path: root/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.v')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.v b/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.v
index a7763c0c1..111b88bef 100644
--- a/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.v
+++ b/src/GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.v
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Coq.Logic.JMeq.
Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
Require Import Coq.MSets.MSetPositive.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ Require Crypto.Util.Tuple.
Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope list_scope.
Import PrimitiveSigma.Primitive.
+Import EqNotations.
Module Compilers.
Set Boolean Equality Schemes.
Set Decidable Equality Schemes.
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ Module Compilers.
| nil => fun x => x
| T :: Ts
=> fun v_vs
- => (F T (Datatypes.fst v_vs),
- @lift_type_of_list_map A Ts P1 P2 F (Datatypes.snd v_vs))
+ => (F T (fst v_vs),
+ @lift_type_of_list_map A Ts P1 P2 F (snd v_vs))
Module pattern.
@@ -227,10 +227,28 @@ Module Compilers.
| _ => constr_fail_with ltac:(fun _ => fail 1 "Could not find" ctor "from" from_all_idents "(index" n ") in" to_all_idents "(failed to eliminate dependency on dummy default argument in" v ")")
end in
+ Ltac make_ident_index ty all_idents :=
+ let all_idents := (eval hnf in all_idents) in
+ let v := (eval cbv [id] in
+ (ltac:(intros;
+ let idc := lazymatch goal with idc : _ |- _ => idc end in
+ let idc' := fresh "idc'" in
+ pose idc as idc';
+ destruct idc;
+ let idc := (eval cbv [idc'] in idc') in
+ let idc := head idc in
+ let n := get_ctor_number' idc all_idents in
+ exact n)
+ : ty)) in
+ refine v.
End Tactics.
Definition all_idents : list { T : Type & T } := ltac:(make_all_idents).
+ Definition ident_index : forall t, ident t -> nat
+ := ltac:(make_ident_index (forall t, ident t -> nat) all_idents).
Definition eta_ident_cps_gen
{T : forall t, Compilers.ident.ident t -> Type}
(f : forall t idc, T t idc)
@@ -246,24 +264,33 @@ Module Compilers.
Definition eta_ident_cps_gen2
{T0 : forall t, Compilers.ident.ident t -> Type}
(f0 : forall t idc, T0 t idc)
- {T1 : forall t (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), T0 t idc -> Type}
+ {T1 : forall t idc, T0 t idc -> Type}
(f1 : forall t idc, T1 t idc (f0 t idc))
- : forall t idc, T1 t idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc).
- Proof. intros t idc; cbv [proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen]; destruct idc; exact (f1 _ _). Defined.
+ : { f' : forall t idc, T1 t idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc)
+ | forall t idc,
+ f' t idc = rew [T1 t idc] (eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc)) in f1 t idc }.
+ Proof. apply eta_ident_cps_gen. Defined.
Definition eta_ident_cps_gen3
{T0 : forall t, Compilers.ident.ident t -> Type}
(f0 : forall t idc, T0 t idc)
- {T1 : forall t (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), T0 t idc -> Type}
+ {T1 : forall t idc, T0 t idc -> Type}
(f1 : forall t idc, T1 t idc (f0 t idc))
{T2 : forall t idc x, T1 t idc x -> Type}
(f2 : forall t idc, T2 t idc (f0 t idc) (f1 t idc))
- : forall t idc, T2 t idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc) (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1 t idc).
- Proof. intros t idc; cbv [proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen eta_ident_cps_gen2]; destruct idc; exact (f2 _ _). Defined.
+ : { f' : forall t idc, T2 t idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc) (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1) t idc)
+ | forall t idc,
+ f' t idc
+ = rew [T2 t idc _] (eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1) t idc)) in
+ match eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen _ f0) t idc) as p return T2 t idc _ (rew [T1 t idc] p in f1 t idc) with
+ | eq_refl => f2 t idc
+ end }.
+ Proof. apply eta_ident_cps_gen. Defined.
Module Raw.
Module ident.
Local Unset Decidable Equality Schemes.
+ Local Unset Boolean Equality Schemes.
Module MakeIdent.
Import Compilers.ident.
Ltac map_projT2 tac ls :=
@@ -401,6 +428,23 @@ Module Compilers.
Definition all_idents : list ident := ltac:(make_all_idents).
+ Definition ident_index : ident -> nat
+ := ltac:(let idc := fresh "idc" in
+ let idc' := fresh "idc'" in
+ let v := (eval cbv [id] in
+ (ltac:(intro idc;
+ pose idc as idc';
+ destruct idc;
+ let idc := (eval cbv [idc'] in idc') in
+ let all_idents := (eval cbv [all_idents] in all_idents) in
+ let n := get_ctor_number' idc all_idents in
+ exact n)
+ : ident -> nat)) in
+ refine v).
+ Lemma ident_index_idempotent idc : List.nth_error all_idents (ident_index idc) = Some idc.
+ Proof. destruct idc; vm_compute; reflexivity. Defined.
Definition eta_ident_cps_gen {T : ident -> Type}
(f : forall idc, T idc)
@@ -412,8 +456,10 @@ Module Compilers.
(f0 : forall idc, T0 idc)
{T1 : forall idc, T0 idc -> Type}
(f1 : forall idc, T1 idc (f0 idc))
- : forall idc, T1 idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) idc).
- Proof. intros idc; cbv [proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen]; destruct idc; exact (f1 _). Defined.
+ : { f' : forall idc, T1 idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) idc)
+ | forall idc,
+ f' idc = rew [T1 idc] (eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) idc)) in f1 idc }.
+ Proof. apply eta_ident_cps_gen. Defined.
Definition eta_ident_cps_gen3
{T0 : ident -> Type}
@@ -422,29 +468,85 @@ Module Compilers.
(f1 : forall idc, T1 idc (f0 idc))
{T2 : forall idc x, T1 idc x -> Type}
(f2 : forall idc, T2 idc (f0 idc) (f1 idc))
- : forall idc, T2 idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) idc) (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1 idc).
- Proof. intros idc; cbv [proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen eta_ident_cps_gen2]; destruct idc; exact (f2 _). Defined.
+ : { f' : forall idc, T2 idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) idc) (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1) idc)
+ | forall idc,
+ f' idc
+ = rew [T2 idc _] (eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1) idc)) in
+ match eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen _ f0) idc) as p return T2 idc _ (rew [T1 idc] p in f1 idc) with
+ | eq_refl => f2 idc
+ end }.
+ Proof. apply eta_ident_cps_gen. Defined.
+ Definition ident_beq : ident -> ident -> bool
+ := fun idc1 idc2
+ => proj1_sig
+ (eta_ident_cps_gen
+ (fun idc1
+ => proj1_sig
+ (eta_ident_cps_gen
+ (fun idc2
+ => Nat.eqb (ident_index idc1) (ident_index idc2)))
+ idc2))
+ idc1.
+ Ltac rew_proj2_sig :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[@proj1_sig _ (fun _ => forall x, _ = _) ?p] ]
+ => rewrite !(proj2_sig p)
+ | [ |- context[@proj1_sig _ (fun _ => forall x y, _ = _) ?p] ]
+ => rewrite !(proj2_sig p)
+ end.
+ Definition nat_eqb_refl_transparent (x : nat) : Nat.eqb x x = true.
+ Proof. induction x; cbn; constructor + assumption. Defined.
Definition ident_lb (x y : ident) : x = y -> ident_beq x y = true.
- Proof. intro H; subst y; destruct x; reflexivity. Defined.
- Definition ident_beq_if (x y : ident) : if ident_beq x y then x = y else True.
- Proof. destruct x, y; cbv; constructor. Defined.
+ Proof.
+ intro H; subst y; cbv [ident_beq];
+ rew_proj2_sig; apply nat_eqb_refl_transparent.
+ Defined.
+ Lemma ident_index_inj idc1 idc2 : ident_index idc1 = ident_index idc2 -> idc1 = idc2.
+ Proof.
+ intro H.
+ pose proof (ident_index_idempotent idc1) as H1.
+ pose proof (ident_index_idempotent idc2) as H2.
+ rewrite H in H1; rewrite H1 in H2.
+ set (sidc1 := Some idc1) in *.
+ set (sidc2 := Some idc2) in *.
+ change (match sidc1, sidc2 with Some idc1, Some idc2 => idc1 = idc2 | _, _ => True end).
+ clearbody sidc2; subst sidc2 sidc1; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition nat_eqb_bl_transparent (x y : nat) : Nat.eqb x y = true -> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ revert y; induction x, y; cbn; intro; try apply f_equal; auto using eq_refl with nocore;
+ exfalso; apply Bool.diff_false_true; assumption.
+ Defined.
Definition ident_bl (x y : ident) : ident_beq x y = true -> x = y.
- generalize (ident_beq_if x y); destruct (ident_beq x y); intros;
- first [ assumption | exfalso; apply Bool.diff_false_true; assumption ].
+ cbv [ident_beq]; rew_proj2_sig; intro H.
+ apply nat_eqb_bl_transparent in H.
+ apply ident_index_inj in H.
+ exact H.
+ Defined.
+ Definition ident_beq_if (x y : ident) : if ident_beq x y then x = y else True.
+ Proof.
+ generalize (ident_beq x y), (ident_bl x y).
+ intros b H; destruct b; exact I + auto using eq_refl with nocore.
Definition ident_transport_opt (P : ident -> Type) {x y : ident} : P x -> Datatypes.option (P y)
- := Eval cbv [ident_beq ident_beq_if] in
- fun v
- => (if ident_beq x y as b return (if b then x = y else True) -> _
- then fun pf => Datatypes.Some
- match pf in (_ = y) return P y with
- | eq_refl => v
- end
- else fun _ => Datatypes.None)
- (@ident_beq_if x y).
+ := fun v
+ => (if ident_beq x y as b return (if b then x = y else True) -> _
+ then fun pf => Datatypes.Some
+ match pf in (_ = y) return P y with
+ | eq_refl => v
+ end
+ else fun _ => Datatypes.None)
+ (@ident_beq_if x y).
Inductive kind_of_type := GallinaType (_ : Type) | BaseBaseType | BaseType.
Definition Type_of_kind_of_type (T : kind_of_type)
@@ -472,7 +574,10 @@ Module Compilers.
dep_types_dec_transparent : forall x y : type_of_list (dep_types preinfos), {x = y} + {x <> y};
indep_args_beq : _;
- : forall x, reflect_rel (@eq (type_of_list (indep_args preinfos x))) (indep_args_beq x)
+ : forall x, reflect_rel (@eq (type_of_list (indep_args preinfos x))) (indep_args_beq x);
+ indep_types_beq : _;
+ indep_types_reflect
+ : reflect_rel (@eq (type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types preinfos))) indep_types_beq;
Definition ident_args (pi : preident_infos)
@@ -481,25 +586,10 @@ Module Compilers.
Definition assemble_ident {pi} (args : ident_args pi)
:= to_ident pi (projT1 args) (Datatypes.fst (projT2 args)) (Datatypes.snd (projT2 args)).
- Ltac build_ident_to_cident :=
- let v
- := (eval cbv [proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen List.find List.combine all_idents pattern.all_idents ident_beq] in
- (fun default
- => proj1_sig
- (@eta_ident_cps_gen
- (fun _ => { T : Type & T })
- (fun idc
- => match List.find
- (fun '(idc', v) => ident_beq idc idc')
- (List.combine all_idents pattern.all_idents) with
- | Datatypes.Some (_, v) => v
- | Datatypes.None => default
- end)))) in
- let v := strip_default v in
- v.
- Ltac make_ident_to_cident := let v := build_ident_to_cident in refine v.
- Definition ident_to_cident : ident -> { T : Type & T } := ltac:(make_ident_to_cident).
+ Definition ident_to_cident : ident -> { T : Type & T }
+ := proj1_sig
+ (eta_ident_cps_gen
+ (fun idc => List.nth_default (@existT Type _ True I) pattern.all_idents (ident_index idc))).
Ltac fun_to_curried_ident_infos f :=
let type_to_kind T
@@ -555,12 +645,13 @@ Module Compilers.
| T
=> ltac:(destruct idc;
let T := (eval cbv [T ident_to_cident projT2] in (projT2 T)) in
+ let T := (eval cbv in T) in
let v := fun_to_curried_ident_infos T in
let v := (eval cbv [type_of_list List.map Type_of_kind_of_type] in v) in
let c := constr:(@Build_ident_infos v) in
let T := type of c in
let T := (eval cbv [dep_types indep_types indep_args type_of_list List.map Type_of_kind_of_type] in T) in
- refine ((c : T) _ _ _);
+ refine ((c : T) _ _ _ _ _);
repeat decide equality)
end) in
let v := (eval cbv [dep_types indep_types indep_args type_of_list preinfos List.map Type_of_kind_of_type Datatypes.prod_rect base.type.base_rect unit_rect sumbool_rect prod_rec unit_rec sumbool_rec base.type.base_rec eq_ind_r eq_ind eq_sym eq_rec eq_rect] in v) in
@@ -608,76 +699,99 @@ Module Compilers.
(exists ridc);
cbv [ident_infos_of ident_args type_of_list indep_args dep_types indep_types preinfos assemble_ident to_ident List.map Type_of_kind_of_type];
unshelve (eexists; refine_sigT_and_pair; try constructor);
- repeat esplit)
+ cbv [to_type Datatypes.fst];
+ try solve [ repeat unshelve esplit ])
: { ridc : ident & { args : ident_args (ident_infos_of ridc)
- | JMeq idc (assemble_ident args) } })) in
+ | { pf : _ = _
+ | idc = rew [Compilers.ident.ident] pf in assemble_ident args } } })) in
Ltac make_split_ident_gen := let v := build_split_ident_gen in refine v.
Definition split_ident_gen
: forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t),
{ ridc : ident & { args : ident_args (ident_infos_of ridc)
- | JMeq idc (assemble_ident args) } }
+ | { pf : _ = _
+ | idc = rew [Compilers.ident.ident] pf in assemble_ident args } } }
:= ltac:(make_split_ident_gen).
- Ltac do_reduce v :=
- let v := (eval cbv [proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen eta_ident_cps_gen2 eta_ident_cps_gen3 ident_args ident_infos_of type_of_list dep_types indep_types indep_args preinfos to_type ident_transport_opt split_ident_gen pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen to_ident to_type List.map Type_of_kind_of_type] in v) in
- v.
+ Definition prefull_types : ident -> Type
+ := fun idc => ident_args (ident_infos_of idc).
Definition full_types : ident -> Type
- := ltac:(let v := do_reduce
- (proj1_sig
- (eta_ident_cps_gen
- (fun idc
- => ident_args (ident_infos_of idc)))) in
- refine v).
+ := proj1_sig (eta_ident_cps_gen prefull_types).
Definition is_simple : ident -> bool
- := ltac:(let v := do_reduce
- (proj1_sig
- (eta_ident_cps_gen
- (fun idc
- => let ii := ident_infos_of idc in
- match dep_types ii, indep_types ii return _ with (* COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/9955) *)
- | [], [] => true
- | _, _ => false
- end))) in
- refine v).
+ := fun idc
+ => let ii := ident_infos_of idc in
+ match dep_types ii, indep_types ii return _ with (* COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/9955) *)
+ | [], [] => true
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
Definition type_of : forall (pidc : ident), full_types pidc -> Compilers.type Compilers.base.type
- := ltac:(let v := do_reduce
- (@eta_ident_cps_gen2
- _ (fun idc => ident_args (ident_infos_of idc))
- (fun pidc full_types_pidc
- => full_types_pidc -> Compilers.type Compilers.base.type)
- (fun pidc args
- => to_type (ident_infos_of pidc) (projT1 args) (Datatypes.fst (projT2 args)))) in
- refine v).
+ := proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen2
+ _ prefull_types
+ (fun pidc full_types_pidc => full_types_pidc -> Compilers.type Compilers.base.type)
+ (fun pidc args
+ => to_type (ident_infos_of pidc) (projT1 args) (Datatypes.fst (projT2 args)))).
+ Definition folded_invert_bind_args : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t) (pidc : ident), Datatypes.option (full_types pidc)
+ := fun t idc pidc
+ => proj1_sig
+ (pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen
+ (fun t idc
+ => proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen2
+ _ prefull_types
+ (fun pidc full_types_pidc => Datatypes.option full_types_pidc)
+ (fun pidc
+ => let '(existT ridc (exist args _)) := split_ident_gen idc in
+ ident_transport_opt
+ (fun idc => ident_args (ident_infos_of idc))
+ args))
+ pidc))
+ t idc.
Definition invert_bind_args : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t) (pidc : ident), Datatypes.option (full_types pidc)
- := ltac:(let v := do_reduce
- (fun t idc pidc
- => proj1_sig
- (pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen
- (fun t idc
- => @eta_ident_cps_gen2
- _ (fun idc => ident_args (ident_infos_of idc))
- (fun pidc full_types_pidc => Datatypes.option full_types_pidc)
- (fun pidc
- => let '(existT ridc (exist args _)) := split_ident_gen idc in
- ident_transport_opt
- (fun idc => ident_args (ident_infos_of idc))
- args)
- pidc))
- t idc) in
+ := ltac:(let v := (eval cbv [folded_invert_bind_args] in (@folded_invert_bind_args)) in
+ let v := (eval cbv [pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen2 eta_ident_cps_gen proj1_sig proj2_sig eq_rect eq_sym split_ident_gen projT2 ident_transport_opt ident_beq ident_index Nat.eqb ident_beq_if ident_bl eq_ind_r eq_ind nat_eqb_bl_transparent nat_ind ident_index_inj ident_index_idempotent f_equal] in v) in
refine v).
Definition to_typed : forall (pidc : ident) (args : full_types pidc), Compilers.ident.ident (type_of pidc args)
- := ltac:(let v := do_reduce
- (@eta_ident_cps_gen3
- _ (fun idc => ident_args (ident_infos_of idc))
- (fun pidc full_types_pidc => full_types_pidc -> Compilers.type Compilers.base.type)
- (fun pidc args => to_type (ident_infos_of pidc) (projT1 args) (Datatypes.fst (projT2 args)))
- (fun pidc full_types_pidc type_of_pidc => forall args : full_types_pidc, Compilers.ident.ident (type_of_pidc args))
- (fun pidc args
- => to_ident _ _ _ (Datatypes.snd (projT2 args)))) in
- refine v).
+ := proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen3
+ _ prefull_types
+ (fun pidc full_types_pidc => full_types_pidc -> Compilers.type Compilers.base.type)
+ (fun pidc args => to_type (ident_infos_of pidc) (projT1 args) (Datatypes.fst (projT2 args)))
+ (fun pidc full_types_pidc type_of_pidc => forall args : full_types_pidc, Compilers.ident.ident (type_of_pidc args))
+ (fun pidc args
+ => to_ident _ _ _ (Datatypes.snd (projT2 args)))).
+ Definition try_unify_split_args {ridc1 ridc2 : ident}
+ : forall {dt1 : type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc1)))}
+ {dt2 : type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc2)))}
+ (*(idt1 : type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc1))))
+ (idt2 : type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc2))))*),
+ type_of_list (indep_args _ dt1) -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list (indep_args _ dt2))
+ := (if ident_beq ridc1 ridc2 as b return (if b then ridc1 = ridc2 else True) -> _
+ then fun pf
+ => match pf in (_ = ridc2) return forall (dt1 : type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc1))))
+ (dt2 : type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc2))))
+ (*(idt1 : type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc1))))
+ (idt2 : type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc2))))*),
+ type_of_list (indep_args _ dt1) -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list (indep_args _ dt2)) with
+ | eq_refl
+ => fun dt1 dt2 (*idt1 idt2*)
+ => match dep_types_dec_transparent _ dt1 dt2 with
+ | left pf
+ => match pf in (_ = dt2) return type_of_list (indep_args _ dt1) -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list (indep_args _ dt2)) with
+ | eq_refl
+ => (*if indep_types_beq _ idt1 idt2
+ then*) Datatypes.Some
+ (*else fun _ => Datatypes.None*)
+ end
+ | right _ => fun _ => Datatypes.None
+ end
+ end
+ else fun _ _ _ _ (*_ _*) => Datatypes.None)
+ (ident_beq_if ridc1 ridc2).
End ident.
Notation ident := ident.ident.
End Raw.
@@ -861,18 +975,26 @@ Module Compilers.
(f0 : forall t idc, T0 t idc)
{T1 : forall t (idc : ident t), T0 t idc -> Type}
(f1 : forall t idc, T1 t idc (f0 t idc))
- : forall t idc, T1 t idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc).
- Proof. intros t idc; cbv [proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen]; destruct idc; exact (f1 _ _). Defined.
+ : { f' : forall t idc, T1 t idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc)
+ | forall t idc,
+ f' t idc = rew [T1 t idc] (eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc)) in f1 t idc }.
+ Proof. apply eta_ident_cps_gen. Defined.
Definition eta_ident_cps_gen3
{T0 : forall t, ident t -> Type}
(f0 : forall t idc, T0 t idc)
- {T1 : forall t (idc : ident t), T0 t idc -> Type}
+ {T1 : forall t idc, T0 t idc -> Type}
(f1 : forall t idc, T1 t idc (f0 t idc))
{T2 : forall t idc x, T1 t idc x -> Type}
(f2 : forall t idc, T2 t idc (f0 t idc) (f1 t idc))
- : forall t idc, T2 t idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc) (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1 t idc).
- Proof. intros t idc; cbv [proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen eta_ident_cps_gen2]; destruct idc; exact (f2 _ _). Defined.
+ : { f' : forall t idc, T2 t idc (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen T0 f0) t idc) (proj1_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1) t idc)
+ | forall t idc,
+ f' t idc
+ = rew [T2 t idc _] (eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen2 T0 f0 T1 f1) t idc)) in
+ match eq_sym (proj2_sig (@eta_ident_cps_gen _ f0) t idc) as p return T2 t idc _ (rew [T1 t idc] p in f1 t idc) with
+ | eq_refl => f2 t idc
+ end }.
+ Proof. apply eta_ident_cps_gen. Defined.
Definition Type_of_kind_of_type (T : Raw.ident.kind_of_type)
:= match T with
@@ -881,6 +1003,9 @@ Module Compilers.
| Raw.ident.BaseType => pattern.base.type.type
+ Notation full_type_of_list_of_kind ls
+ := (type_of_list (List.map Raw.ident.Type_of_kind_of_type ls)).
Notation type_of_list_of_kind ls
:= (type_of_list (List.map Type_of_kind_of_type ls)).
@@ -980,176 +1105,198 @@ Module Compilers.
{ t : _ & { idc : ident t | @split_types _ idc = existT _ ridc (dt, idt) } }
:= ltac:(make_add_types_from_raw_sig (@split_types)).
+ Definition split_types_subst_default : forall {t} (idc : ident t) (evm : EvarMap), { ridc : Raw.ident & type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc))) * full_type_of_list_of_kind (indep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc))) }%type
+ := fun t idc evm
+ => let res := @split_types t idc in
+ existT _ (projT1 res) (Datatypes.fst (projT2 res),
+ lift_type_of_list_map (@subst_default_kind_of_type evm) (Datatypes.snd (projT2 res))).
+ Lemma to_type_split_types_subst_default_eq t idc evm
+ : Raw.ident.to_type
+ (preinfos (ident_infos_of (projT1 (@split_types_subst_default t idc evm))))
+ (Datatypes.fst (projT2 (split_types_subst_default idc evm)))
+ (Datatypes.snd (projT2 (split_types_subst_default idc evm)))
+ = type.subst_default t evm.
+ Proof.
+ destruct idc; cbv -[type.subst_default base.subst_default];
+ cbn [type.subst_default base.subst_default]; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Lemma projT1_add_types_from_raw_sig_eq t idc
+ : projT1
+ (add_types_from_raw_sig
+ (projT1 (Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc))
+ (projT1 (proj1_sig (projT2 (Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc))))
+ (lift_type_of_list_map
+ (@relax_kind_of_type)
+ (Datatypes.fst (projT2 (proj1_sig (projT2 (@Raw.ident.split_ident_gen t idc)))))))
+ = type.relax t.
+ Proof.
+ destruct idc; cbv -[type.relax base.relax];
+ cbn [type.relax base.relax]; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
Definition prearg_types : forall {t} (idc : ident t), list Type
:= (fun t idc
=> let st := @split_types t idc in
let pi := preinfos (ident_infos_of (projT1 st)) in
indep_args pi (Datatypes.fst (projT2 st))).
- Definition try_unify_split_args {ridc1 ridc2 : Raw.ident.ident}
- : forall {dt1 : type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc1)))}
- {dt2 : type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc2)))},
- type_of_list (indep_args _ dt1) -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list (indep_args _ dt2))
- := (if Raw.ident.ident_beq ridc1 ridc2 as b return (if b then ridc1 = ridc2 else True) -> _
- then fun pf
- => match pf in (_ = ridc2) return forall (dt1 : type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc1))))
- (dt2 : type_of_list (dep_types (preinfos (ident_infos_of ridc2)))),
- type_of_list (indep_args _ dt1) -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list (indep_args _ dt2)) with
- | eq_refl
- => fun dt1 dt2
- => match Raw.ident.dep_types_dec_transparent _ dt1 dt2 with
- | left pf
- => match pf in (_ = dt2) return type_of_list (indep_args _ dt1) -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list (indep_args _ dt2)) with
- | eq_refl => Datatypes.Some
- end
- | right _ => fun _ => Datatypes.None
- end
- end
- else fun _ _ _ _ => Datatypes.None)
- (Raw.ident.ident_beq_if ridc1 ridc2).
- Ltac do_reduce v :=
- let v := (eval cbv [proj1_sig pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen2 eta_ident_cps_gen eta_ident_cps_gen2 eta_ident_cps_gen3 eta_ident_cps_gen_expand_literal pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen_expand_literal split_types projT1 projT2 preinfos dep_types indep_types ident_infos_of split_types add_types_from_raw_sig type_of_list List.map List.app Type_of_kind_of_type indep_args lift_type_of_list_map relax_kind_of_type subst_default_kind_of_type Raw.ident.assemble_ident Raw.ident.to_type prearg_types Raw.ident.Type_of_kind_of_type Raw.ident.to_ident Raw.ident.indep_args_beq Raw.ident.split_ident_gen Raw.ident.dep_types_dec_transparent try_unify_split_args Raw.ident.ident_beq_if Raw.ident.dep_types_dec_transparent Raw.ident.ident_beq] in v) in
- let v := (eval cbn [Datatypes.fst Datatypes.snd] in v) in
- v.
Definition strip_types : forall {t} (idc : ident t), Raw.ident
- := ltac:(let v := do_reduce
- (proj1_sig
- (eta_ident_cps_gen
- (fun t idc => projT1 (@split_types t idc)))) in
- refine v).
+ := proj1_sig
+ (eta_ident_cps_gen
+ (fun t idc => projT1 (@split_types t idc))).
Definition arg_types : forall {t} (idc : ident t), list Type
- := ltac:(let v := (eval cbv [prearg_types] in (@prearg_types)) in
- let v := do_reduce
- (proj1_sig
- (eta_ident_cps_gen
- v)) in
- refine v).
- Definition to_typed : forall {t} (idc : ident t) (evm : EvarMap), type_of_list (arg_types idc) -> Compilers.ident.ident (pattern.type.subst_default t evm)
- := ltac:(let v := constr:
- (fun t (idc : ident t) (evm : EvarMap)
- => @eta_ident_cps_gen2
- _ (@prearg_types)
- (fun t idc arg_types_idc
- => forall args : type_of_list arg_types_idc,
- Compilers.ident.ident
- (let st := @split_types _ idc in
- let pi := preinfos (ident_infos_of (projT1 st)) in
- Raw.ident.to_type
- pi
- (Datatypes.fst (projT2 st))
- (lift_type_of_list_map
- (@subst_default_kind_of_type evm)
- (Datatypes.snd (projT2 st)))))
- (fun t idc args
- => let st := @split_types _ idc in
- (@Raw.ident.assemble_ident
- (preinfos (ident_infos_of (projT1 (@split_types _ idc))))
- (existT
- _ (Datatypes.fst (projT2 st))
- (lift_type_of_list_map (@subst_default_kind_of_type evm) (Datatypes.snd (projT2 st)), args))))
- t idc) in
- let V' := fresh "V'" in
- let v := constr:(
- (fun t (idc : ident t) (evm : EvarMap)
- => match v t idc evm return type_of_list (@arg_types _ idc) -> Compilers.ident.ident (pattern.type.subst_default t evm) with
- | V'
- => ltac:(destruct idc;
- let v := (eval cbv [V'] in V') in
- clear V';
- let v := do_reduce v in
- refine v)
- end)) in
- let v := (eval cbv [id] in v) in
- refine v).
+ := proj1_sig (eta_ident_cps_gen (@prearg_types)).
+ Definition arg_types_unfolded : forall {t} (idc : ident t), list Type
+ := Eval cbv -[base.interp] in @arg_types.
+ Definition to_typed : forall {t} (idc : ident t) (evm : EvarMap), type_of_list (arg_types idc) -> Compilers.ident.ident (type.subst_default t evm)
+ := fun t (idc : ident t) (evm : EvarMap)
+ => proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen2
+ _ (@prearg_types)
+ (fun t idc arg_types_idc
+ => forall args : type_of_list arg_types_idc,
+ Compilers.ident.ident (type.subst_default t evm)
+ (*let st := @split_types _ idc in
+ let pi := preinfos (ident_infos_of (projT1 st)) in
+ Raw.ident.to_type
+ pi
+ (Datatypes.fst (projT2 st))
+ (lift_type_of_list_map
+ (@subst_default_kind_of_type evm)
+ (Datatypes.snd (projT2 st)))*))
+ (fun t idc args
+ => rew [Compilers.ident.ident] to_type_split_types_subst_default_eq t idc evm in
+ let st := @split_types_subst_default _ idc evm in
+ (@Raw.ident.assemble_ident
+ (preinfos (ident_infos_of (projT1 (@split_types_subst_default _ idc evm))))
+ (existT
+ _ (Datatypes.fst (projT2 st))
+ (Datatypes.snd (projT2 st), args)))))
+ t idc.
+ Definition to_typed_unfolded : forall {t} (idc : ident t) (evm : EvarMap), type_of_list (arg_types_unfolded idc) -> Compilers.ident.ident (type.subst_default t evm)
+ := ltac:(let v := (eval cbv -[type.subst_default base.subst_default arg_types_unfolded type_of_list base.base_interp Datatypes.fst Datatypes.snd] in
+ (fun t (idc : ident t) (evm : EvarMap)
+ => proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen
+ (fun t idc => type_of_list (arg_types_unfolded idc) -> Compilers.ident.ident (type.subst_default t evm))
+ (fun t idc => @to_typed t idc evm))
+ t idc)) in
+ let v := (eval cbn [Datatypes.fst Datatypes.snd type_of_list] in v) in
+ exact v).
Definition type_of_list_arg_types_beq : forall t idc, type_of_list (@arg_types t idc) -> type_of_list (@arg_types t idc) -> bool
- := ltac:(let v := do_reduce
- (@eta_ident_cps_gen2
- _ (@prearg_types)
- (fun t idc arg_types_idc => type_of_list arg_types_idc -> type_of_list arg_types_idc -> bool)
- (fun t idc
- => Raw.ident.indep_args_beq _ _)) in
- refine v).
+ := proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen2
+ _ (@prearg_types)
+ (fun t idc arg_types_idc => type_of_list arg_types_idc -> type_of_list arg_types_idc -> bool)
+ (fun t idc
+ => Raw.ident.indep_args_beq _ _)).
+ Definition type_of_list_arg_types_beq_unfolded : forall t idc, type_of_list (@arg_types_unfolded t idc) -> type_of_list (@arg_types_unfolded t idc) -> bool
+ := Eval cbv -[Prod.prod_beq arg_types_unfolded type_of_list base.interp_beq base.base_interp_beq Z.eqb base.base_interp ZRange.zrange_beq] in
+ proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen
+ (fun t idc => type_of_list (@arg_types_unfolded t idc) -> type_of_list (@arg_types_unfolded t idc) -> bool)
+ (@type_of_list_arg_types_beq)).
Definition reflect_type_of_list_arg_types_beq : forall {t idc}, reflect_rel (@eq (type_of_list (@arg_types t idc))) (@type_of_list_arg_types_beq t idc)
- := @eta_ident_cps_gen3
- _ (@prearg_types)
- (fun t idc arg_types_idc => type_of_list arg_types_idc -> type_of_list arg_types_idc -> bool)
- (fun t idc => Raw.ident.indep_args_beq _ _)
- (fun t idc arg_types_idc beq => reflect_rel (@eq (type_of_list arg_types_idc)) beq)
- (fun t idc => Raw.ident.indep_args_reflect _ _).
- Definition preof_typed_ident
- := (fun t (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t)
- => proj1_sig
+ := proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen3
+ _ (@prearg_types)
+ (fun t idc arg_types_idc => type_of_list arg_types_idc -> type_of_list arg_types_idc -> bool)
+ (fun t idc => Raw.ident.indep_args_beq _ _)
+ (fun t idc arg_types_idc beq => reflect_rel (@eq (type_of_list arg_types_idc)) beq)
+ (fun t idc => Raw.ident.indep_args_reflect _ _)).
+ Definition preof_typed_ident_sig : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), _
+ := fun t idc
+ => add_types_from_raw_sig
+ (projT1 (Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc))
+ (projT1 (proj1_sig (projT2 (Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc))))
+ (lift_type_of_list_map
+ (@relax_kind_of_type)
+ (Datatypes.fst (projT2 (proj1_sig (projT2 (Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc)))))).
+ Definition preof_typed_ident : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), ident (type.relax t)
+ := fun t idc
+ => rew [ident] projT1_add_types_from_raw_sig_eq t idc in
+ proj1_sig
- (add_types_from_raw_sig
- (projT1 (Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc))
- (projT1 (proj1_sig (projT2 (Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc))))
- (lift_type_of_list_map
- (@relax_kind_of_type)
- (Datatypes.fst (projT2 (proj1_sig (projT2 (Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc))))))))).
+ (@preof_typed_ident_sig t idc)).
Definition of_typed_ident : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), ident (type.relax t)
- := ltac:(let v := (eval cbv [preof_typed_ident] in
+ := proj1_sig (pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen (@preof_typed_ident)).
+ Definition of_typed_ident_unfolded : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), ident (type.relax t)
+ := ltac:(let v := (eval cbv -[type.relax base.relax] in @of_typed_ident) in
+ let v := (eval cbn [type.relax base.relax] in v) in
+ exact v).
+ Definition arg_types_of_typed_ident : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), type_of_list (arg_types (of_typed_ident idc)).
+ Proof.
+ refine (proj1_sig
+ (@pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen2
+ _ (@preof_typed_ident)
+ (fun t idc of_typed_ident_idc => type_of_list (arg_types of_typed_ident_idc))
+ (fun t idc
+ => match projT1_add_types_from_raw_sig_eq t idc as H'
+ return type_of_list (arg_types (rew [ident] H' in proj1_sig (projT2 (@preof_typed_ident_sig _ idc))))
+ with
+ | eq_refl
+ => rew <- [type_of_list]
+ (proj2_sig (eta_ident_cps_gen (@prearg_types))
+ (projT1 (preof_typed_ident_sig idc))
+ (proj1_sig (projT2 (preof_typed_ident_sig idc)))) in
+ rew <- [fun k' => type_of_list (indep_args (preinfos (ident_infos_of (projT1 k'))) (Datatypes.fst (projT2 k')))]
+ (proj2_sig (projT2 (@preof_typed_ident_sig t idc))) in
+ _
+ end))).
+ refine (let st := Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc in
+ let args := proj1_sig (projT2 st) in
+ Datatypes.snd (projT2 args)).
+ Defined.
+ Definition arg_types_of_typed_ident_unfolded : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), type_of_list (arg_types_unfolded (of_typed_ident_unfolded idc))
+ := ltac:(let v := (eval cbv -[type.relax base.relax type_of_list of_typed_ident arg_types_unfolded of_typed_ident_unfolded base.base_interp] in
- (pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen
- preof_typed_ident))) in
- let V' := fresh "V'" in
- let v := constr:(
- (fun t (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t)
- => match v t idc return ident (type.relax t) with
- | V'
- => ltac:(destruct idc;
- let v := (eval cbv [V'] in V') in
- clear V';
- let v := do_reduce v in
- refine v)
- end)) in
- let v := (eval cbv [id] in v) in
- refine v).
- Definition arg_types_of_typed_ident : forall {t} (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t), type_of_list (arg_types (of_typed_ident idc))
- := ltac:(let v := constr:(fun t (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t)
- => let st := Raw.ident.split_ident_gen idc in
- let args := proj1_sig (projT2 st) in
- Datatypes.snd (projT2 args)) in
- let V' := fresh "V'" in
- let v := constr:(
- (fun t (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t)
- => match v t idc return type_of_list (arg_types (of_typed_ident idc)) with
- | V'
- => ltac:(destruct idc;
- let v := (eval cbv [V'] in V') in
- clear V';
- let v := do_reduce v in
- refine v)
- end)) in
- let v := (eval cbv [id] in v) in
- refine v).
- Definition unify : forall {t t'} (pidc : ident t) (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t'), Datatypes.option (type_of_list (@arg_types t pidc))
- := ltac:(let v := constr:(fun t t' (pidc : ident t) (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t')
- => proj1_sig
- (eta_ident_cps_gen_expand_literal
- (fun t pidc
- => proj1_sig
- (pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen_expand_literal
- (fun t' idc
- => @eta_ident_cps_gen2
- _ (@prearg_types)
- (fun _ idc arg_types_idc => type_of_list arg_types_idc -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list (@arg_types t pidc)))
- (fun t idc
- => @eta_ident_cps_gen2
- _ (@prearg_types)
- (fun _ pidc arg_types_pidc => type_of_list (@prearg_types _ idc) -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list arg_types_pidc))
- (fun t' pidc
- => try_unify_split_args)
- _ pidc)
- _ (of_typed_ident idc) (@arg_types_of_typed_ident _ idc)))
- _ idc))
- _ pidc) in
- let v := (eval cbv [of_typed_ident arg_types_of_typed_ident] in v) in
- let v := (eval cbv [pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen_expand_literal proj1_sig eta_ident_cps_gen_expand_literal eta_ident_cps_gen2 split_types projT1 projT2 try_unify_split_args Raw.ident.ident_beq_if Raw.ident.dep_types_dec_transparent Raw.ident.ident_beq Raw.ident.dep_types_dec_transparent ident_infos_of Datatypes.fst Datatypes.snd] in v) in
- refine v).
+ (@pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen
+ (fun t idc => type_of_list (arg_types_unfolded (of_typed_ident_unfolded idc)))
+ (@arg_types_of_typed_ident)))) in
+ exact v).
+ Definition folded_unify : forall {t t'} (pidc : ident t) (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t') (*evm : EvarMap*), Datatypes.option (type_of_list (@arg_types t pidc))
+ := fun t t' (pidc : ident t) (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t') (*evm : EvarMap*)
+ => proj1_sig
+ (eta_ident_cps_gen_expand_literal
+ (fun t pidc
+ => proj1_sig
+ (pattern.eta_ident_cps_gen_expand_literal
+ (fun t' idc
+ => proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen2
+ _ (@prearg_types)
+ (fun _ idc arg_types_idc => type_of_list arg_types_idc -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list (@arg_types t pidc)))
+ (fun t idc
+ => proj1_sig
+ (@eta_ident_cps_gen2
+ _ (@prearg_types)
+ (fun _ pidc arg_types_pidc => type_of_list (@prearg_types _ idc) -> Datatypes.option (type_of_list arg_types_pidc))
+ (fun t' pidc idc_indep_args
+ => Raw.ident.try_unify_split_args
+ (*(Datatypes.snd (projT2 (@split_types_subst_default _ idc evm)))
+ (Datatypes.snd (projT2 (@split_types_subst_default _ pidc evm)))*)
+ idc_indep_args))
+ _ pidc))
+ _ (of_typed_ident idc) (@arg_types_of_typed_ident _ idc)))
+ _ idc))
+ _ pidc.
+ Definition unify : forall {t t'} (pidc : ident t) (idc : Compilers.ident.ident t') (*evm : EvarMap*), Datatypes.option (type_of_list (@arg_types t pidc))
+ := Eval vm_compute in @folded_unify.
End ident.
End pattern.
End Compilers.