path: root/src/Assembly/PseudoMedialConversion.v
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diff --git a/src/Assembly/PseudoMedialConversion.v b/src/Assembly/PseudoMedialConversion.v
index 79653136c..48625e011 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/PseudoMedialConversion.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/PseudoMedialConversion.v
@@ -12,60 +12,6 @@ Module PseudoMedialConversion (Arch: PseudoMachine).
Module P := Pseudo Arch.
Module M := Medial Arch.
- Definition wordToM {n: nat} {spec: ISize n} (w: word n): Mapping n.
- destruct spec; first [
- refine (@constM 32 (constInt32 w) (wordToNat w) _)
- | refine (@constM 64 (constInt64 w) (wordToNat w) _)];
- abstract intuition.
- Defined.
- Definition regToM {n: nat} {spec: ISize n} (r: IReg n): Mapping n.
- destruct spec; refine (@regM _ r (getIRegIndex r) _); abstract intuition.
- Defined.
- Definition stackToM {n: nat} {spec: ISize n} (s: Stack n): Mapping n.
- destruct spec; refine (@stackM _ s (getStackIndex s) _); abstract intuition.
- Defined.
- Definition constToM {n: nat} {spec: ISize n} (c: IConst n): Mapping n.
- destruct spec; refine (@constM _ c (getIConstValue c) _); abstract intuition.
- Defined.
- Definition mapping_dec {n} (a b: Mapping n): {a = b} + {a <> b}.
- refine (match (a, b) as p' return (a, b) = p' -> _ with
- | (regM x v _, regM y v' _) => fun _ =>
- if (Nat.eq_dec v v') then left _ else right _
- | (stackM x v _, stackM y v' _) => fun _ =>
- if (Nat.eq_dec v v') then left _ else right _
- | (constM x v _, constM y v' _) => fun _ =>
- if (Nat.eq_dec v v') then left _ else right _
- | _ => fun _ => right _
- end (eq_refl (a, b))); admit. (* TODO (rsloan): prove *)
- Defined.
- Definition dec_lt (a b: nat): {(a < b)%nat} + {(a >= b)%nat}.
- assert ({(a <? b)%nat = true} + {(a <? b)%nat <> true})
- by abstract (destruct (a <? b)%nat; intuition);
- destruct H.
- - left; abstract (apply Nat.ltb_lt in e; intuition).
- - right; abstract (rewrite Nat.ltb_lt in n; intuition).
- Defined.
- Fixpoint usedStackEntries {n} (lst: list (Mapping n)): list nat :=
- match lst with
- | nil => []
- | cons c cs =>
- match c with
- | stackM _ v _ => cons v (usedStackEntries cs)
- | _ => usedStackEntries cs
- end
- end.
(****************** Material Conversions ************************)
Module PseudoConversion <: Conversion P M.