path: root/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256
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diff --git a/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Barrett.v b/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Barrett.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c3b55485..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Barrett.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Crypto.Specific.NISTP256.FancyMachine256.Core.
-Require Import LegacyArithmetic.BarretReduction.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.BarrettReduction.HAC.
-(** Useful for arithmetic in the field of integers modulo the order of the curve25519 base point *)
-Section expression.
- Let b : Z := 2.
- Let k : Z := 253.
- Let offset : Z := 3.
- Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)) (props : fancy_machine.arithmetic ops).
- Context (m μ : Z)
- (m_pos : 0 < m).
- Let base_pos : 0 < b. reflexivity. Qed.
- Context (k_good : m < b^k)
- (μ_good : μ = b^(2*k) / m) (* [/] is [Z.div], which is truncated *).
- Let offset_nonneg : 0 <= offset. unfold offset; omega. Qed.
- Let k_big_enough : offset <= k. unfold offset, k; omega. Qed.
- Context (m_small : 3 * m <= b^(k+offset))
- (m_large : b^(k-offset) <= m + 1).
- Context (H : 0 <= m < 2^256).
- Let H' : 0 <= 250 <= 256. omega. Qed.
- Let H'' : 0 < 250. omega. Qed.
- Local Notation SmallT := (@ZBounded.SmallT (2 ^ 256) (2 ^ 250) m
- (@ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps 128 ops m _)).
- Definition ldi' : load_immediate SmallT := _.
- Let isldi : is_load_immediate ldi' := _.
- Context (μ_range : 0 <= b ^ (2 * k) / m < b ^ (k + offset)).
- Definition μ' : SmallT := ldi' μ.
- Let μ'_eq : ZBounded.decode_small μ' = μ.
- Proof.
- unfold ZBounded.decode_small, ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps, μ'.
- apply (decode_load_immediate _ _).
- rewrite μ_good; apply μ_range.
- Qed.
- Let props'
- ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0
- := ZLikeProperties_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored ops m ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 H 250 H' H''.
- Definition pre_f' ldi_modulus ldi_0 ldi_μ Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 (Hldi_μ : ldi_μ = ldi' μ)
- := (fun v => (@barrett_reduce m b k μ offset m_pos base_pos μ_good offset_nonneg k_big_enough m_small m_large _ (props' ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0) ldi_μ I (eq_trans (f_equal _ Hldi_μ) μ'_eq) (fst v, snd v))).
- Definition pre_f := pre_f' _ _ _ eq_refl eq_refl eq_refl.
- Local Arguments μ' / .
- Local Arguments ldi' / .
- Local Arguments Core.mul_double / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
- Local Opaque Let_In Let_In_pf.
- Definition expression'
- := Eval simpl in
- (fun v => pflet ldi_modulus, Hldi_modulus := fancy_machine.ldi m in
- pflet ldi_μ, Hldi_μ := fancy_machine.ldi μ in
- pflet ldi_0, Hldi_0 := fancy_machine.ldi 0 in
- proj1_sig (pre_f' ldi_modulus ldi_0 ldi_μ Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 Hldi_μ v)).
- Local Transparent Let_In Let_In_pf.
- Definition expression
- := Eval cbv beta iota delta [expression' fst snd Let_In Let_In_pf] in expression'.
- Definition expression_eq v (H : 0 <= _ < _) : fancy_machine.decode (expression v) = _
- := proj1 (proj2_sig (pre_f v) H).
-End expression.
-Section reflected.
- Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)).
- Local Notation tZ := (Tbase TZ).
- Local Notation tW := (Tbase TW).
- Definition rexpression : Syntax.Expr base_type op (Arrow (tZ * tZ * tW * tW) tW).
- Proof.
- let v := (eval cbv beta delta [expression] in (fun mμxy => let '(mv, μv, xv, yv) := mμxy in expression ops mv μv (xv, yv))) in
- let v := Reify v in
- exact v.
- Defined.
- Definition rexpression_simple := Eval vm_compute in rexpression.
- (*Compute DefaultRegisters rexpression_simple.*)
- Definition registers
- := [RegMod; RegMuLow; x; xHigh; RegMod; RegMuLow; RegZero; tmp; q; qHigh; scratch+3;
- SpecialCarryBit; q; SpecialCarryBit; qHigh; scratch+3; SpecialCarryBit; q; SpecialCarryBit; qHigh; tmp;
- scratch+3; SpecialCarryBit; tmp; scratch+3; SpecialCarryBit; tmp; SpecialCarryBit; tmp; q; out].
- Definition compiled_syntax
- := Eval lazy in AssembleSyntax rexpression_simple registers.
- Context (m μ : Z)
- (props : fancy_machine.arithmetic ops).
- Let result (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2) := Syntax.Interp (@interp_op _) rexpression_simple (m, μ, fst v, snd v).
- Let assembled_result (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2) : fancy_machine.W := Core.Interp compiled_syntax (m, μ, fst v, snd v).
- Theorem sanity : result = expression ops m μ.
- Proof using Type.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Theorem assembled_sanity : assembled_result = expression ops m μ.
- Proof using Type.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Section correctness.
- Let b : Z := 2.
- Let k : Z := 253.
- Let offset : Z := 3.
- Context (H0 : 0 < m)
- (H1 : μ = b^(2 * k) / m)
- (H2 : 3 * m <= b^(k + offset))
- (H3 : b^(k - offset) <= m + 1)
- (H4 : 0 <= m < 2^(k + offset))
- (H5 : 0 <= b^(2 * k) / m < b^(k + offset))
- (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2)
- (H6 : 0 <= decode v < b^(2 * k)).
- Theorem correctness : fancy_machine.decode (result v) = decode v mod m.
- Proof using H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 props.
- rewrite sanity; destruct v.
- apply expression_eq; assumption.
- Qed.
- Theorem assembled_correctness : fancy_machine.decode (assembled_result v) = decode v mod m.
- Proof using H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 props.
- rewrite assembled_sanity; destruct v.
- apply expression_eq; assumption.
- Qed.
- End correctness.
-End reflected.
-Print compiled_syntax.
-(* compiled_syntax =
-fun ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128) =>
-λn (RegMod, RegMuLow, x, xHigh),
-nlet RegMod := RegMod in
-nlet RegMuLow := RegMuLow in
-nlet RegZero := ldi 0 in
-c.Rshi(tmp, xHigh, x, 250),
-c.Mul128(q, c.LowerHalf(tmp), c.LowerHalf(RegMuLow)),
-c.Mul128(qHigh, c.UpperHalf(tmp), c.UpperHalf(RegMuLow)),
-c.Mul128(scratch+3, c.UpperHalf(tmp), c.LowerHalf(RegMuLow)),
-c.Add(q, q, c.LeftShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Addc(qHigh, qHigh, c.RightShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Mul128(scratch+3, c.UpperHalf(RegMuLow), c.LowerHalf(tmp)),
-c.Add(q, q, c.LeftShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Addc(qHigh, qHigh, c.RightShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Mul128(tmp, c.LowerHalf(qHigh), c.LowerHalf(RegMod)),
-c.Mul128(scratch+3, c.UpperHalf(qHigh), c.LowerHalf(RegMod)),
-c.Add(tmp, tmp, c.LeftShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Mul128(scratch+3, c.UpperHalf(RegMod), c.LowerHalf(qHigh)),
-c.Add(tmp, tmp, c.LeftShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Sub(tmp, x, tmp),
-c.Addm(q, tmp, RegZero),
-c.Addm(out, q, RegZero),
-Return out
- : forall ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128),
- expr base_type op Register (Tbase TZ * Tbase TZ * Tbase TW * Tbase TW -> Tbase TW)
diff --git a/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Core.v b/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Core.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 881fa2e1e..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Core.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-(** * A Fancy Machine with 256-bit registers *)
-Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
-Require Import Coq.PArith.BinPos Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Export Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.Lists.List.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Require Export Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Export Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.ArchitectureToZLike.
-Require Export Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.ArchitectureToZLikeProofs.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Option Crypto.Util.Sigma Crypto.Util.Prod.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.Context.
-Require Export Crypto.Compilers.Named.Syntax.
-Require Export Crypto.Compilers.Named.PositiveContext.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.DeadCodeElimination.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.CountLets.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.ContextOn.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.Wf.
-Require Export Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Linearize.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Inline.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.CommonSubexpressionElimination.
-Require Export Crypto.Compilers.Reify.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.Option.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Export ListNotations.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
-Local Notation eta3 x := (eta (fst x), snd x).
-Local Notation eta3' x := (fst x, eta (snd x)).
-(** ** Reflective Assembly Syntax *)
-Section reflection.
- Context {ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)}.
- Local Set Boolean Equality Schemes.
- Local Set Decidable Equality Schemes.
- Inductive base_type := TZ | Tbool | TW.
- Global Instance dec_base_type : DecidableRel (@eq base_type)
- := base_type_eq_dec.
- Definition interp_base_type (v : base_type) : Type :=
- match v with
- | TZ => Z
- | Tbool => bool
- | TW => fancy_machine.W
- end.
- Local Notation tZ := (Tbase TZ).
- Local Notation tbool := (Tbase Tbool).
- Local Notation tW := (Tbase TW).
- Local Open Scope ctype_scope.
- Inductive op : flat_type base_type -> flat_type base_type -> Type :=
- | OPconst t : interp_base_type t -> op Unit (Tbase t)
- | OPldi : op tZ tW
- | OPshrd : op (tW * tW * tZ) tW
- | OPshl : op (tW * tZ) tW
- | OPshr : op (tW * tZ) tW
- | OPadc : op (tW * tW * tbool) (tbool * tW)
- | OPsubc : op (tW * tW * tbool) (tbool * tW)
- | OPmulhwll : op (tW * tW) tW
- | OPmulhwhl : op (tW * tW) tW
- | OPmulhwhh : op (tW * tW) tW
- | OPselc : op (tbool * tW * tW) tW
- | OPaddm : op (tW * tW * tW) tW.
- Definition is_const s d (v : op s d) : bool
- := match v with OPconst _ _ => true | _ => false end.
- Definition interp_op src dst (f : op src dst)
- : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
- := match f in op s d return interp_flat_type _ s -> interp_flat_type _ d with
- | OPconst _ v => fun _ => v
- | OPldi => ldi
- | OPshrd => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in shrd x y z
- | OPshl => fun xy => let '(x, y) := eta xy in shl x y
- | OPshr => fun xy => let '(x, y) := eta xy in shr x y
- | OPadc => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in adc x y z
- | OPsubc => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in subc x y z
- | OPmulhwll => fun xy => let '(x, y) := eta xy in mulhwll x y
- | OPmulhwhl => fun xy => let '(x, y) := eta xy in mulhwhl x y
- | OPmulhwhh => fun xy => let '(x, y) := eta xy in mulhwhh x y
- | OPselc => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in selc x y z
- | OPaddm => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in addm x y z
- end.
- Inductive op_code : Type :=
- | SOPconstb (v : bool) | SOPconstZ (v : Z) | SOPconstW
- | SOPldi | SOPshrd | SOPshl | SOPshr | SOPadc | SOPsubc
- | SOPmulhwll | SOPmulhwhl | SOPmulhwhh | SOPselc | SOPaddm.
- Definition symbolicify_op s d (v : op s d) : op_code
- := match v with
- | OPconst TZ v => SOPconstZ v
- | OPconst Tbool v => SOPconstb v
- | OPconst TW v => SOPconstW
- | OPldi => SOPldi
- | OPshrd => SOPshrd
- | OPshl => SOPshl
- | OPshr => SOPshr
- | OPadc => SOPadc
- | OPsubc => SOPsubc
- | OPmulhwll => SOPmulhwll
- | OPmulhwhl => SOPmulhwhl
- | OPmulhwhh => SOPmulhwhh
- | OPselc => SOPselc
- | OPaddm => SOPaddm
- end.
- Definition CSE {t} e := @CSE base_type op_code base_type_beq op_code_beq internal_base_type_dec_bl op symbolicify_op (fun _ x => x) true t e (fun _ => nil).
- Inductive inline_option := opt_inline | opt_default | opt_noinline.
- Definition postprocess var t (e : @exprf base_type op var t)
- : @inline_directive base_type op var t
- := let opt : inline_option
- := match e with
- | Op _ _ OPshl _ => opt_inline
- | Op _ _ OPshr _ => opt_inline
- | Op _ _ (OPconst _ _) _ => opt_inline
- | _ => opt_default
- end in
- match opt with
- | opt_noinline => no_inline e
- | opt_default => default_inline e
- | opt_inline => match t as t' return exprf _ _ t' -> inline_directive t' with
- | Tbase _ => fun e => @inline _ _ _ (Tbase _) e
- | _ => fun e => default_inline e
- end e
- end.
- Definition Inline {t} e := @InlineConstGen base_type op postprocess t e.
-End reflection.
-Ltac base_reify_op op op_head expr ::=
- lazymatch op_head with
- | @Interface.ldi => constr:(reify_op op op_head 1 OPldi)
- | @Interface.shrd => constr:(reify_op op op_head 3 OPshrd)
- | @Interface.shl => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 OPshl)
- | @Interface.shr => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 OPshr)
- | @Interface.adc => constr:(reify_op op op_head 3 OPadc)
- | @Interface.subc => constr:(reify_op op op_head 3 OPsubc)
- | @Interface.mulhwll => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 OPmulhwll)
- | @Interface.mulhwhl => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 OPmulhwhl)
- | @Interface.mulhwhh => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 OPmulhwhh)
- | @Interface.selc => constr:(reify_op op op_head 3 OPselc)
- | @Interface.addm => constr:(reify_op op op_head 3 OPaddm)
- end.
-Ltac base_reify_type T ::=
- match T with
- | Z => TZ
- | bool => Tbool
- | fancy_machine.W => TW
- end.
-Ltac Reify' e := Reify.Reify' base_type (@interp_base_type _) (@op _) e.
-Ltac Reify e :=
- let v := Reify.Reify base_type (@interp_base_type _) (@op _) (@OPconst _) e in
- constr:(Inline ((*CSE _*) (InlineConst (@is_const _) (ANormal v)))).
-(*Ltac Reify_rhs := Reify.Reify_rhs base_type (interp_base_type _) op (interp_op _).*)
-(** ** Raw Syntax Trees *)
-(** These are used solely for pretty-printing the expression tree in a
- form that can be basically copy-pasted into other languages which
- can be compiled for the Fancy Machine. Hypothetically, we could
- add support for custom named identifiers, by carrying around
- [string] identifiers and using them for pretty-printing... It
- might also be possible to verify this layer, too, by adding a
- partial interpretation function... *)
-Local Set Decidable Equality Schemes.
-Local Set Boolean Equality Schemes.
-Inductive Register :=
-| RegPInv | RegMod | RegMuLow | RegZero
-| y | t1 | t2 | lo | hi | out | src1 | src2 | tmp | q | qHigh | x | xHigh
-| SpecialCarryBit
-| scratch | scratchplus (n : nat).
-Notation "'scratch+' n" := (scratchplus n) (format "'scratch+' n", at level 10).
-Definition pos_of_Register (r : Register) :=
- match r with
- | RegPInv => 1
- | RegMod => 2
- | RegMuLow => 3
- | RegZero => 4
- | y => 5
- | t1 => 6
- | t2 => 7
- | lo => 8
- | hi => 9
- | out => 10
- | src1 => 11
- | src2 => 12
- | tmp => 13
- | q => 14
- | qHigh => 15
- | x => 16
- | xHigh => 17
- | SpecialCarryBit => 18
- | scratch => 19
- | scratchplus n => 19 + Pos.of_nat (S n)
- end%positive.
-Lemma pos_of_Register_inj x y : pos_of_Register x = pos_of_Register y -> x = y.
- unfold pos_of_Register; repeat break_match; subst;
- try rewrite Pos.add_cancel_l; try rewrite Nat2Pos.inj_iff;
- try solve [ simpl; congruence | intros; exfalso; lia ].
-Definition RegisterContext {var : base_type -> Type} : Context Register var
- := ContextOn pos_of_Register (PositiveContext _ _ base_type_beq internal_base_type_dec_bl).
-Definition syntax {ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)}
- := Named.expr base_type op Register.
-Class wf_empty {ops} {var} {t} (e : Named.expr base_type (@op ops) Register t)
- := mk_wf_empty : @Wf.Named.wf base_type Register _ var RegisterContext empty t e.
-Global Hint Extern 0 (wf_empty _) => vm_compute; intros; constructor : typeclass_instances.
-(** Assemble a well-typed easily interpretable expression into a
- syntax tree we can use for pretty-printing. *)
-Section assemble.
- Context {ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)}.
- Definition AssembleSyntax' {t} (e : Expr base_type op t) (ls : list Register)
- : option (syntax t)
- := CompileAndEliminateDeadCode (base_type_code_bl:=internal_base_type_dec_bl) (Context:=RegisterContext) e ls.
- Definition AssembleSyntax {t} e ls (res := @AssembleSyntax' t e ls)
- := match res return match res with None => _ | _ => _ end with
- | Some v => v
- | None => I
- end.
- Definition dummy_registers (n : nat) : list Register
- := List.map scratchplus (seq 0 n).
- Definition DefaultRegisters {t} (e : Expr base_type op t) : list Register
- := dummy_registers (CountBinders e).
- Definition DefaultAssembleSyntax {t} e := @AssembleSyntax t e (DefaultRegisters e).
- Definition Interp {t} e v
- := invert_Some (@Named.Interp base_type interp_base_type op Register RegisterContext interp_op t e v).
-End assemble.
-Export Compilers.Named.Syntax.
-Open Scope nexpr_scope.
-Open Scope ctype_scope.
-Open Scope type_scope.
-Open Scope core_scope.
-Notation Return x := (Var x).
-Notation Const z := (Op (@OPconst _ _ z) TT).
-Notation ldi z := (Op OPldi (Const z%Z)).
-Notation "'nlet' x := A 'in' b" := (LetIn _ x (Op OPldi (Var A%nexpr)) b%nexpr) : nexpr_scope.
-Notation "'c.Rshi' ( x , A , B , C ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPshrd (Pair (Pair (Var A) (Var B)) (Const C%Z))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Rshi' ( x , A , B , C ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Mul128' ( x , 'c.UpperHalf' ( A ) , 'c.UpperHalf' ( B ) ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPmulhwhh (Pair (Var A) (Var B))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Mul128' ( x , 'c.UpperHalf' ( A ) , 'c.UpperHalf' ( B ) ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Mul128' ( x , 'c.UpperHalf' ( A ) , 'c.LowerHalf' ( B ) ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPmulhwhl (Pair (Var A) (Var B))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Mul128' ( x , 'c.UpperHalf' ( A ) , 'c.LowerHalf' ( B ) ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Mul128' ( x , 'c.LowerHalf' ( A ) , 'c.LowerHalf' ( B ) ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPmulhwll (Pair (Var A) (Var B))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Mul128' ( x , 'c.LowerHalf' ( A ) , 'c.LowerHalf' ( B ) ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.LeftShifted' { x , v }" :=
- (Op OPshl (Pair (Var x) (Const v%Z)))
- (at level 200, format "'c.LeftShifted' { x , v }").
-Notation "'c.RightShifted' { x , v }" :=
- (Op OPshr (Pair (Var x) (Const v%Z)))
- (at level 200, format "'c.RightShifted' { x , v }").
-Notation "'c.Add' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPadc (Pair (Pair A B) (Const false))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Add' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Add' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPadc (Pair (Pair (Var A) B) (Const false))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Add' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Add' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPadc (Pair (Pair A (Var B)) (Const false))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Add' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Add' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPadc (Pair (Pair (Var A) (Var B)) (Const false))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Add' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Addc' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPadc (Pair (Pair A B) (Var SpecialCarryBit))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Addc' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Addc' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPadc (Pair (Pair (Var A) B) (Var SpecialCarryBit))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Addc' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Addc' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPadc (Pair (Pair A (Var B)) (Var SpecialCarryBit))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Addc' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Addc' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPadc (Pair (Pair (Var A) (Var B)) (Var SpecialCarryBit))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Addc' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Sub' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPsubc (Pair (Pair A B) (Const false))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Sub' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Sub' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPsubc (Pair (Pair (Var A) B) (Const false))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Sub' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Sub' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPsubc (Pair (Pair A (Var B)) (Const false))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Sub' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Sub' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ (pair SpecialCarryBit x) (Op OPsubc (Pair (Pair (Var A) (Var B)) (Const false))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Sub' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Addm' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPaddm (Pair (Pair A B) (Var RegMod))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Addm' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Addm' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPaddm (Pair (Pair (Var A) B) (Var RegMod))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Addm' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Addm' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPaddm (Pair (Pair A (Var B)) (Var RegMod))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Addm' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Addm' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPaddm (Pair (Pair (Var A) (Var B)) (Var RegMod))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Addm' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Selc' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPselc (Pair (Pair (Var SpecialCarryBit) A) B)) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Selc' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Selc' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPselc (Pair (Pair (Var SpecialCarryBit) (Var A)) B)) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Selc' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Selc' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPselc (Pair (Pair (Var SpecialCarryBit) A) (Var B))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Selc' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
-Notation "'c.Selc' ( x , A , B ) , b" :=
- (LetIn _ x (Op OPselc (Pair (Pair (Var SpecialCarryBit) (Var A)) (Var B))) b)
- (at level 200, b at level 200, format "'c.Selc' ( x , A , B ) , '//' b").
diff --git a/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Montgomery.v b/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Montgomery.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4caecca6b..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/NISTP256/FancyMachine256/Montgomery.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Crypto.Specific.NISTP256.FancyMachine256.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.Proofs.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.EquivModulo.
-Section expression.
- Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)) (props : fancy_machine.arithmetic ops) (modulus : Z) (m' : Z) (Hm : modulus <> 0) (H : 0 <= modulus < 2^256) (Hm' : 0 <= m' < 2^256).
- Let H' : 0 <= 256 <= 256. omega. Qed.
- Let H'' : 0 < 256. omega. Qed.
- Definition ldi' : load_immediate
- (@ZBounded.SmallT (2 ^ 256) (2 ^ 256) modulus
- (@ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps 128 ops modulus 256)) := _.
- Let isldi : is_load_immediate ldi' := _.
- Let props'
- ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0
- := ZLikeProperties_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored ops modulus ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 H 256 H' H''.
- Definition pre_f' ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 lm'
- := (fun v => (reduce_via_partial (2^256) modulus (props := props' ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0) lm' I Hm (fst v, snd v))).
- Definition pre_f := pre_f' _ _ eq_refl eq_refl (ldi' m').
- Definition f := (fun v => pflet ldi_modulus, Hldi_modulus := ldi' modulus in
- dlet lm' := ldi' m' in
- pflet ldi_0, Hldi_0 := ldi' 0 in
- proj1_sig (pre_f' ldi_modulus ldi_0 Hldi_modulus Hldi_0 lm' v)).
- Local Arguments proj1_sig _ _ !_ / .
- Local Arguments ZBounded.CarryAdd / _ _ _ _ _ _.
- Local Arguments ZBounded.ConditionalSubtract / _ _ _ _ _ _.
- Local Arguments ZBounded.ConditionalSubtractModulus / _ _ _ _ _.
- Local Arguments ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps / _ _ _ _.
- Local Arguments ZBounded.DivBy_SmallBound / _ _ _ _ _.
- Local Arguments f / _.
- Local Arguments pre_f' / _ _ _ _ _ _.
- Local Arguments ldi' / .
- Local Arguments reduce_via_partial / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
- Local Arguments Core.mul_double / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
- Local Opaque Let_In Let_In_pf.
- Definition expression'
- := Eval simpl in f.
- Local Transparent Let_In Let_In_pf.
- Definition expression
- := Eval cbv beta delta [expression' fst snd Let_In Let_In_pf] in expression'.
- Definition expression_eq v : fancy_machine.decode (expression v) = _
- := proj1 (proj2_sig (pre_f v) I).
- Definition expression_correct
- R' HR0 HR1
- v
- Hv
- : fancy_machine.decode (expression v) = _
- := @Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.reduce_via_partial_correct (2^256) modulus _ (props' _ _ eq_refl eq_refl) (ldi' m') I Hm R' HR0 HR1 (fst v, snd v) I Hv.
-End expression.
-Section reflected.
- Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)).
- Local Notation tZ := (Tbase TZ).
- Local Notation tW := (Tbase TW).
- Definition rexpression : Syntax.Expr base_type op (Arrow (tZ * tZ * tW * tW) tW).
- Proof.
- let v := (eval cbv beta delta [expression] in
- (fun modulus_m'_x_y => let '(modulusv, m'v, xv, yv) := modulus_m'_x_y in
- expression ops modulusv m'v (xv, yv))) in
- let v := Reify v in
- exact v.
- Defined.
- Definition rexpression_simple := Eval vm_compute in rexpression.
- (*Compute DefaultRegisters rexpression_simple.*)
- Definition registers
- := [RegMod; RegPInv; lo; hi; RegMod; RegPInv; RegZero; y; t1; SpecialCarryBit; y;
- t1; SpecialCarryBit; y; t1; t2; scratch+3; SpecialCarryBit; t1; SpecialCarryBit; t2;
- scratch+3; SpecialCarryBit; t1; SpecialCarryBit; t2; SpecialCarryBit; lo; SpecialCarryBit; hi; y;
- SpecialCarryBit; lo; lo].
- Definition compiled_syntax
- := Eval lazy in AssembleSyntax rexpression_simple registers.
- Context (modulus m' : Z)
- (props : fancy_machine.arithmetic ops).
- Let result (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2) := Syntax.Interp interp_op rexpression_simple (modulus, m', fst v, snd v).
- Let assembled_result (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2) : fancy_machine.W := Core.Interp compiled_syntax (modulus, m', fst v, snd v).
- Theorem sanity : result = expression ops modulus m'.
- Proof using Type.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Theorem assembled_sanity : assembled_result = expression ops modulus m'.
- Proof using Type.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Local Infix "≡₂₅₆" := (Z.equiv_modulo (2^256)).
- Local Infix "≡" := (Z.equiv_modulo modulus).
- Section correctness.
- Context R' (* modular inverse of 2^256 *)
- (H0 : modulus <> 0)
- (H1 : 0 <= modulus < 2^256)
- (H2 : 0 <= m' < 2^256)
- (H3 : 2^256 * R' ≡ 1)
- (H4 : modulus * m' ≡₂₅₆ -1)
- (v : Tuple.tuple fancy_machine.W 2)
- (H5 : 0 <= decode v <= 2^256 * modulus).
- Theorem correctness
- : fancy_machine.decode (result v) = (decode v * R') mod modulus.
- Proof using H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 props.
- replace m' with (fancy_machine.decode (fancy_machine.ldi m'))
- in H4
- by (apply decode_load_immediate; trivial; exact _).
- rewrite sanity; destruct v; apply expression_correct; assumption.
- Qed.
- Theorem assembled_correctness
- : fancy_machine.decode (assembled_result v) = (decode v * R') mod modulus.
- Proof using H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 props.
- replace m' with (fancy_machine.decode (fancy_machine.ldi m'))
- in H4
- by (apply decode_load_immediate; trivial; exact _).
- rewrite assembled_sanity; destruct v; apply expression_correct; assumption.
- Qed.
- End correctness.
-End reflected.
-Print compiled_syntax.
-(* compiled_syntax =
-fun ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128) =>
-λn (RegMod, RegPInv, lo, hi),
-nlet RegMod := RegMod in
-nlet RegPInv := RegPInv in
-nlet RegZero := ldi 0 in
-c.Mul128(y, c.LowerHalf(lo), c.LowerHalf(RegPInv)),
-c.Mul128(t1, c.UpperHalf(lo), c.LowerHalf(RegPInv)),
-c.Add(y, y, c.LeftShifted{t1, 128}),
-c.Mul128(t1, c.UpperHalf(RegPInv), c.LowerHalf(lo)),
-c.Add(y, y, c.LeftShifted{t1, 128}),
-c.Mul128(t1, c.LowerHalf(y), c.LowerHalf(RegMod)),
-c.Mul128(t2, c.UpperHalf(y), c.UpperHalf(RegMod)),
-c.Mul128(scratch+3, c.UpperHalf(y), c.LowerHalf(RegMod)),
-c.Add(t1, t1, c.LeftShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Addc(t2, t2, c.RightShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Mul128(scratch+3, c.UpperHalf(RegMod), c.LowerHalf(y)),
-c.Add(t1, t1, c.LeftShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Addc(t2, t2, c.RightShifted{scratch+3, 128}),
-c.Add(lo, lo, t1),
-c.Addc(hi, hi, t2),
-c.Selc(y, RegMod, RegZero),
-c.Sub(lo, hi, y),
-c.Addm(lo, lo, RegZero),
-Return lo
- : forall ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128),
- expr base_type op Register (Tbase TZ * Tbase TZ * Tbase TW * Tbase TW -> Tbase TW)