path: root/src/CStringification.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/CStringification.v')
1 files changed, 2202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/CStringification.v b/src/CStringification.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45e0c2eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CStringification.v
@@ -0,0 +1,2202 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.MSets.MSetPositive.
+Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
+Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.
+Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Crypto.Util.Strings.String.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Decimal.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.HexString.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Show.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.Operations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.Show.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.OptionList.
+Require Import Crypto.Language.
+Require Import Crypto.AbstractInterpretation.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.Equality.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope zrange_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Module Compilers.
+ Local Set Boolean Equality Schemes.
+ Local Set Decidable Equality Schemes.
+ Export Language.Compilers.
+ Export AbstractInterpretation.Compilers.
+ Import invert_expr.
+ Import defaults.
+ Module ToString.
+ Local Open Scope string_scope.
+ Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Module Import ZRange.
+ Module Export type.
+ Module Export base.
+ Fixpoint show_interp {t} : Show (ZRange.type.base.interp t)
+ := match t return bool -> ZRange.type.base.interp t -> string with
+ | base.type.unit => @show unit _
+ | base.type.Z => @show zrange _
+ | base.type.bool => @show bool _
+ | base.type.nat => @show nat _
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun _ '(a, b)
+ => "(" ++ @show_interp A false a ++ ", " ++ @show_interp B true b ++ ")"
+ | base.type.list A
+ => let SA := @show_interp A in
+ @show (list (ZRange.type.base.interp A)) _
+ end%string.
+ Global Existing Instance show_interp.
+ Module Export option.
+ Fixpoint show_interp {t} : Show (ZRange.type.base.option.interp t)
+ := match t return bool -> ZRange.type.base.option.interp t -> string with
+ | base.type.unit => @show unit _
+ | base.type.Z => @show (option zrange) _
+ | base.type.bool => @show (option bool) _
+ | base.type.nat => @show (option nat) _
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => let SA := @show_interp A in
+ let SB := @show_interp B in
+ @show (ZRange.type.base.option.interp A * ZRange.type.base.option.interp B) _
+ | base.type.list A
+ => let SA := @show_interp A in
+ @show (option (list (ZRange.type.base.option.interp A))) _
+ end.
+ Global Existing Instance show_interp.
+ End option.
+ End base.
+ Module option.
+ Global Instance show_interp {t} : Show (ZRange.type.option.interp t)
+ := fun parens
+ => match t return ZRange.type.option.interp t -> string with
+ | type.base t
+ => fun v : ZRange.type.base.option.interp t
+ => show parens v
+ | type.arrow s d => fun _ => "λ"
+ end.
+ End option.
+ End type.
+ End ZRange.
+ Module PHOAS.
+ Module type.
+ Module base.
+ Global Instance show_base : Show base.type.base
+ := fun _ t => match t with
+ | base.type.unit => "()"
+ | base.type.Z => "ℤ"
+ | base.type.bool => "𝔹"
+ | base.type.nat => "ℕ"
+ end.
+ Fixpoint show_type (with_parens : bool) (t : base.type) : string
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.type_base t => show with_parens t
+ | base.type.prod A B => maybe_wrap_parens
+ with_parens
+ (@show_type false A ++ " * " ++ @show_type true B)
+ | base.type.list A => "[" ++ @show_type false A ++ "]"
+ end.
+ Fixpoint show_base_interp {t} : Show (base.base_interp t)
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.unit => @show unit _
+ | base.type.Z => @show Z _
+ | base.type.bool => @show bool _
+ | base.type.nat => @show nat _
+ end.
+ Global Existing Instance show_base_interp.
+ Fixpoint show_interp {t} : Show (base.interp t)
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.type_base t => @show (base.base_interp t) _
+ | base.type.prod A B => @show (base.interp A * base.interp B) _
+ | base.type.list A => @show (list (base.interp A)) _
+ end.
+ Global Existing Instance show_interp.
+ Global Instance show : Show base.type := show_type.
+ End base.
+ Fixpoint show_for_each_lhs_of_arrow {base_type} {f : type.type base_type -> Type} {show_f : forall t, Show (f t)} {t : type.type base_type} : Show (type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow f t)
+ := match t return bool -> type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow f t -> string with
+ | type.base t => @show unit _
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun with_parens '((x, xs) : f s * type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow f d)
+ => let _ : Show (f s) := show_f s in
+ let _ : Show (type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow f d) := @show_for_each_lhs_of_arrow base_type f show_f d in
+ match d with
+ | type.base _ => show with_parens x
+ | type.arrow _ _ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens (show true x ++ ", " ++ show false xs)
+ end
+ end.
+ Global Existing Instance show_for_each_lhs_of_arrow.
+ Fixpoint show_type {base_type} {S : Show base_type} (with_parens : bool) (t : type.type base_type) : string
+ := match t with
+ | type.base t => S with_parens t
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => maybe_wrap_parens
+ with_parens
+ (@show_type base_type S true s ++ " → " ++ @show_type base_type S false d)
+ end.
+ Global Instance show {base_type} {S : Show base_type} : Show (type.type base_type) := show_type.
+ End type.
+ Definition bitwidth_to_string (v : Z) : string
+ := (if v =? 2^Z.log2 v then "2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Z.log2 v) else HexString.of_Z v).
+ Definition show_range_or_ctype (v : zrange) : string
+ := if (v.(lower) =? 0) && (v.(upper) =? 2^(Z.log2 (v.(upper) + 1)) - 1)
+ then ("uint" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Z.log2 (v.(upper) + 1)) ++ "_t")%string
+ else let lg2 := 1 + Z.log2 (-v.(lower)) in
+ if (v.(lower) =? -2^(lg2-1)) && (v.(upper) =? 2^(lg2-1)-1)
+ then ("int" ++ decimal_string_of_Z lg2 ++ "_t")%string
+ else show false v.
+ Definition show_compact_Z (with_parens : bool) (v : Z) : string
+ := let is_neg := v <? 0 in
+ (if is_neg then "-" else "")
+ ++ (let v := Z.abs v in
+ (if v <=? 2^8
+ then decimal_string_of_Z v
+ else if v =? 2^(Z.log2 v)
+ then "2^" ++ (decimal_string_of_Z (Z.log2 v))
+ else if v =? 2^(Z.log2_up v) - 1
+ then maybe_wrap_parens is_neg ("2^" ++ (decimal_string_of_Z (Z.log2_up v)) ++ "-1")
+ else Hex.show_Z with_parens v)).
+ Fixpoint make_castb {t} : ZRange.type.base.option.interp t -> option string
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z => option_map show_range_or_ctype
+ | base.type.type_base t => fun _ => None
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(r1, r2)
+ => match @make_castb A r1, @make_castb B r2 with
+ | Some c1, Some c2 => Some (c1 ++ ", " ++ c2)
+ | None, Some c => Some ("??, " ++ c)
+ | Some c, None => Some (c ++ ", ??")
+ | None, None => None
+ end
+ | base.type.list A => fun _ => None
+ end.
+ Fixpoint make_cast {t} : ZRange.type.option.interp t -> option string
+ := match t with
+ | type.base t => @make_castb t
+ | type.arrow _ _ => fun _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition maybe_wrap_cast (with_cast : bool) {t} (xr : (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t) (lvl : nat) : string
+ := match with_cast, make_cast (snd xr) with
+ | true, Some c => "(" ++ c ++ ")" ++ fst xr 10%nat
+ | _, _ => fst xr lvl
+ end.
+ Definition show_application (with_casts : bool) {t : type} (f : nat -> string) (args : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type t)
+ : nat -> string
+ := match t return type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type t -> nat -> string with
+ | type.base _ => fun 'tt lvl => f lvl
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun xs lvl
+ => let _ : forall t, Show ((nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type
+ := (fun t with_parens x => maybe_wrap_cast with_casts x 10%nat) in
+ maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 11) (f 11%nat ++ show true xs)
+ end args.
+ Module ident.
+ Definition show_ident_lvl (with_casts : bool) {t} (idc : ident.ident t)
+ : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type t -> (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t)
+ := match idc in ident.ident t return type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type t -> (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) with
+ | ident.Literal base.type.Z v => fun 'tt => (fun lvl => show_compact_Z (Nat.eqb lvl 0) v, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Literal t v => fun 'tt => (fun lvl => show (Nat.eqb lvl 0) v, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Nat_succ => fun '((x, xr), tt) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 10) ((x 10%nat) ++ ".+1"), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Nat_pred => fun '((x, xr), tt) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 10) ((x 10%nat) ++ ".-1"), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Nat_max => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 10) ("Nat.max " ++ x 9%nat ++ " " ++ y 9%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Nat_mul => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 40) (x 40%nat ++ " *ℕ " ++ y 39%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Nat_add => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 50) (x 50%nat ++ " +ℕ " ++ y 49%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Nat_sub => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 50) (x 50%nat ++ " -ℕ " ++ y 49%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.nil t => fun 'tt => (fun _ => "[]", ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.cons t => fun '(x, ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 60) (maybe_wrap_cast with_casts x 59%nat ++ " :: " ++ y 60%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.pair A B => fun '(x, (y, tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 201) (maybe_wrap_cast with_casts x 201%nat ++ ", " ++ maybe_wrap_cast with_casts y 200%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fst A B => fun '((x, xr), tt) => (fun _ => x 0%nat ++ "₁", fst xr)
+ | ident.snd A B => fun '((x, xr), tt) => (fun _ => x 0%nat ++ "₂", snd xr)
+ | ident.prod_rect A B T => fun '((f, fr), ((p, pr), tt)) => (fun _ => "match " ++ p 200%nat ++ " with " ++ f 200%nat ++ " end", ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.bool_rect T => fun '(t, (f, ((b, br), tt))) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 200) ("if " ++ b 200%nat ++ " then " ++ maybe_wrap_cast with_casts t 200%nat ++ " else " ++ maybe_wrap_cast with_casts f 200%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.nat_rect P
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "nat_rect") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.nat_rect_arrow P Q
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "nat_rect(→)") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.list_rect A P
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "list_rect") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.list_case A P
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "list_case") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_length T
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "len") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_seq
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "seq") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_repeat A
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "repeat") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_firstn A
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "firstn") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_skipn A
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "skipn") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_combine A B
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "combine") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_map A B
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "map") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_app A
+ => fun '((xs, xsr), ((ys, ysr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 60) (xs 59%nat ++ " ++ " ++ ys 60%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_rev A
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "rev") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_flat_map A B
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "flat_map") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_partition A
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "partition") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_fold_right A B
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "fold_right") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_update_nth T
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "update_nth") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.List_nth_default T
+ => fun '((d, dr), ((ls, lsr), ((i, ir), tt))) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 10) (ls 10%nat ++ "[" ++ i 200%nat ++ "]"), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_mul => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 40) (x 40%nat ++ " * " ++ y 39%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_add => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 50) (x 50%nat ++ " + " ++ y 49%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_sub => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 50) (x 50%nat ++ " - " ++ y 49%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_pow => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 30) (x 30%nat ++ " ^ " ++ y 29%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_opp => fun '((x, xr), tt) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 35) ("-" ++ x 35%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_bneg => fun '((x, xr), tt) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 75) ("!" ++ x 75%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_lnot_modulo => fun '((x, xr), ((m, mr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 75) ("~" ++ x 75%nat ++ (if with_casts then " (mod " ++ m 200%nat ++ ")" else "")), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_div => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 40) (x 40%nat ++ " / " ++ y 39%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_modulo => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 40) (x 40%nat ++ " mod " ++ y 39%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_eqb => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 70) (x 69%nat ++ " = " ++ y 69%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_leb => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 70) (x 69%nat ++ " ≤ " ++ y 69%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_geb => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 70) (x 69%nat ++ " ≥ " ++ y 69%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_log2
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.log2") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_log2_up
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.log2_up") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_of_nat
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "(ℕ→ℤ)") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_to_nat
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "(ℤ→ℕ)") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_shiftr => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 30) (x 30%nat ++ " >> " ++ y 29%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_shiftl => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 30) (x 30%nat ++ " << " ++ y 29%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_land => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 50) (x 50%nat ++ " & " ++ y 49%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_lor => fun '((x, xr), ((y, yr), tt)) => (fun lvl => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl 50) (x 50%nat ++ " | " ++ y 49%nat), ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_mul_split
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.mul_split") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_add_get_carry
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.add_get_carry") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_add_with_carry
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.add_with_carry") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_add_with_get_carry
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.add_with_get_carry") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_sub_get_borrow
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.sub_get_borrow") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.sub_with_get_borrow") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_zselect
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.zselect") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_add_modulo
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.add_modulo") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_rshi
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.rshi") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_cc_m
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "Z.cc_m") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.Z_cast range
+ => fun '((x, xr), tt) => (x, Some range)
+ | ident.Z_cast2 (r1, r2)
+ => fun '((x, xr), tt) => (x, (Some r1, Some r2))
+ | ident.fancy_add log2wordmax imm
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.add 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_addc log2wordmax imm
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.addc 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_sub log2wordmax imm
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.sub 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_subb log2wordmax imm
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.subb 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_mulll log2wordmax
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.mulll 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_mullh log2wordmax
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.mullh 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_mulhl log2wordmax
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.mulhl 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_mulhh log2wordmax
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.mulhh 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_rshi log2wordmax x
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.rshi 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ decimal_string_of_Z x)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_selc
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "fancy.selc") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_selm log2wordmax
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun lvl' => maybe_wrap_parens (Nat.ltb lvl' 11) ("fancy.selm 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)) args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_sell
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "fancy.sell") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | ident.fancy_addm
+ => fun args => (show_application with_casts (fun _ => "fancy.addm") args, ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ end.
+ Global Instance show_ident {t} : Show (ident.ident t)
+ := fun with_parens idc
+ => match idc with
+ | ident.Literal base.type.Z v => show_compact_Z with_parens v
+ | ident.Literal t v => show with_parens v
+ | ident.Nat_succ => "Nat.succ"
+ | ident.Nat_pred => "Nat.pred"
+ | ident.Nat_max => "Nat.max"
+ | ident.Nat_mul => "Nat.mul"
+ | ident.Nat_add => "Nat.add"
+ | ident.Nat_sub => "Nat.sub"
+ | ident.nil t => "[]"
+ | ident.cons t => "(::)"
+ | ident.pair A B => "(,)"
+ | ident.fst A B => "fst"
+ | ident.snd A B => "snd"
+ | ident.prod_rect A B T => "prod_rect"
+ | ident.bool_rect T => "bool_rect"
+ | ident.nat_rect P => "nat_rect"
+ | ident.nat_rect_arrow P Q => "nat_rect(→)"
+ | ident.list_rect A P => "list_rect"
+ | ident.list_case A P => "list_case"
+ | ident.List_length T => "length"
+ | ident.List_seq => "seq"
+ | ident.List_repeat A => "repeat"
+ | ident.List_firstn A => "firstn"
+ | ident.List_skipn A => "skipn"
+ | ident.List_combine A B => "combine"
+ | ident.List_map A B => "map"
+ | ident.List_app A => "(++)"
+ | ident.List_rev A => "rev"
+ | ident.List_flat_map A B => "flat_map"
+ | ident.List_partition A => "partition"
+ | ident.List_fold_right A B => "fold_right"
+ | ident.List_update_nth T => "update_nth"
+ | ident.List_nth_default T => "nth"
+ | ident.Z_add => "(+)"
+ | ident.Z_mul => "( * )"
+ | ident.Z_pow => "(^)"
+ | ident.Z_sub => "(-)"
+ | ident.Z_opp => "-"
+ | ident.Z_div => "(/)"
+ | ident.Z_modulo => "(mod)"
+ | ident.Z_eqb => "(=)"
+ | ident.Z_leb => "(≤)"
+ | ident.Z_geb => "(≥)"
+ | ident.Z_log2 => "log₂"
+ | ident.Z_log2_up => "⌈log₂⌉"
+ | ident.Z_of_nat => "(ℕ→ℤ)"
+ | ident.Z_to_nat => "(ℤ→ℕ)"
+ | ident.Z_shiftr => "(>>)"
+ | ident.Z_shiftl => "(<<)"
+ | ident.Z_land => "(&)"
+ | ident.Z_lor => "(|)"
+ | ident.Z_lnot_modulo => "~"
+ | ident.Z_bneg => "!"
+ | ident.Z_mul_split => "Z.mul_split"
+ | ident.Z_add_get_carry => "Z.add_get_carry"
+ | ident.Z_add_with_carry => "Z.add_with_carry"
+ | ident.Z_add_with_get_carry => "Z.add_with_get_carry"
+ | ident.Z_sub_get_borrow => "Z.sub_get_borrow"
+ | ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow => "Z.sub_with_get_borrow"
+ | ident.Z_zselect => "Z.zselect"
+ | ident.Z_add_modulo => "Z.add_modulo"
+ | ident.Z_rshi => "Z.rshi"
+ | ident.Z_cc_m => "Z.cc_m"
+ | ident.Z_cast range => "(" ++ show_range_or_ctype range ++ ")"
+ | ident.Z_cast2 (r1, r2) => "(" ++ show_range_or_ctype r1 ++ ", " ++ show_range_or_ctype r2 ++ ")"
+ | ident.fancy_add log2wordmax imm
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.add 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
+ | ident.fancy_addc log2wordmax imm
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.addc 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
+ | ident.fancy_sub log2wordmax imm
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.sub 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
+ | ident.fancy_subb log2wordmax imm
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.subb 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
+ | ident.fancy_mulll log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulll 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_mullh log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mullh 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_mulhl log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulhl 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_mulhh log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulhh 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_rshi log2wordmax x
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.rshi 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ decimal_string_of_Z x)
+ | ident.fancy_selc => "fancy.selc"
+ | ident.fancy_selm log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.selm 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_sell => "fancy.sell"
+ | ident.fancy_addm => "fancy.addm"
+ end.
+ End ident.
+ Module expr.
+ Local Notation show_ident := ident.show_ident.
+ Local Notation show_ident_lvl := ident.show_ident_lvl.
+ Fixpoint get_eta_cps_args {A} (t : type) (idx : positive) {struct t}
+ : (type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun y => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp y)%type t -> positive -> A) -> list string * A
+ := match t with
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun k
+ => let n := "x" ++ decimal_string_of_pos idx in
+ let '(args, show_f) := @get_eta_cps_args A d (Pos.succ idx) (fun arglist => k (((fun _ => n), ZRange.type.option.None), arglist)) in
+ (n :: args, show_f)
+ | type.base _
+ => fun k => (nil, k tt idx)
+ end.
+ Section helper.
+ Context (k : forall t, @expr.expr base.type ident (fun _ => string) t -> type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type t -> positive -> (positive * (nat -> list string)) * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t)).
+ Fixpoint show_eta_abs_cps' {t} (idx : positive) (e : @expr.expr base.type ident (fun _ => string) t)
+ : (positive * (list string * (nat -> list string))) * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t)
+ := match e in expr.expr t return (unit -> _ * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t)) -> _ * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) with
+ | expr.Abs s d f
+ => fun _
+ => let n := "x" ++ decimal_string_of_pos idx in
+ let '(_, (args, show_f), r) := @show_eta_abs_cps' d (Pos.succ idx) (f n) in
+ (idx,
+ (n :: args, show_f),
+ r)
+ | _
+ => fun default
+ => default tt
+ end (fun _
+ => let '(args, (idx, show_f, r)) := get_eta_cps_args _ idx (@k _ e) in
+ ((idx, (args, show_f)), r)).
+ Definition show_eta_abs_cps (with_casts : bool) {t} (idx : positive) (e : @expr.expr base.type ident (fun _ => string) t) (extraargs : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type t)
+ : (positive * (nat -> list string)) * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t)
+ := let '(idx, (args, show_f), r) := @show_eta_abs_cps' t idx e in
+ let argstr := String.concat " " args in
+ (idx,
+ fun lvl
+ => match show_f lvl with
+ | nil => [show_application with_casts (fun _ => "(λ " ++ argstr ++ ", (* NOTHING‽ *))") extraargs 11%nat]%string
+ | show_f::nil
+ => [show_application with_casts (fun _ => "(λ " ++ argstr ++ ", " ++ show_f ++ ")") extraargs 11%nat]%string
+ | show_f
+ => ["(λ " ++ argstr ++ ","]%string ++ (List.map (fun v => String " " (String " " v)) show_f) ++ [")" ++ show_application with_casts (fun _ => "") extraargs 11%nat]%string
+ end%list,
+ r).
+ Definition show_eta_cps {t} (idx : positive) (e : @expr.expr base.type ident (fun _ => string) t)
+ : (positive * (nat -> list string)) * ZRange.type.option.interp t
+ := let '(idx, (args, show_f), r) := @show_eta_abs_cps' t idx e in
+ let argstr := String.concat " " args in
+ (idx,
+ (fun lvl
+ => match args, show_f lvl with
+ | nil, show_f => show_f
+ | _, nil => ["(λ " ++ argstr ++ ", (* NOTHING‽ *))"]%string
+ | _, show_f::nil
+ => ["(λ " ++ argstr ++ ", " ++ show_f ++ ")"]%string
+ | _, show_f
+ => ["(λ " ++ argstr ++ ","]%string ++ (List.map (fun v => String " " (String " " v)) show_f) ++ [")"]
+ end%list),
+ match t return ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) -> ZRange.type.option.interp t with
+ | type.base _ => fun r => r
+ | type.arrow _ _ => fun _ => ZRange.type.option.None
+ end r).
+ End helper.
+ Fixpoint show_expr_lines (with_casts : bool) {t} (e : @expr.expr base.type ident (fun _ => string) t) (args : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type t) (idx : positive) {struct e} : (positive * (nat -> list string)) * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t)
+ := match e in expr.expr t return type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => (nat -> string) * ZRange.type.option.interp t)%type t -> (positive * (nat -> list string)) * ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) with
+ | expr.Ident t idc
+ => fun args => let '(v, r) := @show_ident_lvl with_casts t idc args in
+ (idx, fun lvl => [v lvl], r)
+ | expr.Var t v
+ => fun args => (idx, fun lvl => [show_application with_casts (fun _ => v) args lvl], ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ | expr.Abs s d f as e
+ => fun args
+ => show_eta_abs_cps (fun t e args idx => let '(idx, v, r) := @show_expr_lines with_casts t e args idx in (idx, fun _ => v 200%nat, r)) with_casts idx e args
+ | expr.App s d f x
+ => fun args
+ => let '(idx', x', xr) := show_eta_cps (fun t e args idx => @show_expr_lines with_casts t e args idx) idx x in
+ @show_expr_lines
+ with_casts _ f
+ (((fun lvl => String.concat String.NewLine (x' lvl)), xr),
+ args)
+ idx
+ | expr.LetIn A (type.base B) x f
+ => fun 'tt
+ => let n := "x" ++ decimal_string_of_pos idx in
+ let '(_, show_x, xr) := show_eta_cps (fun t e args idx => @show_expr_lines with_casts t e args idx) idx x in
+ let '(idx, show_f, fr) := show_eta_cps (fun t e args idx => @show_expr_lines with_casts t e args idx) (Pos.succ idx) (f n) in
+ let ty_str := match make_cast xr with
+ | Some c => " : " ++ c
+ | None => ""
+ end in
+ let expr_let_line := "expr_let " ++ n ++ " := " in
+ (idx,
+ (fun lvl
+ => match show_x 200%nat with
+ | nil => [expr_let_line ++ "(* NOTHING‽ *) (*" ++ ty_str ++ " *) in"]%string ++ show_f 200%nat
+ | show_x::nil => [expr_let_line ++ show_x ++ " (*" ++ ty_str ++ " *) in"]%string ++ show_f 200%nat
+ | show_x::rest
+ => ([expr_let_line ++ show_x]%string)
+ ++ (List.map (fun l => String.of_list (List.repeat " "%char (String.length expr_let_line)) ++ l)%string
+ rest)
+ ++ ["(*" ++ ty_str ++ " *)"]%string
+ ++ ["in"]
+ ++ show_f 200%nat
+ end%list),
+ fr)
+ | expr.LetIn A B x f
+ => fun args
+ => let n := "x" ++ decimal_string_of_pos idx in
+ let '(_, show_x, xr) := show_eta_cps (fun t e args idx => @show_expr_lines with_casts t e args idx) idx x in
+ let '(idx, show_f, fr) := show_eta_cps (fun t e args idx => @show_expr_lines with_casts t e args idx) (Pos.succ idx) (f n) in
+ let ty_str := match make_cast xr with
+ | Some c => " : " ++ c
+ | None => ""
+ end in
+ let expr_let_line := "expr_let " ++ n ++ " := " in
+ (idx,
+ (fun lvl
+ => (["("]
+ ++ (map
+ (String " ")
+ match show_x 200%nat with
+ | nil => [expr_let_line ++ "(* NOTHING‽ *) (*" ++ ty_str ++ " *) in"]%string ++ show_f 200%nat
+ | show_x::nil => [expr_let_line ++ show_x ++ " (*" ++ ty_str ++ " *) in"]%string ++ show_f 200%nat
+ | show_x::rest
+ => ([expr_let_line ++ show_x]%string)
+ ++ (List.map (fun l => String.of_list (List.repeat " "%char (String.length expr_let_line)) ++ l)%string
+ rest)
+ ++ ["(*" ++ ty_str ++ " *)"]%string
+ ++ ["in"]
+ ++ show_f 200%nat
+ end%list)
+ ++ [")"; show_application with_casts (fun _ => "") args 11%nat])%list),
+ ZRange.type.base.option.None)
+ end args.
+ Fixpoint show_var_expr {var t} (with_parens : bool) (e : @expr.expr base.type ident var t) : string
+ := match e with
+ | expr.Ident t idc => show with_parens idc
+ | expr.Var t v => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("VAR_(" ++ show false t ++ ")")
+ | expr.Abs s d f => "λ_(" ++ show false t ++ ")"
+ | expr.App s d f x
+ => let show_f := @show_var_expr _ _ false f in
+ let show_x := @show_var_expr _ _ true x in
+ maybe_wrap_parens with_parens (show_f ++ " @ " ++ show_x)
+ | expr.LetIn A B x f
+ => let show_x := @show_var_expr _ _ false x in
+ maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("expr_let _ := " ++ show_x ++ " in _")
+ end%string.
+ Definition partially_show_expr {var t} : Show (@expr.expr base.type ident var t) := show_var_expr.
+ Local Notation default_with_casts := false.
+ Global Instance show_lines_expr {t} : ShowLines (@expr.expr base.type ident (fun _ => string) t)
+ := fun with_parens e => let '(_, v, _) := show_eta_cps (fun t e args idx => @show_expr_lines default_with_casts t e args idx) 1%positive e in v (if with_parens then 0%nat else 201%nat).
+ Global Instance show_lines_Expr {t} : ShowLines (@expr.Expr base.type ident t)
+ := fun with_parens e => show_lines with_parens (e _).
+ Global Instance show_expr {t} : Show (@expr.expr base.type ident (fun _ => string) t)
+ := fun with_parens e => String.concat String.NewLine (show_lines with_parens e).
+ Global Instance show_Expr {t} : Show (@expr.Expr base.type ident t)
+ := fun with_parens e => show with_parens (e _).
+ End expr.
+ End PHOAS.
+ Module C.
+ Module type.
+ Inductive primitive := Z | Zptr.
+ Inductive type := type_primitive (t : primitive) | prod (A B : type) | unit.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Global Coercion type_primitive : primitive >-> type.
+ Delimit Scope Ctype_scope with Ctype.
+ Bind Scope Ctype_scope with type.
+ Notation "()" := unit : Ctype_scope.
+ Notation "A * B" := (prod A B) : Ctype_scope.
+ Notation type := type.
+ End Notations.
+ End type.
+ Import type.Notations.
+ Module int.
+ Inductive type := signed (lgbitwidth : nat) | unsigned (lgbitwidth : nat).
+ Definition lgbitwidth_of (t : type) : nat
+ := match t with
+ | signed lgbitwidth => lgbitwidth
+ | unsigned lgbitwidth => lgbitwidth
+ end.
+ Definition bitwidth_of (t : type) : Z := 2^Z.of_nat (lgbitwidth_of t).
+ Definition is_signed (t : type) : bool := match t with signed _ => true | unsigned _ => false end.
+ Definition is_unsigned (t : type) : bool := negb (is_signed t).
+ Definition to_zrange (t : type) : zrange
+ := let bw := bitwidth_of t in
+ if is_signed t
+ then r[-2^bw ~> 2^(bw-1) - 1]
+ else r[0 ~> 2^bw - 1].
+ Definition is_tighter_than (t1 t2 : type)
+ := ZRange.is_tighter_than_bool (to_zrange t1) (to_zrange t2).
+ Definition of_zrange_relaxed (r : zrange) : type
+ := let lg2 := Z.log2_up ((upper r - lower r) + 1) in
+ let lg2u := Z.log2_up (upper r + 1) in
+ let lg2l := (if (lower r <? 0) then 1 + Z.log2_up (-lower r) else 0) in
+ let lg2 := Z.max lg2 (Z.max lg2u lg2l) in
+ let lg2lg2u := Z.log2_up lg2 in
+ if (0 <=? lower r)
+ then unsigned (Z.to_nat lg2lg2u)
+ else signed (Z.to_nat lg2lg2u).
+ Definition of_zrange (r : zrange) : option type
+ := let t := of_zrange_relaxed r in
+ let r' := to_zrange t in
+ if (r' =? r)%zrange
+ then Some t
+ else None.
+ Definition unsigned_counterpart_of (t : type) : type
+ := unsigned (lgbitwidth_of t).
+ Global Instance show_type : Show type
+ := fun with_parens t
+ => maybe_wrap_parens
+ with_parens
+ ((if is_unsigned t then "u" else "") ++ "int" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (bitwidth_of t)).
+ Definition union (t1 t2 : type) : type := of_zrange_relaxed (ZRange.union (to_zrange t1) (to_zrange t2)).
+ Fixpoint base_interp (t : base.type) : Set
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z => type
+ | base.type.type_base _ => unit
+ | base.type.prod A B => base_interp A * base_interp B
+ | base.type.list A => list (base_interp A)
+ end%type.
+ Module option.
+ Fixpoint interp (t : base.type) : Set
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z => option type
+ | base.type.type_base _ => unit
+ | base.type.prod A B => interp A * interp B
+ | base.type.list A => option (list (interp A))
+ end%type.
+ Fixpoint None {t} : interp t
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z => Datatypes.None
+ | base.type.type_base _ => tt
+ | base.type.prod A B => (@None A, @None B)
+ | base.type.list A => Datatypes.None
+ end.
+ Fixpoint Some {t} : base_interp t -> interp t
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z => Datatypes.Some
+ | base.type.type_base _ => fun tt => tt
+ | base.type.prod A B => fun '(a, b) => (@Some A a, @Some B b)
+ | base.type.list A => fun ls => Datatypes.Some (List.map (@Some A) ls)
+ end.
+ End option.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Notation _Bool := (unsigned 0).
+ Notation uint8 := (unsigned 3).
+ Notation int8 := (signed 3).
+ Notation uint16 := (unsigned 4).
+ Notation int16 := (signed 4).
+ Notation uint32 := (unsigned 5).
+ Notation int32 := (signed 5).
+ Notation uint64 := (unsigned 6).
+ Notation int64 := (signed 6).
+ Notation uint128 := (unsigned 7).
+ Notation int128 := (signed 7).
+ End Notations.
+ End int.
+ Import int.Notations.
+ Example of_zrange_int32 : int.of_zrange_relaxed r[-2^31 ~> 2^31-1] = int32 := eq_refl.
+ Example of_zrange_int64 : int.of_zrange_relaxed r[-2^31-1 ~> 2^31-1] = int64 := eq_refl.
+ Example of_zrange_int64' : int.of_zrange_relaxed r[-2^31 ~> 2^31] = int64 := eq_refl.
+ Example of_zrange_uint32 : int.of_zrange_relaxed r[0 ~> 2^32-1] = uint32 := eq_refl.
+ Example of_zrange_uint64 : int.of_zrange_relaxed r[0 ~> 2^32] = uint64 := eq_refl.
+ Section ident.
+ Import type.
+ Inductive ident : type -> type -> Set :=
+ | literal (v : BinInt.Z) : ident unit Z
+ | List_nth (n : Datatypes.nat) : ident Zptr Z
+ | Addr : ident Z Zptr
+ | Dereference : ident Zptr Z
+ | Z_shiftr (offset : BinInt.Z) : ident Z Z
+ | Z_shiftl (offset : BinInt.Z) : ident Z Z
+ | Z_land : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | Z_lor : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | Z_add : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | Z_mul : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | Z_sub : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | Z_opp : ident Z Z
+ | Z_lnot (ty:int.type) : ident Z Z
+ | Z_bneg : ident Z Z
+ | Z_mul_split (lgs:BinInt.Z) : ident ((Zptr * Zptr) * (Z * Z)) unit
+ | Z_add_with_get_carry (lgs:BinInt.Z) : ident ((Zptr * Zptr) * (Z * Z * Z)) unit
+ | Z_sub_with_get_borrow (lgs:BinInt.Z) : ident ((Zptr * Zptr) * (Z * Z * Z)) unit
+ | Z_zselect (ty:int.type) : ident (Zptr * (Z * Z * Z)) unit
+ | Z_add_modulo : ident (Z * Z * Z) Z
+ | Z_static_cast (ty : int.type) : ident Z Z
+ .
+ End ident.
+ Inductive arith_expr : type -> Set :=
+ | AppIdent {s d} (idc : ident s d) (arg : arith_expr s) : arith_expr d
+ | Var (t : type.primitive) (v : string) : arith_expr t
+ | Pair {A B} (a : arith_expr A) (b : arith_expr B) : arith_expr (A * B)
+ | TT : arith_expr type.unit.
+ Inductive stmt :=
+ | Call (val : arith_expr type.unit)
+ | Assign (declare : bool) (t : type.primitive) (sz : option int.type) (name : string) (val : arith_expr t)
+ | AssignZPtr (name : string) (sz : option int.type) (val : arith_expr type.Z)
+ | DeclareVar (t : type.primitive) (sz : option int.type) (name : string)
+ | AssignNth (name : string) (n : nat) (val : arith_expr type.Z).
+ Definition expr := list stmt.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Export int.Notations.
+ Export type.Notations.
+ Delimit Scope Cexpr_scope with Cexpr.
+ Bind Scope Cexpr_scope with expr.
+ Bind Scope Cexpr_scope with stmt.
+ Bind Scope Cexpr_scope with arith_expr.
+ Infix "@@" := AppIdent : Cexpr_scope.
+ Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (Pair .. (Pair x%Cexpr y%Cexpr) .. z%Cexpr) : Cexpr_scope.
+ Notation "( )" := TT : Cexpr_scope.
+ Notation "()" := TT : Cexpr_scope.
+ Notation "x ;; y" := (@cons stmt x%Cexpr y%Cexpr) (at level 70, right associativity, format "'[v' x ;; '/' y ']'") : Cexpr_scope.
+ End Notations.
+ Definition invert_literal {t} (e : arith_expr t) : option (BinInt.Z)
+ := match e with
+ | AppIdent s d (literal v) arg => Some v
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Module OfPHOAS.
+ Fixpoint base_var_data (t : base.type) : Set
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.unit
+ => unit
+ | base.type.nat
+ | base.type.bool
+ => Empty_set
+ | base.type.Z => string * option int.type
+ | base.type.prod A B => base_var_data A * base_var_data B
+ | base.type.list A => string * option int.type * nat
+ end.
+ Definition var_data (t : Compilers.type.type base.type) : Set
+ := match t with
+ | type.base t => base_var_data t
+ | type.arrow s d => Empty_set
+ end.
+ Fixpoint arith_expr_for_base (t : base.type) : Set
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z
+ => arith_expr type.Z * option int.type
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => arith_expr_for_base A * arith_expr_for_base B
+ | base.type.list A => list (arith_expr_for_base A)
+ | base.type.type_base _ as t
+ => base.interp t
+ end.
+ Definition arith_expr_for (t : Compilers.type.type base.type) : Set
+ := match t with
+ | type.base t => arith_expr_for_base t
+ | type.arrow s d => Empty_set
+ end.
+ (** Quoting
+ http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/language/conversion:
+ ** Integer promotions
+ Integer promotion is the implicit conversion of a value of
+ any integer type with rank less or equal to rank of int or
+ of a bit field of type _Bool, int, signed int, unsigned
+ int, to the value of type int or unsigned int
+ If int can represent the entire range of values of the
+ original type (or the range of values of the original bit
+ field), the value is converted to type int. Otherwise the
+ value is converted to unsigned int. *)
+ (** We assume a 32-bit [int] type *)
+ Definition integer_promote_type (t : int.type) : int.type
+ := if int.is_tighter_than t int32
+ then int32
+ else t.
+ (** Quoting
+ http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/language/conversion:
+ rank above is a property of every integer type and is
+ defined as follows:
+ 1) the ranks of all signed integer types are different and
+ increase with their precision: rank of signed char <
+ rank of short < rank of int < rank of long int < rank
+ of long long int
+ 2) the ranks of all signed integer types equal the ranks
+ of the corresponding unsigned integer types
+ 3) the rank of any standard integer type is greater than
+ the rank of any extended integer type of the same size
+ (that is, rank of __int64 < rank of long long int, but
+ rank of long long < rank of __int128 due to the rule
+ (1))
+ 4) rank of char equals rank of signed char and rank of
+ unsigned char
+ 5) the rank of _Bool is less than the rank of any other
+ standard integer type
+ 6) the rank of any enumerated type equals the rank of its
+ compatible integer type
+ 7) ranking is transitive: if rank of T1 < rank of T2 and
+ rank of T2 < rank of T3 then rank of T1 < rank of T3
+ 8) any aspects of relative ranking of extended integer
+ types not covered above are implementation defined *)
+ (** We define the rank to be the bitwidth, which satisfies
+ (1), (2), (4), (5), and (7). Points (3) and (6) do not
+ apply. *)
+ Definition rank (r : int.type) : BinInt.Z := int.bitwidth_of r.
+ Definition IMPOSSIBLE {T} (v : T) : T. exact v. Qed.
+ (** Quoting
+ http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/language/conversion: *)
+ Definition common_type (t1 t2 : int.type) : int.type
+ (** First of all, both operands undergo integer promotions
+ (see below). Then *)
+ := let t1 := integer_promote_type t1 in
+ let t2 := integer_promote_type t2 in
+ (** - If the types after promotion are the same, that
+ type is the common type *)
+ if int.type_beq t1 t2 then
+ t1
+ (** - Otherwise, if both operands after promotion have
+ the same signedness (both signed or both unsigned),
+ the operand with the lesser conversion rank (see
+ below) is implicitly converted to the type of the
+ operand with the greater conversion rank *)
+ else if bool_beq (int.is_signed t1) (int.is_signed t2) then
+ (if rank t1 >=? rank t2 then t1 else t2)
+ (** - Otherwise, the signedness is different: If the
+ operand with the unsigned type has conversion rank
+ greater or equal than the rank of the type of the
+ signed operand, then the operand with the signed
+ type is implicitly converted to the unsigned type
+ *)
+ else if int.is_unsigned t1 && (rank t1 >=? rank t2) then
+ t1
+ else if int.is_unsigned t2 && (rank t2 >=? rank t1) then
+ t2
+ (** - Otherwise, the signedness is different and the
+ signed operand's rank is greater than unsigned
+ operand's rank. In this case, if the signed type
+ can represent all values of the unsigned type, then
+ the operand with the unsigned type is implicitly
+ converted to the type of the signed operand. *)
+ else if int.is_signed t1 && int.is_tighter_than t2 t1 then
+ t1
+ else if int.is_signed t2 && int.is_tighter_than t1 t2 then
+ t2
+ (** - Otherwise, both operands undergo implicit
+ conversion to the unsigned type counterpart of the
+ signed operand's type. *)
+ (** N.B. This case ought to be impossible in our code,
+ where [rank] is the bitwidth. *)
+ else if int.is_signed t1 then
+ int.unsigned_counterpart_of t1
+ else
+ int.unsigned_counterpart_of t2.
+ Definition Zcast_down_if_needed
+ : option int.type -> arith_expr_for_base base.type.Z -> arith_expr_for_base base.type.Z
+ := fun desired_type '(e, known_type)
+ => match desired_type, known_type with
+ | None, _ => (e, known_type)
+ | Some desired_type, Some known_type
+ => if int.is_tighter_than known_type desired_type
+ then (e, Some known_type)
+ else (Z_static_cast desired_type @@ e, Some desired_type)
+ | Some desired_type, None
+ => (Z_static_cast desired_type @@ e, Some desired_type)
+ end%core%Cexpr.
+ Fixpoint cast_down_if_needed {t}
+ : int.option.interp t -> arith_expr_for_base t -> arith_expr_for_base t
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z => Zcast_down_if_needed
+ | base.type.type_base _ => fun _ x => x
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(r1, r2) '(e1, e2) => (@cast_down_if_needed A r1 e1,
+ @cast_down_if_needed B r2 e2)
+ | base.type.list A
+ => fun r1 ls
+ => match r1 with
+ | Some r1 => List.map (fun '(r, e) => @cast_down_if_needed A r e)
+ (List.combine r1 ls)
+ | None => ls
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition Zcast_up_if_needed
+ : option int.type -> arith_expr_for_base base.type.Z -> arith_expr_for_base base.type.Z
+ := fun desired_type '(e, known_type)
+ => match desired_type, known_type with
+ | None, _ | _, None => (e, known_type)
+ | Some desired_type, Some known_type
+ => if int.is_tighter_than desired_type known_type
+ then (e, Some known_type)
+ else (Z_static_cast desired_type @@ e, Some desired_type)%core%Cexpr
+ end.
+ Fixpoint cast_up_if_needed {t}
+ : int.option.interp t -> arith_expr_for_base t -> arith_expr_for_base t
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z => Zcast_up_if_needed
+ | base.type.type_base _ => fun _ x => x
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(r1, r2) '(e1, e2) => (@cast_up_if_needed A r1 e1,
+ @cast_up_if_needed B r2 e2)
+ | base.type.list A
+ => fun r1 ls
+ => match r1 with
+ | Some r1 => List.map (fun '(r, e) => @cast_up_if_needed A r e)
+ (List.combine r1 ls)
+ | None => ls
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition cast_bigger_up_if_needed
+ (desired_type : option int.type)
+ (args : arith_expr_for (base.type.Z * base.type.Z))
+ : arith_expr_for (base.type.Z * base.type.Z)
+ := match desired_type with
+ | None => args
+ | Some _
+ => let '((e1, t1), (e2, t2)) := args in
+ match t1, t2 with
+ | None, _ | _, None => args
+ | Some t1', Some t2'
+ => if int.is_tighter_than t2' t1'
+ then (Zcast_up_if_needed desired_type (e1, t1), (e2, t2))
+ else ((e1, t1), Zcast_up_if_needed desired_type (e2, t2))
+ end
+ end.
+ Definition arith_bin_arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident
+ (s:=(base.type.Z * base.type.Z)%etype)
+ (d:=base.type.Z)
+ (idc : ident (type.Z * type.Z) type.Z)
+ : option int.type -> arith_expr_for s -> arith_expr_for d
+ := fun desired_type '((e1, t1), (e2, t2))
+ => let t1 := option_map integer_promote_type t1 in
+ let t2 := option_map integer_promote_type t2 in
+ let '((e1, t1), (e2, t2))
+ := cast_bigger_up_if_needed desired_type ((e1, t1), (e2, t2)) in
+ let ct := (t1 <- t1; t2 <- t2; Some (common_type t1 t2))%option in
+ Zcast_down_if_needed desired_type ((idc @@ (e1, e2))%Cexpr, ct).
+ Local Definition fakeprod (A B : Compilers.type.type base.type) : Compilers.type.type base.type
+ := match A, B with
+ | type.base A, type.base B => type.base (base.type.prod A B)
+ | type.arrow _ _, _
+ | _, type.arrow _ _
+ => type.base (base.type.type_base base.type.unit)
+ end.
+ Definition arith_expr_for_uncurried_domain (t : Compilers.type.type base.type)
+ := match t with
+ | type.base t => unit
+ | type.arrow s d => arith_expr_for (type.uncurried_domain fakeprod s d)
+ end.
+ Section with_bind.
+ (* N.B. If we make the [bind*_err] notations, then Coq can't
+ infer types correctly; if we make them [Local
+ Definition]s or [Let]s, then [ocamlopt] fails with
+ "Error: The type of this module, [...], contains type
+ variables that cannot be generalized". We need to run
+ [cbv] below to actually unfold them. >.< *)
+ Local Notation ErrT T := (T + list string)%type.
+ Local Notation ret v := (@inl _ (list string) v) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation "x <- v ; f" := (match v with
+ | inl x => f
+ | inr err => inr err
+ end).
+ Reserved Notation "A1 ,, A2 <- X ; B" (at level 70, A2 at next level, right associativity, format "'[v' A1 ,, A2 <- X ; '/' B ']'").
+ Reserved Notation "A1 ,, A2 <- X1 , X2 ; B" (at level 70, A2 at next level, right associativity, format "'[v' A1 ,, A2 <- X1 , X2 ; '/' B ']'").
+ Reserved Notation "A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 <- X ; B" (at level 70, A2 at next level, A3 at next level, right associativity, format "'[v' A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 <- X ; '/' B ']'").
+ Reserved Notation "A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 <- X1 , X2 , X3 ; B" (at level 70, A2 at next level, A3 at next level, right associativity, format "'[v' A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 <- X1 , X2 , X3 ; '/' B ']'").
+ Reserved Notation "A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 ,, A4 <- X ; B" (at level 70, A2 at next level, A3 at next level, A4 at next level, right associativity, format "'[v' A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 ,, A4 <- X ; '/' B ']'").
+ Reserved Notation "A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 ,, A4 <- X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ; B" (at level 70, A2 at next level, A3 at next level, A4 at next level, right associativity, format "'[v' A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 ,, A4 <- X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ; '/' B ']'").
+ Reserved Notation "A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 ,, A4 ,, A5 <- X ; B" (at level 70, A2 at next level, A3 at next level, A4 at next level, A5 at next level, right associativity, format "'[v' A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 ,, A4 ,, A5 <- X ; '/' B ']'").
+ Reserved Notation "A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 ,, A4 ,, A5 <- X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 , X5 ; B" (at level 70, A2 at next level, A3 at next level, A4 at next level, A5 at next level, right associativity, format "'[v' A1 ,, A2 ,, A3 ,, A4 ,, A5 <- X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 , X5 ; '/' B ']'").
+ Let bind2_err {A B C} (v1 : ErrT A) (v2 : ErrT B) (f : A -> B -> ErrT C) : ErrT C
+ := match v1, v2 with
+ | inl x1, inl x2 => f x1 x2
+ | inr err, inl _ | inl _, inr err => inr err
+ | inr err1, inr err2 => inr (List.app err1 err2)
+ end.
+ Local Notation "x1 ,, x2 <- v1 , v2 ; f"
+ := (bind2_err v1 v2 (fun x1 x2 => f)).
+ Local Notation "x1 ,, x2 <- v ; f"
+ := (x1 ,, x2 <- fst v , snd v; f).
+ Let bind3_err {A B C R} (v1 : ErrT A) (v2 : ErrT B) (v3 : ErrT C) (f : A -> B -> C -> ErrT R) : ErrT R
+ := (x12 ,, x3 <- (x1 ,, x2 <- v1, v2; inl (x1, x2)), v3;
+ let '(x1, x2) := x12 in
+ f x1 x2 x3).
+ Local Notation "x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 <- v1 , v2 , v3 ; f"
+ := (bind3_err v1 v2 v3 (fun x1 x2 x3 => f)).
+ Local Notation "x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 <- v ; f"
+ := (let '(v1, v2, v3) := v in x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 <- v1 , v2 , v3; f).
+ Let bind4_err {A B C D R} (v1 : ErrT A) (v2 : ErrT B) (v3 : ErrT C) (v4 : ErrT D) (f : A -> B -> C -> D -> ErrT R) : ErrT R
+ := (x12 ,, x34 <- (x1 ,, x2 <- v1, v2; inl (x1, x2)), (x3 ,, x4 <- v3, v4; inl (x3, x4));
+ let '((x1, x2), (x3, x4)) := (x12, x34) in
+ f x1 x2 x3 x4).
+ Local Notation "x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 ,, x4 <- v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 ; f"
+ := (bind4_err v1 v2 v3 v4 (fun x1 x2 x3 x4 => f)).
+ Local Notation "x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 ,, x4 <- v ; f"
+ := (let '(v1, v2, v3, v4) := v in x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 ,, x4 <- v1 , v2 , v3 , v4; f).
+ Let bind5_err {A B C D E R} (v1 : ErrT A) (v2 : ErrT B) (v3 : ErrT C) (v4 : ErrT D) (v5 : ErrT E) (f : A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> ErrT R) : ErrT R
+ := (x12 ,, x345 <- (x1 ,, x2 <- v1, v2; inl (x1, x2)), (x3 ,, x4 ,, x5 <- v3, v4, v5; inl (x3, x4, x5));
+ let '((x1, x2), (x3, x4, x5)) := (x12, x345) in
+ f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5).
+ Local Notation "x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 ,, x4 ,, x5 <- v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 ; f"
+ := (bind5_err v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 (fun x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 => f)).
+ Local Notation "x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 ,, x4 ,, x5 <- v ; f"
+ := (let '(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) := v in x1 ,, x2 ,, x3 ,, x4 ,, x5 <- v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5; f).
+ Definition maybe_log2 (s : Z) : option Z
+ := if 2^Z.log2 s =? s then Some (Z.log2 s) else None.
+ Definition maybe_loglog2 (s : Z) : option nat
+ := (v <- maybe_log2 s;
+ v <- maybe_log2 v;
+ if Z.leb 0 v
+ then Some (Z.to_nat v)
+ else None).
+ Definition arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident
+ {t}
+ (idc : ident.ident t)
+ : int.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) -> type.interpM_final (fun T => ErrT T) arith_expr_for_base t
+ := match idc in ident.ident t return int.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) -> type.interpM_final (fun T => ErrT T) arith_expr_for_base t with
+ | ident.Literal base.type.Z v
+ => fun r => ret (cast_down_if_needed
+ r
+ (literal v @@ TT, Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r[v~>v])))
+ | ident.nil t
+ => fun _ => ret nil
+ | ident.cons t
+ => fun r x xs => ret (cast_down_if_needed r (cons x xs))
+ | ident.fst A B => fun r xy => ret (cast_down_if_needed r (@fst _ _ xy))
+ | ident.snd A B => fun r xy => ret (cast_down_if_needed r (@snd _ _ xy))
+ | ident.List_nth_default base.type.Z
+ => fun r d ls n
+ => List.nth_default (inr ["Invalid list index " ++ show false n]%string)
+ (List.map (fun x => ret (cast_down_if_needed r x)) ls) n
+ | ident.Z_shiftr
+ => fun rout '(e, r) '(offset, roffset)
+ => let rin := option_map integer_promote_type r in
+ match invert_literal offset with
+ | Some offset
+ => (** N.B. We must cast the expression up to a
+ large enough type to fit 2^offset
+ (importantly, not just 2^offset-1),
+ because C considers it to be undefined
+ behavior to shift >= width of the type.
+ We should probably figure out how to not
+ generate these things in the first
+ place... *)
+ let '(e', rin') := Zcast_up_if_needed (Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r[0~>2^offset]%zrange)) (e, rin) in
+ ret (cast_down_if_needed rout (Z_shiftr offset @@ e', rin'))
+ | None => inr ["Invalid right-shift by a non-literal"]%string
+ end
+ | ident.Z_shiftl
+ => fun rout '(e, r) '(offset, roffset)
+ => let rin := option_map integer_promote_type r in
+ match invert_literal offset with
+ | Some offset
+ => (** N.B. We must cast the expression up to a
+ large enough type to fit 2^offset
+ (importantly, not just 2^offset-1),
+ because C considers it to be undefined
+ behavior to shift >= width of the type.
+ We should probably figure out how to not
+ generate these things in the first
+ place... *)
+ let rpre_out := int.of_zrange_relaxed r[0~>2^offset]%zrange in
+ let rpre_out := match rout with
+ | Some rout => Some (ToString.C.int.union rout rpre_out)
+ | None => Some rpre_out
+ end in
+ let '(e', rin') := Zcast_up_if_needed rpre_out (e, rin) in
+ ret (cast_down_if_needed rout (Z_shiftl offset @@ e', rin'))
+ | None => inr ["Invalid left-shift by a non-literal"]%string
+ end
+ | ident.Z_bneg
+ => fun rout '(e, r)
+ => (** N.B. We assume that C will implicitly cast the output of [!e] to whatever integer type it wants it in *)
+ ret (Z_bneg @@ e, rout)
+ | ident.Z_land => fun r x y => ret (arith_bin_arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident Z_land r (x, y))
+ | ident.Z_lor => fun r x y => ret (arith_bin_arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident Z_lor r (x, y))
+ | ident.Z_add => fun r x y => ret (arith_bin_arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident Z_add r (x, y))
+ | ident.Z_mul => fun r x y => ret (arith_bin_arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident Z_mul r (x, y))
+ | ident.Z_sub => fun r x y => ret (arith_bin_arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident Z_sub r (x, y))
+ | ident.Z_lnot_modulo
+ => fun rout '(e, r) '(modulus, _)
+ => let rin := option_map integer_promote_type r in
+ match invert_literal modulus with
+ | Some modulus
+ => match maybe_loglog2 modulus with
+ | Some lgbitwidth
+ => let ty := int.unsigned lgbitwidth in
+ let rin' := Some ty in
+ let '(e, _) := Zcast_up_if_needed rin' (e, r) in
+ ret (cast_down_if_needed rout (cast_up_if_needed rout (Z_lnot ty @@ e, rin')))
+ | None => inr ["Invalid modulus for Z.lnot (not 2^(2^_)): " ++ show false modulus]%string
+ end
+ | None => inr ["Invalid non-literal modulus for Z.lnot"]%string
+ end
+ | ident.pair A B
+ => fun _ _ _ => inr ["Invalid identifier in arithmetic expression " ++ show true idc]%string
+ | ident.Z_opp (* we pretend this is [0 - _] *)
+ => fun r y => let zero := (literal 0 @@ TT, Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r[0~>0])) in
+ ret (arith_bin_arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident Z_sub r (zero, y))
+ | ident.Literal _ v
+ => fun _ => ret v
+ | ident.Nat_succ
+ | ident.Nat_pred
+ | ident.Nat_max
+ | ident.Nat_mul
+ | ident.Nat_add
+ | ident.Nat_sub
+ | ident.prod_rect _ _ _
+ | ident.bool_rect _
+ | ident.nat_rect _
+ | ident.nat_rect_arrow _ _
+ | ident.list_rect _ _
+ | ident.list_case _ _
+ | ident.List_length _
+ | ident.List_seq
+ | ident.List_repeat _
+ | ident.List_firstn _
+ | ident.List_skipn _
+ | ident.List_combine _ _
+ | ident.List_map _ _
+ | ident.List_app _
+ | ident.List_rev _
+ | ident.List_flat_map _ _
+ | ident.List_partition _
+ | ident.List_fold_right _ _
+ | ident.List_update_nth _
+ | ident.List_nth_default _
+ | ident.Z_pow
+ | ident.Z_div
+ | ident.Z_modulo
+ | ident.Z_eqb
+ | ident.Z_leb
+ | ident.Z_geb
+ | ident.Z_log2
+ | ident.Z_log2_up
+ | ident.Z_of_nat
+ | ident.Z_to_nat
+ | ident.Z_zselect
+ | ident.Z_mul_split
+ | ident.Z_add_get_carry
+ | ident.Z_add_with_carry
+ | ident.Z_add_with_get_carry
+ | ident.Z_sub_get_borrow
+ | ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow
+ | ident.Z_add_modulo
+ | ident.Z_rshi
+ | ident.Z_cc_m
+ | ident.Z_cast _
+ | ident.Z_cast2 _
+ | ident.fancy_add _ _
+ | ident.fancy_addc _ _
+ | ident.fancy_sub _ _
+ | ident.fancy_subb _ _
+ | ident.fancy_mulll _
+ | ident.fancy_mullh _
+ | ident.fancy_mulhl _
+ | ident.fancy_mulhh _
+ | ident.fancy_rshi _ _
+ | ident.fancy_selc
+ | ident.fancy_selm _
+ | ident.fancy_sell
+ | ident.fancy_addm
+ => fun _ => type.interpM_return _ _ _ (inr ["Invalid identifier in arithmetic expression " ++ show true idc]%string)
+ end%core%Cexpr%option%zrange.
+ Fixpoint collect_args_and_apply_unknown_casts {t}
+ : (int.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) -> type.interpM_final (fun T => ErrT T) arith_expr_for_base t)
+ -> type.interpM_final
+ (fun T => ErrT T)
+ (fun t => int.option.interp t -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t))
+ t
+ := match t
+ return ((int.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) -> type.interpM_final (fun T => ErrT T) arith_expr_for_base t)
+ -> type.interpM_final
+ (fun T => ErrT T)
+ (fun t => int.option.interp t -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t))
+ t)
+ with
+ | type.base t => fun v => ret v
+ | type.arrow (type.base s) d
+ => fun f
+ (x : (int.option.interp s -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base s)))
+ => match x int.option.None return _ with
+ | inl x'
+ => @collect_args_and_apply_unknown_casts
+ d
+ (fun rout => f rout x')
+ | inr errs => type.interpM_return _ _ _ (inr errs)
+ end
+ | type.arrow (type.arrow _ _) _
+ => fun _ => type.interpM_return _ _ _ (inr ["Invalid higher-order function"])
+ end.
+ Definition collect_args_and_apply_known_casts {t}
+ (idc : ident.ident t)
+ : ErrT (type.interpM_final
+ (fun T => ErrT T)
+ (fun t => int.option.interp t -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t))
+ t)
+ := match idc in ident.ident t
+ return ErrT
+ (type.interpM_final
+ (fun T => ErrT T)
+ (fun t => int.option.interp t -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t))
+ t)
+ with
+ | ident.Z_cast r
+ => inl (fun arg => inl (fun r' => arg <- arg (Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r)); ret (Zcast_down_if_needed r' arg)))
+ | ident.Z_cast2 (r1, r2)
+ => inl (fun arg => inl (fun r' => arg <- (arg (Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r1), Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r2)));
+ ret (cast_down_if_needed (t:=base.type.Z*base.type.Z) r' arg)))
+ | ident.pair A B
+ => inl (fun ea eb
+ => inl
+ (fun '(ra, rb)
+ => ea' ,, eb' <- ea ra, eb rb;
+ inl (ea', eb')))
+ | ident.nil _
+ => inl (inl (fun _ => inl nil))
+ | ident.cons t
+ => inl
+ (fun x xs
+ => inl
+ (fun rls
+ => let mkcons (r : int.option.interp t)
+ (rs : int.option.interp (base.type.list t))
+ := x ,, xs <- x r, xs rs;
+ inl (cons x xs) in
+ match rls with
+ | Some (cons r rs) => mkcons r (Some rs)
+ | Some nil
+ | None
+ => mkcons int.option.None int.option.None
+ end))
+ | _ => inr ["Invalid identifier where cast or constructor was expected: " ++ show false idc]%string
+ end.
+ Definition collect_args_and_apply_casts {t} (idc : ident.ident t)
+ (convert_no_cast : int.option.interp (type.final_codomain t) -> type.interpM_final (fun T => ErrT T) arith_expr_for_base t)
+ : type.interpM_final
+ (fun T => ErrT T)
+ (fun t => int.option.interp t -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t))
+ t
+ := match collect_args_and_apply_known_casts idc with
+ | inl res => res
+ | inr errs => collect_args_and_apply_unknown_casts convert_no_cast
+ end.
+ Fixpoint arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS_Var
+ {t}
+ : base_var_data t -> int.option.interp t -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t)
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.Z
+ => fun '(n, r) r' => ret (cast_down_if_needed r' (Var type.Z n, r))
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(da, db) '(ra, rb)
+ => (ea,, eb <- @arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS_Var A da ra, @arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS_Var B db rb;
+ inl (ea, eb))
+ | base.type.list base.type.Z
+ => fun '(n, r, len) r'
+ => ret (List.map
+ (fun i => (List_nth i @@ Var type.Zptr n, r))%core%Cexpr
+ (List.seq 0 len))
+ | base.type.list _
+ | base.type.type_base _
+ => fun _ _ => inr ["Invalid type " ++ show false t]%string
+ end.
+ Fixpoint arith_expr_of_PHOAS
+ {t}
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t)
+ : type.interpM_final
+ (fun T => ErrT T)
+ (fun t => int.option.interp t -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t))
+ t
+ := match e in expr.expr t
+ return type.interpM_final
+ (fun T => ErrT T)
+ (fun t => int.option.interp t -> ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t))
+ t
+ with
+ | expr.Var (type.base _) v
+ => ret (arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS_Var v)
+ | expr.Ident t idc
+ => collect_args_and_apply_casts idc (arith_expr_of_PHOAS_ident idc)
+ | expr.App (type.base s) d f x
+ => let x' := @arith_expr_of_PHOAS s x in
+ match x' with
+ | inl x' => @arith_expr_of_PHOAS _ f x'
+ | inr errs => type.interpM_return _ _ _ (inr errs)
+ end
+ | expr.Var (type.arrow _ _) _
+ => type.interpM_return _ _ _ (inr ["Invalid non-arithmetic let-bound Var of type " ++ show false t]%string)
+ | expr.App (type.arrow _ _) _ _ _
+ => type.interpM_return _ _ _ (inr ["Invalid non-arithmetic let-bound App of type " ++ show false t]%string)
+ | expr.LetIn _ _ _ _
+ => type.interpM_return _ _ _ (inr ["Invalid non-arithmetic let-bound LetIn of type " ++ show false t]%string)
+ | expr.Abs _ _ _
+ => type.interpM_return _ _ _ (inr ["Invalid non-arithmetic let-bound Abs of type: " ++ show false t]%string)
+ end.
+ Definition arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS
+ {t:base.type}
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t)
+ (rout : int.option.interp t)
+ : ErrT (arith_expr_for_base t)
+ := (e' <- arith_expr_of_PHOAS e; e' rout).
+ Fixpoint make_return_assignment_of_base_arith {t}
+ : base_var_data t
+ -> @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t
+ -> ErrT expr
+ := match t return base_var_data t -> expr.expr t -> ErrT expr with
+ | base.type.Z
+ => fun '(n, r) e
+ => (rhs <- arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS e r;
+ let '(e, r) := rhs in
+ ret [AssignZPtr n r e])
+ | base.type.type_base _ => fun _ _ => inr ["Invalid type " ++ show false t]%string
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(rva, rvb) e
+ => match invert_pair e with
+ | Some (ea, eb)
+ => ea',, eb' <- @make_return_assignment_of_base_arith A rva ea, @make_return_assignment_of_base_arith B rvb eb;
+ ret (ea' ++ eb')
+ | None => inr ["Invalid non-pair expr of type " ++ show false t]%string
+ end
+ | base.type.list base.type.Z
+ => fun '(n, r, len) e
+ => (ls <- arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS e (Some (repeat r len));
+ ret (List.map
+ (fun '(i, (e, _)) => AssignNth n i e)
+ (List.combine (List.seq 0 len) ls)))
+ | base.type.list _ => fun _ _ => inr ["Invalid type of expr: " ++ show false t]%string
+ end%list.
+ Definition make_return_assignment_of_arith {t}
+ : var_data t
+ -> @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t
+ -> ErrT expr
+ := match t with
+ | type.base t => make_return_assignment_of_base_arith
+ | type.arrow s d => fun _ _ => inr ["Invalid type of expr: " ++ show false t]%string
+ end.
+ Definition report_type_mismatch (expected : defaults.type) (given : defaults.type) : string
+ := ("Type mismatch; expected " ++ show false expected ++ " but given " ++ show false given ++ ".")%string.
+ Fixpoint arith_expr_of_PHOAS_args
+ {t}
+ : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data) t
+ -> ErrT (type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t * (arith_expr type.Z * option int.type)) t)
+ := match t with
+ | type.base t => fun 'tt => inl tt
+ | type.arrow (type.base base.type.Z) d
+ => fun '(arg, args)
+ => arg' ,, args' <- arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS arg int.option.None , @arith_expr_of_PHOAS_args d args;
+ inl ((arg, arg'), args')
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun '(arg, args)
+ => arg' ,, args' <- @inr unit _ ["Invalid argument of non-ℤ type " ++ show false s]%string , @arith_expr_of_PHOAS_args d args;
+ inr ["Impossible! (type error got lost somewhere)"]
+ end.
+ Let recognize_1ref_ident
+ {t}
+ (idc : ident.ident t)
+ (rout : option int.type)
+ : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t * (arith_expr type.Z * option int.type))%type t
+ -> ErrT (arith_expr type.Zptr -> expr)
+ := let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in
+ match idc with
+ | ident.Z_zselect
+ => fun '((econdv, (econd, rcond)), ((e1v, (e1, r1)), ((e2v, (e2, r2)), tt)))
+ => match rcond with
+ | Some (int.unsigned 0)
+ => let r1 := option_map integer_promote_type r1 in
+ let r2 := option_map integer_promote_type r2 in
+ let '((e1, r1), (e2, r2))
+ := cast_bigger_up_if_needed rout ((e1, r1), (e2, r2)) in
+ let ct := (r1 <- r1; r2 <- r2; Some (common_type r1 r2))%option in
+ ty <- match ct, rout with
+ | Some ct, Some rout
+ => if int.type_beq ct rout
+ then inl ct
+ else inr ["Casting the result of Z.zselect to a type other than the common type is not currently supported. (Cannot cast a pointer to " ++ show false rout ++ " to a pointer to " ++ show false ct ++ ".)"]%string
+ | None, _ => inr ["Unexpected None result of common-type calculation for Z.zselect"]
+ | _, None => inr ["Missing cast annotation on return of Z.zselect"]
+ end;
+ ret (fun retptr => [Call (Z_zselect ty @@ (retptr, (econd, e1, e2)))]%Cexpr)
+ | _ => inr ["Invalid argument to Z.zselect not known to be 0 or 1: " ++ show false econdv]%string
+ end
+ | _ => fun _ => inr ["Unrecognized identifier (expecting a 1-pointer-returning function): " ++ show false idc]%string
+ end.
+ Definition bounds_check (do_bounds_check : bool) (descr : string) {t} (idc : ident.ident t) (s : BinInt.Z) {t'} (ev : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t') (found : option int.type)
+ : ErrT unit
+ := if negb do_bounds_check
+ then ret tt
+ else
+ let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in
+ match found with
+ | None => inr ["Missing range on " ++ descr ++ " " ++ show true idc ++ ": " ++ show true ev]%string
+ | Some ty
+ => if int.is_tighter_than ty (int.of_zrange_relaxed r[0~>2^s-1])
+ then ret tt
+ else inr ["Final bounds check failed on " ++ descr ++ " " ++ show false idc ++ "; expected an unsigned " ++ decimal_string_of_Z s ++ "-bit number (" ++ show false (int.of_zrange_relaxed r[0~>2^s-1]) ++ "), but found a " ++ show false ty ++ "."]%string
+ end.
+ Let round_up_to_split_type (lgs : Z) (t : option int.type) : option int.type
+ := option_map (int.union (int.of_zrange_relaxed r[0~>2^lgs-1])) t.
+ Let recognize_3arg_2ref_ident
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ (t:=(base.type.Z -> base.type.Z -> base.type.Z -> base.type.Z * base.type.Z)%etype)
+ (idc : ident.ident t)
+ (rout : option int.type * option int.type)
+ (args : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t * (arith_expr type.Z * option int.type))%type t)
+ : ErrT ((option int.type * option int.type) * (arith_expr (type.Zptr * type.Zptr) -> expr))
+ := let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in
+ let '((s, _), ((e1v, (e1, r1)), ((e2v, (e2, r2)), tt))) := args in
+ match (s <- invert_Literal s; maybe_log2 s)%option, idc return ErrT ((option int.type * option int.type) * (arith_expr (type.Zptr * type.Zptr) -> expr))
+ with
+ | Some s, ident.Z_mul_split
+ => (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _
+ <- bounds_check do_bounds_check "first argument to" idc s e1v r1,
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "second argument to" idc s e2v r2,
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "first return value of" idc s e2v (fst rout),
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "second return value of" idc s e2v (snd rout);
+ inl ((round_up_to_split_type s (fst rout), round_up_to_split_type s (snd rout)),
+ fun retptr => [Call (Z_mul_split s @@ (retptr, (e1, e2)))%Cexpr]))
+ | Some s, ident.Z_add_get_carry as idc
+ | Some s, ident.Z_sub_get_borrow as idc
+ => let idc' : ident _ _ := invert_Some match idc with
+ | ident.Z_add_get_carry => Some (Z_add_with_get_carry s)
+ | ident.Z_sub_get_borrow => Some (Z_sub_with_get_borrow s)
+ | _ => None
+ end in
+ (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _
+ <- bounds_check do_bounds_check "first argument to" idc s e1v r1,
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "second argument to" idc s e2v r2,
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "first return value of" idc s e2v (fst rout),
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "second return value of" idc 1 (* boolean carry/borrow *) e2v (snd rout);
+ inl ((round_up_to_split_type s (fst rout), snd rout),
+ fun retptr => [Call (idc' @@ (retptr, (literal 0 @@ TT, e1, e2)))%Cexpr]))
+ | Some _, _ => inr ["Unrecognized identifier when attempting to construct an assignment with 2 arguments: " ++ show true idc]%string
+ | None, _ => inr ["Expression is not a literal power of two of type ℤ: " ++ show true s ++ " (when trying to parse the first argument of " ++ show true idc ++ ")"]%string
+ end.
+ Let recognize_4arg_2ref_ident
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ (t:=(base.type.Z -> base.type.Z -> base.type.Z -> base.type.Z -> base.type.Z * base.type.Z)%etype)
+ (idc : ident.ident t)
+ (rout : option int.type * option int.type)
+ (args : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t * (arith_expr type.Z * option int.type))%type t)
+ : ErrT ((option int.type * option int.type) * (arith_expr (type.Zptr * type.Zptr) -> expr))
+ := let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in
+ let '((s, _), ((e1v, (e1, r1)), ((e2v, (e2, r2)), ((e3v, (e3, r3)), tt)))) := args in
+ match (s <- invert_Literal s; maybe_log2 s)%option, idc return ErrT ((option int.type * option int.type) * (arith_expr (type.Zptr * type.Zptr) -> expr))
+ with
+ | Some s, ident.Z_add_with_get_carry as idc
+ | Some s, ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow as idc
+ => let idc' : ident _ _ := invert_Some match idc with
+ | ident.Z_add_with_get_carry => Some (Z_add_with_get_carry s)
+ | ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow => Some (Z_sub_with_get_borrow s)
+ | _ => None
+ end in
+ (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _
+ <- (bounds_check do_bounds_check "first (carry) argument to" idc 1 e1v r1,
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "second argument to" idc s e2v r2,
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "third argument to" idc s e2v r2,
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "first return value of" idc s e2v (fst rout),
+ bounds_check do_bounds_check "second (carry) return value of" idc 1 (* boolean carry/borrow *) e2v (snd rout));
+ inl ((round_up_to_split_type s (fst rout), snd rout),
+ fun retptr => [Call (idc' @@ (retptr, (e1, e2, e3)))%Cexpr]))
+ | Some _, _ => inr ["Unrecognized identifier when attempting to construct an assignment with 2 arguments: " ++ show true idc]%string
+ | None, _ => inr ["Expression is not a literal power of two of type ℤ: " ++ show true s ++ " (when trying to parse the first argument of " ++ show true idc ++ ")"]%string
+ end.
+ Let recognize_2ref_ident
+ {t}
+ : forall (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ (idc : ident.ident t)
+ (rout : option int.type * option int.type)
+ (args : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (fun t => @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t * (arith_expr type.Z * option int.type))%type t),
+ ErrT ((option int.type * option int.type) * (arith_expr (type.Zptr * type.Zptr) -> expr))
+ := match t with
+ | (type.base base.type.Z -> type.base base.type.Z -> type.base base.type.Z -> type.base (base.type.Z * base.type.Z))%etype
+ => recognize_3arg_2ref_ident
+ | (type.base base.type.Z -> type.base base.type.Z -> type.base base.type.Z -> type.base base.type.Z -> type.base (base.type.Z * base.type.Z))%etype
+ => recognize_4arg_2ref_ident
+ | _ => fun do_bounds_check idc rout args => inr ["Unrecognized type for function call: " ++ show false t ++ " (when trying to handle the identifer " ++ show false idc ++ ")"]%string
+ end.
+ Definition declare_name
+ (descr : string)
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ (r : option int.type)
+ : ErrT (expr * string * arith_expr type.Zptr)
+ := (n ,, r <- (match make_name count with
+ | Some n => ret n
+ | None => inr ["Variable naming-function does not support the index " ++ show false count]%string
+ end,
+ match r with
+ | Some r => ret r
+ | None => inr ["Missing return type annotation for " ++ descr]%string
+ end);
+ ret ([DeclareVar type.Z (Some r) n], n, (Addr @@ Var type.Z n)%Cexpr)).
+ Let make_assign_arg_1ref_opt
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data base.type.Z)
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ : ErrT (expr * var_data base.type.Z)
+ := let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in
+ let e1 := e in
+ let '(rout, e) := match invert_Z_cast e with
+ | Some (r, e) => (Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r), e)
+ | None => (None, e)
+ end%core in
+ let res_ref
+ := match invert_AppIdent_curried e with
+ | Some (existT _ (idc, args))
+ => args <- arith_expr_of_PHOAS_args args;
+ idce <- recognize_1ref_ident idc rout args;
+ v <- declare_name (show false idc) count make_name rout;
+ let '(decls, n, retv) := v in
+ ret ((decls ++ (idce retv))%list, (n, rout))
+ | None => inr ["Invalid assignment of non-identifier-application: " ++ show false e]%string
+ end in
+ match res_ref with
+ | inl res => ret res
+ | inr _
+ => e1 <- arith_expr_of_base_PHOAS e1 None;
+ let '(e1, r1) := e1 in
+ match make_name count with
+ | Some n1
+ => ret ([Assign true type.Z r1 n1 e1], (n1, r1))
+ | None => inr ["Variable naming-function does not support the index " ++ show false count]%string
+ end
+ end.
+ Let make_assign_arg_2ref
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data (base.type.Z * base.type.Z))
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ : ErrT (expr * var_data (base.type.Z * base.type.Z))
+ := let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in
+ let '((rout1, rout2), e)
+ := match invert_Z_cast2 e with
+ | Some ((r1, r2), e) => ((Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r1), Some (int.of_zrange_relaxed r2)), e)
+ | None => ((None, None), e)
+ end%core in
+ match invert_AppIdent_curried e with
+ | Some (existT t (idc, args))
+ => args <- arith_expr_of_PHOAS_args args;
+ idce <- recognize_2ref_ident do_bounds_check idc (rout1, rout2) args;
+ let '((rout1, rout2), idce) := idce in
+ v1,, v2 <- (declare_name (show false idc) count make_name rout1,
+ declare_name (show false idc) (Pos.succ count) make_name rout2);
+ let '(decls1, n1, retv1) := v1 in
+ let '(decls2, n2, retv2) := v2 in
+ ret (decls1 ++ decls2 ++ (idce (retv1, retv2)%Cexpr), ((n1, rout1), (n2, rout2)))%list
+ | None => inr ["Invalid assignment of non-identifier-application: " ++ show false e]%string
+ end.
+ Let make_assign_arg_ref
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ {t}
+ : forall (e : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t)
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string),
+ ErrT (expr * var_data t)
+ := let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in
+ match t with
+ | type.base base.type.Z => make_assign_arg_1ref_opt
+ | type.base (base.type.Z * base.type.Z)%etype => make_assign_arg_2ref do_bounds_check
+ | _ => fun e _ _ => inr ["Invalid type of assignment expression: " ++ show false t ++ " (with expression " ++ show true e ++ ")"]
+ end.
+ Fixpoint size_of_type (t : base.type) : positive
+ := match t with
+ | base.type.type_base t => 1
+ | base.type.prod A B => size_of_type A + size_of_type B
+ | base.type.list A => 1
+ end%positive.
+ Let make_uniform_assign_expr_of_PHOAS
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ {s} (e1 : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data s)
+ {d} (e2 : var_data s -> var_data d -> ErrT expr)
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ (vd : var_data d)
+ : ErrT expr
+ := let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in (* for TC resolution *)
+ e1_vs <- make_assign_arg_ref do_bounds_check e1 count make_name;
+ let '(e1, vs) := e1_vs in
+ e2 <- e2 vs vd;
+ ret (e1 ++ e2)%list.
+ (* See above comment about extraction issues *)
+ Definition make_assign_expr_of_PHOAS
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ {s} (e1 : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data s)
+ {s' d} (e2 : var_data s' -> var_data d -> ErrT expr)
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ (v : var_data d)
+ : ErrT expr
+ := Eval cbv beta iota delta [bind2_err bind3_err bind4_err bind5_err recognize_1ref_ident recognize_3arg_2ref_ident recognize_4arg_2ref_ident recognize_2ref_ident make_assign_arg_1ref_opt make_assign_arg_2ref make_assign_arg_ref make_uniform_assign_expr_of_PHOAS make_uniform_assign_expr_of_PHOAS round_up_to_split_type] in
+ match type.try_transport base.try_make_transport_cps _ _ s' e1 with
+ | Some e1 => make_uniform_assign_expr_of_PHOAS do_bounds_check e1 e2 count make_name v
+ | None => inr [report_type_mismatch s' s]
+ end.
+ Fixpoint expr_of_base_PHOAS
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ {t}
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t)
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ {struct e}
+ : forall (ret_val : var_data t), ErrT expr
+ := match e in expr.expr t return var_data t -> ErrT expr with
+ | expr.LetIn (type.base s) d e1 e2
+ => make_assign_expr_of_PHOAS
+ do_bounds_check
+ e1
+ (fun vs vd => @expr_of_base_PHOAS do_bounds_check d (e2 vs) (size_of_type s + count)%positive make_name vd)
+ count make_name
+ | expr.LetIn (type.arrow _ _) _ _ _ as e
+ | expr.Var _ _ as e
+ | expr.Ident _ _ as e
+ | expr.App _ _ _ _ as e
+ | expr.Abs _ _ _ as e
+ => fun v => make_return_assignment_of_arith v e
+ end%expr_pat%option.
+ Fixpoint base_var_data_of_bounds {t}
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ {struct t}
+ : ZRange.type.base.option.interp t -> option (positive * var_data t)
+ := match t return ZRange.type.base.option.interp t -> option (positive * var_data t) with
+ | base.type.Z
+ => fun r => (n <- make_name count;
+ Some (Pos.succ count, (n, option_map int.of_zrange_relaxed r)))
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(ra, rb)
+ => (va <- @base_var_data_of_bounds A count make_name ra;
+ let '(count, va) := va in
+ vb <- @base_var_data_of_bounds B count make_name rb;
+ let '(count, vb) := vb in
+ Some (count, (va, vb)))
+ | base.type.list base.type.Z
+ => fun r
+ => (ls <- r;
+ n <- make_name count;
+ Some (Pos.succ count,
+ (n,
+ match List.map (option_map int.of_zrange_relaxed) ls with
+ | nil => None
+ | cons x xs
+ => List.fold_right
+ (fun r1 r2 => r1 <- r1; r2 <- r2; Some (int.union r1 r2))
+ x
+ xs
+ end,
+ length ls)))
+ | base.type.unit
+ => fun _ => Some (count, tt)
+ | base.type.list _
+ | base.type.type_base _
+ => fun _ => None
+ end%option.
+ Definition var_data_of_bounds {t}
+ (count : positive)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ : ZRange.type.option.interp t -> option (positive * var_data t)
+ := match t with
+ | type.base t => base_var_data_of_bounds count make_name
+ | type.arrow s d => fun _ => None
+ end.
+ Fixpoint expr_of_PHOAS'
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ {t}
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t)
+ (make_in_name : positive -> option string)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ (inbounds : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
+ (out_data : var_data (type.final_codomain t))
+ (count : positive)
+ (in_to_body_count : positive -> positive)
+ {struct t}
+ : ErrT (type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t * var_data (type.final_codomain t) * expr)
+ := let _ := @PHOAS.expr.partially_show_expr in (* for TC resolution *)
+ match t return @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t -> type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t -> var_data (type.final_codomain t) -> ErrT (type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t * var_data (type.final_codomain t) * expr) with
+ | type.base t
+ => fun e tt vd
+ => rv <- expr_of_base_PHOAS do_bounds_check e (in_to_body_count count) make_name vd;
+ ret (tt, vd, rv)
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun e '(inbound, inbounds) vd
+ => match var_data_of_bounds count make_in_name inbound, invert_Abs e with
+ | Some (count, vs), Some f
+ => retv <- @expr_of_PHOAS' do_bounds_check d (f vs) make_in_name make_name inbounds vd count in_to_body_count;
+ let '(vss, vd, rv) := retv in
+ ret (vs, vss, vd, rv)
+ | None, _ => inr ["Unable to bind names for all arguments and bounds at type " ++ show false s]%string%list
+ | _, None => inr ["Invalid non-λ expression of arrow type (" ++ show false t ++ "): " ++ show true e]%string%list
+ end
+ end%core%expr e inbounds out_data.
+ Definition expr_of_PHOAS
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ {t}
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.expr base.type ident.ident var_data t)
+ (make_in_name : positive -> option string)
+ (make_out_name : positive -> option string)
+ (make_name : positive -> option string)
+ (inbounds : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
+ (outbounds : ZRange.type.option.interp (type.final_codomain t))
+ (count : positive)
+ (in_to_body_count out_to_in_count : positive -> positive)
+ : ErrT (type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t * var_data (type.final_codomain t) * expr)
+ := match var_data_of_bounds count make_out_name outbounds with
+ | Some vd
+ => let '(count, vd) := vd in
+ let count := out_to_in_count count in
+ @expr_of_PHOAS' do_bounds_check t e make_in_name make_name inbounds vd count in_to_body_count
+ | None => inr ["Unable to bind names for all return arguments and bounds at type " ++ show false (type.final_codomain t)]%string
+ end.
+ Definition ExprOfPHOAS
+ (do_bounds_check : bool)
+ {t}
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.Expr base.type ident.ident t)
+ (name_list : option (list string))
+ (inbounds : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
+ : ErrT (type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t * var_data (type.final_codomain t) * expr)
+ := (let outbounds := partial.Extract e inbounds in
+ let make_name_gen prefix := match name_list with
+ | None => fun p => Some (prefix ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Zpos p))
+ | Some ls => fun p => List.nth_error ls (pred (Pos.to_nat p))
+ end in
+ let make_in_name := make_name_gen "arg" in
+ let make_out_name := make_name_gen "out" in
+ let make_name := make_name_gen "x" in
+ let reset_if_names_given := match name_list with
+ | Some _ => fun p : positive => p
+ | None => fun _ : positive => 1%positive
+ end in
+ expr_of_PHOAS do_bounds_check (e _) make_in_name make_out_name make_name inbounds outbounds 1 reset_if_names_given reset_if_names_given).
+ End with_bind.
+ End OfPHOAS.
+ Module String.
+ Definition typedef_header (prefix : string) (bitwidths_used : PositiveSet.t)
+ : list string
+ := (["#include <stdint.h>"]
+ ++ (if PositiveSet.mem 1 bitwidths_used
+ then ["typedef unsigned char " ++ prefix ++ "uint1;";
+ "typedef signed char " ++ prefix ++ "int1;"]%string
+ else [])
+ ++ (if PositiveSet.mem 128 bitwidths_used
+ then ["typedef signed __int128 " ++ prefix ++ "int128;";
+ "typedef unsigned __int128 " ++ prefix ++ "uint128;"]%string
+ else []))%list.
+ Definition stdint_bitwidths : list Z := [8; 16; 32; 64].
+ Definition is_special_bitwidth (bw : Z) := negb (existsb (Z.eqb bw) stdint_bitwidths).
+ Module int.
+ Module type.
+ Definition to_string (prefix : string) (t : int.type) : string
+ := ((if is_special_bitwidth (int.bitwidth_of t) then prefix else "")
+ ++ (if int.is_unsigned t then "u" else "")
+ ++ "int"
+ ++ decimal_string_of_Z (int.bitwidth_of t)
+ ++ (if is_special_bitwidth (int.bitwidth_of t) then "" else "_t"))%string.
+ Definition to_literal_macro_string (t : int.type) : option string
+ := if Z.ltb (int.bitwidth_of t) 8
+ then None
+ else Some ((if int.is_unsigned t then "U" else "")
+ ++ "INT"
+ ++ decimal_string_of_Z (int.bitwidth_of t)
+ ++ "_C")%string.
+ End type.
+ End int.
+ Module type.
+ Module primitive.
+ Definition to_string (prefix : string) (t : type.primitive) (r : option int.type) : string
+ := match r with
+ | Some int_t => int.type.to_string prefix int_t
+ | None => "ℤ"
+ end ++ match t with
+ | type.Zptr => "*"
+ | type.Z => ""
+ end.
+ End primitive.
+ End type.
+ End String.
+ Module primitive.
+ Definition to_string (prefix : string) (t : type.primitive) (v : BinInt.Z) : string
+ := match t, String.int.type.to_literal_macro_string (int.of_zrange_relaxed r[v ~> v]) with
+ | type.Z, Some macro
+ => macro ++ "(" ++ HexString.of_Z v ++ ")"
+ | type.Z, None => HexString.of_Z v
+ | type.Zptr, _ => "#error ""literal address " ++ HexString.of_Z v ++ """;"
+ end.
+ End primitive.
+ Fixpoint arith_to_string (prefix : string) {t} (e : arith_expr t) : string
+ := match e with
+ | (literal v @@ _) => primitive.to_string prefix type.Z v
+ | (List_nth n @@ Var _ v)
+ => "(" ++ v ++ "[" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Z.of_nat n) ++ "])"
+ | (Addr @@ Var _ v) => "&" ++ v
+ | (Dereference @@ e) => "( *" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e ++ " )"
+ | (Z_shiftr offset @@ e)
+ => "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e ++ " >> " ++ decimal_string_of_Z offset ++ ")"
+ | (Z_shiftl offset @@ e)
+ => "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e ++ " << " ++ decimal_string_of_Z offset ++ ")"
+ | (Z_land @@ (e1, e2))
+ => "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e1 ++ " & " ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e2 ++ ")"
+ | (Z_lor @@ (e1, e2))
+ => "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e1 ++ " | " ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e2 ++ ")"
+ | (Z_add @@ (x1, x2))
+ => "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ x1 ++ " + " ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ x2 ++ ")"
+ | (Z_mul @@ (x1, x2))
+ => "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ x1 ++ " * " ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ x2 ++ ")"
+ | (Z_sub @@ (x1, x2))
+ => "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ x1 ++ " - " ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ x2 ++ ")"
+ | (Z_opp @@ e)
+ => "(-" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e ++ ")"
+ | (Z_lnot _ @@ e)
+ => "(~" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e ++ ")"
+ | (Z_bneg @@ e)
+ => "(!" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e ++ ")"
+ | (Z_mul_split lg2s @@ args)
+ => prefix
+ ++ "mulx_u"
+ ++ decimal_string_of_Z lg2s ++ "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ args ++ ")"
+ | (Z_add_with_get_carry lg2s @@ args)
+ => prefix
+ ++ "addcarryx_u"
+ ++ decimal_string_of_Z lg2s ++ "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ args ++ ")"
+ | (Z_sub_with_get_borrow lg2s @@ args)
+ => prefix
+ ++ "subborrowx_u"
+ ++ decimal_string_of_Z lg2s ++ "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ args ++ ")"
+ | (Z_zselect ty @@ args)
+ => prefix
+ ++ "cmovznz_"
+ ++ (if int.is_unsigned ty then "u" else "")
+ ++ decimal_string_of_Z (int.bitwidth_of ty) ++ "(" ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ args ++ ")"
+ | (Z_add_modulo @@ (x1, x2, x3)) => "#error addmodulo;"
+ | (Z_static_cast int_t @@ e)
+ => "(" ++ String.type.primitive.to_string prefix type.Z (Some int_t) ++ ")"
+ ++ @arith_to_string prefix _ e
+ | Var _ v => v
+ | Pair A B a b
+ => @arith_to_string prefix A a ++ ", " ++ @arith_to_string prefix B b
+ | (List_nth _ @@ _)
+ | (Addr @@ _)
+ | (Z_add @@ _)
+ | (Z_mul @@ _)
+ | (Z_sub @@ _)
+ | (Z_land @@ _)
+ | (Z_lor @@ _)
+ | (Z_add_modulo @@ _)
+ => "#error bad_arg;"
+ | TT
+ => "#error tt;"
+ end%core%Cexpr.
+ Fixpoint stmt_to_string (prefix : string) (e : stmt) : string
+ := match e with
+ | Call val
+ => arith_to_string prefix val ++ ";"
+ | Assign true t sz name val
+ => String.type.primitive.to_string prefix t sz ++ " " ++ name ++ " = " ++ arith_to_string prefix val ++ ";"
+ | Assign false _ sz name val
+ => name ++ " = " ++ arith_to_string prefix val ++ ";"
+ | AssignZPtr name sz val
+ => "*" ++ name ++ " = " ++ arith_to_string prefix val ++ ";"
+ | DeclareVar t sz name
+ => String.type.primitive.to_string prefix t sz ++ " " ++ name ++ ";"
+ | AssignNth name n val
+ => name ++ "[" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Z.of_nat n) ++ "] = " ++ arith_to_string prefix val ++ ";"
+ end.
+ Definition to_strings (prefix : string) (e : expr) : list string
+ := List.map (stmt_to_string prefix) e.
+ Record ident_infos :=
+ { bitwidths_used : PositiveSet.t;
+ addcarryx_lg_splits : PositiveSet.t;
+ mulx_lg_splits : PositiveSet.t;
+ cmovznz_bitwidths : PositiveSet.t }.
+ Definition ident_info_empty : ident_infos
+ := Build_ident_infos PositiveSet.empty PositiveSet.empty PositiveSet.empty PositiveSet.empty.
+ Definition ident_info_union (x y : ident_infos) : ident_infos
+ := let (x0, x1, x2, x3) := x in
+ let (y0, y1, y2, y3) := y in
+ Build_ident_infos
+ (PositiveSet.union x0 y0)
+ (PositiveSet.union x1 y1)
+ (PositiveSet.union x2 y2)
+ (PositiveSet.union x3 y3).
+ Definition ident_info_of_bitwidths_used (v : PositiveSet.t) : ident_infos
+ := {| bitwidths_used := v;
+ addcarryx_lg_splits := PositiveSet.empty;
+ mulx_lg_splits := PositiveSet.empty;
+ cmovznz_bitwidths := PositiveSet.empty |}.
+ Definition ident_info_of_addcarryx (v : PositiveSet.t) : ident_infos
+ := {| bitwidths_used := PositiveSet.empty;
+ addcarryx_lg_splits := v;
+ mulx_lg_splits := PositiveSet.empty;
+ cmovznz_bitwidths := PositiveSet.empty |}.
+ Definition ident_info_of_mulx (v : PositiveSet.t) : ident_infos
+ := {| bitwidths_used := PositiveSet.empty;
+ addcarryx_lg_splits := PositiveSet.empty;
+ mulx_lg_splits := v;
+ cmovznz_bitwidths := PositiveSet.empty |}.
+ Definition ident_info_of_cmovznz (v : PositiveSet.t) : ident_infos
+ := {| bitwidths_used := PositiveSet.empty;
+ addcarryx_lg_splits := PositiveSet.empty;
+ mulx_lg_splits := PositiveSet.empty;
+ cmovznz_bitwidths := v |}.
+ Definition collect_bitwidths_of_int_type (t : int.type) : PositiveSet.t
+ := PositiveSet.add (Z.to_pos (int.bitwidth_of t)) PositiveSet.empty.
+ Definition collect_infos_of_ident {s d} (idc : ident s d) : ident_infos
+ := match idc with
+ | Z_static_cast ty => ident_info_of_bitwidths_used (collect_bitwidths_of_int_type ty)
+ | Z_mul_split lg2s
+ => ident_info_of_mulx (PositiveSet.add (Z.to_pos lg2s) PositiveSet.empty)
+ | Z_add_with_get_carry lg2s
+ | Z_sub_with_get_borrow lg2s
+ => ident_info_of_addcarryx (PositiveSet.add (Z.to_pos lg2s) PositiveSet.empty)
+ | Z_zselect ty
+ => ident_info_of_cmovznz (collect_bitwidths_of_int_type ty)
+ | literal _
+ | List_nth _
+ | Addr
+ | Dereference
+ | Z_shiftr _
+ | Z_shiftl _
+ | Z_land
+ | Z_lor
+ | Z_add
+ | Z_mul
+ | Z_sub
+ | Z_opp
+ | Z_bneg
+ | Z_lnot _
+ | Z_add_modulo
+ => ident_info_empty
+ end.
+ Fixpoint collect_infos_of_arith_expr {t} (e : arith_expr t) : ident_infos
+ := match e with
+ | AppIdent s d idc arg => ident_info_union (collect_infos_of_ident idc) (@collect_infos_of_arith_expr _ arg)
+ | Var t v => ident_info_empty
+ | Pair A B a b => ident_info_union (@collect_infos_of_arith_expr _ a) (@collect_infos_of_arith_expr _ b)
+ | TT => ident_info_empty
+ end.
+ Fixpoint collect_infos_of_stmt (e : stmt) : ident_infos
+ := match e with
+ | Assign _ _ (Some sz) _ val
+ | AssignZPtr _ (Some sz) val
+ => ident_info_union (ident_info_of_bitwidths_used (collect_bitwidths_of_int_type sz)) (collect_infos_of_arith_expr val)
+ | Call val
+ | Assign _ _ None _ val
+ | AssignZPtr _ None val
+ | AssignNth _ _ val
+ => collect_infos_of_arith_expr val
+ | DeclareVar _ (Some sz) _
+ => ident_info_of_bitwidths_used (collect_bitwidths_of_int_type sz)
+ | DeclareVar _ None _
+ => ident_info_empty
+ end.
+ Fixpoint collect_infos (e : expr) : ident_infos
+ := fold_right
+ ident_info_union
+ ident_info_empty
+ (List.map
+ collect_infos_of_stmt
+ e).
+ Import OfPHOAS.
+ Fixpoint to_base_arg_list (prefix : string) {t} : base_var_data t -> list string
+ := match t return base_var_data t -> _ with
+ | base.type.Z
+ => fun '(n, r) => [String.type.primitive.to_string prefix type.Z r ++ " " ++ n]
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(va, vb) => (@to_base_arg_list prefix A va ++ @to_base_arg_list prefix B vb)%list
+ | base.type.list base.type.Z
+ => fun '(n, r, len) => ["const " ++ String.type.primitive.to_string prefix type.Z r ++ " " ++ n ++ "[" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Z.of_nat len) ++ "]"]
+ | base.type.list _ => fun _ => ["#error ""complex list"";"]
+ | base.type.unit => fun _ => ["#error unit;"]
+ | base.type.nat => fun _ => ["#error ℕ;"]
+ | base.type.bool => fun _ => ["#error bool;"]
+ end.
+ Definition to_arg_list (prefix : string) {t} : var_data t -> list string
+ := match t return var_data t -> _ with
+ | type.base t => to_base_arg_list prefix
+ | type.arrow _ _ => fun _ => ["#error arrow;"]
+ end.
+ Fixpoint to_arg_list_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (prefix : string) {t} : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t -> list string
+ := match t return type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t -> _ with
+ | type.base t => fun _ => nil
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun '(x, xs)
+ => to_arg_list prefix x ++ @to_arg_list_for_each_lhs_of_arrow prefix d xs
+ end%list.
+ Fixpoint to_base_retarg_list prefix {t} : base_var_data t -> list string
+ := match t return base_var_data t -> _ with
+ | base.type.Z
+ => fun '(n, r) => [String.type.primitive.to_string prefix type.Zptr r ++ " " ++ n]
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(va, vb) => (@to_base_retarg_list prefix A va ++ @to_base_retarg_list prefix B vb)%list
+ | base.type.list base.type.Z
+ => fun '(n, r, len) => [String.type.primitive.to_string prefix type.Z r ++ " " ++ n ++ "[" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Z.of_nat len) ++ "]"]
+ | base.type.list _ => fun _ => ["#error ""complex list"";"]
+ | base.type.unit => fun _ => ["#error unit;"]
+ | base.type.nat => fun _ => ["#error ℕ;"]
+ | base.type.bool => fun _ => ["#error bool;"]
+ end.
+ Definition to_retarg_list (prefix : string) {t} : var_data t -> list string
+ := match t return var_data t -> _ with
+ | type.base _ => to_base_retarg_list prefix
+ | type.arrow _ _ => fun _ => ["#error arrow;"]
+ end.
+ Fixpoint bound_to_string {t : base.type} : var_data t -> ZRange.type.base.option.interp t -> list string
+ := match t return var_data t -> ZRange.type.base.option.interp t -> list string with
+ | base.type.Z
+ => fun '(name, _) arg
+ => [(name ++ ": ")
+ ++ match arg with
+ | Some arg => show false arg
+ | None => show false arg
+ end]%string
+ | base.type.prod A B
+ => fun '(va, vb) '(a, b)
+ => @bound_to_string A va a ++ @bound_to_string B vb b
+ | base.type.list A
+ => fun '(name, _, _) arg
+ => [(name ++ ": ")
+ ++ match ZRange.type.base.option.lift_Some arg with
+ | Some arg => show false arg
+ | None => show false arg
+ end]%string
+ | base.type.unit
+ | base.type.bool
+ | base.type.nat
+ => fun _ _ => nil
+ end%list.
+ Fixpoint input_bounds_to_string {t} : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t -> type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t -> list string
+ := match t return type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t -> type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t -> list string with
+ | type.base t => fun _ _ => nil
+ | type.arrow (type.base s) d
+ => fun '(v, vs) '(arg, args)
+ => (bound_to_string v arg)
+ ++ @input_bounds_to_string d vs args
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun '(absurd, _) => match absurd : Empty_set with end
+ end%list.
+ Definition to_function_lines (static : bool) (prefix : string) (name : string)
+ {t}
+ (f : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow var_data t * var_data (type.final_codomain t) * expr)
+ : list string
+ := let '(args, rets, body) := f in
+ (((((if static then "static " else "")
+ ++ "void "
+ ++ name ++ "("
+ ++ (String.concat ", " (to_retarg_list prefix rets ++ to_arg_list_for_each_lhs_of_arrow prefix args))
+ ++ ") {")%string)
+ :: (List.map (fun s => " " ++ s)%string (to_strings prefix body)))
+ ++ ["}"])%list.
+ Definition ToFunctionLines (do_bounds_check : bool) (static : bool) (prefix : string) (name : string) (comment : list string)
+ {t}
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.Expr base.type ident.ident t)
+ (name_list : option (list string))
+ (inbounds : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
+ (outbounds : ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t))
+ : (list string * ident_infos) + string
+ := match ExprOfPHOAS do_bounds_check e name_list inbounds with
+ | inl (indata, outdata, f)
+ => inl ((["/*"]
+ ++ (List.map (fun s => " * " ++ s)%string comment)
+ ++ [" * Input Bounds:"]
+ ++ List.map (fun v => " * " ++ v)%string (input_bounds_to_string indata inbounds)
+ ++ [" * Output Bounds:"]
+ ++ List.map (fun v => " * " ++ v)%string (bound_to_string outdata outbounds)
+ ++ [" */"]
+ ++ to_function_lines static prefix name (indata, outdata, f))%list,
+ collect_infos f)
+ | inr nil
+ => inr ("Unknown internal error in converting " ++ name ++ " to C")%string
+ | inr [err]
+ => inr ("Error in converting " ++ name ++ " to C:" ++ String.NewLine ++ err)%string
+ | inr errs
+ => inr ("Errors in converting " ++ name ++ " to C:" ++ String.NewLine ++ String.concat String.NewLine errs)%string
+ end.
+ Definition LinesToString (lines : list string)
+ : string
+ := String.concat String.NewLine lines.
+ Definition ToFunctionString (do_bounds_check : bool) (static : bool) (prefix : string) (name : string) (comment : list string)
+ {t}
+ (e : @Compilers.expr.Expr base.type ident.ident t)
+ (name_list : option (list string))
+ (inbounds : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
+ (outbounds : ZRange.type.option.interp (type.final_codomain t))
+ : (string * ident_infos) + string
+ := match ToFunctionLines do_bounds_check static prefix name comment e name_list inbounds outbounds with
+ | inl (ls, used_types) => inl (LinesToString ls, used_types)
+ | inr err => inr err
+ end.
+ End C.
+ Notation ToFunctionLines := C.ToFunctionLines.
+ Notation ToFunctionString := C.ToFunctionString.
+ Notation LinesToString := C.LinesToString.
+ End ToString.
+End Compilers.