path: root/src/Galois/EdDSA.v
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diff --git a/src/Galois/EdDSA.v b/src/Galois/EdDSA.v
index 1f0792acb..7ab02718f 100644
--- a/src/Galois/EdDSA.v
+++ b/src/Galois/EdDSA.v
@@ -1,117 +1,91 @@
-Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import ZArith NPeano.
Require Import Bedrock.Word.
Require Import Crypto.Curves.PointFormats.
Require Import Crypto.Galois.BaseSystem Crypto.Galois.GaloisTheory.
Require Import Util.ListUtil Util.CaseUtil Util.ZUtil.
Require Import VerdiTactics.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Class Encoding (T B:Type) := {
+ enc : T -> B ;
+ dec : B -> option T ;
+ encoding_valid : forall x, dec (enc x) = Some x
+Notation "'encoding' 'of' T 'as' B" := (Encoding T B) (at level 50).
+(* Spec from <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf> *)
Module Type EdDSAParams.
- (* Spec from https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf *)
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+ Coercion Z.to_nat : Z >-> nat.
- (*
- * An odd prime power q.
- * Choosing q sufficiently large is important for security,
- * since the size of q constrains the size of l below.
- * There are additional security concerns when q is not chosen to be prime.
- *)
Parameter q : Prime.
Axiom q_odd : q > 2.
+ (* Choosing q sufficiently large is important for security, since the size of
+ * q constrains the size of l below. *)
+ (* GF is the finite field of integers modulo q *)
Module Modulus_q <: Modulus.
Definition modulus := q.
End Modulus_q.
Module Export CurveDefs := TwistedEdwardsDefs Modulus_q.
- (*
- * An integer b with 2^(b − 1) > q.
- * EdDSA public keys have exactly b bits,
- * and EdDSA signatures have exactly 2b bits.
- *)
- (* Note: the parameter pred_b is (b - 1) to make proofs about the (b-1)-bit
- * encoding easier *)
Parameter b : nat.
- Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
Axiom b_valid : 2^(b - 1) > q.
- Definition secretkey : Type := word b.
- Definition publickey : Type := word b.
- Definition signature : Type := word (b + b).
+ Notation secretkey := (word b) (only parsing).
+ Notation publickey := (word b) (only parsing).
+ Notation signature := (word (b + b)) (only parsing).
- (* A (b − 1)-bit encoding of elements of the finite field Fq. *)
- Parameter decode_scalar : word (b - 1) -> GF.
- Parameter encode_scalar : GF -> word (b - 1).
- Axiom decode_encode_scalar_consistent : forall x, decode_scalar (encode_scalar x) = x.
- Axiom encode_decode_scalar_consistent : forall x, encode_scalar (decode_scalar x) = x.
+ Parameter GFEncoding : encoding of GF as word (b-1).
- (*
- * A cryptographic hash function H producing 2b-bit output.
- * Conservative hash functions are recommended and do not have much
- * impact on the total cost of EdDSA.
- *)
Parameter H : forall {n}, word n -> word (b + b).
+ (* A cryptographic hash function. Conservative hash functions are recommended
+ * and do not have much impact on the total cost of EdDSA. *)
- (*
- * An integer c \in {2, 3}. Secret EdDSA scalars are multiples of 2c.
- * The original specification of EdDSA did not include this parameter:
- * it implicitly took c = 3.
- *)
Parameter c : nat.
- Axiom c_valid : (c = 2)%nat \/ (c = 3)%nat.
+ Axiom c_valid : (c = 2 \/ c = 3)%nat.
+ (* Secret EdDSA scalars are multiples of 2^c. The original specification of
+ * EdDSA did not include this parameter: it implicitly took c = 3. *)
- (*
- * An integer n with c \leq n \leq b.
- * Secret EdDSA scalars have exactly n + 1 bits, with the top bit
+ Parameter n : nat.
+ Axiom n_ge_c : (n >= c)%nat.
+ Axiom n_le_b : (n <= b)%nat.
+ (* Secret EdDSA scalars have exactly n + 1 bits, with the top bit
* (the 2n position) always set and the bottom c bits always cleared.
* The original specification of EdDSA did not include this parameter:
* it implicitly took n = b−2.
* Choosing n sufficiently large is important for security:
* standard “kangaroo” attacks use approximately 1.36\sqrt(2n−c) additions
- * on average to determine an EdDSA secret key from an EdDSA public key.
- *)
- Parameter n : nat.
- Axiom n_ge_c : n >= c.
- Axiom n_le_b : (n <= b)%nat.
+ * on average to determine an EdDSA secret key from an EdDSA public key *)
- (*
- * A nonzero square element a of Fq.
- * The usual recommendation for best performance is a = −1 if q mod 4 = 1,
- * and a = 1 if q mod 4 = 3.
- * The original specification of EdDSA did not include this parameter:
- * it implicitly took a = −1 (and required q mod 4 = 1).
- *)
Parameter a : GF.
Axiom a_nonzero : a <> 0%GF.
- Axiom a_square : exists x, x * x = a.
+ Axiom a_square : exists x, x^2 = a.
+ (* The usual recommendation for best performance is a = −1 if q mod 4 = 1,
+ * and a = 1 if q mod 4 = 3.
+ * The original specification of EdDSA did not include this parameter:
+ * it implicitly took a = −1 (and required q mod 4 = 1). *)
- (*
- * A non-square element d of Fq.
- * The exact choice of d (together with a and q) is important for security,
- * and is the main topic considered in “curve selection”.
- *)
Parameter d : GF.
- Axiom d_nonsquare : forall x, x * x <> d.
+ Axiom d_nonsquare : forall x, x^2 <> d.
+ (* The exact choice of d (together with a and q) is important for security,
+ * and is the main topic considered in “curve selection”. *)
- Module Parameters <: TwistedEdwardsParams Modulus_q.
+ (* E = {(x, y) \in Fq x Fq : ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2}.
+ * This set forms a group with neutral element 0 = (0, 1) under the
+ * twisted Edwards addition law. *)
+ Module CurveParameters <: TwistedEdwardsParams Modulus_q.
Module Defs := CurveDefs.
Definition a : GF := a.
Definition a_nonzero := a_nonzero.
Definition a_square := a_square.
Definition d := d.
Definition d_nonsquare := d_nonsquare.
- End Parameters.
- Module Export Curve := CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve Modulus_q Parameters.
+ End CurveParameters.
+ Module Export Curve := CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve Modulus_q CurveParameters.
- (*
- * An element B \neq (0, 1) of the set
- * E = {(x, y) \in Fq x Fq : ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2}.
- * This set forms a group with neutral element 0 = (0, 1) under the
- * twisted Edwards addition law.
- *)
- Parameter B : point.
+ Parameter B : point. (* element of E *)
Axiom B_not_identity : B <> zero.
Axiom B_valid : onCurve B.
- Hint Resolve B_valid.
* An odd prime l such that lB = 0 and (2^c)l = #E.
@@ -123,6 +97,7 @@ Module Type EdDSAParams.
Parameter l : Prime.
Axiom l_odd : l > 2.
+ Axiom l_order_B : scalarMult l B = zero.
(* TODO: (2^c)l = #E *)
@@ -150,78 +125,81 @@ Proof.
-Module Type EdDSA (Import P : EdDSAParams).
- Local Infix "++" := combine.
- Local Infix "*" := scalarMult.
- Local Infix "+" := unifiedAdd.
+Module EdDSADefs (Import P : EdDSAParams).
+ Infix "++" := combine.
+ Infix "*" := scalarMult.
+ Infix "+" := unifiedAdd.
+ Infix "mod" := modulo.
- (* From [https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf]: x is negative if the
+ (* From <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf>: x is negative if the
* (b − 1)-bit encoding of x is lexicographically larger than the
* (b − 1)-bit encoding of −x *)
- Definition sign_bit x : word 1 :=
- match (wordToNat (encode_scalar x) ?= wordToNat (encode_scalar (GFopp x)))%nat with
- | Gt => wone 1
- | _ => wzero 1
- end.
+ Definition is_negative x : word 1 :=
+ if wlt_dec (enc (0 - x)) (enc x) then wone 1 else wzero 1.
- (* TODO: move eventually *)
Lemma b_gt_0 : b > 0.
pose proof b_valid.
pose proof q_odd.
destruct b; boring.
- Parameter encode_point : point -> word b.
- Definition encode_point_ref (P : point) : word b.
+ Definition encode_point_ref (P:point) : word b.
replace b with (b - 1 + 1)%nat by abstract (pose proof b_gt_0; omega).
- apply (combine (encode_scalar (projY P)) (sign_bit (projX P))).
+ exact (combine (enc (projY P)) (is_negative (projX P))).
- Axiom encode_point_spec : forall P, encode_point P = encode_point_ref P.
- Parameter decode_point : word b -> option point.
- Axiom decode_point_spec : forall P, onCurve P ->
- decode_point (encode_point P) = Some P.
- Definition s (sk : secretkey) :=
- let N := wordToNat (wfirstn sk n_le_b) in
- ((N - (NPeano.modulo N (pow2 c))) * pow2 c)%nat.
+ Definition curveKey sk := (let N := wordToNat (wfirstn sk n_le_b) in N - (N mod 2^c))%nat.
+ Definition randKey (sk:secretkey) := split2 b b (H sk).
+End EdDSADefs.
+Module Type EdDSA (Import P : EdDSAParams).
+ Module Import Spec := EdDSADefs P.
+ (* FIXME: make [point] represent points on the curve *)
+ Parameter PointEncoding : encoding of point as word b.
+ Axiom encode_point_spec : forall P, enc P = encode_point_ref P.
Parameter public : secretkey -> publickey.
- Axiom public_spec : forall sk, public sk = encode_point ((s sk) * B).
+ Axiom public_spec : forall sk, public sk = enc ((curveKey sk) * B).
- Parameter sign : secretkey -> forall {n}, word n -> signature.
- Axiom sign_spec : forall sk {n} (M : word n), sign sk M =
- let r := wordToNat (H ((split2 b b (H sk)) ++ M)) in
+ Parameter sign : publickey -> secretkey -> forall {n}, word n -> signature.
+ Axiom sign_spec : forall A_ sk {n} (M : word n), sign A_ sk M =
+ let r := wordToNat (H (randKey sk ++ M)) in
let R := r * B in
- let S := NPeano.modulo (r + ((s sk) * wordToNat (H ((encode_point R) ++ (public sk) ++ M))))%nat (Z.to_nat l) in
- (encode_point R) ++ (natToWord b S).
+ let S := (r + curveKey sk * wordToNat (H (enc R ++ A_ ++ M)))%nat mod (Z.to_nat l) in
+ enc R ++ natToWord b S.
Parameter verify : publickey -> signature -> forall {n}, word n -> bool.
Axiom verify_spec : forall A_ sig {n} (M : word n), verify A_ sig M = true <->
let R_ := split1 b b sig in
let S_ := split2 b b sig in
let S := wordToNat S_ in
- match (decode_point A_) with
+ match dec A_ with
| None => False
- | Some A => match (decode_point R_) with
+ | Some A => match dec R_ with
| None => False
| Some R => S * B = R + (wordToNat (H (R_ ++ A_ ++ M )) * A)
+End EdDSA.
+Module EdDSAFacts (Import P : EdDSAParams) (Import Impl : EdDSA P).
+ Import Impl.Spec.
(* for signature (R_, S_), R_ = encode_point (r * B) *)
- Lemma decode_sign_split1 : forall (sk : secretkey) {n} (M : word n),
- split1 b b (sign sk M) = encode_point ((wordToNat (H ((split2 b b (H sk)) ++ M))) * B).
+ Lemma decode_sign_split1 : forall A_ sk {n} (M : word n),
+ split1 b b (sign A_ sk M) = enc ((wordToNat (H (randKey sk ++ M))) * B).
- intros. pose proof (sign_spec sk M).
+ intros. pose proof (sign_spec A_ sk M).
simpl in H0. rewrite H0; clear H0.
apply split1_combine.
(* for signature (R_, S_), S_ = encode_scalar (r + H(R_, A_, M)s) *)
- Lemma decode_sign_split2 : forall (sk : secretkey) {n} (M : word n),
- split2 b b (sign sk M) =
- let r := wordToNat (H ((split2 b b (H sk)) ++ M)) in
- natToWord b (NPeano.modulo (r + ((s sk) * wordToNat (H ((encode_point (r * B)) ++ (public sk) ++ M)))) (Z.to_nat l)).
+ Lemma decode_sign_split2 : forall sk {n} (M : word n),
+ split2 b b (sign (public sk) sk M) =
+ let r := wordToNat (H (randKey sk ++ M)) in
+ natToWord b (NPeano.modulo (r + ((curveKey sk) * wordToNat (H ((enc (r * B)) ++ (public sk) ++ M)))) (Z.to_nat l)).
intros. rewrite sign_spec; simpl.
rewrite split2_combine.
@@ -247,32 +225,32 @@ Module Type EdDSA (Import P : EdDSAParams).
(* TODO : move somewhere else (EdDSAFacts?) *)
Lemma verify_valid_passes : forall sk {n} (M : word n),
- verify (public sk) (sign sk M) M = true.
+ verify (public sk) (sign (public sk) sk M) M = true.
intros; rewrite verify_spec.
intros; subst R_.
rewrite decode_sign_split1.
rewrite public_spec.
- rewrite decode_point_spec by auto.
- rewrite decode_point_spec by auto.
+ rewrite encoding_valid by auto.
+ rewrite encoding_valid by auto.
subst S S_.
- rewrite decode_sign_split2; simpl.
- remember (wordToNat (H (split2 b b (H sk) ++ M))) as r.
+ rewrite decode_sign_split2.
+ remember (wordToNat (H (randKey sk ++ M))) as r.
rewrite public_spec.
+ cbv zeta.
remember (wordToNat
- (H (encode_point (r * B) ++ encode_point (s sk * B) ++ M))).
- assert (N.of_nat (NPeano.modulo (r + s sk * n1) (Z.to_nat l)) < Npow2 b)%N. {
- remember (r + s sk * n1)%nat.
- pose proof (NPeano.Nat.mod_upper_bound n2 (Z.to_nat l) l_gt_zero).
+ (H (enc (r * B) ++ enc (curveKey sk * B) ++ M))) as c; simpl in Heqc.
+ assert (N.of_nat (NPeano.modulo (r + curveKey sk * c) (Z.to_nat l)) < Npow2 b)%N as Hlt. {
+ remember (r + curveKey sk * c)%nat as t.
+ pose proof (NPeano.Nat.mod_upper_bound t (Z.to_nat l) l_gt_zero).
pose proof l_bound.
pose proof (lt_trans _ (Z.to_nat l) (pow2 b) H0 H1).
clear H0 H1.
apply Nomega.Nlt_in.
rewrite Nnat.Nat2N.id, Npow2_nat; auto.
- rewrite (wordToNat_natToWord_idempotent b
- (NPeano.modulo (r + s sk * n1) (Z.to_nat l)) H0); clear H0.
+ rewrite wordToNat_natToWord_idempotent by auto.
rewrite verification_principle.
- Admitted. (* relies on group properties, e.g. distributivity, exp *)
-End EdDSA.
+ admit. (* relies on group properties, e.g. distributivity, exp *)
+ Qed.
+End EdDSAFacts.