path: root/src/PreLanguage.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/PreLanguage.v')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/PreLanguage.v b/src/PreLanguage.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04146dddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PreLanguage.v
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+(** Definitions for use in pre-reified rewriter rules *)
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.Operations.
+Local Open Scope bool_scope.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Module ident.
+ Definition literal {T} (v : T) := v.
+ Definition eagerly {T} (v : T) := v.
+ Definition gets_inlined (real_val : bool) {T} (v : T) : bool := real_val.
+ Section cast.
+ Context (cast_outside_of_range : zrange -> BinInt.Z -> BinInt.Z).
+ Definition is_more_pos_than_neg (r : zrange) (v : BinInt.Z) : bool
+ := ((Z.abs (lower r) <? Z.abs (upper r)) (* if more of the range is above 0 than below 0 *)
+ || ((lower r =? upper r) && (0 <=? lower r))
+ || ((Z.abs (lower r) =? Z.abs (upper r)) && (0 <=? v))).
+ (** We ensure that [ident.cast] is symmetric under [Z.opp], as
+ this makes some rewrite rules much, much easier to
+ prove. *)
+ Let cast_outside_of_range' (r : zrange) (v : BinInt.Z) : BinInt.Z
+ := ((cast_outside_of_range r v - lower r) mod (upper r - lower r + 1)) + lower r.
+ Definition cast (r : zrange) (x : BinInt.Z)
+ := let r := ZRange.normalize r in
+ if (lower r <=? x) && (x <=? upper r)
+ then x
+ else if is_more_pos_than_neg r x
+ then cast_outside_of_range' r x
+ else -cast_outside_of_range' (-r) (-x).
+ Definition cast2 (r : zrange * zrange) (x : BinInt.Z * BinInt.Z)
+ := (cast (Datatypes.fst r) (Datatypes.fst x),
+ cast (Datatypes.snd r) (Datatypes.snd x)).
+ End cast.
+ Definition cast_outside_of_range (r : zrange) (v : BinInt.Z) : BinInt.Z.
+ Proof. exact v. Qed.
+ Module Thunked.
+ Definition bool_rect P (t f : Datatypes.unit -> P) (b : bool) : P
+ := Datatypes.bool_rect (fun _ => P) (t tt) (f tt) b.
+ Definition list_rect {A} P (N : Datatypes.unit -> P) (C : A -> list A -> P -> P) (ls : list A) : P
+ := Datatypes.list_rect (fun _ => P) (N tt) C ls.
+ Definition list_case {A} P (N : Datatypes.unit -> P) (C : A -> list A -> P) (ls : list A) : P
+ := ListUtil.list_case (fun _ => P) (N tt) C ls.
+ Definition nat_rect P (O_case : unit -> P) (S_case : nat -> P -> P) (n : nat) : P
+ := Datatypes.nat_rect (fun _ => P) (O_case tt) S_case n.
+ Definition option_rect {A} P (S_case : A -> P) (N_case : unit -> P) (o : option A) : P
+ := Datatypes.option_rect (fun _ => P) S_case (N_case tt) o.
+ End Thunked.
+End ident.