path: root/src/Assembly/MedialConversion.v
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 372 deletions
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--- a/src/Assembly/MedialConversion.v
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-Require Export Language Conversion QhasmCommon QhasmUtil.
-Require Export Pseudo Medial AlmostQhasm State.
-Require Export Bedrock.Word NArith NPeano.
-Require Export List Sumbool.
-Require Vector.
-Module MedialConversion (Arch: PseudoMachine).
- Import QhasmCommon AlmostQhasm State Util.
- Import ListNotations.
- Module M := Medial Arch.
- Fixpoint take {A} (n: nat) (lst: list A) :=
- match n with
- | O => []
- | S m =>
- match lst with
- | [] => []
- | l :: ls => l :: (take m ls)
- end
- end.
- Module Conv <: Conversion M AlmostQhasm.
- Import M Arch.
- Definition width_dec: {width = 32} + {width = 64}.
- destruct width_spec.
- - left; abstract intuition.
- - right; abstract intuition.
- Defined.
- Definition ireg (x: nat): IReg width :=
- match width_spec with
- | I32 => regInt32 x
- | I64 => regInt64 x
- end.
- Definition iconst (x: word width): IConst width.
- refine (
- if width_dec
- then (convert constInt32 _) x
- else (convert constInt64 _) x);
- abstract (rewrite _H; intuition).
- Defined.
- Definition stack (x: nat): Stack width :=
- match width_spec with
- | I32 => stack32 x
- | I64 => stack64 (2 * x)
- end.
- Fixpoint maxIndex (prog: M.Program): nat :=
- match prog with
- | MSkip => O
- | MSeq f g => max (maxIndex f) (maxIndex g)
- | MAssign (MAVar a b) => max a b
- | MAssign (MAConst a _) => a
- | MOp (MIOpConst io a c) => a
- | MOp (MIOpReg io a b) => max a b
- | MOp (MDOpReg duo a b (Some x)) => max a (max b x)
- | MOp (MDOpReg duo a b None) => max a b
- | MOp (MOpRot _ a _) => a
- | MCond _ f g => max (maxIndex f) (maxIndex g)
- | MFunexp e f => maxIndex f
- end.
- Fixpoint convertState (st: AlmostQhasm.State): option M.State :=
- let try_cons := fun (k: nat) (x: option N) (m: DefMap) =>
- match x with | Some x' => NatM.add k x' m | _ => m end in
- let get (n: nat): option N :=
- match (getIntReg (ireg n) st, getStack (stack n) st) with
- | (Some v, _) => Some (wordToN v)
- | (_, Some v) => Some (wordToN v)
- | _ => None
- end in
- Some (
- (fix cs' (n: nat) :=
- try_cons n (get n)
- (match n with | O => NatM.empty N | S m => cs' m end))
- vars).
- Definition dec_lt (a b: nat): {(a < b)%nat} + {(a >= b)%nat}.
- assert ({(a <? b)%nat = true} + {(a <? b)%nat <> true})
- by abstract (destruct (a <? b)%nat; intuition);
- destruct H.
- - left; abstract (apply Nat.ltb_lt in e; intuition).
- - right; abstract (rewrite Nat.ltb_lt in n; intuition).
- Defined.
- Inductive Mapping :=
- | regM: forall (r: IReg width) (v: nat), v = getIRegIndex r -> Mapping
- | stackM: forall (r: Stack width) (v: nat), v = getStackIndex r -> Mapping
- | constM: forall (r: IConst width) (v: nat), v = getIConstValue r -> Mapping.
- Definition wordToM (w: word width) :=
- constM (iconst w) (getIConstValue (iconst w)) eq_refl.
- Definition regToM (r: IReg width) :=
- regM r (getIRegIndex r) eq_refl.
- Definition stackToM (s: Stack width) :=
- stackM s (getStackIndex s) eq_refl.
- Definition constToM (c: IConst width) :=
- constM c (getIConstValue c) eq_refl.
- Definition mapping_dec (a b: Mapping): {a = b} + {a <> b}.
- refine (match (a, b) as p' return (a, b) = p' -> _ with
- | (regM x v _, regM y v' _) => fun _ =>
- if (Nat.eq_dec v v') then left _ else right _
- | (stackM x v _, stackM y v' _) => fun _ =>
- if (Nat.eq_dec v v') then left _ else right _
- | (constM x v _, constM y v' _) => fun _ =>
- if (Nat.eq_dec v v') then left _ else right _
- | _ => fun _ => right _
- end (eq_refl (a, b))); admit. (* TODO (rsloan): prove *)
- Defined.
- Fixpoint usedStackEntries (lst: list Mapping): list nat :=
- match lst with
- | nil => []
- | cons c cs =>
- match c with
- | stackM _ v _ => cons v (usedStackEntries cs)
- | _ => usedStackEntries cs
- end
- end.
- Definition getFreshStack (cur: list Mapping) (len: nat): list (Stack width) :=
- let used := usedStackEntries cur in
- let open := fun x =>
- negb (proj1_sig (bool_of_sumbool (in_dec Nat.eq_dec x used))) in
- let maxStack := len + (length cur) in
- (fix gen (rem bound: nat) :=
- match bound with
- | O => []
- | S bound' =>
- match rem with
- | O => []
- | S rem' =>
- let loc := (maxStack - bound) in
- if (open loc)
- then cons (stack loc) (gen rem' bound')
- else gen rem bound'
- end
- end) len maxStack.
- Fixpoint moveMapping (a b: list Mapping): AlmostQhasm.Program :=
- match (a, b) with
- | (cons ahd atl, cons bhd btl) =>
- let curOp :=
- match (ahd, bhd) with
- | (regM ra va _, regM rb vb _) =>
- AAssign (ARegRegInt width rb ra)
- | (stackM ra va _, regM rb vb _) =>
- AAssign (ARegStackInt width rb ra)
- | (regM ra va _, stackM rb vb _) =>
- AAssign (AStackRegInt width rb ra)
- | (stackM ra va _, stackM rb vb _) =>
- ASeq
- (AAssign (ARegStackInt width r0 ra))
- (AAssign (AStackRegInt width rb r0))
- | (constM ra va _, stackM rb vb _) =>
- ASeq
- (AAssign (AConstInt width r0 ra))
- (AAssign (AStackRegInt width rb r0))
- | (constM ra va _, regM rb vb _) =>
- AAssign (AConstInt width rb ra)
- | _ => ASkip
- end in
- ASeq curOp (moveMapping atl btl)
- | _ => ASkip
- end.
- Definition wrapM (m: Mapping) (freeR: IReg width) (freeS: Stack width)
- (inside: IReg width -> (AlmostQhasm.Program * Mapping)):
- (AlmostQhasm.Program * Mapping) :=
- match m with
- | regM r v _ => inside r
- | stackM s v _ =>
- let p := (inside freeR) in
- if (mapping_dec (snd p) (regToM freeR))
- then (ASeq (AAssign (ARegStackInt width freeR s))
- (ASeq (fst p)
- (AAssign (AStackRegInt width s freeR))), m)
- else (ASeq (AAssign (ARegStackInt width freeR s)) (fst p), (snd p))
- | constM r v _ =>
- let p := (inside freeR) in
- if (mapping_dec (snd p) (regToM freeR))
- then (ASeq (AAssign (ARegStackInt width freeR freeS))
- (ASeq (fst p)
- (AAssign (AStackRegInt width freeS freeR))),
- stackToM freeS)
- else (ASeq (AAssign (ARegStackInt width freeR freeS)) (fst p), (snd p))
- end.
- Definition binProg (op: WBinOp) (a b: Mapping):
- option AlmostQhasm.Program :=
- let iop := match op with | Wplus => IPlus | Wminus => IMinus | _ => IAnd end in
- let sl := getFreshStack avoid 2 in
- wrapM a r0 (getS sl 0) (fun ra =>
- wrapM b r1 (getS sl 1) (fun rb =>
- (AOp (IOpReg width iop ra rb), regToM ra))).
- Definition dualProg (op: WDualOp) (a b x: Mapping) (avoid: list Mapping):
- AlmostQhasm.Program * Mapping :=
- let dop := match op with | Wmult => IMult end in
- let sl := getFreshStack avoid 3 in
- wrapM a r0 (getS sl 0) (fun ra =>
- wrapM b r1 (getS sl 1) (fun rb =>
- wrapM x r2 (getS sl 2) (fun rx =>
- (AOp (DOpReg width dop ra rb (Some rx)), regToM ra)))).
- Definition shiftProg (op: WShiftOp) (m: Mapping) (n: Index width) (avoid: list Mapping):
- AlmostQhasm.Program * Mapping :=
- let qop := match op with | Wshl => Shl | Wshr => Shr end in
- let sl := getFreshStack avoid 1 in
- wrapM m r0 (getS sl 0) (fun ra =>
- (AOp (OpRot width qop ra n), regToM ra)).
- Fixpoint convertProgram' {n m}
- (prog: Pseudo n m)
- (mapping: list Mapping)
- (avoid: list Mapping):
- option (AlmostQhasm.Program * list Mapping) :=
- let option_map' := fun x f => option_map f x in
- let otup_map := fun x f =>
- match x with
- | Some res =>
- match (f (fst res) (snd res)) with
- | Some res' => Some res'
- | _ => None
- end
- | _ => None
- end in
- match prog with
- | PVar n i =>
- option_map' (nth_error mapping i) (fun v => (ASkip, [v]))
- | PConst n c =>
- Some (ASkip, [wordToM c])
- | PBin n o p =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' a mapping avoid) (fun aprog amap =>
- let tmp := freshMapping (avoid ++ mapping ++ amap) n in
- let mov := moveMapping mapping tmp in
- otup_map (convertProgram' b tmp (avoid ++ amap)) (fun bprog bmap =>
- match (amap, bmap) with
- | ([av], [bv]) =>
- let oper := binProg o av bv (avoid ++ mapping ++ amap ++ bmap) in
- Some (ASeq mov (ASeq bprog (ASeq aprog (fst oper))), [snd oper])
- | _ => None
- end))
- | PDual n o a b =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' a mapping avoid) (fun aprog amap =>
- let tmpb := freshMapping (avoid ++ mapping ++ amap) n in
- let movb := moveMapping mapping tmpb in
- otup_map (convertProgram' b tmpb (avoid ++ amap)) (fun bprog bmap =>
- let xs := getFreshStack (avoid ++ mapping ++ amap ++ bmap) 1 in
- match (amap, bmap) with
- | ([av], [bv]) =>
- let x := stackToM (getS xs 0) in
- let oper := dualProg o av bv x (avoid ++ mapping ++ amap ++ bmap) in
- Some (ASeq movb (ASeq bprog
- (ASeq aprog (fst oper))), [snd oper; x])
- | _ => None
- end))
- | PNat n o v =>
- Some (ASkip, [constToM (iconst (applyNat o v))])
- | PShift n o a x =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' a mapping avoid) (fun aprog amap =>
- match amap with
- | [av] => let oper := shiftProg o av x (mapping ++ avoid ++ amap) in
- Some (ASeq aprog (fst oper), [snd oper])
- | _ => None
- end)
- | PLet n k m f g =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' f mapping avoid) (fun fprog fmap =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' g (mapping ++ fmap) avoid) (fun gprog gmap =>
- Some (ASeq fprog gprog, gmap)))
- | PComp n k m f g =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' f mapping avoid) (fun fprog fmap =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' g fmap avoid) (fun gprog gmap =>
- Some (ASeq fprog gprog, gmap)))
- | PComb n a b f g =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' f mapping avoid) (fun fprog fmap =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' g (mapping ++ fmap) avoid) (fun gprog gmap =>
- Some (ASeq fprog gprog, fmap ++ gmap)))
- | PIf n m o i0 i1 l r =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' l mapping avoid) (fun lprog lmap =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' r mapping avoid) (fun rprog rmap =>
- match (nth_error mapping i0, nth_error mapping i1) with
- | (Some (regM a _ _), Some (regM b _ _)) =>
- Some (ACond (TestInt width o a b) lprog (ASeq rprog (moveMapping rmap lmap)), lmap)
- | _ => None
- end))
- | PFunExp n f e =>
- otup_map (convertProgram' f mapping avoid) (fun fprog fmap =>
- let mov := moveMapping mapping fmap in
- match (freshMapping (avoid ++ fmap) 1) with
- | [regM rc _ _] =>
- Some (ASeq mov
- (ASeq (AAssign (AConstInt width rc (iconst (natToWord width e))))
- (AWhile (TestInt width TGt rc r0)
- (ASeq fprog
- (ASeq (AAssign (AConstInt width r0 (iconst (wzero width))))
- (AOp (IOpConst width IMinus rc (iconst (natToWord width 1)))))))), fmap)
- | [stackM sc _ _] => None
- | _ => None
- end)
- end.
- Definition convertProgram (prog: Pseudo vars vars): option AlmostQhasm.Program :=
- match (convertProgram' prog (freshMapping [] vars) []) with
- | Some (prog', _) => Some prog'
- | _ => None
- end.
- Lemma convert_spec: forall a a' b b' prog prog',
- convertProgram prog = Some prog' ->
- convertState a = Some a' -> convertState b = Some b' ->
- AlmostQhasm.evaluatesTo prog' a b <-> P.evaluatesTo prog a' b'.
- Admitted.
- End Conv.
-End PseudoConversion.