path: root/src/Experiments/Ed25519Extraction.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/Ed25519Extraction.v')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/Ed25519Extraction.v b/src/Experiments/Ed25519Extraction.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17c90b2a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Experiments/Ed25519Extraction.v
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.Ed25519.
+Import Decidable BinNat BinInt ZArith_dec.
+Extraction Language Haskell.
+Unset Extraction KeepSingleton.
+Set Extraction AutoInline.
+Set Extraction Optimize.
+Unset Extraction AccessOpaque.
+(** Eq *)
+Extraction Implicit eq_rect [ x y ].
+Extraction Implicit eq_rect_r [ x y ].
+Extraction Implicit eq_rec [ x y ].
+Extraction Implicit eq_rec_r [ x y ].
+Extract Inlined Constant eq_rect => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant eq_rect_r => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant eq_rec => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant eq_rec_r => "".
+(** Ord *)
+Extract Inductive comparison =>
+ "Prelude.Ordering" ["Prelude.EQ" "Prelude.LT" "Prelude.GT"].
+(** Bool, sumbool, Decidable *)
+Extract Inductive bool => "Prelude.Bool" ["Prelude.True" "Prelude.False"].
+Extract Inductive sumbool => "Prelude.Bool" ["Prelude.True" "Prelude.False"].
+Extract Inductive Bool.reflect => "Prelude.Bool" ["Prelude.True" "Prelude.False"].
+Extract Inlined Constant Bool.iff_reflect => "".
+Extraction Inline Crypto.Util.Decidable.Decidable Crypto.Util.Decidable.dec.
+(* Extract Inlined Constant Equality.bool_beq => *)
+(* "((Prelude.==) :: Prelude.Bool -> Prelude.Bool -> Prelude.Bool)". *)
+Extract Inlined Constant Bool.bool_dec =>
+ "((Prelude.==) :: Prelude.Bool -> Prelude.Bool -> Prelude.Bool)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant negb => "Prelude.not".
+Extract Inlined Constant orb => "(Prelude.||)".
+Extract Inlined Constant andb => "(Prelude.&&)".
+Extract Inlined Constant xorb => "Data.Bits.xor".
+(** Comparisons *)
+Extract Inductive comparison => "Prelude.Ordering" [ "Prelude.EQ" "Prelude.LT" "Prelude.GT" ].
+Extract Inductive CompareSpecT => "Prelude.Ordering" [ "Prelude.EQ" "Prelude.LT" "Prelude.GT" ].
+(** Maybe *)
+Extract Inductive option => "Prelude.Maybe" ["Prelude.Just" "Prelude.Nothing"].
+Extract Inductive sumor => "Prelude.Maybe" ["Prelude.Just" "Prelude.Nothing"].
+(** Either *)
+Extract Inductive sum => "Prelude.Either" ["Prelude.Left" "Prelude.Right"].
+(** List *)
+Extract Inductive list => "[]" ["[]" "(:)"].
+Extract Inlined Constant app => "(Prelude.++)".
+Extract Inlined Constant List.map => "Prelude.map".
+Extract Constant List.fold_left => "\f l z -> Data.List.foldl f z l".
+Extract Inlined Constant List.fold_right => "Data.List.foldr".
+Extract Inlined Constant List.find => "Data.List.find".
+Extract Inlined Constant List.length => "Data.List.genericLength".
+(** Tuple *)
+Extract Inductive prod => "(,)" ["(,)"].
+Extract Inductive sigT => "(,)" ["(,)"].
+Extract Inlined Constant fst => "Prelude.fst".
+Extract Inlined Constant snd => "Prelude.snd".
+Extract Inlined Constant projT1 => "Prelude.fst".
+Extract Inlined Constant projT2 => "Prelude.snd".
+Extract Inlined Constant proj1_sig => "".
+(** Unit *)
+Extract Inductive unit => "()" ["()"].
+(** nat *)
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.ExtrHaskellNats.
+(** positive *)
+Require Import BinPos.
+Extract Inductive positive => "Prelude.Integer" [
+ "(\x -> 2 Prelude.* x Prelude.+ 1)"
+ "(\x -> 2 Prelude.* x)"
+ "1" ]
+ "(\fI fO fH n -> {- match_on_positive -}
+ if n Prelude.== 1 then fH () else
+ if Prelude.odd n
+ then fI (n `Prelude.div` 2)
+ else fO (n `Prelude.div` 2))".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.succ => "(1 Prelude.+)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.add => "(Prelude.+)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.mul => "(Prelude.*)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.pow => "(Prelude.^)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.max => "Prelude.max".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.min => "Prelude.min".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.gcd => "Prelude.gcd".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.land => "(Data.Bits..&.)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.lor => "(Data.Bits..|.)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.compare => "Prelude.compare".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.ltb => "(Prelude.<)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.leb => "(Prelude.<=)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.eq_dec => "(Prelude.==)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.eqb => "(Prelude.==)".
+(* XXX: unsound -- overflow in fromIntegral *)
+Extract Constant Pos.shiftr => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.shiftR w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant Pos.shiftl => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.shiftL w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant Pos.testbit => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.testBit w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant Pos.pred => "(\n -> Prelude.max 1 (Prelude.pred n))".
+Extract Constant Pos.sub => "(\n m -> Prelude.max 1 (n Prelude.- m))".
+(** N *)
+Extract Inlined Constant N.succ => "(1 Prelude.+)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.add => "(Prelude.+)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.mul => "(Prelude.*)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.pow => "(Prelude.^)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.max => "Prelude.max".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.min => "Prelude.min".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.gcd => "Prelude.gcd".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.lcm => "Prelude.lcm".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.land => "(Data.Bits..&.)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.lor => "(Data.Bits..|.)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.lxor => "Data.Bits.xor".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.compare => "Prelude.compare".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.eq_dec => "(Prelude.==)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.ltb => "(Prelude.<)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.leb => "(Prelude.<=)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.eq_dec => "(Prelude.==)".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.odd => "Prelude.odd".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.even => "Prelude.even".
+(* XXX: unsound -- overflow in fromIntegral *)
+Extract Constant N.shiftr => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.shiftR w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant N.shiftl => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.shiftL w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant N.testbit => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.testBit w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant N.pred => "(\n -> Prelude.max 0 (Prelude.pred n))".
+Extract Constant N.sub => "(\n m -> Prelude.max 0 (n Prelude.- m))".
+Extract Constant N.div => "(\n m -> if m Prelude.== 0 then 0 else Prelude.div n m)".
+Extract Constant N.modulo => "(\n m -> if m Prelude.== 0 then 0 else Prelude.mod n m)".
+Extract Inductive N => "Prelude.Integer" [ "0" "(\x -> x)" ]
+ "(\fO fS n -> {- match_on_N -} if n Prelude.== 0 then fO () else fS (n Prelude.- 1))".
+(** Z *)
+Require Import ZArith.BinInt.
+Extract Inductive Z => "Prelude.Integer" [ "0" "(\x -> x)" "Prelude.negate" ]
+ "(\fO fP fN n -> {- match_on_Z -}
+ if n Prelude.== 0 then fO () else
+ if n Prelude.> 0 then fP n else
+ fN (Prelude.negate n))".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.succ => "(1 Prelude.+)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.add => "(Prelude.+)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.sub => "(Prelude.-)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.opp => "Prelude.negate".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.mul => "(Prelude.*)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.pow => "(Prelude.^)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.pow_pos => "(Prelude.^)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.max => "Prelude.max".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.min => "Prelude.min".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.lcm => "Prelude.lcm".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.land => "(Data.Bits..&.)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.pred => "Prelude.pred".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.land => "(Data.Bits..&.)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.lor => "(Data.Bits..|.)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.lxor => "Data.Bits.xor".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.compare => "Prelude.compare".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.eq_dec => "(Prelude.==)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z_ge_lt_dec => "(Prelude.>=)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z_gt_le_dec => "(Prelude.>)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.ltb => "(Prelude.<)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.leb => "(Prelude.<=)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.gtb => "(Prelude.>)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.geb => "(Prelude.>=)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.odd => "Prelude.odd".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.even => "Prelude.even".
+(* XXX: unsound -- overflow in fromIntegral *)
+Extract Constant Z.shiftr => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.shiftR w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant Z.shiftl => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.shiftL w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant Z.testbit => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.testBit w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant Z.div => "(\n m -> if m Prelude.== 0 then 0 else Prelude.div n m)".
+Extract Constant Z.modulo => "(\n m -> if m Prelude.== 0 then 0 else Prelude.mod n m)".
+(** Conversions *)
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.of_N => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.to_N => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.to_nat => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant N.of_nat => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.to_nat => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.of_nat => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.abs_N => "Prelude.abs".
+Extract Inlined Constant Z.abs_nat => "Prelude.abs".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.pred_N => "Prelude.pred".
+Extract Inlined Constant Pos.lxor => "Data.Bits.xor".
+(** Word *)
+(* do not annotate every bit of a word with the number of bits after it *)
+Extraction Implicit Word.WS [ 2 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.weqb [ 1 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.whd [ 1 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.wtl [ 1 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.bitwp [ 2 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.wand [ 1 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.wor [ 1 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.wxor [ 1 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.wordToN [ 1 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.wordToNat [ 1 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.combine [ 1 3 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.split1 [ 2 ].
+Extraction Implicit Word.split2 [ 2 ].
+Extraction Implicit WordUtil.cast_word [1 2 3].
+Extraction Implicit WordUtil.wfirstn [ 2 4 ].
+Extract Inlined Constant WordUtil.cast_word => "".
+Extract Inductive Word.word => "[Prelude.Bool]" [ "[]" "(:)" ]
+ "(\fWO fWS w -> {- match_on_word -} case w of {[] -> fWO (); (b:w') -> fWS b w' } )".
+(** Let_In *)
+Extraction Inline LetIn.Let_In.
+(* Word64 *)
+Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Interpretations.
+Extract Inlined Constant Word64.word64 => "Data.Word.Word64".
+Extract Inlined Constant GF25519BoundedCommon.word64 => "Data.Word.Word64".
+Extract Inlined Constant GF25519BoundedCommon.w64eqb => "(Prelude.==)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Word64.word64ToZ => "Prelude.fromIntegral".
+Extract Inlined Constant GF25519BoundedCommon.word64ToZ => "Prelude.fromIntegral".
+Extract Inlined Constant GF25519BoundedCommon.NToWord64 => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant GF25519BoundedCommon.ZToWord64 => "".
+Extract Inlined Constant Word64.add => "(Prelude.+)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Word64.mul => "(Prelude.*)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Word64.sub => "(Prelude.-)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Word64.land => "(Data.Bits..&.)".
+Extract Inlined Constant Word64.lor => "(Data.Bits..|.)".
+Extract Constant Word64.neg => "(\_ w -> Prelude.negate w)". (* FIXME: reification: drop arg1 *)
+Extract Constant Word64.shl => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.shiftR w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant Word64.shr => "(\w n -> Data.Bits.shiftL w (Prelude.fromIntegral n))".
+Extract Constant Word64.cmovle => "(\x y r1 r2 -> if x Prelude.<= y then r1 else r2)".
+Extract Constant Word64.cmovne => "(\x y r1 r2 -> if x Prelude.== y then r1 else r2)".
+(* inlining, primarily to reduce polymorphism *)
+Extraction Inline dec_eq_Z dec_eq_N dec_eq_sig_hprop.
+Extraction Inline Ed25519.Erep Ed25519.SRep Ed25519.ZNWord Ed25519.WordNZ.
+Extraction Inline GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519.
+Extraction Inline EdDSARepChange.sign EdDSARepChange.splitSecretPrngCurve.
+Extraction Inline Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp.iter_op Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp.test_and_op.
+Extraction Inline PointEncoding.Kencode_point.
+Extraction Inline ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.point ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.coordinates ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.to_twisted ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.from_twisted ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.add_coordinates ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.add ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.opp ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero. (* ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero could be precomputed *)
+Extraction Inline CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.coordinates CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.zero.
+Extraction Inline GF25519BoundedCommon.proj_word GF25519BoundedCommon.Build_bounded_word GF25519BoundedCommon.Build_bounded_word'.
+Extraction Inline GF25519BoundedCommon.app_wire_digits GF25519BoundedCommon.wire_digit_bounds_exp.
+Extraction Inline Crypto.Util.HList.mapt' Crypto.Util.HList.mapt Crypto.Util.Tuple.map.
+Extraction Implicit Ed25519.H [ 1 ].
+Extract Constant Ed25519.H =>
+"let { b2i b = case b of { Prelude.True -> 1 ; Prelude.False -> 0 } } in
+ let { leBitsToBytes [] = [] :: [Data.Word.Word8] ;
+ leBitsToBytes (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:bs) = (b2i a Data.Bits..|. (b2i b `Data.Bits.shiftL` 1) Data.Bits..|. (b2i c `Data.Bits.shiftL` 2) Data.Bits..|. (b2i d `Data.Bits.shiftL` 3) Data.Bits..|. (b2i e `Data.Bits.shiftL` 4) Data.Bits..|. (b2i f `Data.Bits.shiftL` 5) Data.Bits..|. (b2i g `Data.Bits.shiftL` 6) Data.Bits..|. (b2i h `Data.Bits.shiftL` 7)) : leBitsToBytes bs ;
+ leBitsToBytes bs = Prelude.error ('b':'s':'l':[]) } in
+ let { bytesToLEBits [] = [] :: [Prelude.Bool] ;
+ bytesToLEBits (x:xs) = (x `Data.Bits.testBit` 0) : (x `Data.Bits.testBit` 1) : (x `Data.Bits.testBit` 2) : (x `Data.Bits.testBit` 3) : (x `Data.Bits.testBit` 4) : (x `Data.Bits.testBit` 5) : (x `Data.Bits.testBit` 6) : (x `Data.Bits.testBit` 7) : bytesToLEBits xs } in
+ (bytesToLEBits Prelude.. B.unpack Prelude.. SHA.bytestringDigest Prelude.. SHA.sha512 Prelude.. B.pack Prelude.. leBitsToBytes)".
+(* invW makes GHC compile very slow *)
+Extract Constant GF25519Bounded.invW => "Prelude.error ('i':'n':'v':'W':[])".
+Extraction "src/Experiments/Ed25519_noimports.hs" Ed25519.sign (* Ed25519.verify *). \ No newline at end of file