path: root/src/NewBaseSystem.v
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1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/NewBaseSystem.v b/src/NewBaseSystem.v
index 70c44fd48..690ddade6 100644
--- a/src/NewBaseSystem.v
+++ b/src/NewBaseSystem.v
@@ -765,7 +765,42 @@ Module B.
Logic.eq (Fdecode a) (Fdecode b) <-> eq m a b.
Proof. cbv [Fdecode]; rewrite <-F.eq_of_Z_iff; reflexivity. Qed.
End F.
End Positional.
+ (* Helper lemmas and definitions for [eval]; this needs to be in a
+ separate section so the weight function can change. *)
+ Section EvalHelpers.
+ Lemma eval_single wt (x:Z) : eval (n:=1) wt x = wt 0%nat * x.
+ Proof. cbv - [Z.mul Z.add]. ring. Qed.
+ Lemma eval_step {n} (x:tuple Z n) : forall wt z,
+ eval wt (Tuple.append z x) = wt 0%nat * z + eval (fun i => wt (S i)) x.
+ Proof.
+ destruct n; [reflexivity|].
+ intros; cbv [eval to_associational_cps].
+ autorewrite with uncps. rewrite map_S_seq. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_wt_equiv {n} :forall wta wtb (x:tuple Z n),
+ (forall i, wta i = wtb i) -> eval wta x = eval wtb x.
+ Proof.
+ destruct n; [reflexivity|].
+ induction n; intros; [rewrite !eval_single, H; reflexivity|].
+ simpl tuple in *; destruct x.
+ change (t, z) with (Tuple.append (n:=S n) z t).
+ rewrite !eval_step. rewrite (H 0%nat). apply Group.cancel_left.
+ apply IHn; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition eval_from {n} weight (offset:nat) (x : tuple Z n) : Z :=
+ eval (fun i => weight (i+offset)%nat) x.
+ Lemma eval_from_0 {n} wt x : @eval_from n wt 0 x = eval wt x.
+ Proof. cbv [eval_from]. auto using eval_wt_equiv. Qed.
+ End EvalHelpers.
End Positional.
Hint Unfold