path: root/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Multiply.v
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diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Multiply.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Multiply.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8de1f705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Multiply.v
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Psatz.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Interface.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Double.Core.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Double.Proofs.Decode.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Double.Proofs.SpreadLeftImmediate.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Double.Proofs.RippleCarryAddSub.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Import Bug5107WorkAround.
+Import BoundedRewriteNotations.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Local Opaque tuple_decoder.
+Lemma decode_mul_double_iff
+ {n W}
+ {decode : decoder n W}
+ {muldw : multiply_double W}
+ {isdecode : is_decode decode}
+ : is_mul_double muldw
+ <-> (forall x y, tuple_decoder (muldw x y) = (decode x * decode y)%Z).
+ rewrite is_mul_double_alt by assumption.
+ split; intros H x y; specialize (H x y); revert H;
+ pose proof (decode_range x); pose proof (decode_range y);
+ assert (0 <= decode x * decode y < 2^n * 2^n) by nia;
+ assert (0 <= n) by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative;
+ autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder;
+ simpl; intro H'; rewrite H';
+ Z.rewrite_mod_small; reflexivity.
+Global Instance decode_mul_double
+ {n W}
+ {decode : decoder n W}
+ {muldw : multiply_double W}
+ {isdecode : is_decode decode}
+ {ismuldw : is_mul_double muldw}
+ : forall x y, tuple_decoder (muldw x y) <~=~> (decode x * decode y)%Z
+ := proj1 decode_mul_double_iff _.
+Section tuple2.
+ Local Arguments Z.pow !_ !_.
+ Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
+ Local Opaque ripple_carry_adc.
+ Section full_from_half.
+ Context {W}
+ {mulhwll : multiply_low_low W}
+ {mulhwhl : multiply_high_low W}
+ {mulhwhh : multiply_high_high W}
+ {adc : add_with_carry W}
+ {shl : shift_left_immediate W}
+ {shr : shift_right_immediate W}
+ {half_n : Z}
+ {ldi : load_immediate W}
+ {decode : decoder (2 * half_n) W}
+ {ismulhwll : is_mul_low_low half_n mulhwll}
+ {ismulhwhl : is_mul_high_low half_n mulhwhl}
+ {ismulhwhh : is_mul_high_high half_n mulhwhh}
+ {isadc : is_add_with_carry adc}
+ {isshl : is_shift_left_immediate shl}
+ {isshr : is_shift_right_immediate shr}
+ {isldi : is_load_immediate ldi}
+ {isdecode : is_decode decode}.
+ Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
+ Lemma decode_mul_double_mod x y
+ : (tuple_decoder (mul_double half_n x y) = (decode x * decode y) mod (2^(2 * half_n) * 2^(2*half_n)))%Z.
+ Proof.
+ assert (0 <= 2 * half_n) by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative.
+ assert (0 <= half_n) by omega.
+ unfold mul_double, Let_In.
+ push_decode; autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder; simplify_projections.
+ autorewrite with zsimplify Zshift_to_pow push_Zpow.
+ rewrite !spread_left_from_shift_half_correct.
+ push_decode.
+ generalize_decode_var.
+ simpl in *.
+ autorewrite with push_Zpow in *.
+ repeat autorewrite with Zshift_to_pow zsimplify push_Zpow.
+ rewrite <- !(Z.mul_mod_distr_r_full _ _ (_^_ * _^_)), ?Z.mul_assoc.
+ Z.rewrite_mod_small.
+ push_Zmod; pull_Zmod.
+ apply f_equal2; [ | reflexivity ].
+ Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem; nia.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma decode_mul_double_function x y
+ : tuple_decoder (mul_double half_n x y) = (decode x * decode y)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ rewrite decode_mul_double_mod; generalize_decode_var.
+ simpl in *; Z.rewrite_mod_small; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance mul_double_is_multiply_double : is_mul_double mul_double_multiply.
+ Proof.
+ apply decode_mul_double_iff; apply decode_mul_double_function.
+ Qed.
+ End full_from_half.
+ Section half_from_full.
+ Context {n W}
+ {decode : decoder n W}
+ {muldw : multiply_double W}
+ {isdecode : is_decode decode}
+ {ismuldw : is_mul_double muldw}.
+ Local Ltac t :=
+ hnf; intros [??] [??];
+ assert (0 <= n) by eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative;
+ assert (0 < 2^n) by auto with zarith;
+ assert (forall x y, 0 <= x < 2^n -> 0 <= y < 2^n -> 0 <= x * y < 2^n * 2^n) by auto with zarith;
+ simpl @Interface.mulhwhh; simpl @Interface.mulhwhl; simpl @Interface.mulhwll;
+ rewrite decode_mul_double; autorewrite with simpl_tuple_decoder Zshift_to_pow zsimplify push_Zpow;
+ Z.rewrite_mod_small;
+ try reflexivity.
+ Global Instance mul_double_is_multiply_low_low : is_mul_low_low n mul_double_multiply_low_low.
+ Proof. t. Qed.
+ Global Instance mul_double_is_multiply_high_low : is_mul_high_low n mul_double_multiply_high_low.
+ Proof. t. Qed.
+ Global Instance mul_double_is_multiply_high_high : is_mul_high_high n mul_double_multiply_high_high.
+ Proof. t. Qed.
+ End half_from_full.
+End tuple2.