path: root/src/Reflection/LinearizeWf.v
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diff --git a/src/Reflection/LinearizeWf.v b/src/Reflection/LinearizeWf.v
index 9cf82b3e2..f06db6594 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/LinearizeWf.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/LinearizeWf.v
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.WfProofs.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Linearize.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics Crypto.Util.Sigma Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics Crypto.Util.Sigma.
Local Open Scope ctype_scope.
Section language.
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ Section language.
let t0 := match type of wf with wff (t:=?t0) _ _ _ => t0 end in
let e1 := match goal with
| |- context[wff G0 (under_letsf ?e1 _) (under_letsf e2 _)] => e1
- | |- context[wff _ (inline_constf ?e1) (inline_constf e2)] => e1
end in
pattern G0, t0, e1, e2;
lazymatch goal with
@@ -161,14 +160,6 @@ Section language.
Local Hint Constructors or.
Local Hint Extern 1 => progress unfold List.In in *.
Local Hint Resolve wff_in_impl_Proper.
- Lemma wff_SmartVar {t} x1 x2
- : @wff var1 var2 (flatten_binding_list base_type_code x1 x2) t (SmartVar x1) (SmartVar x2).
- Proof.
- unfold SmartVar.
- induction t; simpl; constructor; eauto.
- Qed.
Local Hint Resolve wff_SmartVar.
Lemma wff_linearizef G {t} e1 e2
@@ -186,101 +177,6 @@ Section language.
induction 1; t_fin idtac.
- Definition invert_Const {var t} (e : @exprf var t) : option (interp_type t)
- := match e with
- | Const _ v => Some v
- | _ => None
- end.
- Lemma wff_Const_eta G {A B} v1 v2
- : @wff var1 var2 G (Prod A B) (Const v1) (Const v2)
- -> (@wff var1 var2 G A (Const (fst v1)) (Const (fst v2))
- /\ @wff var1 var2 G B (Const (snd v1)) (Const (snd v2))).
- Proof.
- intro wf.
- assert (H : Some v1 = Some v2).
- { refine match wf in @Syntax.wff _ _ _ _ _ G t e1 e2 return invert_Const e1 = invert_Const e2 with
- | WfConst _ _ _ => eq_refl
- | _ => eq_refl
- end. }
- inversion H; subst; repeat constructor.
- Qed.
- Local Hint Resolve (fun G A B c1 c2 wf => proj1 (@wff_Const_eta G A B c1 c2 wf))
- (fun G A B c1 c2 wf => proj2 (@wff_Const_eta G A B c1 c2 wf)).
- Lemma wff_SmartConst G {t t'} v1 v2 x1 x2
- (Hin : List.In (existT (fun t : base_type_code => (@exprf var1 t * @exprf var2 t)%type) t (x1, x2))
- (flatten_binding_list base_type_code (SmartConst v1) (SmartConst v2)))
- (Hwf : @wff var1 var2 G t' (Const v1) (Const v2))
- : @wff var1 var2 G t x1 x2.
- Proof.
- induction t'. simpl in *.
- { intuition (inversion_sigma; inversion_prod; subst; eauto). }
- { unfold SmartConst in *; simpl in *.
- apply List.in_app_iff in Hin.
- intuition (inversion_sigma; inversion_prod; subst; eauto). }
- Qed.
- Local Hint Resolve wff_SmartConst.
- Fixpoint wff_inline_constf {t} e1 e2 G G'
- (H : forall t x x', List.In (existT (fun t : base_type_code => (exprf t * exprf t)%type) t (x, x')) G'
- -> wff G x x')
- (wf : wff G' e1 e2)
- {struct e1}
- : @wff var1 var2 G t (inline_constf e1) (inline_constf e2).
- Proof.
- (*revert H.
- set (e1v := e1) in *.
- destruct e1 as [ | | ? ? ? args | tx ex tC0 eC0 | ? ex ? ey ];
- [ clear wff_inline_constf
- | clear wff_inline_constf
- | generalize (match e1v return match e1v with Let _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end with
- | Op _ _ _ args => wff_inline_constf _ args
- | _ => I
- end);
- clear wff_inline_constf
- | generalize (match e1v return match e1v with Let _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end with
- | Let _ ex _ eC => wff_inline_constf _ ex
- | _ => I
- end);
- generalize (match e1v return match e1v with Let _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end with
- | Let _ ex _ eC => fun x => wff_inline_constf _ (eC x)
- | _ => I
- end);
- clear wff_inline_constf
- | generalize (match e1v return match e1v with Let _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end with
- | Pair _ ex _ ey => wff_inline_constf _ ex
- | _ => I
- end);
- generalize (match e1v return match e1v with Let _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end with
- | Pair _ ex _ ey => wff_inline_constf _ ey
- | _ => I
- end);
- clear wff_inline_constf ];
- revert G;
- (* alas, Coq's refiner isn't smart enough to figure out these small inversions for us *)
- small_inversion_helper wf G' e2;
- t_fin idtac;
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : context[(_ -> wff _ (inline_constf ?e) (inline_constf _))%type], e2 : exprf _ |- _ ]
- => is_var e; not constr_eq e e2; specialize (H e2)
- | [ H : context[wff _ (@inline_constf ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?e) _] |- context[match @inline_constf ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?e with _ => _ end] ]
- => destruct (@inline_constf A B C D E e)
- | [ H : context[wff _ _ (@inline_constf ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?e)] |- context[match @inline_constf ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?e with _ => _ end] ]
- => destruct (@inline_constf A B C D E e)
- | [ IHwf : forall x y : list _, _, H1 : forall z : _, _, H2 : wff _ _ _ |- _ ]
- => solve [ specialize (IHwf _ _ H1 H2); inversion IHwf ]
- | [ |- wff _ _ _ ] => constructor
- end.
- 3:t_fin idtac.
- 4:t_fin idtac.
- { match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] => eapply H; [ | solve [ eauto ] ]; t_fin idtac
- end. }*)
- Abort.
End with_var.
Lemma Wf_Linearize {t} (e : Expr t) : Wf e -> Wf (Linearize e).