path: root/src/Reflection
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1 files changed, 16 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/MapCastByDeBruijnInterp.v b/src/Reflection/MapCastByDeBruijnInterp.v
index da5a4b3ca..add7014ce 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/MapCastByDeBruijnInterp.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/MapCastByDeBruijnInterp.v
@@ -76,27 +76,37 @@ Section language.
(input_bounds : interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds (domain t))
: forall {b} e' (He':MapCast e input_bounds = Some (existT _ b e'))
v v' (Hv : @inbounds _ input_bounds v /\ cast_back _ _ v' = v),
- @inbounds _ b (Interp interp_op e v)
+ Interp interp_op_bounds e input_bounds = b
+ /\ @inbounds _ b (Interp interp_op e v)
/\ cast_back _ _ (Interp interp_op e' v') = (Interp interp_op e v).
unfold MapCastByDeBruijn.MapCast, option_map; intros b e'.
break_innermost_match; try congruence; intros ? v v'.
inversion_option; inversion_sigma; subst; simpl in *; intros.
- match goal with
+ lazymatch goal with
| [ H : MapCast.map_cast _ _ _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ ]
- => eapply map_cast_correct with (oldValues:=empty) (newValues:=empty) in H; try eassumption
+ => eapply map_cast_correct with (t:=Arrow _ _) (oldValues:=empty) (newValues:=empty) in H;
+ [ destruct H; split; [ | eassumption ] | try eassumption.. ]
- try solve [ auto using PositiveContextOk with typeclass_instances
+ try solve [ eassumption
+ | auto using PositiveContextOk with typeclass_instances
| repeat first [ rewrite !lookupb_empty by (apply PositiveContextOk; assumption)
| intro
| congruence ] ];
unfold Interp, InterpretToPHOAS.Named.InterpToPHOAS, InterpretToPHOAS.Named.InterpToPHOAS_gen;
- [
+ [ match goal with
+ | [ H : ?y = Some ?b |- ?x = ?b ]
+ => cut (y = Some x); [ congruence | ]
+ end
+ |
| rewrite <- interp_interp_to_phoas; [ reflexivity | ] ].
{ erewrite (interp_compile (ContextOk:=PositiveContextOk)), interp_linearize;
[ reflexivity | apply wf_linearize; auto | .. | eassumption ];
auto using name_list_unique_DefaultNamesFor. }
- { intro; eapply wf_map_cast with (oldValues := empty); eauto using PositiveContextOk with typeclass_instances.
+ { erewrite (interp_compile (ContextOk:=PositiveContextOk)), interp_linearize;
+ [ reflexivity | apply wf_linearize; auto | .. | eassumption ];
+ auto using name_list_unique_DefaultNamesFor. }
+ { intro; eapply wf_map_cast with (t := Arrow _ _) (oldValues := empty); eauto using PositiveContextOk with typeclass_instances.
{ eapply (wf_compile (ContextOk:=PositiveContextOk));
[ apply wf_linearize; auto | .. | eassumption ].
auto using name_list_unique_DefaultNamesFor. }