path: root/src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesis/remake_packages.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesis/remake_packages.py')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesis/remake_packages.py b/src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesis/remake_packages.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..52f5e0f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Specific/Framework/ArithmeticSynthesis/remake_packages.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import re, os
+import io
+PACKAGE_NAMES = [('../CurveParameters.v', [])]
+CP_LIST = ['../CurveParametersPackage.v']
+CP_BASE_LIST = ['../CurveParametersPackage.v', 'BasePackage.v']
+CP_BASE_DEFAULTS_LIST = ['../CurveParametersPackage.v', 'BasePackage.v', 'DefaultsPackage.v']
+CP_BASE_DEFAULTS_FREEZE_LADDERSTEP_LIST = ['../CurveParametersPackage.v', 'BasePackage.v', 'DefaultsPackage.v', 'FreezePackage.v', 'LadderstepPackage.v']
+NORMAL_PACKAGE_NAMES = [('Base.v', (CP_LIST, None)),
+ ('Defaults.v', (CP_BASE_LIST, 'not_exists')),
+ ('../ReificationTypes.v', (CP_BASE_LIST, None)),
+ ('Freeze.v', (CP_BASE_LIST, 'not_exists')),
+ ('Ladderstep.v', (CP_BASE_DEFAULTS_LIST, 'not_exists')),
+ ('Karatsuba.v', (CP_BASE_DEFAULTS_LIST, 'goldilocks'))]
+CONFIGS = ('goldilocks', )
+EXCLUDES = ('constr:((wt_divides_chain, wt_divides_chains))', )
+contents = {}
+lines = {}
+fns = {}
+PY_FILE_NAME = os.path.basename(__file__)
+def init_contents(lines=lines, contents=contents):
+ for fname, _ in ALL_FILE_NAMES:
+ with open(fname, 'r') as f:
+ contents[fname] = f.read()
+ lines.update(dict((k, v.split('\n')) for k, v in contents.items()))
+def strip_prefix(name, prefix='local_'):
+ if name.startswith(prefix): return name[len(prefix):]
+ return name
+def init_fns(lines=lines, fns=fns):
+ header = 'Ltac pose_'
+ for fname, _ in ALL_FILE_NAMES:
+ stripped_lines = [i.strip() for i in lines[fname]]
+ fns[fname] = [(strip_prefix(name, 'local_'), args.strip(), name.startswith('local_'))
+ for line in stripped_lines
+ if line.startswith(header)
+ for name, args in re.findall('Ltac pose_([^ ]*' + ') ([A-Za-z0-9_\' ]*' + ')', line.strip())]
+def get_file_root(folder=os.path.dirname(__file__), filename='Makefile'):
+ dir_path = os.path.realpath(folder)
+ while not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, filename)) and dir_path != '/':
+ dir_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dir_path, '..'))
+ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, filename)):
+ print('ERROR: Could not find Makefile in the root of %s' % folder)
+ raise Exception
+ return dir_path
+def modname_of_file_name(fname):
+ assert(fname[-2:] == '.v')
+ return 'Crypto.' + os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(os.path.realpath(fname), os.path.join(root, 'src'))).replace(os.sep, '.')[:-2]
+def split_args(name, args_str, indent=''):
+ args = [arg.strip() for arg in args_str.split(' ')]
+ pass_args = [arg for arg in args if arg.startswith('P_')]
+ extract_args = [arg for arg in args if arg not in pass_args and arg != name]
+ if name not in args:
+ print('Error: %s not in %s' % (name, repr(args)))
+ assert(name in args)
+ assert(len(pass_args) + len(extract_args) + 1 == len(args))
+ pass_args_str = ' '.join(pass_args)
+ if pass_args_str != '': pass_args_str += ' '
+ extract_args_str = ''
+ nl_indent = ('\n%(indent)s ' % locals())
+ if len(extract_args) > 0:
+ extract_args_str = nl_indent + nl_indent.join('let %s := Tag.get pkg TAG.%s in' % (arg, arg) for arg in extract_args)
+ return args, pass_args, extract_args, pass_args_str, extract_args_str
+def make_add_from_pose(name, args_str, indent='', only_if=None, local=False):
+ args, pass_args, extract_args, pass_args_str, extract_args_str = split_args(name, args_str, indent=indent)
+ ret = r'''%(indent)sLtac add_%(name)s pkg %(pass_args_str)s:=''' % locals()
+ local_str = ('local_' if local else '')
+ if_not_exists_str = ''
+ body = r'''%(extract_args_str)s
+%(indent)s let %(name)s := fresh "%(name)s" in
+%(indent)s ''' % locals()
+ body += r'''let %(name)s := pose_%(local_str)s%(name)s %(args_str)s in
+%(indent)s ''' % locals()
+ if only_if == 'not_exists':
+ assert(not local)
+ body += 'constr:(%(name)s)' % locals()
+ body = body.strip('\n ').replace('\n', '\n ')
+ ret += r'''
+%(indent)s Tag.update_by_tac_if_not_exists
+%(indent)s pkg
+%(indent)s TAG.%(name)s
+%(indent)s ltac:(fun _ => %(body)s).''' % locals()
+ else:
+ body += r'''Tag.%(local_str)supdate pkg TAG.%(name)s %(name)s''' % locals()
+ if only_if is None:
+ ret += body + '.\n'
+ else:
+ body = body.strip('\n ').replace('\n', '\n ')
+ ret += r'''
+%(indent)s if_%(only_if)s
+%(indent)s pkg
+%(indent)s ltac:(fun _ => %(body)s)
+%(indent)s ltac:(fun _ => pkg)
+%(indent)s ().''' % locals()
+ return ret
+def make_add_all(fname, indent=''):
+ modname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))
+ all_items = [(name, split_args(name, args_str, indent=indent)) for name, args_str, local in fns[fname]]
+ all_pass_args = []
+ for name, (args, pass_args, extract_args, pass_args_str, extract_args_str) in all_items:
+ for arg in pass_args:
+ if arg not in all_pass_args: all_pass_args.append(arg)
+ all_pass_args_str = ' '.join(all_pass_args)
+ if all_pass_args_str != '': all_pass_args_str += ' '
+ ret = r'''%(indent)sLtac add_%(modname)s_package pkg %(all_pass_args_str)s:=''' % locals()
+ nl_indent = ('\n%(indent)s ' % locals())
+ ret += nl_indent + nl_indent.join('let pkg := add_%s pkg %sin' % (name, pass_args_str)
+ for name, (args, pass_args, extract_args, pass_args_str, extract_args_str) in all_items)
+ ret += nl_indent + 'Tag.strip_local pkg.\n'
+ return ret
+def make_if(name, indent=''):
+ ret = r'''%(indent)sLtac if_%(name)s pkg tac_true tac_false arg :=
+%(indent)s let %(name)s := Tag.get pkg TAG.%(name)s in
+%(indent)s let %(name)s := (eval vm_compute in (%(name)s : bool)) in
+%(indent)s lazymatch %(name)s with
+%(indent)s | true => tac_true arg
+%(indent)s | false => tac_false arg
+%(indent)s end.
+''' % locals()
+ return ret
+def write_if_changed(fname, value):
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ with open(fname, 'r') as f:
+ old_value = f.read()
+ if old_value == value: return
+ value = unicode(value)
+ print('Writing %s...' % fname)
+ with io.open(fname, 'w', newline='\n') as f:
+ f.write(value)
+def do_replace(fname, headers, new_contents):
+ lines = contents[fname].split('\n')
+ ret = []
+ for line in lines:
+ if any(header in line for header in headers):
+ ret.append(new_contents)
+ break
+ else:
+ ret.append(line)
+ ret = unicode('\n'.join(ret))
+ write_if_changed(fname, ret)
+def get_existing_tags(fname, deps):
+ return set(name for dep in deps for name, args, local in fns[dep.replace('Package.v', '.v')])
+def make_package(fname, deps, extra_modname_prefix='', extra_imports=None, prefix=None, add_package=True):
+ py_file_name = PY_FILE_NAME
+ existing_tags = get_existing_tags(fname, deps)
+ full_mod = modname_of_file_name(fname)
+ modname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))
+ ret = (r'''(* This file is autogenerated from %(modname)s.v by %(py_file_name)s *)
+''' % locals())
+ if extra_imports is not None:
+ ret += extra_imports
+ ret += (r'''Require Export %(full_mod)s.
+Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.Packages.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.TagList.
+''' % locals())
+ if prefix is not None:
+ ret += prefix
+ new_names = [name for name, args, local in fns[fname] if name not in existing_tags and not local]
+ if add_package: # and len(new_names) > 0:
+ ret += (r'''
+Module Make%(extra_modname_prefix)s%(modname)sPackage (PKG : PrePackage).
+ Module Import Make%(extra_modname_prefix)s%(modname)sPackageInternal := MakePackageBase PKG.
+''' % locals())
+ for name in new_names:
+ ret += ("\n Ltac get_%s _ := get TAG.%s." % (name, name))
+ ret += ("\n Notation %s := (ltac:(let v := get_%s () in exact v)) (only parsing)." % (name, name))
+ ret += ('\nEnd Make%(extra_modname_prefix)s%(modname)sPackage.\n' % locals())
+ return ret
+def make_tags(fname, deps):
+ existing_tags = get_existing_tags(fname, deps)
+ new_tags = [name for name, args, local in fns[fname] if name not in existing_tags]
+ if len(new_tags) == 0: return ''
+ names = ' | '.join(new_tags)
+ return r'''Module TAG.
+ Inductive tags := %s.
+End TAG.
+''' % names
+def write_package(fname, pkg):
+ pkg_name = fname[:-2] + 'Package.v'
+ write_if_changed(pkg_name, pkg)
+def update_CurveParameters(fname='../CurveParameters.v'):
+ endline = contents[fname].strip().split('\n')[-1]
+ assert(endline.startswith('End '))
+ header = '(* Everything below this line autogenerated by %s *)' % PY_FILE_NAME
+ assert(header in contents[fname])
+ ret = ' %s' % header
+ for name, args, local in fns[fname]:
+ ret += '\n' + make_add_from_pose(name, args, indent=' ', local=local)
+ ret += '\n' + make_add_all(fname, indent=' ')
+ ret += endline
+ prefix = ''
+ for name in CONFIGS:
+ prefix += '\n' + make_if(name, indent='')
+ pkg = make_package(fname, [], prefix=prefix)
+ do_replace(fname, (header,), ret)
+ write_package(fname, pkg)
+def make_normal_package(fname, deps, only_if=None):
+ prefix = ''
+ extra_imports = ''
+ for dep in deps:
+ extra_imports += 'Require Import %s.\n' % modname_of_file_name(dep)
+ prefix += '\n' + make_tags(fname, deps)
+ for name, args, local in fns[fname]:
+ prefix += '\n' + make_add_from_pose(name, args, indent='', only_if=only_if, local=local)
+ prefix += '\n' + make_add_all(fname, indent='')
+ return make_package(fname, deps, extra_imports=extra_imports, prefix=prefix)
+def update_normal_package(fname, deps, only_if=None):
+ pkg = make_normal_package(fname, deps, only_if=only_if)
+ write_package(fname, pkg)
+root = get_file_root()
+for fname, (deps, only_if) in NORMAL_PACKAGE_NAMES:
+ update_normal_package(fname, deps, only_if=only_if)