path: root/src/Compilers/Z/ArithmeticSimplifier.v
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 611 deletions
diff --git a/src/Compilers/Z/ArithmeticSimplifier.v b/src/Compilers/Z/ArithmeticSimplifier.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a5b95a22..000000000
--- a/src/Compilers/Z/ArithmeticSimplifier.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-(** * SimplifyArith: Remove things like (_ * 1), (_ + 0), etc *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.ExprInversion.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Rewriter.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Syntax.Equality.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
-Section language.
- Context (convert_adc_to_sbb : bool).
- Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type op).
- Section with_var.
- Context {var : base_type -> Type}.
- Inductive inverted_expr t :=
- | const_of (v : Z)
- | gen_expr (e : exprf (var:=var) (Tbase t))
- | neg_expr (e : exprf (var:=var) (Tbase t)).
- Fixpoint interp_as_expr_or_const {t} (x : exprf (var:=var) t)
- : option (interp_flat_type inverted_expr t)
- := match x in Syntax.exprf _ _ t return option (interp_flat_type _ t) with
- | Op t1 (Tbase _) opc args
- => Some (match opc in op src dst
- return exprf dst
- -> exprf src
- -> match dst with
- | Tbase t => inverted_expr t
- | Prod _ _ => True
- | _ => inverted_expr TZ
- end
- with
- | OpConst _ z => fun _ _ => const_of _ z
- | Opp TZ TZ => fun _ args => neg_expr _ args
- | MulSplit _ _ _ _ _ => fun _ _ => I
- | AddWithGetCarry _ _ _ _ _ _ => fun _ _ => I
- | SubWithGetBorrow _ _ _ _ _ _ => fun _ _ => I
- | _ => fun e _ => gen_expr _ e
- end (Op opc args) args)
- | TT => Some tt
- | Var t v => Some (gen_expr _ (Var v))
- | Op _ _ _ _
- | LetIn _ _ _ _
- => None
- | Pair tx ex ty ey
- => match @interp_as_expr_or_const tx ex, @interp_as_expr_or_const ty ey with
- | Some vx, Some vy => Some (vx, vy)
- | _, None | None, _ => None
- end
- end.
- Fixpoint uninterp_expr_or_const {t} : interp_flat_type inverted_expr t -> exprf (var:=var) t
- := match t with
- | Tbase T => fun e => match e with
- | const_of v => Op (OpConst v) TT
- | gen_expr e => e
- | neg_expr e => Op (Opp _ _) e
- end
- | Unit => fun _ => TT
- | Prod A B => fun (ab : interp_flat_type _ A * interp_flat_type _ B)
- => Pair (@uninterp_expr_or_const A (fst ab))
- (@uninterp_expr_or_const B (snd ab))
- end.
- Definition simplify_op_expr {src dst} (opc : op src dst)
- : exprf (var:=var) src -> exprf (var:=var) dst
- := match opc in op src dst return exprf src -> exprf dst with
- | Add TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of l, const_of r)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (l, r))) TT
- | Some (const_of v, gen_expr e)
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then e
- else Op opc args
- | Some (const_of v, neg_expr e)
- | Some (neg_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then Op (Opp _ _) e
- else Op opc args
- | Some (gen_expr ep, neg_expr en)
- | Some (neg_expr en, gen_expr ep)
- => Op (Sub _ _ _) (Pair ep en)
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | Add T1 T2 Tout as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of v, gen_expr e)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T2 Tout with
- | Some pf => eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T1 Tout with
- | Some pf => eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | Sub TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of l, const_of r)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (l, r))) TT
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then e
- else Op opc args
- | Some (neg_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then Op (Opp _ _) e
- else Op opc args
- | Some (gen_expr e1, neg_expr e2)
- => Op (Add _ _ _) (Pair e1 e2)
- | Some (neg_expr e1, neg_expr e2)
- => Op (Sub _ _ _) (Pair e2 e1)
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | Mul TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of l, const_of r)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (l, r))) TT
- | Some (const_of v, gen_expr e)
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT
- else if (v =? 1)%Z
- then e
- else if (v =? -1)%Z
- then Op (Opp _ _) e
- else Op opc args
- | Some (const_of v, neg_expr e)
- | Some (neg_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT
- else if (v =? 1)%Z
- then Op (Opp _ _) e
- else if (v =? -1)%Z
- then e
- else if (v >? 0)%Z
- then Op (Opp _ _) (Op opc (Pair (Op (OpConst v) TT) e))
- else Op opc args
- | Some (gen_expr e1, neg_expr e2)
- | Some (neg_expr e1, gen_expr e2)
- => Op (Opp _ _) (Op (Mul _ _ TZ) (Pair e1 e2))
- | Some (neg_expr e1, neg_expr e2)
- => Op (Mul _ _ _) (Pair e1 e2)
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | Mul (TWord bw1 as T1) (TWord bw2 as T2) (TWord bwout as Tout) as opc
- => fun args
- => let sz1 := (2^Z.of_nat (2^bw1))%Z in
- let sz2 := (2^Z.of_nat (2^bw2))%Z in
- let szout := (2^Z.of_nat (2^bwout))%Z in
- match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of l, const_of r)
- => Op (OpConst (((Z.max 0 l mod sz1) * (Z.max 0 r mod sz2)) mod szout)%Z) TT
- | Some (const_of v, gen_expr e)
- => if ((Z.max 0 v mod sz1) mod szout =? 0)%Z
- then Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT
- else if ((Z.max 0 v mod sz1) mod szout =? 1)%Z
- then match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T2 Tout with
- | Some pf => eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of v)
- => if ((Z.max 0 v mod sz2) mod szout =? 0)%Z
- then Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT
- else if ((Z.max 0 v mod sz2) mod szout =? 1)%Z
- then match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T1 Tout with
- | Some pf => eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | Shl TZ TZ TZ as opc
- | Shr TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of l, const_of r)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (l, r))) TT
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then e
- else Op opc args
- | Some (neg_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then Op (Opp _ _) e
- else Op opc args
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | Land TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of l, const_of r)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (l, r))) TT
- | Some (const_of v, gen_expr _)
- | Some (gen_expr _, const_of v)
- | Some (const_of v, neg_expr _)
- | Some (neg_expr _, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT
- else Op opc args
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | Lor TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of l, const_of r)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (l, r))) TT
- | Some (const_of v, gen_expr e)
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then e
- else Op opc args
- | Some (const_of v, neg_expr e)
- | Some (neg_expr e, const_of v)
- => if (v =? 0)%Z
- then Op (Opp _ _) e
- else Op opc args
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | Opp TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of v)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc v)) TT
- | Some (neg_expr e)
- => e
- | _
- => Op opc args
- end
- | MulSplit bitwidth (TWord bw1 as T1) (TWord bw2 as T2) (TWord bwout1 as Tout1) (TWord bwout2 as Tout2) as opc
- => fun args
- => let sz1 := (2^Z.of_nat (2^bw1))%Z in
- let sz2 := (2^Z.of_nat (2^bw2))%Z in
- let szout1 := (2^Z.of_nat (2^bwout1))%Z in
- let szout2 := (2^Z.of_nat (2^bwout2))%Z in
- match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of l, const_of r)
- => let '(a, b) := Z.mul_split_at_bitwidth bitwidth (Z.max 0 l mod sz1) (Z.max 0 r mod sz2) in
- Pair (Op (OpConst (a mod szout1)%Z) TT)
- (Op (OpConst (b mod szout2)%Z) TT)
- | Some (const_of v, gen_expr e)
- => let v' := (Z.max 0 v mod sz1)%Z in
- if (v' =? 0)%Z
- then Pair (Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT) (Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT)
- else if ((v' =? 1) && (2^Z.of_nat (2^bw2) <=? 2^bitwidth))%Z%bool
- then match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T2 Tout1 with
- | Some pf => Pair (eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf)
- (Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT)
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of v)
- => let v' := (Z.max 0 v mod sz2)%Z in
- if (v' =? 0)%Z
- then Pair (Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT) (Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT)
- else if ((v' =? 1) && (2^Z.of_nat (2^bw1) <=? 2^bitwidth))%Z%bool
- then match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T1 Tout1 with
- | Some pf => Pair (eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf)
- (Op (OpConst 0%Z) TT)
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | IdWithAlt (TWord _ as T1) _ (TWord _ as Tout) as opc
- => fun args
- => match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T1 Tout with
- | Some pf
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of c, _)
- => Op (OpConst c) TT
- | Some (neg_expr e, _)
- => Op (Opp _ _) e
- | Some (gen_expr e, _)
- => eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf
- | None
- => Op opc args
- end
- | None
- => Op opc args
- end
- | IdWithAlt TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (gen_expr e1, gen_expr e2)
- => match invert_Op e1, invert_Op e2 with
- | Some (existT _ (Add TZ TZ TZ as opc1, args1)),
- Some (existT _ (Add TZ TZ TZ as opc2, args2))
- | Some (existT _ (Sub TZ TZ TZ as opc1, args1)),
- Some (existT _ (Sub TZ TZ TZ as opc2, args2))
- | Some (existT _ (Mul TZ TZ TZ as opc1, args1)),
- Some (existT _ (Mul TZ TZ TZ as opc2, args2))
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args1, interp_as_expr_or_const args2 with
- | Some (gen_expr e1, const_of c1),
- Some (gen_expr e2, const_of c2)
- => if Z.eqb c1 c2
- then Op opc1 (Op opc (e1, e2), Op (OpConst c1) TT)%expr
- else Op opc args
- | _, _
- => Op opc args
- end
- | _, _
- => Op opc args
- end
- | Some (neg_expr e1, neg_expr e2)
- => Op (Opp _ _) (Op opc (e1, e2)%expr)
- | Some (const_of c1, const_of c2)
- => Op (OpConst c1) TT
- | _
- => Op opc args
- end
- | IdWithAlt _ _ (TWord _ as Tout) as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (gen_expr e1, _)
- => match invert_Op e1 with
- | Some (existT _ (Add (TWord _) (TWord _) TZ as opc1, args1))
- => Op (Add _ _ Tout) args1
- | Some (existT _ (Sub (TWord _) (TWord _) TZ as opc1, args1))
- => Op (Sub _ _ Tout) args1
- | Some (existT _ (Mul (TWord _) (TWord _) TZ as opc1, args1))
- => Op (Mul _ _ Tout) args1
- | _
- => Op opc args
- end
- | _
- => Op opc args
- end
- | Zselect TZ TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of c, x, y)
- => match (c =? 0)%Z, x, y with
- | true, const_of c, _
- | false, _, const_of c
- => Op (OpConst c) TT
- | true, gen_expr e, _
- | false, _, gen_expr e
- => e
- | true, neg_expr e, _
- | false, _, neg_expr e
- => Op (Opp TZ TZ) e
- end
- | Some (neg_expr e, x, y)
- => let x := uninterp_expr_or_const (t:=Tbase _) x in
- let y := uninterp_expr_or_const (t:=Tbase _) y in
- Op (Zselect TZ TZ TZ TZ) (e, x, y)%expr
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- | AddWithCarry TZ TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => let first_pass
- := match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of c, const_of x, const_of y)
- => Some (Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (c, x, y))) TT)
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of c1, const_of c2)
- | Some (const_of c1, gen_expr e, const_of c2)
- | Some (const_of c1, const_of c2, gen_expr e)
- => if (c1 + c2 =? 0)%Z
- then Some e
- else None
- | _ => None
- end in
- match first_pass with
- | Some e => e
- | None
- => if convert_adc_to_sbb
- then match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of c, const_of x, const_of y)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (c, x, y))) TT
- | Some (c, gen_expr x, y)
- => let y' := match y with
- | const_of y => if (y <? 0)%Z
- then Some (Op (OpConst (-y)) TT)
- else None
- | neg_expr y => Some y
- | gen_expr _ => None
- end in
- match y' with
- | Some y => Op (SubWithBorrow TZ TZ TZ TZ)
- (match c with
- | const_of c => Op (OpConst (-c)) TT
- | neg_expr c => c
- | gen_expr c => Op (Opp TZ TZ) c
- end,
- x, y)%expr
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- end
- | AddWithGetCarry bw TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => if convert_adc_to_sbb
- then match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of c, const_of x, const_of y)
- => let '(v, c) := interp_op _ _ opc (c, x, y) in
- (Op (OpConst v) TT, Op (OpConst c) TT)%expr
- | Some (c, gen_expr x, y)
- => let y' := match y with
- | const_of y => if (y <? 0)%Z
- then Some (Op (OpConst (-y)) TT)
- else None
- | neg_expr y => Some y
- | gen_expr _ => None
- end in
- let c' := match c with
- | const_of c => if (c <? 0)%Z
- then Some (Op (OpConst (-c)) TT)
- else None
- | neg_expr c => Some c
- | gen_expr _ => None
- end in
- match c', y' with
- | _, Some y => LetIn (Op (SubWithGetBorrow bw TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ)
- (match c with
- | const_of c => Op (OpConst (-c)) TT
- | neg_expr c => c
- | gen_expr c => Op (Opp TZ TZ) c
- end,
- x, y)%expr)
- (fun '(v, c) => (Var v, Op (Opp TZ TZ) (Var c))%expr)
- | Some c, _ => LetIn (Op (SubWithGetBorrow bw TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ)
- (c,
- x,
- match y with
- | const_of y => Op (OpConst (-y)) TT
- | neg_expr y => y
- | gen_expr y => Op (Opp TZ TZ) y
- end)%expr)
- (fun '(v, c) => (Var v, Op (Opp TZ TZ) (Var c))%expr)
- | None, None => Op opc args
- end
- | Some (c, const_of x, y)
- => let y' := match y with
- | const_of y => if (y <? 0)%Z
- then Some (Op (OpConst (-y)) TT)
- else None
- | neg_expr y => Some y
- | gen_expr _ => None
- end in
- let c' := match c with
- | const_of c => if (c <? 0)%Z
- then Some (Op (OpConst (-c)) TT)
- else None
- | neg_expr c => Some c
- | gen_expr _ => None
- end in
- match c', y' with
- | _, Some y => LetIn (Op (SubWithGetBorrow bw TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ)
- (match c with
- | const_of c => Op (OpConst (-c)) TT
- | neg_expr c => c
- | gen_expr c => Op (Opp TZ TZ) c
- end,
- Op (OpConst x) TT, y)%expr)
- (fun '(v, c) => (Var v, Op (Opp TZ TZ) (Var c))%expr)
- | Some c, _ => LetIn (Op (SubWithGetBorrow bw TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ)
- (c,
- Op (OpConst x) TT,
- match y with
- | const_of y => Op (OpConst (-y)) TT
- | neg_expr y => y
- | gen_expr y => Op (Opp TZ TZ) y
- end)%expr)
- (fun '(v, c) => (Var v, Op (Opp TZ TZ) (Var c))%expr)
- | None, None => Op opc args
- end
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | AddWithGetCarry bw (TWord bw1 as T1) (TWord bw2 as T2) (TWord bw3 as T3) (TWord bwout as Tout) Tout2 as opc
- => fun args
- => let pass0
- := if ((0 <=? bw)%Z && (2^Z.of_nat (2^bw1) + 2^Z.of_nat (2^bw2) + 2^Z.of_nat (2^bw3) - 3 <=? 2^bw - 1)%Z)%nat%bool
- then Some (Pair (LetIn args (fun '(a, b, c) => Op (Add _ _ _) (Pair (Op (Add _ _ Tout) (Pair (Var a) (Var b))) (Var c))))
- (Op (OpConst 0) TT))
- else None
- in
- match pass0 with
- | Some e => e
- | None
- => match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of c, const_of x, const_of y)
- => if ((c =? 0) && (x =? 0) && (y =? 0))%Z%bool
- then Pair (Op (OpConst 0) TT) (Op (OpConst 0) TT)
- else Op opc args
- | Some (gen_expr e, const_of c1, const_of c2)
- => match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T1 Tout with
- | Some pf
- => if ((c1 =? 0) && (c2 =? 0) && (2^Z.of_nat bw1 <=? bw))%Z%bool
- then Pair (eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf) (Op (OpConst 0) TT)
- else Op opc args
- | None
- => Op opc args
- end
- | Some (const_of c1, gen_expr e, const_of c2)
- => match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T2 Tout with
- | Some pf
- => if ((c1 =? 0) && (c2 =? 0) && (2^Z.of_nat bw2 <=? bw))%Z%bool
- then Pair (eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf) (Op (OpConst 0) TT)
- else Op opc args
- | None
- => Op opc args
- end
- | Some (const_of c1, const_of c2, gen_expr e)
- => match base_type_eq_semidec_transparent T3 Tout with
- | Some pf
- => if ((c1 =? 0) && (c2 =? 0) && (2^Z.of_nat bw3 <=? bw))%Z%bool
- then Pair (eq_rect _ (fun t => exprf (Tbase t)) e _ pf) (Op (OpConst 0) TT)
- else Op opc args
- | None
- => Op opc args
- end
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- end
- | SubWithBorrow TZ TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => if convert_adc_to_sbb
- then match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of c, const_of x, const_of y)
- => Op (OpConst (interp_op _ _ opc (c, x, y))) TT
- | Some (c, gen_expr x, y)
- => let y' := match y with
- | const_of y => if (y <? 0)%Z
- then Some (Op (OpConst (-y)) TT)
- else None
- | neg_expr y => Some y
- | gen_expr _ => None
- end in
- match y' with
- | Some y => Op (AddWithCarry TZ TZ TZ TZ)
- (match c with
- | const_of c => Op (OpConst (-c)) TT
- | neg_expr c => c
- | gen_expr c => Op (Opp TZ TZ) c
- end,
- x, y)%expr
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | SubWithGetBorrow bw TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ as opc
- => fun args
- => if convert_adc_to_sbb
- then match interp_as_expr_or_const args with
- | Some (const_of c, const_of x, const_of y)
- => let '(v, c) := interp_op _ _ opc (c, x, y) in
- (Op (OpConst v) TT, Op (OpConst c) TT)%expr
- | Some (c, gen_expr x, y)
- => let y' := match y with
- | const_of y => if (y <? 0)%Z
- then Some (Op (OpConst (-y)) TT)
- else None
- | neg_expr y => Some y
- | gen_expr _ => None
- end in
- match y' with
- | Some y => LetIn (Op (AddWithGetCarry bw TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ)
- (match c with
- | const_of c => Op (OpConst (-c)) TT
- | neg_expr c => c
- | gen_expr c => Op (Opp TZ TZ) c
- end,
- x, y)%expr)
- (fun '(v, c) => (Var v, Op (Opp TZ TZ) (Var c))%expr)
- | None => Op opc args
- end
- | _ => Op opc args
- end
- else Op opc args
- | Sub _ _ _ as opc
- | Mul _ _ _ as opc
- | Shl _ _ _ as opc
- | Shr _ _ _ as opc
- | Land _ _ _ as opc
- | Lor _ _ _ as opc
- | OpConst _ _ as opc
- | Opp _ _ as opc
- | IdWithAlt _ _ _ as opc
- | Zselect _ _ _ _ as opc
- | MulSplit _ _ _ _ _ as opc
- | AddWithCarry _ _ _ _ as opc
- | AddWithGetCarry _ _ _ _ _ _ as opc
- | SubWithBorrow _ _ _ _ as opc
- | SubWithGetBorrow _ _ _ _ _ _ as opc
- => Op opc
- end.
- End with_var.
- Definition SimplifyArith {t} (e : Expr t) : Expr t
- := @RewriteOp base_type op (@simplify_op_expr) t e.
-End language.