path: root/src/RewriterRules.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/RewriterRules.v')
1 files changed, 788 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/RewriterRules.v b/src/RewriterRules.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ded9846f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/RewriterRules.v
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil Coq.Lists.List Crypto.Util.ListUtil.FoldBool.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.Operations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.Operations.
+Require Import Crypto.Language.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope bool_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Local Definition mymap {A B} := Eval cbv in @List.map A B.
+Local Definition myapp {A} := Eval cbv in @List.app A.
+Local Definition myflatten {A} := Eval cbv in List.fold_right myapp (@nil A).
+Local Notation dont_do_again := (pair false) (only parsing).
+Local Notation do_again := (pair true) (only parsing).
+Import Language.Compilers.
+Local Notation "' x" := (ident.literal x).
+Local Notation cstZ := (ident.cast ident.cast_outside_of_range).
+Local Notation cstZZ := (ident.cast2 ident.cast_outside_of_range).
+Local Notation "'plet' x := y 'in' z"
+ := (match y return _ with x => z end).
+Local Notation dlet2_opp2 rvc e
+ := (plet rvc' := (fst rvc, -snd rvc)%zrange in
+ plet cst' := cstZZ rvc' in
+ plet cst1 := cstZ (fst rvc%zrange%zrange) in
+ plet cst2 := cstZ (snd rvc%zrange%zrange) in
+ plet cst2' := cstZ (-snd rvc%zrange%zrange) in
+ (dlet vc := cst' e in
+ (cst1 (fst (cst' vc)), cst2 (-(cst2' (snd (cst' vc))))))).
+Local Notation dlet2 rvc e
+ := (dlet vc := cstZZ rvc e in
+ (cstZ (fst rvc) (fst (cstZZ rvc vc)),
+ cstZ (snd rvc) (snd (cstZZ rvc vc)))).
+Local Notation "x '\in' y" := (is_bounded_by_bool x (ZRange.normalize y) = true) : zrange_scope.
+Local Notation "x ∈ y" := (is_bounded_by_bool x (ZRange.normalize y) = true) : zrange_scope.
+Local Notation "x <= y" := (is_tighter_than_bool (ZRange.normalize x) y = true) : zrange_scope.
+Local Notation litZZ x := (ident.literal (fst x), ident.literal (snd x)) (only parsing).
+Local Notation n r := (ZRange.normalize r) (only parsing).
+(* N.B. [ident.eagerly] does not play well with [do_again] *)
+Definition nbe_rewrite_rulesT : list (bool * Prop)
+ := Eval cbv [myapp mymap myflatten] in
+ myflatten
+ [mymap
+ dont_do_again
+ [(forall A B x y, @fst A B (x, y) = x)
+ ; (forall A B x y, @snd A B (x, y) = y)
+ ; (forall P t f, @ident.Thunked.bool_rect P t f true = t tt)
+ ; (forall P t f, @ident.Thunked.bool_rect P t f false = f tt)
+ ; (forall A B C f x y, @prod_rect A B (fun _ => C) f (x, y) = f x y)
+ ; (forall A x n,
+ @List.repeat A x ('n)
+ = ident.eagerly (@nat_rect) _ nil (fun k repeat_k => x :: repeat_k) ('n))
+ ; (forall A xs ys,
+ xs ++ ys
+ = ident.eagerly (@list_rect) A _ ys (fun x xs app_xs_ys => x :: app_xs_ys) xs)
+ ; (forall A B f a ls,
+ @fold_right A B f a ls
+ = (ident.eagerly (@list_rect) _ _)
+ a
+ (fun x xs fold_right_xs => f x fold_right_xs)
+ ls)
+ ; (forall A P N C ls,
+ @ident.Thunked.list_rect A P N C ls
+ = ident.eagerly (@ident.Thunked.list_rect) A P N C ls)
+ ; (forall A P Q N C ls v,
+ @list_rect A (fun _ => P -> Q) N C ls v
+ = ident.eagerly (@list_rect) A (fun _ => P -> Q) N C ls v)
+ ; (forall A P N C, @ident.Thunked.list_case A P N C nil = N tt)
+ ; (forall A P N C x xs, @ident.Thunked.list_case A P N C (x :: xs) = C x xs)
+ ; (forall A B f ls,
+ @List.map A B f ls
+ = (ident.eagerly (@list_rect) _ _)
+ nil
+ (fun x xs map_f_xs => f x :: map_f_xs)
+ ls)
+ ; (forall P O_case S_case n,
+ @ident.Thunked.nat_rect P O_case S_case ('n)
+ = (ident.eagerly (@ident.Thunked.nat_rect) _)
+ O_case
+ S_case
+ ('n))
+ ; (forall P Q O_case S_case n v,
+ @nat_rect (fun _ => P -> Q) O_case S_case ('n) v
+ = (ident.eagerly (@nat_rect) _)
+ O_case
+ S_case
+ ('n)
+ v)
+ ; (forall A default ls n,
+ @List.nth_default A default ls ('n)
+ = ident.eagerly (@List.nth_default) _ default ls ('n))
+ ]
+ ; mymap
+ do_again
+ [(forall A B xs ys,
+ @List.combine A B xs ys
+ = (list_rect _)
+ (fun _ => nil)
+ (fun x xs combine_xs ys
+ => match ys with
+ | nil => nil
+ | y :: ys => (x, y) :: combine_xs ys
+ end)
+ xs
+ ys)
+ ; (forall A n ls,
+ @List.firstn A ('n) ls
+ = (nat_rect _)
+ (fun _ => nil)
+ (fun n' firstn_n' ls
+ => match ls with
+ | nil => nil
+ | cons x xs => x :: firstn_n' xs
+ end)
+ ('n)
+ ls)
+ ; (forall A n ls,
+ @List.skipn A ('n) ls
+ = (nat_rect _)
+ (fun ls => ls)
+ (fun n' skipn_n' ls
+ => match ls with
+ | nil => nil
+ | cons x xs => skipn_n' xs
+ end)
+ ('n)
+ ls)
+ ; (forall A xs,
+ @List.length A xs
+ = (list_rect _)
+ 0%nat
+ (fun _ xs length_xs => S length_xs)
+ xs)
+ ; (forall A xs,
+ @List.rev A xs
+ = (list_rect _)
+ nil
+ (fun x xs rev_xs => rev_xs ++ [x])
+ xs)
+ ; (forall A B f xs,
+ @List.flat_map A B f xs
+ = (list_rect _)
+ nil
+ (fun x _ flat_map_tl => f x ++ flat_map_tl)
+ xs)
+ ; (forall A f xs,
+ @List.partition A f xs
+ = (list_rect _)
+ ([], [])
+ (fun x tl partition_tl
+ => let '(g, d) := partition_tl in
+ if f x then (x :: g, d) else (g, x :: d))
+ xs)
+ ; (forall A n f xs,
+ @update_nth A ('n) f xs
+ = (nat_rect _)
+ (fun xs => match xs with
+ | nil => nil
+ | x' :: xs' => f x' :: xs'
+ end)
+ (fun n' update_nth_n' xs
+ => match xs with
+ | nil => nil
+ | x' :: xs' => x' :: update_nth_n' xs'
+ end)
+ ('n)
+ xs)
+ ]
+ ].
+Definition arith_rewrite_rulesT (max_const_val : Z) : list (bool * Prop)
+ := Eval cbv [myapp mymap myflatten] in
+ myflatten
+ [mymap
+ dont_do_again
+ [(forall A B x y, @fst A B (x, y) = x)
+ ; (forall A B x y, @snd A B (x, y) = y)
+ ; (forall v, 0 + v = v)
+ ; (forall v, v + 0 = v)
+ ; (forall x y, (-x) + (-y) = -(x + y))
+ ; (forall x y, (-x) + y = y - x)
+ ; (forall x y, x + (-y) = x - y)
+ ; (forall v, 0 - (-v) = v)
+ ; (forall v, 0 - v = -v)
+ ; (forall v, v - 0 = v)
+ ; (forall x y, (-x) - (-y) = y - x)
+ ; (forall x y, (-x) - y = -(x + y))
+ ; (forall x y, x - (-y) = x + y)
+ ; (forall v, 0 * v = 0)
+ ; (forall v, v * 0 = 0)
+ ; (forall v, 1 * v = v)
+ ; (forall v, v * 1 = v)
+ ; (forall v, (-1) * (-v) = v)
+ ; (forall v, (-v) * (-1) = v)
+ ; (forall v, (-1) * v = -v)
+ ; (forall v, v * (-1) = -v)
+ ; (forall x y, (-x) * (-y) = x * y)
+ ; (forall x y, (-x) * y = -(x * y))
+ ; (forall x y, x * (-y) = -(x * y))
+ ; (forall x, x &' 0 = 0)
+ ; (forall x, x / 1 = x)
+ ; (forall x, x mod 1 = 0)
+ ; (forall v, -(-v) = v)
+ ; (forall z v, z > 0 -> 'z + (-v) = 'z - v)
+ ; (forall z v, z > 0 -> (-v) + 'z = 'z - v)
+ ; (forall z v, z < 0 -> 'z + (-v) = -('(-z) + v))
+ ; (forall z v, z < 0 -> (-v) + 'z = -(v + '(-z)))
+ ; (forall z v, z > 0 -> 'z - (-v) = 'z + v)
+ ; (forall z v, z < 0 -> 'z - (-v) = v - '(-z))
+ ; (forall z v, z < 0 -> 'z - v = -('(-z) + v))
+ ; (forall z v, z > 0 -> (-v) - 'z = -(v + 'z))
+ ; (forall z v, z < 0 -> (-v) - 'z = '(-z) - v)
+ ; (forall z v, z < 0 -> v - 'z = v + '(-z))
+ ; (forall x y, 'x * 'y = '(x*y))
+ ; (forall z v, z < 0 -> 'z * v = -('(-z) * v))
+ ; (forall z v, z < 0 -> v * 'z = -(v * '(-z)))
+ ; (forall x y, y = 2^Z.log2 y -> y <> 2 -> x * 'y = x << '(Z.log2 y))
+ ; (forall x y, y = 2^Z.log2 y -> y <> 2 -> 'y * x = x << '(Z.log2 y))
+ ; (forall x y, y = 2^Z.log2 y -> x / 'y = x >> '(Z.log2 y))
+ ; (forall x y, y = 2^Z.log2 y -> x mod 'y = x &' '(y-1))
+ (* We reassociate some multiplication of small constants *)
+ ; (forall c1 c2 x y,
+ Z.abs c1 <= Z.abs max_const_val
+ -> Z.abs c2 <= Z.abs max_const_val
+ -> 'c1 * ('c2 * (x * y)) = (x * (y * ('c1 * 'c2))))
+ ; (forall c1 c2 x y,
+ Z.abs c1 <= Z.abs max_const_val
+ -> Z.abs c2 <= Z.abs max_const_val
+ -> 'c1 * (x * (y * 'c2)) = (x * (y * ('c1 * 'c2))))
+ ; (forall c x y,
+ Z.abs c <= Z.abs max_const_val
+ -> 'c * (x * y) = x * (y * 'c))
+ ; (forall c x,
+ Z.abs c <= Z.abs max_const_val
+ -> 'c * x = x * 'c)
+ (* transform +- to + *)
+ ; (forall s y x,
+ Z.add_get_carry_full s x (- y)
+ = dlet vb := Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x y in (fst vb, - snd vb))
+ ; (forall s y x,
+ Z.add_get_carry_full s (- y) x
+ = dlet vb := Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x y in (fst vb, - snd vb))
+ ; (forall s y x,
+ Z.add_with_get_carry_full s 0 x (- y)
+ = dlet vb := Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x y in (fst vb, - snd vb))
+ ; (forall s y x,
+ Z.add_with_get_carry_full s 0 (- y) x
+ = dlet vb := Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x y in (fst vb, - snd vb))
+ ; (forall s c y x,
+ Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (- c) (- y) x
+ = dlet vb := Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s c x y in (fst vb, - snd vb))
+ ; (forall s c y x,
+ Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (- c) x (- y)
+ = dlet vb := Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s c x y in (fst vb, - snd vb))
+ ]
+ ; mymap
+ do_again
+ [ (* [do_again], so that if one of the arguments is concrete, we automatically get the rewrite rule for [Z_cast] applying to it *)
+ (forall r x y, cstZZ r (x, y) = (cstZ (fst r) x, cstZ (snd r) y))
+ ]
+ ].
+Definition arith_with_casts_rewrite_rulesT : list (bool * Prop)
+ := Eval cbv [myapp mymap myflatten] in
+ myflatten
+ [mymap
+ dont_do_again
+ [(forall A B x y, @fst A B (x, y) = x)
+ ; (forall A B x y, @snd A B (x, y) = y)
+ ; (forall r v, lower r = upper r -> cstZ r v = cstZ r ('(lower r)))
+ ; (forall r0 v, 0 ∈ r0 -> cstZ r0 0 + v = v)
+ ; (forall r0 v, 0 ∈ r0 -> v + cstZ r0 0 = v)
+ ; (forall r0 v, 0 ∈ r0 -> cstZ r0 0 - v = -v)
+ ; (forall r0 v, 0 ∈ r0 -> cstZ r0 0 << v = 0)
+ ; (forall r0 rnv rv v,
+ (rv <= -n rnv)%zrange -> 0 ∈ r0
+ -> cstZ r0 0 - cstZ rnv (-(cstZ rv v)) = cstZ rv v)
+ ; (forall rnv rv v,
+ (rv <= -n rnv)%zrange
+ -> -(cstZ rnv (-(cstZ rv v))) = cstZ rv v)
+ ; (forall s r0 y, 0 ∈ r0 -> Z.mul_split s (cstZ r0 0) y = (cstZ r[0~>0] 0, cstZ r[0~>0] 0))
+ ; (forall s r0 y, 0 ∈ r0 -> Z.mul_split s y (cstZ r0 0) = (cstZ r[0~>0] 0, cstZ r[0~>0] 0))
+ ; (forall rs s r1 ry y,
+ 1 ∈ r1 -> s ∈ rs -> (ry <= r[0~>s-1])%zrange
+ -> Z.mul_split (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ r1 1) (cstZ ry y)
+ = (cstZ ry y, cstZ r[0~>0] 0))
+ ; (forall rs s r1 ry y,
+ 1 ∈ r1 -> s ∈ rs -> (ry <= r[0~>s-1])%zrange
+ -> Z.mul_split (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ ry y) (cstZ r1 1)
+ = (cstZ ry y, cstZ r[0~>0] 0))
+ ; (forall rvc s rny ry y x,
+ (ry <= -n rny)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_get_carry_full s (cstZ rny (-cstZ ry y)) x)
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x (cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall rvc s rny ry y x,
+ (ry <= -n rny)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_get_carry_full s x (cstZ rny (-cstZ ry y)))
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x (cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall rvc s ryy yy x,
+ yy ∈ ryy -> yy < 0
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_get_carry_full s (cstZ ryy ('yy)) x)
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x (cstZ (-ryy) ('(-yy)))))
+ ; (forall rvc s ryy yy x,
+ yy ∈ ryy -> yy < 0
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_get_carry_full s x (cstZ ryy ('yy)))
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x (cstZ (-ryy) ('(-yy)))))
+ ; (forall rvc s rnc rc c rny ry y x,
+ (ry <= -n rny)%zrange -> (rc <= -n rnc)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ rnc (-cstZ rc c)) (cstZ rny (-cstZ ry y)) x)
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s (cstZ rc c) x (cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall rvc s rnc rc c rny ry y x,
+ (ry <= -n rny)%zrange -> (rc <= -n rnc)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ rnc (-cstZ rc c)) x (cstZ rny (-cstZ ry y)))
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s (cstZ rc c) x (cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall rvc s r0 rny ry y x,
+ 0 ∈ r0 -> (ry <= -n rny)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ r0 0) (cstZ rny (-cstZ ry y)) x)
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x (cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall rvc s rcc cc rny ry y x,
+ cc < 0 -> cc ∈ rcc -> (ry <= -n rny)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ rcc ('cc)) (cstZ rny (-cstZ ry y)) x)
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s (cstZ (-rcc) ('(-cc))) x (cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall rvc s r0 rny ry y x,
+ 0 ∈ r0 -> (ry <= -n rny)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ r0 0) x (cstZ rny (-cstZ ry y)))
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x (cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall rvc s rcc cc rny ry y x,
+ cc < 0 -> cc ∈ rcc -> (ry <= -n rny)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ rcc ('cc)) x (cstZ rny (-cstZ ry y)))
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s (cstZ (-rcc) ('(-cc))) x (cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall rvc s rnc rc c ryy yy x,
+ yy <= 0 -> yy ∈ ryy -> (rc <= -n rnc)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ rnc (-cstZ rc c)) (cstZ ryy ('yy)) x)
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s (cstZ rc c) x (cstZ (-ryy) ('(-yy)))))
+ ; (forall rvc s rnc rc c ryy yy x,
+ yy <= 0 -> yy ∈ ryy -> (rc <= -n rnc)%zrange
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ rnc (-cstZ rc c)) x (cstZ ryy ('yy)))
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s (cstZ rc c) x (cstZ (-ryy) ('(-yy)))))
+ ; (forall rvc s rcc cc ryy yy x,
+ yy <= 0 -> cc <= 0 -> yy + cc < 0 (* at least one must be strictly negative *) -> yy ∈ ryy -> cc ∈ rcc
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ rcc ('cc)) (cstZ ryy ('yy)) x)
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s (cstZ (-rcc) ('(-cc))) x (cstZ (-ryy) ('(-yy)))))
+ ; (forall rvc s rcc cc ryy yy x,
+ yy <= 0 -> cc <= 0 -> yy + cc < 0 (* at least one must be strictly negative *) -> yy ∈ ryy -> cc ∈ rcc
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ rcc ('cc)) x (cstZ ryy ('yy)))
+ = dlet2_opp2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s (cstZ (-rcc) ('(-cc))) x (cstZ (-ryy) ('(-yy)))))
+ ; (forall rs s rxx xx ryy yy,
+ s ∈ rs -> xx ∈ rxx -> yy ∈ ryy
+ -> Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rxx ('xx)) (cstZ ryy ('yy))
+ = litZZ (Z.add_get_carry_full s xx yy))
+ ; (forall rs s r0 ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> 0 ∈ r0 -> (ry <= r[0~>s-1])%zrange
+ -> Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ r0 0) (cstZ ry y)
+ = (cstZ ry y, cstZ r[0~>0] 0))
+ ; (forall rs s r0 ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> 0 ∈ r0 -> (ry <= r[0~>s-1])%zrange
+ -> Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ ry y) (cstZ r0 0)
+ = (cstZ ry y, cstZ r[0~>0] 0))
+ ; (forall r0 x y, 0 ∈ r0 -> Z.add_with_carry (cstZ r0 0) x y = x + y)
+ ; (forall rs s rcc cc rxx xx ryy yy,
+ s ∈ rs -> cc ∈ rcc -> xx ∈ rxx -> yy ∈ ryy
+ -> Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rcc ('cc)) (cstZ rxx ('xx)) (cstZ ryy ('yy))
+ = litZZ (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s cc xx yy))
+ ; (forall rs s r0c r0x ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> 0 ∈ r0c -> 0 ∈ r0x -> (ry <= r[0~>s-1])%zrange
+ -> Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ r0c 0) (cstZ r0x 0) (cstZ ry y)
+ = (cstZ ry y, cstZ r[0~>0] 0))
+ ; (forall rs s r0c r0x ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> 0 ∈ r0c -> 0 ∈ r0x -> (ry <= r[0~>s-1])%zrange
+ -> Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ r0c 0) (cstZ ry y) (cstZ r0x 0)
+ = (cstZ ry y, cstZ r[0~>0] 0))
+ ; (forall rvc s r0 x y, (* carry = 0: ADC x y -> ADD x y *)
+ 0 ∈ r0
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s (cstZ r0 0) x y)
+ = dlet2 rvc (Z.add_get_carry_full s x y))
+ ; (forall rvc rs s rc c r0x r0y, (* ADC 0 0 -> (ADX 0 0, 0) *) (* except we don't do ADX, because C stringification doesn't handle it *)
+ 0 ∈ r0x -> 0 ∈ r0y -> (rc <= r[0~>s-1])%zrange -> 0 ∈ snd rvc -> s ∈ rs
+ -> cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rc c) (cstZ r0x 0) (cstZ r0y 0))
+ = (dlet vc := (cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rc c) (cstZ r0x 0) (cstZ r0y 0))) in
+ (cstZ (fst rvc) (fst (cstZZ rvc vc)),
+ cstZ r[0~>0] 0)))
+ (* let-bind any adc/sbb/mulx *)
+ ; (forall rvc s c x y,
+ cstZZ rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s c x y)
+ = dlet2 rvc (Z.add_with_get_carry_full s c x y))
+ ; (forall rv c x y,
+ cstZ rv (Z.add_with_carry c x y)
+ = (dlet vc := cstZ rv (Z.add_with_carry c x y) in
+ cstZ rv vc))
+ ; (forall rvc s x y,
+ cstZZ rvc (Z.add_get_carry_full s x y)
+ = dlet2 rvc (Z.add_get_carry_full s x y))
+ ; (forall rvc s c x y,
+ cstZZ rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s c x y)
+ = dlet2 rvc (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full s c x y))
+ ; (forall rvc s x y,
+ cstZZ rvc (Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x y)
+ = dlet2 rvc (Z.sub_get_borrow_full s x y))
+ ; (forall rvc s x y,
+ cstZZ rvc (Z.mul_split s x y)
+ = dlet2 rvc (Z.mul_split s x y))
+ ]%Z%zrange
+ ; mymap
+ do_again
+ [ (* [do_again], so that if one of the arguments is concrete, we automatically get the rewrite rule for [Z_cast] applying to it *)
+ (forall r x y, cstZZ r (x, y) = (cstZ (fst r) x, cstZ (snd r) y))
+ ]
+ ; mymap
+ dont_do_again
+ [(forall r1 r2 x, (r2 <= n r1)%zrange -> cstZ r1 (cstZ r2 x) = cstZ r2 x)
+ ]%Z%zrange
+ ].
+Definition strip_literal_casts_rewrite_rulesT : list (bool * Prop)
+ := [dont_do_again (forall rx x, x ∈ rx -> cstZ rx ('x) = 'x)]%Z%zrange.
+Section fancy.
+ Context (invert_low invert_high : Z (*log2wordmax*) -> Z -> option Z)
+ (value_range flag_range : zrange).
+ Definition fancy_rewrite_rulesT : list (bool * Prop)
+ := [].
+ Local Coercion ZRange.constant : Z >-> zrange. (* for ease of use with sanity-checking bounds *)
+ Local Notation bounds1_good f
+ := (fun (output x_bs : zrange)
+ => is_tighter_than_bool (f (ZRange.normalize x_bs)) (ZRange.normalize output) = true).
+ Local Notation bounds2_good f
+ := (fun (output x_bs y_bs : zrange)
+ => is_tighter_than_bool (f (ZRange.normalize x_bs) (ZRange.normalize y_bs)) (ZRange.normalize output) = true).
+ Local Notation range_in_bitwidth r s
+ := (is_tighter_than_bool (ZRange.normalize r) r[0~>s-1]%zrange = true).
+ Local Notation shiftl_good := (bounds2_good ZRange.shiftl).
+ Local Notation shiftr_good := (bounds2_good ZRange.shiftr).
+ Local Notation land_good := (bounds2_good ZRange.land).
+ Local Notation mul_good := (bounds2_good ZRange.mul).
+ Local Notation cc_m_good output s := (bounds1_good (ZRange.cc_m s) output).
+ Local Notation lit_good x rx := (is_bounded_by_bool x (ZRange.normalize rx)).
+ Definition fancy_with_casts_rewrite_rulesT : list (bool * Prop)
+ := Eval cbv [myapp mymap myflatten] in
+ myflatten
+ [mymap
+ dont_do_again
+ [(*
+(Z.add_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?x, ?y << 128) --> (add 128) @@ (x, y)
+(Z.add_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?x << 128, ?y) --> (add 128) @@ (y, x)
+(Z.add_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?x, ?y >> 128) --> (add (- 128)) @@ (x, y)
+(Z.add_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?x >> 128, ?y) --> (add (- 128)) @@ (y, x)
+(Z.add_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?x, ?y) --> (add 0) @@ (y, x)
+ *)
+ (forall r rs s rx x rshiftl rland ry y rmask mask roffset offset,
+ s = 2^Z.log2 s -> s ∈ rs -> offset ∈ roffset -> mask ∈ rmask -> shiftl_good rshiftl rland offset -> land_good rland ry mask -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftl s -> (mask = Z.ones (Z.log2 s - offset)) -> (0 <= offset <= Z.log2 s)
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftl ((cstZ rland (cstZ ry y &' cstZ rmask ('mask))) << cstZ roffset ('offset))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_add (Z.log2 s) (offset)) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rx x rshiftl rland ry y rmask mask roffset offset,
+ (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> (mask = Z.ones (Z.log2 s - offset)) -> (0 <= offset <= Z.log2 s) -> s ∈ rs -> mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> shiftl_good rshiftl rland offset -> land_good rland ry mask -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftl s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftl (cstZ rland (cstZ ry y &' cstZ rmask ('mask)) << cstZ roffset ('offset))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_add (Z.log2 s) offset) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rshiftl rland ry y rmask mask roffset offset rx x,
+ s ∈ rs -> mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftl_good rshiftl rland offset -> land_good rland ry mask -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftl s -> (mask = Z.ones (Z.log2 s - offset)) -> (0 <= offset <= Z.log2 s)
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rshiftl (Z.shiftl (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask ('mask)))) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))) (cstZ rx x))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_add (Z.log2 s) offset) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rx x rshiftr ry y roffset offset,
+ s ∈ rs -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftr_good rshiftr ry offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftr s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_add (Z.log2 s) (-offset)) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rshiftr ry y roffset offset rx x,
+ s ∈ rs -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftr_good rshiftr ry offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftr s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))) (cstZ rx x))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_add (Z.log2 s) (-offset)) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rx x ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> range_in_bitwidth ry s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ ry y))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_add (Z.log2 s) 0) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ (*
+(Z.add_with_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?c, ?x, ?y << 128) --> (addc 128) @@ (c, x, y)
+(Z.add_with_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?c, ?x << 128, ?y) --> (addc 128) @@ (c, y, x)
+(Z.add_with_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?c, ?x, ?y >> 128) --> (addc (- 128)) @@ (c, x, y)
+(Z.add_with_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?c, ?x >> 128, ?y) --> (addc (- 128)) @@ (c, y, x)
+(Z.add_with_get_carry_concrete 2^256) @@ (?c, ?x, ?y) --> (addc 0) @@ (c, y, x)
+ *)
+ ; (forall r rs s rc c rx x rshiftl rland ry y rmask mask roffset offset,
+ s ∈ rs -> mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftl_good rshiftl rland offset -> land_good rland ry mask -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftl s -> (mask = Z.ones (Z.log2 s - offset)) -> (0 <= offset <= Z.log2 s)
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rc c) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftl (Z.shiftl (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask ('mask)))) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_addc (Z.log2 s) offset) (cstZ rc c, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rc c rshiftl rland ry y rmask mask roffset offset rx x,
+ s ∈ rs -> mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftl_good rshiftl rland offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftl s -> land_good rland ry mask -> (mask = Z.ones (Z.log2 s - offset)) -> (0 <= offset <= Z.log2 s)
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rc c) (cstZ rshiftl (Z.shiftl (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask ('mask)))) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))) (cstZ rx x))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_addc (Z.log2 s) offset) (cstZ rc c, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rc c rx x rshiftr ry y roffset offset,
+ s ∈ rs -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftr_good rshiftr ry offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftr s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rc c) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_addc (Z.log2 s) (-offset)) (cstZ rc c, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rc c rshiftr ry y roffset offset rx x,
+ s ∈ rs -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftr_good rshiftr ry offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftr s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rc c) (cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))) (cstZ rx x))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_addc (Z.log2 s) (-offset)) (cstZ rc c, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rc c rx x ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> range_in_bitwidth ry s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.add_with_get_carry_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rc c) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ ry y))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_addc (Z.log2 s) 0) (cstZ rc c, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ (*
+(Z.sub_get_borrow_concrete 2^256) @@ (?x, ?y << 128) --> (sub 128) @@ (x, y)
+(Z.sub_get_borrow_concrete 2^256) @@ (?x, ?y >> 128) --> (sub (- 128)) @@ (x, y)
+(Z.sub_get_borrow_concrete 2^256) @@ (?x, ?y) --> (sub 0) @@ (y, x)
+ *)
+ ; (forall r rs s rx x rshiftl rland ry y rmask mask roffset offset,
+ s ∈ rs -> mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftl_good rshiftl rland offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftl s -> land_good rland ry mask -> (mask = Z.ones (Z.log2 s - offset)) -> (0 <= offset <= Z.log2 s)
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.sub_get_borrow_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftl (Z.shiftl (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask ('mask)))) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_sub (Z.log2 s) offset) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rx x rshiftr ry y roffset offset,
+ s ∈ rs -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftr_good rshiftr ry offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftr s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.sub_get_borrow_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_sub (Z.log2 s) (-offset)) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rx x ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> range_in_bitwidth ry s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.sub_get_borrow_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ ry y))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_sub (Z.log2 s) 0) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ (*
+(Z.sub_with_get_borrow_concrete 2^256) @@ (?c, ?x, ?y << 128) --> (subb 128) @@ (c, x, y)
+(Z.sub_with_get_borrow_concrete 2^256) @@ (?c, ?x, ?y >> 128) --> (subb (- 128)) @@ (c, x, y)
+(Z.sub_with_get_borrow_concrete 2^256) @@ (?c, ?x, ?y) --> (subb 0) @@ (c, y, x)
+ *)
+ ; (forall r rs s rb b rx x rshiftl rland ry y rmask mask roffset offset,
+ s ∈ rs -> mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftl_good rshiftl rland offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftl s -> land_good rland ry mask -> (mask = Z.ones (Z.log2 s - offset)) -> (0 <= offset <= Z.log2 s)
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rb b) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftl (Z.shiftl (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask ('mask)))) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_subb (Z.log2 s) offset) (cstZ rb b, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rb b rx x rshiftr ry y roffset offset,
+ s ∈ rs -> offset ∈ roffset -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> shiftr_good rshiftr ry offset -> range_in_bitwidth rshiftr s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rb b) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset)))))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_subb (Z.log2 s) (-offset)) (cstZ rb b, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rs s rb b rx x ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> range_in_bitwidth ry s
+ -> cstZZ r (Z.sub_with_get_borrow_full (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rb b) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ ry y))
+ = cstZZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_subb (Z.log2 s) 0) (cstZ rb b, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ (*(Z.rshi_concrete 2^256 ?n) @@ (?c, ?x, ?y) --> (rshi n) @@ (x, y)*)
+ ; (forall r rs s rx x ry y rn n,
+ s ∈ rs -> n ∈ rn -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s)
+ -> cstZ r (Z.rshi (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rn ('n)))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_rshi (Z.log2 s) n) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ (*
+Z.zselect @@ (Z.cc_m_concrete 2^256 ?c, ?x, ?y) --> selm @@ (c, x, y)
+Z.zselect @@ (?c &' 1, ?x, ?y) --> sell @@ (c, x, y)
+Z.zselect @@ (?c, ?x, ?y) --> selc @@ (c, x, y)
+ *)
+ ; (forall r rccm rs s rc c rx x ry y,
+ s ∈ rs -> (s = 2^Z.log2 s) -> cc_m_good rccm s rc
+ -> cstZ r (Z.zselect (cstZ rccm (Z.cc_m (cstZ rs ('s)) (cstZ rc c))) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ ry y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_selm (Z.log2 s)) (cstZ rc c, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rland r1 rc c rx x ry y,
+ 1 ∈ r1 -> land_good rland 1 rc
+ -> cstZ r (Z.zselect (cstZ rland (cstZ r1 1 &' cstZ rc c)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ ry y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp ident.fancy_sell (cstZ rc c, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rland rc c r1 rx x ry y,
+ 1 ∈ r1 -> land_good rland rc 1
+ -> cstZ r (Z.zselect (cstZ rland (cstZ rc c &' cstZ r1 1)) (cstZ rx x) (cstZ ry y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp ident.fancy_sell (cstZ rc c, cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r c x y,
+ cstZ r (Z.zselect c x y)
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp ident.fancy_selc (c, x, y)))
+ (*Z.add_modulo @@ (?x, ?y, ?m) --> addm @@ (x, y, m)*)
+ ; (forall x y m,
+ Z.add_modulo x y m
+ = ident.interp ident.fancy_addm (x, y, m))
+ (*
+Z.mul @@ (?x &' (2^128-1), ?y &' (2^128-1)) --> mulll @@ (x, y)
+Z.mul @@ (?x &' (2^128-1), ?y >> 128) --> mullh @@ (x, y)
+Z.mul @@ (?x >> 128, ?y &' (2^128-1)) --> mulhl @@ (x, y)
+Z.mul @@ (?x >> 128, ?y >> 128) --> mulhh @@ (x, y)
+ *)
+ (* literal on left *)
+ ; (forall r rx x rland ry y rmask mask,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask)%Z in
+ plet xo := invert_low s x in
+ plet xv := match xo with Some x => x | None => 0 end in
+ xo <> None -> x ∈ rx -> mask ∈ rmask -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland ry mask
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rx ('x) * cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask ('mask))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulll s) ('xv, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rx x rland rmask mask ry y,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask)%Z in
+ plet xo := invert_low s x in
+ plet xv := match xo with Some x => x | None => 0 end in
+ xo <> None -> x ∈ rx -> mask ∈ rmask -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland mask ry
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rx ('x) * cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ rmask ('mask)) (cstZ ry y)))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulll s) ('xv, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rx x rshiftr ry y roffset offset,
+ plet s := (2*offset)%Z in
+ plet xo := invert_low s x in
+ plet xv := match xo with Some x => x | None => 0 end in
+ xo <> None -> x ∈ rx -> offset ∈ roffset -> shiftr_good rshiftr ry offset
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rx ('x) * cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mullh s) ('xv, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rx x rland rmask mask ry y,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask)%Z in
+ plet xo := invert_high s x in
+ plet xv := match xo with Some x => x | None => 0 end in
+ xo <> None -> x ∈ rx -> mask ∈ rmask -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland mask ry
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rx ('x) * cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ rmask ('mask)) (cstZ ry y)))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulhl s) ('xv, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rx x rland ry y rmask mask,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask)%Z in
+ plet xo := invert_high s x in
+ plet xv := match xo with Some x => x | None => 0 end in
+ xo <> None -> x ∈ rx -> mask ∈ rmask -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland ry mask
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rx ('x) * cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask ('mask))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulhl s) ('xv, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rx x rshiftr ry y roffset offset,
+ plet s := (2*offset)%Z in
+ plet xo := invert_high s x in
+ plet xv := match xo with Some x => x | None => 0 end in
+ xo <> None -> x ∈ rx -> offset ∈ roffset -> shiftr_good rshiftr ry offset
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rx ('x) * cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulhh s) ('xv, cstZ ry y)))
+ (* literal on right *)
+ ; (forall r rland rmask mask rx x ry y,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask)%Z in
+ plet yo := invert_low s y in
+ plet yv := match yo with Some y => y | None => 0 end in
+ yo <> None -> y ∈ ry -> mask ∈ rmask -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland mask rx
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ rmask ('mask)) (cstZ rx x)) * cstZ ry ('y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulll s) (cstZ rx x, 'yv)))
+ ; (forall r rland rx x rmask mask ry y,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask)%Z in
+ plet yo := invert_low s y in
+ plet yv := match yo with Some y => y | None => 0 end in
+ yo <> None -> y ∈ ry -> mask ∈ rmask -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland rx mask
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rmask ('mask))) * cstZ ry ('y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulll s) (cstZ rx x, 'yv)))
+ ; (forall r rland rmask mask rx x ry y,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask)%Z in
+ plet yo := invert_high s y in
+ plet yv := match yo with Some y => y | None => 0 end in
+ yo <> None -> y ∈ ry -> mask ∈ rmask -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland mask rx
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ rmask ('mask)) (cstZ rx x)) * cstZ ry ('y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mullh s) (cstZ rx x, 'yv)))
+ ; (forall r rland rx x rmask mask ry y,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask)%Z in
+ plet yo := invert_high s y in
+ plet yv := match yo with Some y => y | None => 0 end in
+ yo <> None -> y ∈ ry -> mask ∈ rmask -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland rx mask
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland (Z.land (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rmask ('mask))) * cstZ ry ('y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mullh s) (cstZ rx x, 'yv)))
+ ; (forall r rshiftr rx x roffset offset ry y,
+ plet s := (2*offset)%Z in
+ plet yo := invert_low s y in
+ plet yv := match yo with Some y => y | None => 0 end in
+ yo <> None -> y ∈ ry -> offset ∈ roffset -> shiftr_good rshiftr rx offset
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ rx x) (cstZ roffset ('offset))) * cstZ ry ('y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulhl s) (cstZ rx x, 'yv)))
+ ; (forall r rshiftr rx x roffset offset ry y,
+ plet s := (2*offset)%Z in
+ plet yo := invert_high s y in
+ plet yv := match yo with Some y => y | None => 0 end in
+ yo <> None -> y ∈ ry -> offset ∈ roffset -> shiftr_good rshiftr rx offset
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rshiftr (Z.shiftr (cstZ rx x) (cstZ roffset ('offset))) * cstZ ry ('y))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulhh s) (cstZ rx x, 'yv)))
+ (* no literal *)
+ ; (forall r rland1 rmask1 mask1 rx x rland2 rmask2 mask2 ry y,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask1)%Z in
+ mask1 ∈ rmask1 -> mask2 ∈ rmask2 -> (mask1 = 2^(s/2)-1) -> (mask2 = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland1 mask1 rx -> land_good rland2 mask2 ry
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland1 (Z.land (cstZ rmask1 ('mask1)) (cstZ rx x)) * cstZ rland2 (Z.land (cstZ rmask2 ('mask2)) (cstZ ry y)))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulll s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rland1 rx x rmask1 mask1 rland2 rmask2 mask2 ry y,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask1)%Z in
+ mask1 ∈ rmask1 -> mask2 ∈ rmask2 -> (mask1 = 2^(s/2)-1) -> (mask2 = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland1 rx mask1 -> land_good rland2 mask2 ry
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland1 (Z.land (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rmask1 ('mask1))) * cstZ rland2 (Z.land (cstZ rmask2 ('mask2)) (cstZ ry y)))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulll s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rland1 rmask1 mask1 rx x rland2 ry y rmask2 mask2,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask1)%Z in
+ mask1 ∈ rmask1 -> mask2 ∈ rmask2 -> (mask1 = 2^(s/2)-1) -> (mask2 = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland1 mask1 rx -> land_good rland2 ry mask2
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland1 (Z.land (cstZ rmask1 ('mask1)) (cstZ rx x)) * cstZ rland2 (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask2 ('mask2))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulll s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rland1 rx x rmask1 mask1 rland2 ry y rmask2 mask2,
+ plet s := (2*Z.log2_up mask1)%Z in
+ mask1 ∈ rmask1 -> mask2 ∈ rmask2 -> (mask1 = 2^(s/2)-1) -> (mask2 = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland1 rx mask1 -> land_good rland2 ry mask2
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland1 (Z.land (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rmask1 ('mask1))) * cstZ rland2 (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask2 ('mask2))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulll s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rland1 rmask mask rx x rshiftr2 ry y roffset offset,
+ plet s := (2*offset)%Z in
+ mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland1 mask rx -> shiftr_good rshiftr2 ry offset
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland1 (Z.land (cstZ rmask ('mask)) (cstZ rx x)) * cstZ rshiftr2 (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mullh s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rland1 rx x rmask mask rshiftr2 ry y roffset offset,
+ plet s := (2*offset)%Z in
+ mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> land_good rland1 rx mask -> shiftr_good rshiftr2 ry offset
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rland1 (Z.land (cstZ rx x) (cstZ rmask ('mask))) * cstZ rshiftr2 (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset ('offset))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mullh s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rshiftr1 rx x roffset offset rland2 rmask mask ry y,
+ plet s := (2*offset)%Z in
+ mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> shiftr_good rshiftr1 rx offset -> land_good rland2 mask ry
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rshiftr1 (Z.shiftr (cstZ rx x) (cstZ roffset ('offset))) * cstZ rland2 (Z.land (cstZ rmask ('mask)) (cstZ ry y)))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulhl s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rshiftr1 rx x roffset offset rland2 ry y rmask mask,
+ plet s := (2*offset)%Z in
+ mask ∈ rmask -> offset ∈ roffset -> (mask = 2^(s/2)-1) -> shiftr_good rshiftr1 rx offset -> land_good rland2 ry mask
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rshiftr1 (Z.shiftr (cstZ rx x) (cstZ roffset ('offset))) * cstZ rland2 (Z.land (cstZ ry y) (cstZ rmask ('mask))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulhl s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ ; (forall r rshiftr1 rx x roffset1 offset1 rshiftr2 ry y roffset2 offset2,
+ plet s := (2*offset1)%Z in
+ offset1 ∈ roffset1 -> offset2 ∈ roffset2 -> (offset1 = offset2) -> shiftr_good rshiftr1 rx offset1 -> shiftr_good rshiftr2 ry offset2
+ -> cstZ r (cstZ rshiftr1 (Z.shiftr (cstZ rx x) (cstZ roffset1 ('offset1))) * cstZ rshiftr2 (Z.shiftr (cstZ ry y) (cstZ roffset2 ('offset2))))
+ = cstZ r (ident.interp (ident.fancy_mulhh s) (cstZ rx x, cstZ ry y)))
+ (** Dummy rule to make sure we use the two value ranges; this can be removed *)
+ ; (forall rx x,
+ ((is_tighter_than_bool rx value_range = true)
+ \/ (is_tighter_than_bool rx flag_range = true))
+ -> cstZ rx x = cstZ rx x)
+ ]%Z%zrange
+ ].
+End fancy.