path: root/src/Compilers/Z/CommonSubexpressionElimination.v
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diff --git a/src/Compilers/Z/CommonSubexpressionElimination.v b/src/Compilers/Z/CommonSubexpressionElimination.v
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index 2493f6041..000000000
--- a/src/Compilers/Z/CommonSubexpressionElimination.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-(** * Common Subexpression Elimination for PHOAS Syntax *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Coq.Sorting.Mergesort.
-Require Import Coq.Structures.Orders.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Syntax.Util.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.CommonSubexpressionElimination.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.CommonSubexpressionEliminationProperties.
-Local Set Decidable Equality Schemes.
-Local Set Boolean Equality Schemes.
-Inductive symbolic_op :=
-| SOpConst (z : Z)
-| SAdd
-| SSub
-| SMul
-| SShl
-| SShr
-| SLand
-| SLor
-| SOpp
-| SIdWithAlt
-| SZselect
-| SMulSplit (bitwidth : Z)
-| SAddWithCarry
-| SAddWithGetCarry (bitwidth : Z)
-| SSubWithBorrow
-| SSubWithGetBorrow (bitwidth : Z)
-Definition symbolic_op_leb (x y : symbolic_op) : bool
- := match x, y with
- | SOpConst z1, SOpConst z2 => Z.leb z1 z2
- | SAddWithGetCarry bw1, SAddWithGetCarry bw2 => Z.leb bw1 bw2
- | SSubWithGetBorrow bw1, SSubWithGetBorrow bw2 => Z.leb bw1 bw2
- | SOpConst _, _ => true
- | _, SOpConst _ => false
- | SAdd, _ => true
- | _, SAdd => false
- | SSub, _ => true
- | _, SSub => false
- | SMul, _ => true
- | _, SMul => false
- | SShl, _ => true
- | _, SShl => false
- | SShr, _ => true
- | _, SShr => false
- | SLand, _ => true
- | _, SLand => false
- | SLor, _ => true
- | _, SLor => false
- | SOpp, _ => true
- | _, SOpp => false
- | SIdWithAlt, _ => true
- | _, SIdWithAlt => false
- | SZselect, _ => true
- | _, SZselect => false
- | SMulSplit _, _ => true
- | _, SMulSplit _ => false
- | SAddWithCarry, _ => true
- | _, SAddWithCarry => false
- | SAddWithGetCarry _, _ => true
- | _, SAddWithGetCarry _ => false
- | SSubWithBorrow, _ => true
- | _, SSubWithBorrow => false
- (*| SSubWithGetBorrow _, _ => true
- | _, SSubWithGetBorrow _ => false*)
- end.
-Local Notation symbolic_expr := (@symbolic_expr base_type symbolic_op).
-Local Notation symbolic_expr_beq := (@symbolic_expr_beq base_type symbolic_op base_type_beq symbolic_op_beq).
-Local Notation symbolic_expr_leb := (@symbolic_expr_leb base_type symbolic_op base_type_beq symbolic_op_beq symbolic_op_leb base_type_leb).
-Definition symbolize_op s d (opc : op s d) : symbolic_op
- := match opc with
- | OpConst T z => SOpConst z
- | Add T1 T2 Tout => SAdd
- | Sub T1 T2 Tout => SSub
- | Mul T1 T2 Tout => SMul
- | Shl T1 T2 Tout => SShl
- | Shr T1 T2 Tout => SShr
- | Land T1 T2 Tout => SLand
- | Lor T1 T2 Tout => SLor
- | Opp T Tout => SOpp
- | IdWithAlt T1 T2 Tout => SIdWithAlt
- | Zselect T1 T2 T3 Tout => SZselect
- | MulSplit bitwidth T1 T2 Tout1 Tout2 => SMulSplit bitwidth
- | AddWithCarry T1 T2 T3 Tout => SAddWithCarry
- | AddWithGetCarry bitwidth T1 T2 T3 Tout1 Tout2 => SAddWithGetCarry bitwidth
- | SubWithBorrow T1 T2 T3 Tout => SSubWithBorrow
- | SubWithGetBorrow bitwidth T1 T2 T3 Tout1 Tout2 => SSubWithGetBorrow bitwidth
- end.
-Definition denote_symbolic_op s d (opc : symbolic_op) : option (op s d)
- := match opc, s, d with
- | SOpConst z, Unit, Tbase T => Some (OpConst z)
- | SAdd, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (Add _ _ _)
- | SSub, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (Sub _ _ _)
- | SMul, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (Mul _ _ _)
- | SShl, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (Shl _ _ _)
- | SShr, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (Shr _ _ _)
- | SLand, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (Land _ _ _)
- | SLor, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (Lor _ _ _)
- | SOpp, Tbase _, Tbase _ => Some (Opp _ _)
- | SIdWithAlt, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (IdWithAlt _ _ _)
- | SZselect, Prod (Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (Zselect _ _ _ _)
- | SMulSplit bitwidth, Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _), Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)
- => Some (MulSplit bitwidth _ _ _ _)
- | SAddWithCarry, Prod (Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (AddWithCarry _ _ _ _)
- | SAddWithGetCarry bitwidth, Prod (Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)) (Tbase _), Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)
- => Some (AddWithGetCarry bitwidth _ _ _ _ _)
- | SSubWithBorrow, Prod (Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)) (Tbase _), Tbase _ => Some (SubWithBorrow _ _ _ _)
- | SSubWithGetBorrow bitwidth, Prod (Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)) (Tbase _), Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)
- => Some (SubWithGetBorrow bitwidth _ _ _ _ _)
- | SAdd, _, _
- | SSub, _, _
- | SMul, _, _
- | SShl, _, _
- | SShr, _, _
- | SLand, _, _
- | SLor, _, _
- | SOpp, _, _
- | SOpConst _, _, _
- | SIdWithAlt, _, _
- | SZselect, _, _
- | SMulSplit _, _, _
- | SAddWithCarry, _, _
- | SAddWithGetCarry _, _, _
- | SSubWithBorrow, _, _
- | SSubWithGetBorrow _, _, _
- => None
- end.
-Lemma symbolic_op_leb_total
- : forall a1 a2, symbolic_op_leb a1 a2 = true \/ symbolic_op_leb a2 a1 = true.
- induction a1, a2; simpl; auto;
- rewrite !Z.leb_le; omega.
-Module SymbolicExprOrder <: TotalLeBool.
- Definition t := (flat_type base_type * symbolic_expr)%type.
- Definition leb (x y : t) : bool := symbolic_expr_leb (snd x) (snd y).
- Theorem leb_total : forall a1 a2, leb a1 a2 = true \/ leb a2 a1 = true.
- Proof.
- intros; apply symbolic_expr_leb_total;
- auto using internal_base_type_dec_bl, internal_base_type_dec_lb, internal_symbolic_op_dec_bl, internal_symbolic_op_dec_lb, base_type_leb_total, symbolic_op_leb_total.
- Qed.
-End SymbolicExprOrder.
-Module Import SymbolicExprSort := Sort SymbolicExprOrder.
-Fixpoint symbolic_op_args_to_list (t : flat_type base_type)
- (opc : symbolic_op) (args : symbolic_expr)
- : list (flat_type base_type * symbolic_expr)
- := match args, t with
- | SOp argT opc' args', _
- => if symbolic_op_beq opc opc'
- then symbolic_op_args_to_list argT opc args'
- else (t, args)::nil
- | SPair x y, Prod A B
- => symbolic_op_args_to_list A opc x ++ symbolic_op_args_to_list B opc y
- | SPair x y, Unit
- => symbolic_op_args_to_list Unit opc x ++ symbolic_op_args_to_list Unit opc y
- | STT, _
- | SVar _, _
- | SPair _ _, _
- | SFst _ _ _, _
- | SSnd _ _ _, _
- | SInvalid, _
- => (t, args)::nil
- end%list.
-Fixpoint symbolic_op_list_to_args (args : list (flat_type base_type * symbolic_expr)) : symbolic_expr
- := match args with
- | nil => SInvalid
- | (t, arg)::nil => arg
- | (t1, arg1)::(t2, arg2)::nil
- => SPair arg1 arg2
- | (t1, arg1)::(((t2, arg2)::args'') as args')
- => SPair arg1 (SOp t2 SAdd (symbolic_op_list_to_args args'))
- end%list.
-Definition normalize_symbolic_expr_mod_c (opc : symbolic_op) (args : symbolic_expr) : symbolic_expr
- := match opc with
- | SAdd
- | SMul
- | SLand
- | SLor
- => let ls := symbolic_op_args_to_list Unit opc args in
- let ls := sort ls in
- symbolic_op_list_to_args ls
- | SOpConst _
- | SSub
- | SShl
- | SShr
- | SOpp
- | SIdWithAlt
- | SZselect
- | SMulSplit _
- | SAddWithCarry
- | SAddWithGetCarry _
- | SSubWithBorrow
- | SSubWithGetBorrow _
- => args
- end.
-Definition csef inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup {var t} (v : exprf _ _ t) xs
- := @csef base_type symbolic_op base_type_beq symbolic_op_beq
- internal_base_type_dec_bl op symbolize_op
- normalize_symbolic_expr_mod_c
- var inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup t v xs.
-Definition cse inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup {var} (prefix : list _) {t} (v : expr _ _ t) xs
- := @cse base_type symbolic_op base_type_beq symbolic_op_beq
- internal_base_type_dec_bl op symbolize_op
- normalize_symbolic_expr_mod_c
- inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup var prefix t v xs.
-Definition CSE_gen inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup {t} (e : Expr t) (prefix : forall var, list { t : flat_type base_type & exprf _ _ t })
- : Expr t
- := @CSE base_type symbolic_op base_type_beq symbolic_op_beq
- internal_base_type_dec_bl op symbolize_op
- normalize_symbolic_expr_mod_c
- inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup t e prefix.
-Definition CSE inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup {t} (e : Expr t)
- : Expr t
- := @CSE_gen inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup t e (fun _ => nil).