path: root/src/Compilers/TypeInversion.v
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-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
-Section language.
- Context {base_type_code : Type}.
- Section flat.
- Context (P : flat_type base_type_code -> Type).
- Local Ltac t :=
- let H := fresh in
- intro H; intros;
- match goal with
- | [ p : _ |- _ ] => specialize (H _ p)
- end;
- cbv beta iota in *;
- try specialize (H eq_refl); simpl in *;
- try assumption.
- Definition preinvert_Tbase (Q : forall t, P (Tbase t) -> Type)
- : (forall t (p : P t), match t return P t -> Type with Tbase _ => Q _ | _ => fun _ => True end p)
- -> forall t p, Q t p.
- Proof. t. Defined.
- Definition preinvert_Unit (Q : P Unit -> Type)
- : (forall t (p : P t), match t return P t -> Type with Unit => Q | _ => fun _ => True end p)
- -> forall p, Q p.
- Proof. t. Defined.
- Definition preinvert_Prod (Q : forall A B, P (Prod A B) -> Type)
- : (forall t (p : P t), match t return P t -> Type with Prod _ _ => Q _ _ | _ => fun _ => True end p)
- -> forall A B p, Q A B p.
- Proof. t. Defined.
- Definition preinvert_Prod2 (Q : forall A B, P (Prod (Tbase A) (Tbase B)) -> Type)
- : (forall t (p : P t), match t return P t -> Type with Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _) => Q _ _ | _ => fun _ => True end p)
- -> forall A B p, Q A B p.
- Proof. t. Defined.
- Definition preinvert_Prod2_same (Q : forall A, P (Prod (Tbase A) (Tbase A)) -> Type)
- : (forall t (p : P t), match t return P t -> Type with
- | Prod (Tbase A) (Tbase B)
- => fun p => forall pf : A = B, Q B (eq_rect _ (fun a => P (Prod (Tbase a) (Tbase B))) p _ pf)
- | _ => fun _ => True
- end p)
- -> forall A p, Q A p.
- Proof. t. Defined.
- Definition preinvert_Prod3 (Q : forall A B C, P (Tbase A * Tbase B * Tbase C)%ctype -> Type)
- : (forall t (p : P t), match t return P t -> Type with Prod (Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)) (Tbase _) => Q _ _ _ | _ => fun _ => True end p)
- -> forall A B C p, Q A B C p.
- Proof. t. Defined.
- Definition preinvert_Prod4 (Q : forall A B C D, P (Tbase A * Tbase B * Tbase C * Tbase D)%ctype -> Type)
- : (forall t (p : P t), match t return P t -> Type with Prod (Prod (Prod (Tbase _) (Tbase _)) (Tbase _)) (Tbase _) => Q _ _ _ _ | _ => fun _ => True end p)
- -> forall A B C D p, Q A B C D p.
- Proof. t. Defined.
- End flat.
- Definition preinvert_Arrow (P : type base_type_code -> Type) (Q : forall A B, P (Arrow A B) -> Type)
- : (forall t (p : P t), match t return P t -> Type with
- | Arrow A B => Q A B
- end p)
- -> forall A B p, Q A B p.
- Proof.
- intros H A B p; specialize (H _ p); assumption.
- Defined.
- Section encode_decode.
- Definition flat_type_code (t1 t2 : flat_type base_type_code) : Prop
- := match t1, t2 with
- | Unit, Unit => True
- | Tbase t1, Tbase t2 => t1 = t2
- | Prod A B, Prod A' B' => A = A' /\ B = B'
- | Unit, _
- | Tbase _, _
- | Prod _ _, _
- => False
- end.
- Definition type_code (t1 t2 : type base_type_code) : Prop
- := domain t1 = domain t2 /\ codomain t1 = codomain t2.
- Definition flat_type_encode (x y : flat_type base_type_code) : x = y -> flat_type_code x y.
- Proof. intro p; destruct p, x; repeat constructor. Defined.
- Definition type_encode (x y : type base_type_code) : x = y -> type_code x y.
- Proof. intro p; destruct p, x; repeat constructor. Defined.
- Definition flat_type_decode (x y : flat_type base_type_code) : flat_type_code x y -> x = y.
- Proof.
- destruct x, y; simpl in *; intro H;
- try first [ apply f_equal; assumption
- | exfalso; assumption
- | reflexivity
- | apply f_equal2; destruct H; assumption ].
- Defined.
- Definition type_decode (x y : type base_type_code) : type_code x y -> x = y.
- Proof.
- destruct x, y; simpl; intro H;
- try first [ exfalso; assumption
- | apply f_equal; assumption
- | apply f_equal2; destruct H; assumption ].
- Defined.
- Definition path_flat_type_rect {x y : flat_type base_type_code} (Q : x = y -> Type)
- (f : forall p, Q (flat_type_decode x y p))
- : forall p, Q p.
- Proof. intro p; specialize (f (flat_type_encode x y p)); destruct x, p; exact f. Defined.
- Definition path_type_rect {x y : type base_type_code} (Q : x = y -> Type)
- (f : forall p, Q (type_decode x y p))
- : forall p, Q p.
- Proof. intro p; specialize (f (type_encode x y p)); destruct x, p; exact f. Defined.
- End encode_decode.
-End language.
-Ltac preinvert_one_type e :=
- lazymatch type of e with
- | ?P (Tbase ?T)
- => is_var T;
- move e at top;
- revert dependent T;
- refine (preinvert_Tbase P _ _)
- | ?P (Prod (Tbase ?A) (Tbase ?A))
- => is_var A;
- move e at top; revert dependent A;
- refine (preinvert_Prod2_same P _ _)
- | ?P (Prod (Tbase ?A) (Tbase ?B))
- => is_var A; is_var B;
- move e at top; revert dependent A; intros A e;
- move e at top; revert dependent B; revert A;
- refine (preinvert_Prod2 P _ _)
- | ?P (Prod (Prod (Tbase ?A) (Tbase ?B)) (Tbase ?C))
- => is_var A; is_var B; is_var C;
- move e at top; revert dependent A; intros A e;
- move e at top; revert dependent B; intros B e;
- move e at top; revert dependent C; revert A B;
- refine (preinvert_Prod3 P _ _)
- | ?P (Prod (Prod (Prod (Tbase ?A) (Tbase ?B)) (Tbase ?C)) (Tbase ?D))
- => is_var A; is_var B; is_var C; is_var D;
- move e at top; revert dependent A; intros A e;
- move e at top; revert dependent B; intros B e;
- move e at top; revert dependent C; intros C e;
- move e at top; revert dependent D; revert A B C;
- refine (preinvert_Prod4 P _ _)
- | ?P (Prod ?A ?B)
- => is_var A; is_var B;
- move e at top; revert dependent A; intros A e;
- move e at top; revert dependent B; revert A;
- refine (preinvert_Prod P _ _)
- | ?P Unit
- => revert dependent e;
- refine (preinvert_Unit P _ _)
- | ?P (Arrow ?A ?B)
- => is_var A; is_var B;
- move e at top; revert dependent A; intros A e;
- move e at top; revert dependent B; revert A;
- refine (preinvert_Arrow P _ _)
- end.
-Ltac induction_type_in_using H rect :=
- induction H as [H] using (rect _ _ _);
- cbv [flat_type_code type_code] in H;
- let H1 := fresh H in
- let H2 := fresh H in
- try lazymatch type of H with
- | False => exfalso; exact H
- | True => destruct H
- | _ /\ _ => destruct H as [H1 H2]
- end.
-Ltac inversion_flat_type_step :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ H : _ = Tbase _ |- _ ]
- => induction_type_in_using H @path_flat_type_rect
- | [ H : Tbase _ = _ |- _ ]
- => induction_type_in_using H @path_flat_type_rect
- | [ H : _ = Prod _ _ |- _ ]
- => induction_type_in_using H @path_flat_type_rect
- | [ H : Prod _ _ = _ |- _ ]
- => induction_type_in_using H @path_flat_type_rect
- | [ H : _ = Unit |- _ ]
- => induction_type_in_using H @path_flat_type_rect
- | [ H : Unit = _ |- _ ]
- => induction_type_in_using H @path_flat_type_rect
- end.
-Ltac inversion_flat_type := repeat inversion_flat_type_step.
-Ltac inversion_type_step :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ H : _ = Arrow _ _ |- _ ]
- => induction_type_in_using H @path_type_rect
- | [ H : Arrow _ _ = _ |- _ ]
- => induction_type_in_using H @path_type_rect
- end.
-Ltac inversion_type := repeat inversion_type_step.