path: root/src/Compilers/CommonSubexpressionEliminationWf.v
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-(** * Common Subexpression Elimination for PHOAS Syntax *)
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.Context.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.AListContext.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.ContextDefinitions.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Named.ContextProperties.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Equality.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Wf.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.WfProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.SmartMap.
-Require Import Crypto.Compilers.CommonSubexpressionElimination.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RewriteHyp.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Section symbolic.
- Context (base_type_code : Type)
- (op_code : Type)
- (base_type_code_beq : base_type_code -> base_type_code -> bool)
- (op_code_beq : op_code -> op_code -> bool)
- (base_type_code_bl : forall x y, base_type_code_beq x y = true -> x = y)
- (base_type_code_lb : forall x y, x = y -> base_type_code_beq x y = true)
- (op_code_bl : forall x y, op_code_beq x y = true -> x = y)
- (op_code_lb : forall x y, x = y -> op_code_beq x y = true)
- (op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type)
- (symbolize_op : forall s d, op s d -> op_code).
- Local Notation symbolic_expr := (symbolic_expr base_type_code op_code).
- Context (normalize_symbolic_op_arguments : op_code -> symbolic_expr -> symbolic_expr)
- (inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup : bool).
- Local Notation symbolic_expr_beq := (@symbolic_expr_beq base_type_code op_code base_type_code_beq op_code_beq).
- Local Notation symbolic_expr_lb := (@internal_symbolic_expr_dec_lb base_type_code op_code base_type_code_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_lb op_code_lb).
- Local Notation symbolic_expr_bl := (@internal_symbolic_expr_dec_bl base_type_code op_code base_type_code_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl op_code_bl).
- Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code).
- Local Notation type := (type base_type_code).
- Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code op).
- Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code op).
- Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code op).
- Local Notation symbolicify_smart_var := (@symbolicify_smart_var base_type_code op_code).
- Local Notation symbolize_exprf := (@symbolize_exprf base_type_code op_code op symbolize_op).
- Local Notation norm_symbolize_exprf := (@norm_symbolize_exprf base_type_code op_code op symbolize_op normalize_symbolic_op_arguments).
- Local Notation csef := (@csef base_type_code op_code base_type_code_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl op symbolize_op normalize_symbolic_op_arguments inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup).
- Local Notation cse := (@cse base_type_code op_code base_type_code_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl op symbolize_op normalize_symbolic_op_arguments inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup).
- Local Notation CSE := (@CSE base_type_code op_code base_type_code_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl op symbolize_op normalize_symbolic_op_arguments inline_symbolic_expr_in_lookup).
- Local Notation SymbolicExprContext := (@SymbolicExprContext base_type_code op_code base_type_code_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl).
- Local Notation SymbolicExprContextOk := (@SymbolicExprContextOk base_type_code op_code base_type_code_beq op_code_beq base_type_code_bl base_type_code_lb op_code_bl op_code_lb).
- Local Notation prepend_prefix := (@prepend_prefix base_type_code op).
- Local Instance base_type_code_dec : DecidableRel (@eq base_type_code)
- := dec_rel_of_bool_dec_rel base_type_code_beq base_type_code_bl base_type_code_lb.
- Local Instance op_code_dec : DecidableRel (@eq op_code)
- := dec_rel_of_bool_dec_rel op_code_beq op_code_bl op_code_lb.
- Section with_var.
- Context {var1 var2 : base_type_code -> Type}.
- Lemma wff_symbolize_exprf G t e1 e2
- (HG : forall t x y, List.In (existT _ t (x, y)) G -> snd x = snd y)
- (Hwf : wff G e1 e2)
- : @symbolize_exprf var1 t e1 = @symbolize_exprf var2 t e2.
- Proof.
- induction Hwf; simpl; erewrite_hyp ?* by eassumption; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma wff_norm_symbolize_exprf G t e1 e2
- (HG : forall t x y, List.In (existT _ t (x, y)) G -> snd x = snd y)
- (Hwf : wff G e1 e2)
- : @norm_symbolize_exprf var1 t e1 = @norm_symbolize_exprf var2 t e2.
- Proof.
- unfold norm_symbolize_exprf; erewrite wff_symbolize_exprf by eassumption; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Local Arguments lookupb : simpl never.
- Local Arguments extendb : simpl never.
- Lemma wff_csef G G' t e1 e2
- (m1 : @SymbolicExprContext (interp_flat_type var1))
- (m2 : @SymbolicExprContext (interp_flat_type var2))
- (Hlen : length m1 = length m2)
- (Hm1m2None : forall t v, lookupb t m1 v = None <-> lookupb t m2 v = None)
- (Hm1m2Some : forall t v sv1 sv2,
- lookupb t m1 v = Some sv1
- -> lookupb t m2 v = Some sv2
- -> forall k,
- List.In k (flatten_binding_list
- (t:=t)
- (symbolicify_smart_var sv1 v)
- (symbolicify_smart_var sv2 v))
- -> List.In k G)
- (HG : forall t x y, List.In (existT _ t (x, y)) G -> snd x = snd y)
- (HGG' : forall t x x', List.In (existT _ t (x, x')) G -> List.In (existT _ t (fst x, fst x')) G')
- (Hwf : wff G e1 e2)
- : wff G' (@csef var1 t e1 m1) (@csef var2 t e2 m2).
- Proof.
- revert dependent m1; revert m2; revert dependent G'.
- induction Hwf; simpl; intros G' HGG' m2 m1 Hlen Hm1m2None Hm1m2Some; try constructor; auto.
- { erewrite wff_norm_symbolize_exprf by eassumption.
- break_innermost_match;
- try match goal with
- | [ H : lookupb ?m1 ?x = Some ?k, H' : lookupb ?m2 ?x = None |- _ ]
- => apply Hm1m2None in H'; congruence
- end;
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- wff _ (LetIn _ _) (LetIn _ _) ]
- => constructor; intros; auto; []
- | _ => idtac
- end;
- match goal with H : _ |- _ => apply H end;
- try solve [ repeat first [ progress unfold symbolize_var
- | rewrite Hlen
- | progress subst
- | setoid_rewrite length_extendb
- | setoid_rewrite List.in_app_iff
- | progress destruct_head' or
- | solve [ eauto ]
- | progress intros
- | match goal with
- | [ H : List.In _ (flatten_binding_list (symbolicify_smart_var ?x1 ?v) (symbolicify_smart_var ?x2 ?v)) |- _ ]
- => solve [ destruct (flatten_binding_list_SmartVarfMap2_pair_In_split H); eauto ]
- | [ H : List.In _ (flatten_binding_list (symbolicify_smart_var ?x1 ?v) (symbolicify_smart_var ?x2 ?v)) |- _ ]
- => exact (flatten_binding_list_SmartVarfMap2_pair_same_in_eq2 H)
- | [ H : context[lookupb (extendb _ _ _) _] |- _ ]
- => rewrite (fun var => @lookupb_extendb_full flat_type _ symbolic_expr _ var _ SymbolicExprContextOk) in H
- end
- | rewrite !(fun var => @lookupb_extendb_full flat_type _ symbolic_expr _ var _ SymbolicExprContextOk)
- | break_innermost_match_step
- | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
- | progress simpl in *
- | solve [ intuition (eauto || congruence) ]
- | match goal with
- | [ H : forall t x y, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun t x0 x1 y0 y1 => H t (x0, x1) (y0, y1)); cbn [fst snd] in H
- | [ H : In (existT _ ?t (?x, ?x')) (flatten_binding_list (symbolicify_smart_var _ _) (symbolicify_smart_var _ _)),
- Hm1m2Some : forall t v sv1 sv2, _ -> _ -> forall k', In k' (flatten_binding_list _ _) -> In k' ?G |- _ ]
- => is_var x; is_var x';
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ H : In (existT _ t ((fst x, _), (fst x', _))) G |- _ ] => fail
- | _ => let H' := fresh in
- refine (let H' := flatten_binding_list_SmartVarfMap2_pair_in_generalize2 H _ _ in _);
- destruct H' as [? [? H']];
- eapply Hm1m2Some in H'; [ | eassumption.. ]
- end
- end ] ].
- repeat first [ progress unfold symbolize_var
- | rewrite Hlen
- | progress subst
- | setoid_rewrite length_extendb
- | setoid_rewrite List.in_app_iff
- | progress destruct_head' or
- | solve [ eauto ]
- | progress intros ].
- (** FIXME: This actually isn't true, because the symbolic
- expr stored in G might not be the same as the one in the
- expression tree, when the one in the expression tree is a
- fresh var *)
- admit. }
- Admitted.
- Lemma wff_prepend_prefix {var1' var2'} prefix1 prefix2 G t e1 e2
- (Hlen : length prefix1 = length prefix2)
- (Hprefix : forall n t1 t2 e1 e2,
- nth_error prefix1 n = Some (existT _ t1 e1)
- -> nth_error prefix2 n = Some (existT _ t2 e2)
- -> exists pf : t1 = t2, wff nil (eq_rect _ exprf e1 _ pf) e2)
- (Hwf : wff G e1 e2)
- : wff G (@prepend_prefix var1' t e1 prefix1) (@prepend_prefix var2' t e2 prefix2).
- Proof.
- revert dependent G; revert dependent prefix2; induction prefix1, prefix2; simpl; intros Hlen Hprefix G Hwf; try congruence.
- { pose proof (Hprefix 0) as H0; specialize (fun n => Hprefix (S n)).
- destruct_head sigT; simpl in *.
- specialize (H0 _ _ _ _ eq_refl eq_refl); destruct_head ex; subst; simpl in *.
- constructor.
- { eapply wff_in_impl_Proper; [ eassumption | simpl; tauto ]. }
- { intros.
- apply IHprefix1; try congruence; auto.
- eapply wff_in_impl_Proper; [ eassumption | simpl; intros; rewrite in_app_iff; auto ]. } }
- Qed.
- Lemma wf_cse prefix1 prefix2 t e1 e2 (Hwf : wf e1 e2)
- (Hlen : length prefix1 = length prefix2)
- (Hprefix : forall n t1 t2 e1 e2,
- nth_error prefix1 n = Some (existT _ t1 e1)
- -> nth_error prefix2 n = Some (existT _ t2 e2)
- -> exists pf : t1 = t2, wff nil (eq_rect _ exprf e1 _ pf) e2)
- : wf (@cse var1 prefix1 t e1 empty) (@cse var2 prefix2 t e2 empty).
- Proof.
- destruct Hwf; simpl; constructor; intros.
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- wff (flatten_binding_list (t:=?src) ?x ?y) (csef _ (extendb _ ?n ?v)) (csef _ (extendb _ ?n' ?v')) ]
- => unify n n';
- apply wff_csef with (G:=flatten_binding_list (t:=src) (symbolicify_smart_var v n) (symbolicify_smart_var v' n'))
- end.
- { setoid_rewrite length_extendb; reflexivity. }
- { intros; rewrite !(fun var => @lookupb_extendb_full flat_type _ symbolic_expr _ var _ SymbolicExprContextOk).
- break_innermost_match; subst; simpl; intuition (eauto || congruence). }
- { intros *; rewrite !(fun var => @lookupb_extendb_full flat_type _ symbolic_expr _ var _ SymbolicExprContextOk).
- break_innermost_match; subst; simpl; try setoid_rewrite lookupb_empty; eauto using SymbolicExprContextOk; try congruence. }
- { intros *; intro H'; exact (flatten_binding_list_SmartVarfMap2_pair_same_in_eq2 H'). }
- { intros *; intro H'; destruct (flatten_binding_list_SmartVarfMap2_pair_In_split H'); eauto. }
- { apply wff_prepend_prefix; auto. }
- Qed.
- End with_var.
- Lemma Wf_CSE t (e : Expr t)
- (prefix : forall var, list (sigT (fun t : flat_type => @exprf var t)))
- (Hlen : forall var1 var2, length (prefix var1) = length (prefix var2))
- (Hprefix : forall var1 var2 n t1 t2 e1 e2,
- nth_error (prefix var1) n = Some (existT _ t1 e1)
- -> nth_error (prefix var2) n = Some (existT _ t2 e2)
- -> exists pf : t1 = t2, wff nil (eq_rect _ exprf e1 _ pf) e2)
- (Hwf : Wf e)
- : Wf (@CSE t e prefix).
- Proof.
- intros var1 var2; apply wf_cse; eauto.
- Qed.
-End symbolic.
-Hint Resolve Wf_CSE : wf.