path: root/src/Specific/X86/Exponent25519.v
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1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Specific/X86/Exponent25519.v b/src/Specific/X86/Exponent25519.v
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index 000000000..1d037a701
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+++ b/src/Specific/X86/Exponent25519.v
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+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.Ed25519.
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.X86.Core.
+Require Import Crypto.EdDSARepChange.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Interface.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.X86ToZLike.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.X86ToZLikeProofs.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Eta.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.BarrettReduction.ZBounded.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ZBoundedZ.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Import NPeano.
+Local Notation modulusv := (2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493)%Z.
+Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
+Local Notation eta3 x := (eta (fst x), snd x).
+Local Notation eta4 x := (eta3 (fst x), snd x).
+Local Notation eta4' x := (eta (fst x), eta (snd x)).
+Section x86.
+ Axiom admit : forall {T}, T.
+ Definition SRep := Z. (*tuple x86.W (256/n).*)
+ Definition SRepEq : Relation_Definitions.relation SRep := Logic.eq.
+ Local Instance SRepEquiv : RelationClasses.Equivalence SRepEq := _.
+ Local Notation base := 2%Z (* TODO(@andres-erbsen): Is this the correct base, or are we using something else? *).
+ Local Notation smaller_bound_exp := 250%Z (* TODO(@andres-erbsen): Is this the correct smaller size (2^250), or are we using something else? *).
+ Lemma smaller_bound_smaller : (0 <= smaller_bound_exp <= 256)%Z. Proof. vm_compute; intuition congruence. Qed.
+ Lemma modulusv_in_range : 0 <= modulusv < 2 ^ 256. Proof. vm_compute; intuition congruence. Qed.
+ Lemma modulusv_pos : 0 < modulusv. Proof. vm_compute; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Section gen.
+ Lemma full_width_pos : (0 < 256)%Z. Proof. omega. Qed.
+ Let offset'0 := Eval compute in ((256 - smaller_bound_exp) / 2)%Z.
+ Let k'0 := Eval compute in ((256 - offset'0) / Z.log2 base)%Z.
+ Section params_gen.
+ Import BarrettBundled.
+ Let offset' := Eval compute in offset'0.
+ Let k' := Eval compute in k'0.
+ Local Instance x86_25519_Barrett : BarrettParameters
+ := { m := modulusv;
+ b := base;
+ k := k';
+ offset := offset';
+ ops := _;
+ μ' := base ^ (2 * k') / modulusv }.
+ Local Instance x86_25519_BarrettProofs
+ : BarrettParametersCorrect x86_25519_Barrett
+ := { props := _ }.
+ Proof.
+ vm_compute; reflexivity.
+ vm_compute; reflexivity.
+ vm_compute; clear; abstract intuition congruence.
+ vm_compute; clear; abstract intuition congruence.
+ vm_compute; clear; abstract intuition congruence.
+ vm_compute; clear; abstract intuition congruence.
+ vm_compute; clear; abstract intuition congruence.
+ vm_compute; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ End params_gen.
+ End gen.
+ Local Existing Instance x86_25519_Barrett.
+ Local Existing Instance x86_25519_BarrettProofs.
+ Declare Reduction srep := cbv [barrett_reduce_function_bundled barrett_reduce_function BarrettBundled.m BarrettBundled.b BarrettBundled.k BarrettBundled.offset BarrettBundled.μ' ZBounded.ConditionalSubtractModulus ZBounded.CarrySubSmall ZBounded.Mod_SmallBound ZBounded.Mod_SmallBound ZBounded.Mul ZBounded.DivBy_SmallBound ZBounded.DivBy_SmallerBound ZBounded.modulus_digits x86_25519_Barrett BarrettBundled.ops ZZLikeOps ZBounded.CarryAdd Z.pow2_mod].
+ Definition SRepDecModL' : Word.word (256 + 256) -> SRep
+ := Eval srep in
+ fun w => dlet w := (Z.of_N (Word.wordToN w)) in barrett_reduce_function_bundled w.
+ Local Arguments SRepDecModL' / _.
+ Ltac change_values v :=
+ match v with
+ | context vv[2 * ?x]
+ => let x2 := (eval vm_compute in (2 * x)) in
+ let v' := context vv[x2] in
+ change_values v'
+ | context vv[Z.pos ?x + Z.pos ?y]
+ => let x2 := (eval vm_compute in (Z.pos x + Z.pos y)) in
+ let v' := context vv[x2] in
+ change_values v'
+ | context vv[Z.pos ?x - Z.pos ?y]
+ => let x2 := (eval vm_compute in (Z.pos x - Z.pos y)) in
+ let v' := context vv[x2] in
+ change_values v'
+ | context vv[Z.pos ?x / Z.pos ?y]
+ => let x2 := (eval vm_compute in (Z.pos x / Z.pos y)) in
+ let v' := context vv[x2] in
+ change_values v'
+ | context vv[Z.ones (Z.pos ?x)]
+ => let x2 := (eval vm_compute in (Z.ones (Z.pos x))) in
+ let v' := context vv[x2] in
+ change_values v'
+ | context vv[2^?x]
+ => let x2 := (eval vm_compute in (2^x)) in
+ let v' := context vv[x2] in
+ change_values v'
+ | _ => v
+ end.
+ Definition SRepDecModL : Word.word (256 + 256) -> SRep.
+ Proof.
+ let v' := (eval cbv [SRepDecModL'] in SRepDecModL') in
+ let v' := (eval cbv beta iota delta [Let_In] in v') in
+ let v := (*change_values*) v' in
+ unify v v';
+ exact v.
+ Defined.
+ (* TODO(jadep):what's S2Rep? *)
+ (*Lemma SRepDecModL_Correct : forall w : Word.word (b + b), SRepEq (S2Rep (ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat l (Word.wordToNat w))) (SRepDecModL w).*)
+ Definition SRepAdd : SRep -> SRep -> SRep
+ := Eval srep in fun x y => barrett_reduce_function_bundled (snd (ZBounded.CarryAdd x y)).
+ (*Lemma SRepAdd_Correct forall x y : ModularArithmetic.F.F l, SRepEq (S2Rep (ModularArithmetic.F.add x y)) (SRepAdd (S2Rep x) (S2Rep y))).*)
+ Global Instance SRepAdd_Proper : Proper (SRepEq ==> SRepEq ==> SRepEq) SRepAdd.
+ Proof. unfold SRepEq; repeat intro; subst; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Definition SRepMul : SRep -> SRep -> SRep
+ := Eval srep in fun x y => barrett_reduce_function_bundled (ZBounded.Mul x y).
+ (*Lemma SRepMul_Correct : forall x y : ModularArithmetic.F.F l, SRepEq (S2Rep (ModularArithmetic.F.mul x y)) (SRepMul (S2Rep x) (S2Rep y)). *)
+ Global Instance SRepMul_Proper : Proper (SRepEq ==> SRepEq ==> SRepEq) SRepMul.
+ Proof. unfold SRepEq; repeat intro; subst; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Definition SRepDecModLShort : Word.word (256 + 1) -> SRep
+ := Eval srep in
+ fun w => dlet w := (Z.of_N (Word.wordToN w)) in barrett_reduce_function_bundled w.
+ (*Lemma SRepDecModLShort_Correct : forall w : Word.word (n + 1), SRepEq (S2Rep (ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat l (Word.wordToNat w))) (SRepDecModLShort w). *)
+ Arguments Algebra.group : clear implicits.
+ Check @sign_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ed25519.
+ Check @verify_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ed25519.
+End x86.