path: root/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs.v
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1 files changed, 419 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs.v b/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs.v
index 2bab688dc..7c3ec0e35 100644
--- a/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs.v
+++ b/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs.v
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Coq.MSets.MSetPositive.
Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.PrimitiveSigma.
Require Import Crypto.Util.MSetPositive.Facts.
Require Import Crypto.Util.CPSNotations.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
@@ -9,6 +10,8 @@ Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
Require Import Crypto.Util.HProp.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Equality.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
Require Import Crypto.Language.
Require Import Crypto.LanguageInversion.
Require Import Crypto.GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.
@@ -17,6 +20,7 @@ Require Import Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
Import EqNotations.
Module Compilers.
Import Language.Compilers.
+ Import LanguageInversion.Compilers.
Import GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.Compilers.
Module pattern.
@@ -59,14 +63,24 @@ Module Compilers.
-> P v.
Proof. destruct v'; congruence. Qed.
+ Local Notation type_of_list := (List.fold_right (fun A B => prod A B) unit).
+ Fixpoint eta_type_of_list {ls} : type_of_list ls -> type_of_list ls
+ := match ls with
+ | nil => fun _ => tt
+ | cons x xs => fun v => (fst v, @eta_type_of_list xs (snd v))
+ end.
+ Lemma eq_eta_type_of_list ls v
+ : @eta_type_of_list ls v = v.
+ Proof. induction ls; destruct v; cbn; reflexivity + apply f_equal; auto with nocore. Defined.
Module base.
- Definition eq_subst_default_relax {t evm} : base.subst_default (base.relax t) evm = t.
+ Fixpoint eq_subst_default_relax {t evm} : base.subst_default (base.relax t) evm = t.
- induction t; cbn;
+ destruct t; cbn;
first [ reflexivity
| apply f_equal
| apply f_equal2 ];
- assumption.
+ auto with nocore.
End base.
@@ -79,6 +93,93 @@ Module Compilers.
End type.
+ Local Lemma fast_sig_forall1_eq_ind {A T g}
+ (P : { f : forall a : A, T a | forall a, f a = g a } -> Type)
+ : (forall x : forall a, { f : T a | f = g a },
+ P (exist (fun f => forall a, f a = g a)
+ (fun a => proj1_sig (x a))
+ (fun a => proj2_sig (x a))))
+ -> forall x, P x.
+ Proof.
+ intros H [x p]; refine (H (fun a => exist _ (x a) (p a))).
+ Defined.
+ Local Lemma fast_sig_forall2_eq_ind {A B T g}
+ (P : { f : forall (a : A) (b : B a), T a b | forall a b, f a b = g a b } -> Type)
+ : (forall x : forall a b, { f : T a b | f = g a b },
+ P (exist (fun f => forall a b, f a b = g a b)
+ (fun a b => proj1_sig (x a b))
+ (fun a b => proj2_sig (x a b))))
+ -> forall x, P x.
+ Proof.
+ intros H [x p]; refine (H (fun a b => exist _ (x a b) (p a b))).
+ Defined.
+ Local Ltac my_generalize_dependent_intros v :=
+ let k := fresh in
+ set (k := v) in *; clearbody k.
+ Ltac my_prerevert_dependent H := (* apparently this is faster *)
+ move H at bottom;
+ repeat lazymatch goal with H' : _ |- _ => tryif constr_eq H H' then fail else revert H' end.
+ Local Ltac generalize_proj1_sig_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context[@proj1_sig _ (fun x => forall y, _ = _) ?p] ]
+ => tryif is_var p then fail else my_generalize_dependent_intros p
+ | [ |- context[@proj1_sig _ (fun x => forall y z, _ = _) ?p] ]
+ => tryif is_var p then fail else my_generalize_dependent_intros p
+ | [ H : context[@proj1_sig _ (fun x => forall y, _ = _) ?p] |- _ ]
+ => tryif is_var p then fail else my_generalize_dependent_intros p
+ | [ H : context[@proj1_sig _ (fun x => forall y z, _ = _) ?p] |- _ ]
+ => tryif is_var p then fail else my_generalize_dependent_intros p
+ end.
+ Local Ltac specialize_sig_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : { f : forall (a : ?A), @?T a | forall a', f a' = @?g a' } |- _ ]
+ => my_prerevert_dependent H;
+ revert H;
+ let P := lazymatch goal with |- forall x, @?P x => P end in
+ refine (@fast_sig_forall1_eq_ind A T g P _);
+ cbn [proj1_sig proj2_sig]; intros
+ | [ H : { f : forall (a : ?A) (b : @?B a), @?T a b | forall a' b', f a' b' = @?g a' b' } |- _ ]
+ => my_prerevert_dependent H;
+ revert H;
+ let P := lazymatch goal with |- forall x, @?P x => P end in
+ refine (@fast_sig_forall2_eq_ind A B T g P _);
+ cbn [proj1_sig proj2_sig]; intros
+ end.
+ Local Ltac rewrite_sig_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ p : forall t idc, sig (fun y => y = _) |- _ ]
+ => lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : context[proj1_sig (p ?t ?idc)] |- _ ] => destruct (p t idc)
+ | [ |- context[proj1_sig (p ?t ?idc)] ] => destruct (p t idc)
+ end;
+ subst; cbn [proj1_sig proj2_sig] in *; try clear p
+ | [ p : forall idc, sig (fun y => y = _) |- _ ]
+ => lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : context[proj1_sig (p ?idc)] |- _ ] => destruct (p idc)
+ | [ |- context[proj1_sig (p ?idc)] ] => destruct (p idc)
+ end;
+ subst; cbn [proj1_sig proj2_sig] in *; try clear p
+ | [ p : sig (fun y => y = _) |- _ ]
+ => destruct p; subst; cbn [proj1_sig proj2_sig] in *
+ end.
+ Local Ltac clear_useless_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : forall t, { f : _ | f = _ } |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : forall t idc, { f : _ | f = _ } |- _ ] => clear H
+ end.
+ Local Ltac do_rew_proj2_sig :=
+ repeat first [ progress cbn [eq_rect eq_sym] in *
+ | progress intros
+ | clear_useless_step
+ | rewrite_sig_step
+ | specialize_sig_step
+ | generalize_proj1_sig_step ].
+ Local Notation iffT x y := ((x -> y) * (y -> x))%type.
Module Raw.
Module ident.
Import GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.Compilers.pattern.Raw.ident.
@@ -87,22 +188,106 @@ Module Compilers.
Global Instance eq_ident_Decidable : DecidableRel (@eq ident)
:= dec_rel_of_bool_dec_rel ident_beq ident_bl ident_lb.
+ Lemma is_simple_correct0 p
+ : is_simple p = true
+ <-> (forall f1 f2, type_of p f1 = type_of p f2).
+ Proof.
+ destruct p; cbn; cbv -[Datatypes.fst Datatypes.snd projT1 projT2] in *; split; intro H;
+ try solve [ reflexivity | exfalso; discriminate ].
+ all: repeat first [ match goal with
+ | [ H : nat -> ?A |- _ ] => specialize (H O)
+ | [ H : unit -> ?A |- _ ] => specialize (H tt)
+ | [ H : forall x y : PrimitiveProd.Primitive.prod _ _, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun x1 y1 x2 y2 => H (PrimitiveProd.Primitive.pair x1 x2) (PrimitiveProd.Primitive.pair y1 y2)); cbn in H
+ | [ H : forall x y : Datatypes.prod _ _, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun x1 y1 x2 y2 => H (Datatypes.pair x1 x2) (Datatypes.pair y1 y2)); cbn in H
+ | [ H : forall x y : PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.sigT ?P, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun x1 y1 x2 y2 => H (PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.existT P x1 x2) (PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.existT P y1 y2)); cbn in H
+ | [ H : forall x y : Compilers.base.type, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun x y => H (Compilers.base.type.type_base x) (Compilers.base.type.type_base y))
+ | [ H : forall x y : Compilers.base.type.base, _ |- _ ] => specialize (H Compilers.base.type.unit Compilers.base.type.nat); try congruence; cbn in H
+ end
+ | congruence ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma invert_bind_args_to_typed p f
+ : invert_bind_args (to_typed p f) p = Some f.
+ Proof.
+ destruct p; cbv in *;
+ destruct_head' (@Primitive.sigT); destruct_head'_prod; destruct_head'_unit; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma fold_invert_bind_args : @invert_bind_args = @folded_invert_bind_args.
+ Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma split_ident_to_ident ridc x y z
+ : PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.projT1 (split_ident_gen (to_ident (ident_infos_of ridc) x y z))
+ = ridc.
+ Proof. destruct ridc; reflexivity. Defined.
+ Lemma eq_indep_types_of_eq_types (ridc : ident)
+ (dt1 dt2 : type_of_list (dep_types (ident_infos_of ridc)))
+ (idt1 idt2 : type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types (ident_infos_of ridc)))
+ (Hty : to_type (ident_infos_of ridc) dt1 idt1 = to_type (ident_infos_of ridc) dt2 idt2)
+ : idt1 = idt2.
+ Proof.
+ destruct ridc; cbv in *;
+ destruct_head'_prod; destruct_head'_unit; try reflexivity;
+ type.inversion_type; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ident_transport_opt_correct P x y v
+ : (@ident_transport_opt P x y v <> None -> x = y)
+ * (forall pf : x = y, @ident_transport_opt P x y v = Some (rew pf in v)).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [ident_transport_opt].
+ generalize (ident_beq_if x y), (ident_lb x y); destruct (ident_beq x y);
+ intros; subst; split; try congruence; intros; subst;
+ try intuition congruence.
+ eliminate_hprop_eq; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ident_transport_opt_correct' P x y v
+ : @ident_transport_opt P x y v <> None
+ -> { pf : x = y
+ | @ident_transport_opt P x y v = Some (rew pf in v) }.
+ Proof.
+ intro H; apply ident_transport_opt_correct in H; exists H; apply ident_transport_opt_correct.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ident_transport_opt_correct'' P x y v v'
+ : @ident_transport_opt P x y v = Some v'
+ -> { pf : x = y
+ | v' = rew pf in v }.
+ Proof.
+ intro H.
+ pose proof (@ident_transport_opt_correct' P x y v) as H'.
+ rewrite H in H'.
+ specialize (H' ltac:(congruence)).
+ destruct H'; inversion_option; subst; (exists eq_refl); reflexivity.
+ Qed.
Lemma to_typed_invert_bind_args_gen t idc p f
: @invert_bind_args t idc p = Some f
-> { pf : t = type_of p f | @to_typed p f = rew [Compilers.ident.ident] pf in idc }.
- cbv [invert_bind_args type_of full_types].
- repeat first [ reflexivity
- | (exists eq_refl)
- | progress intros
- | match goal with
- | [ H : Some _ = None |- ?P ] => exact (@quick_invert_eq_option _ P _ _ H)
- | [ H : None = Some _ |- ?P ] => exact (@quick_invert_eq_option _ P _ _ H)
- end
- | progress inversion_option
- | progress subst
- | break_innermost_match_step
- | break_innermost_match_hyps_step ].
+ rewrite fold_invert_bind_args.
+ cbv [folded_invert_bind_args type_of full_types to_typed] in *.
+ do_rew_proj2_sig.
+ all: repeat first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- context[@split_ident_gen ?t ?idc] ]
+ => destruct (@split_ident_gen t idc)
+ | [ H : context[@split_ident_gen ?t ?idc] |- _ ]
+ => destruct (@split_ident_gen t idc)
+ | [ H : Some _ = @ident_transport_opt _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => symmetry in H
+ | [ H : None = @ident_transport_opt _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => symmetry in H
+ | [ H : @ident_transport_opt ?P ?x ?y ?v = Some _ |- _ ]
+ => apply (@ident_transport_opt_correct'' P x y v) in H; destruct H
+ | [ H : @ident_transport_opt ?P ?x ?y ?v = None |- _ ]
+ => repeat intro; unshelve (erewrite (Datatypes.snd (ident_transport_opt_correct P x y v)) in H; inversion_option); []
+ end
+ | progress destruct_head'_sig
+ | progress subst
+ | progress cbv [eq_rect assemble_ident] in *
+ | (exists eq_refl)
+ | reflexivity
+ | break_innermost_match_step ].
Lemma type_of_invert_bind_args t idc p f
@@ -117,33 +302,6 @@ Module Compilers.
exact (proj2_sig (@to_typed_invert_bind_args_gen t idc p f pf)).
- Lemma invert_bind_args_to_typed p f
- : invert_bind_args (to_typed p f) p = Some f.
- Proof.
- destruct p; cbn in *;
- repeat first [ reflexivity
- | progress destruct_head'_unit
- | progress destruct_head'_prod
- | progress destruct_head' (@PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.sigT) ].
- Qed.
- Lemma is_simple_correct0 p
- : is_simple p = true
- <-> (forall f1 f2, type_of p f1 = type_of p f2).
- Proof.
- destruct p; cbn; split; intro H;
- try solve [ reflexivity | exfalso; discriminate ].
- all: repeat first [ match goal with
- | [ H : nat -> ?A |- _ ] => specialize (H O)
- | [ H : unit -> ?A |- _ ] => specialize (H tt)
- | [ H : forall x y : Datatypes.prod _ _, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun x1 y1 x2 y2 => H (Datatypes.pair x1 x2) (Datatypes.pair y1 y2)); cbn in H
- | [ H : forall x y : PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.sigT ?P, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun x1 y1 x2 y2 => H (PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.existT P x1 x2) (PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.existT P y1 y2)); cbn in H
- | [ H : forall x y : Compilers.base.type, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun x y => H (Compilers.base.type.type_base x) (Compilers.base.type.type_base y))
- | [ H : forall x y : Compilers.base.type.base, _ |- _ ] => specialize (H Compilers.base.type.unit Compilers.base.type.nat); try congruence; cbn in H
- end
- | congruence ].
- Qed.
Lemma is_simple_correct p
: is_simple p = true
<-> (forall t1 idc1 t2 idc2, @invert_bind_args t1 idc1 p <> None -> @invert_bind_args t2 idc2 p <> None -> t1 = t2).
@@ -157,6 +315,64 @@ Module Compilers.
apply (H _ (to_typed p f1) _ (to_typed p f2));
rewrite invert_bind_args_to_typed; congruence. }
+ Lemma try_unify_split_args_Some_correct ridc1 ridc2 dt1 dt2 (*idt1 idt2*) args v
+ : iffT
+ (@try_unify_split_args ridc1 ridc2 dt1 dt2 (*idt1 idt2*) args = Some v)
+ { pf : existT _ ridc1 dt1 = existT _ ridc2 dt2 :> { ridc : _ & type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc))) }
+ | (rew [fun rdt => type_of_list (indep_args _ (projT2 rdt))] pf in
+ (args : type_of_list (indep_args _ (projT2 (existT _ ridc1 dt1)))))
+ = v
+ (*/\ (rew [fun ridc => type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc)))] f_equal (@projT1 _ _) pf in
+ idt1)
+ = idt2*) }.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (dep_types_dec_transparent (ident_infos_of ridc1) : DecidableRel eq).
+ cbv [try_unify_split_args].
+ generalize (Raw.ident.ident_beq_if ridc1 ridc2).
+ generalize (Raw.ident.ident_lb ridc1 ridc2).
+ destruct (Raw.ident.ident_beq ridc1 ridc2);
+ [
+ | split;
+ [ congruence
+ | intros; destruct_head'_sig; Sigma.inversion_sigma; subst; specialize_by reflexivity; congruence ] ].
+ intros ? ?; subst.
+ (*pose proof (@Reflect.reflect_bool _ _ (indep_types_reflect _ idt1 idt2)) as H'.
+ pose proof (indep_types_reflect _ idt1 idt2) as H''.*)
+ repeat first [ break_innermost_match_step
+ | apply pair
+ | progress intros
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress subst
+ | progress specialize_by reflexivity
+ | apply conj
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress destruct_head'_sig
+ | progress Sigma.inversion_sigma
+ | progress cbn [eq_rect eq_sym eq_rect_r Sigma.path_sigT Sigma.path_sigT_uncurried f_equal] in *
+ | (exists eq_refl)
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress eliminate_hprop_eq
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : Bool.reflect _ false |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H
+ end
+ | congruence ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma try_unify_split_args_None_correct ridc1 ridc2 dt1 dt2 (*idt1 idt2*) args
+ : @try_unify_split_args ridc1 ridc2 dt1 dt2 (*idt1 idt2*) args = None
+ -> forall pf : existT _ ridc1 dt1 = existT _ ridc2 dt2 :> { ridc : _ & type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc))) },
+ (*(rew [fun ridc => type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc)))] f_equal (@projT1 _ _) pf in
+ idt1)
+ = idt2
+ ->*) False.
+ Proof.
+ intros H pf (*pf'*).
+ pose proof (fun v => snd (@try_unify_split_args_Some_correct ridc1 ridc2 dt1 dt2 (*idt1 idt2*) args v)) as H'.
+ rewrite H in H'.
+ specialize (H' _ (exist _ pf eq_refl(*(conj eq_refl pf')*))); cbv beta in *.
+ congruence.
+ Qed.
End ident.
End Raw.
@@ -164,30 +380,180 @@ Module Compilers.
Import GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.Compilers.pattern.ident.
Import Datatypes. (* for Some, None, option *)
+ Lemma fold_eta_ident_cps T t idc f : @eta_ident_cps T t idc f = proj1_sig (@pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen (fun t _ => T t) f) t idc.
+ Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma fold_unify : @unify = @folded_unify.
+ Proof. vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl (@unify)). Qed.
+ Lemma to_typed_of_typed_ident t idc evm
+ : (rew [Compilers.ident] type.eq_subst_default_relax in
+ @to_typed _ (@of_typed_ident t idc) evm (@arg_types_of_typed_ident t idc))
+ = idc.
+ Proof.
+ destruct idc;
+ try (vm_compute; reflexivity);
+ cbv -[type.type_ind type.relax type.subst_default Compilers.base.type.type_ind f_equal f_equal2 base.relax base.subst_default base.eq_subst_default_relax];
+ cbn [type.type_ind type.relax type.subst_default f_equal f_equal2 base.relax base.subst_default base.eq_subst_default_relax];
+ repeat first [ progress subst
+ | progress intros
+ | progress cbn [f_equal f_equal2]
+ | reflexivity
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- context[@base.eq_subst_default_relax ?t ?evm] ]
+ => generalize (base.subst_default (base.relax t) evm), (@base.eq_subst_default_relax t evm)
+ end ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_indep_types_of_eq_types {t1 t2} {idc1 : ident t1} {idc2 : ident t2} evm1 evm2
+ (Hty : type.subst_default t1 evm1 = type.subst_default t2 evm2)
+ (pf : Primitive.projT1 (@split_types_subst_default _ idc1 evm1)
+ = Primitive.projT1 (@split_types_subst_default _ idc2 evm2))
+ : Datatypes.snd (Primitive.projT2 (@split_types_subst_default _ idc1 evm1))
+ = rew <- [fun r => full_type_of_list_of_kind (Raw.ident.indep_types (Raw.ident.preinfos (Raw.ident.ident_infos_of r)))] pf in
+ Datatypes.snd (Primitive.projT2 (@split_types_subst_default _ idc2 evm2)).
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (@to_type_split_types_subst_default_eq _ idc1 evm1).
+ pose proof (@to_type_split_types_subst_default_eq _ idc2 evm2).
+ generalize dependent (type.subst_default t1 evm1);
+ generalize dependent (type.subst_default t2 evm2); intros; subst.
+ cbv [split_types_subst_default] in *; cbn [Primitive.projT1 Primitive.projT2 fst snd] in *.
+ destruct (split_types idc1), (split_types idc2);
+ destruct_head'_prod;
+ cbn [Primitive.projT1 Primitive.projT2 fst snd] in *;
+ subst; cbn [eq_rect eq_rect_r eq_sym].
+ eapply Raw.ident.eq_indep_types_of_eq_types; eassumption.
+ Qed.
Lemma eta_ident_cps_correct T t idc f
: @eta_ident_cps T t idc f = f t idc.
- Proof. cbv [eta_ident_cps]; break_innermost_match; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Proof. rewrite fold_eta_ident_cps; apply (proj2_sig (@pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen _ f)). Qed.
Lemma unify_to_typed {t t' pidc idc}
: forall v,
@unify t t' pidc idc = Some v
-> forall evm pf,
- rew [Compilers.ident] pf in @to_typed t pidc evm v = idc.
+ rew [Compilers.ident] pf in @to_typed t pidc evm v = idc.
- refine (@option_case_fast _ _ _ _).
- Time destruct pidc, idc; cbv [unify to_typed]; try exact I.
- Time all: break_innermost_match; try exact I.
- Time all: repeat first [ reflexivity
- | progress intros
- | progress eliminate_hprop_eq
- | progress cbn [type.subst_default base.subst_default] in *
- | progress Compilers.type.inversion_type ].
+ intros v H evm pf; subst t'; cbn [eq_rect].
+ pose proof (@eq_indep_types_of_eq_types _ _ (@of_typed_ident _ idc) pidc evm evm type.eq_subst_default_relax) as H'.
+ revert v H.
+ set (idc' := idc) at 1; rewrite <- (@to_typed_of_typed_ident _ idc evm); subst idc'.
+ rewrite fold_unify.
+ cbv [folded_unify arg_types Raw.ident.assemble_ident];
+ cbn [Primitive.projT1 Primitive.projT2].
+ intros v.
+ Time do_rew_proj2_sig.
+ Time
+ repeat first [ progress cbn [eq_rect eq_sym] in *
+ | progress cbn [Primitive.projT1 Primitive.projT2 fst snd] in *
+ | clear_useless_step
+ | rewrite_sig_step
+ | specialize_sig_step
+ | generalize_proj1_sig_step
+ | progress cbv [to_typed Raw.ident.assemble_ident] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- context[@arg_types_of_typed_ident _ ?idc] ]
+ => is_var idc;
+ generalize dependent (@arg_types_of_typed_ident _ idc);
+ generalize dependent (@of_typed_ident _ idc);
+ clear idc;
+ intros
+ end
+ | progress cbv [arg_types prearg_types] in * ].
+ repeat first [ progress cbn [Primitive.projT1 Primitive.projT2 fst snd] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- context[(rew [fun x : ?T => @?A x -> @?B x] ?pf in ?f) ?y] ]
+ => rewrite (@push_rew_fun_dep T A B _ _ pf f y)
+ | [ |- context[rew [fun _ : ?T => ?P] ?pf in ?f] ]
+ => rewrite (@Equality.transport_const T P _ _ pf f)
+ | [ |- context[(rew [?P] ?pf in ?x) = ?y] ]
+ => rewrite <- (@eq_rew_moveR _ P _ _ pf x y)
+ | [ |- context[rew [fun x : ?T => option (@?P x)] ?pf in Some ?v] ]
+ => rewrite <- (@commute_eq_rect _ P (fun x => option (P x)) (fun _ => Some) _ _ pf v)
+ | [ |- iffT (Raw.ident.try_unify_split_args _ (*_ _*) = Some _) _ ]
+ => eapply iffT_trans; [ apply Raw.ident.try_unify_split_args_Some_correct | ]
+ | [ H : Raw.ident.try_unify_split_args _ (*_ _*) = Some _ |- _ ]
+ => apply Raw.ident.try_unify_split_args_Some_correct in H
+ | [ |- context[to_type_split_types_subst_default_eq ?t ?i ?evm] ]
+ => generalize (to_type_split_types_subst_default_eq t i evm); intro
+ end
+ | progress cbv [eq_rect_r] in *
+ | progress cbv [split_types_subst_default] in *
+ | progress cbn [eq_rect] in *
+ | progress destruct_head'_prod
+ | progress subst
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- context[existT _ (Primitive.projT1 (split_types ?x)) _ = _] ]
+ => destruct (split_types x); clear x
+ | [ H : context[existT _ (Primitive.projT1 (split_types ?x)) _ = _] |- _ ]
+ => destruct (split_types x); clear x
+ | [ |- context[@eq_trans (type.type ?base_type) ?x ?y ?z ?pf1 ?pf2] ]
+ => generalize (@eq_trans (type.type base_type) x y z pf1 pf2); intro
+ end
+ | rewrite <- !eq_trans_rew_distr ].
+ Time
+ all:
+ repeat first [ apply pair
+ | progress cbn [eq_rect eq_rect_r eq_sym Sigma.path_sigT Sigma.path_sigT_uncurried f_equal] in *
+ | progress intros
+ | progress destruct_head'_sig
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress Sigma.inversion_sigma
+ | progress subst
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : forall pf : ?x = ?x, _ |- _ ] => specialize (H eq_refl)
+ | [ H : lift_type_of_list_map _ ?f = _ |- _ ]
+ => is_var f; symmetry in H; destruct H; clear f
+ | [ H : context[@eq_trans (type.type ?base_type) ?x ?y ?z ?pf1 ?pf2] |- _ ]
+ => generalize dependent (@eq_trans (type.type base_type) x y z pf1 pf2); intros
+ | [ H : context[type.subst_default (type.relax _) _] |- _ ]
+ => rewrite type.eq_subst_default_relax in H
+ | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : type.subst_default ?t ?evm = type.subst_default ?t ?evm'
+ |- context[lift_type_of_list_map (@subst_default_kind_of_type ?evm) (snd (Primitive.projT2 (split_types ?idc)))] ]
+ => let H' := fresh in
+ pose proof (@eq_indep_types_of_eq_types t idc idc evm evm' H eq_refl) as H';
+ cbv [split_types_subst_default] in H';
+ cbn [eq_rect_r eq_rect eq_sym Primitive.projT2 Primitive.projT1 fst snd] in H';
+ rewrite H' in *; clear H';
+ generalize dependent (type.subst_default t evm); intros; subst; clear evm
+ end
+ | rewrite <- !eq_trans_rew_distr in *
+ | eexists; rewrite <- !eq_trans_rew_distr, concat_pV
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ = type.subst_default ?t ?evm |- _ ]
+ => is_var t; is_var evm;
+ generalize dependent (type.subst_default t evm); intros
+ end
+ | progress eliminate_hprop_eq ].
Lemma unify_of_typed_ident {t idc}
: unify (@of_typed_ident t idc) idc <> None.
- destruct idc; cbn; break_innermost_match; exact Some_neq_None.
+ rewrite fold_unify.
+ cbv [folded_unify].
+ Time do_rew_proj2_sig.
+ generalize (of_typed_ident idc), (arg_types_of_typed_ident idc); intros.
+ repeat first [ progress rewrite ?push_rew_fun_dep, ?transport_const
+ | progress cbv [eq_rect_r] in *
+ | intro
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : (rew [?P] ?pf in ?v) = ?v2 |- _ ] => apply (@rew_r_moveL _ P _ _ pf v v2) in H
+ | [ H : context[rew [fun x : ?T => option (@?P x)] ?pf in @None ?K] |- _ ]
+ => let H' := fresh in
+ pose proof (@commute_eq_rect _ (fun _ => True) (fun x => option (P x)) (fun _ _ => @None _) _ _ pf I) as H';
+ setoid_rewrite <- H' in H;
+ clear H'
+ | [ H : @Raw.ident.try_unify_split_args ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e = None |- _ ]
+ => let H' := fresh in
+ pose proof (@Raw.ident.try_unify_split_args_None_correct a b c d e H) as H';
+ clear H
+ | [ H : forall pf : _ = _, _ |- _ ] => specialize (H eq_refl)
+ end
+ | assumption ].
End ident.
End pattern.