_t x138 = x137 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x139 = x137 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x140 = x138 + x133;
+ uint256_t x141 = (uint256_t) x35 * x33 + ((uint256_t) x34 * x34 + (uint256_t) x33 * x35);
+ uint256_t x142 = (uint256_t) x35 * x34 + (uint256_t) x34 * x35 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x33 * x33);
+ uint256_t x143 = (uint256_t) x35 * x35 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x34 * x33 + (uint256_t) x33 * x34);
+ uint128_t x144 = (uint128_t) (x143 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x145 = (uint128_t) x143 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x146 = x144 + x142;
+ uint128_t x147 = (uint128_t) (x146 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x148 = (uint128_t) x146 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x149 = x147 + x141;
+ uint128_t x150 = (uint128_t) (x149 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x151 = (uint128_t) x149 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x152 = x145 + 0x5 * x150;
+ uint128_t x153 = x152 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x154 = x152 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x155 = x153 + x148;
+ uint128_t x156 = x155 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x157 = x155 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x158 = x156 + x151;
+ uint256_t x159 = (uint256_t) x38 * x36 + ((uint256_t) x37 * x37 + (uint256_t) x36 * x38);
+ uint256_t x160 = (uint256_t) x38 * x37 + (uint256_t) x37 * x38 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x36 * x36);
+ uint256_t x161 = (uint256_t) x38 * x38 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x37 * x36 + (uint256_t) x36 * x37);
+ uint128_t x162 = (uint128_t) (x161 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x163 = (uint128_t) x161 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x164 = x162 + x160;
+ uint128_t x165 = (uint128_t) (x164 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x166 = (uint128_t) x164 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x167 = x165 + x159;
+ uint128_t x168 = (uint128_t) (x167 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x169 = (uint128_t) x167 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x170 = x163 + 0x5 * x168;
+ uint128_t x171 = x170 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x172 = x170 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x173 = x171 + x166;
+ uint128_t x174 = x173 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x175 = x173 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x176 = x174 + x169;
+ uint256_t x177 = (uint256_t) x154 * x176 + ((uint256_t) x157 * x175 + (uint256_t) x158 * x172);
+ uint256_t x178 = (uint256_t) x154 * x175 + (uint256_t) x157 * x172 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x158 * x176);
+ uint256_t x179 = (uint256_t) x154 * x172 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x157 * x176 + (uint256_t) x158 * x175);
+ uint128_t x180 = (uint128_t) (x179 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x181 = (uint128_t) x179 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x182 = x180 + x178;
+ uint128_t x183 = (uint128_t) (x182 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x184 = (uint128_t) x182 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x185 = x183 + x177;
+ uint128_t x186 = (uint128_t) (x185 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x187 = (uint128_t) x185 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x188 = x181 + 0x5 * x186;
+ uint128_t x189 = x188 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x190 = x188 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x191 = x189 + x184;
+ uint128_t x192 = x191 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x193 = x191 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x194 = x192 + x187;
+ uint128_t x195 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffffeL + x158 - x176;
+ uint128_t x196 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffffeL + x157 - x175;
+ uint128_t x197 = 0x3ffffffffffffffffffff6L + x154 - x172;
+ uint128_t x198 = x195 * 0x1db41;
+ uint128_t x199 = x196 * 0x1db41;
+ uint128_t x200 = x197 * 0x1db41;
+ uint128_t x201 = x200 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x202 = x200 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x203 = x201 + x199;
+ uint128_t x204 = x203 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x205 = x203 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x206 = x204 + x198;
+ uint128_t x207 = x206 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x208 = x206 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x209 = x202 + 0x5 * x207;
+ uint128_t x210 = x209 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x211 = x209 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x212 = x210 + x205;
+ uint128_t x213 = x212 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x214 = x212 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x215 = x213 + x208;
+ uint128_t x216 = x215 + x158;
+ uint128_t x217 = x214 + x157;
+ uint128_t x218 = x211 + x154;
+ uint256_t x219 = (uint256_t) x197 * x216 + ((uint256_t) x196 * x217 + (uint256_t) x195 * x218);
+ uint256_t x220 = (uint256_t) x197 * x217 + (uint256_t) x196 * x218 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x195 * x216);
+ uint256_t x221 = (uint256_t) x197 * x218 + 0x5 * ((uint256_t) x196 * x216 + (uint256_t) x195 * x217);
+ uint128_t x222 = (uint128_t) (x221 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x223 = (uint128_t) x221 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x224 = x222 + x220;
+ uint128_t x225 = (uint128_t) (x224 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x226 = (uint128_t) x224 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint256_t x227 = x225 + x219;
+ uint128_t x228 = (uint128_t) (x227 >> 0x55);
+ uint128_t x229 = (uint128_t) x227 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x230 = x223 + 0x5 * x228;
+ uint128_t x231 = x230 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x232 = x230 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x233 = x231 + x226;
+ uint128_t x234 = x233 >> 0x55;
+ uint128_t x235 = x233 & 0x1fffffffffffffffffffffL;
+ uint128_t x236 = x234 + x229;
+ return (Return x194, Return x193, Return x190, (Return x236, Return x235, Return x232), (Return x104, Return x103, Return x100, (Return x140, Return x139, Return x136))))
+(x, (x0, x1), (x2, x3))%core in
+(let (a0, b0) := a in
+(a0, b0), let (a0, b0) := b in
+(a0, b0))%core
+ : Synthesis.P.feW → Synthesis.P.feW → Synthesis.P.feW → Synthesis.P.feW → Synthesis.P.feW → Synthesis.P.feW * Synthesis.P.feW * (Synthesis.P.feW * Synthesis.P.feW)