path: root/src/LegacyArithmetic
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26 files changed, 0 insertions, 3677 deletions
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLike.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLike.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 19450f831..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLike.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(*** Implementing ℤ-Like via Architecture *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.ZBounded.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section fancy_machine_p256_montgomery_foundation.
- Context {n_over_two : Z}.
- Local Notation n := (2 * n_over_two).
- Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions n) (modulus : Z).
- Local Instance ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored (smaller_bound_exp : Z)
- ldi_modulus ldi_0
- : ZLikeOps (2^n) (2^smaller_bound_exp) modulus :=
- { LargeT := tuple fancy_machine.W 2;
- SmallT := fancy_machine.W;
- modulus_digits := ldi_modulus;
- decode_large := decode;
- decode_small := decode;
- Mod_SmallBound v := fst v;
- DivBy_SmallBound v := snd v;
- DivBy_SmallerBound v := if smaller_bound_exp =? n
- then snd v
- else dlet v := v in shrd (snd v) (fst v) smaller_bound_exp;
- Mul x y := muldw x y;
- CarryAdd x y := adc x y false;
- CarrySubSmall x y := subc x y false;
- ConditionalSubtract b x := let v := selc b (ldi_modulus) (ldi_0) in snd (subc x v false);
- ConditionalSubtractModulus y := addm y (ldi_0) (ldi_modulus) }.
- Global Instance ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps (smaller_bound_exp : Z)
- : ZLikeOps (2^n) (2^smaller_bound_exp) modulus :=
- @ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored smaller_bound_exp (ldi modulus) (ldi 0).
-End fancy_machine_p256_montgomery_foundation.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLikeProofs.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLikeProofs.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 899b10162..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLikeProofs.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-(*** Proving ℤ-Like via Architecture *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.RippleCarryAddSub.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Multiply.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.ArchitectureToZLike.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.ZBounded.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.RewriteModSmall.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Local Open Scope nat_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Open Scope type_scope.
-Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
-Section fancy_machine_p256_montgomery_foundation.
- Context {n_over_two : Z}.
- Local Notation n := (2 * n_over_two)%Z.
- Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions n) (modulus : Z).
- Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
- Local Arguments BaseSystem.decode !_ !_ / .
- Local Arguments BaseSystem.accumulate / _ _.
- Local Arguments BaseSystem.decode' !_ !_ / .
- Local Ltac introduce_t_step :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- forall x : bool, _ ] => intros [|]
- | [ |- True -> _ ] => intros _
- | [ |- _ <= _ < _ -> _ ] => intro
- | _ => let x := fresh "x" in
- intro x;
- try pose proof (decode_range (fst x));
- try pose proof (decode_range (snd x));
- pose proof (decode_range x)
- end.
- Local Ltac unfolder_t :=
- progress unfold LargeT, SmallT, modulus_digits, decode_large, decode_small, Mod_SmallBound, DivBy_SmallBound, DivBy_SmallerBound, Mul, CarryAdd, CarrySubSmall, ConditionalSubtract, ConditionalSubtractModulus, ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps, ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored in *.
- Local Ltac saturate_context_step :=
- match goal with
- | _ => unique assert (0 <= 2 * n_over_two) by solve [ eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative with typeclass_instances | omega ]
- | _ => unique assert (0 <= n_over_two) by solve [ eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative with typeclass_instances | omega ]
- | _ => unique assert (0 <= 2 * (2 * n_over_two)) by (eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative with typeclass_instances)
- | [ H : 0 <= ?x < _ |- _ ] => unique pose proof (proj1 H); unique pose proof (proj2 H)
- end.
- Local Ltac pre_t :=
- repeat first [ tauto
- | introduce_t_step
- | unfolder_t
- | saturate_context_step ].
- Local Ltac post_t_step :=
- match goal with
- | _ => reflexivity
- | _ => progress subst
- | _ => progress unfold Let_In
- | _ => progress autorewrite with zsimplify_const
- | [ |- fst ?x = (?a <=? ?b) :> bool ]
- => cut (((if fst x then 1 else 0) = (if a <=? b then 1 else 0))%Z);
- [ destruct (fst x), (a <=? b); intro; congruence | ]
- | [ H : (_ =? _) = true |- _ ] => apply Z.eqb_eq in H; subst
- | [ H : (_ =? _) = false |- _ ] => apply Z.eqb_neq in H
- | _ => autorewrite with push_Zpow in *; solve [ reflexivity | assumption ]
- | _ => autorewrite with pull_Zpow in *; pull_decode; reflexivity
- | _ => progress push_decode
- | _ => rewrite (Z.add_comm (_ << _) _); progress pull_decode
- | [ |- context[if ?x =? ?y then _ else _] ] => destruct (x =? y) eqn:?
- | _ => autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow; Z.rewrite_mod_small; reflexivity
- end.
- Local Ltac post_t := repeat post_t_step.
- Local Ltac t := pre_t; post_t.
- Global Instance ZLikeProperties_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored
- {arith : fancy_machine.arithmetic ops}
- ldi_modulus ldi_0
- (Hldi_modulus : ldi_modulus = ldi modulus)
- (Hldi_0 : ldi_0 = ldi 0)
- (modulus_in_range : 0 <= modulus < 2^n)
- (smaller_bound_exp : Z)
- (smaller_bound_smaller : 0 <= smaller_bound_exp <= n)
- (n_pos : 0 < n)
- : ZLikeProperties (ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored ops modulus smaller_bound_exp ldi_modulus ldi_0).
- Proof.
- refine {| large_valid v := True;
- medium_valid v := 0 <= decode_large v < 2^n * 2^smaller_bound_exp;
- small_valid v := True |}.
- (* In 8.5: *)
- (* par:t. *)
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- Defined.
- Global Instance ZLikeProperties_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps
- {arith : fancy_machine.arithmetic ops}
- (modulus_in_range : 0 <= modulus < 2^n)
- (smaller_bound_exp : Z)
- (smaller_bound_smaller : 0 <= smaller_bound_exp <= n)
- (n_pos : 0 < n)
- : ZLikeProperties (ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps ops modulus smaller_bound_exp)
- := ZLikeProperties_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps_Factored _ _ eq_refl eq_refl modulus_in_range _ smaller_bound_smaller n_pos.
-End fancy_machine_p256_montgomery_foundation.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/BarretReduction.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/BarretReduction.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 37c4d4915..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/BarretReduction.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-(*** Barrett Reduction *)
-(** This file implements Barrett Reduction on [ZLikeOps]. We follow
- [BarretReduction/ZHandbook.v]. *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.Lists.List Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.BarrettReduction.HAC.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.ZBounded.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Local Open Scope small_zlike_scope.
-Local Open Scope large_zlike_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section barrett.
- Context (m b k μ offset : Z)
- (m_pos : 0 < m)
- (base_pos : 0 < b)
- (k_good : m < b^k)
- (μ_good : μ = b^(2*k) / m) (* [/] is [Z.div], which is truncated *)
- (offset_nonneg : 0 <= offset)
- (k_big_enough : offset <= k)
- (m_small : 3 * m <= b^(k+offset))
- (m_large : b^(k-offset) <= m + 1).
- Context {ops : ZLikeOps (b^(k+offset)) (b^(k-offset)) m} {props : ZLikeProperties ops}
- (μ' : SmallT)
- (μ'_good : small_valid μ')
- (μ'_eq : decode_small μ' = μ).
- Definition barrett_reduce : forall x : LargeT,
- { barrett_reduce : SmallT
- | medium_valid x
- -> decode_small barrett_reduce = (decode_large x) mod m
- /\ small_valid barrett_reduce }.
- Proof.
- intro x. evar (pr : SmallT); exists pr. intros x_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_large x < b^(k+offset) * b^(k-offset)) by auto using decode_medium_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_large x < b^(2 * k)) by (autorewrite with pull_Zpow zsimplify in *; omega).
- assert ((decode_large x) mod b^(k-offset) < b^(k-offset)) by auto with zarith omega.
- rewrite (barrett_reduction_small m b (decode_large x) k μ offset) by omega.
- rewrite <- μ'_eq.
- pull_zlike_decode; cbv zeta; pull_zlike_decode. (* Extra [cbv iota; pull_zlike_decode] to work around bug #4165 (https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=4165) in 8.4 *)
- subst pr; split; [ reflexivity | exact _ ].
- Defined.
- Definition barrett_reduce_function : LargeT -> SmallT
- := Eval cbv [proj1_sig barrett_reduce]
- in fun x => proj1_sig (barrett_reduce x).
- Lemma barrett_reduce_correct x
- : medium_valid x
- -> decode_small (barrett_reduce_function x) = (decode_large x) mod m
- /\ small_valid (barrett_reduce_function x).
- Proof using base_pos k_big_enough m_large m_pos m_small offset_nonneg μ'_eq μ'_good μ_good.
- exact (proj2_sig (barrett_reduce x)).
- Qed.
-End barrett.
-Module BarrettBundled.
- Class BarrettParameters :=
- { m : Z;
- b : Z;
- k : Z;
- offset : Z;
- μ := b ^ (2 * k) / m;
- ops : ZLikeOps (b ^ (k + offset)) (b ^ (k - offset)) m;
- μ' : SmallT }.
- Global Existing Instance ops.
- Class BarrettParametersCorrect {params : BarrettParameters} :=
- { m_pos : 0 < m;
- base_pos : 0 < b;
- offset_nonneg : 0 <= offset;
- k_big_enough : offset <= k;
- m_small : 3 * m <= b ^ (k + offset);
- m_large : b ^ (k - offset) <= m + 1;
- props : ZLikeProperties ops;
- μ'_good : small_valid μ';
- μ'_eq : decode_small μ' = μ }.
- Global Arguments BarrettParametersCorrect : clear implicits.
- Global Existing Instance props.
- Module Export functions.
- Definition barrett_reduce_function_bundled {params : BarrettParameters}
- : LargeT -> SmallT
- := barrett_reduce_function m b k offset μ'.
- Definition barrett_reduce_correct_bundled {params : BarrettParameters} {params_proofs : BarrettParametersCorrect params}
- : forall x, medium_valid x
- -> decode_small (barrett_reduce_function_bundled x) = (decode_large x) mod m
- /\ small_valid (barrett_reduce_function_bundled x)
- := @barrett_reduce_correct
- m b k μ offset
- m_pos base_pos eq_refl offset_nonneg
- k_big_enough m_small m_large
- ops props μ' μ'_good μ'_eq.
- End functions.
-End BarrettBundled.
-Export BarrettBundled.functions.
-Global Existing Instance BarrettBundled.ops.
-Global Arguments BarrettBundled.BarrettParametersCorrect : clear implicits.
-Global Existing Instance BarrettBundled.props.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/BaseSystem.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/BaseSystem.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 359b4313b..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/BaseSystem.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zdiv.
-Require Import Coq.omega.Omega Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano Coq.Arith.Arith.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
-Import Nat.
-Local Open Scope Z.
-Class BaseVector (base : list Z):= {
- base_positive : forall b, In b base -> b > 0; (* nonzero would probably work too... *)
- b0_1 : forall x, nth_default x base 0 = 1; (** TODO(jadep,jgross): change to [nth_error base 0 = Some 1], then use [nth_error_value_eq_nth_default] to prove a [forall x, nth_default x base 0 = 1] as a lemma *)
- base_good :
- forall i j, (i+j < length base)%nat ->
- let b := nth_default 0 base in
- let r := (b i * b j) / b (i+j)%nat in
- b i * b j = r * b (i+j)%nat
-Section BaseSystem.
- Context (base : list Z).
- (** [BaseSystem] implements an constrained positional number system.
- A wide variety of bases are supported: the base coefficients are not
- required to be powers of 2, and it is NOT necessarily the case that
- $b_{i+j} = b_i b_j$. Implementations of addition and multiplication are
- provided, with focus on near-optimal multiplication performance on
- non-trivial but small operands: maybe 10 32-bit integers or so. This
- module does not handle carries automatically: if no restrictions are put
- on the use of a [BaseSystem], each digit is unbounded. This has nothing
- to do with modular arithmetic either.
- *)
- Definition digits : Type := list Z.
- Definition accumulate p acc := fst p * snd p + acc.
- Definition decode' bs u := fold_right accumulate 0 (combine u bs).
- Definition decode := decode' base.
- Definition mul_each u := map (Z.mul u).
-End BaseSystem.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/BaseSystemProofs.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/BaseSystemProofs.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 042fdb270..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/BaseSystemProofs.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zdiv.
-Require Import Coq.omega.Omega Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano Coq.Arith.Arith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.BaseSystem.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Import Morphisms.
-Local Open Scope Z.
-Local Hint Extern 1 (@eq Z _ _) => ring.
-Section BaseSystemProofs.
- Context `(base_vector : BaseVector).
- Lemma decode'_truncate : forall bs us, decode' bs us = decode' bs (firstn (length bs) us).
- Proof using Type.
- unfold decode'; intros; f_equal; apply combine_truncate_l.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode'_splice : forall xs ys bs,
- decode' bs (xs ++ ys) =
- decode' (firstn (length xs) bs) xs + decode' (skipn (length xs) bs) ys.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold decode'.
- induction xs; destruct ys, bs; boring.
- + rewrite combine_truncate_r.
- do 2 rewrite Z.add_0_r; auto.
- + unfold accumulate.
- apply Z.add_assoc.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_nil : forall bs, decode' bs nil = 0.
- Proof using Type.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite decode_nil.
- Lemma decode_base_nil : forall us, decode' nil us = 0.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; rewrite decode'_truncate; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_each_rep : forall bs u vs,
- decode' bs (mul_each u vs) = u * decode' bs vs.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold decode', accumulate; induction bs; destruct vs; boring; ring.
- Qed.
- Lemma base_eq_1cons: base = 1 :: skipn 1 base.
- Proof using Type*.
- pose proof (b0_1 0) as H.
- destruct base; compute in H; try discriminate; boring.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode'_cons : forall x1 x2 xs1 xs2,
- decode' (x1 :: xs1) (x2 :: xs2) = x1 * x2 + decode' xs1 xs2.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold decode', accumulate; boring; ring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite decode'_cons.
- Lemma decode_cons : forall x us,
- decode base (x :: us) = x + decode base (0 :: us).
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold decode; intros.
- rewrite base_eq_1cons.
- autorewrite with core; ring_simplify; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode'_map_mul : forall v xs bs,
- decode' (map (Z.mul v) bs) xs =
- Z.mul v (decode' bs xs).
- Proof using Type.
- unfold decode'.
- induction xs; destruct bs; boring.
- unfold accumulate; simpl; nia.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_map_mul : forall v xs,
- decode (map (Z.mul v) base) xs =
- Z.mul v (decode base xs).
- Proof using Type.
- unfold decode; intros; apply decode'_map_mul.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_each_base : forall us bs c,
- decode' bs (mul_each c us) = decode' (mul_each c bs) us.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us; destruct bs; boring; ring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite (@nth_default_nil Z).
- Hint Rewrite (@firstn_nil Z).
- Hint Rewrite (@skipn_nil Z).
- Lemma peel_decode : forall xs ys x y, decode' (x::xs) (y::ys) = x*y + decode' xs ys.
- Proof using Type.
- boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite peel_decode.
- Hint Rewrite plus_0_r.
- Lemma set_higher : forall bs vs x,
- decode' bs (vs++x::nil) = decode' bs vs + nth_default 0 bs (length vs) * x.
- Proof using Type.
- intros.
- rewrite !decode'_splice.
- cbv [decode' nth_default]; break_match; ring_simplify;
- match goal with
- | [H:_ |- _] => unique pose proof (nth_error_error_length _ _ _ H)
- | [H:_ |- _] => unique pose proof (nth_error_value_length _ _ _ _ H)
- end;
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => solve [simpl;ring_simplify; trivial]
- | _ => progress ring_simplify
- | _ => progress rewrite skipn_all by trivial
- | _ => progress rewrite combine_nil_r
- | _ => progress rewrite firstn_all2 by trivial
- end.
- rewrite (combine_truncate_r vs bs); apply (f_equal2 Z.add); trivial; [].
- unfold combine; break_match.
- { let Heql := match goal with H : _ = nil |- _ => H end in
- apply (f_equal (@length _)) in Heql; simpl length in Heql; rewrite skipn_length in Heql; omega. }
- { cbv -[Z.add Z.mul]; ring_simplify; f_equal.
- assert (HH: nth_error (z0 :: l) 0 = Some z) by
- (
- pose proof @nth_error_skipn _ (length vs) bs 0;
- rewrite plus_0_r in *;
- congruence); simpl in HH; congruence. }
- Qed.
-End BaseSystemProofs.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Core.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Core.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 53f20801c..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Core.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-(*** Implementing Large Bounded Arithmetic via pairs *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Import Bug5107WorkAround.
-Require Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.BaseSystem.
-Require Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Pow2Base.
-Local Open Scope nat_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Open Scope type_scope.
-Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
-Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
-(** The list is low to high; the tuple is low to high *)
-Definition tuple_decoder {n W} {decode : decoder n W} {k : nat} : decoder (k * n) (tuple W k)
- := {| decode w := BaseSystem.decode (Pow2Base.base_from_limb_widths (List.repeat n k))
- (List.map decode (List.rev (Tuple.to_list _ w))) |}.
-Global Arguments tuple_decoder : simpl never.
-Hint Extern 3 (decoder _ (tuple ?W ?k)) => let kv := (eval simpl in (Z.of_nat k)) in apply (fun n decode => (@tuple_decoder n W decode k : decoder (kv * n) (tuple W k))) : typeclass_instances.
-Section ripple_carry_definitions.
- (** tuple is high to low ([to_list] reverses) *)
- Fixpoint ripple_carry_tuple' {T} (f : T -> T -> bool -> bool * T) k
- : forall (xs ys : tuple' T k) (carry : bool), bool * tuple' T k
- := match k return forall (xs ys : tuple' T k) (carry : bool), bool * tuple' T k with
- | O => f
- | S k' => fun xss yss carry => dlet xss := xss in
- dlet yss := yss in
- let (xs, x) := eta xss in
- let (ys, y) := eta yss in
- dlet addv := (@ripple_carry_tuple' _ f k' xs ys carry) in
- let (carry, zs) := eta addv in
- dlet fxy := (f x y carry) in
- let (carry, z) := eta fxy in
- (carry, (zs, z))
- end.
- Definition ripple_carry_tuple {T} (f : T -> T -> bool -> bool * T) k
- : forall (xs ys : tuple T k) (carry : bool), bool * tuple T k
- := match k return forall (xs ys : tuple T k) (carry : bool), bool * tuple T k with
- | O => fun xs ys carry => (carry, tt)
- | S k' => ripple_carry_tuple' f k'
- end.
-End ripple_carry_definitions.
-Global Instance ripple_carry_adc
- {W} (adc : add_with_carry W) {k}
- : add_with_carry (tuple W k)
- := { adc := ripple_carry_tuple adc k }.
-Global Instance ripple_carry_subc
- {W} (subc : sub_with_carry W) {k}
- : sub_with_carry (tuple W k)
- := { subc := ripple_carry_tuple subc k }.
-(** constructions on [tuple W 2] *)
-Section tuple2.
- Section select_conditional.
- Context {W}
- {selc : select_conditional W}.
- Definition select_conditional_double (b : bool) (x : tuple W 2) (y : tuple W 2) : tuple W 2
- := dlet x := x in
- dlet y := y in
- let (x1, x2) := eta x in
- let (y1, y2) := eta y in
- (selc b x1 y1, selc b x2 y2).
- Global Instance selc_double : select_conditional (tuple W 2)
- := { selc := select_conditional_double }.
- End select_conditional.
- Section load_immediate.
- Context (n : Z) {W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}.
- Definition load_immediate_double (r : Z) : tuple W 2
- := (ldi (r mod 2^n), ldi (r / 2^n)).
- (** Require a [decoder] instance to aid typeclass search in
- resolving [n] *)
- Global Instance ldi_double {decode : decoder n W} : load_immediate (tuple W 2)
- := { ldi := load_immediate_double }.
- End load_immediate.
- Section bitwise_or.
- Context {W}
- {or : bitwise_or W}.
- Definition bitwise_or_double (x : tuple W 2) (y : tuple W 2) : tuple W 2
- := dlet x := x in
- dlet y := y in
- let (x1, x2) := eta x in
- let (y1, y2) := eta y in
- (or x1 y1, or x2 y2).
- Global Instance or_double : bitwise_or (tuple W 2)
- := { or := bitwise_or_double }.
- End bitwise_or.
- Section bitwise_and.
- Context {W}
- {and : bitwise_and W}.
- Definition bitwise_and_double (x : tuple W 2) (y : tuple W 2) : tuple W 2
- := dlet x := x in
- dlet y := y in
- let (x1, x2) := eta x in
- let (y1, y2) := eta y in
- (and x1 y1, and x2 y2).
- Global Instance and_double : bitwise_and (tuple W 2)
- := { and := bitwise_and_double }.
- End bitwise_and.
- Section spread_left.
- Context (n : Z) {W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
- {shr : shift_right_immediate W}.
- Definition spread_left_from_shift (r : W) (count : Z) : tuple W 2
- := dlet r := r in
- (shl r count, if count =? 0 then ldi 0 else shr r (n - count)).
- (** Require a [decoder] instance to aid typeclass search in
- resolving [n] *)
- Global Instance sprl_from_shift {decode : decoder n W} : spread_left_immediate W
- := { sprl := spread_left_from_shift }.
- End spread_left.
- Section shl_shr.
- Context (n : Z) {W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
- {shr : shift_right_immediate W}
- {or : bitwise_or W}.
- Definition shift_left_immediate_double (r : tuple W 2) (count : Z) : tuple W 2
- := dlet r := r in
- let (r1, r2) := eta r in
- (if count =? 0
- then r1
- else if count <? n
- then shl r1 count
- else ldi 0,
- if count =? 0
- then r2
- else if count <? n
- then or (shr r1 (n - count)) (shl r2 count)
- else shl r1 (count - n)).
- Definition shift_right_immediate_double (r : tuple W 2) (count : Z) : tuple W 2
- := dlet r := r in
- let (r1, r2) := eta r in
- (if count =? 0
- then r1
- else if count <? n
- then or (shr r1 count) (shl r2 (n - count))
- else shr r2 (count - n),
- if count =? 0
- then r2
- else if count <? n
- then shr r2 count
- else ldi 0).
- (** Require a [decoder] instance to aid typeclass search in
- resolving [n] *)
- Global Instance shl_double {decode : decoder n W} : shift_left_immediate (tuple W 2)
- := { shl := shift_left_immediate_double }.
- Global Instance shr_double {decode : decoder n W} : shift_right_immediate (tuple W 2)
- := { shr := shift_right_immediate_double }.
- End shl_shr.
- Section shrd.
- Context (n : Z) {W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {shrd : shift_right_doubleword_immediate W}.
- Definition shift_right_doubleword_immediate_double (high low : tuple W 2) (count : Z) : tuple W 2
- := dlet high := high in
- dlet low := low in
- let (high1, high2) := eta high in
- let (low1, low2) := eta low in
- (if count =? 0
- then low1
- else if count <? n
- then shrd low2 low1 count
- else if count <? 2 * n
- then shrd high1 low2 (count - n)
- else shrd high2 high1 (count - 2 * n),
- if count =? 0
- then low2
- else if count <? n
- then shrd high1 low2 count
- else if count <? 2 * n
- then shrd high2 high1 (count - n)
- else shrd (ldi 0) high2 (count - 2 * n)).
- (** Require a [decoder] instance to aid typeclass search in
- resolving [n] *)
- Global Instance shrd_double {decode : decoder n W} : shift_right_doubleword_immediate (tuple W 2)
- := { shrd := shift_right_doubleword_immediate_double }.
- End shrd.
- Section double_from_half.
- Context {half_n : Z} {W}
- {mulhwll : multiply_low_low W}
- {mulhwhl : multiply_high_low W}
- {mulhwhh : multiply_high_high W}
- {adc : add_with_carry W}
- {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
- {shr : shift_right_immediate W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}.
- Definition mul_double (a b : W) : tuple W 2
- := dlet a := a in
- dlet b := b in
- let out : tuple W 2 := (mulhwll a b, mulhwhh a b) in
- dlet out := out in
- dlet tmp := mulhwhl a b in
- dlet addv := (ripple_carry_adc adc out (shl tmp half_n, shr tmp half_n) false) in
- let (_, out) := eta addv in
- dlet tmp := mulhwhl b a in
- dlet addv := (ripple_carry_adc adc out (shl tmp half_n, shr tmp half_n) false) in
- let (_, out) := eta addv in
- out.
- (** Require a dummy [decoder] for these instances to allow
- typeclass inference of the [half_n] argument *)
- Global Instance mul_double_multiply {decode : decoder (2 * half_n) W} : multiply_double W
- := { muldw a b := mul_double a b }.
- End double_from_half.
- Global Instance mul_double_multiply_low_low {W} {muldw : multiply_double W}
- : multiply_low_low (tuple W 2)
- := { mulhwll a b := muldw (fst a) (fst b) }.
- Global Instance mul_double_multiply_high_low {W} {muldw : multiply_double W}
- : multiply_high_low (tuple W 2)
- := { mulhwhl a b := muldw (snd a) (fst b) }.
- Global Instance mul_double_multiply_high_high {W} {muldw : multiply_double W}
- : multiply_high_high (tuple W 2)
- := { mulhwhh a b := muldw (snd a) (snd b) }.
-End tuple2.
-Global Arguments mul_double half_n {_ _ _ _ _ _ _} _ _.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/BitwiseOr.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/BitwiseOr.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 8588836ee..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/BitwiseOr.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.LandLorShiftBounds.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section bitwise_or.
- Context {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {is_decode : is_decode decode}
- {or : bitwise_or W}
- {is_or : is_bitwise_or or}.
- Global Instance is_bitwise_or_double
- : is_bitwise_or or_double.
- Proof using Type*.
- constructor; intros x y.
- destruct n as [|p|].
- { rewrite !(tuple_decoder_n_O (W:=W) 2); easy. }
- { assert (0 <= Z.lor (decode (fst x)) (decode (fst y)) < 2^Z.pos p) by auto with zarith.
- rewrite (tuple_decoder_2 x), (tuple_decoder_2 y), (tuple_decoder_2 (or_double x y))
- by apply Zle_0_pos.
- push_decode.
- apply Z.bits_inj'; intros; autorewrite with Ztestbit.
- break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; autorewrite with Ztestbit; reflexivity. }
- { rewrite !(tuple_decoder_n_neg (W:=W) 2); easy. }
- Qed.
-End bitwise_or.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Decode.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Decode.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b3445208..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Decode.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.Lists.List Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Pow2Base.
-Require Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Pow2BaseProofs.
-Local Open Scope nat_scope.
-Local Open Scope type_scope.
-Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
-Import BoundedRewriteNotations.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section decode.
- Context {n W} {decode : decoder n W}.
- Section with_k.
- Context {k : nat}.
- Local Notation limb_widths := (List.repeat n k).
- Lemma decode_bounded {isdecode : is_decode decode} w
- : 0 <= n -> Pow2Base.bounded limb_widths (List.map decode (rev (to_list k w))).
- Proof using Type.
- intro.
- eapply Pow2BaseProofs.bounded_uniform; try solve [ eauto using repeat_spec ].
- { distr_length. }
- { intros z H'.
- apply in_map_iff in H'.
- destruct H' as [? [? H'] ]; subst; apply decode_range. }
- Qed.
- (** TODO: Clean up this proof *)
- Global Instance tuple_is_decode {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- : is_decode (tuple_decoder (k := k)).
- Proof using Type.
- unfold tuple_decoder; hnf; simpl.
- intro w.
- destruct (zerop k); [ subst | ].
- { cbv; intuition congruence. }
- assert (0 <= n)
- by (destruct k as [ | [|] ]; [ omega | | destruct w ];
- eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative).
- replace (2^(k * n)) with (Pow2Base.upper_bound limb_widths)
- by (erewrite Pow2BaseProofs.upper_bound_uniform by eauto using repeat_spec; distr_length).
- apply Pow2BaseProofs.decode_upper_bound; auto using decode_bounded.
- { intros ? H'.
- apply repeat_spec in H'; omega. }
- { distr_length. }
- Qed.
- End with_k.
- Local Arguments Pow2Base.base_from_limb_widths : simpl never.
- Local Arguments List.repeat : simpl never.
- Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
- Lemma tuple_decoder_S {k} w : 0 <= n -> (tuple_decoder (k := S (S k)) w = tuple_decoder (k := S k) (fst w) + (decode (snd w) << (S k * n)))%Z.
- Proof using Type.
- intro Hn.
- destruct w as [? w]; simpl.
- replace (decode w) with (decode w * 1 + 0)%Z by omega.
- rewrite map_app, map_cons, map_nil.
- erewrite Pow2BaseProofs.decode_shift_uniform_app by (eauto using repeat_spec; distr_length).
- distr_length.
- autorewrite with push_skipn natsimplify push_firstn.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance tuple_decoder_O w : tuple_decoder (k := 1) w =~> decode w.
- Proof using Type.
- cbv [tuple_decoder LegacyArithmetic.BaseSystem.decode LegacyArithmetic.BaseSystem.decode' LegacyArithmetic.BaseSystem.accumulate Pow2Base.base_from_limb_widths repeat].
- simpl; hnf; lia.
- Qed.
- Global Instance tuple_decoder_m1 w : tuple_decoder (k := 0) w =~> 0.
- Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma tuple_decoder_n_neg k w {H : is_decode decode} : n <= 0 -> tuple_decoder (k := k) w =~> 0.
- Proof using Type.
- pose proof (tuple_is_decode w) as H'; hnf in H'.
- intro; assert (k * n <= 0) by nia.
- assert (2^(k * n) <= 2^0) by (apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; omega).
- simpl in *; hnf.
- omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma tuple_decoder_O_ind_prod
- (P : forall n, decoder n W -> Type)
- (P_ext : forall n (a b : decoder n W), (forall x, a x = b x) -> P _ a -> P _ b)
- : (P _ (tuple_decoder (k := 1)) -> P _ decode)
- * (P _ decode -> P _ (tuple_decoder (k := 1))).
- Proof using Type.
- unfold tuple_decoder, BaseSystem.decode, BaseSystem.decode', BaseSystem.accumulate, Pow2Base.base_from_limb_widths, repeat.
- simpl; hnf.
- rewrite Z.mul_1_l.
- split; apply P_ext; simpl; intro; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance tuple_decoder_2' w : (0 <= n)%bounded_rewrite -> tuple_decoder (k := 2) w <~= (decode (fst w) + decode (snd w) << (1%nat * n))%Z.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; rewrite !tuple_decoder_S, !tuple_decoder_O by assumption.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance tuple_decoder_2 w : (0 <= n)%bounded_rewrite -> tuple_decoder (k := 2) w <~= (decode (fst w) + decode (snd w) << n)%Z.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; rewrite !tuple_decoder_S, !tuple_decoder_O by assumption.
- autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End decode.
-Global Arguments tuple_decoder : simpl never.
-Local Opaque tuple_decoder.
-Global Instance tuple_decoder_n_O
- {W} {decode : decoder 0 W}
- {is_decode : is_decode decode}
- : forall k w, tuple_decoder (k := k) w =~> 0.
-Proof. intros; apply tuple_decoder_n_neg; easy. Qed.
-Lemma is_add_with_carry_1tuple {n W decode adc}
- (H : @is_add_with_carry n W decode adc)
- : @is_add_with_carry (1 * n) W (@tuple_decoder n W decode 1) adc.
- apply tuple_decoder_O_ind_prod; try assumption.
- intros ??? ext [H0 H1]; apply Build_is_add_with_carry'.
- intros x y c; specialize (H0 x y c); specialize (H1 x y c).
- rewrite <- !ext; split; assumption.
-Hint Extern 1 (@is_add_with_carry _ _ (@tuple_decoder ?n ?W ?decode 1) ?adc)
-=> apply (@is_add_with_carry_1tuple n W decode adc) : typeclass_instances.
-Hint Resolve (fun n W decode pf => (@tuple_is_decode n W decode 2 pf : @is_decode (2 * n) (tuple W 2) (@tuple_decoder n W decode 2))) : typeclass_instances.
-Hint Extern 3 (@is_decode _ (tuple ?W ?k) _) => let kv := (eval simpl in (Z.of_nat k)) in apply (fun n decode pf => (@tuple_is_decode n W decode k pf : @is_decode (kv * n) (tuple W k) (@tuple_decoder n W decode k : decoder (kv * n)%Z (tuple W k)))) : typeclass_instances.
-Hint Rewrite @tuple_decoder_S @tuple_decoder_O @tuple_decoder_m1 @tuple_decoder_n_O using solve [ auto with zarith ] : simpl_tuple_decoder.
-Hint Rewrite Z.mul_1_l : simpl_tuple_decoder.
-Hint Rewrite
- (fun n W (decode : decoder n W) w pf => (@tuple_decoder_S n W decode 0 w pf : @Interface.decode (2 * n) (tuple W 2) (@tuple_decoder n W decode 2) w = _))
- (fun n W (decode : decoder n W) w pf => (@tuple_decoder_S n W decode 0 w pf : @Interface.decode (2 * n) (W * W) (@tuple_decoder n W decode 2) w = _))
- (fun n W decode w => @tuple_decoder_m1 n W decode w : @Interface.decode (Z.of_nat 0 * n) unit (@tuple_decoder n W decode 0) w = _)
- using solve [ auto with zarith ]
- : simpl_tuple_decoder.
-Hint Rewrite @tuple_decoder_S @tuple_decoder_O @tuple_decoder_m1 using solve [ auto with zarith ] : simpl_tuple_decoder.
-Global Instance tuple_decoder_mod : forall {n W} {decode : decoder n W} {k} {isdecode : is_decode decode} (w : tuple W (S (S k))),
- tuple_decoder (k := S k) (fst w) <~= tuple_decoder w mod 2^(S k * n).
- intros n W decode k isdecode w.
- pose proof (snd w).
- assert (0 <= n) by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative.
- assert (0 <= (S k) * n) by nia.
- assert (0 <= tuple_decoder (k := S k) (fst w) < 2^(S k * n)) by apply decode_range.
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder Zshift_to_pow zsimplify.
- reflexivity.
-Global Instance tuple_decoder_div : forall {n W} {decode : decoder n W} {k} {isdecode : is_decode decode} (w : tuple W (S (S k))),
- decode (snd w) <~= tuple_decoder w / 2^(S k * n).
- intros n W decode k isdecode w.
- pose proof (snd w).
- assert (0 <= n) by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative.
- assert (0 <= (S k) * n) by nia.
- assert (0 <= k * n) by nia.
- assert (0 < 2^n) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 <= tuple_decoder (k := S k) (fst w) < 2^(S k * n)) by apply decode_range.
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder Zshift_to_pow zsimplify.
- reflexivity.
-Global Instance tuple2_decoder_mod : forall {n W} {decode : decoder n W} {isdecode : is_decode decode} (w : tuple W 2),
- decode (fst w) <~= tuple_decoder w mod 2^n.
- intros n W decode isdecode w.
- generalize (@tuple_decoder_mod n W decode 0 isdecode w).
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder; trivial.
-Global Instance tuple2_decoder_div : forall {n W} {decode : decoder n W} {isdecode : is_decode decode} (w : tuple W 2),
- decode (snd w) <~= tuple_decoder w / 2^n.
- intros n W decode isdecode w.
- generalize (@tuple_decoder_div n W decode 0 isdecode w).
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder; trivial.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/LoadImmediate.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/LoadImmediate.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 13847b50a..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/LoadImmediate.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.ZeroBounds.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Opaque tuple_decoder.
-Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
-Section load_immediate.
- Context {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {is_decode : is_decode decode}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {is_ldi : is_load_immediate ldi}.
- Global Instance is_load_immediate_double
- : is_load_immediate (ldi_double n).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros x H; hnf in H.
- pose proof (decode_exponent_nonnegative decode (ldi x)).
- assert (0 <= x mod 2^n < 2^n) by auto with zarith.
- assert (x / 2^n < 2^n)
- by (apply Z.div_lt_upper_bound; autorewrite with pull_Zpow zsimplify; auto with zarith).
- assert (0 <= x / 2^n < 2^n) by (split; Z.zero_bounds).
- unfold ldi_double, load_immediate_double; simpl.
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder Zshift_to_pow; simpl; push_decode.
- autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End load_immediate.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Multiply.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Multiply.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ebe19cc46..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Multiply.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.SpreadLeftImmediate.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.RippleCarryAddSub.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.RewriteModSmall.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.DivModToQuotRem.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PullPush.Modulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Modulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SimplifyProjections.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
-Import Bug5107WorkAround.
-Import BoundedRewriteNotations.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Opaque tuple_decoder.
-Lemma decode_mul_double_iff
- {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {muldw : multiply_double W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- : is_mul_double muldw
- <-> (forall x y, tuple_decoder (muldw x y) = (decode x * decode y)%Z).
- rewrite is_mul_double_alt by assumption.
- split; intros H x y; specialize (H x y); revert H;
- pose proof (decode_range x); pose proof (decode_range y);
- assert (0 <= decode x * decode y < 2^n * 2^n) by nia;
- assert (0 <= n) by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative;
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder;
- simpl; intro H'; rewrite H';
- Z.rewrite_mod_small; reflexivity.
-Global Instance decode_mul_double
- {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {muldw : multiply_double W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {ismuldw : is_mul_double muldw}
- : forall x y, tuple_decoder (muldw x y) <~=~> (decode x * decode y)%Z
- := proj1 decode_mul_double_iff _.
-Section tuple2.
- Local Arguments Z.pow !_ !_.
- Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
- Local Opaque ripple_carry_adc.
- Section full_from_half.
- Context {W}
- {mulhwll : multiply_low_low W}
- {mulhwhl : multiply_high_low W}
- {mulhwhh : multiply_high_high W}
- {adc : add_with_carry W}
- {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
- {shr : shift_right_immediate W}
- {half_n : Z}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {decode : decoder (2 * half_n) W}
- {ismulhwll : is_mul_low_low half_n mulhwll}
- {ismulhwhl : is_mul_high_low half_n mulhwhl}
- {ismulhwhh : is_mul_high_high half_n mulhwhh}
- {isadc : is_add_with_carry adc}
- {isshl : is_shift_left_immediate shl}
- {isshr : is_shift_right_immediate shr}
- {isldi : is_load_immediate ldi}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}.
- Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
- Lemma decode_mul_double_mod x y
- : (tuple_decoder (mul_double half_n x y) = (decode x * decode y) mod (2^(2 * half_n) * 2^(2*half_n)))%Z.
- Proof using Type*.
- assert (0 <= 2 * half_n) by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative.
- assert (0 <= half_n) by omega.
- unfold mul_double, Let_In.
- push_decode; autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder; simplify_projections.
- autorewrite with zsimplify Zshift_to_pow push_Zpow.
- rewrite !spread_left_from_shift_half_correct.
- push_decode.
- generalize_decode_var.
- simpl in *.
- autorewrite with push_Zpow in *.
- repeat autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow zsimplify push_Zpow.
- rewrite <- !(Z.mul_mod_distr_r_full _ _ (_^_ * _^_)), ?Z.mul_assoc.
- Z.rewrite_mod_small.
- push_Zmod; pull_Zmod.
- apply f_equal2; [ | reflexivity ].
- Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; nia.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_mul_double_function x y
- : tuple_decoder (mul_double half_n x y) = (decode x * decode y)%Z.
- Proof using Type*.
- rewrite decode_mul_double_mod; generalize_decode_var.
- simpl in *; Z.rewrite_mod_small; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance mul_double_is_multiply_double : is_mul_double mul_double_multiply.
- Proof using Type*.
- apply decode_mul_double_iff; apply decode_mul_double_function.
- Qed.
- End full_from_half.
- Section half_from_full.
- Context {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {muldw : multiply_double W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {ismuldw : is_mul_double muldw}.
- Local Ltac t :=
- hnf; intros [??] [??];
- assert (0 <= n) by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative;
- assert (0 < 2^n) by auto with zarith;
- assert (forall x y, 0 <= x < 2^n -> 0 <= y < 2^n -> 0 <= x * y < 2^n * 2^n) by auto with zarith;
- simpl @Interface.mulhwhh; simpl @Interface.mulhwhl; simpl @Interface.mulhwll;
- rewrite decode_mul_double; autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder Zshift_to_pow zsimplify push_Zpow;
- Z.rewrite_mod_small;
- try reflexivity.
- Global Instance mul_double_is_multiply_low_low : is_mul_low_low n mul_double_multiply_low_low.
- Proof using Type*. t. Qed.
- Global Instance mul_double_is_multiply_high_low : is_mul_high_low n mul_double_multiply_high_low.
- Proof using Type*. t. Qed.
- Global Instance mul_double_is_multiply_high_high : is_mul_high_high n mul_double_multiply_high_high.
- Proof using Type*. t. Qed.
- End half_from_full.
-End tuple2.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/RippleCarryAddSub.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/RippleCarryAddSub.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b2d53a33a..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/RippleCarryAddSub.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.DivModToQuotRem.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PullPush.Modulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SimplifyProjections.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
-Import Bug5107WorkAround.
-Import BoundedRewriteNotations.
-Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
-Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Opaque tuple_decoder.
-Lemma ripple_carry_tuple_SS' {T} f k xss yss carry
- : @ripple_carry_tuple T f (S (S k)) xss yss carry
- = dlet xss := xss in
- dlet yss := yss in
- let '(xs, x) := eta xss in
- let '(ys, y) := eta yss in
- dlet addv := (@ripple_carry_tuple _ f (S k) xs ys carry) in
- let '(carry, zs) := eta addv in
- dlet fxy := (f x y carry) in
- let '(carry, z) := eta fxy in
- (carry, (zs, z)).
-Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
-Lemma ripple_carry_tuple_SS {T} f k xss yss carry
- : @ripple_carry_tuple T f (S (S k)) xss yss carry
- = let '(xs, x) := eta xss in
- let '(ys, y) := eta yss in
- let '(carry, zs) := eta (@ripple_carry_tuple _ f (S k) xs ys carry) in
- let '(carry, z) := eta (f x y carry) in
- (carry, (zs, z)).
- rewrite ripple_carry_tuple_SS'.
- eta_expand.
- reflexivity.
-Lemma carry_is_good (n z0 z1 k : Z)
- : 0 <= n ->
- 0 <= k ->
- (z1 + z0 >> k) >> n = (z0 + z1 << k) >> (k + n) /\
- (z0 mod 2 ^ k + ((z1 + z0 >> k) mod 2 ^ n) << k)%Z = (z0 + z1 << k) mod (2 ^ k * 2 ^ n).
- intros.
- assert (0 < 2 ^ n) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 < 2 ^ k) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 < 2^n * 2^k) by nia.
- autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow push_Zpow.
- rewrite <- (Zmod_small ((z0 mod _) + _) (2^k * 2^n)) by (Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; nia).
- rewrite <- !Z.mul_mod_distr_r by lia.
- rewrite !(Z.mul_comm (2^k)); pull_Zmod.
- split; [ | apply f_equal2 ];
- Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; nia.
-Section carry_sub_is_good.
- Context (n k z0 z1 : Z)
- (Hn : 0 <= n)
- (Hk : 0 <= k)
- (Hz1 : -2^n < z1 < 2^n)
- (Hz0 : -2^k <= z0 < 2^k).
- Lemma carry_sub_is_good_carry
- : ((z1 - if z0 <? 0 then 1 else 0) <? 0) = ((z0 + z1 << k) <? 0).
- Proof using Hk Hz0.
- clear n Hn Hz1.
- assert (0 < 2 ^ k) by auto with zarith.
- autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow.
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => progress break_match
- | [ |- context[?x <? ?y] ] => destruct (x <? y) eqn:?
- | _ => reflexivity
- | _ => progress Z.ltb_to_lt
- | [ |- true = false ] => exfalso
- | [ |- false = true ] => exfalso
- | [ |- False ] => nia
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma carry_sub_is_good_value
- : (z0 mod 2 ^ k + ((z1 - if z0 <? 0 then 1 else 0) mod 2 ^ n) << k)%Z
- = (z0 + z1 << k) mod (2 ^ k * 2 ^ n).
- Proof using Type*.
- assert (0 < 2 ^ n) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 < 2 ^ k) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 < 2^n * 2^k) by nia.
- autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow push_Zpow.
- rewrite <- (Zmod_small ((z0 mod _) + _) (2^k * 2^n)) by (Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; nia).
- rewrite <- !Z.mul_mod_distr_r by lia.
- rewrite !(Z.mul_comm (2^k)); pull_Zmod.
- apply f_equal2; Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem_in_goal; break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; try reflexivity;
- match goal with
- | [ q : Z |- _ = _ :> Z ]
- => first [ cut (q = -1); [ intro; subst; ring | nia ]
- | cut (q = 0); [ intro; subst; ring | nia ]
- | cut (q = 1); [ intro; subst; ring | nia ] ]
- end.
- Qed.
-End carry_sub_is_good.
-Definition carry_is_good_carry n z0 z1 k H0 H1 := proj1 (@carry_is_good n z0 z1 k H0 H1).
-Definition carry_is_good_value n z0 z1 k H0 H1 := proj2 (@carry_is_good n z0 z1 k H0 H1).
-Section ripple_carry_adc.
- Context {n W} {decode : decoder n W} (adc : add_with_carry W).
- Lemma ripple_carry_adc_SS k xss yss carry
- : ripple_carry_adc (k := S (S k)) adc xss yss carry
- = let '(xs, x) := eta xss in
- let '(ys, y) := eta yss in
- let '(carry, zs) := eta (ripple_carry_adc (k := S k) adc xs ys carry) in
- let '(carry, z) := eta (adc x y carry) in
- (carry, (zs, z)).
- Proof using Type. apply ripple_carry_tuple_SS. Qed.
- Local Opaque Z.of_nat.
- Global Instance ripple_carry_is_add_with_carry
- : forall {k}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {is_adc : is_add_with_carry adc},
- is_add_with_carry (ripple_carry_adc (k := k) adc).
- Proof using Type.
- destruct k as [|k]; intros isdecode is_adc.
- { constructor; simpl; intros; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
- { induction k as [|k IHk].
- { cbv [ripple_carry_adc ripple_carry_tuple to_list].
- constructor; simpl @fst; simpl @snd; intros;
- simpl; pull_decode; reflexivity. }
- { apply Build_is_add_with_carry'; intros x y c.
- assert (0 <= n) by (destruct x; eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative).
- assert (2^n <> 0) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 <= S k * n) by nia.
- rewrite !tuple_decoder_S, !ripple_carry_adc_SS by assumption.
- simplify_projections; push_decode; generalize_decode.
- erewrite carry_is_good_carry, carry_is_good_value by lia.
- autorewrite with pull_Zpow push_Zof_nat zsimplify Zshift_to_pow.
- split; apply f_equal2; nia. } }
- Qed.
-End ripple_carry_adc.
-Hint Extern 2 (@is_add_with_carry _ (tuple ?W ?k) (@tuple_decoder ?n _ ?decode _) (@ripple_carry_adc _ ?adc _))
-=> apply (@ripple_carry_is_add_with_carry n W decode adc k) : typeclass_instances.
-Hint Resolve (fun n W decode adc isdecode isadc
- => @ripple_carry_is_add_with_carry n W decode adc 2 isdecode isadc
- : @is_add_with_carry (Z.of_nat 2 * n) (W * W) (@tuple_decoder n W decode 2) (@ripple_carry_adc W adc 2))
- : typeclass_instances.
-Section ripple_carry_subc.
- Context {n W} {decode : decoder n W} (subc : sub_with_carry W).
- Lemma ripple_carry_subc_SS k xss yss carry
- : ripple_carry_subc (k := S (S k)) subc xss yss carry
- = let '(xs, x) := eta xss in
- let '(ys, y) := eta yss in
- let '(carry, zs) := eta (ripple_carry_subc (k := S k) subc xs ys carry) in
- let '(carry, z) := eta (subc x y carry) in
- (carry, (zs, z)).
- Proof using Type. apply ripple_carry_tuple_SS. Qed.
- Local Opaque Z.of_nat.
- Global Instance ripple_carry_is_sub_with_carry
- : forall {k}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {is_subc : is_sub_with_carry subc},
- is_sub_with_carry (ripple_carry_subc (k := k) subc).
- Proof using Type.
- destruct k as [|k]; intros isdecode is_subc.
- { constructor; repeat (intros [] || intro); autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder zsimplify; reflexivity. }
- { induction k as [|k IHk].
- { cbv [ripple_carry_subc ripple_carry_tuple to_list].
- constructor; simpl @fst; simpl @snd; intros;
- simpl; push_decode; autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity. }
- { apply Build_is_sub_with_carry'; intros x y c.
- assert (0 <= n) by (destruct x; eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative).
- assert (2^n <> 0) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 <= S k * n) by nia.
- rewrite !tuple_decoder_S, !ripple_carry_subc_SS by assumption.
- simplify_projections; push_decode; generalize_decode.
- erewrite (carry_sub_is_good_carry (S k * n)), carry_sub_is_good_value by (break_match; lia).
- autorewrite with pull_Zpow push_Zof_nat zsimplify Zshift_to_pow.
- split; apply f_equal2; nia. } }
- Qed.
-End ripple_carry_subc.
-Hint Extern 2 (@is_sub_with_carry _ (tuple ?W ?k) (@tuple_decoder ?n _ ?decode _) (@ripple_carry_subc _ ?subc _))
-=> apply (@ripple_carry_is_sub_with_carry n W decode subc k) : typeclass_instances.
-Hint Resolve (fun n W decode subc isdecode issubc
- => @ripple_carry_is_sub_with_carry n W decode subc 2 isdecode issubc
- : @is_sub_with_carry (Z.of_nat 2 * n) (W * W) (@tuple_decoder n W decode 2) (@ripple_carry_subc W subc 2))
- : typeclass_instances.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/SelectConditional.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/SelectConditional.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 953acf056..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/SelectConditional.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Section select_conditional.
- Context {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {is_decode : is_decode decode}
- {selc : select_conditional W}
- {is_selc : is_select_conditional selc}.
- Global Instance is_select_conditional_double
- : is_select_conditional selc_double.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros b x y.
- destruct n.
- { rewrite !(tuple_decoder_n_O (W:=W) 2); now destruct b. }
- { rewrite (tuple_decoder_2 x), (tuple_decoder_2 y), (tuple_decoder_2 (selc_double b x y))
- by apply Zle_0_pos.
- push_decode.
- now destruct b. }
- { rewrite !(tuple_decoder_n_neg (W:=W) 2); now destruct b. }
- Qed.
-End select_conditional.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftLeft.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftLeft.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1944f99b2..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftLeft.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.ShiftLeftRightTactic.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Opaque tuple_decoder.
-Local Arguments Z.pow !_ !_.
-Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
-Section shl.
- Context (n : Z) {W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
- {shr : shift_right_immediate W}
- {or : bitwise_or W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {isldi : is_load_immediate ldi}
- {isshl : is_shift_left_immediate shl}
- {isshr : is_shift_right_immediate shr}
- {isor : is_bitwise_or or}.
- Global Instance is_shift_left_immediate_double : is_shift_left_immediate (shl_double n).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros r count H; hnf in H.
- assert (0 < 2^count) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 < 2^(n+count)) by auto with zarith.
- assert (forall x, 0 <= Z.pow2_mod x n < 2^n) by auto with zarith.
- unfold shl_double; simpl.
- generalize (decode_range r).
- pose proof (decode_range (fst r)).
- pose proof (decode_range (snd r)).
- assert (forall n', 2^n <= 2^n' -> 0 <= decode (fst r) < 2^n') by (simpl in *; auto with zarith).
- assert (forall n', n <= n' -> 0 <= decode (fst r) < 2^n') by auto with zarith omega.
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder; push_decode.
- shift_left_right_t.
- Qed.
-End shl.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftLeftRightTactic.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftLeftRightTactic.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 98cf3cf9c..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftLeftRightTactic.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Testbit.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.RewriteModSmall.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.Ztestbit.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.ZUtil.ZSimplify.Autogenerated.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.ZUtil.ZSimplify.Core.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.ZUtil.ZSimplify.Simple.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.ZUtil.LandLorShiftBounds.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Arguments Z.pow !_ !_.
-Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
-Ltac shift_left_right_t :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity
- | [ |- Z.testbit ?x ?n = Z.testbit ?x ?n' ] => apply f_equal; try omega
- | [ |- orb (Z.testbit ?x _) (Z.testbit ?y _) = orb (Z.testbit ?x _) (Z.testbit ?y _) ]
- => apply f_equal2
- | _ => progress Z.ltb_to_lt
- | _ => progress subst
- | _ => progress unfold AutoRewrite.rewrite_eq
- | _ => progress intros
- | _ => omega
- | _ => solve [ trivial ]
- | _ => progress break_match_step ltac:(fun _ => idtac)
- | [ |- context[Z.lor (?x >> ?count) (Z.pow2_mod (?y << (?n - ?count)) ?n)] ]
- => unique assert (0 <= Z.lor (x >> count) (Z.pow2_mod (y << (n - count)) n) < 2 ^ n) by (autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow; auto with zarith nia)
- | _ => progress push_decode
- | [ |- context[Interface.decode (fst ?x)] ] => is_var x; destruct x; simpl in *
- | [ |- context[@Interface.decode ?n ?W ?d ?x] ] => is_var x; generalize dependent (@Interface.decode n W d x); intros
- | _ => progress Z.rewrite_mod_small
- | _ => progress autorewrite with convert_to_Ztestbit
- | _ => progress autorewrite with zsimplify_fast
- | [ |- _ = _ :> Z ] => apply Z.bits_inj'; intros
- | _ => progress autorewrite with Ztestbit_full
- | _ => progress autorewrite with bool_congr
- | [ |- Z.testbit _ (?x - ?y + (?y - ?z)) = false ]
- => autorewrite with zsimplify
- | [ H : 0 <= ?x < 2^?n |- Z.testbit ?x ?n' = false ]
- => assert (n <= n') by auto with zarith; progress Ztestbit
- | _ => progress Ztestbit_full
- end.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftRight.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftRight.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 245e03480..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftRight.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.ShiftLeftRightTactic.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Opaque tuple_decoder.
-Local Arguments Z.pow !_ !_.
-Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
-Section shr.
- Context (n : Z) {W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
- {shr : shift_right_immediate W}
- {or : bitwise_or W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {isldi : is_load_immediate ldi}
- {isshl : is_shift_left_immediate shl}
- {isshr : is_shift_right_immediate shr}
- {isor : is_bitwise_or or}.
- Global Instance is_shift_right_immediate_double : is_shift_right_immediate (shr_double n).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros r count H; hnf in H.
- assert (0 < 2^count) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 < 2^(n+count)) by auto with zarith.
- assert (forall n', ~n' + count < n -> 2^n <= 2^(n'+count)) by auto with zarith omega.
- assert (forall n', ~n' + count < n -> 2^n <= 2^(n'+count)) by auto with zarith omega.
- unfold shr_double; simpl.
- generalize (decode_range r).
- pose proof (decode_range (fst r)).
- pose proof (decode_range (snd r)).
- assert (forall n', 2^n <= 2^n' -> 0 <= decode (fst r) < 2^n') by (simpl in *; auto with zarith).
- assert (forall n', n <= n' -> 0 <= decode (fst r) < 2^n') by auto with zarith omega.
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder; push_decode.
- shift_left_right_t.
- Qed.
-End shr.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftRightDoubleWordImmediate.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftRightDoubleWordImmediate.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7210d80d5..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/ShiftRightDoubleWordImmediate.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.ShiftLeftRightTactic.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Opaque tuple_decoder.
-Local Arguments Z.pow !_ !_.
-Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
-Section shrd.
- Context (n : Z) {W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {shrd : shift_right_doubleword_immediate W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {isldi : is_load_immediate ldi}
- {isshrd : is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate shrd}.
- Local Ltac zutil_arith ::= solve [ auto with nocore omega ].
- Global Instance is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate_double : is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate (shrd_double n).
- Proof using isdecode isshrd.
- intros high low count Hcount; hnf in Hcount.
- unfold shrd_double, shift_right_doubleword_immediate_double; simpl.
- generalize (decode_range low).
- generalize (decode_range high).
- generalize (decode_range (fst low)).
- generalize (decode_range (snd low)).
- generalize (decode_range (fst high)).
- generalize (decode_range (snd high)).
- assert (forall x, 0 <= Z.pow2_mod x n < 2^n) by auto with zarith.
- assert (forall n' x, 2^n <= 2^n' -> 0 <= x < 2^n -> 0 <= x < 2^n') by auto with zarith.
- assert (forall n' x, n <= n' -> 0 <= x < 2^n -> 0 <= x < 2^n') by auto with zarith omega.
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder; push_decode.
- shift_left_right_t.
- Qed.
-End shrd.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/SpreadLeftImmediate.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/SpreadLeftImmediate.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cbc237d2..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Double/Proofs/SpreadLeftImmediate.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.RewriteModSmall.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Div.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Modulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Import Bug5107WorkAround.
-Import BoundedRewriteNotations.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Lemma decode_is_spread_left_immediate_iff
- {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {sprl : spread_left_immediate W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- : is_spread_left_immediate sprl
- <-> (forall r count,
- 0 <= count < n
- -> tuple_decoder (sprl r count) = decode r << count).
- rewrite is_spread_left_immediate_alt by assumption.
- split; intros H r count Hc; specialize (H r count Hc); revert H;
- pose proof (decode_range r);
- assert (0 < 2^count < 2^n) by auto with zarith;
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder;
- simpl; intro H'; rewrite H';
- autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow;
- Z.rewrite_mod_small; reflexivity.
-Global Instance decode_is_spread_left_immediate
- {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {sprl : spread_left_immediate W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {issprl : is_spread_left_immediate sprl}
- : forall r count,
- (0 <= count < n)%bounded_rewrite
- -> tuple_decoder (sprl r count) <~=~> decode r << count
- := proj1 decode_is_spread_left_immediate_iff _.
-Section tuple2.
- Section spread_left.
- Context (n : Z) {W}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
- {shr : shift_right_immediate W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {isldi : is_load_immediate ldi}
- {isshl : is_shift_left_immediate shl}
- {isshr : is_shift_right_immediate shr}.
- Lemma spread_left_from_shift_correct
- r count
- (H : 0 < count < n)
- : (decode (shl r count) + decode (shr r (n - count)) << n = decode r << count mod (2^n*2^n))%Z.
- Proof using isdecode isshl isshr.
- assert (0 <= count < n) by lia.
- assert (0 <= n - count < n) by lia.
- assert (0 < 2^(n-count)) by auto with zarith.
- assert (2^count < 2^n) by auto with zarith.
- pose proof (decode_range r).
- assert (0 <= decode r * 2 ^ count < 2 ^ n * 2^n) by auto with zarith.
- push_decode; autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow zsimplify.
- replace (decode r / 2^(n-count) * 2^n)%Z with ((decode r / 2^(n-count) * 2^(n-count)) * 2^count)%Z
- by (rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc; autorewrite with pull_Zpow zsimplify; reflexivity).
- rewrite Z.mul_div_eq' by lia.
- autorewrite with push_Zmul zsimplify.
- rewrite <- Z.mul_mod_distr_r_full, Z.add_sub_assoc.
- repeat autorewrite with pull_Zpow zsimplify in *.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance is_spread_left_from_shift
- : is_spread_left_immediate (sprl_from_shift n).
- Proof using Type*.
- apply is_spread_left_immediate_alt.
- intros r count; intros.
- pose proof (decode_range r).
- assert (0 < 2^n) by auto with zarith.
- assert (decode r < 2^n * 2^n) by (generalize dependent (decode r); intros; nia).
- autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder.
- destruct (Z_zerop count).
- { subst; autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow zsimplify.
- simpl; push_decode.
- autorewrite with push_Zpow zsimplify.
- reflexivity. }
- simpl.
- rewrite <- spread_left_from_shift_correct by lia.
- autorewrite with zsimplify Zpow_to_shift.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- End spread_left.
- Section full_from_half.
- Context {W}
- {mulhwll : multiply_low_low W}
- {mulhwhl : multiply_high_low W}
- {mulhwhh : multiply_high_high W}
- {adc : add_with_carry W}
- {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
- {shr : shift_right_immediate W}
- {half_n : Z}
- {ldi : load_immediate W}
- {decode : decoder (2 * half_n) W}
- {ismulhwll : is_mul_low_low half_n mulhwll}
- {ismulhwhl : is_mul_high_low half_n mulhwhl}
- {ismulhwhh : is_mul_high_high half_n mulhwhh}
- {isadc : is_add_with_carry adc}
- {isshl : is_shift_left_immediate shl}
- {isshr : is_shift_right_immediate shr}
- {isldi : is_load_immediate ldi}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}.
- Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
- Lemma spread_left_from_shift_half_correct
- r
- : (decode (shl r half_n) + decode (shr r half_n) * (2^half_n * 2^half_n)
- = (decode r * 2^half_n) mod (2^half_n*2^half_n*2^half_n*2^half_n))%Z.
- Proof using Type*.
- destruct (0 <? half_n) eqn:Hn; Z.ltb_to_lt.
- { pose proof (spread_left_from_shift_correct (2*half_n) r half_n) as H.
- specialize_by lia.
- autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow push_Zpow zsimplify in *.
- rewrite !Z.mul_assoc in *.
- simpl in *; rewrite <- H; reflexivity. }
- { pose proof (decode_range r).
- pose proof (decode_range (shr r half_n)).
- pose proof (decode_range (shl r half_n)).
- simpl in *.
- autorewrite with push_Zpow in *.
- destruct (Z_zerop half_n).
- { subst; simpl in *.
- autorewrite with zsimplify.
- nia. }
- assert (half_n < 0) by lia.
- assert (2^half_n = 0) by auto with zarith.
- assert (0 < 0) by nia; omega. }
- Qed.
- End full_from_half.
-End tuple2.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Interface.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Interface.v
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index 9a652bbd4..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Interface.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-(*** Interface for bounded arithmetic *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.AutoRewrite.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Local Open Scope type_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Class decoder (n : Z) W :=
- { decode : W -> Z }.
-Coercion decode : decoder >-> Funclass.
-Global Arguments decode {n W _} _.
-Class is_decode {n W} (decode : decoder n W) :=
- decode_range : forall x, 0 <= decode x < 2^n.
-Class bounded_in_range_cls (x y z : Z) := is_bounded_in_range : x <= y < z.
-Ltac bounded_solver_tac :=
- solve [ eassumption | typeclasses eauto | omega ].
-Hint Extern 0 (bounded_in_range_cls _ _ _) => unfold bounded_in_range_cls; bounded_solver_tac : typeclass_instances.
-Global Arguments bounded_in_range_cls / _ _ _.
-Global Instance decode_range_bound {n W} {decode : decoder n W} {H : is_decode decode}
- : forall x, bounded_in_range_cls 0 (decode x) (2^n)
- := H.
-Class bounded_le_cls (x y : Z) := is_bounded_le : x <= y.
-Hint Extern 0 (bounded_le_cls _ _) => unfold bounded_le_cls; bounded_solver_tac : typeclass_instances.
-Global Arguments bounded_le_cls / _ _.
-Inductive bounded_decode_pusher_tag := decode_tag.
-Ltac push_decode_step :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- context[@decode ?n ?W ?decoder ?w] ]
- => tc_rewrite (decode_tag) (@decode n W decoder w) ->
- | [ |- context[match @fst ?A ?B ?x with true => 1 | false => 0 end] ]
- => tc_rewrite (decode_tag) (match @fst A B x with true => 1 | false => 0 end) ->
- | [ |- context[@fst bool ?B ?x] ]
- => tc_rewrite (decode_tag) (@fst bool B x) ->
- end.
-Ltac push_decode := repeat push_decode_step.
-Ltac pull_decode_step :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- context[?E] ]
- => lazymatch type of E with
- | Z => idtac
- | bool => idtac
- end;
- tc_rewrite (decode_tag) <- E
- end.
-Ltac pull_decode := repeat pull_decode_step.
-Delimit Scope bounded_rewrite_scope with bounded_rewrite.
-Infix "<~=~>" := (rewrite_eq decode_tag) : bounded_rewrite_scope.
-Infix "=~>" := (rewrite_left_to_right_eq decode_tag) : bounded_rewrite_scope.
-Infix "<~=" := (rewrite_right_to_left_eq decode_tag) : bounded_rewrite_scope.
-Notation "x <= y" := (bounded_le_cls x y) : bounded_rewrite_scope.
-Notation "x <= y < z" := (bounded_in_range_cls x y z) : bounded_rewrite_scope.
-Module Import BoundedRewriteNotations.
- Infix "<~=~>" := (rewrite_eq decode_tag) : type_scope.
- Infix "=~>" := (rewrite_left_to_right_eq decode_tag) : type_scope.
- Infix "<~=" := (rewrite_right_to_left_eq decode_tag) : type_scope.
- Open Scope bounded_rewrite_scope.
-End BoundedRewriteNotations.
-(** This is required for typeclass resolution to be fast. *)
-Typeclasses Opaque decode.
-Section InstructionGallery.
- Context (n : Z) (* bit-width of width of [W] *)
- {W : Type} (* bounded type, [W] for word *)
- (Wdecoder : decoder n W).
- Local Notation imm := Z (only parsing). (* immediate (compile-time) argument *)
- Class load_immediate := { ldi : imm -> W }.
- Global Coercion ldi : load_immediate >-> Funclass.
- Class is_load_immediate {ldi : load_immediate} :=
- decode_load_immediate :> forall x, 0 <= x < 2^n -> decode (ldi x) =~> x.
- Class shift_right_doubleword_immediate := { shrd : W -> W -> imm -> W }.
- Global Coercion shrd : shift_right_doubleword_immediate >-> Funclass.
- Class is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate (shrd : shift_right_doubleword_immediate) :=
- decode_shift_right_doubleword :>
- forall high low count,
- 0 <= count < n
- -> decode (shrd high low count) <~=~> (((decode high << n) + decode low) >> count) mod 2^n.
- (** Quoting http://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/SHRD.html:
- If the count is 1 or greater, the CF flag is filled with the
- last bit shifted out of the destination operand and the SF, ZF,
- and PF flags are set according to the value of the result. For a
- 1-bit shift, the OF flag is set if a sign change occurred;
- otherwise, it is cleared. For shifts greater than 1 bit, the OF
- flag is undefined. If a shift occurs, the AF flag is
- unde-fined. If the count operand is 0, the flags are not
- affected. If the count is greater than the operand size, the
- flags are undefined.
- We ignore the CF in the specification; we only have it so that
- we can ensure that the CF flag gets appropriately clobbered. *)
- Class shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF := { shrdf : W -> W -> imm -> bool * W }.
- Global Coercion shrdf : shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF >-> Funclass.
- Class is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF (shrdf : shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF) :=
- decode_snd_shift_right_doubleword_with_CF :>
- forall high low count,
- 0 <= count < n
- -> decode (snd (shrdf high low count)) <~=~> (((decode high << n) + decode low) >> count) mod 2^n.
- Class shift_left_immediate := { shl : W -> imm -> W }.
- Global Coercion shl : shift_left_immediate >-> Funclass.
- Class is_shift_left_immediate (shl : shift_left_immediate) :=
- decode_shift_left_immediate :>
- forall r count, 0 <= count < n -> decode (shl r count) <~=~> (decode r << count) mod 2^n.
- (** Quoting http://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/SAL:SAR:SHL:SHR.html:
- The CF flag contains the value of the last bit shifted out of
- the destination operand; it is undefined for SHL and SHR
- instructions where the count is greater than or equal to the
- size (in bits) of the destination operand. The OF flag is
- affected only for 1-bit shifts (see “Description” above);
- otherwise, it is undefined. The SF, ZF, and PF flags are set
- according to the result. If the count is 0, the flags are not
- affected. For a non-zero count, the AF flag is undefined.
- We ignore the CF in the specification; we only have it so that
- we can ensure that the CF flag gets appropriately clobbered. *)
- Class shift_left_immediate_with_CF := { shlf : W -> imm -> bool * W }.
- Global Coercion shlf : shift_left_immediate_with_CF >-> Funclass.
- Class is_shift_left_immediate_with_CF (shlf : shift_left_immediate_with_CF) :=
- decode_shift_left_immediate_with_CF :>
- forall r count, 0 <= count < n -> decode (snd (shlf r count)) <~=~> (decode r << count) mod 2^n.
- Class shift_right_immediate := { shr : W -> imm -> W }.
- Global Coercion shr : shift_right_immediate >-> Funclass.
- Class is_shift_right_immediate (shr : shift_right_immediate) :=
- decode_shift_right_immediate :>
- forall r count, 0 <= count < n -> decode (shr r count) <~=~> (decode r >> count).
- Class shift_right_immediate_with_CF := { shrf : W -> imm -> bool * W }.
- Global Coercion shrf : shift_right_immediate_with_CF >-> Funclass.
- Class is_shift_right_immediate_with_CF (shrf : shift_right_immediate_with_CF) :=
- decode_shift_right_immediate_with_CF :>
- forall r count, 0 <= count < n -> decode (snd (shrf r count)) <~=~> (decode r >> count).
- Class spread_left_immediate := { sprl : W -> imm -> tuple W 2 (* [(low, high)] *) }.
- Global Coercion sprl : spread_left_immediate >-> Funclass.
- Class is_spread_left_immediate (sprl : spread_left_immediate) :=
- {
- decode_fst_spread_left_immediate :> forall r count,
- 0 <= count < n
- -> decode (fst (sprl r count)) =~> (decode r << count) mod 2^n;
- decode_snd_spread_left_immediate :> forall r count,
- 0 <= count < n
- -> decode (snd (sprl r count)) =~> (decode r << count) >> n
- }.
- Class mask_keep_low := { mkl :> W -> imm -> W }.
- Global Coercion mkl : mask_keep_low >-> Funclass.
- Class is_mask_keep_low (mkl : mask_keep_low) :=
- decode_mask_keep_low :> forall r count,
- 0 <= count < n -> decode (mkl r count) <~=~> decode r mod 2^count.
- Class bitwise_and := { and : W -> W -> W }.
- Global Coercion and : bitwise_and >-> Funclass.
- Class is_bitwise_and (and : bitwise_and) :=
- {
- decode_bitwise_and :> forall x y, decode (and x y) <~=~> Z.land (decode x) (decode y)
- }.
- (** Quoting http://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/AND.html:
- The OF and CF flags are cleared; the SF, ZF, and PF flags are set
- according to the result. The state of the AF flag is
- undefined. *)
- Class bitwise_and_with_CF := { andf : W -> W -> bool * W }.
- Global Coercion andf : bitwise_and_with_CF >-> Funclass.
- Class is_bitwise_and_with_CF (andf : bitwise_and_with_CF) :=
- {
- decode_snd_bitwise_and_with_CF :> forall x y, decode (snd (andf x y)) <~=~> Z.land (decode x) (decode y);
- fst_bitwise_and_with_CF :> forall x y, fst (andf x y) =~> false
- }.
- Class bitwise_or := { or : W -> W -> W }.
- Global Coercion or : bitwise_or >-> Funclass.
- Class is_bitwise_or (or : bitwise_or) :=
- {
- decode_bitwise_or :> forall x y, decode (or x y) <~=~> Z.lor (decode x) (decode y)
- }.
- (** Quoting http://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/OR.html:
- The OF or CF flags are cleared; the SF, ZF, or PF flags are set
- according to the result. The state of the AF flag is
- undefined. *)
- Class bitwise_or_with_CF := { orf : W -> W -> bool * W }.
- Global Coercion orf : bitwise_or_with_CF >-> Funclass.
- Class is_bitwise_or_with_CF (orf : bitwise_or_with_CF) :=
- {
- decode_snd_bitwise_or_with_CF :> forall x y, decode (snd (orf x y)) <~=~> Z.lor (decode x) (decode y);
- fst_bitwise_or_with_CF :> forall x y, fst (orf x y) =~> false
- }.
- Local Notation bit b := (if b then 1 else 0).
- Class add_with_carry := { adc : W -> W -> bool -> bool * W }.
- Global Coercion adc : add_with_carry >-> Funclass.
- Class is_add_with_carry (adc : add_with_carry) :=
- {
- bit_fst_add_with_carry :> forall x y c, bit (fst (adc x y c)) <~=~> (decode x + decode y + bit c) >> n;
- decode_snd_add_with_carry :> forall x y c, decode (snd (adc x y c)) <~=~> (decode x + decode y + bit c) mod (2^n)
- }.
- Class sub_with_carry := { subc : W -> W -> bool -> bool * W }.
- Global Coercion subc : sub_with_carry >-> Funclass.
- Class is_sub_with_carry (subc:W->W->bool->bool*W) :=
- {
- fst_sub_with_carry :> forall x y c, fst (subc x y c) <~=~> ((decode x - decode y - bit c) <? 0);
- decode_snd_sub_with_carry :> forall x y c, decode (snd (subc x y c)) <~=~> (decode x - decode y - bit c) mod 2^n
- }.
- Class multiply := { mul : W -> W -> W }.
- Global Coercion mul : multiply >-> Funclass.
- Class is_mul (mul : multiply) :=
- decode_mul :> forall x y, decode (mul x y) <~=~> (decode x * decode y).
- Class multiply_low_low := { mulhwll : W -> W -> W }.
- Global Coercion mulhwll : multiply_low_low >-> Funclass.
- Class multiply_high_low := { mulhwhl : W -> W -> W }.
- Global Coercion mulhwhl : multiply_high_low >-> Funclass.
- Class multiply_high_high := { mulhwhh : W -> W -> W }.
- Global Coercion mulhwhh : multiply_high_high >-> Funclass.
- Class multiply_double := { muldw : W -> W -> tuple W 2 }.
- Global Coercion muldw : multiply_double >-> Funclass.
- (** Quoting http://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/MUL.html:
- The OF and CF flags are set to 0 if the upper half of the result
- is 0; otherwise, they are set to 1. The SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags
- are undefined.
- We ignore the CF in the specification; we only have it so that
- we can ensure that the CF flag gets appropriately clobbered. *)
- Class multiply_double_with_CF := { muldwf : W -> W -> bool * tuple W 2 }.
- Global Coercion muldwf : multiply_double_with_CF >-> Funclass.
- Class is_mul_low_low (w:Z) (mulhwll : multiply_low_low) :=
- decode_mul_low_low :>
- forall x y, decode (mulhwll x y) <~=~> ((decode x mod 2^w) * (decode y mod 2^w)) mod 2^n.
- Class is_mul_high_low (w:Z) (mulhwhl : multiply_high_low) :=
- decode_mul_high_low :>
- forall x y, decode (mulhwhl x y) <~=~> ((decode x >> w) * (decode y mod 2^w)) mod 2^n.
- Class is_mul_high_high (w:Z) (mulhwhh : multiply_high_high) :=
- decode_mul_high_high :>
- forall x y, decode (mulhwhh x y) <~=~> ((decode x >> w) * (decode y >> w)) mod 2^n.
- Class is_mul_double (muldw : multiply_double) :=
- {
- decode_fst_mul_double :>
- forall x y, decode (fst (muldw x y)) =~> (decode x * decode y) mod 2^n;
- decode_snd_mul_double :>
- forall x y, decode (snd (muldw x y)) =~> (decode x * decode y) >> n
- }.
- Class is_mul_double_with_CF (muldwf : multiply_double_with_CF) :=
- {
- decode_fst_mul_double_with_CF :>
- forall x y, decode (fst (snd (muldwf x y))) =~> (decode x * decode y) mod 2^n;
- decode_snd_mul_double_with_CF :>
- forall x y, decode (snd (snd (muldwf x y))) =~> (decode x * decode y) >> n
- }.
- Class select_conditional := { selc : bool -> W -> W -> W }.
- Global Coercion selc : select_conditional >-> Funclass.
- Class is_select_conditional (selc : select_conditional) :=
- decode_select_conditional :> forall b x y,
- decode (selc b x y) <~=~> if b then decode x else decode y.
- Class add_modulo := { addm : W -> W -> W (* modulus *) -> W }.
- Global Coercion addm : add_modulo >-> Funclass.
- Class is_add_modulo (addm : add_modulo) :=
- decode_add_modulo :> forall x y modulus,
- decode (addm x y modulus) <~=~> (if (decode x + decode y) <? decode modulus
- then (decode x + decode y)
- else (decode x + decode y) - decode modulus).
-End InstructionGallery.
-Global Arguments load_immediate : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments shift_right_doubleword_immediate : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments shift_left_immediate : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments shift_left_immediate_with_CF : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments shift_right_immediate : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments shift_right_immediate_with_CF : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments spread_left_immediate : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments mask_keep_low : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments bitwise_and : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments bitwise_and_with_CF : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments bitwise_or : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments bitwise_or_with_CF : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments add_with_carry : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments sub_with_carry : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments multiply : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments multiply_low_low : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments multiply_high_low : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments multiply_high_high : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments multiply_double : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments multiply_double_with_CF : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments select_conditional : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments add_modulo : clear implicits.
-Global Arguments ldi {_ _} _.
-Global Arguments shrdf {_ _} _ _ _.
-Global Arguments shrd {_ _} _ _ _.
-Global Arguments shl {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments shlf {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments shr {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments shrf {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments sprl {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments mkl {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments and {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments andf {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments or {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments orf {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments adc {_ _} _ _ _.
-Global Arguments subc {_ _} _ _ _.
-Global Arguments mul {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments mulhwll {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments mulhwhl {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments mulhwhh {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments muldw {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments muldwf {_ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments selc {_ _} _ _ _.
-Global Arguments addm {_ _} _ _ _.
-Global Arguments is_decode {_ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_load_immediate {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_shift_left_immediate {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_shift_left_immediate_with_CF {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_shift_right_immediate {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_shift_right_immediate_with_CF {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_spread_left_immediate {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_mask_keep_low {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_bitwise_and {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_bitwise_and_with_CF {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_bitwise_or {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_bitwise_or_with_CF {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_add_with_carry {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_sub_with_carry {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_mul {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_mul_low_low {_ _ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments is_mul_high_low {_ _ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments is_mul_high_high {_ _ _} _ _.
-Global Arguments is_mul_double {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_mul_double_with_CF {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_select_conditional {_ _ _} _.
-Global Arguments is_add_modulo {_ _ _} _.
-Module fancy_machine.
- Local Notation imm := Z (only parsing).
- Class instructions (n : Z) :=
- {
- W : Type (* [n]-bit word *);
- decode :> decoder n W;
- ldi :> load_immediate W;
- shrd :> shift_right_doubleword_immediate W;
- shl :> shift_left_immediate W;
- shr :> shift_right_immediate W;
- adc :> add_with_carry W;
- subc :> sub_with_carry W;
- mulhwll :> multiply_low_low W;
- mulhwhl :> multiply_high_low W;
- mulhwhh :> multiply_high_high W;
- selc :> select_conditional W;
- addm :> add_modulo W
- }.
- Class arithmetic {n_over_two} (ops:instructions (2 * n_over_two)) :=
- {
- decode_range :> is_decode decode;
- load_immediate :> is_load_immediate ldi;
- shift_right_doubleword_immediate :> is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate shrd;
- shift_left_immediate :> is_shift_left_immediate shl;
- shift_right_immediate :> is_shift_right_immediate shr;
- add_with_carry :> is_add_with_carry adc;
- sub_with_carry :> is_sub_with_carry subc;
- multiply_low_low :> is_mul_low_low n_over_two mulhwll;
- multiply_high_low :> is_mul_high_low n_over_two mulhwhl;
- multiply_high_high :> is_mul_high_high n_over_two mulhwhh;
- select_conditional :> is_select_conditional selc;
- add_modulo :> is_add_modulo addm
- }.
-End fancy_machine.
-Module x86.
- Local Notation imm := Z (only parsing).
- Class instructions (n : Z) :=
- {
- W : Type (* [n]-bit word *);
- decode :> decoder n W;
- ldi :> load_immediate W;
- shrdf :> shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF W;
- shlf :> shift_left_immediate_with_CF W;
- shrf :> shift_right_immediate_with_CF W;
- adc :> add_with_carry W;
- subc :> sub_with_carry W;
- muldwf :> multiply_double_with_CF W;
- selc :> select_conditional W;
- orf :> bitwise_or_with_CF W
- }.
- Class arithmetic {n} (ops:instructions n) :=
- {
- decode_range :> is_decode decode;
- load_immediate :> is_load_immediate ldi;
- shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF :> is_shift_right_doubleword_immediate_with_CF shrdf;
- shift_left_immediate_with_CF :> is_shift_left_immediate_with_CF shlf;
- shift_right_immediate_with_CF :> is_shift_right_immediate_with_CF shrf;
- add_with_carry :> is_add_with_carry adc;
- sub_with_carry :> is_sub_with_carry subc;
- multiply_double_with_CF :> is_mul_double_with_CF muldwf;
- select_conditional :> is_select_conditional selc;
- bitwise_or_with_CF :> is_bitwise_or_with_CF orf
- }.
-End x86.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/InterfaceProofs.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/InterfaceProofs.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c8d9de5..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/InterfaceProofs.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-(** * Alternate forms for Interface for bounded arithmetic *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Interface.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.RewriteModSmall.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Div.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.EquivModulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.AutoRewrite.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Local Open Scope type_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Import BoundedRewriteNotations.
-Local Notation bit b := (if b then 1 else 0).
-Lemma decoder_eta {n W} (decode : decoder n W) : decode = {| Interface.decode := decode |}.
-Proof. destruct decode; reflexivity. Defined.
-Section InstructionGallery.
- Context (n : Z) (* bit-width of width of [W] *)
- {W : Type} (* bounded type, [W] for word *)
- (Wdecoder : decoder n W).
- Local Notation imm := Z (only parsing). (* immediate (compile-time) argument *)
- Definition Build_is_spread_left_immediate' (sprl : spread_left_immediate W)
- (pf : forall r count, 0 <= count < n
- -> _ /\ _)
- := {| decode_fst_spread_left_immediate r count H := proj1 (pf r count H);
- decode_snd_spread_left_immediate r count H := proj2 (pf r count H) |}.
- Definition Build_is_add_with_carry' (adc : add_with_carry W)
- (pf : forall x y c, _ /\ _)
- := {| bit_fst_add_with_carry x y c := proj1 (pf x y c);
- decode_snd_add_with_carry x y c := proj2 (pf x y c) |}.
- Definition Build_is_sub_with_carry' (subc : sub_with_carry W)
- (pf : forall x y c, _ /\ _)
- : is_sub_with_carry subc
- := {| fst_sub_with_carry x y c := proj1 (pf x y c);
- decode_snd_sub_with_carry x y c := proj2 (pf x y c) |}.
- Definition Build_is_mul_double' (muldw : multiply_double W)
- (pf : forall x y, _ /\ _)
- := {| decode_fst_mul_double x y := proj1 (pf x y);
- decode_snd_mul_double x y := proj2 (pf x y) |}.
- Lemma is_spread_left_immediate_alt
- {sprl : spread_left_immediate W}
- {isdecode : is_decode Wdecoder}
- : is_spread_left_immediate sprl
- <-> (forall r count, 0 <= count < n -> decode (fst (sprl r count)) + decode (snd (sprl r count)) << n = (decode r << count) mod (2^n*2^n))%Z.
- Proof using Type.
- split; intro H; [ | apply Build_is_spread_left_immediate' ];
- intros r count Hc;
- [ | specialize (H r count Hc); revert H ];
- unfold bounded_in_range_cls in *;
- pose proof (decode_range r);
- assert (0 < 2^n) by auto with zarith;
- assert (0 <= 2^count < 2^n)%Z by auto with zarith;
- assert (0 <= decode r * 2^count < 2^n * 2^n)%Z by (generalize dependent (decode r); intros; nia);
- rewrite ?decode_fst_spread_left_immediate, ?decode_snd_spread_left_immediate
- by typeclasses eauto with typeclass_instances core;
- autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow zsimplify push_Zpow.
- { reflexivity. }
- { intro H'; rewrite <- H'.
- autorewrite with zsimplify; split; reflexivity. }
- Qed.
- Lemma is_mul_double_alt
- {muldw : multiply_double W}
- {isdecode : is_decode Wdecoder}
- : is_mul_double muldw
- <-> (forall x y, decode (fst (muldw x y)) + decode (snd (muldw x y)) << n = (decode x * decode y) mod (2^n*2^n)).
- Proof using Type.
- split; intro H; [ | apply Build_is_mul_double' ];
- intros x y;
- [ | specialize (H x y); revert H ];
- pose proof (decode_range x);
- pose proof (decode_range y);
- assert (0 < 2^n) by auto with zarith;
- assert (0 <= decode x * decode y < 2^n * 2^n)%Z by nia;
- (destruct (0 <=? n) eqn:?; Z.ltb_to_lt;
- [ | assert (2^n = 0) by auto with zarith; exfalso; omega ]);
- rewrite ?decode_fst_mul_double, ?decode_snd_mul_double
- by typeclasses eauto with typeclass_instances core;
- autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow zsimplify push_Zpow.
- { reflexivity. }
- { intro H'; rewrite <- H'.
- autorewrite with zsimplify; split; reflexivity. }
- Qed.
-End InstructionGallery.
-Global Arguments is_spread_left_immediate_alt {_ _ _ _ _}.
-Global Arguments is_mul_double_alt {_ _ _ _ _}.
-Ltac bounded_solver_tac :=
- solve [ eassumption | typeclasses eauto | omega ].
-Global Instance decode_proj n W (dec : W -> Z)
- : @decode n W {| decode := dec |} =~> dec.
-Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
-Global Instance decode_if_bool n W (decode : decoder n W)
- : forall (b : bool) x y,
- decode (if b then x else y)
- =~> if b then decode x else decode y.
-Proof. destruct b; reflexivity. Qed.
-Global Instance decode_mod_small {n W} {decode : decoder n W} {x b}
- {H : bounded_in_range_cls 0 (decode x) b}
- : decode x <~= decode x mod b.
- Z.rewrite_mod_small; reflexivity.
-Global Instance decode_mod_range {n W decode} {H : @is_decode n W decode} x
- : decode x <~= decode x mod 2^n.
-Proof. exact _. Qed.
-Lemma decode_exponent_nonnegative {n W} (decode : decoder n W) {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- (isinhabited : W)
- : (0 <= n)%Z.
- pose proof (decode_range isinhabited).
- assert (0 < 2^n) by omega.
- destruct (Z_lt_ge_dec n 0) as [H'|]; [ | omega ].
- assert (2^n = 0) by auto using Z.pow_neg_r.
- omega.
-Section adc_subc.
- Context {n W}
- {decode : decoder n W}
- {adc : add_with_carry W}
- {subc : sub_with_carry W}
- {isdecode : is_decode decode}
- {isadc : is_add_with_carry adc}
- {issubc : is_sub_with_carry subc}.
- Global Instance bit_fst_add_with_carry_false
- : forall x y, bit (fst (adc x y false)) <~=~> (decode x + decode y) >> n.
- Proof using isadc.
- intros; erewrite bit_fst_add_with_carry by assumption.
- autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance bit_fst_add_with_carry_true
- : forall x y, bit (fst (adc x y true)) <~=~> (decode x + decode y + 1) >> n.
- Proof using isadc.
- intros; erewrite bit_fst_add_with_carry by assumption.
- autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance fst_add_with_carry_leb
- : forall x y c, fst (adc x y c) <~= (2^n <=? (decode x + decode y + bit c)).
- Proof using isadc isdecode.
- intros x y c; hnf.
- assert (0 <= n)%Z by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative.
- pose proof (decode_range x); pose proof (decode_range y).
- assert (0 <= bit c <= 1)%Z by (destruct c; omega).
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- fst ?x = (?a <=? ?b) :> bool ]
- => cut (((if fst x then 1 else 0) = (if a <=? b then 1 else 0))%Z);
- [ destruct (fst x), (a <=? b); intro; congruence | ]
- end.
- push_decode.
- autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow.
- rewrite Z.div_between_0_if by auto with zarith.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance fst_add_with_carry_false_leb
- : forall x y, fst (adc x y false) <~= (2^n <=? (decode x + decode y)).
- Proof using isadc isdecode.
- intros; erewrite fst_add_with_carry_leb by assumption.
- autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance fst_add_with_carry_true_leb
- : forall x y, fst (adc x y true) <~=~> (2^n <=? (decode x + decode y + 1)).
- Proof using isadc isdecode.
- intros; erewrite fst_add_with_carry_leb by assumption.
- autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance fst_sub_with_carry_false
- : forall x y, fst (subc x y false) <~=~> ((decode x - decode y) <? 0).
- Proof using issubc.
- intros; erewrite fst_sub_with_carry by assumption.
- autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Global Instance fst_sub_with_carry_true
- : forall x y, fst (subc x y true) <~=~> ((decode x - decode y - 1) <? 0).
- Proof using issubc.
- intros; erewrite fst_sub_with_carry by assumption.
- autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End adc_subc.
-Hint Extern 2 (rewrite_right_to_left_eq decode_tag _ (_ <=? (@decode ?n ?W ?decoder ?x + @decode _ _ _ ?y)))
-=> apply @fst_add_with_carry_false_leb : typeclass_instances.
-Hint Extern 2 (rewrite_right_to_left_eq decode_tag _ (_ <=? (@decode ?n ?W ?decoder ?x + @decode _ _ _ ?y + 1)))
-=> apply @fst_add_with_carry_true_leb : typeclass_instances.
-Hint Extern 2 (rewrite_right_to_left_eq decode_tag _ (_ <=? (@decode ?n ?W ?decoder ?x + @decode _ _ _ ?y + if ?c then _ else _)))
-=> apply @fst_add_with_carry_leb : typeclass_instances.
-(* We take special care to handle the case where the decoder is
- syntactically different but the decoded expression is judgmentally
- the same; we don't want to split apart variables that should be the
- same. *)
-Ltac set_decode_step check :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- context G[@decode ?n ?W ?dr ?w] ]
- => check w;
- first [ match goal with
- | [ d := @decode _ _ _ w |- _ ]
- => change (@decode n W dr w) with d
- end
- | generalize (@decode_range n W dr _ w);
- let d := fresh "d" in
- set (d := @decode n W dr w);
- intro ]
- end.
-Ltac set_decode check := repeat set_decode_step check.
-Ltac clearbody_decode :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H := @decode _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => clearbody H
- end.
-Ltac generalize_decode_by check := set_decode check; clearbody_decode.
-Ltac generalize_decode := generalize_decode_by ltac:(fun w => idtac).
-Ltac generalize_decode_var := generalize_decode_by ltac:(fun w => is_var w).
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/MontgomeryReduction.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/MontgomeryReduction.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 786e08d28..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/MontgomeryReduction.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-(*** Montgomery Multiplication *)
-(** This file implements Montgomery Form, Montgomery Reduction, and
- Montgomery Multiplication on [ZLikeOps]. We follow [Montgomery/Z.v]. *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.Lists.List Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.Definition.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.Proofs.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.ZBounded.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.EquivModulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Test.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Not.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Local Open Scope small_zlike_scope.
-Local Open Scope large_zlike_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section montgomery.
- Context (small_bound modulus : Z) {ops : ZLikeOps small_bound small_bound modulus} {props : ZLikeProperties ops}
- (modulus' : SmallT)
- (modulus'_valid : small_valid modulus')
- (modulus_nonzero : modulus <> 0).
- (** pull out a common subexpression *)
- Local Ltac cse :=
- let RHS := match goal with |- _ = ?decode ?RHS /\ _ => RHS end in
- let v := fresh in
- match RHS with
- | context[?e] => not is_var e; set (v := e) at 1 2; test clearbody v
- end;
- revert v;
- match goal with
- | [ |- let v := ?val in ?LHS = ?decode ?RHS /\ ?P ]
- => change (LHS = decode (dlet v := val in RHS) /\ P)
- end.
- Definition partial_reduce : forall v : LargeT,
- { partial_reduce : SmallT
- | large_valid v
- -> decode_small partial_reduce = MontgomeryReduction.Definition.partial_reduce modulus small_bound (decode_small modulus') (decode_large v)
- /\ small_valid partial_reduce }.
- Proof.
- intro T. evar (pr : SmallT); exists pr. intros T_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_large T < small_bound * small_bound) by auto using decode_large_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_small (Mod_SmallBound T) < small_bound) by auto using decode_small_valid, Mod_SmallBound_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_small modulus' < small_bound) by auto using decode_small_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_small modulus_digits < small_bound) by auto using decode_small_valid, modulus_digits_valid.
- assert (0 <= modulus) by apply (modulus_nonneg _).
- assert (modulus < small_bound) by (rewrite <- modulus_digits_correct; omega).
- rewrite <- partial_reduce_alt_eq by omega.
- cbv [MontgomeryReduction.Definition.partial_reduce MontgomeryReduction.Definition.partial_reduce_alt MontgomeryReduction.Definition.prereduce].
- pull_zlike_decode.
- cse.
- subst pr; split; [ reflexivity | exact _ ].
- Defined.
- Definition reduce_via_partial : forall v : LargeT,
- { reduce : SmallT
- | large_valid v
- -> decode_small reduce = MontgomeryReduction.Definition.reduce_via_partial modulus small_bound (decode_small modulus') (decode_large v)
- /\ small_valid reduce }.
- Proof.
- intro T. evar (pr : SmallT); exists pr. intros T_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_large T < small_bound * small_bound) by auto using decode_large_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_small (Mod_SmallBound T) < small_bound) by auto using decode_small_valid, Mod_SmallBound_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_small modulus' < small_bound) by auto using decode_small_valid.
- assert (0 <= decode_small modulus_digits < small_bound) by auto using decode_small_valid, modulus_digits_valid.
- assert (0 <= modulus) by apply (modulus_nonneg _).
- assert (modulus < small_bound) by (rewrite <- modulus_digits_correct; omega).
- unfold reduce_via_partial.
- rewrite <- partial_reduce_alt_eq by omega.
- cbv [MontgomeryReduction.Definition.partial_reduce MontgomeryReduction.Definition.partial_reduce_alt MontgomeryReduction.Definition.prereduce].
- pull_zlike_decode.
- cse.
- subst pr; split; [ reflexivity | exact _ ].
- Defined.
- Section correctness.
- Context (R' : Z)
- (Hmod : Z.equiv_modulo modulus (small_bound * R') 1)
- (Hmod' : Z.equiv_modulo small_bound (modulus * (decode_small modulus')) (-1))
- (v : LargeT)
- (H : large_valid v)
- (Hv : 0 <= decode_large v <= small_bound * modulus).
- Lemma reduce_via_partial_correct'
- : Z.equiv_modulo modulus
- (decode_small (proj1_sig (reduce_via_partial v)))
- (decode_large v * R')
- /\ Z.min 0 (small_bound - modulus) <= (decode_small (proj1_sig (reduce_via_partial v))) < modulus.
- Proof using H Hmod Hmod' Hv.
- rewrite (proj1 (proj2_sig (reduce_via_partial v) H)).
- eauto 6 using reduce_via_partial_correct, reduce_via_partial_in_range, decode_small_valid.
- Qed.
- Lemma reduce_via_partial_correct''
- : Z.equiv_modulo modulus
- (decode_small (proj1_sig (reduce_via_partial v)))
- (decode_large v * R')
- /\ 0 <= (decode_small (proj1_sig (reduce_via_partial v))) < modulus.
- Proof using H Hmod Hmod' Hv.
- pose proof (proj2 (proj2_sig (reduce_via_partial v) H)) as H'.
- apply decode_small_valid in H'.
- destruct reduce_via_partial_correct'; split; eauto; omega.
- Qed.
- Theorem reduce_via_partial_correct
- : decode_small (proj1_sig (reduce_via_partial v)) = (decode_large v * R') mod modulus.
- Proof using H Hmod Hmod' Hv.
- rewrite <- (proj1 reduce_via_partial_correct'').
- rewrite Z.mod_small by apply reduce_via_partial_correct''.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- End correctness.
-End montgomery.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Pow2Base.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Pow2Base.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c5c69e684..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Pow2Base.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section Pow2Base.
- Context (limb_widths : list Z).
- Local Notation "w[ i ]" := (nth_default 0 limb_widths i).
- Fixpoint base_from_limb_widths limb_widths :=
- match limb_widths with
- | nil => nil
- | w :: lw => 1 :: map (Z.mul (two_p w)) (base_from_limb_widths lw)
- end.
- Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths).
- Definition bounded us := forall i, 0 <= nth_default 0 us i < 2 ^ w[i].
- Definition upper_bound := 2 ^ (sum_firstn limb_widths (length limb_widths)).
-End Pow2Base.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Pow2BaseProofs.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/Pow2BaseProofs.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 495636be7..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/Pow2BaseProofs.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
-Require Import Coq.funind.Recdef.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil Crypto.Util.NatUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Testbit.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Pow2Mod.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Notations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Shift.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.ZeroBounds.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RewriteHyp.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.Pow2Base.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.Bool.
-Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Require Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.BaseSystemProofs.
-Create HintDb simpl_add_to_nth discriminated.
-Create HintDb push_upper_bound discriminated.
-Create HintDb pull_upper_bound discriminated.
-Create HintDb push_base_from_limb_widths discriminated.
-Create HintDb pull_base_from_limb_widths discriminated.
-Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_upper_bound in * : push_upper_bound.
-Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with pull_upper_bound in * : pull_upper_bound.
-Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_base_from_limb_widths in * : push_base_from_limb_widths.
-Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with pull_base_from_limb_widths in * : pull_base_from_limb_widths.
-Section Pow2BaseProofs.
- Context {limb_widths} (limb_widths_nonneg : forall w, In w limb_widths -> 0 <= w).
- Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths).
- Lemma base_from_limb_widths_length ls : length (base_from_limb_widths ls) = length ls.
- Proof using Type.
- clear limb_widths limb_widths_nonneg.
- induction ls; [ reflexivity | simpl in * ].
- autorewrite with distr_length; auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite base_from_limb_widths_length : distr_length.
- Lemma base_from_limb_widths_cons : forall l0 l,
- base_from_limb_widths (l0 :: l) = 1 :: map (Z.mul (two_p l0)) (base_from_limb_widths l).
- Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite base_from_limb_widths_cons : push_base_from_limb_widths.
- Hint Rewrite <- base_from_limb_widths_cons : pull_base_from_limb_widths.
- Lemma base_from_limb_widths_nil : base_from_limb_widths nil = nil.
- Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite base_from_limb_widths_nil : push_base_from_limb_widths.
- Lemma firstn_base_from_limb_widths : forall n, firstn n (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths) = base_from_limb_widths (firstn n limb_widths).
- Proof using Type.
- clear limb_widths_nonneg. (* don't use this in the inductive hypothesis *)
- induction limb_widths as [|l ls IHls]; intros [|n]; try reflexivity.
- autorewrite with push_base_from_limb_widths push_firstn; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_base_from_limb_widths : push_base_from_limb_widths.
- Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_base_from_limb_widths : pull_firstn.
- Hint Rewrite @firstn_base_from_limb_widths : pull_base_from_limb_widths.
- Hint Rewrite @firstn_base_from_limb_widths : push_firstn.
- Lemma sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg : forall n, 0 <= sum_firstn limb_widths n.
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold sum_firstn; intros.
- apply fold_right_invariant; try omega.
- eauto using Z.add_nonneg_nonneg, limb_widths_nonneg, In_firstn.
- Qed. Hint Resolve sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Lemma base_from_limb_widths_step : forall i b w, (S i < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- nth_error base i = Some b ->
- nth_error limb_widths i = Some w ->
- nth_error base (S i) = Some (two_p w * b).
- Proof using Type.
- clear limb_widths_nonneg. (* don't use this in the inductive hypothesis *)
- induction limb_widths; intros i b w ? nth_err_w nth_err_b;
- unfold base_from_limb_widths in *; fold base_from_limb_widths in *;
- [rewrite (@nil_length0 Z) in *; omega | ].
- simpl in *.
- case_eq i; intros; subst.
- + subst; apply nth_error_first in nth_err_w.
- apply nth_error_first in nth_err_b; subst.
- apply map_nth_error.
- case_eq l; intros; subst; [simpl in *; omega | ].
- unfold base_from_limb_widths; fold base_from_limb_widths.
- reflexivity.
- + simpl in nth_err_w.
- apply nth_error_map in nth_err_w.
- destruct nth_err_w as [x [A B] ].
- subst.
- replace (two_p w * (two_p a * x)) with (two_p a * (two_p w * x)) by ring.
- apply map_nth_error.
- apply IHl; auto. omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_error_base : forall i, (i < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- nth_error base i = Some (two_p (sum_firstn limb_widths i)).
- Proof using Type*.
- induction i as [|i IHi]; intros H.
- + unfold sum_firstn, base_from_limb_widths in *; case_eq limb_widths; try reflexivity.
- intro lw_nil; rewrite lw_nil, (@nil_length0 Z) in *; omega.
- + assert (i < length limb_widths)%nat as lt_i_length by omega.
- specialize (IHi lt_i_length).
- destruct (nth_error_length_exists_value _ _ lt_i_length) as [w nth_err_w].
- erewrite base_from_limb_widths_step; eauto.
- f_equal.
- simpl.
- destruct (NPeano.Nat.eq_dec i 0).
- - subst; unfold sum_firstn; simpl.
- apply nth_error_exists_first in nth_err_w.
- destruct nth_err_w as [l' lw_destruct]; subst.
- simpl; ring_simplify.
- f_equal; ring.
- - erewrite sum_firstn_succ; eauto.
- symmetry.
- apply two_p_is_exp; auto using sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- apply limb_widths_nonneg.
- eapply nth_error_value_In; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_default_base : forall d i, (i < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- nth_default d base i = 2 ^ (sum_firstn limb_widths i).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros ? ? i_lt_length.
- apply nth_error_value_eq_nth_default.
- rewrite nth_error_base, two_p_correct by assumption.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma b0_1 : forall x : Z, limb_widths <> nil -> nth_default x base 0 = 1.
- Proof using Type.
- case_eq limb_widths; intros; [congruence | reflexivity].
- Qed.
- Lemma base_from_limb_widths_app : forall l0 l
- (l0_nonneg : forall x, In x l0 -> 0 <= x)
- (l_nonneg : forall x, In x l -> 0 <= x),
- base_from_limb_widths (l0 ++ l)
- = base_from_limb_widths l0 ++ map (Z.mul (two_p (sum_firstn l0 (length l0)))) (base_from_limb_widths l).
- Proof using Type.
- induction l0 as [|?? IHl0].
- { simpl; intros; rewrite <- map_id at 1; apply map_ext; intros; omega. }
- { simpl; intros; rewrite !IHl0, !map_app, map_map, sum_firstn_succ_cons, two_p_is_exp by auto with znonzero.
- do 2 f_equal; apply map_ext; intros; lia. }
- Qed.
- Lemma skipn_base_from_limb_widths : forall n, skipn n (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths) = map (Z.mul (two_p (sum_firstn limb_widths n))) (base_from_limb_widths (skipn n limb_widths)).
- Proof using Type*.
- intro n; pose proof (base_from_limb_widths_app (firstn n limb_widths) (skipn n limb_widths)) as H.
- specialize_by eauto using In_firstn, In_skipn.
- autorewrite with simpl_firstn simpl_skipn in *.
- rewrite H, skipn_app, skipn_all by auto with arith distr_length; clear H.
- simpl; distr_length.
- apply Min.min_case_strong; intro;
- unfold sum_firstn; autorewrite with natsimplify simpl_skipn simpl_firstn;
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite <- @skipn_base_from_limb_widths : push_base_from_limb_widths.
- Hint Rewrite <- @skipn_base_from_limb_widths : pull_skipn.
- Hint Rewrite @skipn_base_from_limb_widths : pull_base_from_limb_widths.
- Hint Rewrite @skipn_base_from_limb_widths : push_skipn.
- Lemma pow2_mod_bounded :forall lw us i, (forall w, In w lw -> 0 <= w) -> bounded lw us ->
- Z.pow2_mod (nth_default 0 us i) (nth_default 0 lw i) = nth_default 0 us i.
- Proof using Type.
- clear.
- cbv [bounded]; intros lw us i H H0.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress (cbv [bounded]; intros)
- | |- _ => break_if
- | |- _ => apply Z.bits_inj'
- | |- _ => rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod by (apply nth_default_preserves_properties; auto; omega)
- | |- _ => reflexivity
- end.
- specialize (H0 i).
- symmetry.
- let n := match goal with n : Z |- _ => n end in
- rewrite <- (Z.mod_pow2_bits_high (nth_default 0 us i) (nth_default 0 lw i) n);
- [ rewrite Z.mod_small by omega; reflexivity | ].
- split; try omega.
- apply nth_default_preserves_properties; auto; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma bounded_nil_iff : forall us, bounded nil us <-> (forall u, In u us -> u = 0).
- Proof using Type.
- clear.
- intros us; split; cbv [bounded]; [ intros H u H0 | intros H i ].
- + edestruct (In_nth_error_value us u) as [x]; try assumption.
- specialize (H x).
- replace u with (nth_default 0 us x) by (auto using nth_error_value_eq_nth_default).
- rewrite nth_default_nil, Z.pow_0_r in H.
- omega.
- + rewrite nth_default_nil, Z.pow_0_r.
- apply nth_default_preserves_properties; try omega.
- intros x H0.
- apply H in H0.
- omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma bounded_iff : forall lw us, bounded lw us <-> forall i, 0 <= nth_default 0 us i < 2 ^ nth_default 0 lw i.
- Proof using Type.
- clear.
- cbv [bounded]; intros.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma digit_select : forall us i, bounded limb_widths us ->
- nth_default 0 us i = Z.pow2_mod (BaseSystem.decode base us >> sum_firstn limb_widths i) (nth_default 0 limb_widths i).
- Proof using Type*.
- intro us; revert limb_widths limb_widths_nonneg; induction us as [|a us IHus];
- intros limb_widths limb_widths_nonneg i H.
- + rewrite nth_default_nil, BaseSystemProofs.decode_nil, Z.shiftr_0_l, Z.pow2_mod_spec, Z.mod_0_l by
- (try (apply Z.pow_nonzero; try omega); apply nth_default_preserves_properties; auto; omega).
- reflexivity.
- + destruct i.
- - rewrite nth_default_cons, sum_firstn_0, Z.shiftr_0_r.
- destruct limb_widths as [|w lw].
- * cbv [base_from_limb_widths].
- rewrite <-pow2_mod_bounded with (lw := nil); rewrite bounded_nil_iff in *; auto using in_cons;
- try solve [intros; exfalso; eauto using in_nil].
- rewrite !nth_default_nil, BaseSystemProofs.decode_base_nil; auto.
- cbv. auto using in_eq.
- * rewrite nth_default_cons, base_from_limb_widths_cons, BaseSystemProofs.peel_decode.
- fold (BaseSystem.mul_each (two_p w)).
- rewrite <-BaseSystemProofs.mul_each_base, BaseSystemProofs.mul_each_rep.
- rewrite two_p_correct, (Z.mul_comm (2 ^ w)).
- rewrite <-Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by auto using in_eq.
- rewrite bounded_iff in *.
- specialize (H 0%nat); rewrite !nth_default_cons in H.
- rewrite <-Z.lor_shiftl by (auto using in_eq; omega).
- apply Z.bits_inj'; intros n H0.
- rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod by auto using in_eq.
- break_if. {
- autorewrite with Ztestbit; break_match;
- try rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r with (n := n - w) by omega;
- autorewrite with bool_congr;
- f_equal; ring.
- } {
- replace a with (a mod 2 ^ w) by (auto using Z.mod_small).
- apply Z.mod_pow2_bits_high. split; auto using in_eq; omega.
- }
- - rewrite nth_default_cons_S.
- destruct limb_widths as [|w lw].
- * cbv [base_from_limb_widths].
- rewrite <-pow2_mod_bounded with (lw := nil); rewrite bounded_nil_iff in *; auto using in_cons.
- rewrite sum_firstn_nil, !nth_default_nil, BaseSystemProofs.decode_base_nil, Z.shiftr_0_r.
- apply nth_default_preserves_properties; intros; auto using in_cons.
- f_equal; auto using in_cons.
- * rewrite sum_firstn_succ_cons, nth_default_cons_S, base_from_limb_widths_cons, BaseSystemProofs.peel_decode.
- fold (BaseSystem.mul_each (two_p w)).
- rewrite <-BaseSystemProofs.mul_each_base, BaseSystemProofs.mul_each_rep.
- rewrite two_p_correct, (Z.mul_comm (2 ^ w)).
- rewrite <-Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by auto using in_eq.
- rewrite bounded_iff in *.
- rewrite Z.shiftr_add_shiftl_high by first
- [ pose proof (sum_firstn_nonnegative i lw); split; auto using in_eq; specialize_by auto using in_cons; omega
- | specialize (H 0%nat); rewrite !nth_default_cons in H; omega ].
- rewrite IHus with (limb_widths := lw) by
- (auto using in_cons; rewrite ?bounded_iff; intro j; specialize (H (S j));
- rewrite !nth_default_cons_S in H; assumption).
- repeat f_equal; try ring.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg : forall i, 0 <= nth_default 0 limb_widths i.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros; apply nth_default_preserves_properties; auto; omega.
- Qed. Hint Resolve nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Lemma decode_firstn_pow2_mod : forall us i,
- (i <= length us)%nat ->
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- BaseSystem.decode' base (firstn i us) = Z.pow2_mod (BaseSystem.decode' base us) (sum_firstn limb_widths i).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros us i H H0 H1; induction i;
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_0, BaseSystemProofs.decode_nil, Z.pow2_mod_0_r; reflexivity
- | |- _ => progress distr_length
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with simpl_firstn
- | |- _ => rewrite firstn_succ with (d := 0)
- | |- _ => rewrite BaseSystemProofs.set_higher
- | |- _ => rewrite nth_default_base
- | |- _ => rewrite IHi
- | |- _ => rewrite <-Z.lor_shiftl by (rewrite ?Z.pow2_mod_spec; try apply Z.mod_pos_bound; Z.zero_bounds)
- | |- context[min ?x ?y] => (rewrite Nat.min_l by omega || rewrite Nat.min_r by omega)
- | |- context[2 ^ ?a * _] => rewrite (Z.mul_comm (2 ^ a)); rewrite <-Z.shiftl_mul_pow2
- | |- _ => solve [auto]
- | |- _ => lia
- end.
- rewrite digit_select by assumption; apply Z.bits_inj'.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with Ztestbit
- | |- _ => rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod by (omega || trivial)
- | |- _ => break_if; try omega
- | H : ?a < ?b |- context[Z.testbit _ (?a - ?b)] =>
- rewrite (Z.testbit_neg_r _ (a-b)) by omega
- | |- _ => reflexivity
- | |- _ => solve [f_equal; ring]
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default in *;
- pose proof (nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg i); omega
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma testbit_decode_firstn_high : forall us i n,
- (i <= length us)%nat ->
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- sum_firstn limb_widths i <= n ->
- Z.testbit (BaseSystem.decode base (firstn i us)) n = false.
- Proof using Type*.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with Ztestbit
- | |- _ => rewrite decode_firstn_pow2_mod
- | |- _ => rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod
- | |- _ => break_if
- | |- _ => assumption
- | |- _ => solve [auto]
- | H : ?a <= ?b |- 0 <= ?b => assert (0 <= a) by (omega || auto); omega
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma testbit_decode_high : forall us n,
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- sum_firstn limb_widths (length us) <= n ->
- Z.testbit (BaseSystem.decode base us) n = false.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros us n H H0 H1.
- erewrite <-(firstn_all _ us) by reflexivity.
- auto using testbit_decode_firstn_high.
- Qed.
- (** TODO: Figure out how to automate and clean up this proof *)
- Lemma decode_nonneg : forall us,
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- 0 <= BaseSystem.decode base us.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros us H H0.
- unfold bounded, BaseSystem.decode, BaseSystem.decode' in *; simpl in *.
- pose 0 as zero.
- assert (0 <= zero) by reflexivity.
- replace base with (map (Z.mul (two_p zero)) base)
- by (etransitivity; [ | apply map_id ]; apply map_ext; auto with zarith).
- clearbody zero.
- revert dependent zero.
- generalize dependent limb_widths.
- induction us as [|u us IHus]; intros [|w limb_widths'] ?? Hbounded ??; simpl in *;
- try (reflexivity || congruence).
- pose proof (Hbounded 0%nat) as Hbounded0.
- pose proof (fun n => Hbounded (S n)) as HboundedS.
- unfold nth_default, nth_error in Hbounded0.
- unfold nth_default in HboundedS.
- rewrite map_map.
- unfold BaseSystem.accumulate at 1; simpl.
- assert (0 < two_p zero) by (rewrite two_p_equiv; auto with zarith).
- replace (map (fun x => two_p zero * (two_p w * x)) (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths')) with (map (Z.mul (two_p (zero + w))) (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths'))
- by (apply map_ext; rewrite two_p_is_exp by auto with zarith omega; auto with zarith).
- change 0 with (0 + 0) at 1.
- apply Z.add_le_mono; simpl in *; auto with zarith.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_upper_bound : forall us,
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- 0 <= BaseSystem.decode base us < upper_bound limb_widths.
- Proof using Type*.
- cbv [upper_bound]; intros us H H0.
- split.
- { apply decode_nonneg; auto. }
- { apply Z.testbit_false_bound; auto; intros.
- rewrite testbit_decode_high; auto;
- replace (length us) with (length limb_widths); try omega. }
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_shift_app : forall us0 us1, (length (us0 ++ us1) <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (us0 ++ us1) = (BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (firstn (length us0) limb_widths)) us0) + ((BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (skipn (length us0) limb_widths)) us1) << sum_firstn limb_widths (length us0)).
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold BaseSystem.decode; intros us0 us1 ?.
- assert (0 <= sum_firstn limb_widths (length us0)) by auto using sum_firstn_nonnegative.
- rewrite BaseSystemProofs.decode'_splice; autorewrite with push_firstn.
- apply Z.add_cancel_l.
- autorewrite with pull_base_from_limb_widths Zshift_to_pow zsimplify.
- rewrite BaseSystemProofs.decode'_map_mul, two_p_correct; nia.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_shift : forall us u0, (length (u0 :: us) <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (u0 :: us) = u0 + ((BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (tl limb_widths)) us) << (nth_default 0 limb_widths 0)).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros us u0 H; etransitivity; [ apply (decode_shift_app (u0::nil)); assumption | ].
- transitivity (u0 * 1 + 0 + ((BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (tl limb_widths)) us) << (nth_default 0 limb_widths 0 + 0))); [ | autorewrite with zsimplify; reflexivity ].
- destruct limb_widths; distr_length; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma upper_bound_nil : upper_bound nil = 1.
- Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma upper_bound_cons x xs : 0 <= x -> 0 <= sum_firstn xs (length xs) -> upper_bound (x::xs) = 2^x * upper_bound xs.
- Proof using Type.
- intros Hx Hxs.
- unfold upper_bound; simpl.
- autorewrite with simpl_sum_firstn pull_Zpow.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma upper_bound_app xs ys : 0 <= sum_firstn xs (length xs) -> 0 <= sum_firstn ys (length ys) -> upper_bound (xs ++ ys) = upper_bound xs * upper_bound ys.
- Proof using Type.
- intros Hxs Hys.
- unfold upper_bound; simpl.
- autorewrite with distr_length simpl_sum_firstn pull_Zpow.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End Pow2BaseProofs.
-Hint Rewrite base_from_limb_widths_cons base_from_limb_widths_nil : push_base_from_limb_widths.
-Hint Rewrite <- base_from_limb_widths_cons : pull_base_from_limb_widths.
-Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_base_from_limb_widths : push_base_from_limb_widths.
-Hint Rewrite <- @firstn_base_from_limb_widths : pull_firstn.
-Hint Rewrite @firstn_base_from_limb_widths : pull_base_from_limb_widths.
-Hint Rewrite @firstn_base_from_limb_widths : push_firstn.
-Hint Rewrite <- @skipn_base_from_limb_widths : push_base_from_limb_widths.
-Hint Rewrite <- @skipn_base_from_limb_widths : pull_skipn.
-Hint Rewrite @skipn_base_from_limb_widths : pull_base_from_limb_widths.
-Hint Rewrite @skipn_base_from_limb_widths : push_skipn.
-Hint Rewrite @base_from_limb_widths_length : distr_length.
-Hint Rewrite @upper_bound_nil @upper_bound_cons @upper_bound_app using solve [ eauto with znonzero ] : push_upper_bound.
-Hint Rewrite <- @upper_bound_cons @upper_bound_app using solve [ eauto with znonzero ] : pull_upper_bound.
-Section UniformBase.
- Context {width : Z} (limb_width_nonneg : 0 <= width).
- Context (limb_widths : list Z)
- (limb_widths_uniform : forall w, In w limb_widths -> w = width).
- Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths).
- Lemma bounded_uniform : forall us, (length us <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- (bounded limb_widths us <-> (forall u, In u us -> 0 <= u < 2 ^ width)).
- Proof using Type*.
- cbv [bounded]; intros us H; split; intro A; [ intros u H0 | intros i ].
- + let G := fresh "G" in
- match goal with H : In _ us |- _ =>
- eapply In_nth in H; destruct H as [x G]; destruct G as [? G];
- rewrite <-nth_default_eq in G; rewrite <-G end.
- specialize (A x).
- split; try eapply A.
- eapply Z.lt_le_trans; try apply A.
- apply nth_default_preserves_properties; [ | apply Z.pow_le_mono_r; omega ] .
- intros; apply Z.eq_le_incl.
- f_equal; auto.
- + apply nth_default_preserves_properties_length_dep;
- try solve [apply nth_default_preserves_properties; split; Z.zero_bounds; rewrite limb_widths_uniform; auto || omega].
- intros; apply nth_default_preserves_properties_length_dep; try solve [intros; omega].
- let x := fresh "x" in intro x; intros;
- replace x with width; try symmetry; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma uniform_limb_widths_nonneg : forall w, In w limb_widths -> 0 <= w.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros w H.
- replace w with width by (symmetry; auto).
- assumption.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_default_uniform_base_full : forall i,
- nth_default 0 limb_widths i = if lt_dec i (length limb_widths)
- then width else 0.
- Admitted.
- Lemma nth_default_uniform_base : forall i, (i < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- nth_default 0 limb_widths i = width.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros; rewrite nth_default_uniform_base_full.
- edestruct lt_dec; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma sum_firstn_uniform_base : forall i, (i <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- sum_firstn limb_widths i = Z.of_nat i * width.
- Proof using limb_widths_uniform.
- clear limb_width_nonneg. (* clear this before induction so we don't depend on this *)
- induction limb_widths as [|x xs IHxs]; (intros [|i] ?);
- simpl @length in *;
- autorewrite with simpl_sum_firstn push_Zof_nat zsimplify;
- try reflexivity;
- try omega.
- assert (x = width) by auto with datatypes; subst.
- rewrite IHxs by auto with datatypes omega; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma sum_firstn_uniform_base_strong : forall i, (length limb_widths <= i)%nat ->
- sum_firstn limb_widths i = Z.of_nat (length limb_widths) * width.
- Proof using limb_widths_uniform.
- intros; rewrite sum_firstn_all, sum_firstn_uniform_base by omega; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma upper_bound_uniform : upper_bound limb_widths = 2^(Z.of_nat (length limb_widths) * width).
- Proof using limb_widths_uniform.
- unfold upper_bound; rewrite sum_firstn_uniform_base_strong by omega; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- (* TODO : move *)
- Lemma decode_truncate_base : forall us bs, BaseSystem.decode bs us = BaseSystem.decode (firstn (length us) bs) us.
- Proof using Type.
- clear.
- induction us as [|a us IHus]; intros bs.
- + rewrite !BaseSystemProofs.decode_nil; reflexivity.
- + distr_length.
- destruct bs.
- - rewrite firstn_nil, !BaseSystemProofs.decode_base_nil; reflexivity.
- - rewrite firstn_cons, !BaseSystemProofs.peel_decode.
- f_equal.
- apply IHus.
- Qed.
- (* TODO : move *)
- Lemma tl_repeat : forall {A} xs n (x : A), (forall y, In y xs -> y = x) ->
- (n < length xs)%nat ->
- firstn n xs = firstn n (tl xs).
- Proof using Type.
- intros A xs n x H H0.
- erewrite (repeat_spec_eq xs) by first [ eassumption | reflexivity ].
- rewrite ListUtil.tl_repeat.
- autorewrite with push_firstn.
- apply f_equal; omega *.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_tl_base : forall us, (length us < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base us = BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (tl limb_widths)) us.
- Proof using limb_widths_uniform.
- intros.
- match goal with |- BaseSystem.decode ?b1 _ = BaseSystem.decode ?b2 _ =>
- rewrite (decode_truncate_base _ b1), (decode_truncate_base _ b2) end.
- rewrite !firstn_base_from_limb_widths.
- do 2 f_equal.
- eauto using tl_repeat.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_shift_uniform_tl : forall us u0, (length (u0 :: us) <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (u0 :: us) = u0 + ((BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (tl limb_widths)) us) << width).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- rewrite <- (nth_default_uniform_base 0) by distr_length.
- rewrite decode_shift by auto using uniform_limb_widths_nonneg.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_shift_uniform_app : forall us0 us1, (length (us0 ++ us1) <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (us0 ++ us1) = (BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (firstn (length us0) limb_widths)) us0) + ((BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (skipn (length us0) limb_widths)) us1) << (Z.of_nat (length us0) * width)).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- rewrite <- sum_firstn_uniform_base by (distr_length; omega).
- rewrite decode_shift_app by auto using uniform_limb_widths_nonneg.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End UniformBase.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/README.md b/src/LegacyArithmetic/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b0137664c..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-The development of this directory predates `src/Arithmetic`, and should probably
-be considered to be superseded by it. The p256 Montgomery reduction for
-a 128-bit cpu synthesized here still works.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/VerdiTactics.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/VerdiTactics.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4060fc675..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/VerdiTactics.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Verdi Team
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-Ltac subst_max := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : ?X = _ |- _ ] => subst X
- | [H : _ = ?X |- _] => subst X
- end.
-Ltac inv H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto"; inversion H; subst_max.
-Ltac invc H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto"; inv H; clear H.
-Ltac invcs H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto"; invc H; simpl in *.
-Ltac break_if := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ |- context [ if ?X then _ else _ ] ] =>
- match type of X with
- | sumbool _ _ => destruct X
- | _ => destruct X eqn:?
- end
- | [ H : context [ if ?X then _ else _ ] |- _] =>
- match type of X with
- | sumbool _ _ => destruct X
- | _ => destruct X eqn:?
- end
- end.
-Ltac break_match_hyp := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] |- _] =>
- match type of X with
- | sumbool _ _ => destruct X
- | _ => destruct X eqn:?
- end
- end.
-Ltac break_match_goal := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ |- context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] ] =>
- match type of X with
- | sumbool _ _ => destruct X
- | _ => destruct X eqn:?
- end
- end.
-Ltac break_match := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto"; break_match_goal || break_match_hyp.
-Ltac break_exists := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- repeat match goal with
- | [H : exists _, _ |- _ ] => destruct H
- end.
-Ltac break_exists_exists := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- repeat match goal with
- | H:exists _, _ |- _ =>
- let x := fresh "x" in
- destruct H as [x]; exists x
- end.
-Ltac break_and := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- repeat match goal with
- | [H : _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
- end.
-Ltac solve_by_inversion' tac := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [H : _ |- _] => solve [inv H; tac]
- end.
-Ltac solve_by_inversion := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto"; solve_by_inversion' auto.
-Ltac apply_fun f H:= idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match type of H with
- | ?X = ?Y => assert (f X = f Y)
- end.
-Ltac conclude H tac := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- (let H' := fresh in
- match type of H with
- | ?P -> _ => assert P as H' by (tac)
- end; specialize (H H'); clear H').
-Ltac concludes := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?P -> _ |- _ ] => conclude H auto
- end.
-Ltac forward H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- let H' := fresh in
- match type of H with
- | ?P -> _ => assert P as H'
- end.
-Ltac forwards := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?P -> _ |- _ ] => forward H
- end.
-Ltac find_contradiction := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?X = _, H' : ?X = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'; solve_by_inversion
- end.
-Ltac find_rewrite := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ _ = _, H' : ?X _ _ _ _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
- | [ H : ?X = _, H' : ?X = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
- | [ H : ?X = _, H' : context [ ?X ] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
- | [ H : ?X = _ |- context [ ?X ] ] => rewrite H
- end.
-Ltac find_rewrite_lem lem := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] =>
- rewrite lem in H; [idtac]
- end.
-Ltac find_rewrite_lem_by lem t := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] =>
- rewrite lem in H by t
- end.
-Ltac find_erewrite_lem lem := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _] => erewrite lem in H by eauto
- end.
-Ltac find_reverse_rewrite := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ = ?X _ _ _ _, H' : ?X _ _ _ _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in H'
- | [ H : _ = ?X, H' : context [ ?X ] |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in H'
- | [ H : _ = ?X |- context [ ?X ] ] => rewrite <- H
- end.
-Ltac find_inversion := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ _ _ _ = ?X _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => invc H
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ _ _ = ?X _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => invc H
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ _ = ?X _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => invc H
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ = ?X _ _ _ |- _ ] => invc H
- | [ H : ?X _ _ = ?X _ _ |- _ ] => invc H
- | [ H : ?X _ = ?X _ |- _ ] => invc H
- end.
-Ltac prove_eq := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?X ?x1 ?x2 ?x3 = ?X ?y1 ?y2 ?y3 |- _ ] =>
- assert (x1 = y1) by congruence;
- assert (x2 = y2) by congruence;
- assert (x3 = y3) by congruence;
- clear H
- | [ H : ?X ?x1 ?x2 = ?X ?y1 ?y2 |- _ ] =>
- assert (x1 = y1) by congruence;
- assert (x2 = y2) by congruence;
- clear H
- | [ H : ?X ?x1 = ?X ?y1 |- _ ] =>
- assert (x1 = y1) by congruence;
- clear H
- end.
-Ltac tuple_inversion := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : (_, _, _, _) = (_, _, _, _) |- _ ] => invc H
- | [ H : (_, _, _) = (_, _, _) |- _ ] => invc H
- | [ H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ] => invc H
- end.
-Ltac f_apply H f := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match type of H with
- | ?X = ?Y =>
- assert (f X = f Y) by (rewrite H; auto)
- end.
-Ltac break_let := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : context [ (let (_,_) := ?X in _) ] |- _ ] => destruct X eqn:?
- | [ |- context [ (let (_,_) := ?X in _) ] ] => destruct X eqn:?
- end.
-Ltac break_or_hyp := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ \/ _ |- _ ] => invc H
- end.
-Ltac copy_apply lem H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- let x := fresh in
- pose proof H as x;
- apply lem in x.
-Ltac copy_eapply lem H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- let x := fresh in
- pose proof H as x;
- eapply lem in x.
-Ltac conclude_using tac := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?P -> _ |- _ ] => conclude H tac
- end.
-Ltac find_higher_order_rewrite := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in *
- | [ H : forall _, _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in *
- | [ H : forall _ _, _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in *
- end.
-Ltac find_reverse_higher_order_rewrite := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in *
- | [ H : forall _, _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in *
- | [ H : forall _ _, _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in *
- end.
-Ltac clean := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?X = ?X |- _ ] => clear H
- end.
-Ltac find_apply_hyp_goal := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] => solve [apply H]
- end.
-Ltac find_copy_apply_lem_hyp lem := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] => copy_apply lem H
- end.
-Ltac find_apply_hyp_hyp := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : forall _, _ -> _,
- H' : _ |- _ ] =>
- apply H in H'; [idtac]
- | [ H : _ -> _ , H' : _ |- _ ] =>
- apply H in H'; auto; [idtac]
- end.
-Ltac find_copy_apply_hyp_hyp := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : forall _, _ -> _,
- H' : _ |- _ ] =>
- copy_apply H H'; [idtac]
- | [ H : _ -> _ , H' : _ |- _ ] =>
- copy_apply H H'; auto; [idtac]
- end.
-Ltac find_apply_lem_hyp lem := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] => apply lem in H
- end.
-Ltac find_eapply_lem_hyp lem := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] => eapply lem in H
- end.
-Ltac insterU H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match type of H with
- | forall _ : ?T, _ =>
- let x := fresh "x" in
- evar (x : T);
- let x' := (eval unfold x in x) in
- clear x; specialize (H x')
- end.
-Ltac find_insterU := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : forall _, _ |- _ ] => insterU H
- end.
-Ltac eapply_prop P := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | H : P _ |- _ =>
- eapply H
- end.
-Ltac isVar t := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | v : _ |- _ =>
- match t with
- | v => idtac
- end
- end.
-Ltac remGen t := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- let x := fresh in
- let H := fresh in
- remember t as x eqn:H;
- generalize dependent H.
-Ltac remGenIfNotVar t := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto"; first [isVar t| remGen t].
-Ltac rememberNonVars H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match type of H with
- | _ ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e =>
- remGenIfNotVar a;
- remGenIfNotVar b;
- remGenIfNotVar c;
- remGenIfNotVar d;
- remGenIfNotVar e
- | _ ?a ?b ?c ?d =>
- remGenIfNotVar a;
- remGenIfNotVar b;
- remGenIfNotVar c;
- remGenIfNotVar d
- | _ ?a ?b ?c =>
- remGenIfNotVar a;
- remGenIfNotVar b;
- remGenIfNotVar c
- | _ ?a ?b =>
- remGenIfNotVar a;
- remGenIfNotVar b
- | _ ?a =>
- remGenIfNotVar a
- end.
-Ltac generalizeEverythingElse H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- repeat match goal with
- | [ x : ?T |- _ ] =>
- first [
- match H with
- | x => fail 2
- end |
- match type of H with
- | context [x] => fail 2
- end |
- revert x]
- end.
-Ltac prep_induction H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- rememberNonVars H;
- generalizeEverythingElse H.
-Ltac econcludes := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?P -> _ |- _ ] => conclude H eauto
- end.
-Ltac find_copy_eapply_lem_hyp lem := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] => copy_eapply lem H
- end.
-Ltac apply_prop_hyp P Q := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : context [ P ], H' : context [ Q ] |- _ ] =>
- apply H in H'
- end.
-Ltac eapply_prop_hyp P Q := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : context [ P ], H' : context [ Q ] |- _ ] =>
- eapply H in H'
- end.
-Ltac copy_eapply_prop_hyp P Q := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : context [ P ], H' : context [ Q ] |- _ ] =>
- copy_eapply H H'
- end.
-Ltac find_false := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | H : _ -> False |- _ => exfalso; apply H
- end.
-Ltac injc H := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- injection H; clear H; intro; subst_max.
-Ltac find_injection := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ _ _ _ = ?X _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => injc H
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ _ _ = ?X _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => injc H
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ _ = ?X _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => injc H
- | [ H : ?X _ _ _ = ?X _ _ _ |- _ ] => injc H
- | [ H : ?X _ _ = ?X _ _ |- _ ] => injc H
- | [ H : ?X _ = ?X _ |- _ ] => injc H
- end.
-Ltac aggresive_rewrite_goal := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with H : _ |- _ => rewrite H end.
-Ltac break_exists_name x := idtac "VerdiTactics is deprecated in fiat-crypto";
- match goal with
- | [ H : exists _, _ |- _ ] => destruct H as [x H]
- end.
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/ZBounded.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/ZBounded.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eec4122b..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/ZBounded.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-(*** Bounded ℤ-Like Types *)
-(** This file specifies a ℤ-like type of bounded integers, with
- operations for Montgomery Reduction and Barrett Reduction. *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Class ZLikeOps (small_bound smaller_bound : Z) (modulus : Z) :=
- {
- LargeT : Type;
- SmallT : Type;
- modulus_digits : SmallT;
- decode_large : LargeT -> Z;
- decode_small : SmallT -> Z;
- Mod_SmallBound : LargeT -> SmallT;
- DivBy_SmallBound : LargeT -> SmallT;
- DivBy_SmallerBound : LargeT -> SmallT;
- Mul : SmallT -> SmallT -> LargeT;
- CarryAdd : LargeT -> LargeT -> bool * LargeT;
- CarrySubSmall : SmallT -> SmallT -> bool * SmallT;
- ConditionalSubtract : bool -> SmallT -> SmallT;
- ConditionalSubtractModulus : SmallT -> SmallT
- }.
-Delimit Scope small_zlike_scope with small_zlike.
-Delimit Scope large_zlike_scope with large_zlike.
-Local Open Scope small_zlike_scope.
-Local Open Scope large_zlike_scope.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Bind Scope small_zlike_scope with SmallT.
-Bind Scope large_zlike_scope with LargeT.
-Arguments decode_large (_ _ _)%Z _ _%large_zlike.
-Arguments decode_small (_ _ _)%Z _ _%small_zlike.
-Arguments Mod_SmallBound (_ _ _)%Z _ _%large_zlike.
-Arguments DivBy_SmallBound (_ _ _)%Z _ _%large_zlike.
-Arguments DivBy_SmallerBound (_ _ _)%Z _ _%large_zlike.
-Arguments Mul (_ _ _)%Z _ (_ _)%small_zlike.
-Arguments CarryAdd (_ _ _)%Z _ (_ _)%large_zlike.
-Arguments CarrySubSmall (_ _ _)%Z _ (_ _)%large_zlike.
-Arguments ConditionalSubtract (_ _ _)%Z _ _%bool _%small_zlike.
-Arguments ConditionalSubtractModulus (_ _ _)%Z _ _%small_zlike.
-Infix "*" := Mul : large_zlike_scope.
-Notation "x + y" := (snd (CarryAdd x y)) : large_zlike_scope.
-Class ZLikeProperties {small_bound smaller_bound modulus : Z} (Zops : ZLikeOps small_bound smaller_bound modulus) :=
- {
- large_valid : LargeT -> Prop;
- medium_valid : LargeT -> Prop;
- small_valid : SmallT -> Prop;
- decode_large_valid : forall v, large_valid v -> 0 <= decode_large v < small_bound * small_bound;
- decode_medium_valid : forall v, medium_valid v -> 0 <= decode_large v < small_bound * smaller_bound;
- medium_to_large_valid : forall v, medium_valid v -> large_valid v;
- decode_small_valid : forall v, small_valid v -> 0 <= decode_small v < small_bound;
- modulus_digits_valid : small_valid modulus_digits;
- modulus_digits_correct : decode_small modulus_digits = modulus;
- Mod_SmallBound_valid : forall v, large_valid v -> small_valid (Mod_SmallBound v);
- Mod_SmallBound_correct
- : forall v, large_valid v -> decode_small (Mod_SmallBound v) = decode_large v mod small_bound;
- DivBy_SmallBound_valid : forall v, large_valid v -> small_valid (DivBy_SmallBound v);
- DivBy_SmallBound_correct
- : forall v, large_valid v -> decode_small (DivBy_SmallBound v) = decode_large v / small_bound;
- DivBy_SmallerBound_valid : forall v, medium_valid v -> small_valid (DivBy_SmallerBound v);
- DivBy_SmallerBound_correct
- : forall v, medium_valid v -> decode_small (DivBy_SmallerBound v) = decode_large v / smaller_bound;
- Mul_valid : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> large_valid (Mul x y);
- Mul_correct
- : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> decode_large (Mul x y) = decode_small x * decode_small y;
- CarryAdd_valid : forall x y, large_valid x -> large_valid y -> large_valid (snd (CarryAdd x y));
- CarryAdd_correct_fst
- : forall x y, large_valid x -> large_valid y -> fst (CarryAdd x y) = (small_bound * small_bound <=? decode_large x + decode_large y);
- CarryAdd_correct_snd
- : forall x y, large_valid x -> large_valid y -> decode_large (snd (CarryAdd x y)) = (decode_large x + decode_large y) mod (small_bound * small_bound);
- CarrySubSmall_valid : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> small_valid (snd (CarrySubSmall x y));
- CarrySubSmall_correct_fst
- : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> fst (CarrySubSmall x y) = (decode_small x - decode_small y <? 0);
- CarrySubSmall_correct_snd
- : forall x y, small_valid x -> small_valid y -> decode_small (snd (CarrySubSmall x y)) = (decode_small x - decode_small y) mod small_bound;
- ConditionalSubtract_valid : forall b x, small_valid x -> small_valid (ConditionalSubtract b x);
- ConditionalSubtract_correct
- : forall b x, small_valid x -> decode_small (ConditionalSubtract b x)
- = if b then (decode_small x - decode_small modulus_digits) mod small_bound else decode_small x;
- ConditionalSubtractModulus_valid : forall x, small_valid x -> small_valid (ConditionalSubtractModulus x);
- ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct
- : forall x, small_valid x -> decode_small (ConditionalSubtractModulus x)
- = if (decode_small x <? decode_small modulus_digits) then decode_small x else decode_small x - decode_small modulus_digits
- }.
-Arguments ZLikeProperties [small_bound smaller_bound modulus] Zops, small_bound smaller_bound modulus {Zops}.
-Existing Class large_valid.
-Existing Class medium_valid.
-Existing Class small_valid.
-Existing Instances Mod_SmallBound_valid DivBy_SmallerBound_valid DivBy_SmallBound_valid Mul_valid CarryAdd_valid CarrySubSmall_valid ConditionalSubtract_valid ConditionalSubtractModulus_valid modulus_digits_valid medium_to_large_valid.
-Lemma ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct'
- {small_bound smaller_bound modulus : Z} {Zops : ZLikeOps small_bound smaller_bound modulus}
- {Zprops : ZLikeProperties Zops}
- : forall x, small_valid x -> decode_small (ConditionalSubtractModulus x)
- = if (decode_small modulus_digits <=? decode_small x) then decode_small x - decode_small modulus_digits else decode_small x.
- intros; rewrite ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct by assumption.
- break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; omega.
-Lemma modulus_nonneg {small_bound smaller_bound modulus} (Zops : ZLikeOps small_bound smaller_bound modulus) {_ : ZLikeProperties Zops} : 0 <= modulus.
- pose proof (decode_small_valid _ modulus_digits_valid) as H.
- rewrite modulus_digits_correct in H.
- omega.
-Create HintDb push_zlike_decode discriminated.
-Create HintDb pull_zlike_decode discriminated.
-Hint Rewrite @Mod_SmallBound_correct @DivBy_SmallBound_correct @DivBy_SmallerBound_correct @Mul_correct @CarryAdd_correct_fst @CarryAdd_correct_snd @CarrySubSmall_correct_fst @CarrySubSmall_correct_snd @ConditionalSubtract_correct @ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct @ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct' @modulus_digits_correct using solve [ typeclasses eauto ] : push_zlike_decode.
-Hint Rewrite <- @Mod_SmallBound_correct @DivBy_SmallBound_correct @DivBy_SmallerBound_correct @Mul_correct @CarryAdd_correct_fst @CarryAdd_correct_snd @CarrySubSmall_correct_fst @CarrySubSmall_correct_snd @ConditionalSubtract_correct @ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct @modulus_digits_correct using solve [ typeclasses eauto ] : pull_zlike_decode.
-Ltac get_modulus :=
- match goal with
- | [ _ : ZLikeOps _ _ ?modulus |- _ ] => modulus
- end.
-Ltac push_zlike_decode :=
- let modulus := get_modulus in
- repeat first [ erewrite !Mod_SmallBound_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !DivBy_SmallBound_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !DivBy_SmallerBound_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !Mul_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !CarryAdd_correct_fst by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !CarryAdd_correct_snd by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !CarrySubSmall_correct_fst by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !CarrySubSmall_correct_snd by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !ConditionalSubtract_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct' by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite !(@modulus_digits_correct _ modulus _ _) by typeclasses eauto ].
-Ltac pull_zlike_decode :=
- let modulus := get_modulus in
- repeat first [ match goal with
- | [ |- context G[modulus] ]
- => let G' := context G[decode_small modulus_digits] in
- cut G'; [ rewrite !modulus_digits_correct by typeclasses eauto; exact (fun x => x) | ]
- end
- | erewrite <- !Mod_SmallBound_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !DivBy_SmallBound_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !DivBy_SmallerBound_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !Mul_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !CarryAdd_correct_fst by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !CarryAdd_correct_snd by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !ConditionalSubtract_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !CarrySubSmall_correct_fst by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !CarrySubSmall_correct_snd by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !ConditionalSubtractModulus_correct' by typeclasses eauto
- | erewrite <- !(@modulus_digits_correct _ modulus _ _) by typeclasses eauto ].
diff --git a/src/LegacyArithmetic/ZBoundedZ.v b/src/LegacyArithmetic/ZBoundedZ.v
deleted file mode 100644
index f0dfc6a40..000000000
--- a/src/LegacyArithmetic/ZBoundedZ.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-(*** ℤ can be a bounded ℤ-Like type *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
-Require Import Crypto.LegacyArithmetic.ZBounded.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Pow2Mod.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Global Instance ZZLikeOps small_bound_exp smaller_bound_exp modulus : ZLikeOps (2^small_bound_exp) (2^smaller_bound_exp) modulus
- := { LargeT := Z;
- SmallT := Z;
- modulus_digits := modulus;
- decode_large x := x;
- decode_small x := x;
- Mod_SmallBound x := Z.pow2_mod x small_bound_exp;
- DivBy_SmallBound x := Z.shiftr x small_bound_exp;
- DivBy_SmallerBound x := Z.shiftr x smaller_bound_exp;
- Mul x y := (x * y)%Z;
- CarryAdd x y := dlet xpy := x + y in
- ((2^small_bound_exp * 2^small_bound_exp <=? xpy), Z.pow2_mod xpy (2 * small_bound_exp));
- CarrySubSmall x y := dlet xmy := x - y in (xmy <? 0, Z.pow2_mod xmy small_bound_exp);
- ConditionalSubtract b x := dlet x := x in if b then Z.pow2_mod (x - modulus) small_bound_exp else x;
- ConditionalSubtractModulus x := dlet x := x in if x <? modulus then x else x - modulus }.
-Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
-Class cls_is_true (x : bool) := build_is_true : x = true.
-Hint Extern 1 (cls_is_true ?b) => vm_compute; reflexivity : typeclass_instances.
-Local Ltac pre_t :=
- unfold cls_is_true, Let_In in *; Z.ltb_to_lt;
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?smaller_bound_exp <= ?small_bound_exp |- _ ]
- => is_var smaller_bound_exp; is_var small_bound_exp;
- assert (2^smaller_bound_exp <= 2^small_bound_exp) by auto with zarith;
- assert (2^small_bound_exp * 2^smaller_bound_exp <= 2^small_bound_exp * 2^small_bound_exp) by auto with zarith
- end.
-Local Ltac t_step :=
- first [ progress simpl in *
- | progress intros
- | progress autorewrite with push_Zpow Zshift_to_pow in *
- | rewrite Z.pow2_mod_spec by omega
- | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
- | progress unfold Let_In in *
- | solve [ auto with zarith ]
- | nia
- | progress break_match ].
-Local Ltac t := pre_t; repeat t_step.
-Global Instance ZZLikeProperties {small_bound_exp smaller_bound_exp modulus}
- {Hss : cls_is_true (0 <=? smaller_bound_exp)}
- {Hs : cls_is_true (0 <=? small_bound_exp)}
- {Hs_ss : cls_is_true (smaller_bound_exp <=? small_bound_exp)}
- {Hmod0 : cls_is_true (0 <=? modulus)}
- {Hmod1 : cls_is_true (modulus <? 2^small_bound_exp)}
- : ZLikeProperties (@ZZLikeOps small_bound_exp smaller_bound_exp modulus).
-refine {| large_valid x := 0 <= x < 2^(2*small_bound_exp);
- medium_valid x := 0 <= x < 2^(small_bound_exp + smaller_bound_exp);
- small_valid x := 0 <= x < 2^small_bound_exp |}.
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }
- { abstract t. }