path: root/src/Algebra.v
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1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics Crypto.Tactics.Nsatz.
+Local Close Scope nat_scope. Local Close Scope type_scope. Local Close Scope core_scope.
+Section Algebra.
+ Context {T:Type} {eq:T->T->Prop}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Class is_eq_dec := { eq_dec : forall x y : T, {x=y} + {x<>y} }.
+ Section SingleOperation.
+ Context {op:T->T->T}.
+ Class is_associative := { associative : forall x y z, op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z }.
+ Context {id:T}.
+ Class is_left_identity := { left_identity : forall x, op id x = x }.
+ Class is_right_identity := { right_identity : forall x, op x id = x }.
+ Class monoid :=
+ {
+ monoid_is_associative : is_associative;
+ monoid_is_left_identity : is_left_identity;
+ monoid_is_right_identity : is_right_identity;
+ monoid_op_Proper: Proper (respectful eq (respectful eq eq)) op;
+ monoid_Equivalence : Equivalence eq;
+ monoid_is_eq_dec : is_eq_dec
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_is_associative.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_is_left_identity.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_is_right_identity.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_Equivalence.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_is_eq_dec.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_op_Proper.
+ Context {inv:T->T}.
+ Class is_left_inverse := { left_inverse : forall x, op (inv x) x = id }.
+ Class is_right_inverse := { right_inverse : forall x, op x (inv x) = id }.
+ Class group :=
+ {
+ group_monoid : monoid;
+ group_is_left_inverse : is_left_inverse;
+ group_is_right_inverse : is_right_inverse;
+ group_inv_Proper: Proper (respectful eq eq) inv
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance group_monoid.
+ Global Existing Instance group_is_left_inverse.
+ Global Existing Instance group_is_right_inverse.
+ Global Existing Instance group_inv_Proper.
+ Class is_commutative := { commutative : forall x y, op x y = op y x }.
+ Record abelian_group :=
+ {
+ abelian_group_group : group;
+ abelian_group_is_commutative : is_commutative
+ }.
+ Existing Class abelian_group.
+ Global Existing Instance abelian_group_group.
+ Global Existing Instance abelian_group_is_commutative.
+ End SingleOperation.
+ Section AddMul.
+ Context {zero one:T}. Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Context {opp:T->T}. Local Notation "- x" := (opp x).
+ Context {add:T->T->T} {sub:T->T->T} {mul:T->T->T}.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "-" := sub. Local Infix "*" := mul.
+ Class is_left_distributive := { left_distributive : forall a b c, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c }.
+ Class is_right_distributive := { right_distributive : forall a b c, (b + c) * a = b * a + c * a }.
+ Class ring :=
+ {
+ ring_abelian_group_add : abelian_group (op:=add) (id:=zero) (inv:=opp);
+ ring_monoid_mul : monoid (op:=mul) (id:=one);
+ ring_is_left_distributive : is_left_distributive;
+ ring_is_right_distributive : is_right_distributive;
+ ring_sub_definition : forall x y, x - y = x + opp y;
+ ring_mul_Proper : Proper (respectful eq (respectful eq eq)) mul;
+ ring_sub_Proper : Proper(respectful eq (respectful eq eq)) sub
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_abelian_group_add.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_monoid_mul.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_is_left_distributive.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_is_right_distributive.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_mul_Proper.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_sub_Proper.
+ Class commutative_ring :=
+ {
+ commutative_ring_ring : ring;
+ commutative_ring_is_commutative : is_commutative (op:=mul)
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance commutative_ring_ring.
+ Global Existing Instance commutative_ring_is_commutative.
+ Class is_mul_nonzero_nonzero := { mul_nonzero_nonzero : forall x y, x<>0 -> y<>0 -> x*y<>0 }.
+ Class is_zero_neq_one := { zero_neq_one : zero <> one }.
+ Class integral_domain :=
+ {
+ integral_domain_commutative_ring : commutative_ring;
+ integral_domain_is_mul_nonzero_nonzero : is_mul_nonzero_nonzero;
+ integral_domain_is_zero_neq_one : is_zero_neq_one
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance integral_domain_commutative_ring.
+ Global Existing Instance integral_domain_is_mul_nonzero_nonzero.
+ Global Existing Instance integral_domain_is_zero_neq_one.
+ Context {inv:T->T} {div:T->T->T}.
+ Class is_left_multiplicative_inverse := { left_multiplicative_inverse : forall x, x<>0 -> (inv x) * x = 1 }.
+ Class field :=
+ {
+ field_commutative_ring : commutative_ring;
+ field_is_left_multiplicative_inverse : is_left_multiplicative_inverse;
+ field_domain_is_zero_neq_one : is_zero_neq_one;
+ field_div_definition : forall x y , div x y = x * inv y;
+ field_inv_Proper : Proper (respectful eq eq) inv;
+ field_div_Proper : Proper (respectful eq (respectful eq eq)) div
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance field_commutative_ring.
+ Global Existing Instance field_is_left_multiplicative_inverse.
+ Global Existing Instance field_domain_is_zero_neq_one.
+ Global Existing Instance field_inv_Proper.
+ Global Existing Instance field_div_Proper.
+ End AddMul.
+End Algebra.
+Module Monoid.
+ Section Monoid.
+ Context {T eq op id} {monoid:@monoid T eq op id}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Infix "*" := op.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : eq_scope.
+ Local Open Scope eq_scope.
+ Lemma cancel_right z iz (Hinv:op z iz = id) :
+ forall x y, x * z = y * z <-> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ split; intros.
+ { assert (op (op x z) iz = op (op y z) iz) as Hcut by (f_equiv; assumption).
+ rewrite <-associative in Hcut.
+ rewrite <-!associative, !Hinv, !right_identity in Hcut; exact Hcut. }
+ { f_equiv; assumption. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma cancel_left z iz (Hinv:op iz z = id) :
+ forall x y, z * x = z * y <-> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ split; intros.
+ { assert (op iz (op z x) = op iz (op z y)) as Hcut by (f_equiv; assumption).
+ rewrite !associative, !Hinv, !left_identity in Hcut; exact Hcut. }
+ { f_equiv; assumption. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inv_inv x ix iix : ix*x = id -> iix*ix = id -> iix = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros Hi Hii.
+ assert (H:op iix id = op iix (op ix x)) by (rewrite Hi; reflexivity).
+ rewrite associative, Hii, left_identity, right_identity in H; exact H.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inv_op x y ix iy : ix*x = id -> iy*y = id -> (iy*ix)*(x*y) =id.
+ Proof.
+ intros Hx Hy.
+ cut (iy * (ix*x) * y = id); try intro H.
+ { rewrite <-!associative; rewrite <-!associative in H; exact H. }
+ rewrite Hx, right_identity, Hy. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End Monoid.
+End Monoid.
+Section ZeroNeqOne.
+ Context {T eq zero one} `{@is_zero_neq_one T eq zero one} `{Equivalence T eq}.
+ Lemma one_neq_zero : not (eq one zero).
+ Proof.
+ intro HH; symmetry in HH. auto using zero_neq_one.
+ Qed.
+End ZeroNeqOne.
+Module Group.
+ Section BasicProperties.
+ Context {T eq op id inv} `{@group T eq op id inv}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Infix "*" := op.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : eq_scope.
+ Local Open Scope eq_scope.
+ Lemma cancel_left : forall z x y, z*x = z*y <-> x = y.
+ Proof. eauto using Monoid.cancel_left, left_inverse. Qed.
+ Lemma cancel_right : forall z x y, x*z = y*z <-> x = y.
+ Proof. eauto using Monoid.cancel_right, right_inverse. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_inv x : inv(inv(x)) = x.
+ Proof. eauto using Monoid.inv_inv, left_inverse. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_op x y : (inv y*inv x)*(x*y) =id.
+ Proof. eauto using Monoid.inv_op, left_inverse. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_unique x ix : ix * x = id -> ix = inv x.
+ Proof.
+ intro Hix.
+ cut (ix*x*inv x = inv x).
+ - rewrite <-associative, right_inverse, right_identity; trivial.
+ - rewrite Hix, left_identity; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inv_id : inv id = id.
+ Proof. symmetry. eapply inv_unique, left_identity. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_nonzero_nonzero : forall x, x <> id -> inv x <> id.
+ Proof.
+ intros ? Hx Ho.
+ assert (Hxo: x * inv x = id) by (rewrite right_inverse; reflexivity).
+ rewrite Ho, right_identity in Hxo. intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Section ZeroNeqOne.
+ Context {one} `{is_zero_neq_one T eq id one}.
+ Lemma opp_one_neq_zero : inv one <> id.
+ Proof. apply inv_nonzero_nonzero, one_neq_zero. Qed.
+ Lemma zero_neq_opp_one : id <> inv one.
+ Proof. intro Hx. symmetry in Hx. eauto using opp_one_neq_zero. Qed.
+ End ZeroNeqOne.
+ End BasicProperties.
+ Section Homomorphism.
+ Context {G EQ OP ID INV} {groupG:@group G EQ OP ID INV}.
+ Context {H eq op id inv} {groupH:@group H eq op id inv}.
+ Context {phi:G->H}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope.
+ Class is_homomorphism :=
+ {
+ homomorphism : forall a b, phi (OP a b) = op (phi a) (phi b);
+ is_homomorphism_phi_proper : Proper (respectful EQ eq) phi
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance is_homomorphism_phi_proper.
+ Context `{is_homomorphism}.
+ Lemma homomorphism_id : phi ID = id.
+ Proof.
+ assert (Hii: op (phi ID) (phi ID) = op (phi ID) id) by
+ (rewrite <- homomorphism, left_identity, right_identity; reflexivity).
+ rewrite cancel_left in Hii; exact Hii.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma homomorphism_inv : forall x, phi (INV x) = inv (phi x).
+ Proof.
+ Admitted.
+ End Homomorphism.
+End Group.
+Require Coq.nsatz.Nsatz.
+Ltac dropAlgebraSyntax :=
+ cbv beta delta [
+ Algebra_syntax.zero
+ Algebra_syntax.one
+ Algebra_syntax.addition
+ Algebra_syntax.multiplication
+ Algebra_syntax.subtraction
+ Algebra_syntax.opposite
+ Algebra_syntax.equality
+ Algebra_syntax.bracket
+ Algebra_syntax.power
+ ] in *.
+Ltac dropRingSyntax :=
+ dropAlgebraSyntax;
+ cbv beta delta [
+ Ncring.zero_notation
+ Ncring.one_notation
+ Ncring.add_notation
+ Ncring.mul_notation
+ Ncring.sub_notation
+ Ncring.opp_notation
+ Ncring.eq_notation
+ ] in *.
+Module Ring.
+ Section Ring.
+ Context {T eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@ring T eq zero one opp add sub mul}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "-" := sub. Local Infix "*" := mul.
+ Lemma mul_0_r : forall x, 0 * x = 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ assert (0*x = 0*x) as Hx by reflexivity.
+ rewrite <-(right_identity 0), right_distributive in Hx at 1.
+ assert (0*x + 0*x - 0*x = 0*x - 0*x) as Hxx by (f_equiv; exact Hx).
+ rewrite !ring_sub_definition, <-associative, right_inverse, right_identity in Hxx; exact Hxx.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_0_l : forall x, x * 0 = 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ assert (x*0 = x*0) as Hx by reflexivity.
+ rewrite <-(left_identity 0), left_distributive in Hx at 1.
+ assert (opp (x*0) + (x*0 + x*0) = opp (x*0) + x*0) as Hxx by (f_equiv; exact Hx).
+ rewrite associative, left_inverse, left_identity in Hxx; exact Hxx.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sub_0_l x : 0 - x = opp x.
+ Proof. rewrite ring_sub_definition. rewrite left_identity. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_opp_r x y : x * opp y = opp (x * y).
+ Proof.
+ assert (Ho:x*(opp y) + x*y = 0)
+ by (rewrite <-left_distributive, left_inverse, mul_0_l; reflexivity).
+ rewrite <-(left_identity (opp (x*y))), <-Ho; clear Ho.
+ rewrite <-!associative, right_inverse, right_identity; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_opp_l x y : opp x * y = opp (x * y).
+ Proof.
+ assert (Ho:opp x*y + x*y = 0)
+ by (rewrite <-right_distributive, left_inverse, mul_0_r; reflexivity).
+ rewrite <-(left_identity (opp (x*y))), <-Ho; clear Ho.
+ rewrite <-!associative, right_inverse, right_identity; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Definition opp_nonzero_nonzero : forall x, x <> 0 -> opp x <> 0 := Group.inv_nonzero_nonzero.
+ Global Instance is_left_distributive_sub : is_left_distributive (eq:=eq)(add:=sub)(mul:=mul).
+ Proof.
+ split; intros. rewrite !ring_sub_definition, left_distributive.
+ eapply Group.cancel_left, mul_opp_r.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance is_right_distributive_sub : is_right_distributive (eq:=eq)(add:=sub)(mul:=mul).
+ Proof.
+ split; intros. rewrite !ring_sub_definition, right_distributive.
+ eapply Group.cancel_left, mul_opp_l.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance Ncring_Ring_ops : @Ncring.Ring_ops T zero one add mul sub opp eq.
+ Global Instance Ncring_Ring : @Ncring.Ring T zero one add mul sub opp eq Ncring_Ring_ops.
+ Proof.
+ split; dropRingSyntax; eauto using left_identity, right_identity, commutative, associative, right_inverse, left_distributive, right_distributive, ring_sub_definition with core typeclass_instances.
+ - (* TODO: why does [eauto using @left_identity with typeclass_instances] not work? *)
+ eapply @left_identity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
+ - eapply @right_identity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
+ - eapply associative.
+ - intros; eapply right_distributive.
+ - intros; eapply left_distributive.
+ Qed.
+ End Ring.
+ Section Homomorphism.
+ Context {S eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@ring S eq zero one opp add sub mul}.
+ Context {phi:R->S}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope.
+ Class is_homomorphism :=
+ {
+ homomorphism_is_homomorphism : Group.is_homomorphism (phi:=phi) (OP:=ADD) (op:=add) (EQ:=EQ) (eq:=eq);
+ homomorphism_mul : forall x y, phi (MUL x y) = mul (phi x) (phi y);
+ homomorphism_one : phi ONE = one
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance homomorphism_is_homomorphism.
+ Context `{is_homomorphism}.
+ Lemma homomorphism_add : forall x y, phi (ADD x y) = add (phi x) (phi y).
+ Proof. apply Group.homomorphism. Qed.
+ Definition homomorphism_opp : forall x, phi (OPP x) = opp (phi x) :=
+ (Group.homomorphism_inv (INV:=OPP) (inv:=opp)).
+ Lemma homomorphism_sub : forall x y, phi (SUB x y) = sub (phi x) (phi y).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite !ring_sub_definition, Group.homomorphism, homomorphism_opp. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End Homomorphism.
+ Section TacticSupportCommutative.
+ Context {T eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@commutative_ring T eq zero one opp add sub mul}.
+ Global Instance Cring_Cring_commutative_ring :
+ @Cring.Cring T zero one add mul sub opp eq Ring.Ncring_Ring_ops Ring.Ncring_Ring.
+ Proof. unfold Cring.Cring; intros; dropRingSyntax. eapply commutative. Qed.
+ Lemma ring_theory_for_stdlib_tactic : Ring_theory.ring_theory zero one add mul sub opp eq.
+ Proof.
+ constructor; intros. (* TODO(automation): make [auto] do this? *)
+ - apply left_identity.
+ - apply commutative.
+ - apply associative.
+ - apply left_identity.
+ - apply commutative.
+ - apply associative.
+ - apply right_distributive.
+ - apply ring_sub_definition.
+ - apply right_inverse.
+ Qed.
+ End TacticSupportCommutative.
+End Ring.
+Module IntegralDomain.
+ Section IntegralDomain.
+ Context {T eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@integral_domain T eq zero one opp add sub mul}.
+ Lemma mul_nonzero_nonzero_cases (x y : T)
+ : eq (mul x y) zero -> eq x zero \/ eq y zero.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof mul_nonzero_nonzero x y.
+ destruct (eq_dec x zero); destruct (eq_dec y zero); intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance Integral_domain :
+ @Integral_domain.Integral_domain T zero one add mul sub opp eq Ring.Ncring_Ring_ops
+ Ring.Ncring_Ring Ring.Cring_Cring_commutative_ring.
+ Proof.
+ split; dropRingSyntax.
+ - auto using mul_nonzero_nonzero_cases.
+ - intro bad; symmetry in bad; auto using zero_neq_one.
+ Qed.
+ End IntegralDomain.
+End IntegralDomain.
+Module Field.
+ Section Field.
+ Context {T eq zero one opp add mul sub inv div} `{@field T eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "*" := mul.
+ Global Instance is_mul_nonzero_nonzero : @is_mul_nonzero_nonzero T eq 0 mul.
+ Proof.
+ constructor. intros x y Hx Hy Hxy.
+ assert (0 = (inv y * (inv x * x)) * y) as H00. (rewrite <-!associative, Hxy, !Ring.mul_0_l; reflexivity).
+ rewrite left_multiplicative_inverse in H00 by assumption.
+ rewrite right_identity in H00.
+ rewrite left_multiplicative_inverse in H00 by assumption.
+ auto using zero_neq_one.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance integral_domain : @integral_domain T eq zero one opp add sub mul.
+ Proof.
+ split; auto using field_commutative_ring, field_domain_is_zero_neq_one, is_mul_nonzero_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Require Coq.setoid_ring.Field_theory.
+ Lemma field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic : Field_theory.field_theory 0 1 add mul sub opp div inv eq.
+ Proof.
+ constructor.
+ { apply Ring.ring_theory_for_stdlib_tactic. }
+ { intro H01. symmetry in H01. auto using zero_neq_one. }
+ { apply field_div_definition. }
+ { apply left_multiplicative_inverse. }
+ Qed.
+ End Field.
+ Section Homomorphism.
+ Context {K eq zero one opp add mul sub inv div} `{@field K eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div}.
+ Context {phi:F->K}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope.
+ Context `{@Ring.is_homomorphism F EQ ONE ADD MUL K eq one add mul phi}.
+ Lemma homomorphism_multiplicative_inverse : forall x, phi (INV x) = inv (phi x). Admitted.
+ Lemma homomorphism_div : forall x y, phi (DIV x y) = div (phi x) (phi y).
+ Proof.
+ intros. rewrite !field_div_definition.
+ rewrite Ring.homomorphism_mul, homomorphism_multiplicative_inverse. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End Homomorphism.
+End Field.
+(*** Tactics for manipulating field equations *)
+Require Import Coq.setoid_ring.Field_tac.
+Ltac guess_field :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- ?eq _ _ => constr:(_:field (eq:=eq))
+ | |- not (?eq _ _) => constr:(_:field (eq:=eq))
+ | [H: ?eq _ _ |- _ ] => constr:(_:field (eq:=eq))
+ | [H: not (?eq _ _) |- _] => constr:(_:field (eq:=eq))
+ end.
+Ltac common_denominator :=
+ let fld := guess_field in
+ lazymatch type of fld with
+ field (div:=?div) =>
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | |- appcontext[div] => field_simplify_eq
+ | |- _ => idtac
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac common_denominator_in H :=
+ let fld := guess_field in
+ lazymatch type of fld with
+ field (div:=?div) =>
+ lazymatch type of H with
+ | appcontext[div] => field_simplify_eq in H
+ | _ => idtac
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac common_denominator_all :=
+ common_denominator;
+ repeat match goal with [H: _ |- _ _ _ ] => progress common_denominator_in H end.
+Inductive field_simplify_done {T} : T -> Type :=
+ Field_simplify_done : forall H, field_simplify_done H.
+Ltac field_simplify_eq_hyps :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ [ H: _ |- _ ] =>
+ match goal with
+ | [ Ha : field_simplify_done H |- _ ] => fail
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ field_simplify_eq in H;
+ unique pose proof (Field_simplify_done H)
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with [ H: field_simplify_done _ |- _] => clear H end.
+Ltac field_simplify_eq_all := field_simplify_eq_hyps; try field_simplify_eq.
+(*** Polynomial equations over fields *)
+Ltac neq01 :=
+ try solve
+ [apply zero_neq_one
+ |apply Group.zero_neq_opp_one
+ |apply one_neq_zero
+ |apply Group.opp_one_neq_zero].
+Ltac field_algebra :=
+ intros;
+ common_denominator_all;
+ try (nsatz; dropRingSyntax);
+ repeat (apply conj);
+ try solve
+ [neq01
+ |trivial
+ |apply Ring.opp_nonzero_nonzero;trivial].
+Section Example.
+ Context {F zero one opp add sub mul inv div} `{F_field:field F eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div}.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "*" := mul. Local Infix "-" := sub. Local Infix "/" := div.
+ Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Add Field _ExampleField : (Field.field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic (T:=F)).
+ Example _example_nsatz x y : 1+1 <> 0 -> x + y = 0 -> x - y = 0 -> x = 0.
+ Proof. field_algebra. Qed.
+ Example _example_field_nsatz x y z : y <> 0 -> x/y = z -> z*y + y = x + y.
+ Proof. intros; subst; field_algebra. Qed.
+ Example _example_nonzero_nsatz_contradict x y : x * y = 1 -> not (x = 0).
+ Proof. intros. intro. nsatz_contradict. Qed.
+End Example.
+Section Z.
+ Require Import ZArith.
+ Global Instance ring_Z : @ring Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul.
+ Proof. repeat split; auto using Z.eq_dec with zarith typeclass_instances. Qed.
+ Global Instance commutative_ring_Z : @commutative_ring Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul.
+ Proof. eauto using @commutative_ring, @is_commutative, ring_Z with zarith. Qed.
+ Global Instance integral_domain_Z : @integral_domain Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul.
+ Proof.
+ split.
+ { apply commutative_ring_Z. }
+ { constructor. intros. apply Z.neq_mul_0; auto. }
+ { constructor. discriminate. }
+ Qed.
+ Example _example_nonzero_nsatz_contradict_Z x y : Z.mul x y = (Zpos xH) -> not (x = Z0).
+ Proof. intros. intro. nsatz_contradict. Qed.
+End Z.