path: root/src/Arithmetic/MontgomeryReduction/WordByWord/Proofs.v
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-(*** Word-By-Word Montgomery Multiplication Proofs *)
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt.
-Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Saturated.UniformWeight.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Saturated.MontgomeryAPI.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.WordByWord.Abstract.Dependent.Definition.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.WordByWord.Abstract.Dependent.Proofs.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.WordByWord.Definition.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Coercion Z.pos : positive >-> Z.
-Section WordByWordMontgomery.
- (** XXX TODO: pick better names for things like [R_numlimbs] *)
- Context (r : positive)
- (R_numlimbs : nat).
- Local Notation small := (@small (Z.pos r)).
- Local Notation eval := (@eval (Z.pos r)).
- Local Notation addT' := (@MontgomeryAPI.add_S1 (Z.pos r)).
- Local Notation addT := (@MontgomeryAPI.add (Z.pos r)).
- Local Notation scmul := (@scmul (Z.pos r)).
- Local Notation eval_zero := (@eval_zero (Z.pos r)).
- Local Notation small_zero := (@small_zero r (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _)).
- Local Notation small_scmul := (fun n a v _ _ _ => @small_scmul r (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) n a v).
- Local Notation eval_join0 := (@eval_zero (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _)).
- Local Notation eval_div := (@eval_div (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _)).
- Local Notation eval_mod := (@eval_mod (Z.pos r)).
- Local Notation small_div := (@small_div (Z.pos r)).
- Local Notation eval_scmul := (fun n a v smallv abound vbound => @eval_scmul (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) n a v smallv abound).
- Local Notation eval_addT := (@eval_add_same (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _)).
- Local Notation eval_addT' := (@eval_add_S1 (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _)).
- Local Notation drop_high := (@drop_high (S R_numlimbs)).
- Local Notation small_drop_high := (@small_drop_high (Z.pos r) (S R_numlimbs)).
- Context (A_numlimbs : nat)
- (N : T R_numlimbs)
- (A : T A_numlimbs)
- (B : T R_numlimbs)
- (k : Z).
- Context ri
- (r_big : r > 1)
- (small_A : small A)
- (ri_correct : r*ri mod (eval N) = 1 mod (eval N))
- (small_N : small N)
- (small_B : small B)
- (N_nonzero : eval N <> 0)
- (N_mask : Tuple.map (Z.land (Z.pos r - 1)) N = N)
- (k_correct : k * eval N mod r = (-1) mod r).
- Let R : positive := match (Z.pos r ^ Z.of_nat R_numlimbs)%Z with
- | Z.pos R => R
- | _ => 1%positive
- end.
- Let Npos : positive := match eval N with
- | Z.pos N => N
- | _ => 1%positive
- end.
- Local Lemma R_correct : Z.pos R = Z.pos r ^ Z.of_nat R_numlimbs.
- Proof.
- assert (0 < r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs) by (apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; lia).
- subst R; destruct (Z.pos r ^ Z.of_nat R_numlimbs) eqn:?; [ | reflexivity | ];
- lia.
- Qed.
- Local Lemma small_addT : forall n a b, small a -> small b -> small (@addT n a b).
- Proof.
- intros; apply MontgomeryAPI.small_add; auto; lia.
- Qed.
- Local Lemma small_addT' : forall n a b, small a -> small b -> small (@addT' n a b).
- Proof.
- intros; apply MontgomeryAPI.small_add_S1; auto; lia.
- Qed.
- Local Notation conditional_sub_cps := (fun V : T (S R_numlimbs) => @conditional_sub_cps (Z.pos r) _ V N _).
- Local Notation conditional_sub := (fun V : T (S R_numlimbs) => @conditional_sub (Z.pos r) _ V N).
- Local Notation eval_conditional_sub' := (fun V small_V V_bound => @eval_conditional_sub (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) _ V N small_V small_N V_bound).
- Local Lemma eval_conditional_sub
- : forall v, small v -> 0 <= eval v < eval N + R -> eval (conditional_sub v) = eval v + if eval N <=? eval v then -eval N else 0.
- Proof. rewrite R_correct; exact eval_conditional_sub'. Qed.
- Local Notation small_conditional_sub' := (fun V small_V V_bound => @small_conditional_sub (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) _ V N small_V small_N V_bound).
- Local Lemma small_conditional_sub
- : forall v : T (S R_numlimbs), small v -> 0 <= eval v < eval N + R -> small (conditional_sub v).
- Proof. rewrite R_correct; exact small_conditional_sub'. Qed.
- Local Lemma A_bound : 0 <= eval A < Z.pos r ^ Z.of_nat A_numlimbs.
- Proof. apply eval_small; auto; lia. Qed.
- Local Lemma B_bound' : 0 <= eval B < r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs.
- Proof. apply eval_small; auto; lia. Qed.
- Local Lemma N_bound' : 0 <= eval N < r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs.
- Proof. apply eval_small; auto; lia. Qed.
- Local Lemma N_bound : 0 < eval N < r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs.
- Proof. pose proof N_bound'; lia. Qed.
- Local Lemma Npos_correct: eval N = Z.pos Npos.
- Proof. pose proof N_bound; subst Npos; destruct (eval N); [ | reflexivity | ]; lia. Qed.
- Local Lemma N_lt_R : eval N < R.
- Proof. rewrite R_correct; apply N_bound. Qed.
- Local Lemma B_bound : 0 <= eval B < R.
- Proof. rewrite R_correct; apply B_bound'. Qed.
- Local Lemma eval_drop_high : forall v, small v -> eval (drop_high v) = eval v mod (r * r^Z.of_nat R_numlimbs).
- Proof.
- intros; erewrite eval_drop_high by (eassumption || lia).
- f_equal; unfold uweight.
- rewrite Znat.Nat2Z.inj_succ, Z.pow_succ_r by lia; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Local Notation redc_body_no_cps := (@redc_body_no_cps r R_numlimbs N).
- Local Notation redc_body_cps := (@redc_body_cps r R_numlimbs N).
- Local Notation redc_body := (@redc_body r R_numlimbs N).
- Local Notation redc_loop_no_cps := (@redc_loop_no_cps r R_numlimbs N B k).
- Local Notation redc_loop_cps := (@redc_loop_cps r R_numlimbs N B k).
- Local Notation redc_loop := (@redc_loop r R_numlimbs N B k).
- Local Notation pre_redc_no_cps := (@pre_redc_no_cps r R_numlimbs N A_numlimbs A B k).
- Local Notation pre_redc_cps := (@pre_redc_cps r R_numlimbs N A_numlimbs A B k).
- Local Notation pre_redc := (@pre_redc r R_numlimbs N A_numlimbs A B k).
- Local Notation redc_no_cps := (@redc_no_cps r R_numlimbs N A_numlimbs A B k).
- Local Notation redc_cps := (@redc_cps r R_numlimbs N A_numlimbs A B k).
- Local Notation redc := (@redc r R_numlimbs N A_numlimbs A B k).
- Definition redc_no_cps_bound : 0 <= eval redc_no_cps < R
- := @redc_bound T (@eval) (@zero) (@divmod) r r_big R R_numlimbs R_correct (@small) eval_zero small_zero eval_div eval_mod small_div (@scmul) eval_scmul small_scmul (@addT) eval_addT small_addT (@addT') eval_addT' small_addT' drop_high eval_drop_high small_drop_high N Npos Npos_correct small_N N_lt_R conditional_sub eval_conditional_sub B B_bound small_B ri k A_numlimbs A small_A A_bound.
- Definition redc_no_cps_bound_N : eval B < eval N -> 0 <= eval redc_no_cps < eval N
- := @redc_bound_N T (@eval) (@zero) (@divmod) r r_big R R_numlimbs R_correct (@small) eval_zero small_zero eval_div eval_mod small_div (@scmul) eval_scmul small_scmul (@addT) eval_addT small_addT (@addT') eval_addT' small_addT' drop_high eval_drop_high small_drop_high N Npos Npos_correct small_N N_lt_R conditional_sub eval_conditional_sub B B_bound small_B ri k A_numlimbs A small_A.
- Definition redc_no_cps_mod_N
- : (eval redc_no_cps) mod (eval N) = (eval A * eval B * ri^(Z.of_nat A_numlimbs)) mod (eval N)
- := @redc_mod_N T (@eval) (@zero) (@divmod) r r_big R R_numlimbs R_correct (@small) eval_zero small_zero eval_div eval_mod small_div (@scmul) eval_scmul small_scmul (@addT) eval_addT small_addT (@addT') eval_addT' small_addT' drop_high eval_drop_high small_drop_high N Npos Npos_correct small_N N_lt_R conditional_sub eval_conditional_sub B B_bound small_B ri ri_correct k k_correct A_numlimbs A small_A A_bound.
- Definition small_redc_no_cps
- : small redc_no_cps
- := @small_redc T (@eval) (@zero) (@divmod) r r_big R R_numlimbs R_correct (@small) eval_zero small_zero eval_div eval_mod small_div (@scmul) eval_scmul small_scmul (@addT) eval_addT small_addT (@addT') eval_addT' small_addT' drop_high eval_drop_high small_drop_high N Npos Npos_correct small_N N_lt_R conditional_sub small_conditional_sub B B_bound small_B ri k A_numlimbs A small_A A_bound.
- Lemma redc_body_cps_id pred_A_numlimbs (A' : T (S pred_A_numlimbs)) (S' : T (S R_numlimbs)) {cpsT} f
- : @redc_body_cps pred_A_numlimbs A' B k S' cpsT f = f (redc_body A' B k S').
- Proof.
- unfold redc_body, redc_body_cps, LetIn.Let_In.
- repeat first [ reflexivity
- | break_innermost_match_step
- | progress autorewrite with uncps ].
- Qed.
- Lemma redc_loop_cps_id (count : nat) (A_S : T count * T (S R_numlimbs)) {cpsT} f
- : @redc_loop_cps cpsT count f A_S = f (redc_loop count A_S).
- Proof.
- unfold redc_loop.
- revert A_S f.
- induction count as [|count IHcount].
- { reflexivity. }
- { intros [A' S']; simpl; intros.
- etransitivity; rewrite @redc_body_cps_id; [ rewrite IHcount | ]; reflexivity. }
- Qed.
- Lemma pre_redc_cps_id {cpsT} f : @pre_redc_cps cpsT f = f pre_redc.
- Proof.
- unfold pre_redc, pre_redc_cps.
- etransitivity; rewrite redc_loop_cps_id; [ | reflexivity ]; break_innermost_match;
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma redc_cps_id {cpsT} f : @redc_cps cpsT f = f redc.
- Proof.
- unfold redc, redc_cps.
- etransitivity; rewrite pre_redc_cps_id; [ | reflexivity ];
- autorewrite with uncps;
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma redc_body_id_no_cps pred_A_numlimbs A' S'
- : @redc_body pred_A_numlimbs A' B k S' = redc_body_no_cps B k (A', S').
- Proof.
- unfold redc_body, redc_body_cps, redc_body_no_cps, Abstract.Dependent.Definition.redc_body, LetIn.Let_In, id.
- repeat autounfold with word_by_word_montgomery.
- repeat first [ reflexivity
- | progress cbn [fst snd id]
- | progress autorewrite with uncps
- | break_innermost_match_step
- | f_equal; [] ].
- Qed.
- Lemma redc_loop_cps_id_no_cps count A_S
- : redc_loop count A_S = redc_loop_no_cps count A_S.
- Proof.
- unfold redc_loop_no_cps, id.
- revert A_S.
- induction count as [|count IHcount]; simpl; [ reflexivity | ].
- intros [A' S']; unfold redc_loop; simpl.
- rewrite redc_body_cps_id, redc_loop_cps_id, IHcount, redc_body_id_no_cps.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma pre_redc_cps_id_no_cps : pre_redc = pre_redc_no_cps.
- Proof.
- unfold pre_redc, pre_redc_cps, pre_redc_no_cps, Abstract.Dependent.Definition.pre_redc.
- rewrite redc_loop_cps_id, (surjective_pairing (redc_loop _ _)).
- rewrite redc_loop_cps_id_no_cps; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma redc_cps_id_no_cps : redc = redc_no_cps.
- Proof.
- unfold redc, redc_no_cps, redc_cps, Abstract.Dependent.Definition.redc.
- rewrite pre_redc_cps_id, pre_redc_cps_id_no_cps.
- autorewrite with uncps; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma redc_bound : 0 <= eval redc < R.
- Proof. rewrite redc_cps_id_no_cps; apply redc_no_cps_bound. Qed.
- Lemma redc_bound_N : eval B < eval N -> 0 <= eval redc < eval N.
- Proof. rewrite redc_cps_id_no_cps; apply redc_no_cps_bound_N. Qed.
- Lemma redc_mod_N
- : (eval redc) mod (eval N) = (eval A * eval B * ri^(Z.of_nat A_numlimbs)) mod (eval N).
- Proof. rewrite redc_cps_id_no_cps; apply redc_no_cps_mod_N. Qed.
- Lemma small_redc
- : small redc.
- Proof. rewrite redc_cps_id_no_cps; apply small_redc_no_cps. Qed.
- Section add_sub.
- Context (Av Bv : T R_numlimbs)
- (small_Av : small Av)
- (small_Bv : small Bv)
- (Av_bound : 0 <= eval Av < eval N)
- (Bv_bound : 0 <= eval Bv < eval N).
- Local Notation add_no_cps := (@add_no_cps r R_numlimbs N Av Bv).
- Local Notation add_cps := (@add_cps r R_numlimbs N Av Bv).
- Local Notation add := (@add r R_numlimbs N Av Bv).
- Local Notation sub_no_cps := (@sub_no_cps r R_numlimbs N Av Bv).
- Local Notation sub_cps := (@sub_cps r R_numlimbs N Av Bv).
- Local Notation sub := (@sub r R_numlimbs N Av Bv).
- Local Notation opp_no_cps := (@opp_no_cps r R_numlimbs N Av).
- Local Notation opp_cps := (@opp_cps r R_numlimbs N Av).
- Local Notation opp := (@opp r R_numlimbs N Av).
- Local Notation sub_then_maybe_add_cps :=
- (fun p q => @sub_then_maybe_add_cps (Z.pos r) R_numlimbs (Z.pos r - 1) p q N).
- Local Notation sub_then_maybe_add :=
- (fun p q => @sub_then_maybe_add (Z.pos r) R_numlimbs (Z.pos r - 1) p q N).
- Local Notation eval_sub_then_maybe_add :=
- (fun p q smp smq => @eval_sub_then_maybe_add (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) _ (Z.pos r - 1) p q N smp smq small_N N_mask).
- Local Notation small_sub_then_maybe_add :=
- (fun p q => @small_sub_then_maybe_add (Z.pos r) (Zorder.Zgt_pos_0 _) _ (Z.pos r - 1) p q N).
- Definition add_no_cps_bound : 0 <= eval add_no_cps < eval N
- := @add_bound T (@eval) r R R_numlimbs (@small) (@addT) (@eval_addT) (@small_addT) N N_lt_R (@conditional_sub) (@eval_conditional_sub) Av Bv small_Av small_Bv Av_bound Bv_bound.
- Definition sub_no_cps_bound : 0 <= eval sub_no_cps < eval N
- := @sub_bound T (@eval) r R R_numlimbs (@small) N (@sub_then_maybe_add) (@eval_sub_then_maybe_add) Av Bv small_Av small_Bv Av_bound Bv_bound.
- Definition opp_no_cps_bound : 0 <= eval opp_no_cps < eval N
- := @opp_bound T (@eval) (@zero) r R R_numlimbs (@small) (@eval_zero) (@small_zero) N (@sub_then_maybe_add) (@eval_sub_then_maybe_add) Av small_Av Av_bound.
- Definition small_add_no_cps : small add_no_cps
- := @small_add T (@eval) r R R_numlimbs (@small) (@addT) (@eval_addT) (@small_addT) N N_lt_R (@conditional_sub) (@small_conditional_sub) Av Bv small_Av small_Bv Av_bound Bv_bound.
- Definition small_sub_no_cps : small sub_no_cps
- := @small_sub T R_numlimbs (@small) (@sub_then_maybe_add) (@small_sub_then_maybe_add) Av Bv.
- Definition small_opp_no_cps : small opp_no_cps
- := @small_opp T (@zero) R_numlimbs (@small) (@sub_then_maybe_add) (@small_sub_then_maybe_add) Av.
- Definition eval_add_no_cps : eval add_no_cps = eval Av + eval Bv + (if eval N <=? eval Av + eval Bv then - eval N else 0)
- := @eval_add T (@eval) r R R_numlimbs (@small) (@addT) (@eval_addT) (@small_addT) N N_lt_R (@conditional_sub) (@eval_conditional_sub) Av Bv small_Av small_Bv Av_bound Bv_bound.
- Definition eval_sub_no_cps : eval sub_no_cps = eval Av - eval Bv + (if eval Av - eval Bv <? 0 then eval N else 0)
- := @eval_sub T (@eval) R_numlimbs (@small) N (@sub_then_maybe_add) (@eval_sub_then_maybe_add) Av Bv small_Av small_Bv Av_bound Bv_bound.
- Definition eval_opp_no_cps : eval opp_no_cps = (if eval Av =? 0 then 0 else eval N) - eval Av
- := @eval_opp T (@eval) (@zero) r R R_numlimbs (@small) (@eval_zero) (@small_zero) N (@sub_then_maybe_add ) (@eval_sub_then_maybe_add) Av small_Av Av_bound.
- Definition eval_add_no_cps_mod_N : eval add_no_cps mod eval N = (eval Av + eval Bv) mod eval N
- := @eval_add_mod_N T (@eval) r R R_numlimbs (@small) (@addT) (@eval_addT) (@small_addT) N N_lt_R (@conditional_sub) (@eval_conditional_sub) Av Bv small_Av small_Bv Av_bound Bv_bound.
- Definition eval_sub_no_cps_mod_N : eval sub_no_cps mod eval N = (eval Av - eval Bv) mod eval N
- := @eval_sub_mod_N T (@eval) R_numlimbs (@small) N (@sub_then_maybe_add) (@eval_sub_then_maybe_add) Av Bv small_Av small_Bv Av_bound Bv_bound.
- Definition eval_opp_no_cps_mod_N : eval opp_no_cps mod eval N = (-eval Av) mod eval N
- := @eval_opp_mod_N T (@eval) (@zero) r R R_numlimbs (@small) (@eval_zero) (@small_zero) N (@sub_then_maybe_add) (@eval_sub_then_maybe_add) Av small_Av Av_bound.
- Lemma add_cps_id_no_cps : add = add_no_cps.
- Proof.
- unfold add_no_cps, add, add_cps, Abstract.Dependent.Definition.add; autorewrite with uncps; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma sub_cps_id_no_cps : sub = sub_no_cps.
- Proof.
- unfold sub_no_cps, sub, sub_cps, Abstract.Dependent.Definition.sub; autorewrite with uncps; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma opp_cps_id_no_cps : opp = opp_no_cps.
- Proof.
- unfold opp, opp_cps, opp_no_cps, Abstract.Dependent.Definition.opp, sub_no_cps, sub, sub_cps, Abstract.Dependent.Definition.sub; autorewrite with uncps; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_cps_id {cpsT} f : @add_cps cpsT f = f add.
- Proof. unfold add, add_cps; autorewrite with uncps; reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma sub_cps_id {cpsT} f : @sub_cps cpsT f = f sub.
- Proof. unfold sub, sub_cps; autorewrite with uncps. reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma opp_cps_id {cpsT} f : @opp_cps cpsT f = f opp.
- Proof. unfold opp, opp_cps, sub, sub_cps; autorewrite with uncps. reflexivity. Qed.
- Local Ltac do_rewrite :=
- first [ rewrite add_cps_id_no_cps
- | rewrite sub_cps_id_no_cps
- | rewrite opp_cps_id_no_cps ].
- Local Ltac do_apply :=
- first [ apply add_no_cps_bound
- | apply sub_no_cps_bound
- | apply opp_no_cps_bound
- | apply small_add_no_cps
- | apply small_sub_no_cps
- | apply small_opp_no_cps
- | apply eval_add_no_cps
- | apply eval_sub_no_cps
- | apply eval_opp_no_cps
- | apply eval_add_no_cps_mod_N
- | apply eval_sub_no_cps_mod_N
- | apply eval_opp_no_cps_mod_N ].
- Local Ltac t := do_rewrite; do_apply.
- Lemma add_bound : 0 <= eval add < eval N. Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma sub_bound : 0 <= eval sub < eval N. Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma opp_bound : 0 <= eval opp < eval N. Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma small_add : small add. Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma small_sub : small sub. Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma small_opp : small opp. Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma eval_add : eval add = eval Av + eval Bv + (if eval N <=? eval Av + eval Bv then - eval N else 0).
- Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma eval_sub : eval sub = eval Av - eval Bv + (if eval Av - eval Bv <? 0 then eval N else 0).
- Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma eval_opp : eval opp = (if eval Av =? 0 then 0 else eval N) - eval Av.
- Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma eval_add_mod_N : eval add mod eval N = (eval Av + eval Bv) mod eval N.
- Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma eval_sub_mod_N : eval sub mod eval N = (eval Av - eval Bv) mod eval N.
- Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma eval_opp_mod_N : eval opp mod eval N = (-eval Av) mod eval N.
- Proof. t. Qed.
- End add_sub.
- Section nonzero.
- Lemma nonzero_cps_id Av {cpsT} f : @nonzero_cps R_numlimbs Av cpsT f = f (@nonzero R_numlimbs Av).
- Proof. unfold nonzero, nonzero_cps; autorewrite with uncps; reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma eval_nonzero Av : small Av -> @nonzero R_numlimbs Av = 0 <-> eval Av = 0.
- Proof. apply eval_nonzero; lia. Qed.
- End nonzero.
-End WordByWordMontgomery.
-Hint Rewrite redc_body_cps_id redc_loop_cps_id pre_redc_cps_id redc_cps_id add_cps_id sub_cps_id opp_cps_id : uncps.