path: root/src/Compilers/Z/Named/RewriteAddToAdc.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Compilers/Z/Named/RewriteAddToAdc.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/src/Compilers/Z/Named/RewriteAddToAdc.v b/src/Compilers/Z/Named/RewriteAddToAdc.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 784f7003c..000000000
--- a/src/Compilers/Z/Named/RewriteAddToAdc.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.Context.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.GetNames.
-Require Crypto.Compilers.Named.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Section named.
- Context {Name : Type}
- (name_beq : Name -> Name -> bool).
- Import Named.Syntax.
- Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type).
- Local Notation type := (type base_type).
- Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type op Name).
- Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type op Name).
- Local Notation tZ := (Tbase TZ).
- Local Notation ADC bw c x y := (Op (@AddWithGetCarry bw TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ)
- (Pair (Pair (t1:=tZ) c (t2:=tZ) x) (t2:=tZ) y)).
- Local Notation ADD bw x y := (ADC bw (Op (OpConst 0) TT) x y).
- Local Notation ADX x y := (Op (@Add TZ TZ TZ) (Pair (t1:=tZ) x (t2:=tZ) y)).
- Local Infix "=Z?" := Z.eqb.
- Local Infix "=n?" := name_beq.
- Definition is_const_or_var {t} (v : exprf t)
- := match v with
- | Var _ _ => true
- | Op _ _ (OpConst _ _) TT => true
- | _ => false
- end.
- Fixpoint name_list_has_duplicate (ls : list Name) : bool
- := match ls with
- | nil => false
- | cons n ns
- => orb (name_list_has_duplicate ns)
- (List.fold_left orb (List.map (name_beq n) ns) false)
- end.
- Definition invertT t
- := option ((Name * Name * Z * exprf tZ * exprf tZ)
- * (Name * Name * Z * exprf tZ * Name)
- * (((Name * Name * Name) * exprf t)
- + exprf t)).
- Definition invert_for_do_rewrite_step1 {t} (e : exprf t)
- : option ((Name * Name * Z * exprf tZ * exprf tZ) * exprf t)
- := match e in Named.exprf _ _ _ t return option ((Name * Name * Z * exprf tZ * exprf tZ) * exprf t) with
- | (nlet (a2, c1) : tZ * tZ := (ADD bw1 a b as ex0) in P0)
- => Some ((a2, c1, bw1, a, b), P0)
- | _ => None
- end%core%nexpr%bool.
- Definition invert_for_do_rewrite_step2 {t} (e : exprf t)
- : option ((Name * Name * Z * exprf tZ * Name) * exprf t)
- := match e in Named.exprf _ _ _ t return option ((Name * Name * Z * exprf tZ * Name) * exprf t) with
- | (nlet (s , c2) : tZ * tZ := (ADD bw2 c0 (Var TZ a2') as ex1) in P1)
- => Some ((s, c2, bw2, c0, a2'), P1)
- | _ => None
- end%core%nexpr%bool.
- Definition invert_for_do_rewrite_step3 {t} (e : exprf t)
- : option ((Name * Name * Name) * exprf t)
- := match e in Named.exprf _ _ _ t return option ((Name * Name * Name) * exprf t) with
- | (nlet c : tZ := (ADX (Var TZ c1') (Var TZ c2') as ex2) in P)
- => Some ((c, c1', c2'), P)
- | _ => None
- end%core%nexpr%bool.
- Definition invert_for_do_rewrite {t} (e : exprf t)
- : invertT t
- := match invert_for_do_rewrite_step1 e with
- | Some ((a2, c1, bw1, a, b), P0) (* (nlet (a2, c1) : tZ * tZ := (ADD bw1 a b as ex0) in P0) *)
- => match invert_for_do_rewrite_step2 P0 with
- | Some ((s, c2, bw2, c0, a2'), P1) (* (nlet (s , c2) : tZ * tZ := (ADD bw2 c0 (Var TZ a2') as ex1) in P1) *)
- => match match invert_for_do_rewrite_step3 P1 with
- | Some ((c, c1', c2'), P) (* (nlet c : tZ := (ADX (Var TZ c1') (Var TZ c2') as ex2) in P) as P1' *)
- => if (((bw1 =Z? bw2) && (a2 =n? a2') && (c1 =n? c1') && (c2 =n? c2'))
- && (is_const_or_var c0 && is_const_or_var a && is_const_or_var b)
- && negb (name_list_has_duplicate (a2::c1::s::c2::c::nil ++ get_namesf c0 ++ get_namesf a ++ get_namesf b)%list))
- then Some ((a2, c1, bw1, a, b),
- (s, c2, bw2, c0, a2'),
- inl ((c, c1', c2'), P))
- else None
- | None => None
- end with
- | Some v => Some v
- | None => if (((bw1 =Z? bw2) && (a2 =n? a2'))
- && (is_const_or_var c0 && is_const_or_var a && is_const_or_var b)
- && negb (name_list_has_duplicate (a2::c1::s::c2::nil ++ get_namesf c0 ++ get_namesf a ++ get_namesf b)%list))
- then Some ((a2, c1, bw1, a, b),
- (s, c2, bw2, c0, a2'),
- inr P1)
- else None
- end
- | None => None
- end
- | None => None
- end%core%nexpr%bool.
- Definition do_rewrite {t} (e : exprf t)
- : exprf t
- := match invert_for_do_rewrite e with
- | Some ((a2, c1, bw1, a, b),
- (s, c2, bw2, c0, a2'),
- inl ((c, c1', c2'), P))
- => (nlet (a2, c1) : tZ * tZ := ADD bw1 a b in
- nlet (s , c2) : tZ * tZ := ADD bw2 c0 (Var a2') in
- nlet c : tZ := ADX (Var c1') (Var c2') in
- nlet (s, c) : tZ * tZ := ADC bw1 c0 a b in
- P)
- | Some ((a2, c1, bw1, a, b),
- (s, c2, bw2, c0, a2'),
- inr P)
- => (nlet (a2, c1) : tZ * tZ := ADD bw1 a b in
- nlet (s , c2) : tZ * tZ := ADD bw2 c0 (Var a2') in
- nlet s : tZ := (nlet (s, c1) : tZ * tZ := ADC bw1 c0 a b in Var s) in
- P)
- | None
- => e
- end%core%nexpr.
- Definition rewrite_exprf_prestep
- (rewrite_exprf : forall {t} (e : exprf t), exprf t)
- {t} (e : exprf t)
- : exprf t
- := match e in Named.exprf _ _ _ t return exprf t with
- | TT => TT
- | Var _ n => Var n
- | Op _ _ opc args
- => Op opc (@rewrite_exprf _ args)
- | (nlet nx := ex in eC)
- => (nlet nx := @rewrite_exprf _ ex in @rewrite_exprf _ eC)
- | Pair tx ex ty ey
- => Pair (@rewrite_exprf tx ex) (@rewrite_exprf ty ey)
- end%nexpr.
- Fixpoint rewrite_exprf {t} (e : exprf t) : exprf t
- := do_rewrite (@rewrite_exprf_prestep (@rewrite_exprf) t e).
- Definition rewrite_expr {t} (e : expr t) : expr t
- := match e in Named.expr _ _ _ t return expr t with
- | Abs _ _ n f => Abs n (rewrite_exprf f)
- end.
-End named.