path: root/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v
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1 files changed, 12 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v
index 3e447cb04..9b774521a 100644
--- a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v
+++ b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Module Extended.
| _ => solve [eauto]
| _ => solve [intuition eauto]
| _ => solve [etransitivity; eauto]
+ | |- context [_ * Finv _] => rewrite <-!(field_div_definition(field:=field))
+ | [H:context [_ * Finv _] |- _] => rewrite <-!(field_div_definition(field:=field)) in H
| |- _*_ <> 0 => apply Ring.zero_product_iff_zero_factor
| [H: _ |- _ ] => solve [intro; apply H; super_nsatz]
| |- Feq _ _ => super_nsatz
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ Module Extended.
(let (x,y) := E.coordinates P in (x, y, 1, x*y)) _.
Program Definition to_twisted (P:point) : Epoint := exist _
- (let '(X,Y,Z,T) := coordinates P in ((X/Z), (Y/Z))) _.
+ (let '(X,Y,Z,T) := coordinates P in let iZ := Finv Z in ((X*iZ), (Y*iZ))) _.
Definition eq (P Q:point) := E.eq (to_twisted P) (to_twisted Q).
Global Instance DecidableRel_eq : Decidable.DecidableRel eq := _.
@@ -128,7 +130,12 @@ Module Extended.
pose proof (add_coordinates_correct P Q) as Hrep.
destruct P as [ [ [ [ ] ? ] ? ] [ HP [ ] ] ]; destruct Q as [ [ [ [ ] ? ] ? ] [ HQ [ ] ] ].
autounfold with bash in *; simpl in *.
- destruct Hrep as [HA HB]. rewrite <-!HA, <-!HB; clear HA HB.
+ destruct Hrep as [HA HB].
+ pose proof (field_div_definition(field:=field)) as Hdiv; symmetry in Hdiv;
+ (rewrite_strat bottomup Hdiv);
+ (rewrite_strat bottomup Hdiv in HA);
+ (rewrite_strat bottomup Hdiv in HB).
+ rewrite <-!HA, <-!HB; clear HA HB.
split; reflexivity.
@@ -255,7 +262,9 @@ Module Extended.
| [p: point |- _ ] => destruct p as [ [ [ [ ] ? ] ? ] [ ? [ ? ? ] ] ]
| |- context[point_phi] => setoid_rewrite point_phi_correct
| |- _ => progress cbv [fst snd coordinates proj1_sig eq to_twisted E.eq E.coordinates fieldwise fieldwise' add add_coordinates ref_phi] in *
- | |- Keq ?x ?x => reflexivity
+ | |- _ => rewrite<- field_div_definition
+ | |- context [Fmul _ (Finv _)] => rewrite <-!(field_div_definition(field:=fieldF))
+ | [H:context [Fmul _ (Finv _)] |- _] => rewrite <-!(field_div_definition(field:=fieldF)) in H
| |- Keq ?x ?y => rewrite_strat bottomup hints field_homomorphism
| [ H : Feq _ _ |- Keq (phi _) (phi _)] => solve [f_equiv; intuition]