path: root/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/COperationSpecifications.v
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diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/COperationSpecifications.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/COperationSpecifications.v
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+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/COperationSpecifications.v
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+(** * C Operation Specifications *)
+(** The specifications for the various operations to be synthesized. *)
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PullPush.Modulo.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.FoldBool.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.Arithmetic.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Open Scope bool_scope.
+(** These Imports are only needed for the ring proof *)
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
+Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Ring.
+Require Import Crypto.Algebra.SubsetoidRing.
+Local Notation is_bounded_by0 r v
+:= ((lower r%zrange <=? v) && (v <=? upper r%zrange)).
+Local Notation is_bounded_by2 r v
+ := (let '(v1, v2) := v in is_bounded_by0 (fst r) v1 && is_bounded_by0 (snd r) v2).
+Local Notation is_bounded_by0o r
+ := (match r with Some r' => fun v' => is_bounded_by0 r' v' | None => fun _ => true end).
+Local Notation is_bounded_by bounds ls
+ := (fold_andb_map (fun r v'' => is_bounded_by0o r v'') bounds ls).
+Section list_Z_bounded.
+ Definition list_Z_bounded_by
+ (bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (v : list Z)
+ := is_bounded_by bounds v = true.
+ Lemma length_list_Z_bounded_by bounds ls
+ : list_Z_bounded_by bounds ls -> length ls = length bounds.
+ Proof using Type.
+ intro H.
+ apply fold_andb_map_length in H; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_list_Z_bounded_by wt n' bounds bounds' f
+ (H : list_Z_bounded_by bounds f)
+ (Hb : bounds = List.map (@Some _) bounds')
+ (Hblen : length bounds' = n')
+ (Hwt : forall i, List.In i (seq 0 n') -> 0 <= wt i)
+ : Positional.eval wt n' (List.map lower bounds') <= Positional.eval wt n' f <= Positional.eval wt n' (List.map upper bounds').
+ Proof using Type.
+ setoid_rewrite in_seq in Hwt.
+ subst bounds.
+ pose proof H as H'; apply fold_andb_map_length in H'.
+ revert dependent bounds'; intro bounds'.
+ revert dependent f; intro f.
+ rewrite <- (List.rev_involutive bounds'), <- (List.rev_involutive f);
+ generalize (List.rev bounds') (List.rev f); clear bounds' f; intros bounds f; revert bounds f.
+ induction n' as [|n IHn], bounds as [|b bounds], f as [|f fs]; intros;
+ cbn [length rev map] in *; distr_length.
+ { rewrite !map_app in *; cbn [map] in *.
+ erewrite !Positional.eval_snoc by (distr_length; eauto).
+ cbv [list_Z_bounded_by] in *.
+ specialize_by (intros; auto with omega).
+ specialize (Hwt n); specialize_by omega.
+ repeat first [ progress Bool.split_andb
+ | rewrite Nat.add_1_r in *
+ | rewrite fold_andb_map_snoc in *
+ | rewrite Nat.succ_inj_wd in *
+ | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
+ | progress cbn [In seq] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : length _ = ?v |- _ ] => rewrite H in *
+ | [ H : ?v = length _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H in *
+ end ].
+ split; apply Z.add_le_mono; try apply IHn; auto; distr_length; nia. }
+ Qed.
+End list_Z_bounded.
+Ltac pose_proof_length_list_Z_bounded_by :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : list_Z_bounded_by _ _ |- _ ] => unique pose proof (length_list_Z_bounded_by _ _ H)
+ end.
+Module Primitives.
+ Definition mulx_correct s
+ (mulx : Z -> Z -> Z * Z)
+ := forall x y,
+ is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] x = true
+ -> is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] y = true
+ -> mulx x y = ((x * y) mod 2^s, (x * y) / 2^s)
+ /\ is_bounded_by2 (r[0~>2^s-1], r[0~>2^s-1]) (mulx x y) = true.
+ Definition addcarryx_correct s
+ (addcarryx : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z * Z)
+ := forall c x y,
+ is_bounded_by0 r[0~>1] c = true
+ -> is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] x = true
+ -> is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] y = true
+ -> addcarryx c x y = ((c + x + y) mod 2^s, (c + x + y) / 2^s)
+ /\ is_bounded_by2 (r[0~>2^s-1], r[0~>1]) (addcarryx c x y) = true.
+ Definition subborrowx_correct s
+ (subborrowx : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z * Z)
+ := forall b x y,
+ is_bounded_by0 r[0~>1] b = true
+ -> is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] x = true
+ -> is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] y = true
+ -> subborrowx b x y = ((-b + x + -y) mod 2^s, -((-b + x + -y) / 2^s))
+ /\ is_bounded_by2 (r[0~>2^s-1], r[0~>1]) (subborrowx b x y) = true.
+ Definition cmovznz_correct s
+ (cmovznz : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
+ := forall cond z nz,
+ is_bounded_by0 r[0~>1] cond = true
+ -> is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] z = true
+ -> is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] nz = true
+ -> cmovznz cond z nz = (if Decidable.dec (cond = 0) then z else nz)
+ /\ is_bounded_by0 r[0~>2^s-1] (cmovznz cond z nz) = true.
+End Primitives.
+Module selectznz.
+ Section __.
+ Context (wt : nat -> Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (saturated_bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (length_saturated_bounds : length saturated_bounds = n).
+ Local Notation eval := (Positional.eval wt n).
+ Definition selectznz_correct
+ (selectznz : Z -> list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall cond x y,
+ is_bounded_by0 r[0~>1] cond = true
+ -> list_Z_bounded_by saturated_bounds x
+ -> list_Z_bounded_by saturated_bounds y
+ -> eval (selectznz cond x y) = (if Decidable.dec (cond = 0) then eval x else eval y)
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by saturated_bounds (selectznz cond x y).
+ End __.
+End selectznz.
+Module Solinas.
+ (** re-export [selectznz_correct] and the primitives. We
+ semi-arbitrarily choose to allow [Solinas.selectznz_correct] to
+ exist, but have the full name of the primitive operations start
+ with [Primitives.] *)
+ Export Primitives.
+ Include selectznz.
+ Section __.
+ Context (wt : nat -> Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (n_bytes : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (s : Z) (* only for prime_bytes *)
+ (tight_bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (length_tight_bounds : length tight_bounds = n)
+ (loose_bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (length_loose_bounds : length loose_bounds = n)
+ (saturated_bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (length_saturated_bounds : length saturated_bounds = n)
+ (m_pos : 0 < m).
+ Local Notation eval := (Positional.eval wt n).
+ Local Notation bytes_eval := (Positional.eval (weight 8 1) n_bytes).
+ Let prime_bytes_upperbound_list : list Z
+ := Positional.encode_no_reduce (weight 8 1) n_bytes (s-1).
+ Let prime_bytes_bounds : list (option zrange)
+ := List.map (fun v => Some r[0 ~> v]%zrange) prime_bytes_upperbound_list.
+ Let prime_bound : zrange
+ := r[0~>(m - 1)]%zrange.
+ Definition from_bytes_correct
+ (from_bytes : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ list_Z_bounded_by prime_bytes_bounds x
+ -> eval (from_bytes x) mod m = bytes_eval x mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds (from_bytes x).
+ Definition to_bytes_correct
+ (to_bytes : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds x
+ -> to_bytes x = Partition.partition (weight 8 1) n_bytes (eval x mod m).
+ Definition carry_mul_correct
+ (carry_mul : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x y,
+ list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds x
+ -> list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds y
+ -> eval (carry_mul x y) mod m = (Z.mul (eval x) (eval y)) mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds (carry_mul x y).
+ Definition carry_square_correct
+ (carry_square : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds x
+ -> eval (carry_square x) mod m = (eval x * eval x) mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds (carry_square x).
+ Definition carry_scmul_const_correct
+ (a : Z)
+ (carry_scmul_const : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds x
+ -> eval (carry_scmul_const x) mod m = (a * eval x) mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds (carry_scmul_const x).
+ Definition add_correct
+ (add : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x y,
+ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds x
+ -> list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds y
+ -> eval (add x y) mod m = (Z.add (eval x) (eval y)) mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds (add x y).
+ Definition sub_correct
+ (sub : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x y,
+ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds x
+ -> list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds y
+ -> eval (sub x y) mod m = (Z.sub (eval x) (eval y)) mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds (sub x y).
+ Definition opp_correct
+ (opp : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds x
+ -> eval (opp x) mod m = (Z.opp (eval x)) mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds (opp x).
+ Definition carry_correct
+ (carry : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds x
+ -> eval (carry x) mod m = (eval x) mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds (carry x).
+ Definition zero_correct
+ (zero : list Z)
+ := eval zero mod m = 0
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds zero.
+ Definition one_correct
+ (one : list Z)
+ := eval one mod m = 1 mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds one.
+ Definition encode_correct
+ (encode : Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ is_bounded_by0 prime_bound x = true
+ -> eval (encode x) mod m = x mod m
+ /\ list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds (encode x).
+ Section ring.
+ Context carry_mul (Hcarry_mul : carry_mul_correct carry_mul)
+ add (Hadd : add_correct add)
+ sub (Hsub : sub_correct sub)
+ opp (Hopp : opp_correct opp)
+ carry (Hcarry : carry_correct carry)
+ encode (Hencode : encode_correct encode)
+ zero (Hzero : zero_correct zero)
+ one (Hone : one_correct one)
+ (Hrelax : forall x, list_Z_bounded_by tight_bounds x -> list_Z_bounded_by loose_bounds x).
+ Let m' := Z.to_pos m.
+ Local Notation T := (list Z) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation encoded_ok ls
+ := (is_bounded_by tight_bounds ls = true) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation encoded_okf := (fun ls => encoded_ok ls) (only parsing).
+ Definition Fdecode (v : T) : F m'
+ := F.of_Z m' (eval v).
+ Definition T_eq (x y : T)
+ := Fdecode x = Fdecode y.
+ Definition encodedT := sig encoded_okf.
+ Definition ring_mul (x y : T) : T := carry_mul x y.
+ Definition ring_add (x y : T) : T := carry (add x y).
+ Definition ring_sub (x y : T) : T := carry (sub x y).
+ Definition ring_opp (x : T) : T := carry (opp x).
+ Definition ring_encode (x : F m') : T := encode (F.to_Z x).
+ Definition GoodT : Prop
+ := @subsetoid_ring
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq
+ zero one ring_opp ring_add ring_sub ring_mul
+ /\ @is_subsetoid_homomorphism
+ (F m') (fun _ => True) eq 1%F F.add F.mul
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq one ring_add ring_mul ring_encode
+ /\ @is_subsetoid_homomorphism
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq one ring_add ring_mul
+ (F m') (fun _ => True) eq 1%F F.add F.mul
+ Fdecode.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_add : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_mul : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_opp : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_of_Z : push_FtoZ.
+ Lemma Fm_bounded_alt (x : F m')
+ : is_bounded_by0 prime_bound (F.to_Z x) = true.
+ Proof using m_pos.
+ clear -m_pos.
+ destruct x as [x H]; cbn [F.to_Z proj1_sig].
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound x (Z.pos m')).
+ subst m'; rewrite Z2Pos.id in * by lia.
+ cbv [prime_bound lower upper].
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff; split; Z.ltb_to_lt; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Good : GoodT.
+ Proof.
+ split_and; simpl in *.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : context[andb _ true] |- _ ] => setoid_rewrite andb_true_r in H
+ end.
+ all: cbv [carry_mul_correct add_correct sub_correct opp_correct carry_correct encode_correct zero_correct one_correct] in *; split_and.
+ eapply subsetoid_ring_by_ring_isomorphism;
+ cbv [ring_opp ring_add ring_sub ring_mul ring_encode F.sub list_Z_bounded_by Fdecode m' F.one] in *; auto.
+ all: repeat first [ progress intros
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress autorewrite with push_FtoZ
+ | rewrite Z2Pos.id
+ | apply Fm_bounded_alt
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- _ = _ :> F _ ] => apply F.eq_to_Z_iff
+ | [ |- _ mod _ = F.to_Z ?x ]
+ => etransitivity; [ | apply (F.mod_to_Z x) ]
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => apply H; clear H
+ | [ H : context[eval (?f _) mod ?m = _] |- context[eval (?f _) mod ?m] ]
+ => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[eval (?f _ _) mod ?m = _] |- context[eval (?f _ _) mod ?m] ]
+ => rewrite H
+ end
+ | progress (push_Zmod; pull_Zmod); try (f_equal; lia) ].
+ Qed.
+ End ring.
+ End __.
+End Solinas.
+Module SaturatedSolinas.
+ Section __.
+ Context (wt : nat -> Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (m : Z)
+ (saturated_bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (length_saturated_bounds : length saturated_bounds = n).
+ Local Notation eval := (Positional.eval wt n).
+ Definition mul_correct
+ (mul : list Z -> list Z -> list Z * Z)
+ := forall x y,
+ list_Z_bounded_by saturated_bounds x
+ -> list_Z_bounded_by saturated_bounds y
+ -> (eval (fst (mul x y)) + wt n * snd (mul x y)) mod m
+ = (eval x * eval y) mod m
+ /\ ((let '(v, c) := mul x y in
+ (is_bounded_by saturated_bounds v)
+ && true(*Should be: is_bounded_by0 r[0~>0] c, but bounds analysis is not good enough*))
+ = true).
+ End __.
+End SaturatedSolinas.
+Module WordByWordMontgomery.
+ Import Arithmetic.WordByWordMontgomery.
+ Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+ Section __.
+ Context (bitwidth : Z)
+ (n : nat)
+ (n_bytes : nat)
+ (m r' : Z)
+ (s : Z) (* only for prime_bytes *)
+ (bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (length_bounds : length bounds = n)
+ (valid : list Z -> Prop)
+ (bytes_valid : list Z -> Prop)
+ (m_pos : 0 < m)
+ (from_montgomery : list Z -> list Z)
+ (* saturated_bounds is only for selectznz *)
+ (saturated_bounds : list (option zrange))
+ (length_saturated_bounds : length saturated_bounds = n).
+ Local Notation eval := (@WordByWordMontgomery.eval bitwidth n).
+ Local Notation bytes_eval := (Positional.eval (weight 8 1) n_bytes).
+ Let prime_bound : zrange
+ := r[0~>(m - 1)]%zrange.
+ Definition from_montgomery_correct
+ := forall v,
+ valid v
+ -> eval (from_montgomery v) mod m = (eval v * r'^n) mod m
+ /\ valid (from_montgomery v).
+ Definition mul_correct
+ (mul : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall a b,
+ valid a
+ -> valid b
+ -> eval (from_montgomery (mul a b)) mod m = (Z.mul (eval (from_montgomery a)) (eval (from_montgomery b))) mod m
+ /\ valid (mul a b).
+ Definition add_correct
+ (add : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall a b,
+ valid a
+ -> valid b
+ -> eval (from_montgomery (add a b)) mod m = (Z.add (eval (from_montgomery a)) (eval (from_montgomery b))) mod m
+ /\ valid (add a b).
+ Definition sub_correct
+ (sub : list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall a b,
+ valid a
+ -> valid b
+ -> eval (from_montgomery (sub a b)) mod m = (Z.sub (eval (from_montgomery a)) (eval (from_montgomery b))) mod m
+ /\ valid (sub a b).
+ Definition opp_correct
+ (opp : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall a,
+ valid a
+ -> eval (from_montgomery (opp a)) mod m = (Z.opp (eval (from_montgomery a))) mod m
+ /\ valid (opp a).
+ Definition square_correct
+ (square : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall a,
+ valid a
+ -> eval (from_montgomery (square a)) mod m = (eval (from_montgomery a) * eval (from_montgomery a)) mod m
+ /\ valid (square a).
+ Definition zero_correct
+ (zero : list Z)
+ := eval (from_montgomery zero) mod m = 0
+ /\ valid zero.
+ Definition one_correct
+ (one : list Z)
+ := eval (from_montgomery one) mod m = 1 mod m
+ /\ valid one.
+ Definition encode_correct
+ (encode : Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ is_bounded_by0 prime_bound x = true
+ -> eval (from_montgomery (encode x)) mod m = x mod m
+ /\ valid (encode x).
+ Definition nonzero_correct
+ (nonzero : list Z -> Z)
+ := forall x,
+ valid x
+ -> (nonzero x = 0) <-> (eval (from_montgomery x) mod m = 0).
+ Definition to_bytes_correct
+ (to_bytes : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ valid x
+ -> to_bytes x = Partition.partition (weight 8 1) n_bytes (eval x mod m).
+ Definition from_bytes_correct
+ (from_bytes : list Z -> list Z)
+ := forall x,
+ bytes_valid x
+ -> eval (from_bytes x) mod m = bytes_eval x mod m
+ /\ valid (from_bytes x).
+ Definition selectznz_correct
+ (selectznz : Z -> list Z -> list Z -> list Z)
+ : Prop
+ := selectznz.selectznz_correct
+ (UniformWeight.uweight bitwidth)
+ n
+ saturated_bounds
+ selectznz.
+ Section ring.
+ Context mul (Hmul : mul_correct mul)
+ add (Hadd : add_correct add)
+ sub (Hsub : sub_correct sub)
+ opp (Hopp : opp_correct opp)
+ encode (Hencode : encode_correct encode)
+ zero (Hzero : zero_correct zero)
+ one (Hone : one_correct one).
+ Let m' := Z.to_pos m.
+ Local Notation T := (list Z) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation encoded_ok ls
+ := (valid ls) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation encoded_okf := (fun ls => encoded_ok ls) (only parsing).
+ Definition Fdecode (v : T) : F m'
+ := F.of_Z m' (eval (from_montgomery v)).
+ Definition T_eq (x y : T)
+ := Fdecode x = Fdecode y.
+ Definition encodedT := sig encoded_okf.
+ Definition ring_mul (x y : T) : T := mul x y.
+ Definition ring_add (x y : T) : T := add x y.
+ Definition ring_sub (x y : T) : T := sub x y.
+ Definition ring_opp (x : T) : T := opp x.
+ Definition ring_encode (x : F m') : T := encode (F.to_Z x).
+ Definition GoodT : Prop
+ := @subsetoid_ring
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq
+ zero one ring_opp ring_add ring_sub ring_mul
+ /\ @is_subsetoid_homomorphism
+ (F m') (fun _ => True) eq 1%F F.add F.mul
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq one ring_add ring_mul ring_encode
+ /\ @is_subsetoid_homomorphism
+ (list Z) encoded_okf T_eq one ring_add ring_mul
+ (F m') (fun _ => True) eq 1%F F.add F.mul
+ Fdecode.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_add : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_mul : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_opp : push_FtoZ.
+ Hint Rewrite ->@F.to_Z_of_Z : push_FtoZ.
+ Lemma Fm_bounded_alt (x : F m')
+ : is_bounded_by0 prime_bound (F.to_Z x) = true.
+ Proof using m_pos.
+ clear -m_pos.
+ destruct x as [x H]; cbn [F.to_Z proj1_sig].
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound x (Z.pos m')).
+ subst m'; rewrite Z2Pos.id in * by lia.
+ cbv [prime_bound lower upper].
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff; split; Z.ltb_to_lt; lia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Good : GoodT.
+ Proof.
+ split_and; simpl in *.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : context[andb _ true] |- _ ] => setoid_rewrite andb_true_r in H
+ end.
+ all: cbv [mul_correct add_correct sub_correct opp_correct encode_correct zero_correct one_correct] in *; split_and.
+ eapply subsetoid_ring_by_ring_isomorphism;
+ cbv [ring_opp ring_add ring_sub ring_mul ring_encode F.sub list_Z_bounded_by Fdecode m' F.one] in *; auto.
+ all: repeat first [ progress intros
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress autorewrite with push_FtoZ
+ | rewrite Z2Pos.id
+ | apply Fm_bounded_alt
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- _ = _ :> F _ ] => apply F.eq_to_Z_iff
+ | [ |- _ mod _ = F.to_Z ?x ]
+ => etransitivity; [ | apply (F.mod_to_Z x) ]
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => apply H; clear H
+ | [ H : context[eval (?f _) mod ?m = _] |- context[eval (?f _) mod ?m] ]
+ => rewrite H
+ | [ H : context[eval (?f _ _) mod ?m = _] |- context[eval (?f _ _) mod ?m] ]
+ => rewrite H
+ end
+ | progress (push_Zmod; pull_Zmod); try (f_equal; lia) ].
+ Qed.
+ End ring.
+ End __.
+End WordByWordMontgomery.
+Module BarrettReduction.
+ Section __.
+ (** TODO(jadep, from jgross): Remove any of these not needed to state the spec *)
+ Context (k M muLow : Z)
+ (n nout : nat)
+ (k_bound : 2 <= k)
+ (M_pos : 0 < M)
+ (muLow_eq : muLow + 2 ^ k = 2 ^ (2 * k) / M)
+ (muLow_bounds : 0 <= muLow < 2 ^ k)
+ (M_bound1 : 2 ^ (k - 1) < M < 2 ^ k)
+ (M_bound2 : 2 * (2 ^ (2 * k) mod M) <= 2 ^ (k + 1) - (muLow + 2 ^ k))
+ (Hn_nz : n <> 0%nat)
+ (n_le_k : Z.of_nat n <= k)
+ (Hnout : nout = 2%nat).
+ Definition barrett_red_correct
+ (barrett_red : Z -> Z -> Z)
+ := forall xLow xHigh,
+ 0 <= xLow < 2 ^ k
+ -> 0 <= xHigh < M
+ -> barrett_red xLow xHigh = (xLow + 2 ^ k * xHigh) mod M.
+ End __.
+End BarrettReduction.
+Module MontgomeryReduction.
+ Section __.
+ Context (N R N' R' : Z).
+ Definition montred_correct
+ Context (T R R' N
+ Lemma montred'_correct lo_hi T (HT_range: 0 <= T < R * N)
+ (Hlo: fst lo_hi = T mod R) (Hhi: snd lo_hi = T / R): montred' lo_hi = (T * R') mod N.
+ Proof.
+ erewrite montred'_eq by eauto.
+ apply Z.equiv_modulo_mod_small; auto using reduce_via_partial_correct.
+ replace 0 with (Z.min 0 (R-N)) by (apply Z.min_l; omega).
+ apply reduce_via_partial_in_range; omega.
+ Qed.
+ End MontgomeryReduction.