path: root/src/Experiments/Loops.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/Loops.v')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/Loops.v b/src/Experiments/Loops.v
index ea70a153a..125e0f197 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/Loops.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/Loops.v
@@ -2,14 +2,10 @@ Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Sum.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Notation break := (@inl _ _).
-Notation continue := (@inr _ _).
Section Loops.
Context {continue_state break_state}
(body : continue_state -> break_state + continue_state)
@@ -24,8 +20,8 @@ Section Loops.
(body_cps start _) (fun next =>
match next with
- | break state => Some (ret state)
- | continue state =>
+ | inl state => Some (ret state)
+ | inr state =>
match fuel with
| O => None
| S fuel' =>
@@ -73,60 +69,29 @@ Section Loops.
cbv [terminates loop_default] in *; break_match; congruence.
- Definition invariant_for
- (inv : continue_state -> Prop)
- (P : break_state -> Prop) : Prop :=
- (forall state state',
- body state = inr state' -> inv state ->
- inv state') /\
- (forall state state',
- body state = inl state' -> inv state ->
- P state').
- Local Ltac loop_simplify :=
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => progress (simpl loop in * )
- | _ => progress intros
- | H: exists _, _ |- _ => destruct H
- | H: _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H
- | _ => erewrite loop_default_eq by eassumption
- | _ => erewrite loop_continue_step in * by eassumption
- | _ => erewrite loop_break_step in * by eassumption
- | |- context [match (body ?s) with | _ => _ end] =>
- let Heq := fresh "H" in
- case_eq (body s); intros ? Heq; rewrite Heq in *
- | _ => congruence
- | _ => solve [eauto]
- end.
- Lemma loop_invariant fuel :
- forall start
- (P : break_state -> Prop) default
- (Hterm : terminates fuel start),
- (exists (inv : continue_state -> Prop),
- inv start /\
- invariant_for inv P)
- <-> P (loop_default fuel start default).
+ Lemma invariant_iff fuel start default (H : terminates fuel start) P :
+ P (loop_default fuel start default) <->
+ (exists (inv : continue_state -> Prop),
+ inv start
+ /\ (forall s s', body s = inr s' -> inv s -> inv s')
+ /\ (forall s s', body s = inl s' -> inv s -> P s')).
- intros; split;
- [ intro H; destruct H as [? [Hstart ?]];
- revert start Hterm Hstart;
- induction fuel |
- exists (fun st =>
- exists f e, (loop f st = Some e /\ P e)) ];
+ split;
+ [ exists (fun st => exists f e, (loop f st = Some e /\ P e ))
+ | destruct 1 as [?[??]]; revert dependent start; induction fuel ];
repeat match goal with
- | _ => progress (cbv [invariant_for
- loop_default
- terminates] in * )
+ | _ => solve [ trivial | congruence | eauto ]
+ | _ => progress destruct_head' @ex
+ | _ => progress destruct_head' @and
| _ => progress intros
- | _ => progress loop_simplify
- | H: _ = ?x |- _ = ?x =>
- etransitivity; [|apply H]
- | H: context
- [match ?x with | O => _
- | S _ => _ end] |- _ =>
- destruct x; try congruence
- | _ => eexists
+ | _ => progress (cbv [loop_default terminates] in * )
+ | _ => progress (cbn [loop] in * )
+ | _ => progress erewrite loop_default_eq by eassumption
+ | _ => progress erewrite loop_continue_step in * by eassumption
+ | _ => progress erewrite loop_break_step in * by eassumption
+ | _ => progress break_match_hyps
+ | _ => progress break_match
+ | _ => progress eexists
@@ -139,24 +104,75 @@ Section Loops.
induction fuel; intros;
repeat match goal with
+ | _ => solve [ congruence | lia ]
| _ => progress cbv [terminates]
- | _ => progress simpl loop
- | _ => progress break_match; try congruence
- | H : forall _ _, body _ = continue _ -> _ , Heq : body _ = continue _ |- _ => specialize (H _ _ Heq)
- | _ => eapply IHfuel; lia
- | _ => lia
+ | _ => progress cbn [loop]
+ | _ => progress break_match
+ | H : forall _ _, body _ = inr _ -> _ , Heq : body _ = inr _ |- _ => specialize (H _ _ Heq)
+ | _ => eapply IHfuel
End Loops.
+Definition by_invariant {continue_state break_state body fuel start default}
+ invariant P term invariant_start invariant_continue invariant_break
+ := proj2 (@invariant_iff continue_state break_state body fuel start default term P)
+ (ex_intro _ invariant (conj invariant_start (conj invariant_continue invariant_break))).
+Section While.
+ Context {state}
+ (test : state -> bool)
+ (body : state -> state).
+ Fixpoint while (fuel: nat) (s : state) {struct fuel} : option state :=
+ if test s
+ then
+ match fuel with
+ | O => None
+ | S fuel' => while fuel' (body s)
+ end
+ else Some s.
+ Section AsLoop.
+ Local Definition lbody := fun s => if test s then inr (body s) else inl s.
+ Definition while_using_loop := loop lbody.
+ Lemma while_eq_loop : forall n s, while n s = while_using_loop n s.
+ Proof.
+ induction n; intros;
+ cbv [lbody while_using_loop]; cbn [while loop]; break_match; auto.
+ Qed.
+ End AsLoop.
+ Definition while_default d f s :=
+ match while f s with
+ | None => d
+ | Some x => x
+ end.
+End While.
+Definition for2 {state} (test : state -> bool) (increment body : state -> state)
+ := while test (fun s => increment (body s)).
+Definition for2_default {state} d test increment body f s :=
+ match @for2 state test increment body f s with
+ | None => d
+ | Some x => x
+ end.
+Definition for3 {state} init test increment body fuel := @for2 state test increment body fuel init.
+Definition for3_default {state} d init test increment body fuel :=
+ match @for3 state init test increment body fuel with
+ | None => d
+ | Some x => x
+ end.
Section GCD.
Definition gcd_step :=
fun '(a, b) => if Nat.ltb a b
- then continue (a, b-a)
+ then inr (a, b-a)
else if Nat.ltb b a
then inr (a-b, b)
- else break a.
+ else inl a.
Definition gcd fuel a b := loop_default gcd_step fuel (a,b) 0.
@@ -171,10 +187,10 @@ Section GCD.
let a := fst st in
let b := snd st in
if Nat.ltb a b
- then ret (continue (a, b-a))
+ then ret (inr (a, b-a))
else if Nat.ltb b a
- then ret (continue (a-b, b))
- else ret (break a).
+ then ret (inr (a-b, b))
+ else ret (inl a).
Definition gcd_cps fuel a b {T} (ret:nat->T)
:= loop_cps gcd_step_cps fuel (a,b) ret.
@@ -191,8 +207,8 @@ Section ZeroLoop.
Definition zero_body (state : nat * list nat) :
list nat + (nat * list nat) :=
if dec (fst state < length (snd state))
- then continue (S (fst state), set_nth (fst state) 0 (snd state))
- else break (snd state).
+ then inr (S (fst state), set_nth (fst state) 0 (snd state))
+ else inl (snd state).
Lemma zero_body_terminates (arr : list nat) :
terminates zero_body (length arr) (0,arr).
@@ -202,7 +218,9 @@ Section ZeroLoop.
| _ => progress autorewrite with cancel_pair distr_length
| _ => progress subst
| _ => progress break_match; intros
- | _ => progress inversion_sum
+ | _ => congruence
+ | H: inl _ = inl _ |- _ => injection H; intros; subst; clear H
+ | H: inr _ = inr _ |- _ => injection H; intros; subst ;clear H
| _ => lia
@@ -218,17 +236,15 @@ Section ZeroLoop.
forall n, nth_default 0 (zero_loop arr) n = 0.
intros. cbv [zero_loop].
- eapply loop_invariant.
- apply zero_body_terminates.
- exists zero_invariant.
- split.
- { cbv [zero_invariant].
- autorewrite with cancel_pair.
- split; intros; lia. }
- { cbv [invariant_for zero_invariant zero_body]. split;
+ eapply (by_invariant zero_invariant); auto using zero_body_terminates;
+ [ cbv [zero_invariant]; autorewrite with cancel_pair; split; intros; lia | ..];
+ cbv [zero_invariant zero_body];
intros until 0;
- break_match; intros; inversion_sum;
+ break_match; intros;
repeat match goal with
+ | _ => congruence
+ | H: inl _ = inl _ |- _ => injection H; intros; subst; clear H
+ | H: inr _ = inr _ |- _ => injection H; intros; subst ;clear H
| _ => progress split
| _ => progress intros
| _ => progress subst
@@ -241,9 +257,8 @@ Section ZeroLoop.
| H : _ |- _ => apply H; lia
| _ => lia
- destruct (Compare_dec.lt_dec n (fst state)).
+ destruct (Compare_dec.lt_dec n (fst s)).
apply H1; lia.
- apply nth_default_out_of_bounds; lia. }
+ apply nth_default_out_of_bounds; lia.
End ZeroLoop. \ No newline at end of file