path: root/src/Rewriter.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Rewriter.v')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/Rewriter.v b/src/Rewriter.v
index 34107b2c2..e1b537959 100644
--- a/src/Rewriter.v
+++ b/src/Rewriter.v
@@ -531,23 +531,6 @@ Module Compilers.
(fun T Ts rec f1 f2 => forall x, rec (f1 x) (f2 x))
- Definition app_type_of_list {K} {ls : list Type} (f : type_of_list_cps K ls) (args : type_of_list ls) : K
- := list_rect
- (fun ls
- => type_of_list_cps K ls -> type_of_list ls -> K)
- (fun v _ => v)
- (fun T Ts rec f x
- => rec (f (fst x)) (snd x))
- ls
- f args.
- Definition lam_type_of_list {ls K} : (type_of_list ls -> K) -> type_of_list_cps K ls
- := list_rect
- (fun ls => (type_of_list ls -> K) -> type_of_list_cps K ls)
- (fun f => f tt)
- (fun T Ts rec k t => rec (fun ts => k (t, ts)))
- ls.
Local Notation "e <---- e' ; f" := (splice_value_with_lets e' (fun e => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
Local Notation "e <----- e' ; f" := (splice_under_lets_with_value e' (fun e => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
@@ -2154,6 +2137,12 @@ Module Compilers.
:= Eval cbv [pattern.ident.of_typed_ident] in
pattern.Ident (pattern.ident.of_typed_ident (@ident.Literal t DefaultValue.type.base.default)).
+ Let pident_pair
+ := ltac:(let v := (eval cbv [pattern.ident.of_typed_ident] in
+ (fun A B => pattern.ident.of_typed_ident (@ident.pair A B))) in
+ let h := lazymatch v with fun A B => ?f _ _ => f end in
+ exact h).
Fixpoint make_Literal_pattern (t : pattern.base.type) : option (pattern t)
:= match t return option (pattern t) with
| pattern.base.type.var _ => None
@@ -2161,7 +2150,7 @@ Module Compilers.
| pattern.base.type.prod A B
=> (a <- make_Literal_pattern A;
b <- make_Literal_pattern B;
- Some ((#pattern.ident.pair @ a @ b)%pattern))
+ Some ((#(pident_pair _ _) @ a @ b)%pattern))
| pattern.base.type.list A => None
| pattern.base.type.option A => None