path: root/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v')
1 files changed, 974 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
index 1f86f656f..8a79fc852 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.AddModulo.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.CC.
Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.Definition.
Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.Proofs.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.ModInv.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ErrorT.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Show.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.Show.
@@ -261,6 +262,230 @@ Module Ring.
End ring_goal.
End Ring.
+(** NOTE: Module MontgomeryStyleRing SHOULD NOT depend on any compilers things *)
+Module MontgomeryStyleRing.
+ Local Notation is_bounded_by0 r v
+ := ((lower r <=? v) && (v <=? upper r)).
+ Local Notation is_bounded_by0o r
+ := (match r with Some r' => fun v' => is_bounded_by0 r' v' | None => fun _ => true end).
+ Local Notation is_bounded_by bounds ls
+ := (fold_andb_map (fun r v'' => is_bounded_by0o r v'') bounds ls).
+ Local Notation is_bounded_by1 bounds ls
+ := (andb (is_bounded_by bounds (@fst _ unit ls)) true).
+ Local Notation is_bounded_by2 bounds ls
+ := (andb (is_bounded_by bounds (fst ls)) (is_bounded_by1 bounds (snd ls))).
+ Lemma length_is_bounded_by bounds ls
+ : is_bounded_by bounds ls = true -> length ls = length bounds.
+ Proof.
+ intro H.
+ apply fold_andb_map_length in H; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Section ring_goal.
+ Context (limbwidth_num limbwidth_den : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (s : Z)
+ (c : list (Z * Z))
+ (bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (length_bounds : length bounds = n).
+ Local Notation weight := (weight limbwidth_num limbwidth_den).
+ Local Notation eval := (Positional.eval weight n).
+ Let prime_bound : zrange
+ := r[0~>(s - Associational.eval c - 1)]%zrange.
+ Let m := Z.to_pos (s - Associational.eval c).
+ Context (m_eq : Z.pos m = s - Associational.eval c)
+ (sc_pos : 0 < s - Associational.eval c)
+ (valid : list Z -> Prop)
+ (from_montgomery_mod : list Z -> list Z)
+ (Hfrom_montgomery_mod
+ : forall v, valid v -> valid (from_montgomery_mod v))
+ (Interp_rfrom_montgomeryv : list Z -> list Z)
+ (HInterp_rfrom_montgomeryv : forall arg,
+ is_bounded_by1 bounds arg = true
+ -> is_bounded_by bounds (Interp_rfrom_montgomeryv (fst arg)) = true
+ /\ Interp_rfrom_montgomeryv (fst arg) = from_montgomery_mod (fst arg))
+ (mulmod : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ (Hmulmod
+ : (forall a (_ : valid a) b (_ : valid b), eval (from_montgomery_mod (mulmod a b)) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ = (eval (from_montgomery_mod a) * eval (from_montgomery_mod b)) mod (s - Associational.eval c))
+ /\ (forall a (_ : valid a) b (_ : valid b), valid (mulmod a b)))
+ (Interp_rmulv : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ (HInterp_rmulv : forall arg,
+ is_bounded_by2 bounds arg = true
+ -> is_bounded_by bounds (Interp_rmulv (fst arg) (fst (snd arg))) = true
+ /\ Interp_rmulv (fst arg) (fst (snd arg)) = mulmod (fst arg) (fst (snd arg)))
+ (addmod : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ (Haddmod
+ : (forall a (_ : valid a) b (_ : valid b), eval (from_montgomery_mod (addmod a b)) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ = (eval (from_montgomery_mod a) + eval (from_montgomery_mod b)) mod (s - Associational.eval c))
+ /\ (forall a (_ : valid a) b (_ : valid b), valid (addmod a b)))
+ (Interp_raddv : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ (HInterp_raddv : forall arg,
+ is_bounded_by2 bounds arg = true
+ -> is_bounded_by bounds (Interp_raddv (fst arg) (fst (snd arg))) = true
+ /\ Interp_raddv (fst arg) (fst (snd arg)) = addmod (fst arg) (fst (snd arg)))
+ (submod : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ (Hsubmod
+ : (forall a (_ : valid a) b (_ : valid b), eval (from_montgomery_mod (submod a b)) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ = (eval (from_montgomery_mod a) - eval (from_montgomery_mod b)) mod (s - Associational.eval c))
+ /\ (forall a (_ : valid a) b (_ : valid b), valid (submod a b)))
+ (Interp_rsubv : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ (HInterp_rsubv : forall arg,
+ is_bounded_by2 bounds arg = true
+ -> is_bounded_by bounds (Interp_rsubv (fst arg) (fst (snd arg))) = true
+ /\ Interp_rsubv (fst arg) (fst (snd arg)) = submod (fst arg) (fst (snd arg)))
+ (oppmod : list Z -> list Z)
+ (Hoppmod
+ : (forall a (_ : valid a), eval (from_montgomery_mod (oppmod a)) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ = (-eval (from_montgomery_mod a)) mod (s - Associational.eval c))
+ /\ (forall a (_ : valid a), valid (oppmod a)))
+ (Interp_roppv : list Z -> list Z)
+ (HInterp_roppv : forall arg,
+ is_bounded_by1 bounds arg = true
+ -> is_bounded_by bounds (Interp_roppv (fst arg)) = true
+ /\ Interp_roppv (fst arg) = oppmod (fst arg))
+ (zeromod : list Z)
+ (Hzeromod
+ : (eval (from_montgomery_mod zeromod)) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ = 0 mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ /\ valid zeromod)
+ (Interp_rzerov : list Z)
+ (HInterp_rzerov : is_bounded_by bounds Interp_rzerov = true
+ /\ Interp_rzerov = zeromod)
+ (onemod : list Z)
+ (Honemod
+ : (eval (from_montgomery_mod onemod)) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ = 1 mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ /\ valid onemod)
+ (Interp_ronev : list Z)
+ (HInterp_ronev : is_bounded_by bounds Interp_ronev = true
+ /\ Interp_ronev = onemod)
+ (encodemod : Z -> list Z)
+ (Hencodemod
+ : (forall v, 0 <= v < s - Associational.eval c -> eval (from_montgomery_mod (encodemod v)) mod (s - Associational.eval c) = v mod (s - Associational.eval c))
+ /\ (forall v, 0 <= v < s - Associational.eval c -> valid (encodemod v)))
+ (Interp_rencodev : Z -> list Z)
+ (HInterp_rencodev : forall arg,
+ is_bounded_by0 prime_bound (@fst _ unit arg) && true = true
+ -> is_bounded_by bounds (Interp_rencodev (fst arg)) = true
+ /\ Interp_rencodev (fst arg) = encodemod (fst arg)).
+ Local Notation T := (list Z) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation encoded_ok ls
+ := (is_bounded_by bounds ls = true /\ valid ls) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation encoded_okf := (fun ls => encoded_ok ls) (only parsing).
+ Definition Fdecode (v : T) : F m
+ := F.of_Z m (Positional.eval weight n (Interp_rfrom_montgomeryv v)).
+ Definition T_eq (x y : T)
+ := Fdecode x = Fdecode y.
+ Definition encodedT := sig encoded_okf.
+ Definition ring_mul (x y : T) : T
+ := Interp_rmulv x y.
+ Definition ring_add (x y : T) : T := Interp_raddv x y.
+ Definition ring_sub (x y : T) : T := Interp_rsubv x y.
+ Definition ring_opp (x : T) : T := Interp_roppv x.
+ Definition ring_encode (x : F m) : T := Interp_rencodev (F.to_Z x).
+ Definition GoodT : Prop
+ := @subsetoid_ring
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq
+ Interp_rzerov Interp_ronev ring_opp ring_add ring_sub ring_mul
+ /\ @is_subsetoid_homomorphism
+ (F m) (fun _ => True) eq 1%F F.add F.mul
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq Interp_ronev ring_add ring_mul ring_encode
+ /\ @is_subsetoid_homomorphism
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq Interp_ronev ring_add ring_mul
+ (F m) (fun _ => True) eq 1%F F.add F.mul
+ Fdecode.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_add : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_mul : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_opp : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_of_Z : push_FtoZ.
+ Lemma Fm_bounded_alt (x : F m)
+ : (0 <=? F.to_Z x) && (F.to_Z x <=? Z.pos m - 1) = true.
+ Proof using m_eq.
+ clear -m_eq.
+ destruct x as [x H]; cbn [F.to_Z proj1_sig].
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound x (Z.pos m)).
+ rewrite andb_true_iff; split; Z.ltb_to_lt; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Fm_bounded_alt' (x : F m)
+ : 0 <= F.to_Z x < Z.pos m.
+ Proof using m_eq.
+ clear -m_eq.
+ destruct x as [x H]; cbn [F.to_Z proj1_sig].
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound x (Z.pos m)).
+ split; Z.ltb_to_lt; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Good : GoodT.
+ Proof.
+ split_and.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : context[andb _ true] |- _ ] => setoid_rewrite andb_true_r in H
+ end.
+ eapply subsetoid_ring_by_ring_isomorphism;
+ cbv [ring_opp ring_add ring_sub ring_mul ring_encode F.sub] in *;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : forall arg : _ * unit, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun arg => H (arg, tt))
+ | [ H : forall arg : _ * (_ * unit), _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun a b => H (a, (b, tt)))
+ | _ => progress cbn [fst snd] in *
+ | _ => solve [ auto using andb_true_intro, conj with nocore ]
+ | _ => progress intros
+ | [ H : is_bounded_by _ _ = true /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [ |- is_bounded_by _ _ = true /\ _ ] => split
+ | [ H : _ |- is_bounded_by _ _ = true ] => apply H
+ | [ H : _ |- valid _ ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[valid _] |- valid _ ] => apply H
+ | [ |- _ <-> _ ] => reflexivity
+ | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity
+ | [ |- _ = _ :> Z ] => first [ reflexivity | rewrite <- m_eq; reflexivity ]
+ | [ H : context[?x] |- Fdecode ?x = _ ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[?x _] |- Fdecode (?x _) = _ ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[?x _ _] |- Fdecode (?x _ _) = _ ] => rewrite H
+ | _ => progress cbv [Fdecode]
+ | [ |- _ = _ :> F _ ] => apply F.eq_to_Z_iff
+ | _ => progress autorewrite with push_FtoZ
+ | _ => rewrite m_eq
+ | [ H : context[?f (?x _ _)] |- context[eval (?f (?x _ _))] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[?f (?x _)] |- context[eval (?f (?x _))] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[?f ?x] |- context[eval (?f ?x)] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[?x _ _] |- context[eval (?x _ _)] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[?x _] |- context[eval (?x _)] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[?x] |- context[eval ?x] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[?y _ _ = ?x _ _], H' : context[is_bounded_by _ (?y _ _) = true]
+ |- is_bounded_by _ (?x _ _) = true ]
+ => rewrite <- H; [ apply H' | .. ]
+ | [ H : context[?y _ = ?x _], H' : context[is_bounded_by _ (?y _) = true]
+ |- is_bounded_by _ (?x _) = true ]
+ => rewrite <- H; [ apply H' | .. ]
+ | [ H : context[?y = ?x], H' : context[is_bounded_by _ ?y = true]
+ |- is_bounded_by _ ?x = true ]
+ => rewrite <- H; [ apply H' | .. ]
+ | [ |- context[List.length ?x] ]
+ => erewrite (length_is_bounded_by _ x)
+ by eauto using andb_true_intro, conj with nocore
+ | [ |- _ = _ :> Z ]
+ => push_Zmod; reflexivity
+ | _ => pull_Zmod; rewrite Z.add_opp_r
+ | _ => rewrite expanding_id_id
+ | [ |- context[F.to_Z _ mod (_ - _)] ]
+ => rewrite <- m_eq, F.mod_to_Z
+ | _ => rewrite <- m_eq; apply Fm_bounded_alt
+ | _ => rewrite <- m_eq; apply Fm_bounded_alt'
+ | [ |- context[andb _ true] ] => rewrite andb_true_r
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ End ring_goal.
+End MontgomeryStyleRing.
Import Associational Positional.
@@ -289,13 +514,14 @@ Notation "x" := (expr.Var x) (only printing, at level 9) : expr_scope.
Axiom admit_pf : False.
Notation admit := (match admit_pf with end).
Module Pipeline.
Import GeneralizeVar.
Inductive ErrorMessage :=
| Computed_bounds_are_not_tight_enough
{t} (computed_bounds expected_bounds : ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t))
(syntax_tree : Expr t) (arg_bounds : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
- | Type_too_complicated_for_cps (t : type)
+ | No_modular_inverse (descr : string) (v : Z) (m : Z)
| Value_not_leZ (descr : string) (lhs rhs : Z)
| Value_not_leQ (descr : string) (lhs rhs : Q)
| Value_not_ltZ (descr : string) (lhs rhs : Z)
@@ -395,8 +621,8 @@ Module Pipeline.
=> (["(Unprintible syntax tree used in bounds analysis)" ++ String.NewLine]%string)
++ ["Stringification failed on the syntax tree:"] ++ show_lines false syntax_tree ++ [errs]
- | Type_too_complicated_for_cps t
- => ["Type too complicated for cps: " ++ show false t]
+ | No_modular_inverse descr v m
+ => ["Could not compute a modular inverse (" ++ descr ++ ") for " ++ show false v ++ " mod " ++ show false m]
| Value_not_leZ descr lhs rhs
=> ["Value not ≤ (" ++ descr ++ ") : expected " ++ show false lhs ++ " ≤ " ++ show false rhs]
| Value_not_leQ descr lhs rhs
@@ -437,6 +663,7 @@ Module Pipeline.
:= (*let E := expr.Uncurry E in*)
let E := PartialEvaluateWithListInfoFromBounds E arg_bounds in
let E := PartialEvaluate E in
+ let E := RewriteRules.RewriteArith E in
(* Note that DCE evaluates the expr with two different [var]
arguments, and so results in a pipeline that is 2x slower
unless we pass through a uniformly concrete [var] type
@@ -448,7 +675,10 @@ Module Pipeline.
let E := FromFlat e in
let E := if with_subst01 then Subst01.Subst01 E else E in
let E := UnderLets.LetBindReturn E in
- let E := PartialEvaluate E in (* after inlining, see if any new rewrite redexes are available *)
+ let E := RewriteRules.RewriteArith E in (* after inlining, see if any new rewrite redexes are available *)
+ dlet_nd e := ToFlat E in
+ let E := FromFlat e in
+ let E := if with_dead_code_elimination then DeadCodeElimination.EliminateDead E else E in
let E := ReassociateSmallConstants.Reassociate (2^8) E in
let E := match translate_to_fancy with
| Some {| invert_low := invert_low ; invert_high := invert_high |} => RewriteRules.RewriteToFancy invert_low invert_high E
@@ -823,12 +1053,12 @@ Derive to_bytes_gen
(bitwidth : Z)
(m_enc : list Z)
(f : list Z),
- Interp (t:=reify_type_of to_bytesmod)
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of freeze_to_bytesmod)
to_bytes_gen limbwidth_num limbwidth_den n bitwidth m_enc f
- = to_bytesmod limbwidth_num limbwidth_den n bitwidth m_enc f)
+ = freeze_to_bytesmod limbwidth_num limbwidth_den n bitwidth m_enc f)
As to_bytes_gen_correct.
Proof. cache_reify (). Qed.
-Hint Extern 1 (_ = to_bytesmod _ _ _ _ _ _) => simple apply to_bytes_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ = freeze_to_bytesmod _ _ _ _ _ _) => simple apply to_bytes_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
Derive from_bytes_gen
SuchThat (forall (limbwidth_num limbwidth_den : Z)
@@ -1152,7 +1382,7 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
:= BoundsPipeline_with_bytes_no_subst01_correct
(Some tight_bounds, tt)
- (to_bytesmod (Qnum limbwidth) (Z.pos (Qden limbwidth)) n machine_wordsize m_enc).
+ (freeze_to_bytesmod (Qnum limbwidth) (Z.pos (Qden limbwidth)) n machine_wordsize m_enc).
Definition srfrom_bytes prefix
:= BoundsPipelineToStrings_with_bytes_no_subst01
@@ -1373,8 +1603,8 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
(Hf : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (t:=to_bytesT) (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) (Some tight_bounds, tt) f = true),
((ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by prime_bytes_bounds (type.app_curried (Interp rto_bytesv) f) = true
/\ (forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) rto_bytesv) f
- = type.app_curried (t:=to_bytesT) (to_bytesmod (Qnum limbwidth) (Z.pos (Qden limbwidth)) n machine_wordsize m_enc) f))
- /\ (Positional.eval (weight 8 1) n_bytes (type.app_curried (t:=to_bytesT) (to_bytesmod (Qnum limbwidth) (Z.pos (Qden limbwidth)) n machine_wordsize m_enc) f)) = (Positional.eval (weight (Qnum limbwidth) (Z.pos (Qden limbwidth))) n (fst f) mod m))).
+ = type.app_curried (t:=to_bytesT) (freeze_to_bytesmod (Qnum limbwidth) (Z.pos (Qden limbwidth)) n machine_wordsize m_enc) f))
+ /\ (Positional.eval (weight 8 1) n_bytes (type.app_curried (t:=to_bytesT) (freeze_to_bytesmod (Qnum limbwidth) (Z.pos (Qden limbwidth)) n machine_wordsize m_enc) f)) = (Positional.eval (weight (Qnum limbwidth) (Z.pos (Qden limbwidth))) n (fst f) mod m))).
Lemma fold_andb_map_snoc A B f x xs y ys
@@ -1448,7 +1678,7 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
{ apply Hto_bytesv; assumption. }
{ cbn [type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow type_base type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by fst snd] in *.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *; split_and'.
- etransitivity; [ apply eval_to_bytesmod | f_equal; (eassumption || (symmetry; eassumption)) ];
+ etransitivity; [ apply eval_freeze_to_bytesmod | f_equal; (eassumption || (symmetry; eassumption)) ];
auto; try omega.
{ erewrite Ring.length_is_bounded_by by eassumption; assumption. }
{ lazymatch goal with
@@ -1834,6 +2064,739 @@ Goal False.
+Module WordByWordMontgomery.
+ Import Arithmetic.WordByWordMontgomery.
+ Derive mul_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (m' : Z)
+ (f g : list Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of mulmod)
+ mul_gen bitwidth n m m' f g
+ = mulmod bitwidth n m m' f g)
+ As mul_gen_correct.
+ Proof. Time cache_reify (). Time Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = mulmod _ _ _ _ _ _) => simple apply mul_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive square_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (m' : Z)
+ (f : list Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of squaremod)
+ square_gen bitwidth n m m' f
+ = squaremod bitwidth n m m' f)
+ As square_gen_correct.
+ Proof.
+ Time cache_reify ().
+ (* we would do something faster, but it breaks extraction COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/7954) *)
+ (*
+ intros; etransitivity; [ | cbv [squaremod]; apply mul_gen_correct ].
+ subst square_gen.
+ instantiate (1:=ltac:(let r := Reify (fun F (bitwidth:Z) (n:nat) (m m' : Z) (f : list Z) => (F bitwidth n m m' f f):list Z) in refine (r @ mul_gen)%Expr)).
+ reflexivity.
+ *)
+ Time Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = squaremod _ _ _ _ _) => simple apply square_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive encode_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (m' : Z)
+ (v : Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of encodemod)
+ encode_gen bitwidth n m m' v
+ = encodemod bitwidth n m m' v)
+ As encode_gen_correct.
+ Proof.
+ Time cache_reify ().
+ (* we would do something faster, but it breaks extraction COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/7954) *)
+ (*
+ intros; etransitivity; [ | cbv [encodemod]; apply mul_gen_correct ].
+ subst encode_gen; revert bitwidth n m m' v.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- forall bw n m m' v, ?interp ?ev bw n m m' v = ?interp' mul_gen bw n m m' (@?A bw n m m' v) (@?B bw n m m' v) ]
+ => let rv := constr:(fun F bw n m m' v => (F bw n m m' (A bw n m m' v) (B bw n m m' v)):list Z) in
+ intros;
+ instantiate (1:=ltac:(let r := Reify rv in
+ refine (r @ mul_gen)%Expr))
+ end.
+ reflexivity.
+ *)
+ Time Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = encodemod _ _ _ _ _) => simple apply encode_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive add_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (f g : list Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of addmod)
+ add_gen bitwidth n m f g
+ = addmod bitwidth n m f g)
+ As add_gen_correct.
+ Proof. Time cache_reify (). Time Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = addmod _ _ _ _ _) => simple apply add_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive sub_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (f g : list Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of submod)
+ sub_gen bitwidth n m f g
+ = submod bitwidth n m f g)
+ As sub_gen_correct.
+ Proof. Time cache_reify (). Time Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = submod _ _ _ _ _) => simple apply sub_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive opp_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (f : list Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of oppmod)
+ opp_gen bitwidth n m f
+ = oppmod bitwidth n m f)
+ As opp_gen_correct.
+ Proof. Time cache_reify (). Time Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = oppmod _ _ _ _) => simple apply opp_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive from_montgomery_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (m' : Z)
+ (f : list Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of from_montgomery_mod)
+ from_montgomery_gen bitwidth n m m' f
+ = from_montgomery_mod bitwidth n m m' f)
+ As from_montgomery_gen_correct.
+ Proof.
+ Time cache_reify ().
+ (* we would do something faster, but it breaks extraction COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/7954) *)
+ (*
+ intros; etransitivity; [ | cbv [from_montgomery_mod]; apply mul_gen_correct ].
+ subst from_montgomery_gen.
+ instantiate (1:=ltac:(let r := Reify (fun F (bitwidth:Z) (n:nat) (m m' : Z) (f : list Z) => (F bitwidth n m m' f (onemod bitwidth n)):list Z) in refine (r @ mul_gen)%Expr)).
+ reflexivity.
+ *)
+ Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = from_montgomery_mod _ _ _ _ _) => simple apply from_montgomery_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Definition zeromod bitwidth n m m' := encodemod bitwidth n m m' 0.
+ Definition onemod bitwidth n m m' := encodemod bitwidth n m m' 1.
+ Derive zero_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (m' : Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of zeromod)
+ zero_gen bitwidth n m m'
+ = zeromod bitwidth n m m')
+ As zero_gen_correct.
+ Proof.
+ (* Time cache_reify (). *)
+ (* we do something faster *)
+ intros; etransitivity; [ | cbv [zeromod]; apply encode_gen_correct ].
+ subst zero_gen.
+ instantiate (1:=ltac:(let r := Reify (fun F (bitwidth:Z) (n:nat) (m m' : Z) => (F bitwidth n m m' 0):list Z) in refine (r @ encode_gen)%Expr)).
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = zeromod _ _ _ _) => simple apply zero_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive one_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (m' : Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of onemod)
+ one_gen bitwidth n m m'
+ = onemod bitwidth n m m')
+ As one_gen_correct.
+ Proof.
+ (* Time cache_reify (). *)
+ (* we do something faster *)
+ intros; etransitivity; [ | cbv [onemod]; apply encode_gen_correct ].
+ subst one_gen.
+ instantiate (1:=ltac:(let r := Reify (fun F (bitwidth:Z) (n:nat) (m m' : Z) => (F bitwidth n m m' 1):list Z) in refine (r @ encode_gen)%Expr)).
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = onemod _ _ _ _) => simple apply one_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive nonzero_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (f : list Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of nonzeromod)
+ nonzero_gen f
+ = nonzeromod f)
+ As nonzero_gen_correct.
+ Proof. Time cache_reify (). Time Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = nonzeromod _) => simple apply nonzero_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Derive to_bytes_gen
+ SuchThat (forall (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (f : list Z),
+ Interp (t:=reify_type_of to_bytesmod)
+ to_bytes_gen bitwidth n f
+ = to_bytesmod bitwidth n f)
+ As to_bytes_gen_correct.
+ Proof. cache_reify (). Qed.
+ Hint Extern 1 (_ = to_bytesmod _ _ _) => simple apply to_bytes_gen_correct : reify_gen_cache.
+ Section rcarry_mul.
+ Context (s : Z)
+ (c : list (Z * Z))
+ (machine_wordsize : Z).
+ Let n : nat := Z.to_nat (Qceiling (Z.log2_up s / machine_wordsize)).
+ Let m := s - Associational.eval c.
+ Let r := 2^machine_wordsize.
+ Let r' := match Z.modinv r m with
+ | Some r' => r'
+ | None => 0
+ end.
+ Let m' := match Z.modinv (-m) r with
+ | Some m' => m'
+ | None => 0
+ end.
+ Let n_bytes := bytes_n machine_wordsize 1 n.
+ Let prime_upperbound_list : list Z
+ := encode (UniformWeight.uweight machine_wordsize) n s c (s-1).
+ Let prime_bytes_upperbound_list : list Z
+ := encode (weight 8 1) n_bytes s c (s-1).
+ Let upperbounds : list Z := prime_upperbound_list.
+ Definition prime_bound : ZRange.type.option.interp (base.type.Z)
+ := Some r[0~>(s - Associational.eval c - 1)]%zrange.
+ Definition prime_bounds : ZRange.type.option.interp (base.type.list (base.type.Z))
+ := Some (List.map (fun v => Some r[0 ~> v]%zrange) prime_upperbound_list).
+ Definition prime_bytes_bounds : ZRange.type.option.interp (base.type.list (base.type.Z))
+ := Some (List.map (fun v => Some r[0 ~> v]%zrange) prime_bytes_upperbound_list).
+ Definition saturated_bounds : ZRange.type.option.interp (base.type.list (base.type.Z))
+ := Some (List.repeat (Some r[0 ~> 2^machine_wordsize-1]%zrange) n).
+ Definition m_enc : list Z
+ := encode (UniformWeight.uweight machine_wordsize) n s c (s-Associational.eval c).
+ Definition relax_zrange_of_machine_wordsize
+ := relax_zrange_gen [1; machine_wordsize; 2 * machine_wordsize]%Z.
+ Definition relax_zrange_of_machine_wordsize_with_bytes
+ := relax_zrange_gen [1; 8; machine_wordsize; 2 * machine_wordsize]%Z.
+ Let relax_zrange := relax_zrange_of_machine_wordsize.
+ Let relax_zrange_with_bytes := relax_zrange_of_machine_wordsize_with_bytes.
+ Definition bounds : list (ZRange.type.option.interp base.type.Z)
+ := Option.invert_Some saturated_bounds (*List.map (fun u => Some r[0~>u]%zrange) upperbounds*).
+ (** Note: If you change the name or type signature of this
+ function, you will need to update the code in CLI.v *)
+ Definition check_args {T} (res : Pipeline.ErrorT T)
+ : Pipeline.ErrorT T
+ := fold_right
+ (fun '(b, e) k => if b:bool then Error e else k)
+ res
+ [(negb (1 <? machine_wordsize)%Z, Pipeline.Value_not_ltZ "machine_wordsize <= 1" 1 machine_wordsize);
+ ((negb (0 <? Associational.eval c))%Z, Pipeline.Value_not_ltZ "Associational.eval c ≤ 0" 0 (Associational.eval c));
+ ((negb (Associational.eval c <? s))%Z, Pipeline.Value_not_ltZ "s ≤ Associational.eval c" (Associational.eval c) s);
+ ((s =? 0)%Z, Pipeline.Values_not_provably_distinctZ "s = 0" s 0);
+ ((n =? 0)%nat, Pipeline.Values_not_provably_distinctZ "n = 0" n 0%nat);
+ ((r' =? 0)%Z, Pipeline.No_modular_inverse "r⁻¹ mod m" r m);
+ (negb ((r * r') mod m =? 1)%Z, Pipeline.Values_not_provably_equalZ "(r * r') mod m ≠ 1" ((r * r') mod m) 1);
+ (negb ((m * m') mod r =? (-1) mod r)%Z, Pipeline.Values_not_provably_equalZ "(m * m') mod r ≠ (-1) mod r" ((m * m') mod r) ((-1) mod r));
+ (negb (s <=? r^n), Pipeline.Value_not_leZ "r^n ≤ s" s (r^n));
+ (negb (1 <? s - Associational.eval c), Pipeline.Value_not_ltZ "s - Associational.eval c ≤ 1" 1 (s - Associational.eval c))].
+ Notation type_of_strip_3arrow := ((fun (d : Prop) (_ : forall A B C, d) => d) _).
+ Notation BoundsPipelineToStrings prefix name comment rop in_bounds out_bounds
+ := ((prefix ++ name)%string,
+ Pipeline.BoundsPipelineToStrings
+ true (* static *) prefix (prefix ++ name)%string comment%string%list
+ (*false*) true None
+ relax_zrange
+ rop%Expr in_bounds out_bounds).
+ Notation BoundsPipeline_correct in_bounds out_bounds op
+ := (fun rv (rop : Expr (reify_type_of op)) Hrop
+ => @Pipeline.BoundsPipeline_correct_trans
+ (*false*) true None
+ relax_zrange
+ (relax_zrange_gen_good _)
+ _
+ rop
+ in_bounds
+ out_bounds
+ op
+ Hrop rv)
+ (only parsing).
+ Notation BoundsPipelineToStrings_no_subst01 prefix name comment rop in_bounds out_bounds
+ := ((prefix ++ name)%string,
+ Pipeline.BoundsPipelineToStrings
+ true (* static *) prefix (prefix ++ name)%string comment%string%list
+ (*false*) false None
+ relax_zrange
+ rop%Expr in_bounds out_bounds).
+ Notation BoundsPipeline_no_subst01_correct in_bounds out_bounds op
+ := (fun rv (rop : Expr (reify_type_of op)) Hrop
+ => @Pipeline.BoundsPipeline_correct_trans
+ (*false*) false None
+ relax_zrange
+ (relax_zrange_gen_good _)
+ _
+ rop
+ in_bounds
+ out_bounds
+ op
+ Hrop rv)
+ (only parsing).
+ Notation BoundsPipelineToStrings_with_bytes_no_subst01 prefix name comment rop in_bounds out_bounds
+ := ((prefix ++ name)%string,
+ Pipeline.BoundsPipelineToStrings
+ true (* static *) prefix (prefix ++ name)%string comment%string%list
+ (*false*) false None
+ relax_zrange_with_bytes
+ rop%Expr in_bounds out_bounds).
+ Notation BoundsPipeline_with_bytes_no_subst01_correct in_bounds out_bounds op
+ := (fun rv (rop : Expr (reify_type_of op)) Hrop
+ => @Pipeline.BoundsPipeline_correct_trans
+ (*false*) false None
+ relax_zrange_with_bytes
+ (relax_zrange_gen_good _)
+ _
+ rop
+ in_bounds
+ out_bounds
+ op
+ Hrop rv)
+ (only parsing).
+ (* N.B. We only need [rmul] if we want to extract the Pipeline; otherwise we can just use [rmul_correct] *)
+ Definition srmul prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings_no_subst01
+ prefix "mul" []
+ (mul_gen
+ @ GallinaReify.Reify machine_wordsize @ GallinaReify.Reify n @ GallinaReify.Reify m @ GallinaReify.Reify m')
+ (Some bounds, (Some bounds, tt))
+ (Some bounds).
+ Definition rmul_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_no_subst01_correct
+ (Some bounds, (Some bounds, tt))
+ (Some bounds)
+ (mulmod machine_wordsize n m m').
+ Definition srsquare prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings_no_subst01
+ prefix "square" []
+ (square_gen
+ @ GallinaReify.Reify machine_wordsize @ GallinaReify.Reify n @ GallinaReify.Reify m @ GallinaReify.Reify m')
+ (Some bounds, tt)
+ (Some bounds).
+ Definition rsquare_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_no_subst01_correct
+ (Some bounds, tt)
+ (Some bounds)
+ (squaremod machine_wordsize n m m').
+ Definition sradd prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings
+ prefix "add" []
+ (add_gen
+ @ GallinaReify.Reify machine_wordsize @ GallinaReify.Reify n @ GallinaReify.Reify m)
+ (Some bounds, (Some bounds, tt))
+ (Some bounds).
+ Definition radd_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_correct
+ (Some bounds, (Some bounds, tt))
+ (Some bounds)
+ (addmod machine_wordsize n m).
+ Definition srsub prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings
+ prefix "sub" []
+ (sub_gen
+ @ GallinaReify.Reify machine_wordsize @ GallinaReify.Reify n @ GallinaReify.Reify m)
+ (Some bounds, (Some bounds, tt))
+ (Some bounds).
+ Definition rsub_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_correct
+ (Some bounds, (Some bounds, tt))
+ (Some bounds)
+ (submod machine_wordsize n m).
+ Definition sropp prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings
+ prefix "opp" []
+ (opp_gen
+ @ GallinaReify.Reify machine_wordsize @ GallinaReify.Reify n @ GallinaReify.Reify m)
+ (Some bounds, tt)
+ (Some bounds).
+ Definition ropp_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_correct
+ (Some bounds, tt)
+ (Some bounds)
+ (oppmod machine_wordsize n m).
+ Definition srfrom_montgomery prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings
+ prefix "from_montgomery" []
+ (from_montgomery_gen
+ @ GallinaReify.Reify machine_wordsize @ GallinaReify.Reify n @ GallinaReify.Reify m @ GallinaReify.Reify m')
+ (Some bounds, tt)
+ (Some bounds).
+ Definition rfrom_montgomery_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_correct
+ (Some bounds, tt)
+ (Some bounds)
+ (from_montgomery_mod machine_wordsize n m m').
+ Definition srnonzero prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings
+ prefix "nonzero" []
+ nonzero_gen
+ (Some bounds, tt)
+ (Some r[0~>r-1]%zrange).
+ Definition rnonzero_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_correct
+ (Some bounds, tt)
+ (Some r[0~>r-1]%zrange)
+ nonzeromod.
+ Definition srselectznz prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings_with_bytes_no_subst01
+ prefix "selectznz" []
+ selectznz_gen
+ (Some r[0~>1], (saturated_bounds, (saturated_bounds, tt)))%zrange
+ saturated_bounds.
+ Definition rselectznz_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_with_bytes_no_subst01_correct
+ (Some r[0~>1], (saturated_bounds, (saturated_bounds, tt)))%zrange
+ saturated_bounds
+ Positional.select.
+ Definition srto_bytes prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings_with_bytes_no_subst01
+ prefix "to_bytes" []
+ (to_bytes_gen
+ @ GallinaReify.Reify machine_wordsize @ GallinaReify.Reify n)
+ (prime_bounds, tt)
+ prime_bytes_bounds.
+ Definition rto_bytes_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_with_bytes_no_subst01_correct
+ (prime_bounds, tt)
+ prime_bytes_bounds
+ (to_bytesmod machine_wordsize n).
+ Definition srfrom_bytes prefix
+ := BoundsPipelineToStrings_with_bytes_no_subst01
+ prefix "from_bytes" []
+ (from_bytes_gen
+ @ GallinaReify.Reify machine_wordsize @ GallinaReify.Reify 1 @ GallinaReify.Reify n)
+ (prime_bytes_bounds, tt)
+ prime_bounds.
+ Definition rfrom_bytes_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_with_bytes_no_subst01_correct
+ (prime_bytes_bounds, tt)
+ prime_bounds
+ (from_bytesmod machine_wordsize 1 n).
+ Definition rencode_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_correct
+ (prime_bound, tt)
+ (Some bounds)
+ (encodemod machine_wordsize n m m').
+ Definition rzero_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_correct
+ tt
+ (Some bounds)
+ (zeromod machine_wordsize n m m').
+ Definition rone_correct
+ := BoundsPipeline_correct
+ tt
+ (Some bounds)
+ (onemod machine_wordsize n m m').
+ Notation srmulx := (srmulx machine_wordsize).
+ Notation srmulx_correct := (srmulx_correct machine_wordsize).
+ Notation sraddcarryx := (sraddcarryx machine_wordsize).
+ Notation sraddcarryx_correct := (sraddcarryx_correct machine_wordsize).
+ Notation srsubborrowx := (srsubborrowx machine_wordsize).
+ Notation srsubborrowx_correct := (srsubborrowx_correct machine_wordsize).
+ Notation srcmovznz := (srcmovznz machine_wordsize).
+ Notation srcmovznz_correct := (srcmovznz_correct machine_wordsize).
+ (* we need to strip off [Hrv : ... = Pipeline.Success rv] and related arguments *)
+ Definition rmul_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rmul_correct rv).
+ Definition rsquare_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rsquare_correct rv).
+ Definition radd_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@radd_correct rv).
+ Definition rsub_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rsub_correct rv).
+ Definition rfrom_montgomery_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rfrom_montgomery_correct rv).
+ Definition ropp_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@ropp_correct rv).
+ Definition rnonzero_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rnonzero_correct rv).
+ Definition rselectznz_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rselectznz_correct rv).
+ Definition rto_bytes_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rto_bytes_correct rv).
+ Definition rfrom_bytes_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rfrom_bytes_correct rv).
+ Definition rencode_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rencode_correct rv).
+ Definition rzero_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rzero_correct rv).
+ Definition rone_correctT rv : Prop
+ := type_of_strip_3arrow (@rone_correct rv).
+ Section make_ring.
+ Let mv : positive := Z.to_pos (s - Associational.eval c).
+ Context (curve_good : check_args (Success tt) = Success tt)
+ {rmulv} (Hrmulv : rmul_correctT rmulv)
+ {raddv} (Hraddv : radd_correctT raddv)
+ {rsubv} (Hrsubv : rsub_correctT rsubv)
+ {rfrom_montgomeryv} (Hrfrom_montgomeryv : rfrom_montgomery_correctT rfrom_montgomeryv)
+ {roppv} (Hroppv : ropp_correctT roppv)
+ {rzerov} (Hrzerov : rzero_correctT rzerov)
+ {ronev} (Hronev : rone_correctT ronev)
+ {rencodev} (Hrencodev : rencode_correctT rencodev)
+ {rnonzerov} (Hrnonzerov : rnonzero_correctT rnonzerov)
+ {rto_bytesv} (Hto_bytesv : rto_bytes_correctT rto_bytesv)
+ {rfrom_bytesv} (Hfrom_bytesv : rfrom_bytes_correctT rfrom_bytesv).
+ Local Ltac use_curve_good_t :=
+ repeat first [ assumption
+ | progress rewrite ?map_length, ?Z.mul_0_r, ?Pos.mul_1_r, ?Z.mul_1_r in *
+ | reflexivity
+ | lia
+ | rewrite interp_reify_list, ?map_map
+ | rewrite map_ext with (g:=id), map_id
+ | progress distr_length
+ | progress cbv [Qceiling Qfloor Qopp Qdiv Qplus inject_Z Qmult Qinv] in *
+ | progress cbv [Qle] in *
+ | progress cbn -[reify_list] in *
+ | progress intros
+ | solve [ auto ] ].
+ Lemma use_curve_good
+ : Z.pos mv = s - Associational.eval c
+ /\ Z.pos mv <> 0
+ /\ s - Associational.eval c <> 0
+ /\ s <> 0
+ /\ 0 < machine_wordsize
+ /\ n <> 0%nat
+ /\ List.length bounds = n
+ /\ List.length bounds = n
+ /\ 0 < 1 <= machine_wordsize
+ /\ 0 < Associational.eval c < s
+ /\ (r * r') mod m = 1
+ /\ (m * m') mod r = (-1) mod r
+ /\ 0 < machine_wordsize
+ /\ 1 < m
+ /\ m < r^n.
+ Proof.
+ clear -curve_good.
+ cbv [check_args fold_right] in curve_good.
+ cbv [bounds prime_bound m_enc prime_bounds] in *.
+ break_innermost_match_hyps; try discriminate.
+ rewrite negb_false_iff in *.
+ Z.ltb_to_lt.
+ rewrite NPeano.Nat.eqb_neq in *.
+ intros.
+ cbv [Qnum Qden Qceiling Qfloor Qopp Qdiv Qplus inject_Z Qmult Qinv] in *.
+ rewrite ?map_length, ?Z.mul_0_r, ?Pos.mul_1_r, ?Z.mul_1_r in *.
+ specialize_by lia.
+ repeat match goal with H := _ |- _ => subst H end.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : list_beq _ _ _ _ = true |- _ ] => apply internal_list_dec_bl in H; [ | intros; Z.ltb_to_lt; omega.. ]
+ end.
+ repeat apply conj.
+ { destruct (s - Associational.eval c) eqn:?; cbn; lia. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ { use_curve_good_t. }
+ Qed.
+ (** TODO: Find a better place to put the spec for [to_bytes] *)
+ Definition GoodT : Prop
+ := @MontgomeryStyleRing.GoodT
+ machine_wordsize 1
+ n s c
+ bounds
+ (valid machine_wordsize n m)
+ (Interp rfrom_montgomeryv)
+ (Interp rmulv)
+ (Interp raddv)
+ (Interp rsubv)
+ (Interp roppv)
+ (Interp rzerov)
+ (Interp ronev)
+ (Interp rencodev)
+ /\ (let to_bytesT := (base.type.list base.type.Z -> base.type.list base.type.Z)%etype in
+ forall f
+ (Hf : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (t:=to_bytesT) (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) (prime_bounds, tt) f = true),
+ ((ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by prime_bytes_bounds (type.app_curried (Interp rto_bytesv) f) = true
+ /\ (forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) rto_bytesv) f
+ = type.app_curried (t:=to_bytesT) (to_bytesmod machine_wordsize n) f))
+ /\ (Positional.eval (weight 8 1) n_bytes (type.app_curried (t:=to_bytesT) (to_bytesmod machine_wordsize n) f)) = (Positional.eval (weight machine_wordsize 1) n (fst f) mod m)))
+ /\ (forall f
+ (Hf : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (t:=(base.type.list base.type.Z -> base.type.Z)%etype) (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) (Some bounds, tt) f = true), (Interp rnonzerov (fst f) = 0) <-> ((@eval machine_wordsize n (from_montgomery_mod machine_wordsize n m m' (fst f))) mod m = 0)).
+ Local Opaque valid addmod submod oppmod encodemod mulmod from_montgomery_mod nonzeromod.
+ Theorem Good : GoodT.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof use_curve_good; destruct_head'_and; destruct_head_hnf' ex.
+ split; [ | split ].
+ { eapply MontgomeryStyleRing.Good;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : ?P ?rop |- context[expr.Interp _ ?rop] ]
+ => intros;
+ let H1 := fresh in
+ let H2 := fresh in
+ unshelve edestruct H as [H1 H2]; [ .. | solve [ split; [ eapply H1 | eapply H2 ] ] ];
+ solve [ exact tt | eassumption | reflexivity ]
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ repeat first [ eassumption
+ | eapply mulmod_correct
+ | eapply addmod_correct
+ | eapply submod_correct
+ | eapply oppmod_correct
+ | eapply encodemod_correct
+ | eapply from_montgomery_mod_correct
+ | eapply nonzeromod_correct
+ | intros; apply conj
+ | omega ]. }
+ { cbv zeta; intros f Hf; split.
+ { apply Hto_bytesv; assumption. }
+ { cbn [type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow type_base type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by fst snd] in *.
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *; split_and'.
+ apply to_bytesmod_correct; eauto; [].
+ split; cbv [small].
+ admit.
+ admit. } }
+ { intros.
+ split; [ intro H'; eapply nonzeromod_correct;
+ [ .. | rewrite <- H'; symmetry; eapply Hrnonzerov ]
+ | etransitivity; [ apply Hrnonzerov | eapply nonzeromod_correct; [ .. | eassumption ] ] ];
+ try eassumption.
+ admit.
+ admit. }
+ Admitted.
+ End make_ring.
+ Section for_stringification.
+ Definition aggregate_infos {A B C} (ls : list (A * ErrorT B (C * ToString.C.ident_infos))) : ToString.C.ident_infos
+ := fold_right
+ ToString.C.ident_info_union
+ ToString.C.ident_info_empty
+ (List.map
+ (fun '(_, res) => match res with
+ | Success (_, infos) => infos
+ | Error _ => ToString.C.ident_info_empty
+ end)
+ ls).
+ Definition extra_synthesis (function_name_prefix : string) (infos : ToString.C.ident_infos)
+ : list (string * Pipeline.ErrorT (list string)) * PositiveSet.t
+ := let ls_addcarryx := List.flat_map
+ (fun lg_split:positive => [sraddcarryx function_name_prefix lg_split; srsubborrowx function_name_prefix lg_split])
+ (PositiveSet.elements (ToString.C.addcarryx_lg_splits infos)) in
+ let ls_mulx := List.map
+ (fun lg_split:positive => srmulx function_name_prefix lg_split)
+ (PositiveSet.elements (ToString.C.mulx_lg_splits infos)) in
+ let ls_cmov := List.map
+ (fun bitwidth:positive => srcmovznz function_name_prefix bitwidth)
+ (PositiveSet.elements (ToString.C.cmovznz_bitwidths infos)) in
+ let ls := ls_addcarryx ++ ls_mulx ++ ls_cmov in
+ let infos := aggregate_infos ls in
+ (List.map (fun '(name, res) => (name, (res <- res; Success (fst res))%error)) ls,
+ ToString.C.bitwidths_used infos).
+ Local Open Scope string_scope.
+ Local Open Scope list_scope.
+ Definition known_functions
+ := [("mul", srmul);
+ ("square", srsquare);
+ ("add", sradd);
+ ("sub", srsub);
+ ("opp", sropp);
+ ("from_montgomery", srfrom_montgomery);
+ ("nonzero", srnonzero);
+ ("selectznz", srselectznz);
+ ("to_bytes", srto_bytes);
+ ("from_bytes", srfrom_bytes)].
+ Definition synthesize_of_name (function_name_prefix : string) (name : string)
+ : string * ErrorT Pipeline.ErrorMessage (list string * ToString.C.ident_infos)
+ := fold_right
+ (fun v default
+ => match v with
+ | Some res => res
+ | None => default
+ end)
+ ((name,
+ Error
+ (Pipeline.Invalid_argument
+ ("Unrecognized request to synthesize """ ++ name ++ """; valid names are " ++ String.concat ", " (List.map (@fst _ _) known_functions)))))
+ (map
+ (fun '(expected_name, resf) => if string_beq name expected_name then Some (resf function_name_prefix) else None)
+ known_functions).
+ (** Note: If you change the name or type signature of this
+ function, you will need to update the code in CLI.v *)
+ Definition Synthesize (function_name_prefix : string) (requests : list string)
+ : list (string * Pipeline.ErrorT (list string)) * PositiveSet.t (* types used *)
+ := let ls := match requests with
+ | nil => List.map (fun '(_, sr) => sr function_name_prefix) known_functions
+ | requests => List.map (synthesize_of_name function_name_prefix) requests
+ end in
+ let infos := aggregate_infos ls in
+ let '(extra_ls, extra_bit_widths) := extra_synthesis function_name_prefix infos in
+ (extra_ls ++ List.map (fun '(name, res) => (name, (res <- res; Success (fst res))%error)) ls,
+ PositiveSet.union extra_bit_widths (ToString.C.bitwidths_used infos)).
+ End for_stringification.
+ End rcarry_mul.
+End WordByWordMontgomery.
Module SaturatedSolinas.
Section MulMod.
Context (s : Z) (c : list (Z * Z))