path: root/src/Specific/Framework/ReificationTypes.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Specific/Framework/ReificationTypes.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/src/Specific/Framework/ReificationTypes.v b/src/Specific/Framework/ReificationTypes.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 47542d1c4..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/Framework/ReificationTypes.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.FixedWordSizes.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange Crypto.Util.BoundedWord.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.PoseTermWithName.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.CacheTerm.
-Ltac pose_local_limb_widths wt sz limb_widths :=
- pose_term_with
- ltac:(fun _ => (eval vm_compute in (List.map (fun i => Z.log2 (wt (S i) / wt i)) (seq 0 sz))))
- limb_widths.
-Ltac get_b_of upper_bound_of_exponent :=
- constr:(fun exp => {| lower := 0 ; upper := upper_bound_of_exponent exp |}%Z). (* max is [(0, 2^(exp+2) + 2^exp + 2^(exp-1) + 2^(exp-3) + 2^(exp-4) + 2^(exp-5) + 2^(exp-6) + 2^(exp-10) + 2^(exp-12) + 2^(exp-13) + 2^(exp-14) + 2^(exp-15) + 2^(exp-17) + 2^(exp-23) + 2^(exp-24))%Z] *)
-(* The definition [bounds_exp] is a tuple-version of the limb-widths,
- which are the [exp] argument in [b_of] above, i.e., the approximate
- base-2 exponent of the bounds on the limb in that position. *)
-Ltac pose_local_bounds_exp sz limb_widths bounds_exp :=
- pose_term_with_type
- (Tuple.tuple Z sz)
- ltac:(fun _ => eval compute in
- (Tuple.from_list sz limb_widths eq_refl))
- bounds_exp.
-Ltac internal_pose_local_bounds sz upper_bound_of_exponent bounds_exp bounds :=
- let b_of := get_b_of upper_bound_of_exponent in
- pose_term_with_type
- (Tuple.tuple zrange sz)
- ltac:(fun _ => eval compute in
- (Tuple.map (fun e => b_of e) bounds_exp))
- bounds.
-Ltac pose_local_bounds_tight sz upper_bound_of_exponent_tight bounds_exp bounds_tight :=
- internal_pose_local_bounds sz upper_bound_of_exponent_tight bounds_exp bounds_tight.
-Ltac pose_local_bounds_loose sz upper_bound_of_exponent_loose bounds_exp bounds_loose :=
- internal_pose_local_bounds sz upper_bound_of_exponent_loose bounds_exp bounds_loose.
-Ltac pose_local_bounds_limbwidths sz bounds_exp bounds_limbwidths :=
- internal_pose_local_bounds sz (fun exp => (2^exp - 1)%Z) bounds_exp bounds_limbwidths.
-Ltac pose_bound1 r bound1 :=
- cache_term_with_type_by
- zrange
- ltac:(exact {| lower := 0 ; upper := Z.pos r-1 |})
- bound1.
-Ltac pose_local_lgbitwidth bitwidth lgbitwidth :=
- pose_term_with
- ltac:(fun _ => eval compute in (Z.to_nat (Z.log2_up bitwidth)))
- lgbitwidth.
-Ltac pose_local_adjusted_bitwidth' lgbitwidth adjusted_bitwidth' :=
- pose_term_with
- ltac:(fun _ => eval compute in (2^lgbitwidth)%nat)
- adjusted_bitwidth'.
-Ltac pose_adjusted_bitwidth adjusted_bitwidth' adjusted_bitwidth :=
- cache_term adjusted_bitwidth' adjusted_bitwidth.
-Ltac pose_local_feZ sz feZ :=
- pose_term_with
- ltac:(fun _ => constr:(tuple Z sz))
- feZ.
-Ltac pose_feW sz lgbitwidth feW :=
- cache_term_with_type_by
- Type
- ltac:(let v := eval cbv [lgbitwidth] in (tuple (wordT lgbitwidth) sz) in exact v)
- feW.
-Ltac internal_pose_feW_bounded feW bounds feW_bounded :=
- cache_term_with_type_by
- (feW -> Prop)
- ltac:(let v := eval cbv [bounds] in (fun w : feW => is_bounded_by None bounds (map wordToZ w)) in exact_no_check v)
- feW_bounded.
-Ltac pose_feW_tight_bounded feW bounds_tight feW_tight_bounded :=
- internal_pose_feW_bounded feW bounds_tight feW_tight_bounded.
-Ltac pose_feW_loose_bounded feW bounds_loose feW_loose_bounded :=
- internal_pose_feW_bounded feW bounds_loose feW_loose_bounded.
-Ltac pose_feW_limbwidths_bounded feW bounds_limbwidths feW_limbwidths_bounded :=
- internal_pose_feW_bounded feW bounds_limbwidths feW_limbwidths_bounded.
-Ltac internal_pose_feBW sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds feBW :=
- cache_term_with_type_by
- Type
- ltac:(let v := eval cbv [adjusted_bitwidth' bounds] in (BoundedWord sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds) in exact v)
- feBW.
-Ltac pose_feBW_tight sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_tight feBW_tight :=
- internal_pose_feBW sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_tight feBW_tight.
-Ltac pose_feBW_loose sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_loose feBW_loose :=
- internal_pose_feBW sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_loose feBW_loose.
-Ltac pose_feBW_limbwidths sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_limbwidths feBW_limbwidths :=
- internal_pose_feBW sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_limbwidths feBW_limbwidths.
-Lemma relax'_pf {sz in_bounds out_bounds} {v : tuple Z sz}
- (Htight : fieldwiseb is_tighter_than_bool in_bounds out_bounds = true)
- : is_bounded_by None in_bounds v -> is_bounded_by None out_bounds v.
- destruct sz as [|sz]; simpl in *; trivial.
- induction sz as [|sz IHsz]; simpl in *;
- repeat first [ exact I
- | progress destruct_head'_prod
- | progress destruct_head' zrange
- | progress cbv [is_tighter_than_bool] in *
- | progress split_andb
- | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
- | progress cbn [fst snd ZRange.lower ZRange.upper] in *
- | progress destruct_head_hnf' and
- | progress intros
- | apply conj
- | omega
- | solve [ eauto ] ].
-Definition relax' {sz adjusted_bitwidth'} {in_bounds out_bounds}
- (Htight : Tuple.fieldwiseb ZRange.is_tighter_than_bool in_bounds out_bounds = true)
- : BoundedWord sz adjusted_bitwidth' in_bounds
- -> BoundedWord sz adjusted_bitwidth' out_bounds
- := fun w => exist _ (proj1_sig w) (relax'_pf Htight (proj2_sig w)).
-Ltac internal_pose_feBW_relax sz feBW_in feBW_out feBW_relax :=
- cache_term_with_type_by
- (feBW_in -> feBW_out)
- ltac:(refine (@relax' sz _ _ _ _);
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- fieldwiseb is_tighter_than_bool ?in_bounds ?out_bounds = true ]
- => try cbv [in_bounds];
- try cbv [out_bounds]
- end;
- abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl true))
- feBW_relax.
-Ltac pose_feBW_relax sz feBW_tight feBW_loose feBW_relax :=
- internal_pose_feBW_relax sz feBW_tight feBW_loose feBW_relax.
-Ltac pose_feBW_relax_limbwidths_to_tight sz feBW_limbwidths feBW_tight feBW_relax_limbwidths_to_tight :=
- internal_pose_feBW_relax sz feBW_limbwidths feBW_tight feBW_relax_limbwidths_to_tight.
-Ltac pose_feBW_relax_limbwidths_to_loose sz feBW_limbwidths feBW_loose feBW_relax_limbwidths_to_loose :=
- internal_pose_feBW_relax sz feBW_limbwidths feBW_loose feBW_relax_limbwidths_to_loose.
-Lemma feBW_bounded_helper'
- sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds
- (feBW := BoundedWord sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds)
- (wt : nat -> Z)
- (Hwt : forall i, 0 <= wt i)
- : forall (a : feBW),
- B.Positional.eval wt (map lower bounds)
- <= B.Positional.eval wt (BoundedWordToZ sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds a)
- <= B.Positional.eval wt (map upper bounds).
- let a := fresh "a" in
- intro a;
- destruct a as [a H]; unfold BoundedWordToZ, proj1_sig.
- destruct sz as [|sz].
- { cbv -[Z.le Z.lt Z.mul]; lia. }
- { cbn [tuple map] in *.
- revert dependent wt; induction sz as [|sz IHsz]; intros.
- { cbv -[Z.le Z.lt wordToZ Z.mul Z.pow Z.add lower upper Nat.log2 wordT] in *.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[@wordToZ ?n ?x] ]
- => generalize dependent (@wordToZ n x); intros
- | [ H : forall j, 0 <= wt j |- context[wt ?i] ]
- => pose proof (H i); generalize dependent (wt i); intros
- end.
- nia. }
- { pose proof (Hwt 0%nat).
- cbn [tuple' map'] in *.
- destruct a as [a' a], bounds as [bounds b], H as [H [H' _]].
- cbn [fst snd] in *.
- setoid_rewrite (@B.Positional.eval_step (S _)).
- specialize (IHsz bounds a' H (fun i => wt (S i)) (fun i => Hwt _)).
- nia. } }
-Lemma feBW_bounded_helper
- sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds
- (feBW := BoundedWord sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds)
- (wt : nat -> Z)
- (Hwt : forall i, 0 <= wt i)
- l u
- : l <= B.Positional.eval wt (map lower bounds)
- /\ B.Positional.eval wt (map upper bounds) < u
- -> forall (a : feBW),
- l <= B.Positional.eval wt (BoundedWordToZ sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds a) < u.
- intros [Hl Hu] a; split;
- [ eapply Z.le_trans | eapply Z.le_lt_trans ];
- [ | eapply feBW_bounded_helper' | eapply feBW_bounded_helper' | ];
- assumption.
-Ltac internal_pose_feBW_bounded freeze wt sz feBW adjusted_bitwidth' bounds m wt_nonneg feBW_bounded :=
- lazymatch (eval vm_compute in freeze) with
- | true
- => cache_proof_with_type_by
- (forall a : feBW, 0 <= B.Positional.eval wt (BoundedWordToZ sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds a) < 2 * Z.pos m)
- ltac:(apply (@feBW_bounded_helper sz adjusted_bitwidth' bounds wt wt_nonneg);
- cbv -[Z.lt Z.le];
- clear; vm_decide)
- feBW_bounded
- | false
- => cache_term tt feBW_bounded
- end.
-Ltac pose_feBW_tight_bounded freeze wt sz feBW_tight adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_tight m wt_nonneg feBW_tight_bounded :=
- internal_pose_feBW_bounded freeze wt sz feBW_tight adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_tight m wt_nonneg feBW_tight_bounded.
-Ltac pose_feBW_limbwidths_bounded freeze wt sz feBW_limbwidths adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_limbwidths m wt_nonneg feBW_limbwidths_bounded :=
- internal_pose_feBW_bounded freeze wt sz feBW_limbwidths adjusted_bitwidth' bounds_limbwidths m wt_nonneg feBW_limbwidths_bounded.
-Ltac pose_phiW feW m wt phiW :=
- cache_term_with_type_by
- (feW -> F m)
- ltac:(exact (fun x : feW => B.Positional.Fdecode wt (Tuple.map wordToZ x)))
- phiW.
-Ltac internal_pose_phiBW feBW m wt phiBW :=
- cache_term_with_type_by
- (feBW -> F m)
- ltac:(exact (fun x : feBW => B.Positional.Fdecode wt (BoundedWordToZ _ _ _ x)))
- phiBW.
-Ltac pose_phiBW_tight feBW_tight m wt phiBW_tight :=
- internal_pose_phiBW feBW_tight m wt phiBW_tight.
-Ltac pose_phiBW_loose feBW_loose m wt phiBW_loose :=
- internal_pose_phiBW feBW_loose m wt phiBW_loose.
-Ltac pose_phiBW_limbwidths feBW_limbwidths m wt phiBW_limbwidths :=
- internal_pose_phiBW feBW_limbwidths m wt phiBW_limbwidths.