path: root/src/Assembly/Compile.v
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diff --git a/src/Assembly/Compile.v b/src/Assembly/Compile.v
index 53612cfbb..2ff50e0e1 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/Compile.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Compile.v
@@ -10,31 +10,46 @@ Require Import Crypto.Assembly.QhasmCommon.
Require Import Crypto.Assembly.Qhasm.
Module CompileHL.
- Context {ivar : type -> Type}.
- Context {ovar : Type}.
- Fixpoint compile {t} (e:@HL.expr Z (@LL.arg Z Z) t) : @LL.expr Z Z t :=
- match e with
- | HL.Const n => LL.Return (LL.Const n)
- | HL.Var _ arg => LL.Return arg
- | HL.Binop t1 t2 t3 op e1 e2 =>
- LL.under_lets (@compile _ e1) (fun arg1 =>
- LL.under_lets (@compile _ e2) (fun arg2 =>
- LL.LetBinop op arg1 arg2 (fun v =>
- LL.Return v)))
- | HL.Let _ ex _ eC =>
- LL.under_lets (@compile _ ex) (fun arg => @compile _ (eC arg))
- | HL.Pair t1 e1 t2 e2 =>
- LL.under_lets (@compile _ e1) (fun arg1 =>
- LL.under_lets (@compile _ e2) (fun arg2 =>
- LL.Return (LL.Pair arg1 arg2)))
- | HL.MatchPair _ _ ep _ eC =>
- LL.under_lets (@compile _ ep) (fun arg =>
- let (a1, a2) := LL.match_arg_Prod arg in @compile _ (eC a1 a2))
- end.
+ Section Compilation.
+ Context {T: Type}.
+ Fixpoint compile {V t} (e:@HL.expr T (@LL.arg T V) t) : @LL.expr T V t :=
+ match e with
+ | HL.Const n => LL.Return (LL.Const n)
+ | HL.Var _ arg => LL.Return arg
+ | HL.Binop t1 t2 t3 op e1 e2 =>
+ LL.under_lets (compile e1) (fun arg1 =>
+ LL.under_lets (compile e2) (fun arg2 =>
+ LL.LetBinop op arg1 arg2 (fun v =>
+ LL.Return v)))
+ | HL.Let _ ex _ eC =>
+ LL.under_lets (compile ex) (fun arg =>
+ compile (eC arg))
+ | HL.Pair t1 e1 t2 e2 =>
+ LL.under_lets (compile e1) (fun arg1 =>
+ LL.under_lets (compile e2) (fun arg2 =>
+ LL.Return (LL.Pair arg1 arg2)))
+ | HL.MatchPair _ _ ep _ eC =>
+ LL.under_lets (compile ep) (fun arg =>
+ let (a1, a2) := LL.match_arg_Prod arg in
+ compile (eC a1 a2))
+ end.
+ Definition Expr' t : Type := forall var, @HL.expr T (@LL.arg T var) t.
+ Definition Compile {t} (e:@Expr' t) : @LL.Expr T t :=
+ fun var => compile (e var).
+ End Compilation.
Section Correctness.
- Lemma compile_correct {_: Evaluable Z} {t} e1 e2 G (wf:HL.wf G e1 e2) :
+ Context {T: Type}.
+ Lemma compile_correct {_: Evaluable T} {t} e1 e2 G (wf:HL.wf G e1 e2) :
List.Forall (fun v => let 'existT _ (x, a) := v in LL.interp_arg a = x) G ->
LL.interp (compile e2) = HL.interp e1 :> interp_type t.
@@ -69,8 +84,8 @@ Module CompileLL.
Section Compile.
Context {n: nat} {w: Width n}.
- Definition WArg t': Type := @LL.arg (word n) (word n) t'.
- Definition WExpr t': Type := @LL.expr (word n) (word n) t'.
+ Definition WArg t': Type := @LL.arg (word n) Z t'.
+ Definition WExpr t': Type := @LL.expr (word n) Z t'.
Section Mappings.
Definition indexize (x: nat) : Index n.
@@ -85,7 +100,7 @@ Module CompileLL.
Definition getMapping (x: WArg TT) :=
match x with
| Const v => constM n (@constant n w v)
- | Var v => regM n (@reg n w (wordToNat v))
+ | Var v => regM n (@reg n w (Z.to_nat v))
Definition getReg (x: Mapping n): option (Reg n) :=
@@ -188,7 +203,7 @@ Module CompileLL.
match t as t' return WArg t' -> list nat with
| TT => fun a' =>
match a' with
- | Var v' => [wordToNat v']
+ | Var v' => [Z.to_nat v']
| _ => @nil nat
| Prod t0 t1 => fun a' =>
@@ -239,7 +254,7 @@ Module CompileLL.
omap (getOutputSlot nextRegName op' x' y') (fun r =>
let var :=
match t3 as t3' return WArg t3' with
- | TT => Var (natToWord n r)
+ | TT => Var (Z.of_nat r)
| _ => zeros _
end in
@@ -266,13 +281,13 @@ Module CompileLL.
(fun rt var op x y out => Some out)
(fun t' a => Some (vars a)).
- Fixpoint fillInputs {t inputs} (prog: NAry inputs (WArg TT) (WExpr t)) {struct inputs}: WExpr t :=
- match inputs as inputs' return NAry inputs' (WArg TT) (WExpr t) -> NAry O (WArg TT) (WExpr t) with
+ Fixpoint fillInputs {t inputs} (prog: NAry inputs Z (WExpr t)) {struct inputs}: WExpr t :=
+ match inputs as inputs' return NAry inputs' Z (WExpr t) -> NAry O Z (WExpr t) with
| O => fun p => p
- | S inputs'' => fun p => fillInputs (p (Var (natToWord _ inputs)))
+ | S inputs'' => fun p => fillInputs (p (Z.of_nat inputs))
end prog.
- Definition compile {t inputs} (p: NAry inputs (WArg TT) (WExpr t)): option (Program * list nat) :=
+ Definition compile {t inputs} (p: NAry inputs Z (WExpr t)): option (Program * list nat) :=
let p' := fillInputs p in
omap (getOuts _ (S inputs) p') (fun outs =>